Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_generator(self):
     with assert_warns(FutureWarning):
         hstack((np.arange(3) for _ in range(2)))
     if sys.version_info.major > 2:
         # map returns a list on Python 2
         with assert_warns(FutureWarning):
             hstack(map(lambda x: x, np.ones((3, 2))))
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_generator(self):
     with assert_warns(FutureWarning):
         hstack((np.arange(3) for _ in range(2)))
     if sys.version_info.major > 2:
         # map returns a list on Python 2
         with assert_warns(FutureWarning):
             hstack(map(lambda x: x, np.ones((3, 2))))
Exemplo n.º 3
def relativeBaseScoreFitness(gs):
    scores = gs.baseScores()
    currentPlayer = (gs.nextPlayer-1) % gs.nbPlayers
    # Remove player score from the scores
    bestOpponentScore = max(hstack([scores[:currentPlayer],\
    return scores[currentPlayer] - bestOpponentScore
Exemplo n.º 4
def UCT(gameSettings, rootstate, itermax, verbose=False):
    """ Conduct a UCT search for itermax iterations starting from rootstate.
        Return the best move from the rootstate.
        Assumes 2 alternating players (player 1 starts),
        with game results in the range [0.0, 1.0]."""

    rootnode = Node(gameSettings, state = rootstate)

    for _ in xrange(itermax):
        node = rootnode
        state = rootstate.clone()

        # Select
        # while node is fully expanded and non-terminal
        while node.untriedMoves == [] and node.childNodes != []:
            node = node.UCTSelectChild()

        # Expand
        # if we can expand (i.e. state/node is non-terminal)
        if node.untriedMoves != []:
            m = random.choice(node.untriedMoves)
            node = node.AddChild(m,state) # add child and descend tree

        # Rollout
        # while state is non-terminal
        while not state.isOver():

        # Backpropagate
        # backpropagate from the expanded node and work back to the root node
        while node != None:
            scores = state.finalScores()
            bestOpponentScore = max(hstack([scores[:node.playerJustMoved],\
            diffScore = scores[node.playerJustMoved] - bestOpponentScore
            # state is terminal. Update node with result
            # from POV of node.playerJustMoved
            node.Update( diffScore )
            node = node.parentNode

    # Output some information about the tree - can be omitted
    if verbose:
        print rootnode.TreeToString(0)
        print rootnode.ChildrenToString()

    # return the move that was most visited
    return sorted(rootnode.childNodes, key = lambda c: c.visits)[-1].move
Exemplo n.º 5
def roots(p):
    Return the roots of a polynomial with coefficients given in p.

    The values in the rank-1 array `p` are coefficients of a polynomial.
    If the length of `p` is n+1 then the polynomial is described by::

      p[0] * x**n + p[1] * x**(n-1) + ... + p[n-1]*x + p[n]

    p : array_like
        Rank-1 array of polynomial coefficients.

    out : ndarray
        An array containing the complex roots of the polynomial.

        When `p` cannot be converted to a rank-1 array.

    See also
    poly : Find the coefficients of a polynomial with a given sequence
           of roots.
    polyval : Evaluate a polynomial at a point.
    polyfit : Least squares polynomial fit.
    poly1d : A one-dimensional polynomial class.

    The algorithm relies on computing the eigenvalues of the
    companion matrix [1]_.

    .. [1] R. A. Horn & C. R. Johnson, *Matrix Analysis*.  Cambridge, UK:
        Cambridge University Press, 1999, pp. 146-7.

    >>> coeff = [3.2, 2, 1]
    >>> np.roots(coeff)
    array([-0.3125+0.46351241j, -0.3125-0.46351241j])

    # If input is scalar, this makes it an array
    p = atleast_1d(p)
    if len(p.shape) != 1:
        raise ValueError("Input must be a rank-1 array.")

    # find non-zero array entries
    non_zero = NX.nonzero(NX.ravel(p))[0]

    # Return an empty array if polynomial is all zeros
    if len(non_zero) == 0:
        return NX.array([])

    # find the number of trailing zeros -- this is the number of roots at 0.
    trailing_zeros = len(p) - non_zero[-1] - 1

    # strip leading and trailing zeros
    p = p[int(non_zero[0]):int(non_zero[-1]) + 1]

    # casting: if incoming array isn't floating point, make it floating point.
    if not issubclass(p.dtype.type, (NX.floating, NX.complexfloating)):
        p = p.astype(float)

    N = len(p)
    if N > 1:
        # build companion matrix and find its eigenvalues (the roots)
        A = diag(NX.ones((N - 2, ), p.dtype), -1)
        A[0, :] = -p[1:] / p[0]
        roots = eigvals(A)
        roots = NX.array([])

    # tack any zeros onto the back of the array
    roots = hstack((roots, NX.zeros(trailing_zeros, roots.dtype)))
    return roots
Exemplo n.º 6
def roots(p):
    Return the roots of a polynomial with coefficients given in p.

    The values in the rank-1 array `p` are coefficients of a polynomial.
    If the length of `p` is n+1 then the polynomial is described by::

      p[0] * x**n + p[1] * x**(n-1) + ... + p[n-1]*x + p[n]

    p : array_like
        Rank-1 array of polynomial coefficients.

    out : ndarray
        An array containing the complex roots of the polynomial.

    ValueError :
        When `p` cannot be converted to a rank-1 array.

    See also
    poly : Find the coefficients of a polynomial with a given sequence
           of roots.
    polyval : Evaluate a polynomial at a point.
    polyfit : Least squares polynomial fit.
    poly1d : A one-dimensional polynomial class.

    The algorithm relies on computing the eigenvalues of the
    companion matrix [1]_.

    .. [1] R. A. Horn & C. R. Johnson, *Matrix Analysis*.  Cambridge, UK:
        Cambridge University Press, 1999, pp. 146-7.

    >>> coeff = [3.2, 2, 1]
    >>> np.roots(coeff)
    array([-0.3125+0.46351241j, -0.3125-0.46351241j])

    # If input is scalar, this makes it an array
    p = atleast_1d(p)
    if len(p.shape) != 1:
        raise ValueError("Input must be a rank-1 array.")

    # find non-zero array entries
    non_zero = NX.nonzero(NX.ravel(p))[0]

    # Return an empty array if polynomial is all zeros
    if len(non_zero) == 0:
        return NX.array([])

    # find the number of trailing zeros -- this is the number of roots at 0.
    trailing_zeros = len(p) - non_zero[-1] - 1

    # strip leading and trailing zeros
    p = p[int(non_zero[0]):int(non_zero[-1])+1]

    # casting: if incoming array isn't floating point, make it floating point.
    if not issubclass(p.dtype.type, (NX.floating, NX.complexfloating)):
        p = p.astype(float)

    N = len(p)
    if N > 1:
        # build companion matrix and find its eigenvalues (the roots)
        A = diag(NX.ones((N-2,), p.dtype), -1)
        A[0, :] = -p[1:] / p[0]
        roots = eigvals(A)
        roots = NX.array([])

    # tack any zeros onto the back of the array
    roots = hstack((roots, NX.zeros(trailing_zeros, roots.dtype)))
    return roots
 def test_2D_array(self):
     a = array([[1],[2]]); b = array([[1],[2]]);
     desired = array([[1,1],[2,2]])
 def test_1D_array(self):
     a = array([1]); b = array([2]);
     desired = array([1,2])
Exemplo n.º 9
 def test_0D_array(self):
     a = array(1)
     b = array(2)
     res = hstack([a, b])
     desired = array([1, 2])
     assert_array_equal(res, desired)
Exemplo n.º 10
	def buff_ptsalpha(points, alpha):
		return np.hstack((
				np.array([tuple(p) for p in points], 'f4'), 
				np.array(alpha, 'f4', ndmin=2).transpose(),
Exemplo n.º 11
    def __init__(self, scene, points, transpfaces, opaqfaces, lines, color):
        ctx = scene.ctx
        self.color = fvec3(color or settings.display['schematics_color'])
        self.box = boundingbox(points).cast(fvec3)

        def load(scene):
            return scene.ctx.program(
                vertex_shader=open(ressourcedir +
                fragment_shader=open(ressourcedir +

        self.uniformshader = scene.ressource('shader_uniformcolor', load)

        def load(scene):
            return scene.ctx.program(
                vertex_shader=open(ressourcedir +
                fragment_shader=open(ressourcedir +

        self.transpshader = scene.ressource('shader_glowenvelope', load)
        self.identshader = scene.ressource('shader_ident')

        normals = Mesh(points, transpfaces).vertexnormals()
        #print('normals', normals)

        self.vb_vertices = ctx.buffer(
                np.array([tuple(v) for v in points], dtype='f4', copy=False),
                np.array([tuple(v) for v in normals], dtype='f4'),
        if transpfaces:
            self.vb_transpfaces = ctx.buffer(
                typedlist_to_numpy(transpfaces, dtype='u4'))
            self.va_transpfaces = ctx.vertex_array(
                [(self.vb_vertices, '3f4 3f4', 'v_position', 'v_normal')],
            self.va_ident_faces = ctx.vertex_array(
                [(self.vb_vertices, '3f4 12x', 'v_position')],
            self.vb_transpfaces = None
        if opaqfaces:
            self.vb_opaqfaces = ctx.buffer(
                typedlist_to_numpy(opaqfaces, dtype='u4'))
            self.va_opaqfaces = ctx.vertex_array(
                [(self.vb_vertices, '3f4 12x', 'v_position')],
            self.vb_opaqfaces = None
        if lines:
            self.vb_lines = ctx.buffer(typedlist_to_numpy(lines, dtype='u4'))
            self.va_lines = ctx.vertex_array(
                [(self.vb_vertices, '3f4 12x', 'v_position')],
            self.va_ident_lines = ctx.vertex_array(
                [(self.vb_vertices, '3f4 12x', 'v_position')],
            self.vb_lines = None
Exemplo n.º 12
 def test_generator(self):
     with assert_warns(FutureWarning):
         hstack((np.arange(3) for _ in range(2)))
     with assert_warns(FutureWarning):
         hstack(map(lambda x: x, np.ones((3, 2))))
Exemplo n.º 13
 def test_0D_array(self):
     a = array(1); b = array(2);
     desired = array([1,2])
Exemplo n.º 14
def roots(p):
    Return the roots of a polynomial with coefficients given in p.

    The values in the rank-1 array `p` are coefficients of a polynomial.
    If the length of `p` is n+1 then the polynomial is described by
    p[0] * x**n + p[1] * x**(n-1) + ... + p[n-1]*x + p[n]

    p : array_like of shape(M,)
        Rank-1 array of polynomial co-efficients.

    out : ndarray
        An array containing the complex roots of the polynomial.

        When `p` cannot be converted to a rank-1 array.


    >>> coeff = [3.2, 2, 1]
    >>> print np.roots(coeff)
    [-0.3125+0.46351241j -0.3125-0.46351241j]

    # If input is scalar, this makes it an array
    p = atleast_1d(p)
    if len(p.shape) != 1:
        raise ValueError,"Input must be a rank-1 array."

    # find non-zero array entries
    non_zero = NX.nonzero(NX.ravel(p))[0]

    # Return an empty array if polynomial is all zeros
    if len(non_zero) == 0:
        return NX.array([])

    # find the number of trailing zeros -- this is the number of roots at 0.
    trailing_zeros = len(p) - non_zero[-1] - 1

    # strip leading and trailing zeros
    p = p[int(non_zero[0]):int(non_zero[-1])+1]

    # casting: if incoming array isn't floating point, make it floating point.
    if not issubclass(p.dtype.type, (NX.floating, NX.complexfloating)):
        p = p.astype(float)

    N = len(p)
    if N > 1:
        # build companion matrix and find its eigenvalues (the roots)
        A = diag(NX.ones((N-2,), p.dtype), -1)
        A[0, :] = -p[1:] / p[0]
        roots = eigvals(A)
        roots = NX.array([])

    # tack any zeros onto the back of the array
    roots = hstack((roots, NX.zeros(trailing_zeros, roots.dtype)))
    return roots
Exemplo n.º 15
 def test_1D_array(self):
     a = array([1])
     b = array([2])
     res = hstack([a, b])
     desired = array([1, 2])
     assert_array_equal(res, desired)
Exemplo n.º 16
 def test_2D_array(self):
     a = array([[1], [2]])
     b = array([[1], [2]])
     res = hstack([a, b])
     desired = array([[1, 1], [2, 2]])
     assert_array_equal(res, desired)
Exemplo n.º 17
 def test_casting_and_dtype_type_error(self):
     a = np.array([1, 2, 3])
     b = np.array([2.5, 3.5, 4.5])
     with pytest.raises(TypeError):
         hstack((a, b), casting="safe", dtype=np.int64)