Exemplo n.º 1
def simpleRMS(X, scales, m=1, verbose=False):
    """Compute RMS of detrended signal in non-overlapping windows.
    RMS is computed for each scale from scales array. RMS is evaluated 
    for each scale (N elements) and in all possible non-overlapping 
    windows of N elements.
    This function returns a list of arrays, one array for each scale and 
    of a different length.
    X:       array, time-series
    scales:  array, scales (number of elements in a window) for RMS computation
    m:       order of polynomial for polyfit
    >>> X = cumsum(0.1*randn(8000))
    >>> scales = (2**arange(4,10)).astype('i4')
    >>> RMS = simpleRMS(X,scales)
    >>> for i,x in enumerate(RMS):
            t = arange(x.shape[0])*scales[i] + 0.5*scales[i]
    from numpy.polynomial.polynomial import polyval as mpolyval, polyfit as mpolyfit
    out = []
    for scale in scales:
        Y = rw(X, scale, scale)
        i = arange(scale)
        C = mpolyfit(i, Y.T, m)
        out.append(sqrt(((Y - mpolyval(i, C))**2).mean(1)))
    return out
Exemplo n.º 2
def MRMS(X, scale, step, m=1, verbose=False):
    """Compute RMS of detrended signal in sliding windows for a signle window size.
    RMS is evaluated in all possible windows of 'scale' elements.

	X:       array, time-series
    scale:   scale (number of elements in a window) for RMS computation
    step:    step for sliding window (number of elements between adjacent windows)
    m:       order of polynomial for polyfit

    # >>> X = cumsum(0.1*randn(8000))
    # >>> step = 32
	# >>> RMS = MRMS(X,256,step)
    # >>> plot(arange(RMS.shape[0])*step,RMS)

    from numpy.polynomial.polynomial import polyval as mpolyval, polyfit as mpolyfit
    i0 = scale // 2 / step + 1
    Y = rw(X[step - (scale // 2) % step:], scale, step)
    i = arange(scale)
    C = mpolyfit(i, Y.T, m)
    rms = sqrt(((Y - mpolyval(i, C))**2).mean(1))
    return rms
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: MDFA.py Projeto: hua98918/PD
def MRMS(X,scale,step,m=1,verbose=False):
    """Compute RMS of detrended signal in sliding windows for a signle window size.
    RMS is evaluated in all possible windows of 'scale' elements.
	X:       array, time-series
    scale:   scale (number of elements in a window) for RMS computation
    step:    step for sliding window (number of elements between adjacent windows)
    m:       order of polynomial for polyfit
    >>> X = cumsum(0.1*randn(8000))
    >>> step = 32
	>>> RMS = MRMS(X,256,step)
    >>> plot(arange(RMS.shape[0])*step,RMS)

    from numpy.polynomial.polynomial import polyval as mpolyval, polyfit as mpolyfit
    i0 = scale//2/step+1
    Y = rw(X[step-(scale//2)%step:],scale,step)
    i = np.arange(scale)
    C = mpolyfit(i,Y.T,m)
    rms = np.sqrt(((Y-mpolyval(i,C))**2).mean(1))
    return rms
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: MDFA.py Projeto: hua98918/PD
def simpleRMS(X,scales,m=1,verbose=False):
    """Compute RMS of detrended signal in non-overlapping windows.
    RMS is computed for each scale from scales array. RMS is evaluated 
    for each scale (N elements) and in all possible non-overlapping 
    windows of N elements.
    This function returns a list of arrays, one array for each scale and 
    of a different length.
	X:       array, time-series
    scales:  array, scales (number of elements in a window) for RMS computation
    m:       order of polynomial for polyfit
    >>> X = cumsum(0.1*randn(8000))
    >>> scales = (2**arange(4,10)).astype('i4')
	>>> RMS = simpleRMS(X,scales)
    >>> for i,x in enumerate(RMS):
            t = arange(x.shape[0])*scales[i] + 0.5*scales[i]
    from numpy.polynomial.polynomial import polyval as mpolyval, polyfit as mpolyfit
    out = []
    for scale in scales:
        Y = rw(X,scale,scale)
        i = np.arange(scale)
        C = mpolyfit(i,Y.T,m)
        out.append( np.sqrt(((Y-mpolyval(i,C))**2).mean(1)) )
    return out
Exemplo n.º 5
def simpleRMS(X,scales,m=1,verbose=False):
    from numpy.polynomial.polynomial import polyval as mpolyval, polyfit as mpolyfit
    out = []
    for scale in scales:
        Y = rw(X,scale,scale)
        i = arange(scale)
        C = mpolyfit(i,Y.T,1)
        out.append( sqrt(((Y-mpolyval(i,C))**2).mean(1)) )
    return out
Exemplo n.º 6
def fastRMS(X,scales,m=1,verbose=False):
    from numpy.polynomial.polynomial import polyval as mpolyval, polyfit as mpolyfit
    step = scales[0]
    i0s = arange(0,X.shape[0],step)
    out = nan+zeros((len(scales),i0s.shape[0]),'f8')
    j = 0
    for scale in scales:
        if verbose: print '.',scale,step
        s2 = scale//2
        Y = rw(X,scale,step)
        i = arange(scale)
        C = mpolyfit(i,Y.T,1)
        rms = sqrt(((Y-mpolyval(i,C))**2).mean(1))
        i0 = around(scale/2.0/step)
        out[j,i0:i0+rms.shape[0]] = rms
        j += 1
    return out
Exemplo n.º 7
def fastRMS(X, scales, m=1, verbose=False):
    """Compute RMS of detrended signal in sliding windows.
    RMS is computed for each scale from scales array. RMS is evaluated
    for each scale (N elements) and in all possible windows of N elements.
    RMS in windows which do not fully overlap with signal (edges) are not computed,
    result for them is set to nan.
    The step for sliding of windows is set to scales[0].

    This is a fast vectorized version of compRMS function.

	X:       array, time-series
    scales:  array, scales (number of elements in a window) for RMS computation
    m:       order of polynomial for polyfit

	# --------
    # >>> X = cumsum(0.1*randn(8000))
    # >>> scales = (2**arange(4,10)).astype('i4')
	# >>> RMS = fastRMS(X,scales)
    # >>> subplot(311)
    # >>> plot(arange(0,X.shape[0],scales[0]),RMS.T/scales + 0.01*arange(len(scales)))
    # >>> subplot(312)
    # >>> mRMS = ma.array(RMS,mask=isnan(RMS))
    # >>> loglog(scales,mRMS.mean(1),'o-',ms=5.0,lw=0.5)
    # >>> subplot(313)
    # >>> for q in [-3,-1,1,3]:
    #         loglog(scales,((mRMS**q).mean(1))**(1.0/q),'o-',ms=5.0,lw=0.5)


    step = scales[0]
    out = nan + zeros((len(scales), X.shape[0] // step), 'f8')
    j = 0
    for scale in scales:
        if verbose: print
        '.', scale, step
        i0 = scale // 2 / step + 1
        Y = rw(X[step - (scale // 2) % step:], scale, step)
        i = arange(scale)
        C = mpolyfit(i, Y.T, m)
        rms = sqrt(((Y - mpolyval(i, C))**2).mean(1))
        out[j, i0:i0 + rms.shape[0]] = rms
        j += 1
    return out
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: MDFA.py Projeto: hua98918/PD
def fastRMS(X,scales,m=1,verbose=False):
    """Compute RMS of detrended signal in sliding windows.
    RMS is computed for each scale from scales array. RMS is evaluated 
    for each scale (N elements) and in all possible windows of N elements.
    RMS in windows which do not fully overlap with signal (edges) are not computed, 
    result for them is set to nan.    
    The step for sliding of windows is set to scales[0].
    This is a fast vectorized version of compRMS function.
	X:       array, time-series
    scales:  array, scales (number of elements in a window) for RMS computation
    m:       order of polynomial for polyfit
    >>> X = cumsum(0.1*randn(8000))
    >>> scales = (2**arange(4,10)).astype('i4')
	>>> RMS = fastRMS(X,scales)
    >>> subplot(311)
    >>> plot(arange(0,X.shape[0],scales[0]),RMS.T/scales + 0.01*arange(len(scales)))
    >>> subplot(312)
    >>> mRMS = ma.array(RMS,mask=isnan(RMS))
    >>> loglog(scales,mRMS.mean(1),'o-',ms=5.0,lw=0.5)
    >>> subplot(313)
    >>> for q in [-3,-1,1,3]:

    from numpy.polynomial.polynomial import polyval as mpolyval, polyfit as mpolyfit
    step = scales[0]
    out = np.nan+np.zeros((len(scales),X.shape[0]//step),'f8')
    j = 0
    for scale in scales:
        if verbose: print '.',scale,step
        i0 = scale//2/step+1
        Y = rw(X[step-(scale//2)%step:],scale,step)
        i = np.arange(scale)
        C = mpolyfit(i,Y.T,m)
        rms = np.sqrt(((Y-mpolyval(i,C))**2).mean(1))
        out[j,i0:i0+rms.shape[0]] = rms
        j += 1
    return out