Exemplo n.º 1
def make_data_twoclass(N=50):
	# generates some toy data
	mu = sp.array([[0,2],[0,-2]]).T
	C = sp.array([[5.,4.],[4.,5.]])
	X = sp.hstack((mvn(mu[:,0],C,N/2).T, mvn(mu[:,1],C,N/2).T))
	Y = sp.hstack((sp.ones((1,N/2.)),-sp.ones((1,N/2.))))
	return X,Y
Exemplo n.º 2
def main():
    # create centers
    means = [[1.0, 1.0], [2.5, 2.5]]
    data = []
    rect_start_x = 2.0
    rect_start_y = 2.0
    rect_width = 1.0
    rec_height = 1.0
    for i, mean in enumerate(means):
        class_centers = mvn(mean, np.eye(2), 10)
        class_data = [np.hstack((mvn(class_center, np.eye(2), 10), np.zeros((10, 1)) + i))
                               for class_center in class_centers]
    data = np.array(data).reshape(200, 3)
    rectangle = np.array([[rect_start_x, rect_start_y],
                          [rect_start_x + rect_width, rect_start_y],
                          [rect_start_x + rect_width, rect_start_y + rec_height],
                          [rect_start_x, rect_start_y + rec_height],
                          [rect_start_x, rect_start_y]]).reshape(5, 2)

    pts = get_points_in_rectangle(rectangle, data)
    posterior = calc_posterior(means, pts)
    print posterior
    for class_data in data:
        plt.plot(class_data[:, 0], class_data[:, 1], 'o', markersize=8)
    plt.plot(rectangle[:, 0], rectangle[:, 1])
Exemplo n.º 3
def main():
    # create centers
    means = [[1.0, 1.0], [2.5, 2.5]]
    data = []
    rect_start_x = 2.0
    rect_start_y = 2.0
    rect_width = 1.0
    rec_height = 1.0
    for i, mean in enumerate(means):
        class_centers = mvn(mean, np.eye(2), 10)
        class_data = [
            np.hstack((mvn(class_center, np.eye(2), 10), np.zeros(
                (10, 1)) + i)) for class_center in class_centers
    data = np.array(data).reshape(200, 3)
    rectangle = np.array(
          rect_start_y], [rect_start_x + rect_width, rect_start_y],
         [rect_start_x + rect_width, rect_start_y + rec_height],
         [rect_start_x, rect_start_y + rec_height],
         [rect_start_x, rect_start_y]]).reshape(5, 2)

    pts = get_points_in_rectangle(rectangle, data)
    posterior = calc_posterior(means, pts)
    print posterior
    for class_data in data:
        plt.plot(class_data[:, 0], class_data[:, 1], 'o', markersize=8)
    plt.plot(rectangle[:, 0], rectangle[:, 1])
def make_data_twoclass(N=50):
    # generates some toy data
    mu = sp.array([[0,2],[0,-2]]).T
    C = sp.array([[5.,4.],[4.,5.]])
    X = sp.hstack((mvn(mu[:,0],C,N/2).T, mvn(mu[:,1],C,N/2).T))
    Y = sp.hstack((sp.ones((1,N/2.)),-sp.ones((1,N/2.))))
    return X,Y
Exemplo n.º 5
def make_data_xor(N=80,noise=.25):
    # generates some toy data
    mu = sp.array([[-1,1],[1,1]]).T
    C = sp.eye(2)*noise
    X = sp.hstack((mvn(mu[:,0],C,N/4).T,mvn(-mu[:,0],C,N/4).T, mvn(mu[:,1],C,N/4).T,mvn(-mu[:,1],C,N/4).T))
    Y = sp.hstack((sp.ones((1,N/2.)),-sp.ones((1,N/2.))))
    randidx = sp.random.permutation(N)
    Y = Y[0,randidx]
    X = X[:,randidx]
    return X,Y
def make_data_xor(N=80,noise=.25):
    # generates some toy data
    mu = sp.array([[-1,1],[1,1]]).T
    C = sp.eye(2)*noise
    X = sp.hstack((mvn(mu[:,0],C,N/4).T,mvn(-mu[:,0],C,N/4).T, mvn(mu[:,1],C,N/4).T,mvn(-mu[:,1],C,N/4).T))
    Y = sp.hstack((sp.ones((1,N/2.)),-sp.ones((1,N/2.))))
    randidx = sp.random.permutation(N)
    Y = Y[0,randidx]
    X = X[:,randidx]
    return X,Y
Exemplo n.º 7
def main():
    # create centers
    means = [[0, 0], [2.5, 2.5]]
    data = []
    for class_num, mean in enumerate(means):
        class_centers = mvn(mean, np.eye(2), 10)
        class_data = [np.hstack((mvn(class_center, np.eye(2), 10), np.zeros((10, 1)) + class_num))
                               for class_center in class_centers]
    data = np.array(data).reshape(200, 3)
    bias_variance(data, 2)
Exemplo n.º 8
def main():
    # create centers
    means = [[0, 0], [2.5, 2.5]]
    data = []
    for class_num, mean in enumerate(means):
        class_centers = mvn(mean, np.eye(2), 10)
        class_data = [
            np.hstack((mvn(class_center, np.eye(2), 10), np.zeros(
                (10, 1)) + class_num)) for class_center in class_centers
    data = np.array(data).reshape(200, 3)
    bias_variance(data, 2)
Exemplo n.º 9
 def _get_data_rng(self, data_cov_matrix):
     from numpy.random import multivariate_normal as mvn
     mu = np.zeros(self.p)
     cov = np.array(data_cov_matrix)
     assert len(mu) == cov.shape[0] == cov.shape[1]
     rng = lambda x: mvn(mu, cov, size=x)
     return rng
Exemplo n.º 10
def bivrandom (x0, y0, sx, sy, cxy, size=None):
    """Compute random values distributed according to the specified bivariate


    * x0: the center of the x distribution (i.e. its intended mean)
    * y0: the center of the y distribution
    * sx: standard deviation (not variance) of x var
    * sy: standard deviation (not variance) of y var
    * cxy: covariance (not correlation coefficient) of x and y
    * size (optional): the number of values to compute

    Returns: array of shape (size, 2); or just (2, ), if size was not

    The bivariate parameters of the generated data are approximately
    recoverable by calling 'databiv(retval)'.

    from numpy.random import multivariate_normal as mvn
    p0 = np.asarray ([x0, y0])
    cov = np.asarray ([[sx**2, cxy],
                       [cxy, sy**2]])
    return mvn (p0, cov, size)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def __call__(self, i, y, u, deterministic=True):
        if i > 0:
            self.filter(y, u)
        mu = self.mu
        covar = self.covar
        self.optimize(self.n_iter, mu, covar)
        mu = np.copy(self.i2c.cells[0].mu_u0_m)
        sig = np.copy(self.i2c.cells[0].sig_u0_m)

        if deterministic:
            ctrl = mu.reshape((self.dim_u, 1))
            ctrl = mvn(mu.squeeze(), sig, 1).reshape((self.dim_u, 1))

        self.i2c.cells[-1].sys = self.i2c.sys
        if self.z_traj is not None:
            if (i + self.i2c.H) < self.z_traj.shape[0]:
                self.i2c.cells[-1].z = self.z_traj[i + self.i2c.H, :, None]
                self.i2c.cells[-1].z = self.i2c.cells[-2].z
        return ctrl
Exemplo n.º 12
 def draw(self, n=1):
     draw a random sample of size n form this cluster
     # cast n to a int incase it's a numpy.int
     n = int(n)
     return mvn(self.mu, self.sigma, n)
Exemplo n.º 13
def sample_m(mean, cov, shift, amount):
    Create samples from input density.
    :param mean:    Mean with which to sample
    :param cov:     Covariance with which to sample
    :param shift:   Boolean to determine whether to shift the orientation
    :param amount:  Number of samples to be drawn
    :return:        The sample for amount==1 and an array of samples for amount > 1
    # shift mean by 90 degree and switch length and width if demanded
    s_mean = mean.copy()
    if shift:
        save_w = s_mean[W]
        s_mean[W] = s_mean[L]
        s_mean[L] = save_w
        s_mean[AL] += 0.5 * np.pi

    # draw sample
    samp = mvn(s_mean, cov, amount)

    # enforce restrictions
    samp[:, L] = np.maximum(0.1, samp[:, L])
    samp[:, W] = np.maximum(0.1, samp[:, W])
    samp[:, AL] %= 2 * np.pi

    # if only one sample, do not store it in a 1d array
    if amount == 1:
        samp = samp[0]

    return samp
Exemplo n.º 14
 def draw(self, n=1):
     draw a random sample of size n form this cluster
     # cast n to a int incase it's a numpy.int
     n = int(n)
     return mvn(self.mu, self.sigma, n)
Exemplo n.º 15
 def batch_forward(self, xu):
     x = self.dynamics(xu)
     if self.deterministic:
         return x
         noise = mvn(np.zeros((self.dim_x)), self.sig_eta, x.shape[0])
         return x + noise
Exemplo n.º 16
 def backward_sampling(ms, Cs, W):
     T = len(ms) - 1
     theta = mvn(mean=np.atleast_1d(ms[T]), cov=np.atleast_2d(Cs[T]))
     thetas = [theta]
     for t in reversed(range(1, T)):
         theta = FFBS.backward_sampling_step(theta, ms[t], Cs[t], W)
     return list(reversed(thetas))
Exemplo n.º 17
 def forward(self, u):
     assert u.shape[0] == 1
     xu = np.hstack((self.x, u))
     self.x = self.dynamics(xu)
     if not self.deterministic:
         disturbance = mvn(np.zeros((self.dim_x, )), self.sig_eta, 1)
         self.x += disturbance
     return self.x
Exemplo n.º 18
    def simulate_measurement(self, meas, geom):
        """Simulate a measurement by the given sensor, for a true radiance
        sampled to instrument wavelengths. This basically just means
        drawing a sample from the noise distribution."""

        Sy = self.Sy(meas, geom)
        mu = s.zeros(meas.shape)
        rdn_sim = meas + mvn(mu, Sy)
        return rdn_sim
Exemplo n.º 19
def SampleCanonicalPosterior(mu_posterior, C_posterior, NumPosteriorSamples,
                             h_c, undotransform = True):

    :param mu_posterior:
    :param C_posterior:
    :param NumPosteriorSamples:
    :param h_c:
    :return: h_c_post
    from numpy.random import multivariate_normal as mvn
    from statsmodels.distributions.empirical_distribution import ECDF
    from scipy.stats import norm

    PosteriorSamples = mvn(mu_posterior, C_posterior, NumPosteriorSamples)

    if undotransform:
        PosteriorSamplesTransformed = np.zeros_like(PosteriorSamples)
        # back transform Normal Score Transformation:
        for ii in range(np.shape(h_c)[1]):
            OriginalScores = h_c[:, ii]
            TransformedSamples = np.copy(PosteriorSamples[:,ii])
            BackTransformedValue = np.zeros_like(TransformedSamples)

            edf = ECDF(OriginalScores)
            F,x = edf.y[1:], edf.x[1:]

            FStar = norm.cdf(TransformedSamples, np.mean(OriginalScores),

            # for each FStar, find closest F
            for jj in range(len(FStar)):
                index = np.argmin(np.abs(F - FStar[jj]))

                if index==1:
                    BackTransformedValue[jj] = x[index]
                elif index==len(x):
                    BackTransformedValue[jj] = x[-1]
                elif F[index] < FStar[jj]:
                    BackTransformedValue[jj] = 0.5 * (x[index] + x[index - 1])
                elif index+1 == len(F):
                    BackTransformedValue[jj] = x[index]
                    BackTransformedValue[jj] = 0.5 * (x[index] + x[index + 1])

                if BackTransformedValue[jj]==float('inf') or BackTransformedValue[jj]==-float('inf'):
                    raise Exception('Bad interpolation')

            PosteriorSamplesTransformed[:, ii] = np.copy(BackTransformedValue)

        h_c_post = np.copy(PosteriorSamplesTransformed)

        h_c_post = np.copy(PosteriorSamples)

    return h_c_post
Exemplo n.º 20
    def __init__(self, sizes, bandwidth):

        self.sizes = sizes
        self.input_size = self.sizes[0]
        self.hidden_size = self.sizes[1]

        self.freq = mvn(mean=np.zeros((self.input_size, )),
                        cov=np.diag(1.0 / bandwidth),

        self.shift = npr.uniform(-np.pi, np.pi, size=self.hidden_size)
def redistribute_attribute(graph, gt_community, std, random_state=None):
    Redistribute the attribute of the input graph.
    :param graph: Networkx Graph: the initial graph read from DANCer.
    :param gt_community: Dictionary: the ground truth community.
    :param std: Float: the standard deviation of attributes for each community.
    :param random_state: Integer: an integer value specifying the random state for mvn.
    :return: new_graph: Networkx Graph: a new object of graph with attributes.
    num_community = len(set(gt_community.values()))  # number of communities
    if random_state:
    centers = mvn([0, 0], 5 * np.identity(2), num_community)
    for node in graph.nodes():
        community_id = gt_community[node]
        attr = mvn(centers[community_id], std * np.identity(2))
        graph.node[node]['attr'] = attr
    new_graph = graph.copy()

    return new_graph
Exemplo n.º 22
    def _load_mu_at_fit(self):
        (n, d) = self.prior_mu.shape
        if d != self.d:
            raise ValueError('Dimension mismatch between Mus and Data')

        elif n < self.nclusts:
            self._prior_mu = zeros((self.nclusts, self.d))
            self._prior_mu[0:n, :] = (self.prior_mu.copy() - self.m) / self.s
            self._prior_mu[n:, :] = mvn(zeros((self.d,)), eye(self.d), self.nclusts - n)
            self._prior_mu = (self.prior_mu.copy() - self.m) / self.s
Exemplo n.º 23
def single_particle_approx_gaussian(m_a, l_a, w_a, al_a, cov_a, n_particles,
    l_pa = np.zeros(n_particles)
    w_pa = np.zeros(n_particles)
    al_pa = np.zeros(n_particles)
    vec_A = np.zeros((n_particles, 5))
    ma_final = 0
    Pa_final = np.zeros((2, 2))

    for i in range(n_particles):
        # if i % 100 == 0:
        #     print(i)

        if use_pos:
            m_pa = mvn(m_a, cov_a[:2, :2])
            m_pa = 1.0 * m_a

        l_pa[i] = np.maximum(normal(l_a, cov_a[3, 3]), 0.1)
        w_pa[i] = np.maximum(normal(w_a, cov_a[4, 4]), 0.1)
        al_pa[i] = normal(al_a, cov_a[2, 2])
        al_pa[i] %= (2 * np.pi)
        rot_p = np.array([[np.cos(al_pa[i]), -np.sin(al_pa[i])],

        Pa = np.dot(np.dot(rot_p, np.diag([l_pa[i], w_pa[i]])**2), rot_p.T)

        Pa_sr = sqrtm(Pa)

        ma_final += m_pa

        Pa_final += Pa_sr

        vec_A[i] = np.array(
            [m_pa[0], m_pa[1], Pa_sr[0, 0], Pa_sr[0, 1], Pa_sr[1, 1]])

    ma_final /= n_particles
    Pa_final /= n_particles
    if use_pos:
        mean_A = np.sum(vec_A, axis=0) / n_particles
        var_A = np.sum(np.einsum('xa, xb -> xab', vec_A - mean_A,
                                 vec_A - mean_A),
                       axis=0) / n_particles
        mean_A = np.sum(vec_A[:, 2:], axis=0) / n_particles
        var_A = np.sum(np.einsum('xa, xb -> xab', vec_A[:, 2:] - mean_A,
                                 vec_A[:, 2:] - mean_A),
                       axis=0) / n_particles
    var_A += var_A.T
    var_A *= 0.5

    return ma_final, mean_A, var_A
Exemplo n.º 24
    def _load_mu_at_fit(self):
        (n, d) = self.prior_mu.shape
        if d != self.d:
            raise ValueError('Dimension mismatch between Mus and Data')

        elif n < self.nclusts:
            self._prior_mu = zeros((self.nclusts, self.d))
            self._prior_mu[0:n, :] = (self.prior_mu.copy() - self.m) / self.s
            self._prior_mu[n:, :] = mvn(zeros((self.d, )), eye(self.d),
                                        self.nclusts - n)
            self._prior_mu = (self.prior_mu.copy() - self.m) / self.s
Exemplo n.º 25
    def prediction_sample(self, size=1):
        Sample function values from the GP prediction.

        :param int size: sample size to draw
        :return np.array: a (s, n) array, with s the sample size and n the
                          length of the test input array.
        if np.array_equal(self.predcov, self.covariance):
            raise RuntimeWarning('Posterior covariance is identical to prior '
                                 'covariance. Try using the prediction method '
        return mvn(mean=self.predmean, cov=self.predcov, size=size)
Exemplo n.º 26
    def __call__(self, i, x, deterministic=True):
        assert i < self.H
        if i % self.control_step == 0:
            kx = self.K[i, :, :] @ x
            mu = kx + self.k[i, :, None]
            sig = self.sig_k[i, :, :]

            if deterministic:
                self.u = mu
                self.u = mvn(mu[:, 0], sig, 1)

        return self.u
Exemplo n.º 27
    def prediction_sample(self, size=1):
        Sample function values from the GP prediction.

        :param int size: sample size to draw
        :return np.array: a (s, n) array, with s the sample size and n the
                          length of the test input array.
        if np.array_equal(self.predcov, self.covariance):
            raise RuntimeWarning('Posterior covariance is identical to prior '
                                 'covariance. Try using the prediction method '
        return mvn(mean=self.predmean, cov=self.predcov, size=size)
Exemplo n.º 28
def rollout(dt, A, tf, x0, Q=None):
    N = A.shape[0]

    if Q is None:
        Q = 0.001 * dt * np.identity(N)
    t = np.linspace(start=0, stop=tf, num=math.ceil(tf/dt)+1)
    xs = [x0]
    Qs = [Q]
    for ti in t[:-1]:
        noise = mvn(np.zeros(N), Q)
        xi = np.dot(A, xs[-1]) + noise
    return {'x' : np.array(xs), 't' : np.array(t), 'Q' : np.array(Qs)}
Exemplo n.º 29
def gaussian_mutate(a, cov):
    '''Perform Gaussian mutation on a vector gene.
    N = len(a)

    if np.iterable(cov):
        cov = np.asarray(cov)
    elif type(cov) is float or type(cov) is int:
        cov = cov * np.identity(N)
        raise ValueError('cov must be numeric')

    if len(cov.shape) < 2:
        cov = np.diag(cov)

    return a + mvn(mean=np.zeros(N), cov=cov)
Exemplo n.º 30
    def __call__(self, i, x, deterministic=True):
        assert i < self.H
        dist = x - self.mu[i, :, None]

        exp = 0.5 * dist.T @ self.lam[i, :, :] @ dist
        if self.soft:
            p = np.exp(-exp).item()
        else:  # hard
            p = float(abs(exp) < self.hard_exp_threshold)

        kx = p * self.K[i, :, :] @ dist
        mu = self.k[i, :, None] + kx

        if deterministic:
            return mu.reshape((self.dim_u, 1))
            sig = self.sig_k[i, :, :].reshape((self.dim_u, self.dim_u))
            return mu + mvn(np.zeros((self.dim_u,)), sig, 1).reshape((self.dim_u, 1))
Exemplo n.º 31
    def find_pick_region_labeler(self, results, c_img, d_img, count):
        """Called during bed-making data collection, only if we use the labeler.

        It relies on the raw depth image! DO NOT PASS A PROCESSED DEPTH IMAGE!!!
        Also, shows the image to the user via `plot_on_true`.

        NOTE: main difference between this and the other method for the net is
        that the `results` argument encodes the pose implicitly and we have to
        compute it. Otherwise, though, the depth computation is the same, and
        cropping is the same, so the methods do similar stuff.

            results: Dict from QueryLabeler class (human supervisor).
        poses = []
        p_list = []

        for result in results['objects']:
            print result
            x_min = float(result['box'][0])
            y_min = float(result['box'][1])
            x_max = float(result['box'][2])
            y_max = float(result['box'][3])
            x = (x_max - x_min) / 2.0 + x_min
            y = (y_max - y_min) / 2.0 + y_min

            # Will need to test; I assume this requires human intervention.
            if cfg.USE_DART:
                pose = np.array([x, y])
                action_rand = mvn(pose, cfg.DART_MAT)
                print "ACTION RAND ", action_rand
                print "POSE ", pose
                x = action_rand[0]
                y = action_rand[1]
            self.plot_on_true([x, y], c_img)

            #Crop D+img
            d_img_c = d_img[int(y - cfg.BOX):int(y + cfg.BOX),
                            int(x - cfg.BOX):int(cfg.BOX + x)]
            depth = self.gp.find_mean_depth(d_img_c)
            # Note that `result['class']` is an integer (a class index).
            # 0=success, anything else indicates a grasping failure.
            poses.append([result['class'], [x, y, depth]])
        self.broadcast_poses(poses, count)
Exemplo n.º 32
def sample_mult(x, cov, w, n_samples):
    Sample from a multimodal Gaussian density.
    :param x:           the components' means
    :param cov:         the components' covariances
    :param w:           the components' weights
    :param n_samples:   the number of samples to be drawn
    :return:            the samples
    # sample the components with repetition
    chosen = np.random.choice(len(x), n_samples, True, p=w)

    # sample from the respective components
    samples = np.zeros((n_samples, len(x[0])))
    for i in range(len(x)):
        if np.sum(chosen == i) > 0:
            samples[chosen == i] = mvn(x[i], cov[i], np.sum(chosen == i))

    return samples
Exemplo n.º 33
def simulate_data(init, meas_cov):
    gt = init.copy()

    for i in range(TIME_STEPS):
        # move along predetermined path
        if i > 0:
            vel = VELS[i - 1] * np.array(
                [np.cos(ORS[i - 1]), np.sin(ORS[i - 1])])
            gt[:2] = gt[:2] + vel * TD
            gt[2:4] = vel
            gt[4] = ORS[i - 1]
            gt[5:7] = gt[5:7]

        # generate measurements
        n_m = np.max([np.random.poisson(GT_POIS, 1)[0],
                      3])  # at least three measurement
        meas_sources = get_meas_sources(gt[[0, 1, 4, 5, 6]], n_m)
        meas = np.asarray([mvn(meas_sources[j], meas_cov) for j in range(n_m)])

        yield gt, meas
Exemplo n.º 34
    def find_pick_region_labeler(self, results, c_img, d_img, count):
        Evaluates the current policy and then executes the motion 
        specified in the the common class

        poses = []

        p_list = []
        for result in results['objects']:
            print result

            x_min = float(result['box'][0])
            y_min = float(result['box'][1])
            x_max = float(result['box'][2])
            y_max = float(result['box'][3])

            x = (x_max - x_min) / 2.0 + x_min
            y = (y_max - y_min) / 2.0 + y_min

            if cfg.USE_DART:
                pose = np.array([x, y])
                action_rand = mvn(pose, cfg.DART_MAT)

                print "ACTION RAND ", action_rand
                print "POSE ", pose

                x = action_rand[0]
                y = action_rand[1]

            self.plot_on_true([x, y], c_img)

            #Crop D+img
            d_img_c = d_img[y - cfg.BOX:y + cfg.BOX, x - cfg.BOX:cfg.BOX + x]

            depth = self.gp.find_mean_depth(d_img_c)

            poses.append([result['class'], [x, y, depth]])

        self.broadcast_poses(poses, count)
Exemplo n.º 35
def wishart(sig, n):
    Sample from a Wishart distribution (naive implementation).
    sig : (d,d) ndarray
        The scale matrix for the Wishart distribution, must be pos. definite.
    n : int
        Must be >= d.
    w : (d,d) ndarray
        The sample from the distribution.
    d = sig.shape[0]
    s = mvn(zeros(d), sig, n)
    w = empty((d,d))
    for i in xrange(n):
        w += outer(s[i], s[i])
    return w
Exemplo n.º 36
def bivrandom(x0, y0, sx, sy, cxy, size=None):
    """Compute random values distributed according to the specified bivariate


* x0: the center of the x distribution (i.e. its intended mean)
* y0: the center of the y distribution
* sx: standard deviation (not variance) of x var
* sy: standard deviation (not variance) of y var
* cxy: covariance (not correlation coefficient) of x and y
* size (optional): the number of values to compute

Returns: array of shape (size, 2); or just (2, ), if size
  was not specified.

The bivariate parameters of the generated data are approximately recoverable
by calling 'databiv(retval)'.
    from numpy.random import multivariate_normal as mvn
    p0 = np.asarray([x0, y0])
    cov = np.asarray([[sx**2, cxy], [cxy, sy**2]])
    return mvn(p0, cov, size)
Exemplo n.º 37
    def __call__(self, i, x, deterministic=True):
        self.optimize(self.n_iter, x)
        mu = np.copy(self.i2c.cells[0].mu_u0_m)
        sig = np.copy(self.i2c.cells[0].sig_u0_m)

        if deterministic:
            u = mu.reshape((self.dim_u, 1))
            u = mvn(mu.squeeze(), sig, 1).reshape((self.dim_u, 1))

        self.i2c.cells[-1].sys = self.i2c.sys
        if self.z_traj is not None:
            if (i + self.i2c.H) < self.z_traj.shape[0]:
                self.i2c.cells[-1].z = self.z_traj[i + self.i2c.H, :, None]
                self.i2c.cells[-1].z = self.i2c.cells[-2].z
        return u
ax.set_title('Prediction using posterior mean and covariance', fontsize=12)
ax.set_ylabel('function value', fontsize=12)
ax.set_xlabel('spatial coordinate', fontsize=12)
ax.legend(loc=2, fontsize=12)

# As the estimate itself is defined by a multivariate normal distribution,
# we can draw samples from that distribution.
# to do this, we need to build the full covariance matrix and mean for the
# desired set of points using the 'build_posterior' method:
mu, sigma = GP.build_posterior(q)
# now draw samples
samples = mvn(mu, sigma, 100)
# and plot all the samples
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 6))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
for i in range(100):
    ax.plot(q, samples[i, :], lw=0.5)
ax.set_title('100 samples drawn from the posterior distribution', fontsize=12)
ax.set_ylabel('function value', fontsize=12)
ax.set_xlabel('spatial coordinate', fontsize=12)
ax.set_xlim([-4, 10])

# The gradient of the Gaussian process estimate also has a multivariate normal distribution.
Exemplo n.º 39

# Number of timesteps
T = 20  #arg

# Dynamics and measurement noise
num_states = car.NX
num_ctrls = car.NU
num_measure = len(beacons)  #arg/make part of robot observe
Q = np.mat(np.diag([0.0005] * num_states))  #arg
Q[2, 2] = 0  # Gets out of hand if noise in theta or phi
Q[3, 3] = 0
R = np.mat(np.diag([0.00005] * num_measure)) * 0.001  #arg
# Sample noise
dynamics_noise = mvn([0] * num_states, Q, T - 1).T
measurement_noise = mvn([0] * num_measure, R, T - 1).T

# Setup for EKF
mus = np.mat(np.zeros((num_states, T)))
mus[:, 0] = np.mat(x0).T
Sigmas = np.zeros((Q.shape[0], Q.shape[1], T))
Sigmas[:, :, 0] = np.mat(np.diag([0.001] * num_states))  #arg

# Generate trajectory and obtain observations along trajectory

X_bar = np.mat(np.zeros((car.NX, T)))  #arg
X_bar[:, 0] = np.mat(x0).T
U_bar = np.ones((car.NU, T - 1)) * 1.7  #arg
for t in xrange(1, T):
    U_bar[1, t - 1] = 0
Exemplo n.º 40
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Measure statistics across multiple chains.")
parser.add_argument("--opt_jump", default="opt_jump.npy", help="The numpy save file holding the estimated covariance.")
parser.add_argument("--N", default=10000, help="Number of samples to draw from the covariance matrix.")

args = parser.parse_args()
N = args.N

# Use the opt_jump.npy, sample a bunch, and then plot it later.

import numpy as np
from numpy.random import multivariate_normal as mvn

Sigma = np.load(args.opt_jump)

ndim = Sigma.shape[0]
samples = mvn(np.zeros(ndim), Sigma, N)

np.save("samples.npy", samples)

import triangle

# Fixed distance
labels = [r"$M_\ast\quad [M_\odot]$", r"$r_c$ [AU]", r"$T_{10}$ [K]",
r"$q$", r"$\log M_\textrm{gas} \quad \log [M_\odot]$",  r"$\xi$ [km/s]",
# r"$d$ [pc]",
r"$i_d \quad [{}^\circ]$", r"PA $[{}^\circ]$", r"$v_r$ [km/s]",
r"$\mu_\alpha$ ['']", r"$\mu_\delta$ ['']"]

# Vertical temperature gradient
# labels = [r"$M_\ast\quad [M_\odot]$", r"$r_c$ [AU]", r"$T_{10,m}$ [K]",
Exemplo n.º 41
def segment(image, n_segments=2, burn_in=1000, samples=1000, lag=5):
    Return image segment samples.

    image : (N,M,3) ndarray
        Pixel array with 3-dimensional values (e.g. RGB)

    labels : (samples,N,M) ndarray
        The image segment label array
    emission_mus: (samples,n_segments,3) ndarray
        The Gaussian emission distribution (mean).
    emission_precs : (samples,n_segments,3,3) ndarray
        The Gaussian emission distribution (precision).
    log_prob_p : (samples,) ndarray
        Log probability portion contributed by prior
    log_prob_e : (samples,) ndarray
        Log probability portion contributed by emissions
    N,M = image.shape[:2]
    # subtract out the mean
    image = normalize(image)   

    # allocate arrays
    res_labels = zeros((samples+1,N,M))
    res_emission_mu = zeros((samples,n_segments,3))
    res_emission_prec = zeros((samples,n_segments,3,3))
    res_log_prob_p = zeros((samples,))
    res_log_prob_e = zeros((samples,))

    # initialize hyperparmeters
    nu = 4 # df hyperparameter for wishart (uninformative?)
    V = eye(3) # scale matrix hyperparameter for wishart (uninformative?)
    Vinv = inv3(V) 
    mu = zeros(3) # mean hyperparameter for MVN
    S = eye(3)*0.0001 # precision hyperparameter for MVN (uninformative?)

    # initialize labels/params
    padded_labels = ones((N+2,M+2), dtype=int)*-1
    padded_labels[1:-1,1:-1] = randint(n_segments,size=(N,M))
    labels = padded_labels[1:-1, 1:-1]
    for n in xrange(N):
        for m in xrange(M):
            labels[n,m] = (n*M + m)%n_segments
    res_labels[-1] = labels
    emission_mu = mvn(mu,S,size=n_segments) # draw from prior
    #emission_prec = array([wishart(V,nu) for i in xrange(n_segments)]) # draw from prior
    emission_prec = array([eye(3)*0.0001 for i in xrange(n_segments)])
    log_prob_p = None
    log_prob_e = None

    conditional = zeros((n_segments,))
        # gibbs
        for i in xrange(burn_in + samples*lag - (lag - 1)):
            for n in xrange(N):
                for m in xrange(M):
                    # resample label
                    for k in xrange(n_segments):
                        labels[n,m] = k
                        conditional[k] = 0.
                        conditional[k] += phi_blanket(
                                memoryview(padded_labels), n, m,
                        conditional[k] += logNormPDF(image[n,m,:],
                                emission_mu[k], emission_prec[k])
                    labels[n,m] = sample_categorical(conditional)

            for k in xrange(n_segments):
                mask = (labels == k)
                n_k = sum(mask)
                # resample label mean
                if n_k:
                    P = inv3(S+n_k*emission_prec[k])
                    xbar = mean(image[mask],axis=0)
                    emission_mu[k,:] = mvn(dot(P,n_k*dot(emission_prec[k],xbar)),P)
                    emission_mu = mvn(mu,S,size=n_segments) # draw from prior

                # resample label precision
                if n_k:
                    D = outer(image[mask][0,:]-emission_mu[k,:],image[mask][0,:]-emission_mu[k,:])
                    for ii in xrange(1,n_k):
                        D += outer(image[mask][ii,:]-emission_mu[k,:],image[mask][ii,:]-emission_mu[k,:])
                    emission_prec[k,:,:] = wishart(inv3(Vinv+D),nu+n_k)
                    emission_prec[k,:,:] = wishart(V,nu) # resample using the prior

            log_prob = 0.
            for c in xrange(n_segments):
                log_prob_e += logNormPDF(emission_mu[c],mu,S)
                log_prob_e += logWisPDF(emission_prec[c],nu,Vinv)
            for n in xrange(N):
                for m in xrange(M):
                    label = labels[n,m]
                    log_prob_e += logNormPDF(image[n,m,:],emission_mu[label],emission_prec[label])
            log_prob_p = phi_all(memoryview(padded_labels), memoryview(FS))

            sys.stdout.write('\riter {} log_prob_prior {} '
                    'log_prob_emission {} k0 {} k1 {}           '.format(i,
                        log_prob_p, log_prob_e, sum(labels==0), sum(labels==1)))

            if not sum(labels==0) or not sum(labels==1):
                RETURN_MINUS_ONE = True
                raise ValueError("converged to 0...")

            if i < burn_in:
            elif not (i - burn_in)%lag:
                res_i = i/lag
                res_emission_mu[res_i] = emission_mu[:,:]
                res_emission_prec[res_i] = emission_prec[:,:,:]
                res_labels[res_i] = labels
                res_log_prob_p[i] = log_prob_p
                res_log_prob_e[i] = log_prob_e

    except Exception as e:
        print e
        if RETURN_MINUS_ONE:
            return -1
            return (res_labels, res_emission_mu, res_emission_prec,
                    res_log_prob_p, res_log_prob_e)
Exemplo n.º 42
def test_convergence(steps, runs, prior, cov_prior, cov_meas, random_param,
    Test convergence of error for different fusion methods. Creates plot of root mean square error convergence and
    errors at first and last measurement step.
    :param steps:           Number of measurements
    :param runs:            Number of MC runs
    :param prior:           Prior prediction mean (ground truth will be drawn from it each run)
    :param cov_prior:       Prior prediction covariance (ground truth will be drawn from it each run)
    :param cov_meas:        Noise of sensor
    :param random_param:    use random parameter switch to simulate ambiguous parameterization
    :param save_path:       Path for saving figures
    error = np.zeros(steps * 2)

    # setup state for various ellipse fusion methods
    mmgw_mc = np.zeros(1, dtype=state_dtype)
    mmgw_mc[0]['error'] = error.copy()
    mmgw_mc[0]['name'] = 'MC-MMGW'
    mmgw_mc[0]['color'] = 'cyan'
    regular = np.zeros(1, dtype=state_dtype)
    regular[0]['error'] = error.copy()
    regular[0]['name'] = 'Regular'
    regular[0]['color'] = 'red'
    regular_mmgw = np.zeros(1, dtype=state_dtype)
    regular_mmgw[0]['error'] = error.copy()
    regular_mmgw[0]['name'] = 'Regular-MMGW'
    regular_mmgw[0]['color'] = 'orange'
    red_mmgw = np.zeros(1, dtype=state_dtype)
    red_mmgw[0]['error'] = error.copy()
    red_mmgw[0]['name'] = 'RED-MMGW'
    red_mmgw[0]['color'] = 'green'
    # red_mmgw_r = np.zeros(1, dtype=state_dtype)
    # red_mmgw_r[0]['error'] = error.copy()
    # red_mmgw_r[0]['name'] = 'RED-MMGW-r'
    # red_mmgw_r[0]['color'] = 'lightgreen'
    # red_mmgw_s = np.zeros(1, dtype=state_dtype)
    # red_mmgw_s[0]['error'] = error.copy()
    # red_mmgw_s[0]['name'] = 'RED-MMGW-s'
    # red_mmgw_s[0]['color'] = 'turquoise'
    shape_mean = np.zeros(1, dtype=state_dtype)
    shape_mean[0]['error'] = error.copy()
    shape_mean[0]['name'] = 'Shape-Mean'
    shape_mean[0]['color'] = 'magenta'

    # rt_red = 0.0
    # rt_red_r = 0.0
    # rt_red_s = 0.0

    for r in range(runs):
        print('Run %i of %i' % (r + 1, runs))
        # initialize ===================================================================================================
        # create gt from prior
        gt = sample_m(prior, cov_prior, False, 1)

        # ellipse orientation should be velocity orientation
        vel = np.linalg.norm(gt[V])
        gt[V] = np.array(np.cos(gt[AL]), np.sin(gt[AL])) * vel

        # get prior in square root space
        mmgw_mc[0]['x'], mmgw_mc[0][
            'cov'], particles_mc = single_particle_approx_gaussian(
                prior, cov_prior, N_PARTICLES_MMGW)
        mmgw_mc[0]['est'] = mmgw_mc[0]['x'].copy()
        mmgw_mc[0]['est'][SR] = get_ellipse_params_from_sr(mmgw_mc[0]['x'][SR])
        mmgw_mc[0]['figure'], mmgw_mc[0]['axes'] = plt.subplots(1, 1)

        # get prior for regular state
        regular[0]['x'] = prior.copy()
        regular[0]['cov'] = cov_prior.copy()
        regular[0]['est'] = prior.copy()
        regular[0]['figure'], regular[0]['axes'] = plt.subplots(1, 1)
        regular_mmgw[0]['x'] = prior.copy()
        regular_mmgw[0]['cov'] = cov_prior.copy()
        particles = sample_m(regular_mmgw[0]['x'], regular_mmgw[0]['cov'],
                             False, N_PARTICLES_MMGW)
        regular_mmgw[0]['est'] = mmgw_estimate_from_particles(particles)
        regular_mmgw[0]['figure'], regular_mmgw[0]['axes'] = plt.subplots(1, 1)

        # get prior for red
        red_mmgw[0]['x'], red_mmgw[0]['cov'], red_mmgw[0][
            'comp_weights'] = turn_mult(prior.copy(), cov_prior.copy())
        particles = sample_mult(red_mmgw[0]['x'], red_mmgw[0]['cov'],
                                red_mmgw[0]['comp_weights'], N_PARTICLES_MMGW)
        red_mmgw[0]['est'] = mmgw_estimate_from_particles(particles)
        red_mmgw[0]['figure'], red_mmgw[0]['axes'] = plt.subplots(1, 1)

        # red_mmgw_r[0]['x'], red_mmgw_r[0]['cov'], red_mmgw_r[0]['comp_weights'] = turn_mult(prior.copy(), cov_prior.copy())
        # particles = sample_mult(red_mmgw_r[0]['x'], red_mmgw_r[0]['cov'], red_mmgw_r[0]['comp_weights'], N_PARTICLES_MMGW)
        # red_mmgw_r[0]['est'] = mmgw_estimate_from_particles(particles)
        # red_mmgw_r[0]['figure'], red_mmgw_r[0]['axes'] = plt.subplots(1, 1)
        # red_mmgw_s[0]['x'], red_mmgw_s[0]['cov'], red_mmgw_s[0]['comp_weights'] = turn_mult(prior.copy(),
        #                                                                                     cov_prior.copy())
        # particles = sample_mult(red_mmgw_s[0]['x'], red_mmgw_s[0]['cov'], red_mmgw_s[0]['comp_weights'],
        #                         N_PARTICLES_MMGW)
        # red_mmgw_s[0]['est'] = mmgw_estimate_from_particles(particles)
        # red_mmgw_s[0]['figure'], red_mmgw_s[0]['axes'] = plt.subplots(1, 1)

        # get prior for RM mean
        shape_mean[0]['x'] = prior[KIN]
        shape_mean[0]['shape'] = to_matrix(prior[AL], prior[L], prior[W],
        shape_mean[0]['cov'] = cov_prior[KIN][:, KIN]
        shape_mean[0]['gamma'] = 6.0
        shape_mean[0]['figure'], shape_mean[0]['axes'] = plt.subplots(1, 1)

        # test different methods
        for i in range(steps):
            if i % 10 == 0:
                print('Step %i of %i' % (i + 1, steps))
            plot_cond = (r + 1 == runs) & ((i % 2) == 1)  # & (i + 1 == steps)

            # move ground truth
            gt = np.dot(F, gt)
            error_mat = np.array([
                [0.5 * T**2, 0.0],
                [0.0, 0.5 * T**2],
                [T, 0.0],
                [0.0, T],
            kin_cov = np.dot(
                       np.diag([SIGMA_V1, SIGMA_V2])**2), error_mat.T)
            gt[KIN] += mvn(np.zeros(len(KIN)), kin_cov)
            gt[AL] = np.arctan2(gt[V2], gt[V1])

            # create measurement from gt (using alternating sensors) ===================================================
            k = np.random.randint(0, 4) if random_param else 0
            gt_mean = gt.copy()
            if k % 2 == 1:
                l_save = gt_mean[L]
                gt_mean[L] = gt_mean[W]
                gt_mean[W] = l_save
            gt_mean[AL] = (gt_mean[AL] + 0.5 * np.pi * k +
                           np.pi) % (2 * np.pi) - np.pi
            meas = sample_m(np.dot(H, gt_mean), cov_meas, False, 1)

            # fusion methods ===========================================================================================
            mmgw_mc_update(mmgw_mc[0], meas.copy(), cov_meas.copy(),
                           N_PARTICLES_MMGW, gt, i, steps, plot_cond,

            regular_update(regular[0], meas.copy(), cov_meas.copy(), gt, i,
                           steps, plot_cond, save_path, False)

            regular_update(regular_mmgw[0], meas.copy(), cov_meas.copy(), gt,
                           i, steps, plot_cond, save_path, True)

            # tic = time.time()
            # toc = time.time()
            # rt_red += toc - tic

            # tic = time.time()
            # red_update(red_mmgw_r[0], meas.copy(), cov_meas.copy(), gt, i, steps, plot_cond, save_path, True,
            #            mixture_reduction='salmond', pruning=False)
            # toc = time.time()
            # rt_red_r += toc - tic

            # tic = time.time()
            # red_update(red_mmgw_s[0], meas.copy(), cov_meas.copy(), gt, i, steps, plot_cond, save_path, True,
            #            mixture_reduction='salmond')
            # toc = time.time()
            # rt_red_s += toc - tic

                shape_mean[0], meas.copy(), cov_meas.copy(), gt, i, steps,
                plot_cond, save_path, 0.2 if cov_meas[AL, AL] < 0.1 * np.pi
                else 5.0 if cov_meas[AL, AL] < 0.4 * np.pi else 10.0)

        # plt.close(red_mmgw_r[0]['figure'])
        # plt.close(red_mmgw_s[0]['figure'])

    mmgw_mc[0]['error'] = np.sqrt(mmgw_mc[0]['error'] / runs)
    regular[0]['error'] = np.sqrt(regular[0]['error'] / runs)
    regular_mmgw[0]['error'] = np.sqrt(regular_mmgw[0]['error'] / runs)
    red_mmgw[0]['error'] = np.sqrt(red_mmgw[0]['error'] / runs)
    # red_mmgw_r[0]['error'] = np.sqrt(red_mmgw_r[0]['error'] / runs)
    # red_mmgw_s[0]['error'] = np.sqrt(red_mmgw_s[0]['error'] / runs)
    shape_mean[0]['error'] = np.sqrt(shape_mean[0]['error'] / runs)

    # print('Runtime RED:')
    # print(rt_red / (runs*steps))
    # print('Runtime RED no pruning:')
    # print(rt_red_r / (runs * steps))
    # print('Runtime RED-S:')
    # print(rt_red_s / (runs * steps))

    # error plotting ===================================================================================================
        np.block([regular, regular_mmgw, shape_mean, mmgw_mc, red_mmgw]),
        np.block([regular, regular_mmgw, shape_mean, mmgw_mc, red_mmgw]),
        steps, save_path)
Exemplo n.º 43
def create_data(means, var=np.eye(2), data=100):
    data_list = [
        np.hstack((mvn(mean, var, data), np.zeros((data, 1)) + class_num)) for class_num, mean in enumerate(means)
    return data_list
# Number of timesteps
T = 30 #arg

# Dynamics and measurement noise
num_states = car.NX
num_ctrls = car.NU
num_measure = len(beacons)+2 #arg/make part of robot observe
Q = np.mat(np.diag([0.000001]*num_states)) #arg
Q[2,2] = 0 # Gets out of hand if noise in theta or phi
Q[3,3] = 0 # Can also add theta/phi to measurement like Sameep #TODO?
R = np.mat(np.diag([0.0005]*num_measure)) #arg
R[2,2] = 0.000005
R[3,3] = 0.000005
# Sample noise
dynamics_noise = mvn([0]*num_states, Q, T-1).T*0 #FIXME
measurement_noise = mvn([0]*num_measure, R, T-1).T*0 #FIXME

# Setup for EKF
mus = np.mat(np.zeros((num_states,T)))
mus[:,0] = np.mat(x0).T
Sigmas = np.zeros((Q.shape[0], Q.shape[1],T))
Sigmas[:,:,0] = np.mat(np.diag([0.0001]*num_states)) #arg
Sigmas[2,2,0] = 0.0000001
Sigmas[3,3,0] = 0.0000001

# Generate nominal belief trajectory

X_bar = np.mat(np.zeros((car.NX, T))) #arg
X_bar[:,0] = np.mat(x0).T