def _mov_cov(x, y, span, ddof, dtype=None):
    # helper function
    denom = span - ddof

    x = ma.asanyarray(x)
    y = ma.asanyarray(y)

    sum_prod = _mov_sum(x*y, span, dtype=dtype, type_num_double=True)
    sum_x = _mov_sum(x, span, dtype=dtype, type_num_double=True)
    sum_y = _mov_sum(y, span, dtype=dtype, type_num_double=True)

    return sum_prod/denom - (sum_x * sum_y) / (span*denom)
Exemplo n.º 2
def vec2comp(wdir, wspd, missing=MISSING):
    Convert direction and magnitude into U, V components

    wdir : number, array_like
        Angle in meteorological degrees
    wspd : number, array_like
        Magnitudes of wind vector (input units == output units)
    missing : number (optional)
        Optional missing parameter. If not given, assume default missing
        value from sharppy.sharptab.constants.MISSING

    u : number, array_like (same as input)
        U-component of the wind (units are the same as those of input speed)
    v : number, array_like (same as input)
        V-component of the wind (units are the same as those of input speed)

    if not QC(wdir) or not QC(wspd):
        return ma.masked, ma.masked

    wdir = ma.asanyarray(wdir).astype(np.float64)
    wspd = ma.asanyarray(wspd).astype(np.float64)
    assert wdir.shape == wspd.shape, 'wdir and wspd have different shapes'
    if wdir.shape:
        wdir[wdir == missing] = ma.masked
        wspd[wspd == missing] = ma.masked
        wdir[wspd.mask] = ma.masked
        wspd[wdir.mask] = ma.masked
        u, v = _vec2comp(wdir, wspd)
        u[np.fabs(u) < TOL] = 0.
        v[np.fabs(v) < TOL] = 0.
        if wdir == missing:
            wdir = ma.masked
            wspd = ma.masked
        elif wspd == missing:
            wdir = ma.masked
            wspd = ma.masked
        u, v = _vec2comp(wdir, wspd)
        if ma.fabs(u) < TOL:
            u = 0.
        if ma.fabs(v) < TOL:
            v = 0.
    return u, v
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_comp2vec_default_missing_val_array():
    input_u = [MISSING, -10, 0, MISSING]
    input_v= [MISSING, 0, 20, MISSING]
    correct_wdir = [0, 90, 180, MISSING]
    correct_wspd = [MISSING, 10, 20, 30]
    correct_wdir = ma.asanyarray(correct_wdir).astype(np.float64)
    correct_wspd = ma.asanyarray(correct_wspd).astype(np.float64)
    correct_wdir[correct_wdir == MISSING] = ma.masked
    correct_wspd[correct_wspd == MISSING] = ma.masked
    correct_wdir[correct_wspd.mask] = ma.masked
    correct_wspd[correct_wdir.mask] = ma.masked
    returned_wdir, returned_wspd = utils.comp2vec(input_u, input_v)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(returned_wdir, correct_wdir)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(returned_wspd, correct_wspd)
Exemplo n.º 4
def nan_mask(data: npt.ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray:
    Replaces any masked array values with NaNs.

    As a consequence of filling the mask with NaNs, non-float arrays will be
    cast to float.

    data : ArrayLike
        The masked array to be filled with NaNs.

        The `data` with masked values replaced with NaNs.

    .. versionadded:: 0.1.0

        if data.dtype.char not in np.typecodes["Float"]:
            dmsg = (
                f"converting from '{np.typename(data.dtype.char)}' "
                f"to '{np.typename('f')}"
            data = ma.asanyarray(data, dtype=float)

        data = data.filled(np.nan)

    return data
Exemplo n.º 5
def compute_zscore(obs, random_stats):
    obs: numeral
        original observation
    random_stats : iterable
        same observable in randomised versions
    random_stats = nma.asanyarray(random_stats)
    nma.masked_invalid(random_stats, copy=False)
    random_stats = numpy.ravel(random_stats)
    if random_stats.size == 0:
        return numpy.nan
    mean = numpy.mean(random_stats.filled(0.0))
    std = numpy.std(random_stats.filled(0.0))
    nominator = obs- mean
    if nominator == 0.0:
        return nominator
    if std == 0.0:
        if nominator < 0.0:
            return -numpy.inf
            return numpy.inf
        return (nominator / std)
def compute_zscore(obs, random_stats):
    obs: numeral
        original observation
    random_stats : iterable
        same observable in randomised versions
    random_stats = nma.asanyarray(random_stats)
    nma.masked_invalid(random_stats, copy=False)
    random_stats = numpy.ravel(random_stats)
    if random_stats.size == 0:
        return numpy.nan
    mean = numpy.mean(random_stats.filled(0.0))
    std = numpy.std(random_stats.filled(0.0))
    nominator = obs - mean
    if nominator == 0.0:
        return nominator
    if std == 0.0:
        if nominator < 0.0:
            return -numpy.inf
            return numpy.inf
        return (nominator / std)
Exemplo n.º 7
def _ttest_ind(Sample_mean_ArrayA,
    if equal_var:
        # force df to be an array for masked division not to throw a warning
        df = ma.asanyarray(n_subjectsA + n_subjectsB - 2.0)
        svar = ((n_subjectsA - 1) * Sample_var_ArrayA +
                (n_subjectsB - 1) * Sample_var_ArrayB) / df
        denom = ma.sqrt(
            svar *
            (1.0 / n_subjectsA + 1.0 / n_subjectsB))  # n-D computation here!
        vn1 = Sample_var_ArrayA / n_subjectsA
        vn2 = Sample_var_ArrayB / n_subjectsB
        df = (vn1 + vn2)**2 / (vn1**2 / (n_subjectsA - 1) + vn2**2 /
                               (n_subjectsB - 1))

        # If df is undefined, variances are zero.
        # It doesn't matter what df is as long as it is not NaN.
        df = np.where(np.isnan(df), 1, df)
        denom = ma.sqrt(vn1 + vn2)

    with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
        ttest_ind = (Sample_mean_ArrayA - Sample_mean_ArrayB) * sign / denom
    pvalues = special.betainc(0.5 * df, 0.5,
                              df / (df + ttest_ind * ttest_ind)).reshape(

    # ttest_ind, pvalues = ma.filled(ttest_ind), ma.filled(pvalues)
    return ttest_ind, pvalues
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_comp2vec_default_missing_val_array():
    input_u = [MISSING, -10, 0, MISSING]
    input_v = [MISSING, 0, 20, MISSING]
    correct_wdir = [0, 90, 180, MISSING]
    correct_wspd = [MISSING, 10, 20, 30]
    correct_wdir = ma.asanyarray(correct_wdir).astype(np.float64)
    correct_wspd = ma.asanyarray(correct_wspd).astype(np.float64)
    correct_wdir[correct_wdir == MISSING] = ma.masked
    correct_wspd[correct_wspd == MISSING] = ma.masked
    correct_wdir[correct_wspd.mask] = ma.masked
    correct_wspd[correct_wdir.mask] = ma.masked
    returned_wdir, returned_wspd = utils.comp2vec(input_u, input_v)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(returned_wdir, correct_wdir)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(returned_wspd, correct_wspd)
Exemplo n.º 9
def probability_bincount(obs, drop=True):
    Normalise the observed bincount from `obs` to sum up to unity.

    obs: iterable
        An iterable of integer numerals.
    drop: bool (optional)
        Determines whether or not bins with zero events are dropped from the
        resulting list.

    A frequency distribution that is normalised to unity.
    obs = nma.asanyarray(obs, dtype="int32")
    nma.masked_invalid(obs, copy=False)
    obs = numpy.ravel(obs)
    if obs.size == 0:
        return list()
    total = float(len(obs))
    freq = numpy.bincount(obs[~obs.mask])
    points = [(k, val / total) for (k, val) in enumerate(freq) if val > 0]
    return points
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_vec2comp_default_missing_val_array():
    input_wdir = [0, 90, 180, MISSING]
    input_wspd = [MISSING, 10, 20, 30]
    correct_u = [MISSING, -10, 0, MISSING]
    correct_v = [MISSING, 0, 20, MISSING]
    correct_u = ma.asanyarray(correct_u).astype(np.float64)
    correct_v = ma.asanyarray(correct_v).astype(np.float64)
    correct_u[correct_u == MISSING] = ma.masked
    correct_v[correct_v == MISSING] = ma.masked
    correct_u[correct_v.mask] = ma.masked
    correct_v[correct_u.mask] = ma.masked
    returned_u, returned_v = utils.vec2comp(input_wdir, input_wspd)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(returned_u, correct_u)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(returned_v, correct_v)
Exemplo n.º 11
def simple_3d_mask():
    Returns an abstract three dimensional cube that has data masked.

    >>>print simple_3d_mask()
    thingness / (1)                     (wibble: 2; latitude: 3; longitude: 4)
     Dimension coordinates:
          wibble                           x            -             -
          latitude                         -            x             -
          longitude                        -            -             x

    >>> print simple_3d_mask().data
    [[[-- -- -- --]
      [-- -- -- --]
      [-- 9 10 11]]

    [[12 13 14 15]
     [16 17 18 19]
     [20 21 22 23]]]

    cube = simple_3d() = ma.asanyarray( = ma.masked_less_equal(, 8.)
    return cube
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_vec2comp_default_missing_val_array():
    input_wdir = [0, 90, 180, MISSING]
    input_wspd = [MISSING, 10, 20, 30]
    correct_u = [MISSING, -10, 0, MISSING]
    correct_v= [MISSING, 0, 20, MISSING]
    correct_u = ma.asanyarray(correct_u).astype(np.float64)
    correct_v = ma.asanyarray(correct_v).astype(np.float64)
    correct_u[correct_u == MISSING] = ma.masked
    correct_v[correct_v == MISSING] = ma.masked
    correct_u[correct_v.mask] = ma.masked
    correct_v[correct_u.mask] = ma.masked
    returned_u, returned_v = utils.vec2comp(input_wdir, input_wspd)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(returned_u, correct_u)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(returned_v, correct_v)
Exemplo n.º 13
def simple_3d_mask():
    Returns an abstract three dimensional cube that has data masked.

    >>> print(simple_3d_mask())
    thingness / (1)                     (wibble: 2; latitude: 3; longitude: 4)
     Dimension coordinates:
          wibble                           x            -             -
          latitude                         -            x             -
          longitude                        -            -             x

    >>> print(simple_3d_mask().data)
    [[[-- -- -- --]
      [-- -- -- --]
      [-- 9 10 11]]

    [[12 13 14 15]
     [16 17 18 19]
     [20 21 22 23]]]

    cube = simple_3d() = ma.asanyarray( = ma.masked_less_equal(, 8.)
    return cube
Exemplo n.º 14
def probability_bincount(obs, drop=True):
    Normalise the observed bincount from `obs` to sum up to unity.

    obs: iterable
        An iterable of integer numerals.
    drop: bool (optional)
        Determines whether or not bins with zero events are dropped from the
        resulting list.

    A frequency distribution that is normalised to unity.
    obs = nma.asanyarray(obs, dtype="int32")
    nma.masked_invalid(obs, copy=False)
    obs = numpy.ravel(obs)
    if obs.size == 0:
        return list()
    total = float(len(obs))
    freq = numpy.bincount(obs[~obs.mask])
    points = [(k, val / total) for (k, val) in enumerate(freq) if val > 0]
    return points
Exemplo n.º 15
    def crop(self, doy, depth, lat, lon, var):
        """ Crop a subset of the dataset for each var

            Given doy, depth, lat and lon, it returns the smallest subset
              that still contains the requested coordinates inside it.

            It handels special cases like a region around greenwich and
            the international date line.

            Accepts 0 to 360 and -180 to 180 longitude reference.

            It extends time and longitude coordinates, so simplify the use
               of series. For example, a ship track can be requested with
               a longitude sequence like [352, 358, 364, 369, 380], and
               the equivalent for day of year above 365.
        dims, idx = cropIndices(self.dims, lat, lon, depth)

        dims['time'] = np.atleast_1d(doy)
        idx['tn'] = np.arange(dims['time'].size)

        # Temporary solution. Create an object for CARS dataset
        xn = idx['xn']
        yn = idx['yn']
        zn = idx['zn']
        tn = idx['tn']

        subset = {}
        for v in var:
            if v == 'mn':
                mn = []
                for d in doy:
                    t = 2 * np.pi * d/366
                    # Naive solution
                    # FIXME: This is not an efficient solution.
                    value = self.ncs[0]['mean'][:, yn, xn]
                    value[:64] += self.ncs[0]['an_cos'][:, yn, xn] * np.cos(t) + \
                        self.ncs[0]['an_sin'][:, yn, xn] * np.sin(t)
                    value[:55] += self.ncs[0]['sa_cos'][:, yn, xn] * np.cos(2*t) + \
                        self.ncs[0]['sa_sin'][:, yn, xn] * np.sin(2*t)

                subset['mn'] = ma.asanyarray(mn)
                subset[v] = ma.asanyarray(
                        doy.size * [self[v][zn, yn, xn]])
        return subset, dims
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_comp2vec_user_missing_val_array():
    missing = 50
    input_u = [missing, -10, 0, missing]
    input_v= [missing, 0, 20, missing]
    correct_wdir = [0, 90, 180, missing]
    correct_wspd = [missing, 10, 20, 30]
    correct_wdir = ma.asanyarray(correct_wdir).astype(np.float64)
    correct_wspd = ma.asanyarray(correct_wspd).astype(np.float64)
    correct_wdir[correct_wdir == missing] = ma.masked
    correct_wspd[correct_wspd == missing] = ma.masked
    correct_wdir[correct_wspd.mask] = ma.masked
    correct_wspd[correct_wdir.mask] = ma.masked
    returned_wdir, returned_wspd = utils.comp2vec(input_u, input_v)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(returned_wdir, correct_wdir)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(returned_wspd, correct_wspd)
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_vec2comp_user_missing_val_array():
    missing = 50
    input_wdir = [0, 90, 180, missing]
    input_wspd = [missing, 10, 20, 30]
    correct_u = [missing, -10, 0, missing]
    correct_v= [missing, 0, 20, missing]
    correct_u = ma.asanyarray(correct_u).astype(np.float64)
    correct_v = ma.asanyarray(correct_v).astype(np.float64)
    correct_u[correct_u == missing] = ma.masked
    correct_v[correct_v == missing] = ma.masked
    correct_u[correct_v.mask] = ma.masked
    correct_v[correct_u.mask] = ma.masked
    returned_u, returned_v = utils.vec2comp(input_wdir, input_wspd, missing)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(returned_u, correct_u)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(returned_v, correct_v)
Exemplo n.º 18
def comp2vec(u, v, missing=MISSING):
    Convert U, V components into direction and magnitude

    u : number, array_like
        U-component of the wind
    v : number, array_like
        V-component of the wind
    missing : number (optional)
        Optional missing parameter. If not given, assume default missing
        value from sharppy.sharptab.constants.MISSING

    wdir : number, array_like (same as input)
        Angle in meteorological degrees
    wspd : number, array_like (same as input)
        Magnitudes of wind vector (input units == output units)

    if not QC(u) or not QC(v):
        return ma.masked, ma.masked

    u = ma.asanyarray(u).astype(np.float64)
    v = ma.asanyarray(v).astype(np.float64)
    wdir = np.degrees(np.arctan2(-u, -v))

    if wdir.shape:
        u[u == missing] = ma.masked
        v[v == missing] = ma.masked
        wdir[u.mask] = ma.masked
        wdir[v.mask] = ma.masked
        wdir[wdir < 0] += 360
        wdir[np.fabs(wdir) < TOL] = 0.
        if u == missing or v == missing:
            return ma.masked, ma.masked
        if wdir < 0:
            wdir += 360
        if np.fabs(wdir) < TOL:
            wdir = 0.
    return wdir, mag(u, v)
Exemplo n.º 19
def test_mag_array():
    rt2 = np.sqrt(2)
    input_u = [5, 10, 15]
    input_v = [5, 10, 15]
    correct_answer = [5*rt2, 10*rt2, 15*rt2]
    correct_answer = ma.asanyarray(correct_answer)
    returned_answer = utils.mag(input_u, input_v)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(returned_answer, correct_answer)
Exemplo n.º 20
def test_mag_array():
    rt2 = np.sqrt(2)
    input_u = [5, 10, 15]
    input_v = [5, 10, 15]
    correct_answer = [5 * rt2, 10 * rt2, 15 * rt2]
    correct_answer = ma.asanyarray(correct_answer)
    returned_answer = utils.mag(input_u, input_v)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(returned_answer, correct_answer)
Exemplo n.º 21
def test_comp2vec_user_missing_val_array():
    missing = 50
    input_u = [missing, -10, 0, missing]
    input_v = [missing, 0, 20, missing]
    correct_wdir = [0, 90, 180, missing]
    correct_wspd = [missing, 10, 20, 30]
    correct_wdir = ma.asanyarray(correct_wdir).astype(np.float64)
    correct_wspd = ma.asanyarray(correct_wspd).astype(np.float64)
    correct_wdir[correct_wdir == missing] = ma.masked
    correct_wspd[correct_wspd == missing] = ma.masked
    correct_wdir[correct_wspd.mask] = ma.masked
    correct_wspd[correct_wdir.mask] = ma.masked
    returned_wdir, returned_wspd = utils.comp2vec(input_u, input_v)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(returned_wdir, correct_wdir)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(returned_wspd, correct_wspd)
Exemplo n.º 22
def test_vec2comp_user_missing_val_array():
    missing = 50
    input_wdir = [0, 90, 180, missing]
    input_wspd = [missing, 10, 20, 30]
    correct_u = [missing, -10, 0, missing]
    correct_v = [missing, 0, 20, missing]
    correct_u = ma.asanyarray(correct_u).astype(np.float64)
    correct_v = ma.asanyarray(correct_v).astype(np.float64)
    correct_u[correct_u == missing] = ma.masked
    correct_v[correct_v == missing] = ma.masked
    correct_u[correct_v.mask] = ma.masked
    correct_v[correct_u.mask] = ma.masked
    returned_u, returned_v = utils.vec2comp(input_wdir, input_wspd, missing)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(returned_u, correct_u)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(returned_v, correct_v)
Exemplo n.º 23
def comp2vec(u, v, missing=MISSING):
    Convert U, V components into direction and magnitude

    u : number, array_like
        U-component of the wind
    v : number, array_like
        V-component of the wind
    missing : number (optional)
        Optional missing parameter. If not given, assume default missing
        value from sharppy.sharptab.constants.MISSING

    wdir : number, array_like (same as input)
        Angle in meteorological degrees
    wspd : number, array_like (same as input)
        Magnitudes of wind vector (input units == output units)

    if not QC(u) or not QC(v):
        return ma.masked, ma.masked

    u = ma.asanyarray(u).astype(np.float64)
    v = ma.asanyarray(v).astype(np.float64)
    wdir = np.degrees(np.arctan2(-u, -v))
    if wdir.shape:
        u[u == missing] = ma.masked
        v[v == missing] = ma.masked
        wdir[u.mask] = ma.masked
        wdir[v.mask] = ma.masked
        wdir[wdir < 0] += 360
        wdir[np.fabs(wdir) < TOL] = 0.
        if u == missing or v == missing:
            return ma.masked, ma.masked
        if wdir < 0:
            wdir += 360
        if np.fabs(wdir) < TOL:
            wdir = 0.
    return wdir, mag(u, v)
Exemplo n.º 24
def test_mag_default_missing_array():
    rt2 = np.sqrt(2)
    input_u = [MISSING, 10, 20, 30, 40]
    input_v = [0, 10, 20, 30, MISSING]
    correct_answer = [MISSING, 10*rt2, 20*rt2, 30*rt2, MISSING]
    correct_answer = ma.asanyarray(correct_answer).astype(np.float64)
    correct_answer[correct_answer == MISSING] = ma.masked
    returned_answer = utils.mag(input_u, input_v)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(returned_answer, correct_answer)
Exemplo n.º 25
def _chk_asarray(a, axis):
    # Always returns a masked array, raveled for axis=None
    a = ma.asanyarray(a)
    if axis is None:
        a = ma.ravel(a)
        outaxis = 0
        outaxis = axis
    return a, outaxis
Exemplo n.º 26
def ttest_ind(a, b, axis=0, equal_var=True):
    Calculates the T-test for the means of two independent samples of scores.
    a, b : array_like
        The arrays must have the same shape, except in the dimension
        corresponding to `axis` (the first, by default).
    axis : int or None, optional
        Axis along which to compute test. If None, compute over the whole
        arrays, `a`, and `b`.
    equal_var : bool, optional
        If True, perform a standard independent 2 sample test that assumes equal
        population variances.
        If False, perform Welch's t-test, which does not assume equal population
        .. versionadded:: 0.17.0
    statistic : float or array
        The calculated t-statistic.
    pvalue : float or array
        The two-tailed p-value.
    For more details on `ttest_ind`, see `stats.ttest_ind`.
    a, b, axis = _chk2_asarray(a, b, axis)

    if a.size == 0 or b.size == 0:
        return 'One of the vector is empty'

    (mean1, mean2) = (a.mean(axis), b.mean(axis))
    (var1, var2) = (a.var(axis=axis, ddof=1), b.var(axis=axis, ddof=1))
    (n1, n2) = (a.count(axis), b.count(axis))

    if equal_var:
        # force df to be an array for masked division not to throw a warning
        df = ma.asanyarray(n1 + n2 - 2.0)
        svar = ((n1 - 1) * var1 + (n2 - 1) * var2) / df
        denom = ma.sqrt(svar * (1.0 / n1 + 1.0 / n2))  # n-D computation here!
        vn1 = var1 / n1
        vn2 = var2 / n2
        with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
            df = (vn1 + vn2)**2 / (vn1**2 / (n1 - 1) + vn2**2 / (n2 - 1))

        # If df is undefined, variances are zero.
        # It doesn't matter what df is as long as it is not NaN.
        df = np.where(np.isnan(df), 1, df)
        denom = ma.sqrt(vn1 + vn2)

    with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
        t = (mean1 - mean2) / denom
    probs = special.betainc(0.5 * df, 0.5, df / (df + t * t)).reshape(t.shape)

    return Ttest_ind(t, probs.squeeze())
Exemplo n.º 27
def test_mag_default_missing_array():
    rt2 = np.sqrt(2)
    input_u = [MISSING, 10, 20, 30, 40]
    input_v = [0, 10, 20, 30, MISSING]
    correct_answer = [MISSING, 10 * rt2, 20 * rt2, 30 * rt2, MISSING]
    correct_answer = ma.asanyarray(correct_answer).astype(np.float64)
    correct_answer[correct_answer == MISSING] = ma.masked
    returned_answer = utils.mag(input_u, input_v)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(returned_answer, correct_answer)
Exemplo n.º 28
def adaptive_distribution(obs,
    An adaptive binning technique that overlays multiple histograms with
    increasing bin widths.

    [1] Liebovitch, L. S., A. T. Todorov, M. Zochowski, D. Scheurle, L. Colgin,
        M. A. Wood, K. A. Ellenbogen, J. M. Herre, and R. C. Bernstein. 1999.
        ``Nonlinear Properties of Cardiac Rhythm Abnormalities.''
        Physical Review E 59 (3): 3312–3319.

    obs = nma.asanyarray(obs)
    nma.masked_invalid(obs, copy=False)
    obs = numpy.ravel(obs)
    if obs.size == 0:
        return list()
    if limits is None:
        mn = obs.min()
        mx = obs.max()
        (mn, mx) = limits
    offset = binwidth * 0.5
    if limits is None:
        limits = (mn - offset, mx + offset)
    num_bins = numpy.floor((mx - mn) / binwidth)
    freq = numpy.histogram(obs[~obs.mask], num_bins, range=limits)[0]
    total = float(freq.sum())
    print(freq[0:right_most + 1])
    results = list()
    iteration = 1
    while len(freq) > right_most and not (freq[1:right_most] == 0).any():
        for (k, count) in enumerate(freq[1:]):
            if count == 0 or k == k_max:
                ((k + 0.5) * binwidth + limits[0], count / (binwidth * total)))
        binwidth *= factor
        iteration += 1
        # new loop
        num_bins = numpy.floor((mx - mn) / binwidth)
        freq = numpy.histogram(obs, num_bins, range=limits)[0]
        total = float(freq.sum())
        print(freq[0:right_most + 1])

    return sorted(results)
Exemplo n.º 29
def _jprimes(x, i, x_bounds=None):
    Helper function to return the j' indices for the master curve fit

    This function is a helper function for :py:func:`quality`. It is not
    supposed to be called directly.

    x : mapping to ndarrays
        The x values.

    i : int
        The row index (finite size index)

    x_bounds : 2-tuple, optional
        bounds on x values

    ret : mapping to ndarrays
        Has the same keys and shape as `x`.
        Its element ``ret[i'][j]`` is the j' such that :math:`x_{i'j'} \leq
        x_{ij} < x_{i'(j'+1)}`.
        If no such j' exists, the element is np.nan.
        Convert the element to int to use as an index.

    j_primes = -np.ones_like(x)

        x_masked = ma.masked_outside(x, x_bounds[0], x_bounds[1])
    except (TypeError, IndexError):
        x_masked = ma.asanyarray(x)

    k, n = x.shape

    # indices of lower and upper bounds
    edges = ma.notmasked_edges(x_masked, axis=1)
    x_lower = np.zeros(k, dtype=int)
    x_upper = np.zeros(k, dtype=int)
    x_lower[edges[0][0]] = edges[0][-1]
    x_upper[edges[-1][0]] = edges[-1][-1]

    for i_prime in range(k):
        if i_prime == i:
            j_primes[i_prime][:] = np.nan

        jprimes = np.searchsorted(x[i_prime], x[i],
                                  side='right').astype(float) - 1
        jprimes[np.logical_or(jprimes < x_lower[i_prime],
                              jprimes >= x_upper[i_prime])] = np.nan
        j_primes[i_prime][:] = jprimes

    return j_primes
Exemplo n.º 30
def test_mag_user_missing_array():
    missing = 50
    rt2 = np.sqrt(2)
    input_u = [missing, 10, 20, 30, 40]
    input_v = [0, 10, 20, 30, missing]
    correct_answer = [missing, 10*rt2, 20*rt2, 30*rt2, missing]
    correct_answer = ma.asanyarray(correct_answer).astype(np.float64)
    correct_answer[correct_answer == missing] = ma.masked
    returned_answer = utils.mag(input_u, input_v, missing)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(returned_answer, correct_answer)
Exemplo n.º 31
def test_mag_user_missing_array():
    missing = 50
    rt2 = np.sqrt(2)
    input_u = [missing, 10, 20, 30, 40]
    input_v = [0, 10, 20, 30, missing]
    correct_answer = [missing, 10 * rt2, 20 * rt2, 30 * rt2, missing]
    correct_answer = ma.asanyarray(correct_answer).astype(np.float64)
    correct_answer[correct_answer == missing] = ma.masked
    returned_answer = utils.mag(input_u, input_v, missing)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(returned_answer, correct_answer)
Exemplo n.º 32
def adaptive_distribution(obs, binwidth, limits=None, factor=2.0, k_max=21, right_most=3):
    An adaptive binning technique that overlays multiple histograms with
    increasing bin widths.

    [1] Liebovitch, L. S., A. T. Todorov, M. Zochowski, D. Scheurle, L. Colgin,
        M. A. Wood, K. A. Ellenbogen, J. M. Herre, and R. C. Bernstein. 1999.
        ``Nonlinear Properties of Cardiac Rhythm Abnormalities.''
        Physical Review E 59 (3): 3312–3319.

    obs = nma.asanyarray(obs)
    nma.masked_invalid(obs, copy=False)
    obs = numpy.ravel(obs)
    if obs.size == 0:
        return list()
    if limits is None:
        mn = obs.min()
        mx = obs.max()
        (mn, mx) = limits
    offset = binwidth * 0.5
    if limits is None:
        limits = (mn - offset, mx + offset)
    num_bins = numpy.floor((mx - mn) / binwidth)
    freq = numpy.histogram(obs[~obs.mask], num_bins, range=limits)[0]
    total = float(freq.sum())
    print 0
    print binwidth
    print freq[0:right_most + 1]
    results = list()
    iteration = 1
    while len(freq) > right_most and not (freq[1:right_most] == 0).any():
        for (k, count) in enumerate(freq[1:]):
            if count == 0 or k == k_max:
            results.append(((k + 0.5) * binwidth + limits[0], count / (binwidth * total)))
        binwidth *= factor
        iteration += 1
        # new loop
        num_bins = numpy.floor((mx - mn) / binwidth)
        freq = numpy.histogram(obs, num_bins, range=limits)[0]
        total = float(freq.sum())
        print iteration
        print binwidth
        print freq[0:right_most + 1]

    return sorted(results)
Exemplo n.º 33
 def __init__(self, parentNode, name, description=None,
              title="", filters=None,
              chunkshape=None, byteorder=None, _log=True):
     new = description is None
     if not new:
         maskedarray = ma.asanyarray(description)
         description = tabulate(maskedarray)
     Table.__init__(self, parentNode, name, 
                    description=description, title=title,
                    chunkshape=chunkshape, byteorder=byteorder,
     if not new:
         self.attrs.special_attrs = self._update_special_attrs(maskedarray)
Exemplo n.º 34
    def __getitem__(self, item):
        """ t, z, y, x
        tn, zn, yn, xn = item

        #if type(zn) is not slice:
        #    zn = slice(zn, zn+1)
        #zn_an = slice(zn.start, min(64, zn.stop), zn.step)
        #zn_sa = slice(zn.start, min(55, zn.stop), zn.step)

        output = []
        d = 2 * np.pi * (np.arange(1, 367)[tn])/366
        for t in np.atleast_1d(d):
            tmp =['mean'][:, yn, xn]

            tmp[:64] +=['an_cos'][:, yn, xn] * np.cos(t) + \
          ['an_sin'][:, yn, xn] * np.sin(t)
            tmp[:55] +=['sa_cos'][:, yn, xn] * np.cos(2*t) + \
          ['sa_sin'][:, yn, xn] * np.sin(2*t)

        return ma.asanyarray(output)
Exemplo n.º 35
def ttest_1samp(population_mean, a, axis=0):
    Calculates the T-test for the mean of ONE group of scores.
    a : array_like
        sample observation
    population_mean : float or array_like
        expected value in null hypothesis, if array_like than it must have the
        same shape as `a` excluding the axis dimension
    axis : int or None, optional
        Axis along which to compute test. If None, compute over the whole
        array `a`.
    statistic : float or array
    pvalue : float or array
        two-tailed p-value
    For more details on `ttest_1samp`, see `stats.ttest_1samp`.
    a, axis = _chk_asarray(a, axis)
    if a.size == 0:
        return 'Empty Array'

    sample_mean = a.mean(axis=axis)
    sample_var = a.var(axis=axis, ddof=1)
    sample_count = a.count(axis=axis)
    # force df to be an array for masked division not to throw a warning
    df = ma.asanyarray(sample_count - 1.0)
    svar = ((sample_count - 1.0) * sample_var) / df
    with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
        t = (sample_mean - population_mean) / ma.sqrt(svar / sample_count)
    prob = special.betainc(0.5 * df, 0.5, df / (df + t * t))

    return Ttest_1sampResult(t, prob)
Exemplo n.º 36
    def crop(self, doy, depth, lat, lon, var):
        """ Crop a subset of the dataset for each var

            Given doy, depth, lat and lon, it returns the smallest subset
              that still contains the requested coordinates inside it.

            It handels special cases like a region around greenwich and
            the international date line.

            Accepts 0 to 360 and -180 to 180 longitude reference.

            It extends time and longitude coordinates, so simplify the use
               of series. For example, a ship track can be requested with
               a longitude sequence like [352, 358, 364, 369, 380], and
               the equivalent for day of year above 365.
        dims, idx = cropIndices(self.dims, lat, lon, depth, doy)
        subset = {}
        for v in var:
            subset[v] = ma.asanyarray([
                self.ncs[tnn][v][0, idx['zn'], idx['yn'], idx['xn']] \
                        for tnn in idx['tn']])
        return subset, dims
Exemplo n.º 37
    def crop(self, doy, depth, lat, lon, var):
        """ Crop a subset of the dataset for each var

            Given doy, depth, lat and lon, it returns the smallest subset
              that still contains the requested coordinates inside it.

            It handels special cases like a region around greenwich and
            the international date line.

            Accepts 0 to 360 and -180 to 180 longitude reference.

            It extends time and longitude coordinates, so simplify the use
               of series. For example, a ship track can be requested with
               a longitude sequence like [352, 358, 364, 369, 380], and
               the equivalent for day of year above 365.
        dims, idx = cropIndices(self.dims, lat, lon, depth, doy)
        subset = {}
        for v in var:
            subset[v] = ma.asanyarray([
                self.ncs[tnn][v][0, idx['zn'], idx['yn'], idx['xn']] \
                        for tnn in idx['tn']])
        return subset, dims
Exemplo n.º 38
def frequency_distribution(obs, num_bins=30, binwidth=None, limits=None,
        weights=None, drop=True):
    Takes a number of events and counts the frequency of these events falling into
    either a fixed number of equi-distant bins over the given range or bins of
    fixed width over the range.

    obs: iterable
        An aggregation of numerical observations.
    num_bins: int (optional)
        The number of equi-distant bins used over the numeric range.
    binwidth: float (optional)
        Desired width of the bins. This overrides `num_bins`.
    limits: tuple (lower, upper) (optional)
        The lower and upper values for the range of the distribution.
        If no value is given, a range slightly larger then the range of the
        values in `obs` is used. Specifically ``(a.min() - s, a.max() + s)``,
            where ``s = (1/2)(a.max() - a.min()) / num_bins``.
    weights: iterable (optional)
        Weights for the data points in `obs`. The default is `None` weighting
        all points equal.
    drop: bool (optional)
        Determines whether or not bins with zero events are dropped from the
        resulting list.

    A list of pairs, the first entry is the centre of the bin borders at which
    the frequency of an event is measured, and the second entry is the frequency
    obs = nma.asanyarray(obs)
    nma.masked_invalid(obs, copy=False)
    obs = numpy.ravel(obs)
    if obs.size == 0:
        return list()
    if limits is None:
        mn = obs.min()
        mx = obs.max()
        (mn, mx) = limits
    if binwidth:
        binwidth = float(binwidth)
        num_bins = numpy.floor((mx - mn) / binwidth)
        num_bins = int(num_bins)
        binwidth = (mx - mn) / num_bins
    offset = binwidth * 0.5
    if limits is None:
        limits = (mn - offset, mx + offset)
    # extend the numeric range slightly beyond the data range
    (freq, bins) = numpy.histogram(obs[~obs.mask], bins=num_bins, range=limits,
    if drop:
        points = [(bins[k] + offset, freq[k]) for k in range(freq.size)\
                if freq[k] > 0]
        points = [(bins[k] + offset, freq[k]) for k in range(freq.size)]
    return points
Exemplo n.º 39
def simple_3d_mask():
    cube = simple_3d() = ma.asanyarray( = ma.masked_less_equal(, 8.0)
    return cube
Exemplo n.º 40
def rotate_winds(u_cube, v_cube, target_cs):
    Transform wind vectors to a different coordinate system.

    The input cubes contain U and V components parallel to the local X and Y
    directions of the input grid at each point.

    The output cubes contain the same winds, at the same locations, but
    relative to the grid directions of a different coordinate system.
    Thus in vector terms, the magnitudes will always be the same, but the
    angles can be different.

    The outputs retain the original horizontal dimension coordinates, but
    also have two 2-dimensional auxiliary coordinates containing the X and
    Y locations in the target coordinate system.


    * u_cube
        An instance of :class:`iris.cube.Cube` that contains the x-component
        of the vector.
    * v_cube
        An instance of :class:`iris.cube.Cube` that contains the y-component
        of the vector.
    * target_cs
        An instance of :class:`iris.coord_systems.CoordSystem` that specifies
        the new grid directions.

        A (u', v') tuple of :class:`iris.cube.Cube` instances that are the u
        and v components in the requested target coordinate system.
        The units are the same as the inputs.

    .. note::

        The U and V values relate to distance, with units such as 'm s-1'.
        These are not the same as coordinate vectors, which transform in a
        different manner.

    .. note::

        The names of the output cubes are those of the inputs, prefixed with
        'transformed\_' (e.g. 'transformed_x_wind').

    .. warning::

        Conversion between rotated-pole and non-rotated systems can be
        expressed analytically.  However, this function always uses a numerical
        approach. In locations where this numerical approach does not preserve
        magnitude to an accuracy of 0.1%, the corresponding elements of the
        returned cubes will be masked.

    # Check u_cube and v_cube have the same shape. We iterate through
    # the u and v cube slices which relies on the shapes matching.
    if u_cube.shape != v_cube.shape:
        msg = 'Expected u and v cubes to have the same shape. ' \
              'u cube has shape {}, v cube has shape {}.'
        raise ValueError(msg.format(u_cube.shape, v_cube.shape))

    # Check the u_cube and v_cube have the same x and y coords.
    msg = 'Coordinates differ between u and v cubes. Coordinate {!r} from ' \
          'u cube does not equal coordinate {!r} from v cube.'
    if u_cube.coord(axis='x') != v_cube.coord(axis='x'):
        raise ValueError(msg.format(u_cube.coord(axis='x').name(),
    if u_cube.coord(axis='y') != v_cube.coord(axis='y'):
        raise ValueError(msg.format(u_cube.coord(axis='y').name(),

    # Check x and y coords have the same coordinate system.
    x_coord = u_cube.coord(axis='x')
    y_coord = u_cube.coord(axis='y')
    if x_coord.coord_system != y_coord.coord_system:
        msg = "Coordinate systems of x and y coordinates differ. " \
              "Coordinate {!r} has a coord system of {!r}, but coordinate " \
              "{!r} has a coord system of {!r}."
        raise ValueError(msg.format(, x_coord.coord_system,
                          , y_coord.coord_system))

    # Convert from iris coord systems to cartopy CRSs to access
    # transform functionality. Use projection as cartopy
    # transform_vectors relies on x_limits and y_limits.
    if x_coord.coord_system is not None:
        src_crs = x_coord.coord_system.as_cartopy_projection()
        # Default to Geodetic (but actually use PlateCarree as a
        # projection is needed).
        src_crs = ccrs.PlateCarree()
    target_crs = target_cs.as_cartopy_projection()

    # Check the number of dimensions of the x and y coords is the same.
    # Subsequent logic assumes either both 1d or both 2d.
    x = x_coord.points
    y = y_coord.points
    if x.ndim != y.ndim or x.ndim > 2 or y.ndim > 2:
        msg = 'x and y coordinates must have the same number of dimensions ' \
              'and be either 1D or 2D. The number of dimensions are {} and ' \
              '{}, respectively.'.format(x.ndim, y.ndim)
        raise ValueError(msg)

    # Check the dimension mappings match between u_cube and v_cube.
    if u_cube.coord_dims(x_coord) != v_cube.coord_dims(x_coord):
        raise ValueError('Dimension mapping of x coordinate differs '
                         'between u and v cubes.')
    if u_cube.coord_dims(y_coord) != v_cube.coord_dims(y_coord):
        raise ValueError('Dimension mapping of y coordinate differs '
                         'between u and v cubes.')
    x_dims = u_cube.coord_dims(x_coord)
    y_dims = u_cube.coord_dims(y_coord)

    # Convert points to 2D, if not already, and determine dims.
    if x.ndim == y.ndim == 1:
        x, y = _meshgrid(x, y)
        dims = (y_dims[0], x_dims[0])
        dims = x_dims

    # Transpose x, y 2d arrays to match the order in cube's data
    # array so that x, y and the sliced data all line up.
    if dims[0] > dims[1]:
        x = x.transpose()
        y = y.transpose()

    # Create resulting cubes.
    ut_cube = u_cube.copy()
    vt_cube = v_cube.copy()

    # Get distance scalings for source crs.
    ds_dx1, ds_dy1 = _crs_distance_differentials(src_crs, x, y)

    # Get distance scalings for target crs.
    x2, y2 = _transform_xy(src_crs, x, y, target_crs)
    ds_dx2, ds_dy2 = _crs_distance_differentials(target_crs, x2, y2)

    ds = DistanceDifferential(ds_dx1, ds_dy1, ds_dx2, ds_dy2)

    # Calculate coordinate partial differentials from source crs to target crs.
    dx2_dx1, dy2_dx1, dx2_dy1, dy2_dy1 = _inter_crs_differentials(src_crs,
                                                                  x, y,

    dx2 = PartialDifferential(dx2_dx1, dx2_dy1)
    dy2 = PartialDifferential(dy2_dx1, dy2_dy1)

    # Calculate mask based on preservation of magnitude.
    mask = _transform_distance_vectors_tolerance_mask(src_crs, x, y,
                                                      ds, dx2, dy2)
    apply_mask = mask.any()
    if apply_mask:
        # Make masked arrays to accept masking. = ma.asanyarray( = ma.asanyarray(

    # Project vectors with u, v components one horiz slice at a time and
    # insert into the resulting cubes.
    shape = list(u_cube.shape)
    for dim in dims:
        shape[dim] = 1
    ndindex = np.ndindex(*shape)
    for index in ndindex:
        index = list(index)
        for dim in dims:
            index[dim] = slice(None, None)
        index = tuple(index)
        u =[index]
        v =[index]
        ut, vt = _transform_distance_vectors(u, v, ds, dx2, dy2)
        if apply_mask:
            ut = ma.asanyarray(ut)
            ut[mask] = ma.masked
            vt = ma.asanyarray(vt)
            vt[mask] = ma.masked[index] = ut[index] = vt

    # Calculate new coords of locations in target coordinate system.
    xyz_tran = target_crs.transform_points(src_crs, x, y)
    xt = xyz_tran[..., 0].reshape(x.shape)
    yt = xyz_tran[..., 1].reshape(y.shape)

    # Transpose xt, yt 2d arrays to match the dim order
    # of the original x an y arrays - i.e. undo the earlier
    # transpose (if applied).
    if dims[0] > dims[1]:
        xt = xt.transpose()
        yt = yt.transpose()

    xt_coord = iris.coords.AuxCoord(xt,
    yt_coord = iris.coords.AuxCoord(yt,
    # Set units based on coord_system.
    if isinstance(target_cs, (iris.coord_systems.GeogCS,
        xt_coord.units = yt_coord.units = 'degrees'
        xt_coord.units = yt_coord.units = 'm'

    ut_cube.add_aux_coord(xt_coord, dims)
    ut_cube.add_aux_coord(yt_coord, dims)
    vt_cube.add_aux_coord(xt_coord.copy(), dims)
    vt_cube.add_aux_coord(yt_coord.copy(), dims)

    return ut_cube, vt_cube
Exemplo n.º 41
def rotate_winds(u_cube, v_cube, target_cs):
    Transform wind vectors to a different coordinate system.

    The input cubes contain U and V components parallel to the local X and Y
    directions of the input grid at each point.

    The output cubes contain the same winds, at the same locations, but
    relative to the grid directions of a different coordinate system.
    Thus in vector terms, the magnitudes will always be the same, but the
    angles can be different.

    The outputs retain the original horizontal dimension coordinates, but
    also have two 2-dimensional auxiliary coordinates containing the X and
    Y locations in the target coordinate system.


    * u_cube
        An instance of :class:`iris.cube.Cube` that contains the x-component
        of the vector.
    * v_cube
        An instance of :class:`iris.cube.Cube` that contains the y-component
        of the vector.
    * target_cs
        An instance of :class:`iris.coord_systems.CoordSystem` that specifies
        the new grid directions.

        A (u', v') tuple of :class:`iris.cube.Cube` instances that are the u
        and v components in the requested target coordinate system.
        The units are the same as the inputs.

    .. note::

        The U and V values relate to distance, with units such as 'm s-1'.
        These are not the same as coordinate vectors, which transform in a
        different manner.

    .. note::

        The names of the output cubes are those of the inputs, prefixed with
        'transformed\_' (e.g. 'transformed_x_wind').

    .. warning::

        Conversion between rotated-pole and non-rotated systems can be
        expressed analytically.  However, this function always uses a numerical
        approach. In locations where this numerical approach does not preserve
        magnitude to an accuracy of 0.1%, the corresponding elements of the
        returned cubes will be masked.

    # Check u_cube and v_cube have the same shape. We iterate through
    # the u and v cube slices which relies on the shapes matching.
    if u_cube.shape != v_cube.shape:
        msg = ("Expected u and v cubes to have the same shape. "
               "u cube has shape {}, v cube has shape {}.")
        raise ValueError(msg.format(u_cube.shape, v_cube.shape))

    # Check the u_cube and v_cube have the same x and y coords.
    msg = ("Coordinates differ between u and v cubes. Coordinate {!r} from "
           "u cube does not equal coordinate {!r} from v cube.")
    if u_cube.coord(axis="x") != v_cube.coord(axis="x"):
        raise ValueError(
    if u_cube.coord(axis="y") != v_cube.coord(axis="y"):
        raise ValueError(

    # Check x and y coords have the same coordinate system.
    x_coord = u_cube.coord(axis="x")
    y_coord = u_cube.coord(axis="y")
    if x_coord.coord_system != y_coord.coord_system:
        msg = ("Coordinate systems of x and y coordinates differ. "
               "Coordinate {!r} has a coord system of {!r}, but coordinate "
               "{!r} has a coord system of {!r}.")
        raise ValueError(

    # Convert from iris coord systems to cartopy CRSs to access
    # transform functionality. Use projection as cartopy
    # transform_vectors relies on x_limits and y_limits.
    if x_coord.coord_system is not None:
        src_crs = x_coord.coord_system.as_cartopy_projection()
        # Default to Geodetic (but actually use PlateCarree as a
        # projection is needed).
        src_crs = ccrs.PlateCarree()
    target_crs = target_cs.as_cartopy_projection()

    # Check the number of dimensions of the x and y coords is the same.
    # Subsequent logic assumes either both 1d or both 2d.
    x = x_coord.points
    y = y_coord.points
    if x.ndim != y.ndim or x.ndim > 2 or y.ndim > 2:
        msg = ("x and y coordinates must have the same number of dimensions "
               "and be either 1D or 2D. The number of dimensions are {} and "
               "{}, respectively.".format(x.ndim, y.ndim))
        raise ValueError(msg)

    # Check the dimension mappings match between u_cube and v_cube.
    if u_cube.coord_dims(x_coord) != v_cube.coord_dims(x_coord):
        raise ValueError("Dimension mapping of x coordinate differs "
                         "between u and v cubes.")
    if u_cube.coord_dims(y_coord) != v_cube.coord_dims(y_coord):
        raise ValueError("Dimension mapping of y coordinate differs "
                         "between u and v cubes.")
    x_dims = u_cube.coord_dims(x_coord)
    y_dims = u_cube.coord_dims(y_coord)

    # Convert points to 2D, if not already, and determine dims.
    if x.ndim == y.ndim == 1:
        x, y = _meshgrid(x, y)
        dims = (y_dims[0], x_dims[0])
        dims = x_dims

    # Transpose x, y 2d arrays to match the order in cube's data
    # array so that x, y and the sliced data all line up.
    if dims[0] > dims[1]:
        x = x.transpose()
        y = y.transpose()

    # Create resulting cubes.
    ut_cube = u_cube.copy()
    vt_cube = v_cube.copy()

    # Get distance scalings for source crs.
    ds_dx1, ds_dy1 = _crs_distance_differentials(src_crs, x, y)

    # Get distance scalings for target crs.
    x2, y2 = _transform_xy(src_crs, x, y, target_crs)
    ds_dx2, ds_dy2 = _crs_distance_differentials(target_crs, x2, y2)

    ds = DistanceDifferential(ds_dx1, ds_dy1, ds_dx2, ds_dy2)

    # Calculate coordinate partial differentials from source crs to target crs.
    dx2_dx1, dy2_dx1, dx2_dy1, dy2_dy1 = _inter_crs_differentials(
        src_crs, x, y, target_crs)

    dx2 = PartialDifferential(dx2_dx1, dx2_dy1)
    dy2 = PartialDifferential(dy2_dx1, dy2_dy1)

    # Calculate mask based on preservation of magnitude.
    mask = _transform_distance_vectors_tolerance_mask(src_crs, x, y,
                                                      target_crs, ds, dx2, dy2)
    apply_mask = mask.any()
    if apply_mask:
        # Make masked arrays to accept masking. = ma.asanyarray( = ma.asanyarray(

    # Project vectors with u, v components one horiz slice at a time and
    # insert into the resulting cubes.
    shape = list(u_cube.shape)
    for dim in dims:
        shape[dim] = 1
    ndindex = np.ndindex(*shape)
    for index in ndindex:
        index = list(index)
        for dim in dims:
            index[dim] = slice(None, None)
        index = tuple(index)
        u =[index]
        v =[index]
        ut, vt = _transform_distance_vectors(u, v, ds, dx2, dy2)
        if apply_mask:
            ut = ma.asanyarray(ut)
            ut[mask] = ma.masked
            vt = ma.asanyarray(vt)
            vt[mask] = ma.masked[index] = ut[index] = vt

    # Calculate new coords of locations in target coordinate system.
    xyz_tran = target_crs.transform_points(src_crs, x, y)
    xt = xyz_tran[..., 0].reshape(x.shape)
    yt = xyz_tran[..., 1].reshape(y.shape)

    # Transpose xt, yt 2d arrays to match the dim order
    # of the original x an y arrays - i.e. undo the earlier
    # transpose (if applied).
    if dims[0] > dims[1]:
        xt = xt.transpose()
        yt = yt.transpose()

    xt_coord = iris.coords.AuxCoord(xt,
    yt_coord = iris.coords.AuxCoord(yt,
    # Set units based on coord_system.
    if isinstance(
        (iris.coord_systems.GeogCS, iris.coord_systems.RotatedGeogCS),
        xt_coord.units = yt_coord.units = "degrees"
        xt_coord.units = yt_coord.units = "m"

    ut_cube.add_aux_coord(xt_coord, dims)
    ut_cube.add_aux_coord(yt_coord, dims)
    vt_cube.add_aux_coord(xt_coord.copy(), dims)
    vt_cube.add_aux_coord(yt_coord.copy(), dims)

    return ut_cube, vt_cube
Exemplo n.º 42
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        ## set the missing variable
        self.missing = kwargs.get('missing', MISSING)
        self.profile = kwargs.get('profile')
        self.latitude = kwargs.get('latitude', ma.masked)
        self.strictQC = kwargs.get('strictQC', False)

        ## get the data and turn them into arrays
        self.pres = ma.asanyarray(kwargs.get('pres'), dtype=float)
        self.hght = ma.asanyarray(kwargs.get('hght'), dtype=float)
        self.tmpc = ma.asanyarray(kwargs.get('tmpc'), dtype=float)
        self.dwpc = ma.asanyarray(kwargs.get('dwpc'), dtype=float)

        assert self.pres.ndim == 1 and self.hght.ndim == 1 and self.tmpc.ndim == 1 and self.dwpc.ndim == 1,\
               "The dimensions of the pres, hght, tmpc, and dwpc arrays passed to the Profile object constructor are not all one dimensional."

        assert len(self.pres) > 1 and len(self.hght) > 1 and len(self.tmpc) > 1 and len(self.dwpc) > 1,\
               "The length of the pres, hght, tmpc, and dwpc arrays passed to Profile object constructor must all have a length greater than 1."

        assert len(self.pres) == len(self.hght) == len(self.tmpc) == len(self.dwpc),\
                "The pres, hght, tmpc, or dwpc arrays passed to the Profile object constructor must all have the same length."

        if <= 100:
            warnings.warn("The pressure values passed to the profile object are below 100 mb.  This may cause some the SHARPpy routines not to behave as expected.") 

        if 'wdir' in kwargs and 'wspd' in kwargs:
            self.wdir = ma.asanyarray(kwargs.get('wdir'), dtype=float)
            self.wspd = ma.asanyarray(kwargs.get('wspd'), dtype=float)
            assert len(self.wdir) == len(self.wspd) == len(self.pres), "The wdir and wspd arrays passed to the Profile constructor must have the same length as the pres array."
            assert self.wdir.ndim == 1 and self.wspd.ndim == 1, "The wdir and wspd arrays passed to the Profile constructor are not one dimensional."
            #self.u, self.v = utils.vec2comp(self.wdir, self.wspd)
            self.u = None
            self.v = None

        ## did the user provide the wind in u,v form?
        elif 'u' in kwargs and 'v' in kwargs:
            self.u = ma.asanyarray(kwargs.get('u'), dtype=float)
            self.v = ma.asanyarray(kwargs.get('v'), dtype=float)
            assert len(self.u) == len(self.v) == len(self.pres), "The u and v arrays passed to the Profile constructor must have the same length as the pres array."
            assert self.u.ndim == 1 and self.v.ndim == 1, "The wdir and wspd arrays passed to the Profile constructor are not one dimensional."
            #self.wdir, self.wspd = utils.comp2vec(self.u, self.v)
            self.wdir = None
            self.wspd = None
            warnings.warn("No wind data (wdir/wspd or u/v) passed to the Profile object constructor.  This may cause some of the SHARPpy routines to not behave as expected.")

        ## check if any standard deviation data was supplied
        if 'tmp_stdev' in kwargs:
            self.dew_stdev = ma.asanyarray(kwargs.get('dew_stdev'), dtype=float)
            self.tmp_stdev = ma.asanyarray(kwargs.get('tmp_stdev'), dtype=float)
            self.dew_stdev = None
            self.tmp_stdev = None

        if kwargs.get('omeg', None) is not None:
            ## get the omega data and turn into arrays
            self.omeg = ma.asanyarray(kwargs.get('omeg'))
            assert len(self.omeg) == len(self.pres), "Length of omeg array passed to constructor is not the same length as the pres array."
            assert self.omeg.ndim == 1, "omeg array is not one dimensional."
            assert len(self.omeg) > 1, "omeg array length must have a length greater than 1."
            self.omeg = None

        ## optional keyword argument for location
        self.location = kwargs.get('location', None) = kwargs.get('date', None)

        if self.strictQC is True:
Exemplo n.º 43
    def subset(self, doy, depth, lat, lon, var):
        """ Subset the necessary data to interpolate in the right position

            Special cases that should be handled here:
                0 to 360 versus -180 to 180
                position near grenwich, or international date line

        dims = {}

        zn = slice(
                np.nonzero(self.dims['depth'] <= depth.min())[0].max(),
                    self.dims['depth'] >=
                            min(self.dims['depth'].max(), depth.max())
                            )[0].min() + 1
        # If a higher degree interpolation system uses more than one data
        #   point in the edge, I should extend this selection one point on
        #   each side, without go beyond 0
        # if zn.start < 0:
        #    zn = slice(0, zn.stop, zn.step)
        dims['depth'] = np.atleast_1d(self.dims['depth'][zn])

        yn = slice(
                np.nonzero(self.dims['lat'] <= lat.min())[0].max(),
                np.nonzero(self.dims['lat'] >= lat.max())[0].min() + 1)
        dims['lat'] = np.atleast_1d(self.dims['lat'][yn])

        lon_ext = np.array(
                (self.dims['lon'] - 360).tolist() +
                        self.dims['lon'].tolist() +
        xn_ext = np.array(3 * list(range(self.dims['lon'].shape[0])))
        xn_start = np.nonzero(lon_ext <= lon.min())[0].max()
        xn_end = np.nonzero(lon_ext >= lon.max())[0].min()
        xn = xn_ext[xn_start:xn_end+1]
        dims['lon'] = np.atleast_1d(lon_ext[xn_start:xn_end+1])

        #if self.dims['time'].shape == (1,):
        #    tn = 0
        #    dims['time'] = self.dims['time']
        #    time_ext = np.array(
        #            [self.dims['time'][-1] - 365.25] +
        #                    self.dims['time'].tolist() +
        #                    [self.dims['time'][0] + 365.25])
        #    tn_ext = list(range(self.dims['time'].size))
        #    tn_ext = [tn_ext[-1]] + tn_ext + [tn_ext[0]]
        #    tn_start = np.nonzero(time_ext <= doy.min())[0].max()
        #    tn_end = np.nonzero(time_ext >= doy.max())[0].min()
        #    tn = tn_ext[tn_start:tn_end+1]
        #    dims['time'] = np.atleast_1d(time_ext[tn_start:tn_end+1])
        dims['time'] = np.atleast_1d(doy)

        # messy way to accept t_mn or mn
        varin = []
        #for v in var:
        #    if v in self.KEYS:
        #        varin.append(v)
        #    elif self.KEYS[0][:2] + v in self.KEYS:
        #        varin.append(self.KEYS[0][:2] + v)
        import re
        #for v in var:
        #    if'(?:[t,s]_)?mn', v):
        #        varin.append('mn')
        #    elif'(?:[t,s]_)?sd', v):
        #        varin.append('sd')
        #    elif'(?:[t,s]_)?dd', v):
        #        varin.append('sd')

        subset = {}
        #for v, vin in zip(var, varin):
        #    subset[v] = ma.asanyarray(
        #            [self.ncs[tnn][vin][0, zn, yn, xn] for tnn in tn])

        for v in var:
            if v == 'mn':
                mn = []
                for d in doy:
                    t = 2 * np.pi * d/366
                    # Naive solution
                    # FIXME: This is not an efficient solution.
                    value = self.ncs[0]['mean'][:, yn, xn]
                    value[:64] += self.ncs[0]['an_cos'][:, yn, xn] * np.cos(t) + \
                        self.ncs[0]['an_sin'][:, yn, xn] * np.sin(t)
                    value[:55] += self.ncs[0]['sa_cos'][:, yn, xn] * np.cos(2*t) + \
                        self.ncs[0]['sa_sin'][:, yn, xn] * np.sin(2*t)

                subset['mn'] = ma.asanyarray(mn)
                subset[v] = ma.asanyarray(
                        doy.size * [self[v][zn, yn, xn]])

        return subset, dims
Exemplo n.º 44
''' Create the Sounding (Profile) Object '''
Exemplo n.º 45
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        ## set the missing variable
        self.missing = kwargs.get('missing', MISSING)
        self.profile = kwargs.get('profile')

        ## get the data and turn them into arrays
        self.pres = ma.asanyarray(kwargs.get('pres'), dtype=float)
        self.hght = ma.asanyarray(kwargs.get('hght'), dtype=float)
        self.tmpc = ma.asanyarray(kwargs.get('tmpc'), dtype=float)
        self.dwpc = ma.asanyarray(kwargs.get('dwpc'), dtype=float)

        if 'wdir' in kwargs:
            self.wdir = ma.asanyarray(kwargs.get('wdir'), dtype=float)
            self.wspd = ma.asanyarray(kwargs.get('wspd'), dtype=float)

            self.u = None
            self.v = None

        ## did the user provide the wind in u,v form?
        elif 'u' in kwargs:
            self.u = ma.asanyarray(kwargs.get('u'), dtype=float)
            self.v = ma.asanyarray(kwargs.get('v'), dtype=float)

            self.wdir = None
            self.wspd = None

        ## check if any standard deviation data was supplied
        if 'tmp_stdev' in kwargs:
            self.dew_stdev = ma.asanyarray(kwargs.get('dew_stdev'), dtype=float)
            self.tmp_stdev = ma.asanyarray(kwargs.get('tmp_stdev'), dtype=float)
            self.dew_stdev = None
            self.tmp_stdev = None

        if kwargs.get('omeg', None) is not None:
            ## get the omega data and turn into arrays
            self.omeg = ma.asanyarray(kwargs.get('omeg'))
            self.omeg = None

        ## optional keyword argument for location
        self.location = kwargs.get('location', None)
Exemplo n.º 46
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        Create the sounding data object

        Mandatory Keywords
            pres : array_like
                The pressure values (Hectopaschals)
            hght : array_like
                The corresponding height values (Meters)
            tmpc : array_like
                The corresponding temperature values (Celsius)
            dwpc : array_like
                The corresponding dewpoint temperature values (Celsius)

        Optional Keyword Pairs (must use one or the other)
            wdir : array_like
                The direction from which the wind is blowing in
                meteorological degrees
            wspd : array_like
                The speed of the wind


            u : array_like
                The U-component of the direction from which the wind
                is blowing
            v : array_like
                The V-component of the direction from which the wind
                is blowing.

        Optional Keywords
            missing : number (default: sharppy.sharptab.constants.MISSING)
                The value of the missing flag

        A profile object

        self.missing = kwargs.get('missing', MISSING)
        self.masked = ma.masked
        self.pres = ma.asanyarray(kwargs.get('pres'))
        self.hght = ma.asanyarray(kwargs.get('hght'))
        self.tmpc = ma.asanyarray(kwargs.get('tmpc'))
        self.dwpc = ma.asanyarray(kwargs.get('dwpc'))
        self.pres[self.pres == self.missing] = ma.masked
        self.hght[self.hght == self.missing] = ma.masked
        self.tmpc[self.tmpc == self.missing] = ma.masked
        self.dwpc[self.dwpc == self.missing] = ma.masked
        self.logp = np.log10(self.pres.copy())
        if 'wdir' in kwargs:
            self.wdir = ma.asanyarray(kwargs.get('wdir'))
            self.wspd = ma.asanyarray(kwargs.get('wspd'))
            self.wdir[self.wdir == self.missing] = ma.masked
            self.wspd[self.wspd == self.missing] = ma.masked
            self.wdir[self.wspd.mask] = ma.masked
            self.wspd[self.wdir.mask] = ma.masked
            self.u, self.v = utils.vec2comp(self.wdir, self.wspd)
        elif 'u' in kwargs:
            self.u = ma.asanyarray(kwargs.get('u'))
            self.v = ma.asanyarray(kwargs.get('v'))
            self.u[self.u == self.missing] = ma.masked
            self.v[self.v == self.missing] = ma.masked
            self.u[self.v.mask] = ma.masked
            self.v[self.u.mask] = ma.masked
            self.wdir, self.wspd = utils.comp2vec(self.u, self.v)
        self.sfc = self.get_sfc()
Exemplo n.º 47
    def subset(self, doy, depth, lat, lon, var):
        """ Subset the necessary data to interpolate in the right position

            Special cases that should be handled here:
                0 to 360 versus -180 to 180
                position near grenwich, or international date line

        dims = {}

        zn = slice(
                np.nonzero(self.dims['depth'] <= depth.min())[0].max(),
                    self.dims['depth'] >= \
                            min(self.dims['depth'].max(), depth.max())
                            )[0].min() + 1
        # If a higher degree interpolation system uses more than one data
        #   point in the edge, I should extend this selection one point on
        #   each side, without go beyond 0
        #if zn.start < 0:
        #    zn = slice(0, zn.stop, zn.step)
        dims['depth'] = np.atleast_1d(self.dims['depth'][zn])

        yn = slice(
                np.nonzero(self.dims['lat'] <= lat.min())[0].max(),
                np.nonzero(self.dims['lat'] >= lat.max())[0].min() + 1)
        dims['lat'] = np.atleast_1d(self.dims['lat'][yn])

        lon_ext = np.array(
                (self.dims['lon'] - 360).tolist() + \
                        self.dims['lon'].tolist() + \
        xn_ext = np.array(3 * list(range(self.dims['lon'].shape[0])))
        xn_start = np.nonzero(lon_ext <= lon.min())[0].max()
        xn_end = np.nonzero(lon_ext >= lon.max())[0].min()
        xn = xn_ext[xn_start:xn_end+1]
        dims['lon'] = np.atleast_1d(lon_ext[xn_start:xn_end+1])

        if self.dims['time'].shape == (1,):
            tn = 0
            dims['time'] = self.dims['time']
            time_ext = np.array(
                    [self.dims['time'][-1] - 365.25] + \
                            self.dims['time'].tolist() + \
                            [self.dims['time'][0] + 365.25])
            tn_ext = list(range(self.dims['time'].size))
            tn_ext = [tn_ext[-1]] + tn_ext + [tn_ext[0]]
            tn_start = np.nonzero(time_ext <= doy.min())[0].max()
            tn_end = np.nonzero(time_ext >= doy.max())[0].min()
            tn = tn_ext[tn_start:tn_end+1]
            dims['time'] = np.atleast_1d(time_ext[tn_start:tn_end+1])

        # messy way to accept t_mn or mn
        varin = []
        for v in var:
            if v in self.KEYS:
            elif self.KEYS[0][:2] + v in self.KEYS:
                varin.append(self.KEYS[0][:2] + v)

        subset = {}
        for v, vin in zip(var, varin):
            subset[v] = ma.asanyarray(
                    [self.ncs[tnn][vin][0, zn, yn, xn] for tnn in tn])

        return subset, dims
Exemplo n.º 48
def frequency_distribution(obs,
    Takes a number of events and counts the frequency of these events falling into
    either a fixed number of equi-distant bins over the given range or bins of
    fixed width over the range.

    obs: iterable
        An aggregation of numerical observations.
    num_bins: int (optional)
        The number of equi-distant bins used over the numeric range.
    binwidth: float (optional)
        Desired width of the bins. This overrides `num_bins`.
    limits: tuple (lower, upper) (optional)
        The lower and upper values for the range of the distribution.
        If no value is given, a range slightly larger then the range of the
        values in `obs` is used. Specifically ``(a.min() - s, a.max() + s)``,
            where ``s = (1/2)(a.max() - a.min()) / num_bins``.
    weights: iterable (optional)
        Weights for the data points in `obs`. The default is `None` weighting
        all points equal.
    drop: bool (optional)
        Determines whether or not bins with zero events are dropped from the
        resulting list.

    A list of pairs, the first entry is the centre of the bin borders at which
    the frequency of an event is measured, and the second entry is the frequency
    obs = nma.asanyarray(obs)
    nma.masked_invalid(obs, copy=False)
    obs = numpy.ravel(obs)
    if obs.size == 0:
        return list()
    if limits is None:
        mn = obs.min()
        mx = obs.max()
        (mn, mx) = limits
    if binwidth:
        binwidth = float(binwidth)
        num_bins = numpy.floor((mx - mn) / binwidth)
        num_bins = int(num_bins)
        binwidth = (mx - mn) / num_bins
    offset = binwidth * 0.5
    if limits is None:
        limits = (mn - offset, mx + offset)
    # extend the numeric range slightly beyond the data range
    (freq, bins) = numpy.histogram(obs[~obs.mask],
    if drop:
        points = [(bins[k] + offset, freq[k]) for k in range(freq.size)\
                if freq[k] > 0]
        points = [(bins[k] + offset, freq[k]) for k in range(freq.size)]
    return points
Exemplo n.º 49
    def subset(self, doy, depth, lat, lon, var):
        """ Subset the necessary data to interpolate in the right position

            Special cases that should be handled here:
                0 to 360 versus -180 to 180
                position near grenwich, or international date line

        dims = {}

        zn = slice(
            np.nonzero(self.dims['depth'] <= depth.min())[0].max(),
            np.nonzero(self.dims['depth'] >= min(self.dims['depth'].max(),
                                                 depth.max()))[0].min() + 1)
        # If a higher degree interpolation system uses more than one data
        #   point in the edge, I should extend this selection one point on
        #   each side, without go beyond 0
        # if zn.start < 0:
        #    zn = slice(0, zn.stop, zn.step)
        dims['depth'] = np.atleast_1d(self.dims['depth'][zn])

        yn = slice(
            np.nonzero(self.dims['lat'] <= lat.min())[0].max(),
            np.nonzero(self.dims['lat'] >= lat.max())[0].min() + 1)
        dims['lat'] = np.atleast_1d(self.dims['lat'][yn])

        lon_ext = np.array((self.dims['lon'] - 360).tolist() +
                           self.dims['lon'].tolist() +
                           (self.dims['lon'] + 360).tolist())
        xn_ext = np.array(3 * list(range(self.dims['lon'].shape[0])))
        xn_start = np.nonzero(lon_ext <= lon.min())[0].max()
        xn_end = np.nonzero(lon_ext >= lon.max())[0].min()
        xn = xn_ext[xn_start:xn_end + 1]
        dims['lon'] = np.atleast_1d(lon_ext[xn_start:xn_end + 1])

        if self.dims['time'].shape == (1, ):
            tn = 0
            dims['time'] = self.dims['time']
            time_ext = np.array([self.dims['time'][-1] - 365.25] +
                                self.dims['time'].tolist() +
                                [self.dims['time'][0] + 365.25])
            tn_ext = list(range(self.dims['time'].size))
            tn_ext = [tn_ext[-1]] + tn_ext + [tn_ext[0]]
            tn_start = np.nonzero(time_ext <= doy.min())[0].max()
            tn_end = np.nonzero(time_ext >= doy.max())[0].min()
            tn = tn_ext[tn_start:tn_end + 1]
            dims['time'] = np.atleast_1d(time_ext[tn_start:tn_end + 1])

        # messy way to accept t_mn or mn
        varin = []
        for v in var:
            if v in self.KEYS:
            elif self.KEYS[0][:2] + v in self.KEYS:
                varin.append(self.KEYS[0][:2] + v)

        subset = {}
        for v, vin in zip(var, varin):
            subset[v] = ma.asanyarray(
                [self.ncs[tnn][vin][0, zn, yn, xn] for tnn in tn])

        return subset, dims
Exemplo n.º 50
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        ## set the missing variable
        self.missing = kwargs.get('missing', MISSING)
        self.profile = kwargs.get('profile')
        self.latitude = kwargs.get('latitude', ma.masked)

        ## get the data and turn them into arrays
        self.pres = ma.asanyarray(kwargs.get('pres'), dtype=float)
        self.hght = ma.asanyarray(kwargs.get('hght'), dtype=float)
        self.tmpc = ma.asanyarray(kwargs.get('tmpc'), dtype=float)
        self.dwpc = ma.asanyarray(kwargs.get('dwpc'), dtype=float)

        if 'wdir' in kwargs:
            self.wdir = ma.asanyarray(kwargs.get('wdir'), dtype=float)
            self.wspd = ma.asanyarray(kwargs.get('wspd'), dtype=float)

            self.u = None
            self.v = None

        ## did the user provide the wind in u,v form?
        elif 'u' in kwargs:
            self.u = ma.asanyarray(kwargs.get('u'), dtype=float)
            self.v = ma.asanyarray(kwargs.get('v'), dtype=float)

            self.wdir = None
            self.wspd = None

        ## check if any standard deviation data was supplied
        if 'tmp_stdev' in kwargs:
            self.dew_stdev = ma.asanyarray(kwargs.get('dew_stdev'),
            self.tmp_stdev = ma.asanyarray(kwargs.get('tmp_stdev'),
            self.dew_stdev = None
            self.tmp_stdev = None

        if kwargs.get('omeg', None) is not None:
            ## get the omega data and turn into arrays
            self.omeg = ma.asanyarray(kwargs.get('omeg'))
            self.omeg = None

        ## optional keyword argument for location
        self.location = kwargs.get('location', None) = kwargs.get('date', None)
Exemplo n.º 51
def _jprimes(x, i, x_bounds=None):
    Helper function to return the j' indices for the master curve fit

    This function is a helper function for :py:func:`quality`. It is not
    supposed to be called directly.

    x : mapping to ndarrays
        The x values.

    i : int
        The row index (finite size index)

    x_bounds : 2-tuple, optional
        bounds on x values

    ret : mapping to ndarrays
        Has the same keys and shape as `x`.
        Its element ``ret[i'][j]`` is the j' such that :math:`x_{i'j'} \leq
        x_{ij} < x_{i'(j'+1)}`.
        If no such j' exists, the element is np.nan.
        Convert the element to int to use as an index.

    j_primes = - np.ones_like(x)

        x_masked = ma.masked_outside(x, x_bounds[0], x_bounds[1])
    except (TypeError, IndexError):
        x_masked = ma.asanyarray(x)

    k, n = x.shape

    # indices of lower and upper bounds
    edges = ma.notmasked_edges(x_masked, axis=1)
    x_lower = np.zeros(k, dtype=int)
    x_upper = np.zeros(k, dtype=int)
    x_lower[edges[0][0]] = edges[0][-1]
    x_upper[edges[-1][0]] = edges[-1][-1]

    for i_prime in range(k):
        if i_prime == i:
            j_primes[i_prime][:] = np.nan

        jprimes = np.searchsorted(
            x[i_prime], x[i], side='right'
        ).astype(float) - 1
                jprimes < x_lower[i_prime],
                jprimes >= x_upper[i_prime]
        ] = np.nan
        j_primes[i_prime][:] = jprimes

    return j_primes