Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: eos.py Projeto: randfb/sim42
 def dS(self, Z, dadT, b, B, R, T):
     """ This calculate the residual Entropy
     u = self.u
     w = self.w
     L = log((2 * Z - B * (u - sqrt(u * u - 4 * w))) / (2 * Z + B * (u - sqrt(u * u - 4 * w))))
     return R * log(Z - B) - dadT / (b * sqrt(u * u - 4 * w)) * L
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: eos.py Projeto: randfb/sim42
 def dA(self, Z, a, b, B, R, T):
     """ This calculate the residual helmozt energy 
     u = self.u
     w = self.w
     L = log((2 * Z - B * (u - sqrt(u * u - 4 * w))) / (2 * Z + B * (u - sqrt(u * u - 4 * w))))
     return a / (b * sqrt(u * u - 4 * w)) * L - R * T * log(Z - B)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def pairwiseRmsd( self, aMask=None, noFit=0 ):
        Calculate rmsd between each 2 coordinate frames.

        @param aMask: atom mask
        @type  aMask: [1|0]
        @return: frames x frames array of float
        @rtype: array
        frames = self.frames

        if aMask != None:
            frames = N.compress( aMask, frames, 1 )

        result = N.zeros( (len( frames ), len( frames )), N.Float32 )

        for i in range(0, len( frames ) ):

            for j in range( i+1, len( frames ) ):
                if noFit:
                    d = N.sqrt(N.sum(N.power(frames[i]-frames[j], 2), 1))
                    result[i,j] = result[j,i] = N.sqrt( N.average(d**2) )

                    rt, rmsdLst = rmsFit.match( frames[i], frames[j], 1 )
                    result[i,j] = result[j,i] = rmsdLst[0][1]

        return result
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _getinfo_TEST(self): # please leave in for debugging POV-Ray lmotor macro. mark 060324
        a = self.axen()
        xrot = -atan2(a[1], sqrt(1-a[1]*a[1]))*180/pi
        yrot = atan2(a[0], sqrt(1-a[0]*a[0]))*180/pi

        return  "[Object: Linear Motor] [Name: " + str(self.name) + "] " + \
                "[Force = " + str(self.force) + " pN] " + \
                "[Stiffness = " + str(self.stiffness) + " N/m] " + \
                "[Axis = " + str(self.axis[0]) + ", " +  str(self.axis[1]) + ", " +  str(self.axis[2]) + "]" + \
                "[xRotation = " + str(xrot) + ", yRotation = " + str(yrot) + "]"
Exemplo n.º 5
def norm (A):
    """     Return normalized vector A.
    if type(A) == types.ListType:
        res= A/Numeric.sqrt(Numeric.dot(A,A))
        return res.tolist()    
    elif type(A)==Numeric.ArrayType:    
        return A/Numeric.sqrt(Numeric.dot(A,A))    
        print "Need a list or Numeric array"
        return None
Exemplo n.º 6
 def __init__(self, points, k, normalization=NORM_NORM_T0_1, force=False):
     calculate k polynomials of degree 0 to k-1 orthogonal on a set of distinct points
     map points to interval [-1,1]
     INPUT:  points: array of dictinct points where polynomials are orthogonal
             k: number of polynomials of degree 0 to k-1
             force=True creates basis even if orthogonality is not satisfied due to numerical error
     USES:   x: array of points mapped to [-1,1]
             T_: matrix of values of polynomials calculated at x, shape (k,len(x))
             TT_ = T_ * Numeric.transpose(T_)
             TTinv_ = inverse(TT_)
             sc_: scaling factors
             a, b: coefficients for calculating T (2k-4 different from 0, i.e. 6 for k=5)
             n: number of points = len(points)
             normalization = {0|1|2}
     self.k = k  # number of basis polynomials of order 0 to k-1
     self._force = force
     self.points = Numeric.asarray(points, Numeric.Float)
     self.pointsMin = min(points)
     self.pointsMax = max(points)
     # scaling x to [-1,1] results in smaller a and b, T is not affected; overflow is NOT a problem!
     self.xMin = -1
     self.xMax = 1
     self.x = self._map(self.points, self.pointsMin, self.pointsMax, self.xMin, self.xMax)
     # calculate basis polynomials
     self.n = len(points) # the number of approximation points
     t = Numeric.zeros((k,self.n),Numeric.Float)
     a = Numeric.zeros((k,1),Numeric.Float)
     b = Numeric.zeros((k,1),Numeric.Float)
     t[0,:] = Numeric.ones(self.n,Numeric.Float)
     if k > 1: t[1,:] = self.x - sum(self.x)/self.n
     for i in range(1,k-1):
         a[i+1] = Numeric.innerproduct(self.x, t[i,:] * t[i,:]) / Numeric.innerproduct(t[i,:],t[i,:])
         b[i] = Numeric.innerproduct(t[i,:], t[i,:]) / Numeric.innerproduct(t[i-1,:],t[i-1,:])
         t[i+1,:] = (self.x - a[i+1]) * t[i,:] - b[i] * t[i-1,:]
     self.a = a
     self.b = b
     # prepare for approximation
     self._T0 = t
     # orthonormal
     _TT0 = Numeric.matrixmultiply(self._T0, Numeric.transpose(self._T0))
     self.sc1 = Numeric.sqrt(Numeric.reshape(Numeric.diagonal(_TT0),(self.k,1))) # scaling factors = sqrt sum squared self._T0
     self._T1 = self._T0 / self.sc1
     # orthonormal and T[0] == 1
     self.sc2 = Numeric.sqrt(Numeric.reshape(Numeric.diagonal(_TT0),(self.k,1)) / self.n) # scaling factors = sqrt 1/n * sum squared self._T0
     self._T2 = self._T0 / self.sc2
     # T[:,-1] == 1
     self.sc3 = Numeric.take(self._T0, (-1,), 1) # scaling factors = self._T0[:,-1]
     self._T3 = self._T0 / self.sc3
     # set the variables according to the chosen normalization
Exemplo n.º 7
def calc_sse_sse_midpoint_dist(sse1, sse2, pdb_struct):
    Calculate the midpoint distance between two SSEs (helices or strands,
    represented by PTNode objects).
    This distance is defined as the distance between the midpoints of
    the two SSE axes (as calculated by fit_axis() methods).

        sse1 - PTNode representing one SSE
        sse2 - PTNode representing the other SSE
        pdb_struct - The Bio.PDB parsed PDB struct (atomic co-ordinates)
                      for this protein.

    Return value:
          distance (Angstroms) between the midpoints of the axes fitted
          to each SSE; or None if no axis could be found.
    sse1_axis = sse1.fit_axis(pdb_struct)
    sse2_axis = sse2.fit_axis(pdb_struct)
    if sse1_axis == None or sse2_axis == None:
        return None

    (sse1_dircos, sse1_centroid) = sse1_axis
    (sse2_dircos, sse2_centroid) = sse2_axis

    diff_vector = sse1_centroid - sse2_centroid
    return Numeric.sqrt(Numeric.sum(diff_vector * diff_vector))
Exemplo n.º 8
def calc_point_residue_dist(residue_one, point) :
    """Returns the distance between the C_alpha of a residue and
       a point.

       residue_one - Bio.PDB Residue object
       point - Bio.PDB Vector representatin of a point in 3d space

    Return value:
       distance in Angstroms between Carbon alpha atom of residue_one and

    Uses globals (read/write):
       residue_errmsg_dict - map Residue to bool flagging error msg issued
        res1_ca_coord = residue_one["CA"].coord
    except KeyError: # this happens ocassionaly on some PDB files e.g. 1BRD
        if not residue_errmsg_dict.has_key(residue_one):
            sys.stderr.write('WARNING: no Carbon-alpha atom for residue ' +
                             str(residue_one) +
                             '\nDistance in matrix set to infinity\n')
            residue_errmsg_dict[residue_one] = True
        return float('inf')
    diff_vector = res1_ca_coord - point.get_array()
#        print 'debug pointresdist',res1_ca_coord,point.get_array(),diff_vector
    return Numeric.sqrt(Numeric.sum(diff_vector * diff_vector))
Exemplo n.º 9
def projectOnSphere( xyz, radius=None, center=None ):
    Project the coordinates xyz on a sphere with a given radius around
    a given center.

    @param xyz: cartesian coordinates
    @type  xyz: array N x 3 of float
    @param radius: radius of target sphere, if not provided the maximal
                   distance to center will be used (default: None)
    @type  radius: float
    @param center: center of the sphere, if not given the average of xyz
                   will be assigned to the center (default: None)
    @type  center: array 0 x 3 of float

    @return: array of cartesian coordinates (x, y, z)
    @rtype: array    
    if center is None:
        center = N.average( xyz )

    if radius is None:
        radius = max( N.sqrt( N.sum( N.power( xyz - center, 2 ), 1 ) ) )

    rtp = cartesianToPolar( xyz - center )
    rtp[ :, 0 ] = radius

    return polarToCartesian( rtp ) + center
Exemplo n.º 10
def concentricrings(x, y, white_thickness, gaussian_width, spacing):
    Concetric rings with the solid ring-shaped region, then Gaussian fall-off at the edges.

    # To have zero value in middle point this pattern calculates zero-value rings instead of
    # the one-value ones. But to be consistent with the rest of functions the parameters
    # are connected to one-value rings - like half_thickness is now recalculated for zero-value ring:
    half_thickness = ((spacing-white_thickness)/2.0)*greater_equal(spacing-white_thickness,0.0)

    distance_from_origin = sqrt(x**2+y**2)

    distance_from_ring_middle = fmod(distance_from_origin,spacing)
    distance_from_ring_middle = minimum(distance_from_ring_middle,spacing - distance_from_ring_middle)

    distance_from_ring = distance_from_ring_middle - half_thickness

    ring = 0.0 + greater_equal(distance_from_ring,0.0)

    sigmasq = gaussian_width*gaussian_width

    with float_error_ignore():
        falloff = exp(divide(-distance_from_ring*distance_from_ring, 2.0*sigmasq))

    return maximum(falloff,ring)
Exemplo n.º 11
Arquivo: eos.py Projeto: randfb/sim42
    def Zo(self, a, b):

        a = 2 * a
        c = pow(a, 2) - 12 * b
        ##        print "cuadra",a,b,c
        ##        print c
        if c < 0:
            return (0.05, 1.0)
            x1 = (a - sqrt(c)) / 6
            x2 = (a + sqrt(c)) / 6
            if x1 < 0:
                x1 = 1.0
            if x2 < 0:
                x2 = 0.05
            return (x1, x2)
Exemplo n.º 12
def logConfidence( x, R, clip=0 ):
    Estimate the probability of x NOT beeing a random observation from a
    lognormal distribution that is described by a set of random values.

    @param x: observed value
    @type  x: float
    @param R: sample of random values
    @type  R: [float]
    @param clip: clip zeros at this value  0->don't clip (default: 0)
    @type  clip: float

    @return: confidence that x is not random, median of random distr.
    @rtype: (float, float)
    if clip and 0 in R:
        R = N.clip( R, clip, max( R ) )
    if clip and x == 0:
        x = clip

    ## remove 0 instead of clipping
    R = N.compress( R, R )
    if x == 0:
        return 0, 0

    ## get mean and stdv of log-transformed random sample
    alpha = N.average( N.log( R ) )

    n = len( R )

    beta = N.sqrt(N.sum(N.power(N.log( R ) - alpha, 2)) / (n - 1.))

    return logArea( x, alpha, beta ), logMedian( alpha )
Exemplo n.º 13
    def function(self,params):
        """Archemidean spiral function."""

        aspect_ratio = params['aspect_ratio']
        x = self.pattern_x/aspect_ratio
        y = self.pattern_y
        thickness = params['thickness']
        gaussian_width = params['smoothing']
        size = params['size']

        half_thickness = thickness/2.0
        spacing = size*2*pi

        distance_from_origin = sqrt(x**2+y**2)
        distance_from_spiral_middle = fmod(spacing + distance_from_origin - size*arctan2(y,x),spacing)

        distance_from_spiral_middle = minimum(distance_from_spiral_middle,spacing - distance_from_spiral_middle)
        distance_from_spiral = distance_from_spiral_middle - half_thickness

        spiral = 1.0 - greater_equal(distance_from_spiral,0.0)

        sigmasq = gaussian_width*gaussian_width

        with float_error_ignore():
            falloff = exp(divide(-distance_from_spiral*distance_from_spiral, 2.0*sigmasq))

        return maximum(falloff, spiral)
Exemplo n.º 14
    def function(self,params):
        """Hyperbolic function."""

        aspect_ratio = params['aspect_ratio']
        x = self.pattern_x/aspect_ratio
        y = self.pattern_y
        thickness = params['thickness']
        gaussian_width = params['smoothing']
        size = params['size']

        half_thickness = thickness / 2.0

        distance_from_vertex_middle = fmod(sqrt(absolute(x**2 - y**2)),size)
        distance_from_vertex_middle = minimum(distance_from_vertex_middle,size - distance_from_vertex_middle)

        distance_from_vertex = distance_from_vertex_middle - half_thickness

        hyperbola = 1.0 - greater_equal(distance_from_vertex,0.0)

        sigmasq = gaussian_width*gaussian_width

        with float_error_ignore():
            falloff = exp(divide(-distance_from_vertex*distance_from_vertex, 2.0*sigmasq))

        return maximum(falloff, hyperbola)
Exemplo n.º 15
    def function(self,params):
        """Concentric rings."""

        aspect_ratio = params['aspect_ratio']
        x = self.pattern_x/aspect_ratio
        y = self.pattern_y
        thickness = params['thickness']
        gaussian_width = params['smoothing']
        size = params['size']

        half_thickness = thickness / 2.0

        distance_from_origin = sqrt(x**2+y**2)

        distance_from_ring_middle = fmod(distance_from_origin,size)
        distance_from_ring_middle = minimum(distance_from_ring_middle,size - distance_from_ring_middle)

        distance_from_ring = distance_from_ring_middle - half_thickness

        ring = 1.0 - greater_equal(distance_from_ring,0.0)

        sigmasq = gaussian_width*gaussian_width

        with float_error_ignore():
            falloff = exp(divide(-distance_from_ring*distance_from_ring, 2.0*sigmasq))

        return maximum(falloff, ring)
Exemplo n.º 16
def init_diamond():
    # a chunk of diamond grid, to be tiled out in 3d
    drawing_globals.sp0 = sp0 = 0.0
    #bruce 051102 replaced 1.52 with this constant (1.544),
    #  re bug 900 (partial fix.)
    drawing_globals.sp1 = sp1 = DIAMOND_BOND_LENGTH / sqrt(3.0)
    sp2 = 2.0*sp1
    sp3 = 3.0*sp1
    drawing_globals.sp4 = sp4 = 4.0*sp1

    digrid=[[[sp0, sp0, sp0], [sp1, sp1, sp1]],
            [[sp1, sp1, sp1], [sp2, sp2, sp0]],
            [[sp2, sp2, sp0], [sp3, sp3, sp1]],
            [[sp3, sp3, sp1], [sp4, sp4, sp0]],
            [[sp2, sp0, sp2], [sp3, sp1, sp3]],
            [[sp3, sp1, sp3], [sp4, sp2, sp2]],
            [[sp2, sp0, sp2], [sp1, sp1, sp1]],
            [[sp1, sp1, sp1], [sp0, sp2, sp2]],
            [[sp0, sp2, sp2], [sp1, sp3, sp3]],
            [[sp1, sp3, sp3], [sp2, sp4, sp2]],
            [[sp2, sp4, sp2], [sp3, sp3, sp1]],
            [[sp3, sp3, sp1], [sp4, sp2, sp2]],
            [[sp4, sp0, sp4], [sp3, sp1, sp3]],
            [[sp3, sp1, sp3], [sp2, sp2, sp4]],
            [[sp2, sp2, sp4], [sp1, sp3, sp3]],
            [[sp1, sp3, sp3], [sp0, sp4, sp4]]]
    drawing_globals.digrid = A(digrid)
    drawing_globals.DiGridSp = sp4
Exemplo n.º 17
def centerSurfDist( model, surf_mask, mask=None ):
    Calculate the longest and shortest distance from
    the center of the molecule to the surface.

    @param mask: atoms not to be considerd (default: None)
    @type  mask: [1|0]
    @param surf_mask: atom surface mask, needed for minimum surface distance
    @type  surf_mask: [1|0]

    @return: max distance, min distance
    @rtype: float, float
    if mask is None:
        mask = model.maskHeavy()

    ## calculate center of mass
    center = model.centerOfMass()

    ## surface atom coordinates
    surf_xyz = N.compress( mask*surf_mask, model.getXyz(), 0 )

    ## find the atom closest and furthest away from center
    dist = N.sqrt( N.sum( (surf_xyz-center)**2 , 1 ) )
    minDist = min(dist)
    maxDist = max(dist)

    return maxDist, minDist
Exemplo n.º 18
 def __init__(self):
     r22 = numerix.sqrt(2.)/2.
     uknots = [0., 0., 0., 0.25, 0.25, 0.5, 0.5, 0.75, 0.75, 1., 1.,1.]
     cntrl = [[0., r22, 1., r22, 0., -r22, -1., -r22, 0.],
              [-1., -r22, 0., r22, 1., r22, 0., -r22, -1.],
              [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
              [1., r22, 1., r22, 1., r22, 1., r22, 1.]]
     Crv.__init__(self, cntrl, uknots)
Exemplo n.º 19
def findQuaternionMatrix(collection, point_ref, conf1, conf2 = None, matrix = True ):
        universe = collection.universe()
        if conf1.universe != universe:
                raise ValueError, "conformation is for a different universe"
        if conf2 is None:
                conf1, conf2 = conf2, conf1
                if conf2.universe != universe:
                        raise ValueError, "conformation is for a different universe"
        ref = conf1
        conf = conf2
        weights = universe.masses()
        weights = weights/collection.mass()
        ref_cms = point_ref.position().array
        pos = N.zeros((3,), N.Float)
        pos = point_ref.position(conf).array
        possq = 0.
        cross = N.zeros((3, 3), N.Float)
        for a in collection.atomList():
                r = a.position(conf).array - pos
                r_ref = a.position(ref).array-ref_cms
                w = weights[a]
                possq = possq + w*N.add.reduce(r*r) \
                                                + w*N.add.reduce(r_ref*r_ref)
                cross = cross + w*r[:, N.NewAxis]*r_ref[N.NewAxis, :]
        k = N.zeros((4, 4), N.Float)
        k[0, 0] = -cross[0, 0]-cross[1, 1]-cross[2, 2]
        k[0, 1] = cross[1, 2]-cross[2, 1]
        k[0, 2] = cross[2, 0]-cross[0, 2]
        k[0, 3] = cross[0, 1]-cross[1, 0]
        k[1, 1] = -cross[0, 0]+cross[1, 1]+cross[2, 2]
        k[1, 2] = -cross[0, 1]-cross[1, 0]
        k[1, 3] = -cross[0, 2]-cross[2, 0]
        k[2, 2] = cross[0, 0]-cross[1, 1]+cross[2, 2]
        k[2, 3] = -cross[1, 2]-cross[2, 1]
        k[3, 3] = cross[0, 0]+cross[1, 1]-cross[2, 2]
        for i in range(1, 4):
                for j in range(i):
                        k[i, j] = k[j, i]
        k = 2.*k
        for i in range(4):
                k[i, i] = k[i, i] + possq - N.add.reduce(pos*pos)
        import numpy.oldnumeric.linear_algebra as LinearAlgebra
        e, v = LinearAlgebra.eigenvectors(k)
        i = N.argmin(e)
        v = v[i]
        if v[0] < 0: v = -v
        if e[i] <= 0.:
                rms = 0.
                rms = N.sqrt(e[i])
	if matrix:
		emax = N.argmax(e)
		QuatMatrix = v
		return Quaternion.Quaternion(QuatMatrix),v, e, e[i],e[emax], rms
		return Quaternion.Quaternion(v), Vector(ref_cms), Vector(pos), rms
Exemplo n.º 20
def arc_by_radian(x, y, height, radian_range, thickness, gaussian_width):
    Radial arc with Gaussian fall-off after the solid ring-shaped
    region with the given thickness, with shape specified by the
    (start,end) radian_range.

    # Create a circular ring (copied from the ring function)
    radius = height/2.0
    half_thickness = thickness/2.0

    distance_from_origin = sqrt(x**2+y**2)
    distance_outside_outer_disk = distance_from_origin - radius - half_thickness
    distance_inside_inner_disk = radius - half_thickness - distance_from_origin

    ring = 1.0-bitwise_xor(greater_equal(distance_inside_inner_disk,0.0),greater_equal(distance_outside_outer_disk,0.0))

    sigmasq = gaussian_width*gaussian_width

    if sigmasq==0.0:
        inner_falloff = x*0.0
        outer_falloff = x*0.0
        with float_error_ignore():
            inner_falloff = exp(divide(-distance_inside_inner_disk*distance_inside_inner_disk, 2.0*sigmasq))
            outer_falloff = exp(divide(-distance_outside_outer_disk*distance_outside_outer_disk, 2.0*sigmasq))
    output_ring = maximum(inner_falloff,maximum(outer_falloff,ring))

    # Calculate radians (in 4 phases) and cut according to the set range)

    # Function float_error_ignore() cannot catch the exception when
    # both dividend and divisor are 0.0, and when only divisor is 0.0
    # it returns 'Inf' rather than 0.0. In x, y and
    # distance_from_origin, only one point in distance_from_origin can
    # be 0.0 (circle center) and in this point x and y must be 0.0 as
    # well. So here is a hack to avoid the 'invalid value encountered
    # in divide' error by turning 0.0 to 1e-5 in distance_from_origin.
    distance_from_origin += where(distance_from_origin == 0.0, 1e-5, 0)

    with float_error_ignore():
        sines = divide(y, distance_from_origin)
        cosines = divide(x, distance_from_origin)
        arcsines = arcsin(sines)

    phase_1 = where(logical_and(sines >= 0, cosines >= 0), 2*pi-arcsines, 0)
    phase_2 = where(logical_and(sines >= 0, cosines <  0), pi+arcsines,   0)
    phase_3 = where(logical_and(sines <  0, cosines <  0), pi+arcsines,   0)
    phase_4 = where(logical_and(sines <  0, cosines >= 0), -arcsines,     0)
    arcsines = phase_1 + phase_2 + phase_3 + phase_4

    if radian_range[0] <= radian_range[1]:
        return where(logical_and(arcsines >= radian_range[0], arcsines <= radian_range[1]),
                     output_ring, 0.0)
        return where(logical_or(arcsines >= radian_range[0], arcsines <= radian_range[1]),
                     output_ring, 0.0)
Exemplo n.º 21
    def angle(self, other):
        "Returns the angle to vector |other|."
	if not isVector(other):
	    raise TypeError, "Angle between vector and non-vector"
	cosa = Numeric.add.reduce(self.array*other.array) / \
	       Numeric.sqrt(Numeric.add.reduce(self.array*self.array) * \
	cosa = max(-1.,min(1.,cosa))
	return Numeric.arccos(cosa)
Exemplo n.º 22
    def computeEndPointsFromChunk(self, chunk, update = True):
        Derives and returns the endpoints and radius of a Peptide chunk.
        @param chunk: a Peptide chunk
        @type  chunk: Chunk
        @return: endPoint1, endPoint2 and radius
        @rtype: Point, Point and float
        @note: computing the endpoints works fine when n=m or m=0. Otherwise,
               the endpoints can be slightly off the central axis, especially
               if the Peptide is short.
        @attention: endPoint1 and endPoint2 may not be the original endpoints,
                    and they may be flipped (opposites of) the original 
        # Since chunk.axis is not always one of the vectors chunk.evecs 
        # (actually chunk.poly_evals_evecs_axis[2]), it's best to just use
        # the axis and center, then recompute a bounding cylinder.
        if not chunk.atoms:
            return None
        axis = chunk.axis
        axis = norm(axis) # needed
        center = chunk._get_center()
        points = chunk.atpos - center # not sure if basepos points are already centered
        # compare following Numeric Python code to findAtomUnderMouse and its caller
        matrix = matrix_putting_axis_at_z(axis)
        v = dot( points, matrix)
        # compute xy distances-squared between axis line and atom centers
        r_xy_2 = v[:,0]**2 + v[:,1]**2

        # to get radius, take maximum -- not sure if max(r_xy_2) would use Numeric code, but this will for sure:
        i = argmax(r_xy_2)
        max_xy_2 = r_xy_2[i]
        radius = sqrt(max_xy_2)
        # to get limits along axis (since we won't assume center is centered between them), use min/max z:
        z = v[:,2]
        min_z = z[argmin(z)]
        max_z = z[argmax(z)]
        # Adjust the endpoints such that the ladder rungs (rings) will fall
        # on the ring segments. 
        # TO DO: Fix drawPeptideLadder() to offset the first ring, then I can
        # remove this adjustment. --Mark 2008-04-12
        z_adjust = self.getEndPointZOffset()
        min_z += z_adjust
        max_z -= z_adjust
        endpoint1 = center + min_z * axis
        endpoint2 = center + max_z * axis
        if update:
            #print "Original endpoints:", self.getEndPoints()
            self.setEndPoints(endpoint1, endpoint2)
            #print "New endpoints:", self.getEndPoints()
        return (endpoint1, endpoint2, radius)
Exemplo n.º 23
def average(x, return_sd = 0):

    av = Numeric.sum(array(x)) / len(x)

    if return_sd:
        sd = standardDeviation(x, avg = av) / Numeric.sqrt(len(x))
        return av, sd
        return av
Exemplo n.º 24
    def __init__(self, crv, pnt = [0., 0., 0.], vector = [1., 0., 0.], theta = 2.*math.pi):
        if not isinstance(crv, Crv.Crv):
            raise NURBSError, 'Parameter crv not derived from Crv class!'
        # Translate and rotate the curve into alignment with the z-axis
        T = translate(-numerix.asarray(pnt, numerix.Float))
        # Normalize vector
        vector = numerix.asarray(vector, numerix.Float)
        len = numerix.sqrt(numerix.add.reduce(vector*vector))
        if len == 0:
            raise ZeroDivisionError, "Can't normalize a zero-length vector"
        vector = vector/len
        if vector[0] == 0.:
            angx = 0.
            angx = math.atan2(vector[0], vector[2])
        RY = roty(-angx)
        vectmp = numerix.ones((4,), numerix.Float)
        vectmp[0:3] = vector
        vectmp = numerix.dot(RY, vectmp)
        if vectmp[1] == 0.:
            angy = 0.
            angy = math.atan2(vector[1], vector[2])
        RX = rotx(angy)
        crv.trans(numerix.dot(RX, numerix.dot(RY, T)))
        arc = Crv.Arc(1., [0., 0., 0.], 0., theta)

        narc = arc.cntrl.shape[1]
        ncrv = crv.cntrl.shape[1]
        coefs = numerix.zeros((4, narc, ncrv), numerix.Float)
        angle = numerix.arctan2(crv.cntrl[1,:], crv.cntrl[0,:])
        vectmp = crv.cntrl[0:2,:]
        radius = numerix.sqrt(numerix.add.reduce(vectmp*vectmp))

        for i in xrange(0, ncrv):
            coefs[:,:,i] = numerix.dot(rotz(angle[i]),
                                       numerix.dot(translate((0., 0., crv.cntrl[2,i])),
                                                   numerix.dot(scale((radius[i], radius[i])), arc.cntrl)))
            coefs[3,:,i] = coefs[3,:,i] * crv.cntrl[3,i]
        Srf.__init__(self, coefs, arc.uknots, crv.uknots)
        T = translate(pnt)
        RX = rotx(-angy)
        RY = roty(angx)
        self.trans(numerix.dot(T, numerix.dot(RY, RX)))
Exemplo n.º 25
 def __str__(self):
     a= "<q:%6.2f @ " % (2.0 * math.acos(self.w) * 180 / math.pi)
     l = Numeric.sqrt(self.x**2 + self.y**2 + self.z**2)
     if l:
         z = V(self.x, self.y, self.z) / l
         a += "[%4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f] " % (z[0], z[1], z[2])
         a += "[%4.3f, %4.3f, %4.3f] " % (self.x, self.y, self.z)
     a += "|%8.6f|>" % vlen(self.vec)
     return a
Exemplo n.º 26
Arquivo: eos.py Projeto: randfb/sim42
    def __init__(self, u, w):
        This help to develovep the server
        EOS(u,w)-> class"""

        self.u = u
        self.w = w
        self.delta = sqrt(power(u, 2) - 4 * w)
        self.Thermo = Thermo()
        self.name = str(self)
Exemplo n.º 27
def logSigma( alpha, beta ):
    @param alpha: mean of log-transformed distribution
    @type  alpha: float
    @param beta: standarddev of log-transformed distribution
    @type  beta: float

    @return: 'standard deviation' of the original lognormal distribution
    @rtype: float
    return logMean( alpha, beta ) * N.sqrt( N.exp(beta**2) - 1.)
Exemplo n.º 28
def hyperbola(x, y, thickness, gaussian_width, axis):
    Two conjugate hyperbolas with Gaussian fall-off which share the same asymptotes.
    abs(x^2/a^2 - y^2/b^2) = 1 
    As a = b = axis, these hyperbolas are rectangular.

    difference = absolute(x**2 - y**2)
    hyperbola = 1.0 - bitwise_xor(greater_equal(axis**2,difference),greater_equal(difference,(axis + thickness)**2))

    distance_inside_hyperbola = sqrt(difference) - axis
    distance_outside_hyperbola = sqrt(difference) - axis - thickness

    sigmasq = gaussian_width*gaussian_width

    with float_error_ignore():
        inner_falloff = exp(divide(-distance_inside_hyperbola*distance_inside_hyperbola, 2.0*sigmasq))
        outer_falloff = exp(divide(-distance_outside_hyperbola*distance_outside_hyperbola, 2.0*sigmasq))
    return maximum(hyperbola,maximum(inner_falloff,outer_falloff))
Exemplo n.º 29
def distance_matrix(points):
    """return NxN point to point distance matrix
    this works but is not needed for USR
    points = N.array(points)
    num, dim = points.shape
    delta = N.zeros((num, num), "d")
    for d in xrange(dim):
        data = points[:, d]
        delta += (data - data[:, N.NewAxis]) ** 2
    return N.sqrt(delta)
Exemplo n.º 30
def exponential(x, y, xscale, yscale):
    Two-dimensional oriented exponential decay pattern.
    if xscale==0.0 or yscale==0.0:
        return x*0.0
    with float_error_ignore():
        x_w = divide(x,xscale)
        y_h = divide(y,yscale)
        return exp(-sqrt(x_w*x_w+y_h*y_h))
Exemplo n.º 31
def disk(x, y, height, gaussian_width):
    Circular disk with Gaussian fall-off after the solid central region.
    disk_radius = height/2.0

    distance_from_origin = sqrt(x**2+y**2)
    distance_outside_disk = distance_from_origin - disk_radius
    sigmasq = gaussian_width*gaussian_width

    if sigmasq==0.0:
        falloff = x*0.0
        with float_error_ignore():
            falloff = exp(divide(-distance_outside_disk*distance_outside_disk,

    return where(distance_outside_disk<=0,1.0,falloff)
Exemplo n.º 32
def init_icos():
    global icosa, icosix

    # the golden ratio
    global phi
    phi = (1.0+sqrt(5.0))/2.0
    vert = norm(V(phi,0,1))
    a = vert[0]
    b = vert[1]
    c = vert[2]

    # vertices of an icosahedron
    icosa = ((-a,b,c), (b,c,-a), (b,c,a), (a,b,-c), (-c,-a,b), (-c,a,b),
             (b,-c,a), (c,a,b), (b,-c,-a), (a,b,c), (c,-a,b), (-a,b,-c))
    icosix = ((9, 2, 6), (1, 11, 5), (11, 1, 8), (0, 11, 4), (3, 1, 7),
              (3, 8, 1), (9, 3, 7), (0, 6, 2), (4, 10, 6), (1, 5, 7),
              (7, 5, 2), (8, 3, 10), (4, 11, 8), (9, 7, 2), (10, 9, 6),
              (0, 5, 11), (0, 2, 5), (8, 10, 4), (3, 9, 10), (6, 0, 4))
Exemplo n.º 33
def pca(M):
    "Perform PCA on M, return eigenvectors and eigenvalues, sorted."
    T, N = shape(M)
    # if there are fewer rows T than columns N, use snapshot method
    if T < N:
        C = dot(M, t(M))
        evals, evecsC = eigenvectors(C)
        # HACK: make sure evals are all positive
        evals = where(evals < 0, 0, evals)
        evecs = 1. / sqrt(evals) * dot(t(M), t(evecsC))
        # calculate covariance matrix
        K = 1. / T * dot(t(M), M)
        evals, evecs = eigenvectors(K)
    # sort the eigenvalues and eigenvectors, descending order
    order = (argsort(evals)[::-1])
    evecs = take(evecs, order, 1)
    evals = take(evals, order)
    return evals, t(evecs)
Exemplo n.º 34
def calc_residue_dist(residue_one, residue_two):
    """Returns the C-alpha distance between two residues

       residue_one - Bio.PDB Residue object
       residue_two - Bio.PDB Residue object

    Return value:
       distance in Angstroms between Carbon alpha atoms of residue_one and

    Uses globals (read/write):
       residue_errmsg_dict - map Residue to bool flagging error msg issued

    Based on Peter C**k's Python programming pages:


    but of course life is never quite that simple with PDB files...
    note this function is almost entirely error handling, only two
    lines actually do the calculation, everything else handles exceptions.
        res1_ca_coord = residue_one["CA"].coord
    except KeyError:  # this happens ocassionaly on some PDB files e.g. 1BRD
        if not residue_errmsg_dict.has_key(residue_one):
            sys.stderr.write('WARNING: no Carbon-alpha atom for residue ' +
                             str(residue_one) +
                             '\nDistance in matrix set to infinity\n')
            residue_errmsg_dict[residue_one] = True
        return float('inf')
        res2_ca_coord = residue_two["CA"].coord
    except KeyError:
        if not residue_errmsg_dict.has_key(residue_two):
            sys.stderr.write('WARNING: no Carbon-alpha atom for residue ' +
                             str(residue_two) +
                             '. Distance in matrix set to infinity\n')
            residue_errmsg_dict[residue_two] = True
        return float('inf')

    diff_vector = res1_ca_coord - res2_ca_coord
    return Numeric.sqrt(Numeric.sum(diff_vector * diff_vector))
Exemplo n.º 35
def pairwiseDistances(u, v):
    Pairwise distances between two arrays.

    @param u: first array 
    @type  u: array
    @param v: second array 
    @type  v: array

    @return: Numeric.array( len(u) x len(v) ) of double
    @rtype: array
    diag1 = N.diagonal(N.dot(u, N.transpose(u)))
    diag2 = N.diagonal(N.dot(v, N.transpose(v)))
    dist = -N.dot( v,N.transpose(u) )\
         -N.transpose( N.dot( u, N.transpose(v) ) )
    dist = N.transpose( N.asarray( map( lambda column,a:column+a, \
                                        N.transpose(dist), diag1) ) )
    return N.transpose(
        N.sqrt(N.asarray(map(lambda row, a: row + a, dist, diag2))))
Exemplo n.º 36
    def getFluct_global(self, mask=None):
        Get RMS of each atom from it's average position in trajectory.
        The frames should be superimposed (fit() ) to a reference.

        @param mask: N x 1 list/Numpy array of 0|1, (N=atoms),
                     atoms to be considered.
        @type  mask: [1|0]

        @return: Numpy array ( N_unmasked x 1 ) of float.
        @rtype: array
        frames = self.frames
        if mask is not None:
            frames = N.compress(mask, frames, 1)

        ## mean position of each atom in all frames
        avg = N.average(frames)

        return N.average(N.sqrt(N.sum(N.power(frames - avg, 2), 2)))
Exemplo n.º 37
def cartesianToPolar(xyz):
    Convert cartesian coordinate array to polar coordinate array: 
    C{ x,y,z -> r, S{theta}, S{phi} }

    @param xyz: array of cartesian coordinates (x, y, z)
    @type  xyz: array

    @return: array of polar coordinates (r, theta, phi)
    @rtype: array
    r = N.sqrt(N.sum(xyz**2, 1))
    p = N.arccos(xyz[:, 2] / r)

    ## have to take care of that we end up in the correct quadrant
    t = []
    for i in range(len(xyz)):
        ## for theta (arctan)
        t += [math.atan2(xyz[i, 1], xyz[i, 0])]

    return N.transpose(N.concatenate(([r], [t], [p])))
Exemplo n.º 38
def xyzOfNearestCovalentNeighbour(i, model):
    Closest atom in the same residue as atom with index i

    @param model: PDBModel 
    @type  model: PDBModel
    @param i: atom index 
    @type  i: int

    @return: coordinates of the nearest atom 
    @rtype: [float, float, float]
    resModel = model.filter(residue_number=model.atoms['residue_number'][i])
    dist = N.sqrt(N.sum((resModel.xyz - model.xyz[i])**2, 1))

    ## set distance to self to something high
    dist[N.argmin(dist)] = 100.

    pos_shortest = N.nonzero(dist == min(dist))[0]

    return resModel.xyz[pos_shortest]
Exemplo n.º 39
def rowDistances(x, y):
    Calculate the distances between the items of two arrays (of same shape)
    after least-squares superpositioning.

    @param x: first set of coordinates
    @type  x: array('f')
    @param y: second set of coordinates
    @type  y: array('f')  

    @return: array( len(x), 'f' ), distance between x[i] and y[i] for all i
    @rtype: array
    ## find transformation for best match
    r, t = findTransformation(x, y)

    ## transform coordinates
    z = N.dot(y, N.transpose(r)) + t

    ## calculate row distances
    return N.sqrt(N.sum(N.power(x - z, 2), 1))
Exemplo n.º 40
    def scale(self):
        Return the maximum distance from self's geometric center
        to any point in self (i.e. the corner-center distance).

        Note: This is the radius of self's bounding sphere,
        which is as large as, and usually larger than, the
        bounding sphere of self's contents.

        Note: self's box dimensions are slightly larger than
        needed to enclose its data, due to hardcoded constants
        in its construction methods. [TODO: document, make optional]
        if not self.data: return 10.0

        dd = 0.5 * subtract.reduce(self.data)
        # dd = halfwidths in each dimension (x,y,z)
        x = sqrt(dd[0] * dd[0] + dd[1] * dd[1] + dd[2] * dd[2])
        # x = half-diameter of bounding sphere of self
        #return max(x, 2.0)
        return x
Exemplo n.º 41
    def rmsd_res(self, coord1, coord2):
        Calculate the rsmd on residue level for c-alpha between a
        model and its reference.

        @param coord1: first set of coordinates
        @type  coord1: array
        @param coord2: second set of coordinates
        @type  coord2: array

        @return: rmsd_res: rmsd per c-alpha
        @rtype: [float]
        rmsd_res = []

        for i in range(len(coord1)):
            rmsd = N.sqrt( (N.power(coord1[i][0]-coord2[i][0],2) +  \
                            N.power(coord1[i][1]-coord2[i][1],2 )+ \
                            N.power(coord1[i][2]-coord2[i][2],2 )))

        return rmsd_res
Exemplo n.º 42
def init_cube():
    drawing_globals.cubeVertices = cubeVertices = [
        [-1.0, 1.0, -1.0], [-1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
        [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, -1.0],
        [-1.0, -1.0, -1.0], [-1.0, -1.0, 1.0],
        [1.0, -1.0, 1.0], [1.0, -1.0, -1.0]]

    #bruce 051117: compute this rather than letting a subroutine hardcode it as
    # a redundant constant
    flatCubeVertices = []
    for threemore in cubeVertices:
    flatCubeVertices = list(flatCubeVertices) #k probably not needed
    drawing_globals.flatCubeVertices = flatCubeVertices

    if 1: # remove this when it works
        flatCubeVertices_hardcoded = [-1.0, 1.0, -1.0,
                                      -1.0, 1.0, 1.0,
                                      1.0, 1.0, 1.0,
                                      1.0, 1.0, -1.0,
                                      -1.0, -1.0, -1.0,
                                      -1.0, -1.0, 1.0,
                                      1.0, -1.0, 1.0,
                                      1.0, -1.0, -1.0]
        assert flatCubeVertices == flatCubeVertices_hardcoded

    sq3 = sqrt(3.0)/3.0
    drawing_globals.cubeNormals = [
        [-sq3, sq3, -sq3], [-sq3, sq3, sq3],
        [sq3, sq3, sq3], [sq3, sq3, -sq3],
        [-sq3, -sq3, -sq3], [-sq3, -sq3, sq3],
        [sq3, -sq3, sq3], [sq3, -sq3, -sq3]]
    drawing_globals.cubeIndices = [
        [0, 1, 2, 3], [0, 4, 5, 1], [1, 5, 6, 2],
        [2, 6, 7, 3], [0, 3, 7, 4], [4, 7, 6, 5]]

Exemplo n.º 43
def logConfidence(x, R, clip=1e-32):
    Estimate the probability of x NOT beeing a random observation from a
    lognormal distribution that is described by a set of random values.
    The exact solution to this problem is in L{Biskit.Statistics.lognormal}.

    @param x: observed value
    @type  x: float
    @param R: sample of random values; 0 -> don't clip (default: 1e-32)
    @type  R: [float]
    @param clip: clip zeros at this value
    @type  clip: float

    @return:  confidence that x is not random, mean of random distrib.
    @rtype: (float, float)
    if clip and 0 in R:
        R = N.clip(R, clip, max(R))
    ## get mean and stdv of log-transformed random sample
    mean = N.average(N.log(R))

    n = len(R)

    stdv = N.sqrt(N.sum(N.power(N.log(R) - mean, 2)) / (n - 1.))

    ## create dense lognormal distribution representing the random sample
    stop = max(R) * 50.0
    step = stop / 100000
    start = step / 10.0

    X = [(v, p_lognormal(v, mean, stdv)) for v in N.arange(start, stop, step)]

    ## analyse distribution
    d = Density(X)

    return d.findConfidenceInterval(x * 1.0)[0], d.average()
Exemplo n.º 44
def ring(x, y, height, thickness, gaussian_width):
    Circular ring (annulus) with Gaussian fall-off after the solid ring-shaped region.
    radius = height/2.0
    half_thickness = thickness/2.0

    distance_from_origin = sqrt(x**2+y**2)
    distance_outside_outer_disk = distance_from_origin - radius - half_thickness
    distance_inside_inner_disk = radius - half_thickness - distance_from_origin

    ring = 1.0-bitwise_xor(greater_equal(distance_inside_inner_disk,0.0),greater_equal(distance_outside_outer_disk,0.0))

    sigmasq = gaussian_width*gaussian_width

    if sigmasq==0.0:
        inner_falloff = x*0.0
        outer_falloff = x*0.0
        with float_error_ignore():
            inner_falloff = exp(divide(-distance_inside_inner_disk*distance_inside_inner_disk, 2.0*sigmasq))
            outer_falloff = exp(divide(-distance_outside_outer_disk*distance_outside_outer_disk, 2.0*sigmasq))

    return maximum(inner_falloff,maximum(outer_falloff,ring))
Exemplo n.º 45
 def findHandles_exact(self, p1, p2, cutoff = 0.0, backs_ok = 1, offset = V(0,0,0)):
     @return: a list of (dist, handle) pairs, in arbitrary order, which
     includes, for each handle (spherical surface) hit by the ray  p1
     thru p2, its front-surface intersection with the ray, unless that has
     dist < cutoff and backs_ok, in which case include its back-surface
     intersection (unless *that* has dist < cutoff).
     #e For now, just be simple, don't worry about speed.
     # Someday we can preprocess self.handlpos using Numeric functions,
     # like in nearSinglets and/or findSinglets
     # (I have untested prototype code for this in extrude-outs.py).
     hh = self.handles
     res = []
     v = norm(p2-p1)
     # is this modifying the vector in-place, causing a bug?? 
     ## offset += self.origin # treat our handles' pos as relative to this
     # I don't know, but one of the three instances of += was doing this!!!
     # probably i was resetting the atom or mol pos....
     offset = offset + self.origin # treat our handles' pos as relative to this
     radius_multiplier = self.radius_multiplier
     for (pos,radius,info) in hh:
         ## bug in this? pos += offset
         pos = pos + offset
         radius *= radius_multiplier
         dist, wid = orthodist(p1, v, pos)
         if radius >= wid: # the ray hits the sphere
             delta = sqrt(radius*radius - wid*wid)
             front = dist - delta # depth  p1 of front surface of sphere, where it's hit
             if front >= cutoff:
             elif backs_ok:
                 back = dist + delta
                 if back >= cutoff:
     return res
Exemplo n.º 46
 def d2adT2(self, ac, T):
     return 3 * ac / (4 * T * T * sqrt(T))
Exemplo n.º 47
def estimate_reference_single(entry, stats, bounds, ref=0.0, verbose=False,
                              exclude=None, entry_name=None, atom_type='H',

    A = 0.
    B = 0.

    S = 0.
    N = 1

    ## loop through all atom types

    classes = decompose_classes(entry, bounds, atom_type,molType=molType)

    if exclude and not entry_name:
        raise TypeError, 'attribute entry_name needs to be set.'

    n_excluded = 0
    n_total = 0
    for key, shifts in classes.items():

##         print entry_name, key

        if not key in stats:
            if verbose:
                print key,'no statistics.'

        if exclude and (entry_name, key) in exclude:
            print entry_name, key, 'excluded from ref estimation.'

        ## get statistics for current atom type

        mu, sd = stats[key][:2]
        k = 1./sd**2

        if exclude_outliers is not False:

        ## calculate Z scores and exclude shifts with high Z scores from analysis
            Z = abs(shifts-mu)/sd

            mask_include = Numeric.less(Z, exclude_outliers)

            shifts = Numeric.compress(mask_include, shifts)

            n_excluded += len(Z)-Numeric.sum(mask_include)
            n_total += len(Z)

        n = len(shifts)
        if not n:

        A += k*n*(median(shifts)-mu)
        B += k*n

        S += -0.5*len(shifts)*Numeric.log(k)+0.5*k*sum((Numeric.array(shifts)-mu-ref)**2)
        N += n

    if B > 0.:

        ref_mu = A/B
        ref_sd = 1./Numeric.sqrt(B)

        ref_mu = None
        ref_sd = None

    if exclude_outliers is not False and n_excluded == n_total:
        print '%d/%d outliers discarded' % (n_excluded, n_total)

    return ref_mu, ref_sd, S/N
Exemplo n.º 48
 def length(self):
     "Returns the length (norm)."
     return Numeric.sqrt(Numeric.add.reduce(self.array * self.array))
Exemplo n.º 49
def mat_to_quat(matrix, transpose=1):
    """ takes a four by four matrix (optionally with shape (16,) and
    converts it into the axis of rotation and angle to rotate by
    (x,y,z,theta). It does not expect an OpenGL style, transposed
    matrix, so is consistent with rotax

    if N.shape(matrix) not in ((16, ), (4, 4)):
        raise ValueError("Argument must Numeric array of shape (4,4) or (16,)")

    if N.shape(matrix) == (4, 4):
        matrix = N.reshape(matrix, (16, ))

    cofactor1 = matrix[5] * matrix[10] - matrix[9] * matrix[6]
    cofactor2 = matrix[8] * matrix[6] - matrix[4] * matrix[10]
    cofactor3 = matrix[4] * matrix[9] - matrix[8] * matrix[5]

    det = matrix[0] * cofactor1 + matrix[1] * cofactor2 + matrix[2] * cofactor3
    if not (0.999 < det < 1.001):
        print "Not a unit matrix: so not a pure rotation"
        print 'Value of Determinant is: ', det
    trace = matrix[0] + matrix[5] + matrix[10] + matrix[15]
    if trace > 0.0000001:  # rotation other than 180deg
        S = 0.5 / sqrt(trace)
        Qw = 0.25 / S
        Qx = (matrix[9] - matrix[6]) * S
        Qy = (matrix[2] - matrix[8]) * S
        Qz = (matrix[4] - matrix[1]) * S
    else:  #180deg rotation, just need to figure out the axis
        Qw = 0.
        diagonal = ((matrix[0], 0), (matrix[5], 5), (matrix[10], 10))
        idx = max(diagonal)[1]
        if idx == 0:
            S = sqrt(1.0 + matrix[0] - matrix[5] - matrix[10]) * 2
            Qy = (matrix[1] + matrix[4]) / S
            Qz = (matrix[2] + matrix[8]) / S
            Qx = N.sqrt(1 - Qy * Qy - Qz * Qz)
        elif idx == 5:
            S = sqrt(1.0 + matrix[5] - matrix[0] - matrix[10]) * 2
            Qx = (matrix[1] + matrix[4]) / S
            Qz = (matrix[6] + matrix[9]) / S
            Qy = N.sqrt(1 - Qx * Qx - Qz * Qz)
        elif idx == 10:
            S = sqrt(1.0 + matrix[10] - matrix[0] - matrix[5]) * 2
            Qx = (matrix[2] + matrix[8]) / S
            Qy = (matrix[6] + matrix[9]) / S
            Qz = N.sqrt(1 - Qx * Qx - Qy * Qy)
    # check if identity or not
    if Qw != 1.:
        angle = N.arccos(Qw)
        theta = angle * 360. / N.pi
        Z = sqrt(Qx * Qx + Qy * Qy + Qz * Qz)
        if transpose:
            Qx = -Qx / Z
            Qy = -Qy / Z
            Qz = -Qz / Z
            Qx = Qx / Z
            Qy = Qy / Z
            Qz = Qz / Z
        Qw = theta
        return [Qx, Qy, Qz, Qw]
        return [0., 0., 0., 0.]
Exemplo n.º 50
    def addInternal(self, i, na, nb, nc, r, theta, phi):
        Add another point, given its internal coordinates.  Once added
        via this routine, the cartesian coordinates for the point can
        be retrieved with getCartesian().

        @param i: Index of the point being added.  After this call, a
                  call to getCartesian with this index value will
                  succeed.  Index values less than 4 are ignored.
                  Index values should be presented here in sequence
                  beginning with 4.

        @param na: Index value for point A.  Point 'i' will be 'r'
                   distance units from point A.

        @param nb: Index value for point B.  Point 'i' will be located
                   such that the angle i-A-B is 'theta' degrees.

        @param nc: Index value for point C.  Point 'i' will be located
                      such that the torsion angle i-A-B-C is 'torsion'

        @param r: Radial distance (in same units as resulting
                  cartesian coordinates) between A and i.

        @param theta: Angle in degrees of i-A-B.

        @param phi: Torsion angle in degrees of i-A-B-C

        if (i < 4):

        if (i != self._nextIndex):
            raise IndexError, "next index is %d not %r" % (self._nextIndex, i)

        cos_theta = cos(DEG2RAD * theta)
        xb = self._coords[nb][0] - self._coords[na][0]
        yb = self._coords[nb][1] - self._coords[na][1]
        zb = self._coords[nb][2] - self._coords[na][2]
        rba = 1.0 / sqrt(xb * xb + yb * yb + zb * zb)

        if abs(cos_theta) >= 0.999:
            # Linear case
            # Skip angles, just extend along A-B.
            rba = r * rba * cos_theta
            xqd = xb * rba
            yqd = yb * rba
            zqd = zb * rba
            xc = self._coords[nc][0] - self._coords[na][0]
            yc = self._coords[nc][1] - self._coords[na][1]
            zc = self._coords[nc][2] - self._coords[na][2]

            xyb = sqrt(xb * xb + yb * yb)

            inv = False
            if xyb < 0.001:
                # A-B points along the z axis.
                tmp = zc
                zc = -xc
                xc = tmp
                tmp = zb
                zb = -xb
                xb = tmp
                xyb = sqrt(xb * xb + yb * yb)
                inv = True

            costh = xb / xyb
            sinth = yb / xyb
            xpc = xc * costh + yc * sinth
            ypc = yc * costh - xc * sinth
            sinph = zb * rba
            cosph = sqrt(abs(1.0 - sinph * sinph))
            xqa = xpc * cosph + zc * sinph
            zqa = zc * cosph - xpc * sinph
            yzc = sqrt(ypc * ypc + zqa * zqa)
            if yzc < 1e-8:
                coskh = 1.0
                sinkh = 0.0
                coskh = ypc / yzc
                sinkh = zqa / yzc

            sin_theta = sin(DEG2RAD * theta)
            sin_phi = -sin(DEG2RAD * phi)
            cos_phi = cos(DEG2RAD * phi)

            # Apply the bond length.
            xd = r * cos_theta
            yd = r * sin_theta * cos_phi
            zd = r * sin_theta * sin_phi

            # Compute the atom position using bond and torsional angles.
            ypd = yd * coskh - zd * sinkh
            zpd = zd * coskh + yd * sinkh
            xpd = xd * cosph - zpd * sinph
            zqd = zpd * cosph + xd * sinph
            xqd = xpd * costh - ypd * sinth
            yqd = ypd * costh + xpd * sinth

            if inv:
                tmp = -zqd
                zqd = xqd
                xqd = tmp

        self._coords[i][0] = xqd + self._coords[na][0]
        self._coords[i][1] = yqd + self._coords[na][1]
        self._coords[i][2] = zqd + self._coords[na][2]
        self._nextIndex = self._nextIndex + 1
Exemplo n.º 51
def SRK(model, case):

    R = 0.08206  ##
    xm = case.ExtProp["x"]
    yf = case.ExtProp["yf"]
    xf = case.ExtProp["xf"]
    pv = case.ExtProp["pv"]
    FrVap = case.ExtProp["FracVap"]

    T = case.ExtProp["T"]
    P = case.ExtProp["P"]
    Ac = model.Const["SRK_A"]
    b_i = model.Const["RK_B"]
    W_i = model.Const["OMEGA"]
    TC_i = model.Const["TC"]

    ##    print "Ac",Ac,b_i

    fwi = 0.48 + 0.1574 * W_i - 0.176 * power(W_i, 2)
    Tr_i = T / TC_i

    ##    print Tr_i
    AlphaT = power((1 + fwi * (1 - sqrt(Tr_i))), 2)

    a_i = Ac * AlphaT

    A_i = (a_i * P) / pow(R * T, 2)
    B_i = (b_i * P) / (R * T)
    ##    print "AiBi",A_i,B_i

    Zl_i = SRK.ZL(A_i, B_i)
    Zv_i = SRK.ZG(A_i, B_i)

    print "z", Zl_i, Zv_i

    CoeFugo_v = CoeFugo(Zv_i, A_i, B_i)
    CoeFugo_l = CoeFugo(Zl_i, A_i, B_i)

    #print CoeFugo_v/CoeFugo_l

    for i in range(3):

        A_vi = MixingRules.MolarK2(yf, A_i, k=0.5)
        B_vi = MixingRules.Molar(yf, B_i)

        A_li = MixingRules.MolarK2(xf, A_i, k=0.5)
        B_li = MixingRules.Molar(xf, B_i)

        B_v = MixingRules.Molar(yf, B_i)
        A_v = MixingRules.MolarK(yf, A_i, k=0.5)

        B_l = MixingRules.Molar(xf, B_i)
        A_l = MixingRules.MolarK(xf, A_i, k=0.5)

        Z_v = SRK.ZG(A_v, B_v)
        Z_l = SRK.ZL(A_l, B_l)

        CoeFugM_v = SRK.FugMix(Z_v, A_i, B_i, A_v, B_v)
        CoeFugM_l = SRK.FugMix(Z_l, A_i, B_i, A_l, B_l)

        fi = P * CoeFugM_v * yf

        ki = CoeFugM_l / CoeFugM_v
        #print xm
        FrVap, xf, yf = Flash(ki, xm)
        Z = FrVap * Z_v + (1 - FrVap) * Z_l
        print CoeFugM_v, "\n", ki, "\n", FrVap, "\n", xf, "\n", yf, "\n", CoeFugM_l, "\n", Z_v, Z_l
Exemplo n.º 52
def standardDeviation(x, avg=None):
    return Numeric.sqrt(variance(x, avg))
Exemplo n.º 53
    def Isotermicx(self, model, case):
        yf = case.Prop["yf"]

        T = case.Prop["T"]
        P = case.Prop["P"]
        Ac = model["RK_A"]
        b_i = model["RK_B"]
        case.Prop["dadT"] = self.dadT(Ac, T)
        case.Prop["d2adT2"] = self.d2adT2(Ac, T)
        ##        case.Prop["MolWt"] = sum( xm* model["MoleWt"] )
        PreVap = self.PV.P(T, model)
        case.Prop["PreVap"] = PreVap
        AlphaT = 1 / sqrt(T)
        case.Prop["AlphaT"] = AlphaT

        a_i = Ac * AlphaT
        case.Prop["a"] = a_i

        A_i = (a_i * P) / pow(R * T, 2)
        B_i = (b_i * P) / (R * T)
        case.Prop["A"] = A_i
        case.Prop["B"] = B_i

        Zl_i = self.EOS.ZL(A_i, B_i)
        Zv_i = self.EOS.ZG(A_i, B_i)
        case.Prop["Zli"] = Zl_i
        case.Prop["Zvi"] = Zv_i

        case.Prop["Vli"] = Zl_i * R * T / P
        case.Prop["Vvi"] = Zv_i * R * T / P

        CoeFugo_v = self.FugaP(Zv_i, A_i, B_i)
        CoeFugo_l = self.FugaP(Zl_i, A_i, B_i)
        ##        yf = xm
        xf = yf / (PreVap / P)
        sk = sum(PreVap / P)

        B_v = MixingRules.Molar(yf, B_i)
        A_v = power(sum(yf * sqrt(A_i)), 2)
        Z_v = self.EOS.ZG(A_v, B_v)
        CoeFugM_v = self.FugaM(Z_v, A_i, B_i, A_v, B_v)
        k_i = 1
        RFrac = 2
        ##        FrVap, xf, yf =  Flash(PreVap/P,xm)

        #Iteration to calculate the Fractio Vapor
        while k_i <= 10:
            B_l = MixingRules.Molar(xf, B_i)
            A_l = power(sum(xf * sqrt(A_i)), 2)
            Z_l = self.EOS.ZL(A_l, B_l)
            CoeFugM_l = self.FugaM(Z_l, A_i, B_i, A_l, B_l)

            fi = P * CoeFugM_v * yf

            ki = CoeFugM_l / CoeFugM_v

            ##            Z = FrVap*Z_v + (1- FrVap)* Z_l

            if abs(sk - sum(ki)) <= 1e-8:
                print xf
                ##                case.Solve = 1
            xf = yf / ki
            sk = sum(ki)
            k_i += 1
        FrVap, xm = Flash(ki, x=xf, y=yf)
        print "Frac", FrVap
        Z = FrVap * Z_v + (1 - FrVap) * Z_l
        V_l = Z_l * R * T / P
        V_v = Z_v * R * T / P
Exemplo n.º 54
def hbonds(model):
    Collect a list with all potential hydrogen bonds in model.

    @param model: PDBModel for which 
    @type  model: PDBModel

    @return: a list of potential hydrogen bonds containing a lists
             with donor index, acceptor index, distance and angle.
    @rtype: [ int, int, float, float ]
    hbond_lst = []
    donors = molU.hbonds['donors']
    accept = molU.hbonds['acceptors']

    ## indices if potential donors
    d_ind = []
    for res, aList in donors.items():
        for a in aList:
            if a in molU.hydrogenSynonyms.keys():

        d_ind += model.filterIndex(residue_name=res, name=aList)

    ## indices if potential acceptors
    a_ind = []
    for res, aList in accept.items():
        a_ind += model.filterIndex(residue_name=res, name=aList)

    ## calculate pairwise distances and angles
    for d in d_ind:
        d_xyz = model.xyz[d]
        d_nr = model.atoms['residue_number'][d]
        d_cid = model.atoms['chain_id'][d]
        d_segi = model.atoms['segment_id'][d]

        for a in a_ind:
            a_xyz = model.xyz[a]
            a_nr = model.atoms['residue_number'][a]
            a_cid = model.atoms['chain_id'][a]
            a_segi = model.atoms['segment_id'][a]

            dist = N.sqrt(sum((d_xyz - a_xyz)**2))

            ## don't calculate angles within the same residue and
            ##  for distances definately are not are h-bonds
            if dist < 3.0 and not\
                  ( d_nr == a_nr and d_cid == a_cid and d_segi == a_segi ):

                ## calculate angle for potenital hbond
                d_xyz_cov = xyzOfNearestCovalentNeighbour(d, model)
                a_xyz_cov = xyzOfNearestCovalentNeighbour(a, model)
                d_vec = d_xyz_cov - d_xyz
                a_vec = a_xyz - a_xyz_cov

                d_len = N.sqrt(sum((d_vec)**2))
                a_len = N.sqrt(sum((a_vec)**2))

                da_dot = N.dot(d_vec, a_vec)

                angle = 180 - N.arccos(da_dot / (d_len * a_len)) * 180 / N.pi

                if hbondCheck(angle, dist):
                    hbond_lst += [[d, a, dist, angle]]

    return hbond_lst
Exemplo n.º 55
 def normal(self):
     "Returns a normalized copy."
     len = Numeric.sqrt(Numeric.add.reduce(self.array * self.array))
     if len == 0:
         raise ZeroDivisionError, "Can't normalize a zero-length vector"
     return Vector(Numeric.divide(self.array, len))
Exemplo n.º 56
    def Isotermic(self, model, case):
        xm = case.Prop["x"]

        T = case.Prop["T"]
        P = case.Prop["P"]
        Ac = model["RK_A"]
        b_i = model["RK_B"]
        case.Prop["dadT"] = self.dadT(Ac, T)
        case.Prop["d2adT2"] = self.d2adT2(Ac, T)
        case.Prop["MolWt"] = sum(xm * model["MoleWt"])

        PreVap = self.PV.P(T, model)
        case.Prop["PreVap"] = PreVap

        AlphaT = 1 / sqrt(T)
        case.Prop["AlphaT"] = AlphaT

        a_i = Ac * AlphaT
        case.Prop["a"] = a_i

        A_i = (a_i * P) / pow(R * T, 2)
        B_i = (b_i * P) / (R * T)
        case.Prop["A"] = A_i
        case.Prop["B"] = B_i

        Zl_i = self.EOS.ZL(A_i, B_i)
        Zv_i = self.EOS.ZG(A_i, B_i)
        case.Prop["Zli"] = Zl_i
        case.Prop["Zvi"] = Zv_i

        case.Prop["Vli"] = Zl_i * R * T / P
        case.Prop["Vvi"] = Zv_i * R * T / P

        CoeFugo_v = self.FugaP(Zv_i, A_i, B_i)
        CoeFugo_l = self.FugaP(Zl_i, A_i, B_i)
        yf = xm
        xf = xm

        k_i = 1
        RFrac = 2
        FrVap, xf, yf = Flash(case.Prop["PreVap"] / P, xm)

        #Iteration to calculate the Fractio Vapor
        while k_i <= 10:
            B_v = MixingRules.Molar(yf, B_i)
            A_v = power(sum(yf * sqrt(A_i)), 2)

            B_l = MixingRules.Molar(xf, B_i)
            A_l = power(sum(xf * sqrt(A_i)), 2)

            Z_v = self.EOS.ZG(A_v, B_v)
            Z_l = self.EOS.ZL(A_l, B_l)

            CoeFugM_v = self.FugaM(Z_v, A_i, B_i, A_v, B_v)
            CoeFugM_l = self.FugaM(Z_l, A_i, B_i, A_l, B_l)

            fi = P * CoeFugM_v * yf

            ki = CoeFugM_l / CoeFugM_v
            FrVap, xf, yf = Flash(ki, xm)

            Z = FrVap * Z_v + (1 - FrVap) * Z_l

            if abs(RFrac - FrVap) <= 1e-10:
                case.Solve = 1

            RFrac = FrVap
            k_i += 1
Exemplo n.º 57
def arc_by_radian(x, y, height, radian_range, thickness, gaussian_width):
    Radial arc with Gaussian fall-off after the solid ring-shaped
    region with the given thickness, with shape specified by the
    (start,end) radian_range.

    # Create a circular ring (copied from the ring function)
    radius = height / 2.0
    half_thickness = thickness / 2.0

    distance_from_origin = sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
    distance_outside_outer_disk = distance_from_origin - radius - half_thickness
    distance_inside_inner_disk = radius - half_thickness - distance_from_origin

    ring = 1.0 - bitwise_xor(greater_equal(distance_inside_inner_disk, 0.0),
                             greater_equal(distance_outside_outer_disk, 0.0))

    sigmasq = gaussian_width * gaussian_width

    if sigmasq == 0.0:
        inner_falloff = x * 0.0
        outer_falloff = x * 0.0
        with float_error_ignore():
            inner_falloff = exp(
                    -distance_inside_inner_disk * distance_inside_inner_disk,
                    2.0 * sigmasq))
            outer_falloff = exp(
                    -distance_outside_outer_disk * distance_outside_outer_disk,
                    2.0 * sigmasq))

    output_ring = maximum(inner_falloff, maximum(outer_falloff, ring))

    # Calculate radians (in 4 phases) and cut according to the set range)

    # Function float_error_ignore() cannot catch the exception when
    # both dividend and divisor are 0.0, and when only divisor is 0.0
    # it returns 'Inf' rather than 0.0. In x, y and
    # distance_from_origin, only one point in distance_from_origin can
    # be 0.0 (circle center) and in this point x and y must be 0.0 as
    # well. So here is a hack to avoid the 'invalid value encountered
    # in divide' error by turning 0.0 to 1e-5 in distance_from_origin.
    distance_from_origin += where(distance_from_origin == 0.0, 1e-5, 0)

    with float_error_ignore():
        sines = divide(y, distance_from_origin)
        cosines = divide(x, distance_from_origin)
        arcsines = arcsin(sines)

    phase_1 = where(logical_and(sines >= 0, cosines >= 0), 2 * pi - arcsines,
    phase_2 = where(logical_and(sines >= 0, cosines < 0), pi + arcsines, 0)
    phase_3 = where(logical_and(sines < 0, cosines < 0), pi + arcsines, 0)
    phase_4 = where(logical_and(sines < 0, cosines >= 0), -arcsines, 0)
    arcsines = phase_1 + phase_2 + phase_3 + phase_4

    if radian_range[0] <= radian_range[1]:
        return where(
            logical_and(arcsines >= radian_range[0],
                        arcsines <= radian_range[1]), output_ring, 0.0)
        return where(
            logical_or(arcsines >= radian_range[0],
                       arcsines <= radian_range[1]), output_ring, 0.0)
Exemplo n.º 58
    def FugaM(self, Z, A_i, B_i, A, B):

        LogFug = B_i / B * (Z - 1) - log(
            Z - B) + A / B * (B_i / B - 2 * sqrt(A_i / A)) * log(1 + B / Z)
        Fug = exp(LogFug)
        return Fug
Exemplo n.º 59
def standardDeviation(data):
    data = Numeric.array(data)
    return Numeric.sqrt(variance(data))
Exemplo n.º 60
 def dadT(self, ac, T):
     return -ac / (2 * T * sqrt(T))