Exemplo n.º 1
def Read_LUT(prjType, filepath, dataRes):
    :param prjType:
    :param filepath:
    :param dataRes:
    if ((prjType == 'GEO') | (prjType == 'NUL')):
        lutpath = filepath
        with Dataset(lutpath, 'r') as fid:
            lat = fid.variables['lat'][:]
            lon = fid.variables['lon'][:]
    elif (prjType == 'NOM'):
        if (dataRes == '4000M'):
            lutpath = r'/FY4APGSQCS/QCS/pyFY4AL2src/LUT/FullMask_Grid_4000_1047E_BSQ.nc'
        elif (dataRes == '1000M'):
            lutpath = r'/FY4APGSQCS/QCS/pyFY4AL2src/LUT/FullMask_Grid_1000_1047E_BSQ.nc'
        elif (dataRes == '012KM'):
            lutpath = r'/FY4APGSQCS/QCS/pyFY4AL2src/LUT/FullMask_Grid_12000_1047E_BSQ.nc'

        with Dataset(lutpath, 'r') as fid:
            lat = fid.variables['LAT'][:]
            lon = fid.variables['LON'][:]
        lat = ma.masked_values(lat, -999.)
        lon = ma.masked_values(lon, -999.)
    return lat, lon
Exemplo n.º 2
    def calculateMeans(self, synMean, synMin, synMed, synMax, synMinCP):
        Calculate mean, median, minimum, maximum and percentiles of pressure
        values from synthetic events.

        :param synMean: `numpy.ndarray`
        :param synMin: `numpy.ndarray`
        :param synMed: `numpy.ndarray`
        :param synMax: `numpy.ndarray`
        :param synMinCP: `numpy.ndarray`

        synMean = ma.masked_values(synMean, -9999.)
        synMin = ma.masked_values(synMin, -9999.)
        synMed = ma.masked_values(synMed, -9999.)
        synMax = ma.masked_values(synMax, -9999.)

        self.synMean = ma.mean(synMean, axis=0)
        self.synMed = ma.mean(synMed, axis=0)
        self.synMin = ma.mean(synMin, axis=0)
        self.synMax = ma.mean(synMax, axis=0)

        self.synMeanUpper = percentile(ma.compressed(synMean), per=95, axis=0)
        self.synMeanLower = percentile(ma.compressed(synMean), per=5, axis=0)
        self.synMinUpper = percentile(ma.compressed(synMin), per=95, axis=0)
        self.synMinLower = percentile(ma.compressed(synMin), per=5, axis=0)

        self.synMinCPDist = np.mean(synMinCP, axis=0)
        self.synMinCPLower = percentile(synMinCP, per=5, axis=0)
        self.synMinCPUpper = percentile(synMinCP, per=95, axis=0)
        r = list(np.random.uniform(high=synMean.shape[0], size=3).astype(int))
        self.synRandomMinima = synMean[r, :, :]
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_unsorted_input(self):
     "Test tsfromtxt when the dates of the input are not sorted."
     datatxt = """dates,a,b
                 2007-04-02 01:00,,0.
                 2007-04-02 02:00,2.,20
                 2007-04-02 03:00,,
                 2007-04-02 00:00,0.,10.
                 2007-04-02 03:00,3.,30
                 2007-04-02 01:00,1.,10
                 2007-04-02 02:00,,
     data = StringIO.StringIO(datatxt)
     dates = [
         Date('H', '2007-04-02 0%i:00' % hour)
         for hour in (1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2)
     controla = ma.masked_values([0, -1, 1, 2, -1, -1, 3], -1)
     controlb = ma.masked_values([10, 0, 10, 20, -1, -1, 30], -1)
     data = StringIO.StringIO(datatxt)
     test = tsfromtxt(data, delimiter=',', names=True, freq='H')
     assert_equal(test.dtype.names, ['a', 'b'])
     assert_equal(test['a'], controla)
     assert_equal(test['a'].mask, controla.mask)
     assert_equal(test['b'], controlb)
     assert_equal(test['b'].mask, controlb.mask)
Exemplo n.º 4
def get_mean_percentile():
    p98_red = calculate_percentile(ma.masked_values(controllers.get_red(), 0), 98)
    p98_green = calculate_percentile(ma.masked_values(controllers.get_green(), 0), 98)
    p98_blue = calculate_percentile(ma.masked_values(controllers.get_blue(), 0), 100)
    p98_mean = (p98_red + p98_green + p98_blue) / 3
    print(p98_red, p98_green, p98_blue, p98_mean)
    return p98_red, p98_green, p98_blue, p98_mean
Exemplo n.º 5
def viz_ress(n, vname):
    N = pyart.io.read(n)
    display = pyart.graph.RadarMapDisplay(N)
    x = N.fields[vname]['data']

    m = np.zeros_like(x)
    m[:, 120:] = 1
    y = ma.masked_array(x, m)
    y = ma.masked_values(y, 0.0)
    y = ma.masked_values(y, 10.0)
    y = ma.masked_values(y, 20.0)
    y = ma.masked_values(y, 140.0)
    y = ma.masked_values(y, 150.0)
    N.fields[vname]['data'] = y

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 5))

    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    display.set_limits(xlim=(-40, 40), ylim=(-40, 40), ax=ax)

    fig.savefig("./tmp_test/" + vname + ".png", bbox_inches='tight')
Exemplo n.º 6
    def _order1_cartesian_curl():
        Calculate curl using Cartesian first-order differencing.

        An ma array is returned.

        Algorithm:  First-order differencing (interior points use 
        centered differencing, and end points use forward or backward 
        differencing, as applicable) in Cartesian coordinates (see 
        Glickman [2000], p. 194).
        dFy_dx_N = np.zeros((len(y), len(x)), dtype=float)
        dFx_dy_N = np.zeros((len(y), len(x)), dtype=float)

        for iy in range(len(y)):
            dFy_dx_N[iy,:] = deriv( x, np.ravel(Fy[iy,:]) \
                                  , missing=missing, algorithm='order1')

        for ix in range(len(x)):
            dFx_dy_N[:,ix] = deriv( y, np.ravel(Fx[:,ix]) \
                                  , missing=missing, algorithm='order1')

        dFy_dx = ma.masked_values(dFy_dx_N, missing, copy=0)
        dFx_dy = ma.masked_values(dFx_dy_N, missing, copy=0)

        return dFy_dx - dFx_dy
Exemplo n.º 7
def woa_profile_from_dap(var, d, lat, lon, depth, cfg):
    Monthly Climatologic Mean and Standard Deviation from WOA,
    used either for temperature or salinity.

        time: [day of the year]
        lat: [-90<lat<90]
        lon: [-180<lon<180]
        depth: [meters]

    Reads the WOA Monthly Climatology NetCDF file and
    returns the corresponding WOA values of salinity or temperature mean and
    standard deviation for the given time, lat, lon, depth.
    if lon < 0:
        lon = lon+360

    url = cfg['url']

    doy = int(d.strftime('%j'))
    dataset = open_url(url)

    dn = (np.abs(doy-dataset['time'][:])).argmin()
    xn = (np.abs(lon-dataset['lon'][:])).argmin()
    yn = (np.abs(lat-dataset['lat'][:])).argmin()

    if re.match("temperature\d?$", var):
        mn = ma.masked_values(dataset.t_mn.t_mn[dn, :, yn, xn].reshape(
            dataset['depth'].shape[0]), dataset.t_mn.attributes['_FillValue'])
        sd = ma.masked_values(dataset.t_sd.t_sd[dn, :, yn, xn].reshape(
            dataset['depth'].shape[0]), dataset.t_sd.attributes['_FillValue'])
        # se = ma.masked_values(dataset.t_se.t_se[dn, :, yn, xn].reshape(
        #    dataset['depth'].shape[0]), dataset.t_se.attributes['_FillValue'])
        # Use this in the future. A minimum # of samples
        # dd = ma.masked_values(dataset.t_dd.t_dd[dn, :, yn, xn].reshape(
        #    dataset['depth'].shape[0]), dataset.t_dd.attributes['_FillValue'])
    elif re.match("salinity\d?$", var):
        mn = ma.masked_values(dataset.s_mn.s_mn[dn, :, yn, xn].reshape(
            dataset['depth'].shape[0]), dataset.s_mn.attributes['_FillValue'])
        sd = ma.masked_values(dataset.s_sd.s_sd[dn, :, yn, xn].reshape(
            dataset['depth'].shape[0]), dataset.s_sd.attributes['_FillValue'])
        # dd = ma.masked_values(dataset.s_dd.s_dd[dn, :, yn, xn].reshape(
        #    dataset['depth'].shape[0]), dataset.s_dd.attributes['_FillValue'])
    zwoa = ma.array(dataset.depth[:])

    ind = (depth <= zwoa.max()) & (depth >= zwoa.min())
    # Mean value profile
    f = interp1d(zwoa[~ma.getmaskarray(mn)].compressed(), mn.compressed())
    mn_interp = ma.masked_all(depth.shape)
    mn_interp[ind] = f(depth[ind])
    # The stdev profile
    f = interp1d(zwoa[~ma.getmaskarray(sd)].compressed(), sd.compressed())
    sd_interp = ma.masked_all(depth.shape)
    sd_interp[ind] = f(depth[ind])

    output = {'woa_an': mn_interp, 'woa_sd': sd_interp}

    return output
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: woa.py Projeto: wydh/oceansdb
def woa_profile_from_dap(var, d, lat, lon, depth, cfg):
    Monthly Climatologic Mean and Standard Deviation from WOA,
    used either for temperature or salinity.

        time: [day of the year]
        lat: [-90<lat<90]
        lon: [-180<lon<180]
        depth: [meters]

    Reads the WOA Monthly Climatology NetCDF file and
    returns the corresponding WOA values of salinity or temperature mean and
    standard deviation for the given time, lat, lon, depth.
    if lon < 0:
        lon = lon+360

    url = cfg['url']

    doy = int(d.strftime('%j'))
    dataset = open_url(url)

    dn = (np.abs(doy-dataset['time'][:])).argmin()
    xn = (np.abs(lon-dataset['lon'][:])).argmin()
    yn = (np.abs(lat-dataset['lat'][:])).argmin()

    if re.match(r'temperature\d?$', var):
        mn = ma.masked_values(dataset.t_mn.t_mn[dn, :, yn, xn].reshape(
            dataset['depth'].shape[0]), dataset.t_mn.attributes['_FillValue'])
        sd = ma.masked_values(dataset.t_sd.t_sd[dn, :, yn, xn].reshape(
            dataset['depth'].shape[0]), dataset.t_sd.attributes['_FillValue'])
        # se = ma.masked_values(dataset.t_se.t_se[dn, :, yn, xn].reshape(
        #    dataset['depth'].shape[0]), dataset.t_se.attributes['_FillValue'])
        # Use this in the future. A minimum # of samples
        # dd = ma.masked_values(dataset.t_dd.t_dd[dn, :, yn, xn].reshape(
        #    dataset['depth'].shape[0]), dataset.t_dd.attributes['_FillValue'])
    elif re.match(r'salinity\d?$', var):
        mn = ma.masked_values(dataset.s_mn.s_mn[dn, :, yn, xn].reshape(
            dataset['depth'].shape[0]), dataset.s_mn.attributes['_FillValue'])
        sd = ma.masked_values(dataset.s_sd.s_sd[dn, :, yn, xn].reshape(
            dataset['depth'].shape[0]), dataset.s_sd.attributes['_FillValue'])
        # dd = ma.masked_values(dataset.s_dd.s_dd[dn, :, yn, xn].reshape(
        #    dataset['depth'].shape[0]), dataset.s_dd.attributes['_FillValue'])
    zwoa = ma.array(dataset.depth[:])

    ind = (depth <= zwoa.max()) & (depth >= zwoa.min())
    # Mean value profile
    f = interp1d(zwoa[~ma.getmaskarray(mn)].compressed(), mn.compressed())
    mn_interp = ma.masked_all(depth.shape)
    mn_interp[ind] = f(depth[ind])
    # The stdev profile
    f = interp1d(zwoa[~ma.getmaskarray(sd)].compressed(), sd.compressed())
    sd_interp = ma.masked_all(depth.shape)
    sd_interp[ind] = f(depth[ind])

    output = {'woa_an': mn_interp, 'woa_sd': sd_interp}

    return output
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_ma():
    x = ma.array([1.0, 2, 3])
    assert K(x) == k('1.0 2 3')

    x = ma.masked_values([1.0, 0, 2], 0)
    assert K(x) == k('1 0n 2')

    s = ma.masked_values(0.0, 0)
    assert K(s) == k('0n')
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_ma():
    x = ma.array([1.0, 2, 3])
    assert K(x) == k('1.0 2 3')

    x = ma.masked_values([1.0, 0, 2], 0)
    assert K(x) == k('1 0n 2')

    s = ma.masked_values(0.0, 0)
    assert K(s) == k('0n')
Exemplo n.º 11
    def AddBarbsMap(self, m, data):
        :param m: 底图
        :param data: 连续型数据
        wind_speed = data[0]
        wind_direction = data[1]
        pressure = data[2]
        wind_mdirection = ma.masked_values(wind_direction, -999)
        wind_mspeed = ma.masked_values(wind_speed, -999)
        mpressure = ma.masked_values(pressure, -999)

        x, y = m(self.lon, self.lat)

        U = -wind_mspeed * np.sin(np.deg2rad(wind_mdirection)) * 2.5
        V = -wind_mspeed * np.cos(np.deg2rad(wind_mdirection)) * 2.5

        m.barbs(x[mpressure < 400],
                y[mpressure < 400],
                U[mpressure < 400],
                V[mpressure < 400],
        m.barbs(x[(mpressure >= 400) & (mpressure <= 700)],
                y[(mpressure >= 400) & (mpressure <= 700)],
                U[(mpressure >= 400) & (mpressure <= 700)],
                V[(mpressure >= 400) & (mpressure <= 700)],
        m.barbs(x[mpressure > 700],
                y[mpressure > 700],
                U[mpressure > 700],
                V[mpressure > 700],
        colors = ["red", "#00ff00", "#0009fa"]
        names = ["<400hPa", "400~700hPa", ">700hPa"]
        for i in range(len(colors)):
            if (i > 5):
                xx = 0.1 + 0.15 * (i - 6)
                yy = 0.1
                xx = 0.1 + 0.15 * i
                yy = 0.4
                plt.Rectangle((xx, yy), 0.04, 0.2, color=colors[i]))
            CMap.axes2.text(xx + 0.04, yy + 0.05, names[i], fontsize=58)
        return True
Exemplo n.º 12
def npTable(target):
	#load into numpy array. if the side of pier is west return 1, else retun 0
	#dont bother reading in column 4, I dont know what the data mean, weird format
	t=np.loadtxt(target, skiprows=10, converters = {2: lambda s: True if s=='West' else False}, 
		usecols=[i for i in range(0,36) if i !=4])

	#mask bad values
	return ttt
Exemplo n.º 13
def viz_ress(n, vname):
    N = pyart.io.read(n)
    display = pyart.graph.RadarMapDisplay(N)
    x = N.fields[vname]['data']
    m = np.zeros_like(x)
    m[:,120:] = 1
    y = ma.masked_array(x, m)
    y = ma.masked_values(y, 0.0) 
    y = ma.masked_values(y, 10.0) 
    y = ma.masked_values(y, 20.0)
    y = ma.masked_values(y, 50.0)
    y = ma.masked_values(y, 70.0)
    y = ma.masked_values(y, 90.0)
    y = ma.masked_values(y, 100.0)
    y = ma.masked_values(y, 140.0) 
    y = ma.masked_values(y, 150.0) 

    y = np.where(y == 80, 0, y)
    y = np.where(y == 40, 1, y)
    y = np.where(y == 30, 2, y)
    y = np.where(y == 60, 3, y)
    y = ma.masked_where(y > 3, y)

    N.fields[vname]['data'] = y

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 5))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    #display.plot(vname, 0, title=vname, colorbar_label='', ax=ax)
    display.plot(vname, 0, title=vname, colorbar_label='', ticks=range(4), ticklabs=['Big Drops', 'Dry Snow', 'Ice Crystals', 'Rain'], ax=ax, vmin=-0.5, vmax=3.5, cmap=discrete_cmap(4, 'rainbow'))
    display.set_limits(xlim=(-40, 40), ylim=(-40, 40), ax=ax)

    fig.savefig("./tmp_test/"+vname+".png", bbox_inches='tight')
Exemplo n.º 14
def DrawNOMMap(data,
               level=np.arange(-5, 36, 1)):
    if (dataSour == 'FY2F'):
        lon0 = 112.
    elif (dataSour == 'FY2G'):
        lon0 = 104.5
    elif (dataSour == 'FY2H'):
        lon0 = 79.
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(27.48, 30), dpi=100)  # 图像的长*高=2748*3000
    axes1 = fig.add_axes([0., 0.084, 1., 0.916
                          ])  # 加两个panel,地图区和图例区域,四参数分别为:左边、下边框离边缘距离百分比,绘图区的宽和高
    axes2 = fig.add_axes([0., 0., 1., 0.084], facecolor='#e8e8e8')
    cax = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.03, 0.65, 0.02])

    mlat = ma.masked_values(lat, 99999.)
    mlon = ma.masked_values(lon, 99999.)
    m = Basemap(
        projection='nsper', lat_0=0, lon_0=lon0, resolution='l', ax=axes1
    )  # resoluiton:c (crude), l (low), i (intermediate), h (high), f (full)
    x, y = m(mlon, mlat)
    # m.drawlsmask(land_color='#bebebe', ocean_color='#01008a')  # 陆地,海洋的颜色
    m.drawparallels(range(-90, 90, 10))
    m.drawmeridians(range(0, 360, 10))

    cs = m.contourf(x, y, data, cmap=plt.cm.jet,
                    levels=level)  # 定义分级:levels=np.arange(250, 355, 5)
    cb = plt.colorbar(cs, cax=cax, orientation='horizontal')

    axes2.text(0.76, 0.4, "Unit:(" + u'\u2103' + ")", fontsize=32)

                  family='Times New Roman',
    axicon = fig.add_axes([0.85, 0.01, 0.15, 0.05])

    return 0
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_interval_missing_observations():
    with Model() as model:
        obs1 = ma.masked_values([1, 2, -1, 4, -1], value=-1)
        obs2 = ma.masked_values([-1, -1, 6, -1, 8], value=-1)

        rng = aesara.shared(np.random.RandomState(2323), borrow=True)

        with pytest.warns(ImputationWarning):
            theta1 = Uniform("theta1", 0, 5, observed=obs1, rng=rng)
        with pytest.warns(ImputationWarning):
            theta2 = Normal("theta2", mu=theta1, observed=obs2, rng=rng)

        assert "theta1_observed" in model.named_vars
        assert "theta1_missing_interval__" in model.named_vars
        assert not hasattr(
            model.rvs_to_values[model.named_vars["theta1_observed"]].tag, "transform"

        prior_trace = sample_prior_predictive(return_inferencedata=False)

        # Make sure the observed + missing combined deterministics have the
        # same shape as the original observations vectors
        assert prior_trace["theta1"].shape[-1] == obs1.shape[0]
        assert prior_trace["theta2"].shape[-1] == obs2.shape[0]

        # Make sure that the observed values are newly generated samples
        assert np.all(np.var(prior_trace["theta1_observed"], 0) > 0.0)
        assert np.all(np.var(prior_trace["theta2_observed"], 0) > 0.0)

        # Make sure the missing parts of the combined deterministic matches the
        # sampled missing and observed variable values
        assert np.mean(prior_trace["theta1"][:, obs1.mask] - prior_trace["theta1_missing"]) == 0.0
        assert np.mean(prior_trace["theta1"][:, ~obs1.mask] - prior_trace["theta1_observed"]) == 0.0
        assert np.mean(prior_trace["theta2"][:, obs2.mask] - prior_trace["theta2_missing"]) == 0.0
        assert np.mean(prior_trace["theta2"][:, ~obs2.mask] - prior_trace["theta2_observed"]) == 0.0

        assert {"theta1", "theta2"} <= set(prior_trace.keys())

        trace = sample(
            chains=1, draws=50, compute_convergence_checks=False, return_inferencedata=False

        assert np.all(0 < trace["theta1_missing"].mean(0))
        assert np.all(0 < trace["theta2_missing"].mean(0))
        assert "theta1" not in trace.varnames
        assert "theta2" not in trace.varnames

        # Make sure that the observed values are newly generated samples and that
        # the observed and deterministic matche
        pp_trace = sample_posterior_predictive(trace, return_inferencedata=False, keep_size=False)
        assert np.all(np.var(pp_trace["theta1"], 0) > 0.0)
        assert np.all(np.var(pp_trace["theta2"], 0) > 0.0)
        assert np.mean(pp_trace["theta1"][:, ~obs1.mask] - pp_trace["theta1_observed"]) == 0.0
        assert np.mean(pp_trace["theta2"][:, ~obs2.mask] - pp_trace["theta2_observed"]) == 0.0
Exemplo n.º 16
def fine_fuel(rs_fname):
    """Opens a named restart file, sums the fine fuel variables over all 
    PFTs. This results in a map of fuel loading."""
    d = nc.Dataset(rs_fname)
    met = d.variables["fuel_1hr_met"]
    struct = d.variables["fuel_1hr_str"]
    met_raw = ma.masked_values(met[:], met.missing_value)
    met_map = np.sum(met_raw, axis=(0, 1))
    struct_raw = ma.masked_values(struct[:], struct.missing_value)
    struct_map = np.sum(struct_raw, axis=(0, 1))
    return met_map + struct_map
def use_netcdf_files():
	nc = netcdf.netcdf_file('/home/nicholas/data/netcdf_files/CFLX_2000_2009.nc', 'r')
	all_data = nc.variables['Cflx'][:, :45, :180]
	all_data = all_data * 1000 * 24 * 60 * 60
	all_data = ma.masked_values(all_data, 1e20)

	nc = netcdf.netcdf_file('/home/nicholas/data/netcdf_files/ORCA2.0_grid.nc', 'r')
	mask = nc.variables['mask'][0, :45, :180]
	mask = ma.masked_values(mask, -1e34)
	return all_data, mask
Exemplo n.º 18
def fine_fuel(rs_fname):
    """Opens a named restart file, sums the fine fuel variables over all 
    PFTs. This results in a map of fuel loading."""
    d = nc.Dataset(rs_fname)
    met = d.variables['fuel_1hr_met']
    struct = d.variables['fuel_1hr_str']
    met_raw = ma.masked_values(met[:], met.missing_value)
    met_map = np.sum(met_raw, axis=(0, 1))
    struct_raw = ma.masked_values(struct[:], struct.missing_value)
    struct_map = np.sum(struct_raw, axis=(0, 1))
    return met_map + struct_map
Exemplo n.º 19
def test_internal_missing_observations():
    with Model() as model:
        obs1 = ma.masked_values([1, 2, -1, 4, -1], value=-1)
        obs2 = ma.masked_values([-1, -1, 6, -1, 8], value=-1)
        with pytest.warns(ImputationWarning):
            theta1 = Normal('theta1', mu=2, observed=obs1)
        with pytest.warns(ImputationWarning):
            theta2 = Normal('theta2', mu=theta1, observed=obs2)

        prior_trace = sample_prior_predictive()
        assert set(['theta1', 'theta2']) <= set(prior_trace.keys())
Exemplo n.º 20
def plot_res(n0h, n0c, n0k, n0r, n0x, results, labels):
    viz_res(n0c, 'cross_correlation_ratio')
    viz_res(n0k, 'specific_differential_phase')
    viz_res(n0x, 'differential_reflectivity')
    viz_resr(n0r, 'reflectivity')
    viz_ress(n0h, 'radar_echo_classification', labels)

    N0H = pyart.io.read(n0h)
    display_h = pyart.graph.RadarMapDisplay(N0H)
    data_n0h = N0H.fields['radar_echo_classification']['data']

    m = np.zeros_like(data_n0h)
    m[:, 180:] = 1
    y = ma.masked_array(data_n0h, m)
    y = ma.masked_values(y, 0.0)
    y = ma.masked_values(y, 10.0)
    y = ma.masked_values(y, 20.0)
    y = ma.masked_values(y, 50.0)
    y = ma.masked_values(y, 70.0)
    y = ma.masked_values(y, 90.0)
    y = ma.masked_values(y, 100.0)
    y = ma.masked_values(y, 120.0)
    y = ma.masked_values(y, 140.0)
    y = ma.masked_values(y, 150.0)
    results = ma.masked_where(ma.getmask(y[:, :180]), results)
    for j in range(len(idx)):
        for k in range(len(idy)):
            r1 = idx[j]
            c1 = idy[k]
            y[r1:r1 + 30, c1:c1 + 30] = results[r1:r1 + 30, c1:c1 + 30]

    N0H.fields['radar_echo_classification']['data'] = y

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 5))

    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
                   title='classification results',
                   ticklabs=['Big Drops', 'Dry Snow', 'Ice Crystals', 'Rain'],
                   cmap=discrete_cmap(4, 'rainbow'))
    #display_h.plot('radar_echo_classification', 0, title='classification results', colorbar_label='', ax=ax, cmap=cMap)
    display_h.set_limits(xlim=(-50, 50), ylim=(-50, 50), ax=ax)

    fig.savefig("res.png", bbox_inches='tight')
Exemplo n.º 21
def eke(cutperiod=360, dt=7, verbose=False):
        Include the possibility to do with a different dataset, like anomaly or ref.

        ATENTION, need to move user and password out of here.
    from maud import window_1Dmean
    l = cutperiod * 24  # From days to hours. Aviso time is on hours.

    #self.metadata['urlbase'] = "http://%s:%[email protected]/thredds/dodsC" % (self.metadata['username'], self.metadata['password'])

    url_uv = "http://*****:*****@opendap.aviso.oceanobs.com/thredds/dodsC/dataset-duacs-dt-upd-global-merged-madt-uv-daily"
    dataset = open_url(url_uv)

    T, I, J = dataset.Grid_0001.shape
    eke = ma.masked_all((I, J))

    I, J = numpy.nonzero(
            dataset.Grid_0001.Grid_0001[-300::60, :, :],
    t = ma.array(dataset.time[::dt])
    if verbose:
        from progressbar import ProgressBar
        pbar = ProgressBar(maxval=I.shape[0]).start()
        n = -1
    for i, j in zip(I, J):
        if verbose:
            n += 1
        doit = True
        while doit:
                u = ma.masked_values(
                    dataset.Grid_0001.Grid_0001[::dt, i, j],
                    dataset.Grid_0001.attributes['_FillValue']) * 1e-2
                v = ma.masked_values(
                    dataset.Grid_0002.Grid_0002[::dt, i, j],
                    dataset.Grid_0002.attributes['_FillValue']) * 1e-2
                u_prime = u - window_1Dmean(u, l=l, t=t, axis=0)
                v_prime = v - window_1Dmean(v, l=l, t=t, axis=0)
                eke[i, j] = (u_prime**2 + v_prime**2).mean() / 2.
                doit = False
                print "I had some trouble. I'll wait a litte bit and try again"
    if verbose:

    return eke
Exemplo n.º 22
def unityOfMatch(m1, m2):
    @param m1 Nx1 list of index locations (or -1) for second image that match to first
    @param m2 Mx1 list of index locations (or -1) for first image that match to second:w
    @return (indexes of rel feats for im1, indexes of rel feats for im2)

    m1m = ma.masked_values(m1.T[0], -1).astype(int)
    m2m = ma.masked_values(m2.T[0], -1).astype(int)

    mid = m1m[m2m]
    whereMatch = np.logical_and(np.equal(m1m[m2m], np.arange(m2m.size)), m2m)
    locOfGoods = np.where(np.logical_and(whereMatch, np.not_equal(m2m, -1)))[0].astype(int)

    return m2.T[0].astype(int)[locOfGoods], locOfGoods
Exemplo n.º 23
def test_missing_dual_observations():
    with Model() as model:
        obs1 = ma.masked_values([1, 2, -1, 4, -1], value=-1)
        obs2 = ma.masked_values([-1, -1, 6, -1, 8], value=-1)
        beta1 = Normal('beta1', 1, 1)
        beta2 = Normal('beta2', 2, 1)
        latent = Normal('theta', shape=5)
        with pytest.warns(ImputationWarning):
            ovar1 = Normal('o1', mu=beta1 * latent, observed=obs1)
        with pytest.warns(ImputationWarning):
            ovar2 = Normal('o2', mu=beta2 * latent, observed=obs2)

        prior_trace = sample_prior_predictive()
        assert set(['beta1', 'beta2', 'theta', 'o1', 'o2']) <= set(prior_trace.keys())
 def get_trac(self):
     """Return traction control"""
     if not hasattr(self, "trac"):
         self.trac = None
         if "TCSB" in self.data_dict:
             self.trac = np.array(self.data_dict["TCSB"], dtype=np.short)
             self.trac = ma.masked_values(self.trac, UmtriImo2.In_missing)
             self.trac = self.trac + 1
             self.trac = self.trac.filled(UmtriImo2.Out_missing)
         elif "TCS" in self.data_dict:
             self.trac = np.array(self.data_dict["TCS"], dtype=np.short)
             self.trac = ma.masked_values(self.trac, UmtriImo2.In_missing)
             self.trac = self.trac + 1
             self.trac = self.trac.filled(UmtriImo2.Out_missing)
     return self.trac
 def get_brake(self):
     """Return brake status"""
     if not hasattr(self, "brake"):
         self.brake = None
         if "BR" in self.data_dict:
             self.brake = np.array(self.data_dict["BR"], dtype=np.short)
             self.brake = ma.masked_values(self.brake, UmtriImo2.In_missing)
             self.brake = self.brake + 1
             self.brake = self.brake.filled(UmtriImo2.Out_missing)
         elif "BRK" in self.data_dict:
             self.brake = np.array(self.data_dict["BRK"], dtype=np.short)
             self.brake = ma.masked_values(self.brake, UmtriImo2.In_missing)
             self.brake = self.brake + 1
             self.brake = self.brake.filled(UmtriImo2.Out_missing)
     return self.brake
Exemplo n.º 26
def _prepare_masked(data, masked, nodata, dtype):
    if data.shape == data.mask.shape:
        if masked:
            return ma.masked_values(data.astype(dtype, copy=False),
            return ma.filled(data.astype(dtype, copy=False), nodata)
        if masked:
            return ma.masked_values(data.astype(dtype, copy=False),
            return ma.filled(data.astype(dtype, copy=False), nodata)
 def get_stab(self):
     """Return stability"""
     if not hasattr(self, "stab"):
         self.stab = None
         if "ESP" in self.data_dict:
             self.stab = np.array(self.data_dict["ESP"], dtype=np.short)
             self.stab = ma.masked_values(self.stab, UmtriImo2.In_missing)
             self.stab = self.stab + 1
             self.stab = self.stab.filled(UmtriImo2.Out_missing)
         elif "ESC" in self.data_dict:
             self.brake = np.array(self.data_dict["ESC"], dtype=np.short)
             self.brake = ma.masked_values(self.brake, UmtriImo2.In_missing)
             self.brake = self.brake + 1
             self.brake = self.brake.filled(UmtriImo2.Out_missing)
     return self.stab
Exemplo n.º 28
def plot_map_binary(truth, prediction):

    if truth.shape != prediction.shape:

        print("Error: Expecting truth and prediction arrays to have same size but received shapes {} and {}".format(str(truth.shape), str(prediction.shape)))

        h, w = truth.shape[0], truth.shape[1]
        tp = np.zeros(truth.shape)
        fp = np.zeros(truth.shape)
        fn = np.zeros(truth.shape)
        tn = np.zeros(truth.shape)

        for i in range(0, h):

            for j in range(0, w):

                if (truth[i, j] == 255 and prediction[i, j] == 255):

                    tp[i, j] = 1

                elif (truth[i, j] == 255 and prediction[i, j] == 0):

                    fn[i, j] = 1

                elif (truth[i, j] == 0 and prediction[i, j] == 255):

                    fp[i, j] = 1


                    tn[i, j] = 1

        iou = np.sum(tp) / (np.sum(tp) + np.sum(fp) + np.sum(fn))
        dice = (2 * np.sum(tp)) / (np.sum(tp) + np.sum(fp) + np.sum(tp) + np.sum(fn))

        plot_tp = ma.masked_values(tp * 100, 0)
        plot_fp = ma.masked_values(fp * 50, 0)
        plot_fn = ma.masked_values(fn, 0)

        plt.imshow(plot_tp, cmap = "brg", vmin = 0.1)
        plt.imshow(plot_fp, cmap = "brg", vmin = 0.1, vmax = 100)
        plt.imshow(plot_fn, cmap = "brg", vmin = 0.1, vmax = 90)

        plt.title("IoU: {}, Dice: {}".format(str(iou), str(dice)))

Exemplo n.º 29
    def load_data(self):

            Sure there is a better way to do it.

            Think about, should I do things using nvalues as expected
              number of rows? Maybe do it free, and on checks, validate it.
              In the case of an incomplete file, I think I should load it
              anyways, and the check alerts me that it is missing data.

            There is a problem here. This atol is just a temporary solution,
              but it's not the proper way to handle it.
        data_rows = re.sub('(\n\s*)+\n', '\n',
                           re.sub('\r\n', '\n',
        data = ma.masked_values(np.array(
            [CNV.__split_row(d) for d in data_rows], dtype=np.float),
        # Talvez usar o np.fromstring(data, sep=" ")
        for i in self.ids:
            attributes = self.data[i].attributes
            self.data[i] = data[:, i]
            self.data[i].attributes = attributes
Exemplo n.º 30
def measure_psf(vignet, pixscale=1., show=False, mask_value=None):
    y, x = np.mgrid[-vignet.shape[0]/2:vignet.shape[0]/2, -vignet.shape[1]/2:vignet.shape[1]/2]*pixscale
    if mask_value :
        vignet = ma.masked_values(vignet, mask_value).filled(0)
    # Fit the data using astropy.modeling
    p_init=models.Gaussian2D(amplitude=vignet.max(), x_mean=0., y_mean=0.,
        x_stddev=2*pixscale, y_stddev=2*pixscale, theta=0, cov_matrix=None)
    fit_p = fitting.LevMarLSQFitter()

    p = fit_p(p_init, x, y, vignet)
    barycenter=measure_barycenter(vignet, pixscale=pixscale)
    # Plot the data with the best-fit model
    P.figure(figsize=(8, 2.5))
    P.subplot(1, 3, 1)
    P.imshow(vignet, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', vmin=vignet.min(), vmax=vignet.max())
    P.subplot(1, 3, 2)
    P.imshow(p(x, y), origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', vmin=vignet.min(), vmax=vignet.max())
    P.scatter(vignet.shape[0]/2, vignet.shape[1]/2,marker="+")
    P.annotate("({:.3f},{:.3f})".format(*barycenter), (vignet.shape[0]/3, vignet.shape[1]/3))
    P.title("Model - psf = {:.2f}".format(2.3548*np.mean([p.x_stddev.value, p.y_stddev.value])))
    P.subplot(1, 3, 3)
    P.imshow(vignet - p(x, y), origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', vmin=-vignet.max()/10,vmax=vignet.max()/10)
    if show :
    return p
Exemplo n.º 31
def test_missing_dual_observations():
    with Model() as model:
        obs1 = ma.masked_values([1, 2, -1, 4, -1], value=-1)
        obs2 = ma.masked_values([-1, -1, 6, -1, 8], value=-1)
        beta1 = Normal("beta1", 1, 1)
        beta2 = Normal("beta2", 2, 1)
        latent = Normal("theta", size=5)
        with pytest.warns(ImputationWarning):
            ovar1 = Normal("o1", mu=beta1 * latent, observed=obs1)
        with pytest.warns(ImputationWarning):
            ovar2 = Normal("o2", mu=beta2 * latent, observed=obs2)

        prior_trace = sample_prior_predictive(return_inferencedata=False)
        assert {"beta1", "beta2", "theta", "o1", "o2"} <= set(prior_trace.keys())
        # TODO: Assert something
        trace = sample(chains=1, draws=50)
Exemplo n.º 32
    def _get_band_from_image(self, band_num):
        """extract a band from an image an apply masking"""
        if isinstance(self.__image, rasterio.DatasetReader):
            raster = self.__image
        elif isinstance(self.__image, rasterio.io.MemoryFile):
            raster = self.__image.open()
            raster = rasterio.open(os.path.normpath(self.__image))

        mask_band = 1
        if self.band_map['mask'] > 0:
            mask_band = self.band_map['mask']

        if raster.nodata is not None:
            mask = raster.read(mask_band, masked=True).mask
        elif self.__src_nodata is not None:
            mask = ma.masked_values(raster.read(mask_band, masked=True),
            mask = np.zeros(shape=(raster.height, raster.width), dtype=bool)

        band = np.where(~mask, raster.read(band_num), np.nan).astype('float32')

        if not isinstance(self.__image, rasterio.DatasetReader):

        return band
Exemplo n.º 33
    def test_mask(self):
        NOx = marray([4.818, 2.849, 3.275, 4.691, 4.255, 5.064, 2.118, 4.602,
                      2.286, 0.970, 3.965, 5.344, 3.834, 1.990, 5.199, 5.283,
                      -9999, -9999, 3.752, 0.537, 1.640, 5.055, 4.937, 1.561])
        NOx = maskedarray.masked_values(NOx, -9999)
        E = marray([0.831, 1.045, 1.021, 0.970, 0.825, 0.891, 0.71, 0.801,
                    1.074, 1.148, 1.000, 0.928, 0.767, 0.701, 0.807, 0.902,
                    -9999, -9999, 0.997, 1.224, 1.089, 0.973, 0.980, 0.665])
        gas_fit_E = numpy.array([0.665, 0.949, 1.224])
        newdata = numpy.array([0.6650000, 0.7581667, 0.8513333, 0.9445000,
                               1.0376667, 1.1308333, 1.2240000])
        coverage = 0.99

        rfile = open(os.path.join('tests','gas_result'), 'r')
        results = []
        for i in range(8):
            z = fromiter((float(v) for v in rfile.readline().rstrip().split()),
        gas = loess(E,NOx)
        gas.model.span = 2./3.
        assert_almost_equal(gas.outputs.fitted_values.compressed(), results[0], 6)
        assert_almost_equal(gas.outputs.enp, 5.5, 1)
        assert_almost_equal(gas.outputs.s, 0.3404, 4)
Exemplo n.º 34
def geometric_mean(array, axis=0):
    """return the geometric mean of an array removing all zero-values but
    retaining total length
    non_zero = ma.masked_values(array, 0)
    log_a = ma.log(non_zero)
    return ma.exp(log_a.mean(axis=axis))
Exemplo n.º 35
Arquivo: Counts.py Projeto: SCV/cgat
def geometric_mean(array, axis=0):
    '''return the geometric mean of an array removing all zero-values but
    retaining total length
    non_zero = ma.masked_values(array, 0)
    log_a = ma.log(non_zero)
    return ma.exp(log_a.mean(axis=axis))
Exemplo n.º 36
 def test_convert_to_annual(self):
     "Test convert_to_annual"
     base = dict(D=1, H=24, T=24 * 60, S=24 * 3600)
     #for fq in ('D', 'H', 'T', 'S'):
     # Don't test for minuTe and Second frequency, too time consuming.
     for fq in ('D', 'H'):
         dates = date_array(start_date=Date(fq, '2001-01-01 00:00:00'),
                            end_date=Date(fq, '2004-12-31 23:59:59'))
         bq = base[fq]
         series = time_series(range(365 * bq) * 3 + range(366 * bq),
         control = ma.masked_all((4, 366 * bq), dtype=series.dtype)
         control[0, :58 * bq] = range(58 * bq)
         control[0, 59 * bq:] = range(58 * bq, 365 * bq)
         control[[1, 2]] = control[0]
         control[3] = range(366 * bq)
         test = convert_to_annual(series)
         assert_equal(test, control)
     series = time_series(range(59, 365) + range(366) + range(365),
                          start_date=Date('D', '2003-03-01'))
     test = convert_to_annual(series)
     assert_equal(test[:, 59:62],
                  ma.masked_values([[-1, 59, 60], [59, 60, 61], [-1, 59, 60]],
                                   - 1))
Exemplo n.º 37
def reproject2(src, data, resolution, resampling):
  meta = src.meta.copy()
  if not src.crs.is_valid:
    crs = src.crs.from_string(u'epsg:4326')
    crs = src.crs
  newaff, width, \
    height = rwarp.calculate_default_transform(crs, crs, src.width,
                                               src.height, *src.bounds,
  out = ma.empty((src.count, int(height), int(width)),
  newarr = np.empty((int(height), int(width)), dtype=meta['dtype'])
  meta.update({'transform': newaff,
               'width': int(width),
               'height': int(height),
               'nodata': src.nodata})

  for idx in range(data.shape[0]):
    rwarp.reproject(source = data[idx],
                    destination = newarr,
                    src_transform = src.transform,
                    dst_transform = newaff,
                    src_crs = src.crs,
                    dst_crs = crs,
                    src_nodata = src.nodatavals[idx],
                    dst_nodata = src.nodatavals[idx],
                    resampling = resampling)
    out[idx] = ma.masked_values(newarr, src.nodatavals[idx])
  return meta, out
Exemplo n.º 38
    def __call__(self, sess, epoch, iteration, model, loss):
        if iteration == 0 and epoch % self.at_every_epoch == 0:
            total = 0
            total_old = 0
            correct_old = 0
            correct = 0
            for values in self.batcher:
                total_old += len(values[-1])
                feed_dict = {}
                for i in range(0, len(self.placeholders)):
                    feed_dict[self.placeholders[i]] = values[i]
                truth = np.argmax(values[-1], 1)

                # mask truth
                truth_noneutral = ma.masked_values(truth, 0)
                truth_noneutral_compr = truth_noneutral.compressed()

                predicted = sess.run(tf.arg_max(tf.nn.softmax(model), 1),

                pred_nonneutral = ma.array(predicted,
                pred_nonneutral_compr = pred_nonneutral.compressed()

                correct_old += sum(truth == predicted)
                correct += sum(truth_noneutral_compr == pred_nonneutral_compr)
                total += len(truth_noneutral_compr)

            acc = float(correct) / total
            self.update_summary(sess, iteration, "AccurayNonNeut", acc)
            print("Epoch " + str(epoch) + "\tAccNonNeut " + str(acc) +
                  "\tCorrect " + str(correct) + "\tTotal " + str(total))
            return acc
        return 0.0
Exemplo n.º 39
    def around_profile(self, t, lon, lat, var, rmax):
            !!ATENTION!! There are a lot of problems on this approach for big distances,
              including the borders and the poles.

            Improve it to actually calculate the distances.
        nt = numpy.absolute(ma.array([d.toordinal() for d in self['datetime']])-t.toordinal()).argmin()
        #from fluid.common.distance import distance
        #Lon, Lat = numpy.meshgrid(model_ref['xt_ocean'], model_ref['yt_ocean'])
        ##L = distance(lon = Lon, lat = Lat, lon_c = lon, lat_c = lat)
        #fac = numpy.cos((lat+Lat)/2.*numpy.pi/180)
        #L = ((Lat-lat)**2+((Lon-lon)*fac)**2)**.5
        #L = L*60*1852

        nX = numpy.arange(self['xt_ocean'].shape[0])[abs(self['xt_ocean']-lon)<(rmax/1856./60.)]
        nY = numpy.arange(self['yt_ocean'].shape[0])[abs(self['yt_ocean']-lat)<(rmax/1856./60.)]

        profile = {'depth':self['st_ocean']}
        profile['lon'] = self['xt_ocean'][nX[0]:nX[-1]+1]
        profile['lat'] = self['yt_ocean'][nY[0]:nY[-1]+1]

        profile[var] = ma.masked_values(self.dataset.variables[var][nt,:,nY[0]:nY[-1]+1,nX[0]:nX[-1]+1],value=self.dataset.variables[var].missing_value)
        #profile = ma.masked_values(self.dataset[var][nt,:,nY:nY+1,nX:nX+1],value=self.dataset[var].missing_value)

        return profile
	def run(self):
		# Get inputs
		outname = str(self.ui.lineOutfile.text())
		eqstring = str(self.ui.textEqEdit.toPlainText())
		# Basic user validation
		if (len(eqstring) < 1):
			sys.stderr.write('Error: No equation to process.\n')
		elif(self.ui.listWidget_Layers.count() < 1):
			sys.stderr.write('Error: No input files.\n')
		# Process to new file	
				# Test if output box is checked
				if self.ui.checkBoxGenerateOutput.isChecked() == False:
					if (len(outname) < 1):
						sys.stderr.write('Error: No output filename specified.\n')
						newband = eval(eqstring)
						newband = ma.masked_values(newband, 9999.0)
						epsg = rasterIO.wkt2epsg(proj)
						# setup python dictionary of rgdal formats and drivers
						formats = {'GeoTiff (.tif)':'.tif','Erdas Imagine (.img)':'.img'}
						drivers = {'GeoTiff (.tif)':'GTiff','Erdas Imagine (.img)':'HFA'}
						out_ext = formats[str(self.ui.comboFormats.currentText())]
						driver = drivers[str(self.ui.comboFormats.currentText())]
						outfile = outname + out_ext
						#driver = 'GTiff'
						rasterIO.writerasterband(newband, outfile, driver, XSize, YSize, geotrans, epsg)
						sys.stdout.write('Process complete, created newfile ')
						if self.ui.checkBoxQGIS.isEnabled() == True:
						self.ui.textPyout.insertPlainText('# create a new matrix from equation\n')
						self.ui.textPyout.insertPlainText('newband = %s\n' %(eqstring))
						self.ui.textPyout.insertPlainText('# get the epsg code from the projection\n')
						self.ui.textPyout.insertPlainText('epsg = rasterIO.wkt2epsg(proj)\n')
						self.ui.textPyout.insertPlainText('# set the gdal driver / output file type\n')
						self.ui.textPyout.insertPlainText('driver = "%s"\n' %(driver))
						self.ui.textPyout.insertPlainText('# specify the new output file\n')
						self.ui.textPyout.insertPlainText('outfile = "%s"\n' %(outfile))
						self.ui.textPyout.insertPlainText('# write the new matrix to the new file\n')
						self.ui.textPyout.insertPlainText('rasterIO.writerasterband(newband, outfile, driver, XSize, YSize, geotrans, epsg)\n\n')
						self.ui.textPyout.insertPlainText('# add the new file to qgis\n')
					outputstring = (str(eval(str(self.ui.textEqEdit.toPlainText())))) +'\n'
					self.ui.textPyout.insertPlainText('# run without output file\n')
					self.ui.textPyout.insertPlainText('print %s\n\n' %(eqstring))
			except ValueError:
				sys.stderr.write('Error: Could not perform calculation. Are input rasters same shape and size? Is the output a matrix?\n')
			except TypeError:
				sys.stderr.write('Error: Could not perform calculation. Are input rasters loaded?\n')
			except SyntaxError:
				sys.stderr.write('Error: Could not perform calculation. Is the equation correct?\n')
			except AttributeError:
				sys.stderr.write('Error: Could not perform calculation. Is the output raster correct?\n')
Exemplo n.º 41
def readrasterband(dataset, aband):
	'''Accepts GDAL raster dataset and band number, returns Numpy 2D-array.'''
	if dataset.RasterCount >= aband:		
		# Get one band
		band = dataset.GetRasterBand(aband)
		if band.GetNoDataValue() != None:
			NoDataVal = band.GetNoDataValue()
			NoDataVal = 0
			#print "Warning NoDataValue not found, assuming 0!".format(dataset,aband)
		# create blank array (full of 0's) to hold extracted data [note Y,X format]
		dt = np.dtype(np.float32)
		datarray = np.zeros( ( band.YSize,band.XSize ), dtype=dt )
			# create loop based on YAxis (i.e. num rows)
		for i in range(band.YSize):
			# read lines of band	
			scanline = band.ReadRaster( 0, i, band.XSize, 1, band.XSize, 1, GDT_Float32)
			# unpack from binary representation
			tuple_of_floats = struct.unpack('f' * band.XSize, scanline)
			# add tuple to image array line by line
			datarray[i,:] = tuple_of_floats	
		# apply mask for NoDataVal
		dataraster = ma.masked_values(datarray, NoDataVal)
		# apply mask for NaN values
		datarasterNaN = ma.masked_invalid(dataraster)
		# return array (raster)
		return datarasterNaN
		raise TypeError	
Exemplo n.º 42
def create_vsm( tediff, esp, sigmamm = 0.0 ):
    """ Create the voxel shift map (vsm) in the mag/phase space. use mag as input
        to assure that vsm is same dimension as mag. The input only affects the output dimension.
        The content of the input has no effect on the vsm. The de-warped mag volume is
        meaningless and will be thrown away
    mask_name=( op.join(gconf.get_epiunwarp(), 'mask.nii.gz') )
    mag_name=( op.join(gconf.get_epiunwarp(), 'magnitude.nii.gz') )
    magdw_name=( op.join(gconf.get_epiunwarp(), 'magdw.nii.gz') )
    ph_name=( op.join(gconf.get_epiunwarp(), 'phase_unwrapped.nii.gz') )
    vsmmag_name=( op.join(gconf.get_epiunwarp(), 'vsmmag.nii.gz') )

    vsm_cmd = 'fugue -i %s -u %s -p %s --dwell=%s --asym=%s --mask=%s --saveshift=%s' % ( mag_name, magdw_name, ph_name, esp, tediff, mask_name, vsmmag_name)

    if( sigmamm > 0.0 ):
	vsm_cmd = '%s --smooth2=%s' % ( vsm_cmd, sigmamm )

    runCmd( vsm_cmd, log )

    vsmmag_nii = ni.load( vsmmag_name ) #load vsmmag_nii
    vsmmag_data = vsmmag_nii.get_data()
    mask_data = ni.load( mask_name ).get_data()
    vsmmag_data[ mask_data==0 ] = 0
    vsmmag_masked = ma.masked_values( vsmmag_nii.get_data().reshape(-1), 0.0 )
    print vsmmag_masked.mean()
    vsmmag_masked = vsmmag_masked - vsmmag_masked.mean() # Remove the mean in-brain shift from VSM
    # save
    vsmmag_nii._data = vsmmag_masked.reshape( vsmmag_nii.get_shape() )
    ni.save( vsmmag_nii, op.join(gconf.get_epiunwarp(), 'vsmmag_meancorrected.nii.gz')  )
Exemplo n.º 43
    def calculateMeans(self):
        self.synHist = ma.masked_values(self.synHist, -9999.0)
        self.synHistMean = ma.mean(self.synHist, axis=0)
        self.medSynHist = ma.median(self.synHist, axis=0)

        self.synHistUpper = percentile(self.synHist, per=95, axis=0)
        self.synHistLower = percentile(self.synHist, per=5, axis=0)
Exemplo n.º 44
def read_sensor_count(pgm_name):
    """Read the MPE data from a grib file into an array.

    This function uses wgrib2 to write and then read the MPE
    data via an intermediate binary file, which is later
    deleted. The non-raining regions are masked and the data
    converted into mm/hr.


    bin_name = pgm_name[0:-4] + '.bin'
    hdr_name = pgm_name[0:-4] + '.hdr'

    exec_str = 'gdal_translate -ot UInt16 -of EHdr ' + pgm_name + ' ' + bin_name # spaces are N.B.

    data = np.fromfile(bin_name, dtype=np.uint16)

    # read the pgm header and parse for relevant parameters
    f = open(pgm_name)
    pgm_hdr = f.read(120)

    hdr_elems = pgm_hdr.split()    
    cols = int(hdr_elems[1]) # fixed if the pgm format spec is followed
    rows = int(hdr_elems[2]) # fixed if the pgm format spec is followed

    data = np.reshape(data, (rows, cols))
    data = ma.masked_values(data, 0)

    return data    
Exemplo n.º 45
def geometric_mean(array, axis=0):
    '''return the geometric mean of an array removing all zero-values but
    retaining total length
    non_zero = ma.masked_values(array, 0)
    log_a = np.log(non_zero)
    return log_a.mean(axis=axis)
Exemplo n.º 46
    def load_data(self):

            Sure there is a better way to do it.

            Think about, should I do things using nvalues as expected
              number of rows? Maybe do it free, and on checks, validate it.
              In the case of an incomplete file, I think I should load it
              anyways, and the check alerts me that it is missing data.

            There is a problem here. This atol is just a temporary solution,
              but it's not the proper way to handle it.
        data_rows = re.sub('(\n\s*)+\n', '\n',
                re.sub('\r\n', '\n', self.raw_data()['data'])
        data = ma.masked_values(
                    [d.split() for d in data_rows], dtype=np.float),
                atol = 1e-30)
        # Talvez usar o np.fromstring(data, sep=" ")
        for i in self.ids:
            attributes = self.data[i].attributes
            self.data[i] = data[:, i]
            self.data[i].attributes = attributes
Exemplo n.º 47
 def nearest_profile(self, t, lon, lat, var):
     # --- Model ----
     # Define the closest time instant
     #dt = self.['datetime']-t
     #nt = numpy.arange(dt.shape[0])[dt == min(dt)][0]
     nt = numpy.absolute(
                   for d in self['datetime']]) - t.toordinal()).argmin()
     # Define the nearest point
     nx = numpy.absolute(self['xt_ocean'] - lon).argmin()
     ny = numpy.absolute(self['yt_ocean'] - lat).argmin()
     # Extract the temperature profile from the model
     profile = ma.masked_values(
         self.dataset.variables[var][nt, :, ny, nx],
     # Restrict the profile to deeper than 10m, and only good data
     # The find_z20 can't handle masked arrays
     #ind = (temp_model.mask==False) & (numpy.absolute(self['depth'])>10)
     #z = model_ref['depth'][ind]
     #t = temp_model[ind]
     return {
         'depth': self['st_ocean'],
         var: profile,
         'lon': self['xt_ocean'][nx],
         'lat': self['yt_ocean'][ny]
Exemplo n.º 48
 def test_convert_to_annual(self):
     "Test convert_to_annual"
     base = dict(D=1, H=24, T=24 * 60, S=24 * 3600)
     #for fq in ('D', 'H', 'T', 'S'):
     # Don't test for minuTe and Second frequency, too time consuming.
     for fq in ('D', 'H'):
         dates = date_array(start_date=Date(fq, '2001-01-01 00:00:00'),
                            end_date=Date(fq, '2004-12-31 23:59:59'))
         bq = base[fq]
         series = time_series(range(365 * bq) * 3 + range(366 * bq),
         control = ma.masked_all((4, 366 * bq), dtype=series.dtype)
         control[0, :58 * bq] = range(58 * bq)
         control[0, 59 * bq:] = range(58 * bq, 365 * bq)
         control[[1, 2]] = control[0]
         control[3] = range(366 * bq)
         test = convert_to_annual(series)
         assert_equal(test, control)
     series = time_series(range(59, 365) + range(366) + range(365),
                          start_date=Date('D', '2003-03-01'))
     test = convert_to_annual(series)
         test[:, 59:62],
         ma.masked_values([[-1, 59, 60], [59, 60, 61], [-1, 59, 60]], -1))
Exemplo n.º 49
 def __getitem__(self, key):
     if type(self.data[key]) == 'numpy.ma.core.MaskedArray':
         return self.data[key]
     elif hasattr(self.data[key], 'missing_value'):
         return ma.masked_values(self.data[key][:], getattr(self.data[key], 'missing_value'))
     return ma.array(self.data[key])
Exemplo n.º 50
    def band(self, layer):
        if nan_value == None:

        return ma.masked_values(band, nan_value)
Exemplo n.º 51
def list_to_dates(items, date_format='%Y-%m-%d', missing=1e-10):
    """Convert a list into a list of masked date values, with each date
    in the specified date format.
    #print "dtu:66", items
    if not items:
        return None
    x_data = [to_matplotlib_date(x, date_format) for x in items]
    return ma.masked_values(x_data, missing)  # ignore missing data
Exemplo n.º 52
 def _apply_mask(self, array, mask):
     if isinstance(mask, (np.ndarray, NDArrayType)):
         return ma.array(array, mask=mask)
     elif np.isscalar(mask):
         if np.isnan(mask):
             return ma.array(array, mask=np.isnan(array))
             return ma.masked_values(array, mask)
     return array
Exemplo n.º 53
def test_estimate_anomaly():
    f1 = estimate_anomaly(dummy_features,
            {'spike': dummy_params['spike']})
    f2 = estimate_anomaly(pd.DataFrame(dummy_features),
            {'spike': dummy_params['spike']})

    assert ma.allclose(f1, f2)
    assert ma.allclose(f1,
            ma.masked_values([-999, 0.0, -5.797359001920061,
                -57.564627324851145, -999, -9.626760611162082], -999))
def load_file(file_name = file_name, time_start = time_start, 
		      time_end = time_end, lat_start = lat_start, lat_end = lat_end,
	              lon_start = lon_start, lon_end = lon_end, masked_value = masked_value):
	nc = netcdf_file(file_name, 'r')
	new_array = nc.variables['Cflx'][time_start:time_end, lat_start:lat_end, lon_start:lon_end]
	new_array = ma.masked_values(new_array, masked_value)
	new_array = ma.array(new_array, dtype=np.float32)
	new_array = new_array * unit_changer
	return new_array    
Exemplo n.º 55
def test_missing():
    data = ma.masked_values([1,2,-1,4,-1], value=-1)
    with Model() as model:
        x = Normal('x', 1, 1)
        y = Normal('y', x, 1, observed=data)

    y_missing, = model.missing_values 
    assert y_missing.tag.test_value.shape == (2,)

Exemplo n.º 56
def eke(cutperiod=360, dt=7, verbose=False):
        Include the possibility to do with a different dataset, like anomaly or ref.

        ATENTION, need to move user and password out of here.
    from maud import window_1Dmean
    l = cutperiod*24    # From days to hours. Aviso time is on hours.

    #self.metadata['urlbase'] = "http://%s:%[email protected]/thredds/dodsC" % (self.metadata['username'], self.metadata['password'])

    url_uv = "http://*****:*****@opendap.aviso.oceanobs.com/thredds/dodsC/dataset-duacs-dt-upd-global-merged-madt-uv-daily"
    dataset = open_url(url_uv)

    T, I, J = dataset.Grid_0001.shape
    eke = ma.masked_all((I,J))

    I,J = numpy.nonzero(ma.masked_values(dataset.Grid_0001.Grid_0001[-300::60,:,:], dataset.Grid_0001.attributes['_FillValue']).max(axis=0))
    t = ma.array(dataset.time[::dt])
    if verbose:
        from progressbar import ProgressBar
        pbar = ProgressBar(maxval=I.shape[0]).start()
    for i, j in zip(I,J):
        if verbose:
        doit = True
        while doit:
                u = ma.masked_values(dataset.Grid_0001.Grid_0001[::dt,i,j], dataset.Grid_0001.attributes['_FillValue'])*1e-2
                v = ma.masked_values(dataset.Grid_0002.Grid_0002[::dt,i,j], dataset.Grid_0002.attributes['_FillValue'])*1e-2
                u_prime = u-window_1Dmean(u, l=l, t=t, axis=0)
                v_prime = v-window_1Dmean(v, l=l, t=t, axis=0)
                eke[i,j] = (u_prime**2+v_prime**2).mean()/2.
                print "I had some trouble. I'll wait a litte bit and try again"
    if verbose:

    return eke
Exemplo n.º 57
def plotswath(map, lats, lons, data, MISSING=-999.0, vmin=0.0, vmax=300.0):

    x, y = map(lons, lats) # compute map proj coordinates for pixel centers

    xc, yc = extrapcorners(x,y)  # interpolate/extrapolate corner boundaries of pixels

# plot data as overlayed color mesh
#    datam = ma.masked_where(np.isnan(data),data)

    datam = ma.masked_values(data, MISSING)
    cs = plt.pcolormesh(xc,yc,datam,rasterized=False, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
Exemplo n.º 58
 def get_mask(self):
     self.array_mean = ma.mean(self.array)
     self.array_stdev = ma.std(self.array)
     self.array_range = ma.max(self.array) - ma.min(self.array)
     print "The mean is %f, the stdev is %f, the range is %f." %(self.array_mean, self.array_stdev, self.array_range)
     from scipy.io.netcdf import netcdf_file as NetCDFFile
     ### get landmask
     nc = NetCDFFile(os.getcwd()+ '/../data/netcdf_files/ORCA2_landmask.nc','r')
     self.mask = ma.masked_values(nc.variables['MASK'][:, :self.time_len, :self.lat_len, :180], -9.99999979e+33)
     self.xxx, self.yyy, self.zzz = np.lib.index_tricks.mgrid[0:self.time_len, 0:self.lat_len, 0:180]
def load_file(file_name = file_name, time_start = time_start, 
		      time_end = time_end, lat_start = lat_start, lat_end = lat_end,
	              lon_start = lon_start, lon_end = lon_end, masked_value = masked_value):
	nc = NetCDFFile(file_name, 'r')
	new_array = nc.variables['Cflx'][time_start:time_end, lat_start:lat_end, 
	new_array = ma.masked_values(new_array, masked_value)
	new_array = new_array*1e08
	return new_array    
Exemplo n.º 60
def getStatVal(imageFile,longitude,latitude,winsize,statistic,site):
    Caculates the statistics on the pixels in the window array

    band1,band2,band3,band4,band5,band6,count = 'None','None','None','None','None','None','None'

    if imageFile != 'None' and imageFile != None:
        temp = '%s_%s_%spix.tif' % (imageFile.split('.')[0],site.strip(),winsize)

        if not os.path.exists(temp):
            subsetRaster = getWindow(imageFile,longitude,latitude,winsize,site)
            subsetRaster = temp

            imgInfo = gdalcommon.info(subsetRaster)
            handle = gdal.Open(subsetRaster)

            for band in [1,2,3,4,5,6]:
                if handle != None:
                    bandHandle = handle.GetRasterBand(band)
                    bandArray = bandHandle.ReadAsArray()

                    maskedBand = ma.masked_values(bandArray, 0)
                    count = ma.count(maskedBand)

                    if statistic == 'mean': statVal = maskedBand.mean()
                    elif statistic == 'std': statVal = maskedBand.std()
                        statVal = None

                    if band == 1:
                        band1 = statVal

                    elif band == 2:
                        band2 = statVal

                    elif band == 3:
                        band3 = statVal

                    elif band == 4:
                        band4 = statVal

                    elif band == 5:
                        band5 = statVal

                    elif band == 6:
                        band6 = statVal

    return band1, band2, band3, band4, band5, band6, count