Exemplo n.º 1
def orig(X, U, V, error, gamma=gamma):

    global ndim, size, C

    ndim = len(X[0])
    size = len(X)
    C = len(V)

    S = np.ones((size, C))
    t = 1

    while True:
        print('--- ORIG ---')
        print('== t = ', t)
        new_U = solve_U(S, X, V, gamma)
        delta = l21_norm(U - new_U)

        U = new_U
        old_V = V
        V = update_V(S, U, X)
        print('DELTA V', l21_norm(V - old_V))
        S = update_S(X, V, epsilon, True)
        # print('NMI', NMI(U))

        print('DELTA', delta)
        if delta < error and t != 1:
            print('Converged at step', t)

        t += 1

    return U, V
Exemplo n.º 2
 def origin_update_V(x, u, v):
     V = np.zeros((C, ndim))
     for k in range(C):
         A = 0
         vk = v[k, :].reshape((1, ndim))
         for i in range(N):
             xi = x[i, :].reshape((1, ndim))
             V[k, :] = V[k, :] + 1 / (2 * l21_norm(xi - vk)) * u[i, k] * xi
             A = A + 1 / (2 * l21_norm(xi - vk)) * u[i, k]
         V[k, :] = V[k, :] / A
     return V
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: v2.py Projeto: hsfzxjy/WRSFKM
def solve_U(x, v, old_v, gamma):

    U = pymp.shared.array((N, C))

    with pymp.Parallel(min(mp.cpu_count(), 4)) as p:
        for i in p.range(N):
            xi = np.repeat(x[i, :].reshape((1, ndim)), C, axis=0)
            norm_v = l21_norm(xi - v, axis=1)
            norm_v_old = l21_norm(xi - old_v, axis=1)
            W = welsch_func(norm_v_old)
            h = W + (norm_v - norm_v_old) * (1 - epsilon * W)
            # h = welsch_func(l21_norm(xi - v, axis=1))
            h = (-h) / (2 * gamma)
            U[i, :] = solve_huang_eq_13(h)
            # U[i, :] = solve_huang_eq_13_new(h)

    return U
Exemplo n.º 4
 def origin_solve_U(x, v, gamma):
     U = np.zeros((N, C))
     for i in range(N):
         xi = np.repeat(x[i, :].reshape((1, ndim)), C, axis=0)
         h = l21_norm(xi - v, axis=1)
         h = (-h) / (4 * gamma * epsilon**0.5 / 0.63817562)
         U[i, :] = solve_huang_eq_13(h)
     return U
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: v1.py Projeto: hsfzxjy/WRSFKM
def solve_U(x, v, gamma):

    U = np.zeros((N, C))

    for i in range(N):
        xi = np.repeat(x[i, :].reshape((1, ndim)), C, axis=0)
        h = welsch_func(l21_norm(xi - v, axis=1))
        h = (-h) / (2 * gamma)
        U[i, :] = solve_huang_eq_13(h)

    return U
Exemplo n.º 6
def update_S(x, v, epsilon, capped):

    s = np.ones((size, C))

    for i in range(len(x)):
        for k in range(C):
            norm_ = l21_norm(x[i, :] - v[k, :])
            if norm_ < epsilon:
                s[i, k] = 1 / (2 * norm_)
                s[i, k] = 0

    return s
Exemplo n.º 7
def solve_U(s, x, v, gamma):

    n = s.shape[0]

    U = np.zeros((n, C))

    for i in range(n):
        xi = np.repeat(x[i, :].reshape((1, ndim)), C, axis=0)
        h = s[i, :] * l21_norm(xi - v, axis=1)**2
        h = (-h) / (2 * gamma)
        U[i, :] = solve_huang_eq_13(h)

    return U
Exemplo n.º 8
def solve_U(x, v, gamma):

    N, C, ndim = len(x), len(v), len(x[0])

    U = pymp.shared.array((N, C))

    with pymp.Parallel(mp.cpu_count()) as p:
        for i in p.range(N):
            xi = np.repeat(x[i, :].reshape((1, ndim)), C, axis=0)
            h = welsch_func(l21_norm(xi - v, axis=1))
            h = (-h) / (2 * gamma)
            U[i, :] = solve_huang_eq_13(h)

    return U
Exemplo n.º 9
def run(X, C, labels, *, logger=None, init=None, multi_V=False):

    assert isinstance(multi_V, bool)
    log = logger.print if logger else __builtins__.print

    U, V = init_uv(X, C, method=init)

    t = 0
    while True:
        log('t =', t)

        delta_V = 100

        while delta_V > 1e-1:
            new_V = update_V(V, U, X)
            delta_V = l21_norm(new_V - V)
            V = new_V
            log('DELTA V', delta_V)

            if not multi_V:

        new_U = solve_U(X, V, gamma)
        delta_U = l21_norm(U - new_U)
        U = new_U

        log('DELTA U', delta_U)
        log('NMI', NMI(U, labels))

        if delta_U < 1e-1:
            log('Converged at step', t)
            log('NMI', NMI(U, labels))

        t += 1

    return t, NMI(U, labels)
Exemplo n.º 10
Arquivo: v2.py Projeto: hsfzxjy/WRSFKM
def update_V(v, u, x):

    W = np.zeros((N, C))

    for i in range(N):
        for k in range(C):
              k] = u[i, k] * np.exp(-epsilon * l21_norm(x[i, :] - v[k, :])**2)

    new_v = np.zeros(v.shape)

    for k in range(C):
        denominator = W[:, k].sum()
        new_v[k, :] = W[:, k].reshape((1, N)) @ x / denominator

    return new_v
Exemplo n.º 11
def init_uv(X, C, *, method):

    N, ndim = len(X), len(X[0])

    assert isinstance(method, str)

    if method == 'random':
        V = np.random.random((C, ndim))
    elif method == 'orig':
        return origin_init(X, C)
        V = _init_centroids(X, C, method)

    U = np.ones((N, C)) * .1 / (C - 1)

    for i in range(N):
        xi = np.repeat(X[i, :].reshape((1, ndim)), C, axis=0)
        U[i, np.argmin(l21_norm(xi - V, axis=1))] = .9

    return U, V
Exemplo n.º 12
def E(U, V, X, gamma, epsilon, capped):

    N, C, ndim = len(X), len(V), len(X[0])  # noqa

    term1 = 0.

    if capped:

        for i in range(N):
            xi = X[i, :]
            for k in range(C):
                term1 += U[i, k] * min(epsilon, distance(xi, V[k, :]))


        for i in range(N):
            xi = X[i, :]
            for k in range(C):
                term1 += U[i, k] * distance(xi, V[k, :])

    return term1 + gamma * l21_norm(U)**2
Exemplo n.º 13
def origin_init(X, C):

    N, ndim = len(X), len(X[0])
    size = N

    def origin_solve_U(x, v, gamma):
        U = np.zeros((N, C))
        for i in range(N):
            xi = np.repeat(x[i, :].reshape((1, ndim)), C, axis=0)
            h = l21_norm(xi - v, axis=1)
            h = (-h) / (4 * gamma * epsilon**0.5 / 0.63817562)
            U[i, :] = solve_huang_eq_13(h)
        return U

    def origin_update_V(x, u, v):
        V = np.zeros((C, ndim))
        for k in range(C):
            A = 0
            vk = v[k, :].reshape((1, ndim))
            for i in range(N):
                xi = x[i, :].reshape((1, ndim))
                V[k, :] = V[k, :] + 1 / (2 * l21_norm(xi - vk)) * u[i, k] * xi
                A = A + 1 / (2 * l21_norm(xi - vk)) * u[i, k]
            V[k, :] = V[k, :] / A
        return V

    V = np.random.random((C, ndim))
    U = np.zeros((size, C))
    while True:
        U = origin_solve_U(X, V, gamma)
        new_V = origin_update_V(X, U, V)
        delta = l21_norm(new_V - V)
        V = new_V
        if delta < 1e-1:

    return U, V
Exemplo n.º 14
def U_converged(old, new, tol=5e-1):

    delta = l21_norm(old - new)

    return delta, delta < tol
Exemplo n.º 15
if __name__ == '__main__':
    images, labels = mndata.load_testing()
    ndim = 784
    size = len(labels)
    C = 10
    X = np.array(images).reshape((size, ndim)) / 255
    print(np.linalg.norm(X, axis=1))

    t = 0
    V = np.random.random((C, ndim))
    U = np.zeros((size, C))

    for i in range(size):
        xi = np.repeat(X[i, :].reshape((1, ndim)), C, axis=0)
        U[i, np.argmax(l21_norm(xi - V, axis=1))] = 1

    S = np.ones((size, C))

    while True:
        print('== t = ', t)
        new_U = solve_U(S, X, V, gamma)
        delta = l21_norm(U - new_U)
        print('DELTA U', delta)

        U = new_U
        old_V = V
        V = update_V(S, U, X)
        print('DELTA V', l21_norm(V - old_V))
        old_S = S
Exemplo n.º 16

if __name__ == '__main__':
    images, labels = mndata.load_testing()
    ndim = 784
    N = size = len(labels)
    C = 10
    X = np.array(images).reshape((size, ndim)) / 255

    t = 0
    V = np.random.random((C, ndim))
    U = np.ones((size, C)) * .1 / (C - 1)

    for i in range(size):
        xi = np.repeat(X[i, :].reshape((1, ndim)), C, axis=0)
        U[i, np.argmin(l21_norm(xi - V, axis=1))] = .9

    S = np.ones((size, C))

    delta_U = 10
    while delta_U > 0.1:
        print('== t = ', t)

        delta_U = 100

        old_V = V.copy()

        new_V = update_V(old_V, U, X, epsilon)
        delta_V = l21_norm(new_V - V)
        V = new_V