Exemplo n.º 1
    def __ssBonds(self, model, cutoff=4.):
        Identify disulfide bonds.

        @param model: model
        @type  model: PDBModel        
        @param cutoff: distance cutoff for S-S distance (default: 4.0)
        @type  cutoff: float
        @return: list with numbers of residue pairs forming S-S
        @rtype: [(int, int)]
        m = model.compress(model.mask(['SG']))

        if len(m) < 2:
            return []

        pw = MU.pairwiseDistances(m.xyz, m.xyz)

        pw = N.less(pw, cutoff)

        r = []
        for i in range(len(pw)):
            for j in range(i + 1, len(pw)):
                if pw[i, j]:
                    r += [(m.atoms['residue_number'][i],
        return r
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __checkProfileIntegrity(self,
        In some cases SurfaceRacer generates incorrect curvature
        values for some atoms. This function sets values outside
        a given range to 0

        @param profile: profile name
        @type  profile: str
        @param upperLimit: upper limit for a valid value (default: 1.0)
        @type  upperLimit: float
        @param lowerLimit: lower limit for a valid value (default: -1.0)
        @type  lowerLimit: float

        @return: profile with inspected values
        @rtype: [float]
        mask = N.greater(profile, upperLimit)
        mask += N.less(profile, lowerLimit)

        for i in N.nonzero(mask):
            print 'WARNING! Profile value %.2f set to O\n' % profile[i]
            profile[i] = 0

        return profile
Exemplo n.º 3
 def chipdata(self, data):
     """Input data: [(dirname0, [et0, et1, ...]), ...]
     self.numRowsMissingChipData = 0
     self._chipdataMA = []
     if data != None:
         self._chipdata = data
         numValsAll = 0
         numValsNonMasked = 0
         numFiles = 0
         numExamplesList = []
         attribDict = {}
         numColMissing = 0
         for (name, etList) in data:
             numFiles += len(etList)
             self._chipdataMA.append((name, []))
             for et in etList:
                         zip(map(lambda x: x.name, et.domain.attributes),
                 etm = et.toNumpyMA("a")[0]
                 colNonMissingInd = Numeric.compress(
                     Numeric.not_equal(MA.count(etm, 0), 0),
                 )  # indices of columns that are not completely missing
                 numColMissing += etm.shape[1] - colNonMissingInd.shape[0]
                 self.numRowsMissingChipData += int(
                             MA.count(etm.take(colNonMissingInd, 1), 1),
                 numValsAll += int(Numeric.multiply.reduce(etm.shape))
                 numValsNonMasked += int(MA.count(etm))
         # info text
             "Structured Data: %i data files with %i profiles on %i points"
             % (numFiles, numExamplesList[0], len(attribDict)))
         numTotalMissing = numValsAll - numValsNonMasked
         if numTotalMissing > 0:
             print numTotalMissing, numColMissing, self.numRowsMissingChipData
             print type(numTotalMissing), type(numColMissing), type(
                 "missing %i values, %i column%s completely, %i row%s partially"
                 % (numTotalMissing, numColMissing, [
                     "", "s"
                 ][numColMissing != 1], self.numRowsMissingChipData,
                    ["", "s"][self.numRowsMissingChipData != 1]))
         self._chipdata = None
         self.infoc.setText("No structured data on input")
     if self.commitOnChange:
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __checkProfileIntegrity( self, profile, upperLimit=1.0,
        In some cases SurfaceRacer generates incorrect curvature
        values for some atoms. This function sets values outside
        a given range to 0

        @param profile: profile name
        @type  profile: str
        @param upperLimit: upper limit for a valid value (default: 1.0)
        @type  upperLimit: float
        @param lowerLimit: lower limit for a valid value (default: -1.0)
        @type  lowerLimit: float

        @return: profile with inspected values
        @rtype: [float]
        mask = N.greater( profile, upperLimit )
        mask += N.less( profile, lowerLimit )

        for i in  N.nonzero(mask):
            print 'WARNING! Profile value %.2f set to O\n'%profile[i]
            profile[i] = 0

        return profile
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __ssBonds( self, model, cutoff=4. ):
        Identify disulfide bonds.

        @param model: model
        @type  model: PDBModel        
        @param cutoff: distance cutoff for S-S distance (default: 4.0)
        @type  cutoff: float
        @return: list with numbers of residue pairs forming S-S
        @rtype: [(int, int)]
        m = model.compress( model.mask( ['SG'] ) )

        if len( m ) < 2:
            return []

        pw = MU.pairwiseDistances( m.xyz, m.xyz )

        pw = N.less( pw, cutoff )

        r = []
        for i in range( len( pw ) ):
            for j in range( i+1, len(pw) ):
                if pw[i,j]:
                    r += [ (m.atoms['residue_number'][i],
                            m.atoms['residue_number'][j]) ]
        return r
Exemplo n.º 6
    def takeFrames( self, indices ):
        Return a copy of the trajectory containing only the specified frames.

        @param indices: positions to take
        @type  indices: [int]

        @return: copy of this Trajectory (fewer frames, semi-deep copy of ref)
        @rtype: Trajectory
        ## remove out-of-bound indices
        indices = N.compress( N.less( indices, len( self.frames) ), indices )

        r = self.__class__()

        ## this step takes some time for large frames !
        r.frames = N.take( self.frames, indices, 0 )

        ## semi-deep copy of reference model
        r.setRef( self.ref.take( range( self.ref.lenAtoms() )) )

        if self.frameNames != None:
            r.frameNames = N.take( self.frameNames, indices, 0 )
            r.frameNames = map( ''.join, r.frameNames.tolist() )

        r.pc = self.__takePca( indices )

        r.profiles = self.profiles.take( indices )

        r.resIndex = self.resIndex

        return r
Exemplo n.º 7
    def takeFrames(self, indices):
        Return a copy of the trajectory containing only the specified frames.

        @param indices: positions to take
        @type  indices: [int]

        @return: copy of this Trajectory (fewer frames, semi-deep copy of ref)
        @rtype: Trajectory
        ## remove out-of-bound indices
        indices = N.compress(N.less(indices, len(self.frames)), indices)

        r = self.__class__()

        ## this step takes some time for large frames !
        r.frames = N.take(self.frames, indices, 0)

        ## semi-deep copy of reference model

        if self.frameNames != None:
            r.frameNames = N.take(self.frameNames, indices, 0)
            r.frameNames = map(''.join, r.frameNames.tolist())

        r.pc = self.__takePca(indices)

        r.profiles = self.profiles.take(indices)

        r.resIndex = self.resIndex

        return r
Exemplo n.º 8
    def addDensity( self, radius=6, minasa=None, profName='density' ):
        Count the number of heavy atoms within the given radius.
        Values are only collected for atoms with |minasa| accessible surface

        @param minasa: relative exposed surface - 0 to 100%
        @type  minasa: float
        @param radius: in Angstrom
        @type  radius: float
        mHeavy = self.m.maskHeavy()

        xyz = N.compress( mHeavy, self.m.getXyz(), 0 )

        if minasa and self.m.profile( 'relAS', 0 ) == 0:

        if minasa:
            mSurf = self.m.profile2mask( 'relAS', minasa )
            mSurf = N.ones( self.m.lenAtoms() )

        ## loop over all surface atoms
        surf_pos = N.nonzero( mSurf )
        contacts = []

        for i in surf_pos:
            dist = N.sum(( xyz - self.m.xyz[i])**2, 1)
            contacts += [ N.sum( N.less(dist, radius**2 )) -1]

        self.m.atoms.set( profName, contacts, mSurf, default=-1,
                          comment='atom density radius %3.1fA' % radius,
                          version= T.dateString() + ' ' + self.version() )
Exemplo n.º 9
    def __atomContacts(self, cutoff, rec_mask, lig_mask, cache):
        Intermolecular distances below cutoff after applying the two masks.
        @param cutoff: cutoff for B{atom-atom} contact in \AA
        @type  cutoff: float
        @param rec_mask: atom mask
        @type  rec_mask: [1|0]
        @param lig_mask: atom mask
        @type  lig_mask: [1|0]
        @param cache: cache pairwise atom distance matrix
        @type  cache: 1|0
        @return: atom contact matrix, array sum_rec_mask x sum_lig_mask
        @rtype: array
        ## get atom coordinats as array 3 x all_atoms
        rec_xyz = self.rec().getXyz()
        lig_xyz = self.lig().getXyz()

        ## get pair-wise distances -> atoms_rec x atoms_lig
        dist = getattr( self, 'pw_dist', None )
        if dist is None or \
               N.shape( dist ) != ( N.sum(rec_mask), N.sum(lig_mask) ):
            dist = self.__pairwiseDistances(N.compress( rec_mask, rec_xyz, 0),
                                            N.compress( lig_mask, lig_xyz, 0) )
        if cache:
            self.pw_dist = dist

        ## reduce to 1 (distance < cutoff) or 0 -> n_atoms_rec x n_atoms_lig
        return N.less( dist, cutoff )
Exemplo n.º 10
    def __call__(self,**params_to_override):
        p = ParamOverrides(self,params_to_override)

        xsize,ysize = SheetCoordinateSystem(p.bounds,p.xdensity,p.ydensity).shape
        xsize,ysize = int(round(xsize)),int(round(ysize))
        xdisparity  = int(round(xsize*p.xdisparity))  
        ydisparity  = int(round(xsize*p.ydisparity))   
        dotsize     = int(round(xsize*p.dotsize))
        bigxsize = 2*xsize
        bigysize = 2*ysize
        ndots=int(round(p.dotdensity * (bigxsize+2*dotsize) * (bigysize+2*dotsize) /
                        min(dotsize,xsize) / min(dotsize,ysize)))
        halfdot = floor(dotsize/2)
        # Choose random colors and locations of square dots
        random_seed = p.random_seed

        col=where(random_array.random((ndots))>=0.5, 1.0, -1.0)

        xpos=floor(random_array.random((ndots))*(bigxsize+2*dotsize)) - halfdot
        ypos=floor(random_array.random((ndots))*(bigysize+2*dotsize)) - halfdot
        # Construct arrays of points specifying the boundaries of each
        # dot, cropping them by the big image size (0,0) to (bigxsize,bigysize)
        x1=xpos.astype(Int) ; x1=choose(less(x1,0),(x1,0))
        y1=ypos.astype(Int) ; y1=choose(less(y1,0),(y1,0))
        x2=(xpos+(dotsize-1)).astype(Int) ; x2=choose(greater(x2,bigxsize),(x2,bigxsize))
        y2=(ypos+(dotsize-1)).astype(Int) ; y2=choose(greater(y2,bigysize),(y2,bigysize))

        # Draw each dot in the big image, on a blank background
        bigimage = zeros((bigysize,bigxsize))
        for i in range(ndots):
            bigimage[y1[i]:y2[i]+1,x1[i]:x2[i]+1] = col[i]
        result = p.offset + p.scale*bigimage[ (ysize/2)+ydisparity:(3*ysize/2)+ydisparity ,
                                              (xsize/2)+xdisparity:(3*xsize/2)+xdisparity ]

        for of in p.output_fns:

        return result
Exemplo n.º 11
    def __call__(self,**params_to_override):
        p = ParamOverrides(self,params_to_override)

        xsize,ysize = SheetCoordinateSystem(p.bounds,p.xdensity,p.ydensity).shape
        xsize,ysize = int(round(xsize)),int(round(ysize))

        xdisparity  = int(round(xsize*p.xdisparity))
        ydisparity  = int(round(xsize*p.ydisparity))
        dotsize     = int(round(xsize*p.dotsize))

        bigxsize = 2*xsize
        bigysize = 2*ysize
        ndots=int(round(p.dotdensity * (bigxsize+2*dotsize) * (bigysize+2*dotsize) /
                        min(dotsize,xsize) / min(dotsize,ysize)))
        halfdot = floor(dotsize/2)

        # Choose random colors and locations of square dots
        random_seed = p.random_seed

        col=where(random_array.random((ndots))>=0.5, 1.0, -1.0)

        xpos=floor(random_array.random((ndots))*(bigxsize+2*dotsize)) - halfdot

        ypos=floor(random_array.random((ndots))*(bigysize+2*dotsize)) - halfdot

        # Construct arrays of points specifying the boundaries of each
        # dot, cropping them by the big image size (0,0) to (bigxsize,bigysize)
        x1=xpos.astype(Int) ; x1=choose(less(x1,0),(x1,0))
        y1=ypos.astype(Int) ; y1=choose(less(y1,0),(y1,0))
        x2=(xpos+(dotsize-1)).astype(Int) ; x2=choose(greater(x2,bigxsize),(x2,bigxsize))
        y2=(ypos+(dotsize-1)).astype(Int) ; y2=choose(greater(y2,bigysize),(y2,bigysize))

        # Draw each dot in the big image, on a blank background
        bigimage = zeros((bigysize,bigxsize))
        for i in range(ndots):
            bigimage[y1[i]:y2[i]+1,x1[i]:x2[i]+1] = col[i]

        result = p.offset + p.scale*bigimage[ (ysize/2)+ydisparity:(3*ysize/2)+ydisparity ,
                                              (xsize/2)+xdisparity:(3*xsize/2)+xdisparity ]

        for of in p.output_fns:

        return result
Exemplo n.º 12
def smooth_rectangle(x, y, rec_w, rec_h, gaussian_width_x, gaussian_width_y):
    Rectangle with a solid central region, then Gaussian fall-off at the edges.

    gaussian_x_coord = abs(x) - rec_w / 2.0
    gaussian_y_coord = abs(y) - rec_h / 2.0

    box_x = less(gaussian_x_coord, 0.0)
    box_y = less(gaussian_y_coord, 0.0)
    sigmasq_x = gaussian_width_x * gaussian_width_x
    sigmasq_y = gaussian_width_y * gaussian_width_y

    with float_error_ignore():
        falloff_x=x*0.0 if sigmasq_x==0.0 else \
        falloff_y=y*0.0 if sigmasq_y==0.0 else \

    return minimum(maximum(box_x, falloff_x), maximum(box_y, falloff_y))
Exemplo n.º 13
def smooth_rectangle(x, y, rec_w, rec_h, gaussian_width_x, gaussian_width_y):
    Rectangle with a solid central region, then Gaussian fall-off at the edges.

    gaussian_x_coord = abs(x)-rec_w/2.0
    gaussian_y_coord = abs(y)-rec_h/2.0

    with float_error_ignore():
        falloff_x=x*0.0 if sigmasq_x==0.0 else \
        falloff_y=y*0.0 if sigmasq_y==0.0 else \

    return minimum(maximum(box_x,falloff_x), maximum(box_y,falloff_y))
Exemplo n.º 14
    def Translate(self, t):
        ##          #scl = 0.25
        ##          scl = 1
        ##          print "t:", t
        ##          t1 = int(t[0]*scl)
        ##          t2 = int(t[1]*scl)
        ##          t3 = int(t[2]*scl)
        t1, t2, t3 = Numeric.where(Numeric.less(t, 0), -2, 2)
        xmin = self.xmin
        xmax = self.xmax
        ymin = self.ymin
        ymax = self.ymax
        zmin = self.zmin
        zmax = self.zmax
        xmin = xmin + t1
        xmax = xmax + t1
        nx, ny, nz = self.volSize
        if xmin < 0:
            xmax = xmax - xmin
            xmin = 0
        if xmax > nx:
            xmin = xmin - (xmax - nx)
            xmax = nx
        ymin = ymin + t2
        ymax = ymax + t2
        if ymin < 0:
            ymax = ymax - ymin
            ymin = 0
        if ymax > ny:
            ymin = ymin - (ymax - ny)
            ymax = ny
        zmin = zmin + t3
        zmax = zmax + t3
        if zmin < 0:
            zmax = zmax - zmin
            zmin = 0
        if zmax > nz:
            zmin = zmin - (zmax - nz)
            zmax = nz
        self.xmin = xmin
        self.xmax = xmax
        self.ymin = ymin
        self.ymax = ymax
        self.zmin = zmin
        self.zmax = zmax

Exemplo n.º 15
 def filter(self, dlg):
     fptr = open(dlg)
     dlg_lines = fptr.readlines()
     #STEP 1:accumulate lines of various poses
     model_lines = []
     #keep all of them
     all_models = []
     in_model = False
     for ll in dlg_lines:
         if ll.find("DOCKED:") == 0:
             #check for a new model
             if ll.find("DOCKED: MODEL") == 0:
                 model_lines = []
             in_model = True
         if ll.find("_") == 0 and in_model:
             model_lines = []
             in_model = False
     #initialize this ligand
     # loop over the models:
     for model_lines in all_models:
         bigR = self.bigRC[:self.lenK]
         bigM = self.bigC[:self.lenK]
         cutoff = bigR + self.keyRadii
         d = bigM - self.smallM
         dSQ = d * d
         dSQMAT = Numeric.sum(dSQ, 2)
         cutoffSQMAT = cutoff * cutoff
         ansMat = Numeric.logical_and(Numeric.less(dSQMAT, cutoffSQMAT),
                                      Numeric.not_equal(dSQMAT, 0.))
         rowIndices = Numeric.nonzero(Numeric.sum(ansMat, 1))
         num_contacts = 0
         for ind in rowIndices:
             for j in ansMat[ind]:
                 if j: num_contacts += 1
         if num_contacts > 0:
     return num_contacts
Exemplo n.º 16
 def filter(self, dlg):
     fptr = open(dlg)
     dlg_lines = fptr.readlines()
     #STEP 1:accumulate lines of various poses
     model_lines = []
     #keep all of them
     all_models = []
     in_model = False
     for ll in dlg_lines:
         if ll.find("DOCKED:")==0:
             #check for a new model
             if ll.find("DOCKED: MODEL")==0:
                 model_lines = []
             in_model = True
         if ll.find("_")==0 and in_model:
             model_lines = []
             in_model = False
     #initialize this ligand 
     # loop over the models:
     for model_lines in all_models:
         bigR = self.bigRC[:self.lenK]
         bigM = self.bigC[:self.lenK]
         cutoff = bigR + self.keyRadii
         d = bigM - self.smallM
         dSQ = d*d
         dSQMAT = Numeric.sum(dSQ,2)
         cutoffSQMAT = cutoff*cutoff
         ansMat = Numeric.logical_and(Numeric.less(dSQMAT, cutoffSQMAT),Numeric.not_equal(dSQMAT, 0.))
         rowIndices = Numeric.nonzero(Numeric.sum(ansMat,1))
         num_contacts = 0
         for ind in rowIndices:
             for j in ansMat[ind]: 
                 if j: num_contacts+=1
         if num_contacts > 0:
     return num_contacts
Exemplo n.º 17
    def updateSelectorInfos(self, selectorIdx=None):
        """updates the number of examples that match individual selectors;
        if selectorIdx is given, updates only the corresponding info.
        if not selectorIdx:
            selectorInd = range(3)
            selectorInd = [selectorIdx]
        alphas = [self.alphaA, self.alphaB, self.alphaI]
        boxSelectors = [self.boxSelectorA, self.boxSelectorB, self.boxSelectorI]
        for si in selectorInd:
                alpha = float(alphas[si])
                ps = self.ps[si]
            except ValueError:
                alpha = None
                ps = None
##            if ps != None and alpha != None and self.anovaType in [[0,1,3,4],[2,3,4],[4]][si]:
            if ps != None and alpha != None and boxSelectors[si].isEnabled():                
                numSelected = Numeric.add.reduce(Numeric.less(self.ps[si], alpha))
                self.lblNumGenes[si].setText('  (%d example%s)' % (numSelected, ['', 's'][int(numSelected!=1)]))
                self.lblNumGenes[si].setText('  (no examples)')
Exemplo n.º 18
def process_data(data, referencing=None, n_points=200, exposure_cutoff=0.05, atom_type='H',

    stats = process_secondary(data, referencing, n_points, atom_type, exclude_entries=exclude_entries,molType=molType)

    ## decompose with respect to accessibility

    S = {}
    bounds = {}

    for key, values in stats.items():

        shifts, exposure = values

        ind = Numeric.argsort(exposure)

        shifts = Numeric.take(shifts, ind)
        exposure = Numeric.take(exposure, ind)

        B = []

        mask = Numeric.less(exposure, exposure_cutoff)
        ind = Numeric.nonzero(mask)

        if len(shifts)-len(ind) < n_points:
            ind = range(len(shifts))

        if len(ind) >= n_points:

            print key, 0, len(ind), len(shifts)

            S[key + (0,)] = (Numeric.take(shifts, ind), Numeric.take(exposure, ind))

            shifts = shifts[len(ind):]
            exposure = exposure[len(ind):]

            i = 1
            i = 0

        n_classes = len(exposure) / int(n_points)

        n = int(len(exposure) / float(max(1, n_classes))) + 1

        while len(shifts) > n:

            print key, i, len(shifts[:n]), len(shifts)

            S[key + (i,)] = shifts[:n], exposure[:n]

            shifts = shifts[n:]
            exposure = exposure[n:]

            i += 1

        if len(shifts):

            print key, i, len(shifts)

            S[key + (i,)] = shifts, exposure

        bounds[key] = B

    return S, bounds
Exemplo n.º 19
    def senddata(self):
        """computes selectionList, partitions the examples and updates infoc;
        sends out selectionList and selected/other dataStructure or None;
        if self.dataStructure and self.ps.shape[1]:
            # set selectionList
            alphas = [self.alphaA, self.alphaB, self.alphaI]
            selectors = [self.selectorA, self.selectorB, self.selectorI]
            selectionList = Numeric.ones((self.numExamples,))
            boxSelectors = [self.boxSelectorA, self.boxSelectorB, self.boxSelectorI]
            for si in range(3):
##                    if selectors[si] and self.anovaType in [[0,1,3,4],[2,3,4],[4]][si]:
                    if selectors[si] and boxSelectors[si].isEnabled():
                        selectionList = Numeric.logical_and(selectionList, Numeric.less(self.ps[si], float(alphas[si])))
                except ValueError:
                    print "Warning: cannot convert %s to float" % str(alphas[si])
            self.infoc.setText('Sending out data...')
            if self.sendProbabilities:
                # create example table with probabilities
##                print self.ps
##                print Numeric.transpose(self.ps).shape
                etProb = orange.ExampleTable(orange.Domain([orange.FloatVariable("Factor A p-val"),orange.FloatVariable("Factor B p-val"),orange.FloatVariable("Interaction p-val")]), Numeric.transpose(self.ps))
                # in etProb, convert p-val to meta attribute
                domProb = orange.Domain([])
                domProb.addmetas(dict(zip([orange.newmetaid(),orange.newmetaid(),orange.newmetaid()], etProb.domain.variables)))
                etProb = orange.ExampleTable(domProb, etProb)
                # create new etProb without attributes/metas and of length equal to etProb
                etProb = orange.ExampleTable(orange.Domain([]), Numeric.zeros((selectionList.shape[0],0)))

            # partition dataStructure and send out data
            selectionList = selectionList.tolist()
            self.send("Example Selection", (self.selectorName, selectionList))
            dataStructS = []
            dataStructN = []

            if self.sendNotSelectedData:
                pbStep = 50./len(self.dataStructure)
                pbStep = 100./len(self.dataStructure)

            for (dsName, etList) in self.dataStructure:
                etListS = [et.select(selectionList) for et in etList]
                for i in range(len(etList)):
                    # append probabilities (if etProb not empty)
                    etListS[i] = orange.ExampleTable([etListS[i], etProb.select(selectionList)])
                    # add name
                    etListS[i].name = etList[i].name
                dataStructS.append((dsName, etListS))
            self.send("Selected Structured Data", dataStructS)

            if self.sendNotSelectedData:
                for (dsName, etList) in self.dataStructure:
                    etListN = [et.select(selectionList, negate=1) for et in etList]
                    for i in range(len(etList)):
                        # append probabilities (if etProb not empty)
                        etListN[i] = orange.ExampleTable([etListN[i], etProb.select(selectionList, negate=1)])
                        # add name
                        etListN[i].name = etList[i].name
                    dataStructN.append((dsName, etListN))
                self.send("Other Structured Data", dataStructN)
                self.send("Other Structured Data", None)

            # report the number of selected examples
            numExamples = Numeric.add.reduce(Numeric.greater(selectionList, 0))
            self.infoc.setText('Total of %d example%s match criteria.' % (numExamples, ['', 's'][int(numExamples!=1)]))
            self.send("Example Selection", None)
            self.send("Selected Structured Data", None)
            self.send("Other Structured Data", None)
Exemplo n.º 20
def deNAN(a, value=0.0):
    nans = Numeric.logical_not(
        Numeric.less(a, 0.0) + Numeric.greater_equal(a, 0.0))
    return Numeric.where(nans, value, a)
Exemplo n.º 21
    def rgrd(self, dataIn, missingValueIn, missingMatch, logYes = 'yes', positionIn = None, missingValueOut = None):

        """        #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        #    PURPOSE: To perform all the tasks required to regrid the input data, dataIn, into the ouput data,
        #             dataout along the level dimension only.
        #    DEFINITION:
        #             def rgrd(self, dataIn, missingValueIn, missingMatch, positionIn = None, missingValueOut = None):
        #    PASSED :  dataIn -- data to regrid
        #             missingValueIn -- the missing data value to use in setting missing in the mask. It is required
        #                               and there are two choices:
        #                                     None -- there is no missing data
        #                                     A number -- the value to use in the search for possible missing data.
        #                               The presence of missing data at a grid point leads to recording 0.0 in the mask.
        #             missingMatch -- the comparison scheme used in searching for missing data in dataIn using the value passed
        #                             in as missingValueIn. The choices are:
        #                                  None -- used if None is the entry for missingValueIn
        #                                  exact -- used if missingValue is the exact value from the file
        #                                  greater -- the missing data value is equal to or greater than missingValueIn
        #                                  less -- the missing data value is equal to or less than missingValueIn
        #             logYes -- choose the level regrid as linear in log of level or linear in level. Set to 
        #                       'yes' for log. Anything else is linear in level.
        #             positionIn -- a tuple with the numerical position of the dimensions
        #                           in C or Python order specified in the sequence longitude,
        #                           latitude, level and time. Longitude, latitude and level are
        #                           required. If time is missing submit None in its slot in the 
        #                           tuple. Notice that the length of the tuple is always four.
        #                           Explicitly, in terms of the shape of dataIn as returned by Python's shape function
        #                                positionIn[0] contains the position of longitude in dataIn      
        #                                positionIn[1] contains the position of latitude in dataIn      
        #                                positionIn[2] contains the position of level in dataIn or None      
        #                                positionIn[3] contains the position of time in dataIn or None      
        #                           As  examples:
        #                                If the C order shape of 4D data is
        #                                    (number of longitudes, number of times, number of levels, number of latitudes)
        #                                submit
        #                                     (0, 3, 2, 1) 
        #                                If the C order shape of 3D data is 
        #                                    (number of longitudes, number of times, number oflatitudes)
        #                                submit
        #                                    (0, 2, 1, None) 
        #                           Send in None if the shape is a subset of (time, level,
        #                           latitude, longitude) which is evaluated as follows:
        #                              3D -- code assumes (2,1,0,None)
        #                              4D -- code assumes (3,2,1,0)
        #              missingValueOut -- the value for the missing data used in writing the output data. If left at the
        #                                 default entry, None, the code uses missingValueIn if present or as a last resort
        #                                 1.0e20
        #    RETURNED : dataOut -- the regridded data
        #    USAGE: 
        #          Example 1.  To regrid dataIn into dataOut using all the defaults where None, None signifies no
        #                      missing data.                   
        #              dataOut = x.rgrd(dataIn, None, None)    
        #          Example 2.  To regrid dataIn into dataOut using 1.0e20 and greater as the missing data
        #                      dataOut = x.rgrd(dataIn, 1.e20, 'greater')    

        # check the required input -- dataIn, missingValueIn and  missingMatch

        # make sure that dataIn is an array

            z = len(dataIn)
        except TypeError:
            sendmsg('Error in calling the rgrd method -- dataIn must be an array')
            raise TypeError

        # check the missingValueIn pass

        if missingValueIn != None:
                z = abs(missingValueIn)
            except TypeError:
                sendmsg('Error in calling the rgrd method -- missingvalueIn must be None or a number. Now it is  ', missingValueIn)
                raise TypeError

        # check the missingMatch pass

        missingPossibilities = ['greater', 'equal', 'less', None]
        if missingMatch not in missingPossibilities:
            msg = 'Error in missingMatch -- it must be None or the string greater, equal, or less. Now it is '
            sendmsg(msg, missingMatch)
            raise ValueError

        # --- Check data type and change to float if necessary ----

        if dataIn.dtype.char != 'f':
            dataIn = dataIn.astype(Numeric.Float32)

        dataShape = dataIn.shape
        numberDim = len(dataShape)

        if numberDim < 2: 
            msg = 'Error in call to rgrd -- data must have at least 2 dimensions'
            raise TypeError

        # --- evaluate positionIn ----
        # --- make standard positionIn as a check----
        positionList =[]
        for n in range(numberDim):              # insert a sequence of numbers

        for n in range(numberDim, 4):            # fill end of list with Nones

        positionCheck = tuple(positionList)      

        standardPosition = 0                            # transpose required

        if positionIn == None:                          # construct the default positionIn tuple
            positionIn = positionCheck
            standardPosition = 1                        # no need for a transpose with this data
            if positionIn == positionCheck:             # compare to the standard
                standardPosition = 1                    # no need for a transpose with this data

        if len(positionIn) != 4: 
            msg = 'Error in call to rgrd -- positionIn must be a tuple of length 4'
            raise TypeError

        if standardPosition == 0:                        # transpose data to the standard order (t,z,y,x)

            newOrder, inverseOrder = checkorder(positionIn)

            dataIn = Numeric.transpose(dataIn, newOrder)                    # transpose data to standard order (t,z,y,x)
            dataIn = Numeric.array(dataIn.astype(Numeric.Float32), Numeric.Float32)       # make contiguous 

        # set dimension sizes and check for consistency 

        if positionIn[0] != None: 
            self.nlon = (dataShape[ positionIn[0] ]) 
            self.nlon = 0 
        if positionIn[1] != None: 
            self.nlat = (dataShape[ positionIn[1] ]) 
            self.nlat = 0 
        if positionIn[2] != None: 
            if self.nlevi != (dataShape[ positionIn[2] ]): 
                msg = 'Level size is inconsistent with input data'
                raise ValueError
        if positionIn[3] != None: 
            self.ntime = (dataShape[ positionIn[3] ]) 
            self.ntime = 0 

        # allocate memory for dataOut -- the array with new number of levels

        outList = list(dataIn.shape)

        for i in range(len(outList)):
            if outList[i] == self.nlevi:
                outList[i] = self.nlevo

        dataOut = Numeric.zeros(tuple(outList), Numeric.Float32)                      # memory for aout

        if missingMatch == None:                                                # if no missing do not pass None
            missingMatch = 'none'

        if missingValueIn == None:                                                # if no missing do not pass None
            missingValueIn = 1.333e33

        if logYes != 'yes':
            logYes = 'no'

        levIn = self.axisIn[:].astype(Numeric.Float64)
        levOut = self.axisOut[:].astype(Numeric.Float64)
        _regrid.rgdpressure(self.nlevi, self.nlevo, self.nlat, self.nlon, self.ntime, missingValueIn, missingMatch, logYes, levIn, levOut, dataIn, dataOut)  

        if missingMatch == 'none':                                                # if no missing do not pass None
            missingMatch = None
        if missingValueIn == 1.333e33:              
            missingValueIn = None

        if standardPosition == 0:
            dataOut = Numeric.transpose(dataOut, inverseOrder)                                   # transpose data to original order
            dataOut = Numeric.array(dataOut.astype(Numeric.Float32), Numeric.Float32)            # make contiguous 

        if missingValueOut != None:                # set the missing value in data to missingValueOut

            if missingMatch == 'greater': 
                if missingValueIn > 0.0: 
                    missing = 0.99*missingValueIn
                    missing = 1.01*missingValueIn

                dataOut = Numeric.where(Numeric.greater(dataOut,missing), missingValueOut, dataOut)

            elif missingMatch == 'equal': 
                missing = missingValueIn
                dataOut = Numeric.where(Numeric.equal(dataOut,missing), missingValueOut, dataOut)

            elif missingMatch == 'less': 
                if missingValueIn < 0.0: 
                    missing = 0.99*missingValueIn
                    missing = 1.01*missingValueIn

                dataOut = Numeric.where(Numeric.less(dataOut,missing), missingValueOut, dataOut)

        return dataOut 
Exemplo n.º 22
def match(x, y, n_iterations=1, z=2, eps_rmsd=0.5, eps_stdv=0.05):
    Matches two arrays onto each other, while iteratively removing outliers.
    Superimposed array y would be C{ N.dot(y, N.transpose(r)) + t }.

    @param n_iterations: number of calculations::
                           1 .. no iteration 
                           0 .. until convergence
    @type  n_iterations: 1|0
    @param z: number of standard deviations for outlier definition (default: 2)
    @type  z: float
    @param eps_rmsd: tolerance in rmsd (default: 0.5)
    @type  eps_rmsd: float
    @param eps_stdv: tolerance in standard deviations (default: 0.05)
    @type  eps_stdv: float

    @return: (r,t), [ [percent_considered, rmsd_for_it, outliers] ]
    @rtype: (array, array), [float, float, int]
    iter_trace = []

    rmsd_old = 0
    stdv_old = 0

    n = 0
    converged = 0

    mask = N.ones(len(y), N.int32)

    while not converged:

        ## find transformation for best match
        r, t = findTransformation(N.compress(mask, x, 0),
                                  N.compress(mask, y, 0))

        ## transform coordinates
        xt = N.dot(y, N.transpose(r)) + t

        ## calculate row distances
        d = N.sqrt(N.sum(N.power(x - xt, 2), 1)) * mask

        ## calculate rmsd and stdv
        rmsd = N.sqrt(N.average(N.compress(mask, d)**2))
        stdv = MU.SD(N.compress(mask, d))

        ## check conditions for convergence
        d_rmsd = abs(rmsd - rmsd_old)
        d_stdv = abs(1 - stdv_old / stdv)

        if d_rmsd < eps_rmsd and d_stdv < eps_stdv:
            converged = 1
            rmsd_old = rmsd
            stdv_old = stdv

        ## store result
        perc = round(float(N.sum(mask)) / float(len(mask)), 2)

        ## throw out non-matching rows
        mask = N.logical_and(mask, N.less(d, rmsd + z * stdv))
        outliers = N.nonzero(N.logical_not(mask))
        iter_trace.append([perc, round(rmsd, 3), outliers])

        n += 1

        if n_iterations and n >= n_iterations:

    return (r, t), iter_trace
Exemplo n.º 23
def kNNimputeMA(arr2d, K=20, callback=None):
    """Returns a new 2D MA.array with missing values imputed from K nearest neighbours.
    Find K rows (axis 0) with the most similar values where similarity measure corresponds to weighted Euclidean distance.
    Imputed value = weighted average of the corresponding values of K nearest neighbours,
    where weights equal to tricubic distribution of distances to all rows.
    Impute missing rows by average over all rows.
    Version: 30.8.2005
    arr2d = MA.asarray(arr2d)
    assert len(arr2d.shape) == 2, "2D array expected"
    # make a copy for imputation
    aImp2 = MA.array(arr2d)
    # leave out columns with 0 known values (columnInd: non-zero columns)
    columnCond = Numeric.greater(MA.count(arr2d, axis=0), 0)
    columnIndAll = Numeric.arange(arr2d.shape[1])
    columnInd = Numeric.compress(columnCond, columnIndAll)
    # impute the rows where 0 < #known_values < #non_zero_columns, i.e. exclude the rows with 0 and all (non-zero-column) values
    countByRows = MA.count(arr2d, axis=1)
    for rowIdx in Numeric.compress(
            Numeric.logical_and(Numeric.greater(countByRows, 0),
                                Numeric.less(countByRows, columnInd.shape[0])),
        rowResized = MA.resize(arr2d[rowIdx], arr2d.shape)
        diff = arr2d - rowResized
        distances = MA.sqrt(
            MA.add.reduce((diff)**2, 1) / MA.count(diff, axis=1))
        # nearest neighbours row indices (without the current row index)
        indSorted = MA.argsort(distances)[1:]
        distSorted = distances.take(indSorted)
        # number of distances different from MA.masked
        numNonMasked = distSorted.shape[0] - Numeric.add.reduce(
            Numeric.asarray(MA.getmaskarray(distSorted), Numeric.Int))
        # number of distances to account for (K or less)
        if numNonMasked > 1:
            weightsSorted = MA.power(
                1 - MA.power(distSorted / distSorted[numNonMasked - 1], 3),
                3)  # tricubic distribution of all weights
            weightsSorted = Numeric.ones(distSorted.shape[0])
        # compute average for each column separately in order to account for K non-masked values
        colInd4CurrRow = Numeric.compress(
            Numeric.logical_and(MA.getmaskarray(arr2d[rowIdx]), columnCond),
        for colIdx in colInd4CurrRow:
            # column values sorted by distances
            columnVals = arr2d[:, colIdx].take(indSorted)
            # take only those weights where columnVals does not equal MA.masked
            weightsSortedCompressed = MA.compress(
                1 - MA.getmaskarray(columnVals), weightsSorted)
            # impute from K (or possibly less) values
                  colIdx] = MA.average(columnVals.compressed()[:K],
        if callback:
    # impute the unknown rows with average profile
    avrgRow = MA.average(arr2d, 0)
    for rowIdx in Numeric.compress(Numeric.equal(countByRows, 0),
        aImp2[rowIdx] = avrgRow
        if callback:
    return aImp2
Exemplo n.º 24
def kNNimputeMA(arr2d, K=20, callback=None):
    """Returns a new 2D MA.array with missing values imputed from K nearest neighbours.
    Find K rows (axis 0) with the most similar values where similarity measure corresponds to weighted Euclidean distance.
    Imputed value = weighted average of the corresponding values of K nearest neighbours,
    where weights equal to tricubic distribution of distances to all rows.
    Impute missing rows by average over all rows.
    Version: 30.8.2005
    arr2d = MA.asarray(arr2d)
    assert len(arr2d.shape) == 2, "2D array expected"
    # make a copy for imputation
    aImp2 = MA.array(arr2d)
    # leave out columns with 0 known values (columnInd: non-zero columns)
    columnCond = Numeric.greater(MA.count(arr2d, axis=0), 0)
    columnIndAll = Numeric.arange(arr2d.shape[1])
    columnInd = Numeric.compress(columnCond, columnIndAll)
    # impute the rows where 0 < #known_values < #non_zero_columns, i.e. exclude the rows with 0 and all (non-zero-column) values
    countByRows = MA.count(arr2d, axis=1)
    for rowIdx in Numeric.compress(Numeric.logical_and(Numeric.greater(countByRows, 0), Numeric.less(countByRows, columnInd.shape[0])), Numeric.arange(arr2d.shape[0])):
        rowResized = MA.resize(arr2d[rowIdx], arr2d.shape)
        diff = arr2d - rowResized
        distances = MA.sqrt(MA.add.reduce((diff)**2, 1) / MA.count(diff, axis=1))
        # nearest neighbours row indices (without the current row index)
        indSorted = MA.argsort(distances)[1:]
        distSorted = distances.take(indSorted)
        # number of distances different from MA.masked
        numNonMasked = distSorted.shape[0] - Numeric.add.reduce(Numeric.asarray(MA.getmaskarray(distSorted), Numeric.Int))
        # number of distances to account for (K or less)
        if numNonMasked > 1:
            weightsSorted = MA.power(1-MA.power(distSorted/distSorted[numNonMasked-1],3),3) # tricubic distribution of all weights
            weightsSorted = Numeric.ones(distSorted.shape[0])
        # compute average for each column separately in order to account for K non-masked values
        colInd4CurrRow = Numeric.compress(Numeric.logical_and(MA.getmaskarray(arr2d[rowIdx]), columnCond), columnIndAll)
        for colIdx in colInd4CurrRow:
            # column values sorted by distances
            columnVals = arr2d[:,colIdx].take(indSorted)
            # take only those weights where columnVals does not equal MA.masked
            weightsSortedCompressed = MA.compress(1-MA.getmaskarray(columnVals), weightsSorted)
            # impute from K (or possibly less) values
            aImp2[rowIdx,colIdx] = MA.average(columnVals.compressed()[:K], weights=weightsSortedCompressed[:K])
        if callback:
    # impute the unknown rows with average profile
    avrgRow = MA.average(arr2d, 0)
    for rowIdx in Numeric.compress(Numeric.equal(countByRows, 0), Numeric.arange(arr2d.shape[0])):
        aImp2[rowIdx] = avrgRow
        if callback:
    return aImp2
Exemplo n.º 25
def match(x, y, n_iterations=1, z=2, eps_rmsd=0.5, eps_stdv=0.05):
    Matches two arrays onto each other, while iteratively removing outliers.
    Superimposed array y would be C{ N.dot(y, N.transpose(r)) + t }.

    @param n_iterations: number of calculations::
                           1 .. no iteration 
                           0 .. until convergence
    @type  n_iterations: 1|0
    @param z: number of standard deviations for outlier definition (default: 2)
    @type  z: float
    @param eps_rmsd: tolerance in rmsd (default: 0.5)
    @type  eps_rmsd: float
    @param eps_stdv: tolerance in standard deviations (default: 0.05)
    @type  eps_stdv: float

    @return: (r,t), [ [percent_considered, rmsd_for_it, outliers] ]
    @rtype: (array, array), [float, float, int]
    iter_trace = []

    rmsd_old = 0
    stdv_old = 0

    n = 0
    converged = 0

    mask = N.ones(len(y), N.int32 )

    while not converged:

        ## find transformation for best match
        r, t = findTransformation(N.compress(mask, x, 0),
                                  N.compress(mask, y, 0))

        ## transform coordinates
        xt = N.dot(y, N.transpose(r)) + t

        ## calculate row distances
        d = N.sqrt(N.sum(N.power(x - xt, 2), 1)) * mask

        ## calculate rmsd and stdv
        rmsd = N.sqrt(N.average(N.compress(mask, d)**2))
        stdv = MU.SD(N.compress(mask, d))

        ## check conditions for convergence
        d_rmsd = abs(rmsd - rmsd_old)
        d_stdv = abs(1 - stdv_old / stdv)

        if d_rmsd < eps_rmsd and d_stdv < eps_stdv:
            converged = 1
            rmsd_old = rmsd
            stdv_old = stdv

        ## store result
        perc = round(float(N.sum(mask)) / float(len(mask)), 2)

        ## throw out non-matching rows
        mask = N.logical_and(mask, N.less(d, rmsd + z * stdv))
        outliers = N.nonzero( N.logical_not( mask ) )
        iter_trace.append([perc, round(rmsd, 3), outliers])

        n += 1

        if n_iterations and n >= n_iterations:

    return (r, t), iter_trace
Exemplo n.º 26
def estimate_reference_single(entry, stats, bounds, ref=0.0, verbose=False,
                              exclude=None, entry_name=None, atom_type='H',

    A = 0.
    B = 0.

    S = 0.
    N = 1

    ## loop through all atom types

    classes = decompose_classes(entry, bounds, atom_type,molType=molType)

    if exclude and not entry_name:
        raise TypeError, 'attribute entry_name needs to be set.'

    n_excluded = 0
    n_total = 0
    for key, shifts in classes.items():

##         print entry_name, key

        if not key in stats:
            if verbose:
                print key,'no statistics.'

        if exclude and (entry_name, key) in exclude:
            print entry_name, key, 'excluded from ref estimation.'

        ## get statistics for current atom type

        mu, sd = stats[key][:2]
        k = 1./sd**2

        if exclude_outliers is not False:

        ## calculate Z scores and exclude shifts with high Z scores from analysis
            Z = abs(shifts-mu)/sd

            mask_include = Numeric.less(Z, exclude_outliers)

            shifts = Numeric.compress(mask_include, shifts)

            n_excluded += len(Z)-Numeric.sum(mask_include)
            n_total += len(Z)

        n = len(shifts)
        if not n:

        A += k*n*(median(shifts)-mu)
        B += k*n

        S += -0.5*len(shifts)*Numeric.log(k)+0.5*k*sum((Numeric.array(shifts)-mu-ref)**2)
        N += n

    if B > 0.:

        ref_mu = A/B
        ref_sd = 1./Numeric.sqrt(B)

        ref_mu = None
        ref_sd = None

    if exclude_outliers is not False and n_excluded == n_total:
        print '%d/%d outliers discarded' % (n_excluded, n_total)

    return ref_mu, ref_sd, S/N
Exemplo n.º 27
    def __call__(self, data, data_min=None, data_max=None,
                 val_min=None, val_max=None, map_type='linear', powerOf2=0):
        """ (data, data_min=None, data_max=None, val_min=None, val_max=None,
             map_type = 'linear', powerOf2=0)
        Maps an array of floats to integer values.
        data -- 3D numeric array;
        data_min, data_max -- min and max data values(other than actual
        array minimum/maximum) to map to integer values -
        val_min and val_max - in range (0 ... int_limit);
        map_type -- can be 'linear' or 'log';
        powerOf2 -- if set to 1, then if the data array dimensions are not
                    power of 2 - the returned array will be padded with zeros
                    so that its dims are power of 2.
        # if data_min/max and val_min/max specified then the mapping
        # will proceed as follows:
        # [arr_min, data_min] is mapped to [int_min, val_min],
        # [data_min, data_max] is maped to [val_min, val_max],
        # [data_max, arr_max] is mapped to [val_max, int_limit].
        int_limit = self.int_limit
        int_min = self.int_min
        shape = data.shape
        assert len(shape)==3
        nx, ny, nz = shape
        arrsize = nx*ny*nz
        #arr_max = Numeric.maximum.reduce(data.ravel())
        #arr_min = Numeric.minimum.reduce(data.ravel())
        maxif = Numeric.maximum.reduce 
        arr_max = maxif(maxif(maxif(data)))
        minif = Numeric.minimum.reduce
        arr_min = minif(minif(minif(data)))
        #print "min(arr)=%f" % arr_min
        #print "max(arr)=%f" % arr_max
        if val_min != None:
            assert val_min >= 0 and val_min < int_limit
            val_min = int_min
        if val_max != None:
            assert val_max <= int_limit and val_max > 0
            val_max = int_limit
        if data_min != None:
            if data_min < arr_min: data_min = arr_min
            data_min = arr_min
        if data_max != None:
            if data_max > arr_max: data_max = arr_max
            data_max = arr_max
        print "mapping data_min %4f to val_min %d, data_max %4f to val_max %d"\
              % (data_min, val_min, data_max, val_max)
        if map_type == 'linear':
            k2,c2 = self.ScaleMap((val_min, val_max), (data_min, data_max))
            n_intervals = 3
            if abs(data_min-arr_min) < 0.00001: # data_min==arr_min
                k1,c1 = k2, c2
                n_intervals = n_intervals-1
            else :
                k1, c1 = self.ScaleMap((int_min, val_min),
                                       (arr_min, data_min)) 
            if abs(data_max-arr_max) < 0.00001: # data_max == arr_max
                k3, c3 = k2, c2
                n_intervals = n_intervals-1
                k3, c3 = self.ScaleMap((val_max, int_limit),
                                       (data_max, arr_max))

            t1 = time()
            #print "n_intervals = ", n_intervals
            if n_intervals == 2:
                if data_max == arr_max:
                    #print "data_max == arr_max"
                    new_arr = Numeric.where(Numeric.less(data, data_min),
                                            k1*data+c1, k2*data+c2 )
                elif data_min == arr_min:
                    #print "data_min == arr_min"
                    new_arr = Numeric.where(Numeric.greater_equal(data,
                              data_max), k3*data+c3, k2*data+c2)
            elif n_intervals == 3:
                new_arr1 = Numeric.where(Numeric.less(data, data_min),
                                        k1*data+c1, k2*data+c2)
                new_arr = Numeric.where(Numeric.greater_equal(data, data_max),
                                        k3*data+c3, new_arr1)
            else :
                new_arr = k2*data+c2
            arr = Numeric.transpose(new_arr).astype(self.int_type)
            t2 = time()
            print "time to map : ", t2-t1
        elif map_type == 'log':
            if arr_min < 0:
                diff = abs(arr_min)+1.0
            elif arr_min >= 0 and arr_min < 1.0:
                diff = 1.0
            elif arr_min >= 1.0:
            k1, c1 = self.ScaleMap( (int_min, int_limit),
                           (log(arr_min+diff), log(arr_max+diff)) )
        self.data_min = data_min
        self.data_max = data_max
        self.val_min = val_min
        self.val_max = val_max    
        if powerOf2:
            nx1, ny1, nz1 = nx, ny, nz
            res, power = isPowerOf2(nx)
            if not res:
                nx1 = 2**power
            res, power = isPowerOf2(ny)
            if not res:
                ny1 = 2**power
            res, power = isPowerOf2(nz)
            if not res:
                nz1 = 2**power
            dx, dy, dz = 0, 0, 0
            if nx1 != nx or ny1 != ny or nz1 != nz:
                #print "new data size: ", nx1,ny1,nz1
                dx = (nx1-nx)/2. ; dy = (ny1-ny)/2. ; dz = (nz1-nz)/2.
                #narr = Numeric.zeros((nx1,ny1,nz1), self.int_type)
                #narr[:nx,:ny,:nz] = arr[:,:,:]
                narr = Numeric.zeros((nz1,ny1,nx1), self.int_type)
                narr[:nz,:ny,:nx] = arr[:,:,:]
                self.arr = narr
                #arr = Numeric.zeros((nx1,ny1,nz1), self.int_type)
                #arr[:nx,:ny,:nz] = new_arr[:,:,:]
                #arr = Numeric.transpose(arr).astype(self.int_type)
                #self.arr = arr
                return narr
        self.arr = arr
        return arr