Exemplo n.º 1
def mad(m,axis=0):
    """Returns Median Absolute Deviation of the given array along the given axis.
    m = Numeric.asarray(m)
    mx = Numeric.asarray(median(m,axis),Numeric.Float)
    xt = Numeric.transpose(m, [axis]+range(axis)+range(axis+1,Numeric.rank(m))) # do not use swapaxes: (0,1,2) -swap-> (2,1,0); (0,1,2) -transpose-> (2,0,1)
    return MLab.median(Numeric.absolute(xt-mx))
Exemplo n.º 2
 def _checkOrth(self, T, TT, eps=0.0001, output=False):
     """check if the basis is orthogonal on a set of points x: TT == T*transpose(T) == c*Identity
     INPUT:  T: matrix of values of polynomials calculated at common reference points (x)
             TT = T * transpose(T)
             eps: max numeric error
     TTd0 = (-1.*Numeric.identity(Numeric.shape(TT)[0])+1) * TT  # TTd0 = TT with 0s on the main diagonal
     s = Numeric.sum(Numeric.sum(Numeric.absolute(TTd0)))
     minT = MLab.min(MLab.min(T))
     maxT = MLab.max(MLab.max(T))
     minTTd0 = MLab.min(MLab.min(TTd0))
     maxTTd0 = MLab.max(MLab.max(TTd0))
     if not s < eps:
         out = "NOT ORTHOG, min(T), max(T):\t%f\t%f\n" % (minT, maxT)
         out += "  min(TTd0), max(TTd0), sum-abs-el(TTd0):\t%f\t%f\t%f" % (minTTd0, maxTTd0, s)
         if output:
             print out
             return False
             raise out
     elif output:
         out = "ORTHOGONAL, min(T), max(T):\t%f\t%f\n" % (minT, maxT)
         out += "  min(TTd0), max(TTd0), sum-abs-el(TTd0):\t%f\t%f\t%f" % (minTTd0, maxTTd0, s)
         print out
     return True
Exemplo n.º 3
    def function(self,params):
        """Hyperbolic function."""

        aspect_ratio = params['aspect_ratio']
        x = self.pattern_x/aspect_ratio
        y = self.pattern_y
        thickness = params['thickness']
        gaussian_width = params['smoothing']
        size = params['size']

        half_thickness = thickness / 2.0

        distance_from_vertex_middle = fmod(sqrt(absolute(x**2 - y**2)),size)
        distance_from_vertex_middle = minimum(distance_from_vertex_middle,size - distance_from_vertex_middle)

        distance_from_vertex = distance_from_vertex_middle - half_thickness

        hyperbola = 1.0 - greater_equal(distance_from_vertex,0.0)

        sigmasq = gaussian_width*gaussian_width

        with float_error_ignore():
            falloff = exp(divide(-distance_from_vertex*distance_from_vertex, 2.0*sigmasq))

        return maximum(falloff, hyperbola)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def _checkOrth(self, T, TT, eps=0.0001, output=False):
     """check if the basis is orthogonal on a set of points x: TT == T*transpose(T) == c*Identity
     INPUT:  T: matrix of values of polynomials calculated at common reference points (x)
             TT = T * transpose(T)
             eps: max numeric error
     TTd0 = (-1. * Numeric.identity(Numeric.shape(TT)[0]) +
             1) * TT  # TTd0 = TT with 0s on the main diagonal
     s = Numeric.sum(Numeric.sum(Numeric.absolute(TTd0)))
     minT = MLab.min(MLab.min(T))
     maxT = MLab.max(MLab.max(T))
     minTTd0 = MLab.min(MLab.min(TTd0))
     maxTTd0 = MLab.max(MLab.max(TTd0))
     if not s < eps:
         out = "NOT ORTHOG, min(T), max(T):\t%f\t%f\n" % (minT, maxT)
         out += "  min(TTd0), max(TTd0), sum-abs-el(TTd0):\t%f\t%f\t%f" % (
             minTTd0, maxTTd0, s)
         if output:
             print out
             return False
             raise out
     elif output:
         out = "ORTHOGONAL, min(T), max(T):\t%f\t%f\n" % (minT, maxT)
         out += "  min(TTd0), max(TTd0), sum-abs-el(TTd0):\t%f\t%f\t%f" % (
             minTTd0, maxTTd0, s)
         print out
     return True
Exemplo n.º 5
def usr_similarity(x, y):
    """return similarity of two usr_descriptor vectors, x and y
    x = N.array(x)
    num = float(x.shape[0])
    y = N.array(y)
    # normalized and montonically inverted Manhattan distance
    return num / (num + N.add.reduce(N.absolute(x - y)))
Exemplo n.º 6
 def coef_maxCut(self, appxCoef):
     """returns the coefficients different from zero up to the abs. max. coefficient
     where the first coefficient is excluded from finding the max.
     accepts 2d matrix of coefficients where rows represent different curves
     assert len(appxCoef.shape) == 2
     k = Numeric.shape(appxCoef)[1]
     maxInd = Numeric.argmax(Numeric.absolute(appxCoef[:,1:]),1) + 1
     lowDiagOnes = Numeric.fromfunction(lambda i,j: i>=j, (k,k))
     coefSelector = Numeric.take(lowDiagOnes, maxInd, 0)
     return appxCoef*coefSelector
Exemplo n.º 7
 def coef_maxCut(self, appxCoef):
     """returns the coefficients different from zero up to the abs. max. coefficient
     where the first coefficient is excluded from finding the max.
     accepts 2d matrix of coefficients where rows represent different curves
     assert len(appxCoef.shape) == 2
     k = Numeric.shape(appxCoef)[1]
     maxInd = Numeric.argmax(Numeric.absolute(appxCoef[:, 1:]), 1) + 1
     lowDiagOnes = Numeric.fromfunction(lambda i, j: i >= j, (k, k))
     coefSelector = Numeric.take(lowDiagOnes, maxInd, 0)
     return appxCoef * coefSelector
Exemplo n.º 8
def radial(x, y, wide, gaussian_width):
    Radial grating - A sector of a circle with Gaussian fall-off.
    Parameter wide determines in wide of sector in radians.

    angle = absolute(arctan2(y,x))
    half_wide = wide/2

    radius = 1.0 - greater_equal(angle,half_wide)
    distance = angle - half_wide

    sigmasq = gaussian_width*gaussian_width

    with float_error_ignore():
        falloff = exp(divide(-distance*distance, 2.0*sigmasq))

    return maximum(radius,falloff)
Exemplo n.º 9
def hyperbola(x, y, thickness, gaussian_width, axis):
    Two conjugate hyperbolas with Gaussian fall-off which share the same asymptotes.
    abs(x^2/a^2 - y^2/b^2) = 1 
    As a = b = axis, these hyperbolas are rectangular.

    difference = absolute(x**2 - y**2)
    hyperbola = 1.0 - bitwise_xor(greater_equal(axis**2,difference),greater_equal(difference,(axis + thickness)**2))

    distance_inside_hyperbola = sqrt(difference) - axis
    distance_outside_hyperbola = sqrt(difference) - axis - thickness

    sigmasq = gaussian_width*gaussian_width

    with float_error_ignore():
        inner_falloff = exp(divide(-distance_inside_hyperbola*distance_inside_hyperbola, 2.0*sigmasq))
        outer_falloff = exp(divide(-distance_outside_hyperbola*distance_outside_hyperbola, 2.0*sigmasq))
    return maximum(hyperbola,maximum(inner_falloff,outer_falloff))
Exemplo n.º 10
    def function(self,params):
        """Radial function."""

        aspect_ratio = params['aspect_ratio']
        x = self.pattern_x/aspect_ratio
        y = self.pattern_y
        gaussian_width = params['smoothing']
        angle = absolute(arctan2(y,x))
        half_length = params['arc_length']/2

        radius = 1.0 - greater_equal(angle,half_length)
        distance = angle - half_length

        sigmasq = gaussian_width*gaussian_width

        with float_error_ignore():
            falloff = exp(divide(-distance*distance, 2.0*sigmasq))

        return maximum(radius, falloff)
Exemplo n.º 11
def outliers(a, z=5, it=5):
    Iterative detection of outliers in a set of numeric values.
    Requirement: len(a) > 0; outlier detection is only performed if len(a)>2
    @param a: array or list of values
    @type  a: [ float ]
    @param z: z-score threshold for iterative refinement of median and SD
    @type  z: float
    @param it: maximum number of iterations
    @type  it: int
    @return: outlier mask, median and standard deviation of last iteration
    @rtype: N.array( int ), float, float
    assert (len(a) > 0)
    mask = N.ones(len(a))
    out = N.zeros(len(a))

    if len(a) < 3:
        return out, N.median(a), N.std(a)

    for i in range(it):
        b = N.compress(N.logical_not(out), a)
        me = N.median(b)
        sd = N.std(b)

        bz = N.absolute((N.array(a) - me) / sd)  # pseudo z-score of each value
        o = bz > z
        ##        print 'iteration %i: <%5.2f> +- %5.2f -- %i outliers' % (i,me,sd,N.sum(o))

        ## stop if converged or reached bottom
        if (N.sum(o) == N.sum(out)) or (N.sum(o) > len(a) - 3):
            return o, me, sd

        out = o

    return out, me, sd
Exemplo n.º 12
def outliers( a, z=5, it=5 ):
    Iterative detection of outliers in a set of numeric values.
    Requirement: len(a) > 0; outlier detection is only performed if len(a)>2
    @param a: array or list of values
    @type  a: [ float ]
    @param z: z-score threshold for iterative refinement of median and SD
    @type  z: float
    @param it: maximum number of iterations
    @type  it: int
    @return: outlier mask, median and standard deviation of last iteration
    @rtype: N.array( int ), float, float
    assert( len(a) > 0 )
    mask = N.ones( len(a) )
    out  = N.zeros( len(a) )
    if len(a) < 3:
        return out, N.median(a), N.std(a)
    for i in range( it ):
        b  = N.compress( N.logical_not(out), a )
        me = N.median( b )
        sd = N.std( b )
        bz = N.absolute((N.array( a ) - me) / sd)  # pseudo z-score of each value
        o  = bz > z
        ##        print 'iteration %i: <%5.2f> +- %5.2f -- %i outliers' % (i,me,sd,N.sum(o))

        ## stop if converged or reached bottom
        if (N.sum(o) == N.sum(out)) or (N.sum(o) > len(a) - 3):
            return o, me, sd
        out = o
    return out, me, sd
Exemplo n.º 13
    def parse_result(self):
        Extract some information about the profile as well as the
        match state emmission scores. Keys of the returned dictionary::
          'AA', 'name', 'NrSeq', 'emmScore', 'accession',
          'maxAllScale', 'seqNr', 'profLength', 'ent', 'absSum'
        @return: dictionary with warious information about the profile
        @rtype: dict
        ## check that the outfut file is there and seems valid
        if not os.path.exists(self.f_out):
            raise HmmerError,\
                  'Hmmerfetch result file %s does not exist.'%self.f_out

        if T.fileLength(self.f_out) < 10:
            raise HmmerError,\
                  'Hmmerfetch result file %s seems incomplete.'%self.f_out

        profileDic = {}

        ## read result
        hmm = open(self.f_out, 'r')
        out = hmm.read()

        ## collect some data about the hmm profile
        profileDic['name'] = self.hmmName
        profileDic['profLength'] = \
                  int( string.split(re.findall('LENG\s+[0-9]+', out)[0])[1] )
        profileDic['accession'] = \
                  string.split(re.findall('ACC\s+PF[0-9]+', out)[0])[1]
        profileDic['NrSeq'] = \
                  int( string.split(re.findall('NSEQ\s+[0-9]+', out)[0])[1] )
        profileDic['AA'] = \
              string.split(re.findall('HMM[ ]+' + '[A-Y][ ]+'*20, out)[0] )[1:]

        ## collect null emmission scores
        pattern = 'NULE[ ]+' + '[-0-9]+[ ]+' * 20
        nullEmm = [
            float(j) for j in string.split(re.findall(pattern, out)[0])[1:]

        ## get emmision scores
        prob = []
        for i in range(1, profileDic['profLength'] + 1):
            pattern = "[ ]+%i" % i + "[ ]+[-0-9]+" * 20
            e = [float(j) for j in string.split(re.findall(pattern, out)[0])]
            prob += [e]

        profileDic['seqNr'] = N.transpose(N.take(prob, (0, ), 1))
        profileDic['emmScore'] = N.array(prob)[:, 1:]

        ## calculate emission probablitities
        emmProb, nullProb = self.hmmEmm2Prob(nullEmm, profileDic['emmScore'])

        ent = [
            N.resize(self.entropy(e, nullProb), (1, 20))[0] for e in emmProb
        profileDic['ent'] = N.array(ent)

        ###### TEST #####

        proba = N.array(prob)[:, 1:]

        ##         # test set all to max score
        ##         p = proba
        ##         p1 = []
        ##         for i in range( len(p) ):
        ##             p1 += [ N.resize( p[i][N.argmax( N.array( p[i] ) )] , N.shape( p[i] ) ) ]
        ##         profileDic['maxAll'] = p1

        # test set all to N.sum( abs( probabilities ) )
        p = proba
        p2 = []
        for i in range(len(p)):
            p2 += [N.resize(N.sum(N.absolute(p[i])), N.shape(p[i]))]
        profileDic['absSum'] = p2

        # set all to normalized max score
        p = proba
        p4 = []
        for i in range(len(p)):
            p_scale = (p[i] - N.average(p[i])) / math.SD(p[i])
            p4 += [
                N.resize(p_scale[N.argmax(N.array(p_scale))], N.shape(p[i]))
        profileDic['maxAllScale'] = p4

        return profileDic
Exemplo n.º 14
def EulerImplicit(parent, yInit, odeSettings, yMin=None, yMax=None, yScale=None):
    """Integrate with Euler explicit"""
    MAXTRY = 40
    #Settings for implicit iteration
    #Default are fairly loose settings
    if hasattr(odeSettings, 'maxIter'): maxIter = odeSettings.maxIter
    else: maxIter = 15
    if hasattr(odeSettings, 'dampingFactor'): damping = odeSettings.dampingFactor
    else: damping = 1.0
    damping = 1.0
    if hasattr(odeSettings, 'tolerance'): tol = odeSettings.tolerance
    else: tol = 1.0E-3
    h = odeSettings.step
    xEnd = odeSettings.end
    xInit = odeSettings.init
    CalcDerivativesMethod = parent.CalculateDerivatives
    Validate = None
    if hasattr(parent, 'ValidateStepResults'): Validate = parent.ValidateStepResults
    nuEquations = len(yInit)
    jacobian = zeros((nuEquations, nuEquations), Float)
    #Did scale values came in?
    autoScale = False
    if yScale == None:
        autoScale = True
    #Iterate along the whole distance
    h = Numeric.sign(xEnd-xInit) * abs(h) #Make sure the sign of h makes sense
    hBase = h                             #Original value of h
    hNext = h                             #Initialize hNext as h
    hMin = TINYESTVALUE                   #Always positive
    x = xInit
    y = array(yInit)
    stepCnt = 0
    converged = False
    loadResults = True
    path = parent.GetPath()
    xNextStore = xInit
    while stepCnt < LARGEVALITER and ((x-xEnd)*(xEnd-xInit) < 0.0):
        stepCnt += 1
        #Calculate derivatives right where we are 
        parent.InfoMessage('CalculatingStep', (stepCnt, path, x, xInit, xEnd))
        if ( hBase > 0.0 and x >= xNextStore ) or ( hBase < 0.0 and x <= xNextStore ): 
            loadResults = True
            xNextStore += hBase
            loadResults = False
        if yMin != None and min(y-yMin) < 0.0:
            #See if it is a round off problem.
            if hasattr(parent, 'RoundValues'):
                y = parent.RoundValues(y, yMin, yMax, yScale)
        dy_dx = CalcDerivativesMethod(x, y, loadResults) 
        #Set h as the estimated next h
        h = hNext
        #Make sure it won't go over
        if (x + h - xEnd) *  (x + h - xInit) > 0.0: h = xEnd - x
        #Scale values
        if autoScale: 
            C = ones(len(y), Float)
            yScale = Numeric.maximum(C, absolute(y))
        #Iterate until a proper step size is found
        innerCnt = 0
        ySave = array(y, Float)
        #The implicit algorithm implies that the derivatives are evaluated at h
        #but sometimes it is necessary to evaluate the derivatives at h-epsilon
        #to avoid convergence problems.
        #In this case hEval = h-epsilon
        hEval = h
        doImplicit = 1
        while innerCnt <= MAXTRY:
            innerCnt += 1
                #Initial guess of yNext as explicit Euler
                yNext = ySave + h*dy_dx
                #Make sure it is
                yNext = parent.StepToBoundaries(x+h, yNext, h)
                yNext = Numeric.clip(yNext, yMin, yMax)
                #Iterate in the implicit step with quasi Newton Raphson
                #with approximate Jacobian
                iter = 0
                convImplicit = False
                while iter < maxIter:
                    iter += 1
                    yNextNew = ySave + h*CalcDerivativesMethod(x + hEval, yNext)
                    yNextNew = parent.StepToBoundaries(x+h, yNextNew, h)
                    #if Validate: yNextNew = Validate(x+h, yNextNew)
                    rhs = yNextNew - yNext
                    rhs /= yScale
                    if max(Numeric.absolute(rhs)) < tol:
                        convImplicit = True
                        y = Numeric.clip(yNextNew, yMin, yMax)
                    #Calculate Jacobian with crude differentials
                    yNextForJac = array(yNext, Float)
                    rhsForJac = array(rhs, Float)
                    shift = 0.0001
                    shift = shift * yScale
                    for j in xrange(nuEquations):
                        old = yNextForJac[j]
                        yNextForJac[j] = yNextForJac[j] + shift[j]
                        yNextNewForJac = ySave + h*CalcDerivativesMethod(x+hEval, yNextForJac)
                        rhsForJac = (yNextNewForJac - yNextForJac) / yScale
                        for k in xrange(nuEquations):
                            jacobian[k][j] = (rhsForJac[k] - rhs[k])/(shift[j])
                        yNextForJac[j] = old
                    #Invert Jacobian and get the new estimate for y
                    jacobian = inverse(jacobian)
                    deltaX = -dot(jacobian, rhs)*damping
                    yNext = UpdateX(yNext, deltaX)
                    yNext = parent.StepToBoundaries(x+h, yNext, h)
                    yNext = Numeric.clip(yNext, yMin, yMax)
                if convImplicit:
                    if h >= 0.0: hNext = min(hBase, h*4.0)
                    else: hNext = max(hBase, h*4.0)
                    y = yNext
                    #Reduce the step
                    h *= 0.25
                    if abs(h) <= hMin:
                        raise SimError('StepSizeTooSmall', (path, h))
                #Reduce the step
                h *= 0.25
                if abs(h) <= hMin:
                    raise SimError('StepSizeTooSmall', (path, h))
        if not convImplicit:
            raise SimError('StepSizeTooSmall', (path, h))
        x += h
        ##Decide if we keep on iterating####################################################
        if ((x-xEnd)*(xEnd-xInit) >= 0.0):
            #Calculate derivatives yet again just so final results are loaded.
            #Not the best way to do things but good enough for now
            loadResults = True
            dy_dx = CalcDerivativesMethod(xEnd, y, loadResults)
            converged = True
    if not converged:
        parent.InfoMessage('ODEMaxSteps', (stepCnt, path))
    return converged
Exemplo n.º 15
    def parse_result( self ):
        Extract some information about the profile as well as the
        match state emmission scores. Keys of the returned dictionary::
          'AA', 'name', 'NrSeq', 'emmScore', 'accession',
          'maxAllScale', 'seqNr', 'profLength', 'ent', 'absSum'
        @return: dictionary with warious information about the profile
        @rtype: dict
        ## check that the outfut file is there and seems valid
        if not os.path.exists( self.f_out ):
            raise HmmerError,\
                  'Hmmerfetch result file %s does not exist.'%self.f_out
        if T.fileLength( self.f_out ) < 10:
            raise HmmerError,\
                  'Hmmerfetch result file %s seems incomplete.'%self.f_out
        profileDic = {}

        ## read result
        hmm = open( self.f_out, 'r')
        out = hmm.read()

        ## collect some data about the hmm profile
        profileDic['name'] =  self.hmmName 
        profileDic['profLength'] = \
                  int( string.split(re.findall('LENG\s+[0-9]+', out)[0])[1] )
        profileDic['accession'] = \
                  string.split(re.findall('ACC\s+PF[0-9]+', out)[0])[1] 
        profileDic['NrSeq'] = \
                  int( string.split(re.findall('NSEQ\s+[0-9]+', out)[0])[1] )
        profileDic['AA'] = \
              string.split(re.findall('HMM[ ]+' + '[A-Y][ ]+'*20, out)[0] )[1:]

        ## collect null emmission scores
        pattern = 'NULE[ ]+' + '[-0-9]+[ ]+'*20
        nullEmm = [ float(j) for j in string.split(re.findall(pattern, out)[0])[1:] ]

        ## get emmision scores
        for i in range(1, profileDic['profLength']+1):
            pattern = "[ ]+%i"%i + "[ ]+[-0-9]+"*20
            e = [ float(j) for j in string.split(re.findall(pattern, out)[0]) ]
            prob += [ e ]

        profileDic['seqNr'] = N.transpose( N.take( prob, (0,),1 ) )
        profileDic['emmScore'] = N.array(prob)[:,1:]

        ## calculate emission probablitities
        emmProb, nullProb = self.hmmEmm2Prob( nullEmm, profileDic['emmScore'])

        ent = [ N.resize( self.entropy(e, nullProb), (1,20) )[0] for e in emmProb ]
        profileDic['ent'] = N.array(ent)

        ###### TEST #####

        proba = N.array(prob)[:,1:]

##         # test set all to max score
##         p = proba
##         p1 = []
##         for i in range( len(p) ):
##             p1 += [ N.resize( p[i][N.argmax( N.array( p[i] ) )] , N.shape( p[i] ) ) ]
##         profileDic['maxAll'] = p1

        # test set all to N.sum( abs( probabilities ) )
        p = proba
        p2 = []
        for i in range( len(p) ) :
            p2 += [ N.resize( N.sum( N.absolute( p[i] )), N.shape( p[i] ) ) ]
        profileDic['absSum'] = p2

        # set all to normalized max score 
        p = proba
        p4 = []
        for i in range( len(p) ) :
            p_scale = (p[i] - N.average(p[i]) )/ math.SD(p[i])
            p4 += [ N.resize( p_scale[N.argmax( N.array(p_scale) )] ,
                              N.shape( p[i] ) ) ]
        profileDic['maxAllScale'] = p4

        return profileDic
Exemplo n.º 16
Arquivo: eos.py Projeto: randfb/sim42
    def Thermal(self, model, case):
        # Thermal Calcs
        ##        Ac = model["RK_A"]
        T = case.Prop["T"]
        P = case.Prop["P"]
        a = case.Prop["a"]
        xf = case.Prop["xf"]
        yf = case.Prop["yf"]
        A = case.Prop["A"]
        B = case.Prop["B"]
        Zli = case.Prop["Zli"]
        Zvi = case.Prop["Zvi"]
        V_li = case.Prop["Vli"]
        V_vi = case.Prop["Vvi"]
        x = case.Prop["x"]

        ac = model["RK_A"]
        b = model["RK_B"]

        Cp, H0, S0 = self.Thermo.Calc(model["CP_A"], model["CP_B"], model["CP_C"], model["CP_D"], T, R)

        dadT = case.Prop["dadT"]
        d2adT2 = case.Prop["d2adT2"]

        # Liquid
        dA_L = self.dA(Zli, a, b, B, R, T)
        dS_L = self.dS(Zli, dadT, b, B, R, T)
        dH_L = self.dH(Zli, dA_L, dS_L, R, T)

        INTd2PdT2_L = self.INTd2PdT2(Zli, d2adT2, b, B)
        dCv_L = self.dCv(INTd2PdT2_L, R, T)

        dPdT_L = self.dPdT(dadT, b, R, T, V_li)
        dPdV_L = self.dPdV(a, b, R, T, V_li)
        dCp_L = self.dCp(dCv_L, dPdT_L, dPdV_L, T)
        # Vapor
        dA_V = self.dA(Zvi, a, b, B, R, T)
        dS_V = self.dS(Zvi, dadT, b, B, R, T)
        dH_V = self.dH(Zvi, dA_V, dS_V, R, T)

        INTd2PdT2_V = self.INTd2PdT2(Zvi, d2adT2, b, B)
        dCv_V = self.dCv(INTd2PdT2_V, R, T)

        dPdT_V = self.dPdT(dadT, b, R, T, V_vi)
        dPdV_V = self.dPdV(a, b, R, T, V_vi)
        dCp_V = self.dCp(dCv_V, dPdT_V, dPdV_V, T)

        # Mix
        HV_i = model["HV"] * power(absolute((T - model["TC"]) / (model["TB"] - model["TC"])), 0.38)
        model["HV_T"] = HV_i
        Ho_M_v = sum(yf * (H0 - dH_V))
        Ho_M_l = sum(xf * (H0 - dH_L))
        So_M_v = sum(yf * (S0 - dS_V)) - R * sum(yf * log(yf))
        So_M_l = sum(xf * (S0 - dS_L)) - R * sum(xf * log(xf))

        H_v = Ho_M_v
        H_l = Ho_M_l - sum(xf * HV_i)

        HV = H_v - H_l
        SV = HV / T

        S_v = So_M_v
        S_l = So_M_l - SV
        # Cp and Cv : Cp-Cv=R,Cv=Cp-R
        Cv_v = Cp - R
        case.Prop["Cp_v"] = Cp - dCp_V
        case.Prop["Cv_v"] = Cv_v - dCv_V
        # Save result in the case Hentalpy
        case.Prop["H"] = H_v * (case.Prop["FracVap"]) + H_l * (1 - case.Prop["FracVap"])
        case.Prop["H_l"] = H_l
        case.Prop["H_v"] = H_v
        case.Prop["HV"] = HV
        # Save result in the case Emtropy
        case.Prop["S"] = S_v * (case.Prop["FracVap"]) + S_l * (1 - case.Prop["FracVap"])
        case.Prop["S_l"] = S_l
        case.Prop["S_v"] = S_v

        G_l = H_l - T * S_l
        G_v = H_v - T * S_v

        # Save result in the case Free
        case.Prop["G"] = G_v * (case.Prop["FracVap"]) + G_l * (1 - case.Prop["FracVap"])
        case.Prop["G_l"] = G_l
        case.Prop["G_v"] = G_v

        U_l = H_l - sum(xf * P * V_li)
        U_v = H_v - sum(yf * P * V_vi)

        # Save result in the case Free
        case.Prop["U"] = U_v * (case.Prop["FracVap"]) + U_l * (1 - case.Prop["FracVap"])
        case.Prop["U_l"] = U_l
        case.Prop["U_v"] = U_v

        A_l = U_l - T * S_l
        A_v = U_v - T * S_v

        # Save result in the case Free
        case.Prop["AFree"] = U_v * (case.Prop["FracVap"]) + U_l * (1 - case.Prop["FracVap"])
        case.Prop["AFree_l"] = A_l
        case.Prop["AFree_v"] = A_v

        # Hentapy and gibbs formation Energy
        case.Prop["HF"] = sum(model["DELHF"] * x)
        case.Prop["GF"] = sum(model["DELGF"] * x)