Exemplo n.º 1
def hermit_interpol_polynomial(nodes, f):
    def divided_difference(row, col):
        # row = j, col = i
        # Если знаменатель не ноль
        if nodes[row + col] != nodes[row]:
            return (dif_matrix[row + 1, col - 1] -
                    dif_matrix[row, col - 1]) / (nodes[row + col] - nodes[row])
        # Если знаменатель ноль
            deriv = derivative(f, col)
            return deriv(nodes[row]) / factorial(col)

    n = len(nodes)
    dif_matrix = np.zeros((n, n))

    for i in range(n):
        dif_matrix[i, 0] = f(nodes[i])

    for i in range(1, n):
        for j in range(0, n - i):
            dif_matrix[j, i] = divided_difference(j, i)

    result = Polynomial(dif_matrix[0, 0])

    for i in range(n - 1):
        result = pl.polyadd(
            Polynomial(np.poly(nodes[0:i + 1])[::-1]) *
            dif_matrix[0, i + 1])[0]

    return result, dif_matrix
Exemplo n.º 2
    def construct_polynomials(self):
        """Construct polynomials up to nth degree. Save the results to the instance.
        from numpy.polynomial.polynomial import Polynomial

        p = [Polynomial([1])]  # polynomials
        a = []
        b = [0]
        innerprod = [.5
                     ]  # constructed such that inner product of f(x)=1 is 1/2

        # first polynomial is special
            quad(lambda x: self.K(x) * x, self.x0, self.x1)[0] / innerprod[0])
        p.append(Polynomial([-a[0], 1]) * p[0])

        for i in range(1, self.n + 1):
                quad(lambda x: p[i](x)**2 * self.K(x), self.x0, self.x1)[0])
                quad(lambda x: x * p[i]
                     (x)**2 * self.K(x), self.x0, self.x1)[0] / innerprod[i])
            b.append(innerprod[i] / innerprod[i - 1])
            p.append(Polynomial([-a[i], 1]) * p[i] - b[i] * p[i - 1])

        self.p = p
        self.a = a
        self.b = b
        self.innerprod = innerprod
Exemplo n.º 3
    def evaluate(self, par, mjd, t0par=None, integrate=False):
        """Evaluate 'par' at given MJD(s), with zero point t0par

        par : string
            key into dictionary = parameter to evaluate.  Takes into
            account possible par+'DOT' (for 'F': F0, F1, F2, F3)
        mjd : float or Time object
            MJD at which to evaluate (or Time with .tdb.mjd attribute)
        t0par : string or None
            key into dictionary with zero point for par
            default: None -> PEPOCH for 'F', 'TASC' for all others
        integrate : bool
            Whether to integrate the polynomial (e.g., to get mean
            anomaly out of 'FB' or pulse phase out of 'F')
        if par == 'F':
            t0par = t0par or 'PEPOCH'
            parpol = Polynomial((self['F0'], self.get('F1', 0.),
                                 self.get('F2', 0.), self.get('F3', 0.)))
            t0par = t0par or 'TASC'
            parpol = Polynomial((self[par], self.get(par + 'DOT', 0.)))

        if integrate:
            parpol = parpol.integ()

        # given time can be Time object
        if hasattr(mjd, 'tdb'):
            mjd = mjd.tdb.mjd

        return parpol((mjd - self[t0par]) * 86400.)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def evaluate(self, par, mjd, t0par=None, integrate=False):
        """Evaluate 'par' at given MJD(s), with zero point t0par

        par : string
            key into dictionary = parameter to evaluate.  Takes into
            account possible par+'DOT' (for 'F': F0, F1, F2, F3)
        mjd : float or Time object
            MJD at which to evaluate (or Time with .tdb.mjd attribute)
        t0par : string or None
            key into dictionary with zero point for par
            default: None -> PEPOCH for 'F', 'TASC' for all others
        integrate : bool
            Whether to integrate the polynomial (e.g., to get mean
            anomaly out of 'FB' or pulse phase out of 'F')
        if par == 'F':
            t0par = t0par or 'PEPOCH'
            parpol = Polynomial((self['F0'], self.get('F1', 0.),
                                 self.get('F2',0.), self.get('F3',0.)))
            t0par = t0par or 'TASC'
            parpol = Polynomial((self[par], self.get(par+'DOT', 0.)))

        if integrate:
            parpol = parpol.integ()

        # given time can be Time object
        if hasattr(mjd, 'tdb'):
            mjd = mjd.tdb.mjd

        return parpol((mjd - self[t0par]) * 86400.)
Exemplo n.º 5
def newton_interpol_polynomial(nodes, f):
    n = len(nodes)
    dif_matrix = np.zeros((n, n))

    for i in range(n):
        dif_matrix[i, 0] = f(nodes[i])

    # Считаем разделённые разности. Храним их в верхнетреугольной матрице
    for i in range(1, n):
        for j in range(0, n - i):
                       i] = (dif_matrix[j + 1, i - 1] -
                             dif_matrix[j, i - 1]) / (nodes[j + i] - nodes[j])

    # Строим интерпол. полином Ньютона, испоьзуя полученные разности
    result = Polynomial(dif_matrix[0, 0])

    for i in range(n - 1):
        result = pl.polyadd(
            Polynomial(np.poly(nodes[0:i + 1])[::-1]) *
            dif_matrix[0, i + 1])[0]

    # Помимо полинома возвращаем ещё и матрицу разностей, т.к. её, вообще говоря, можно использовать,
    # если мы захотим добавить ещё узлов интерполяции
    return result, dif_matrix
Exemplo n.º 6
def transform_points(src, dst, pts, steps):
    surfaces = []
    surf_array = np.zeros((1280, 720, 3))
    first_line = poly.fit([src[0][0], dst[0][0]], [src[0][1], dst[0][1]], 1)
    second_line = poly.fit([src[1][0], dst[1][0]], [src[1][1], dst[1][1]], 1)
    third_line = poly.fit([src[2][0], dst[2][0]], [src[2][1], dst[2][1]], 1)
    fourth_line = poly.fit([src[3][0], dst[3][0]], [src[3][1], dst[3][1]], 1)

    first_points = first_line.linspace(steps)
    second_points = second_line.linspace(steps)
    third_points = third_line.linspace(steps)
    fourth_points = fourth_line.linspace(steps)
    for i in range(1, steps):
        dst = np.float32([[first_points[0][-i], first_points[1][-i]],
                          [second_points[0][i], second_points[1][i]],
                          [third_points[0][i], third_points[1][i]],
                          [fourth_points[0][-i], fourth_points[1][-i]]])
        M = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(src, dst)
        transformed_points = cv2.perspectiveTransform(pts, M)
        surface = pygame.Surface((1280, 720))

        pygame.draw.polygon(surface, (0, 130, 0),
                            np.squeeze(transformed_points, axis=0))
    return surfaces
Exemplo n.º 7
def zernike_dict(nmax):
    zerDic = {}
    for n in range(nmax+1):
        for l in range(n,-1,-2):
            # print(n,l)
            key = (n,l)
            if l == n:
                # coef = [0 for _ in range(n+1)]
                # coef[n] = 1
                poly = xn(n)
                # zerDic[key] = poly
            elif l == n-2:
                if n >=2:
                    poly = (n+0.5)*zerDic[(n,n)] - (n-0.5)*zerDic[(n-2,n-2)]
                    poly = (n+0.5)*zerDic[(n,n)]
                # zerDic[key] = poly
            elif l == 0:
                n2 = 2*n
                M1 = (n2+1)*(n2-1)/(n+l+1)/(n-l)
                M2 = -0.5*((2*l+1)**2*(n2-1) + (n2+1)*(n2-1)*(n2-3))/(n+l+1)/(n-l)/(n2-3)
                M3 = -1*(n2+1)*(n+l-1)*(n-l-2)/(n+l+1)/(n-l)/(n2-3)
                poly = (M1*Polynomial([0,0,1]) + M2)*zerDic[(n-2,l)] + M3*zerDic[(n-4,l)]
                # zerDic[key] = poly
                L1 = (2*n+1)/(n+l+1)
                L2 = -1*(n-l)/(n+l+1)
                poly = L1*Polynomial([0,1])*zerDic[(n-1,l-1)] + L2*zerDic[(n-2,l)]

            zerDic[key] = poly

    return zerDic
Exemplo n.º 8
def calculate_root(f: Polynomial, a, b, eps):
    Return root (assuming there's one) of f function
    on the (a, b) interval using secant method
    and also return number of iterations.

    f's first two derivatives should be differentiable.
    assert f(a) * f(b) < 0

    if f(a) > 0:
        f = -f

    if f(b) * f.deriv(2)(b) > 0:
        x = a
        c = b
    elif f(a) * f.deriv(2)(a) > 0:
        x = b
        c = a
        raise Exception()

    true_x = spo.brentq(f, a, b)

    iter_count = 0
    while abs(x - true_x) > eps and iter_count < MAX_ITERATION_COUNT:
        x -= (c - x) / (f(c) - f(x)) * f(x)
        iter_count += 1

    return x, iter_count
Exemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self,
                 fs=2 * np.pi,
        """ Initialize class. 
        if initial_alpha is None:
            alpha = np.zeros(poly_order + 1)
            alpha = initial_alpha
        self.alpha = alpha

        self.z = data
        self.fs = fs
        self.poly_order = poly_order
        self._polynomial = Polynomial(alpha)
        # transform frequency
        num_time_bins = self.z.size // win_size
        num_freq_bins = win_size // 2
        self.win_size = win_size
        if overlap is None:
            self.overlap = num_freq_bins // 2
            self.overlap = overlap
        self.tfd = np.zeros((num_freq_bins, num_time_bins), dtype='complex')
Exemplo n.º 10
def PolyDivModOverZn(a: poly, b: poly, n: int) -> (poly, poly):
    if n < 1:
        raise ValueError
    if n==1:
        raise ZeroDivisionError
    a = poly(np.mod(a.coef, n))
    b = poly(np.mod(b.coef, n))
    a = a.trim()
    b = b.trim()
    deg_a, deg_b = len(a.coef), len(b.coef)
    if deg_a < deg_b:
        return poly([0]), a
        f = poly(b.coef[::-1]).trim()
        g = PolyInverseModOverZn(f, deg_a - deg_b + 1, n)
        if g is None:
            raise ZeroDivisionError
        q = (poly(a.coef[::-1]).trim() * g).truncate(deg_a - deg_b + 1)  # q:=rev_n(a)g mod x^(n-m+1)
        q = poly(np.mod(q.coef, n))
        q = poly(q.coef[::-1]).trim()  # q:=rev_(n-m)(q)
        if len(q.coef) < deg_a - deg_b + 1:
            q.coef = np.concatenate([np.zeros(deg_a - deg_b + 1 - len(q)), q.coef])
        bq = poly(np.mod((b * q).coef, n))
        r = a - bq
        r = poly(np.mod(r.coef, n))
        q = poly(np.mod(q.coef, n))
        r = r.trim()
        q = q.trim()
        return q, r
Exemplo n.º 11
def lagrange(nodes):
    result = Polynomial([0])
    w = Polynomial(np.poly(nodes)[::-1])
    deriv = w.deriv(1)
    for i in range(len(nodes)):
        result = pl.polyadd(result,
                            make_l_k(i, nodes, w, deriv) * f(nodes[i]))[0]
    return result
Exemplo n.º 12
def n_k(order, coef_func):
    if order < 0:
        raise ValueError()
    if order == 0:
        return Polynomial([0, 1])
    elif order > 0:
        return pl.polymul(n_k(order - 1, coef_func),
                          Polynomial([coef_func(order), 1]))[0] / (order + 1)
Exemplo n.º 13
def _pq_completion(P):
    Find polynomial Q given P such that the following matrix is unitary.
    [[P(a), i Q(a) sqrt(1-a^2)],
      i Q*(a) sqrt(1-a^2), P*(a)]]

        P: Polynomial object P.

        Polynomial object Q giving described unitary matrix.
    pcoefs = P.coef

    P = Polynomial(pcoefs)
    Pc = Polynomial(pcoefs.conj())
    roots = (1. - P * Pc).roots()

    # catagorize roots
    real_roots = np.array([], dtype=np.float64)
    imag_roots = np.array([], dtype=np.float64)
    cplx_roots = np.array([], dtype=np.complex128)

    tol = 1e-6
    for root in roots:
        if np.abs(np.imag(root)) < tol:
            # real roots
            real_roots = np.append(real_roots, np.real(root))
        elif np.real(root) > -tol and np.imag(root) > -tol:
            if np.real(root) < tol:
                imag_roots = np.append(imag_roots, np.imag(root))
                cplx_roots = np.append(cplx_roots, root)

    # remove root r_i = +/- 1
    ridx = np.argmin(np.abs(1. - real_roots))
    real_roots = np.delete(real_roots, ridx)
    ridx = np.argmin(np.abs(-1. - real_roots))
    real_roots = np.delete(real_roots, ridx)

    # choose real roots in +/- pairs
    real_roots = np.sort(real_roots)
    real_roots = real_roots[::2]

    # include negative conjugate of complex roots
    cplx_roots = np.r_[cplx_roots, -cplx_roots]

    # construct Q
    Q = Polynomial(
        polyfromroots(np.r_[real_roots, 1j * imag_roots, cplx_roots]))
    Qc = Polynomial(Q.coef.conj())

    # normalize
    norm = np.sqrt(
        (1 - P * Pc).coef[-1] / (Q * Qc * Polynomial([1, 0, -1])).coef[-1])

    return Q * norm
Exemplo n.º 14
 def _fitfunc(self, p, chip, x):
     """ThreeChipLineTable fit function:
     y = x - par[0] + par[1]*(chip-refchip) + par[2]*(chip-refchip)**2
     w = refwave + par[3]*y + par[4]*y**2 + ... + par[n]*y**(n-2)
     where refchip, refwave are taken from the Table meta data.
     pchip = Polynomial([-p[0], p[1], p[2]])
     px = Polynomial(np.hstack((self.meta['refwave'], p[3:])))
     return px(x + pchip(chip - self.meta['refchip']))
Exemplo n.º 15
def make_nodes(n, p, a, b):
    mu_list = np.array(make_mu_k(n, p, a, b), dtype=np.float64)
    left_part = np.array([mu_list[i:n+i][::-1] for i in range(n)], dtype=np.float64)
    right_part = -1 * mu_list[n:]
    coef = solve(left_part, right_part)
    coef = np.append(coef[::-1], 1)

    w = Polynomial(coef)
    return w.roots()
    def test_verify_degree(self):
		Check the degree of the polynomio
        minimum = randint(2, 70)
        e = self.generate_Encrypter("test_files/")
        p = self.get_poly(e, "test_files/", minimum)
        polynomial = Poly(p.generate_random_poly())

        assert polynomial.degree() == minimum - 1
Exemplo n.º 17
    def experiment(self):

        self.leg = self.genlegpoly()
        self.dataset = self.gendataset()
        self.g2 = Polynomial.fit(self.dataset[0], self.dataset[1], 2,
                                 [-1.0, 1.0])
        self.g10 = Polynomial.fit(self.dataset[0], self.dataset[1], 10,
                                  [-1.0, 1.0])
        self.eoutg2 = self.mse4(self.g2, self.leg)
        self.eoutg10 = self.mse4(self.g10, self.leg)
Exemplo n.º 18
 def evaluate(self, par, mjd, t0par='TASC', integrate=False):
     if par == 'F':
         parpol = Polynomial((self['F'], self.get('F1', 0.),
                              self.get('F2',0.), self.get('F3',0.)))
         parpol = Polynomial((self[par], self.get(par+'DOT', 0.)))
     if integrate:
         parpol = parpol.integ()
     dt = (mjd-self[t0par])*24.*3600.
     return parpol(dt)
Exemplo n.º 19
def lagrange(nodes):
    result = Polynomial([0])
    # np.poly строит полином по набору корней. Но порядок коэффициетов противоположный тому, который
    # принимает конструктор класса Polynomial
    w = Polynomial(np.poly(nodes)[::-1])
    deriv = w.deriv(1)
    for i in range(len(nodes)):
        result = pl.polyadd(result,
                            make_l_k(i, nodes, w, deriv) * f(nodes[i]))[0]
        # возвращается не только сумма
    return result
Exemplo n.º 20
def solve_root(coefficients, ploting=True):
    f = Polynomial(list(reversed(coefficients)))

    # Solve f(x) == 0.
    X, Y = [], []
    roots = f.roots()
    print("polynomial: ", f)
    print("roots: ", roots)
    result = areRootsRealNegative(roots)
    return result, roots
Exemplo n.º 21
 def _coeffs2poly(self, coeffs):
     poly_coeffs = np.zeros((len(self.init_coeffs) + 2, ))
     poly_coeffs[0] = 0.5 * coeffs[0]  # v1
     poly_coeffs[1] = coeffs[0]  # v1
     poly_coeffs[2] = coeffs[1]  # v2
     poly_coeffs[3] = 2 * coeffs[1] - coeffs[0]
     poly_coeffs[4:] = coeffs[2:]
     p = Polynomial(poly_coeffs) * Polynomial([1, -1])**2
     assert abs(p.coef[3]) < 1e-10
     assert abs(p.coef[1]) < 1e-10
     assert abs(p(1.)) < 1e-10
     return p
Exemplo n.º 22
def poles_to_rational_rep(poles, residues, d, h):
    Take the parameters produced by vectfit and construct a representation
    of the form f(s) / g(s), returning f and g
    pole_ps = [Polynomial([-p, 1]) for p in poles]
    denom = product(pole_ps)
    num = sum(r * denom / p for r, p in zip(residues, pole_ps))
    num += Polynomial([d, h]) * denom
    # Since we're a PR function, should be safe to convert these to real values
    num = Polynomial(num.coef.real)
    denom = Polynomial(denom.coef.real)
    return num, denom
Exemplo n.º 23
def fit(x, y, deg, regularization=0):
    # order = polyfit1d(y, x, deg, regularization)
    if deg == "best":
        order = best_fit(x, y)
        order = Polynomial.fit(y, x, deg=deg, domain=[]).coef[::-1]
    return order
Exemplo n.º 24
def polyDataFor(arr):
    ''' t -> vel fit
    func = Poly.fit(arr[:, 0], arr[:, 1], 1)
    data = np.empty_like(arr)
    for i in range(len(arr)):
        data[i] = [arr[i,0], func(arr[i,0])]'''

    # before -> vel fit
    func = Poly.fit(arr[:-1, 1],
                    (arr[1:, 1] - arr[:-1, 1]) / (arr[1:, 0] - arr[:-1, 0]),
    print("Poly fitted:", func, func.domain, func.window)
    data = np.empty((arr.shape[0] - 1, arr.shape[1]))
    prevV = arr[0, 1]
    for i in range(len(arr) - 1):
        prevT = arr[i, 0]
        nextT = arr[i + 1, 0]
        #nextV = prevV + func(prevV) * (nextT - prevT)
        #fac = - 0.0305 * prevV # free in air -0.4690
        #fac = -227.20539704480407 - 0.03047 * prevV # rollin on ground > 550 vel
        #fac = func(prevV)
        nextV = prevV + fac * (nextT - prevT)
        data[i] = [nextT, nextV]  #func(prevV)
        prevV = nextV
    return data
Exemplo n.º 25
 def _get_pp_poly(self):
     p = self.ppsi_polynomial
     dp = p.deriv(1)
     dp_o_r = p.deriv(1) / Polynomial([0.,1.])
     ddp = p.deriv(2)
     pp_poly = self.calibration_energy + 2*dp_o_r + (ddp + dp**2)
     return pp_poly
Exemplo n.º 26
    def test_response_4(self):
        pcoefs = [0., -2 + 1j, 0., 2.]
        poly = Polynomial(pcoefs)

Exemplo n.º 27
    def test_response_1(self):
        pcoefs = [0, 1]

        poly = Polynomial(pcoefs)

        QuantumSignalProcessingPhases(poly, signal_operator="Wx")
        QuantumSignalProcessingPhases(poly, signal_operator="Wz")
Exemplo n.º 28
def poly_fit_eta():
    from numpy.polynomial.polynomial import Polynomial
    x = np.linspace(1,0,2000)
    for i in range(10):
        U1, U2 = [unitary_group.rvs(4) for _ in range(2)]
        A1,A2 = [np.random.rand(16).reshape(4,4) + 1j*np.random.rand(16).reshape(4,4) for _ in range(2)]
        H1 = 0.5*(A1 + A1.conj().T)
        H2 = 0.5*(A2 + A2.conj().T)

        te1 = expm(1j*H1*0.1)
        te2 = expm(1j*H2*0.1)
        U1_ = (te1 @ U1).conj().T
        U2_ = (te2 @ U2).conj().T

        RE = RightEnvironment()
        params = [np.pi/4,0,0,0,0,0] # np.random.rand(6)
        C = CircuitSolver()
        M = C.M(params)
        M_ = RE.circuit(r(U1), r(U2), r(U1_), r(U2_), M)

        scores = []
        for p in x:
            scores.append(np.linalg.norm(p * M - M_))

        coefs = Polynomial.fit(x[:10],scores[:10],deg = 2, domain = (1,0.9))
        new_vals = [coefs(a) for a in x]
        plt.plot(x, scores, label = "Exact")
        plt.plot(x, new_vals, label = "Poly Fit")
Exemplo n.º 29
def test_poly1D_fit_weighted():
    polyOrder = np.random.randint(2, 5)
    numMeasurements = np.random.randint(50, 100)
    xValues = np.random.rand(numMeasurements) * 100 - 50
    coefficients = np.random.rand(polyOrder + 1) * 5 - 10
    yValues = []
    for x in xValues:
        y = 0
        for order in range(polyOrder + 1):
            y += coefficients[order] * x**order
        yValues.append(y + np.random.randn(1).item())
    yValues = np.array(yValues)
    yValues = yValues.reshape(yValues.size, 1)
    weights = np.random.rand(numMeasurements)

    cX = NumCpp.NdArray(1, xValues.size)
    cY = NumCpp.NdArray(yValues.size, 1)
    cWeights = NumCpp.NdArray(1, xValues.size)

    poly = Polynomial.fit(xValues, yValues.flatten(), polyOrder,
    polyC = NumCpp.Poly1d.fitWeighted(
        cX, cY, cWeights, polyOrder).coefficients().getNumpyArray().flatten()

    assert np.array_equal(np.round(poly, 1), np.round(polyC, 1))
Exemplo n.º 30
def momentum_analysis_global_chi2(meas_solver,
                                  B_name='Mau 13 (nominal)',
    # use circle fit analysis mean to determine test_ps
                                   query="z >= 8.41 & z <= 11.66",
    circle_fit_mom = meas_solver.df_reco.p.mean()
    pmin = circle_fit_mom - delta
    pmax = circle_fit_mom + delta
    ps_test = np.linspace(pmin, pmax, N_hyp)
    # run particles for each hypothesis momentum
    sum_of_impacts2 = global_chi2_ptests(test_ps=ps_test,
    # fit quadratic to calculated chi2 values
    c, b, a = Polynomial.fit(ps_test, sum_of_impacts2, 2).convert().coef
    # use quadratic parameters to get momentum estimate
    chi2_fit_mom = -b / (2 * a)
    # plot (if selected)
    if plot_chi2:
        ptrue = meas_solver.init_conds.p0
        ps_quad = np.linspace(pmin, pmax, 50)
        y_quad = a * ps_quad**2 + b * ps_quad + c
        fig = plt.figure()
        plt.plot(ps_quad, y_quad, c='gray', label='Quadratic Fit')
                    label='Calculated ' + r"$\chi^2$",
        ymax = np.max(sum_of_impacts2)
        plt.plot([ptrue, ptrue], [0., ymax],
                 label=f'True Momentum ={ptrue:.3f} MeV/c',
        plt.plot([chi2_fit_mom, chi2_fit_mom], [0., ymax],
                 label='Momentum ' + r'$(\chi^2) =$' +
                 f'{chi2_fit_mom:.3f} MeV/c',
        plt.plot([circle_fit_mom, circle_fit_mom], [0., ymax],
                 label=f'Momentum (circle) = {circle_fit_mom:.3f} MeV/c',
        plt.xlabel(r"$p$" + " [MeV/c]")
        plt.title('Global ' + r'$\chi^2$' + f' Momentum Fit: {B_name}')
        l = plt.legend(loc='upper right')
        return chi2_fit_mom, circle_fit_mom, fig
    # return results
    return chi2_fit_mom, circle_fit_mom
Exemplo n.º 31
    def measure(self):
        """Compute some metrics that give an idea of how well each area is doing."""
        for aoi in self.aoi.values():
            if 'population' not in aoi:
                print("No population info for", aoi['name'])
            if 'cases' not in aoi['data']:
                print("No cases for", aoi['name'])
            if len(aoi['data']['cases']) < 2:
                print("Insufficient cases for", aoi['name'])
            distance = []
            pop = aoi['population']
            distance = [(v or 0) / pop for v in aoi['data']['cases']]

            window = min(14, len(distance))

            polynomial = Polynomial.fit(range(window), distance[-window:],
                                        min(3, window))
            coefficients = list(polynomial.convert().coef[1:])
            # If the trailing coefficients are 0, they're not included in coef.
            # Add them back.
            while len(coefficients) < 3:

            aoi['velocity'] = coefficients[0]
            aoi['acceleration'] = coefficients[1]
            aoi['jerk'] = coefficients[2]
Exemplo n.º 32
 def __init__(self, order, monom=None):
     self.monom = monom if monom else Polynomial(
         np.identity(order + 1)[order])
     assert isinstance(self.monom, Polynomial)
     self.order = order
     self.derivative = self.monom.deriv()
     self.linear = order == 1
Exemplo n.º 33
 def evaluate(self, par, mjd, t0par="TASC", integrate=False):
     parpol = Polynomial((self[par], self.get(par + "DOT", 0.0)))
     if integrate:
         parpol = parpol.integ()
     dt = (mjd - self[t0par]) * 24.0 * 3600.0
     return parpol(dt)
Exemplo n.º 34
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""polynomial.py: Demonstrate equation solvers of SciPy.
from numpy.polynomial.polynomial import Polynomial

# pylint: disable=invalid-name

# Define a polynomial x^3 - 2 x^2 + x - 2.
f = Polynomial([-2, 1, -2, 1])
print("polynomial: ", f)

# Solve f(x) == 0.
print("roots: ", f.roots())