def __array_wrap__(self, out_arr, context=None):
        # Handle scalars so as not to break ndimage.
        # See

        # still have no sorted out why this happens for ndarrays, but not
        # sub-classes.  However, this seems like the correct behavior as it
        # will not silently clobber subclasses -> scalars
        if out_arr.ndim == 0:
            # explicitly clobber subclass -> scalar
            return out_arr[()]
        return ndarray.__array_wrap__(self, out_arr, context)
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: Projeto: zhouy5/pims
 def __array_wrap__(self, out_arr, context=None):
     # Handle scalars so as not to break ndimage.
     # See
     if out_arr.ndim == 0:
         return out_arr[()]
     return ndarray.__array_wrap__(self, out_arr, context)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def __array_wrap__(self, obj):
     if obj.shape == ():
         return obj[()]
         return ndarray.__array_wrap__(self, obj)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def __array_wrap__(self, obj):
     if obj.shape == ():
         return obj[()]
         return ndarray.__array_wrap__(self, obj)
Exemplo n.º 5
class Point(ooarray, baseGeometryObject):
    __array_priority__ = 100
    pointCounter = array(0)
    weight = None

    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
        ooarray.__init__(self)  #, *args, **kw)
        baseGeometryObject.__init__(self, *args, **kw)

    def __new__(self, *args, **kw):
        self.pointCounter += 1
        self._num = asscalar(self.pointCounter)
        self.specifier = '.'
        self.color = 'k'
        Args = args[:-1] if type(args[-1]) == str else args
        r = asarray(Args[0]).view(self) if len(Args) == 1 and type(
            Args[0]) in (ooarray, Point, ndarray, list,
                         tuple) else ooarray(Args).view(self) = args[-1] if type(args[-1]) == str else kw[
            'name'] if 'name' in kw else 'unnamed point ' + str(self._num)
        r._id = oofun._id
        oofun._id += 1
        return r
        #obj = ooarray(asarray(args[:-1] if type(args[-1]) == str else args).tolist()).view(self)
        #return obj

#    def __array_finalize__(self, obj):
#        if obj is None: return

    __call__ = lambda self, *args, **kw: \
    self._name(args[0]) \
    if len(args) == 1 and type(args[0]) == str \
    else Point(ooarray.__call__(self, *args, **kw) if self.size is not 1 or not isinstance(self.view(ndarray)[0], oofun)\
    else asscalar(self)(*args, **kw), weight = self.__dict__.get('weight', None))

    _spaceDimension = lambda self: self.size if self.size is not 1 or not isinstance(
        self.view(ndarray).flatten()[0], oofun) else asscalar(self).size

    __getitem__ = lambda self, ind: self.view(ndarray).flatten()[
        ind] if self.size is not 1 else asscalar(self)[ind]
    #    def __get__(self, ind):
    #        raise 0
    __getslice__ = lambda self, ind1, ind2: self.view(ndarray)[
        ind1:ind2] if self.size is not 1 else asscalar(self)[ind1:ind2]

    def _name(self, newName): = newName
        return self

    __array_wrap__ = lambda self, out_arr, context=None: ndarray.__array_wrap__(
        self, out_arr, context)

    __radd__ = __add__ = lambda self, other: Point(ooarray.__add__(
        self, other))
    __rmul__ = __mul__ = lambda self, other: Point(ooarray.__mul__(
        self, other))
    __div__ = lambda self, other: Point(ooarray.__div__(self, other))
    __rdiv__ = lambda self, other: Point(ooarray.__div__(other, self))

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.view(ndarray).flatten())

    def distance(self, *args, **kw):
        assert len(kw) == 0 and len(args) == 1
        other = args[0]
        if isinstance(other, (list, tuple)):
            other = Point(other)
        if isinstance(other, (Line, Plane)):
            return self.distance(self.projection(other))
        elif isinstance(other, ndarray):
            return sqrt(sum((self - other)**2), attachConstraints=False)

    def projection(self, obj):
        assert isinstance(
            obj, baseGeometryObject), 'incorrect object for projection'
        if isinstance(obj, Line):
            # TODO: remove 0.0 for future Python 3.X versions
            tmp = dot(self - obj.basePoint, obj.direction)
            if isinstance(tmp, oofun): tmp.size = 1
            tmp1 = obj.direction * tmp / (0.0 + sum(obj.direction**2))
            tmp2 = obj.basePoint
            if type(tmp1) == ooarray:  # hence tmp2 is array
                tmp2 = tmp2.view(ooarray)
            return Point(tmp1 + tmp2)
        elif isinstance(obj, Plane):
            d1, d2 = obj.directions
            bp = obj.basePoint
            a = sum(d1**2)
            b = d = dot(d1, d2)
            e = sum(d2**2)
            c = dot(self - bp, d1)
            f = dot(self - bp, d2)
            delta = a * e - b * d + 0.0  # TODO: remove 0.0 when Python 2.x will be deprecated
            alpha = (c * e - b * f) / delta
            beta = (a * f - c * d) / delta
            return Point(bp + alpha * d1 + beta * d2)
            raise SpaceFuncsException(
                'not implemented for this geometry object yet')

    def rotate(self, P, angle):
        Usage: newPoint = originPoint.rotate(BasePoint, angle)
        (angle in radians)
        currently the method is implemented for 2-dimensional space only
        for other spaces you can use ,Point - BasePoint) + BasePoint
        (implementing it with more convenient API is in Future Plans)
        if BasePoint is (0,0), you can just use prevPoint.rotate(0, angle)
        Tmp = (self - P) if P is not 0 else self
        x, y = Tmp[0], Tmp[1]
        sin_theta, cos_theta = sin(angle), cos(angle)
        x2, y2 = x * cos_theta - y * sin_theta, x * sin_theta + y * cos_theta
        return Point(x2 + P[0], y2 + P[1]) if P is not 0 else Point(x2, y2)

    def symmetry(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, (Point, Line, Plane)):
            raise SpaceFuncsException(
                'method Point.symmetry(object) is implemented for Point|Line|Plane objects only'
        if type(other) == Point:
            return 2 * other - self
            proj = self.projection(other)
            return 2 * proj - self

    perpendicular = lambda self, obj: \
        _perpendicularToLine(self, obj) if isinstance(obj, Line) \
        else _perpendicularToPlane(self, obj) if isinstance(obj, Plane)\
        else SF_error('perpendicular from Point to the object is not implemented yet')

    def plot(self, *args, **kw):
        if not pylabInstalled:
            raise SpaceFuncsException(
                'to plot you should have matplotlib installed')
        # TODO: use something else instead, e.g. scatter
        if self.size != 2:
            raise SpaceFuncsException('only 2-D plot is implemented for now')
        if not'unnamed'):
            pylab.plot([self[0]], [self[1]], self.specifier, color=self.color)
            pylab.text(self[0], self[1],
Exemplo n.º 6
 def __array_wrap__(self, out_arr, context=None):
     return ndarray.__array_wrap__(self, out_arr, context)