Exemplo n.º 1
def genPoint():
    unif = r.uniform(0, 1)
    w1 = 0.21
    w2 = 0.68
    if unif < w1:
        return -abs(r.standard_cauchy())
    elif unif < w1 + w2:
        return genNormInInt(0, 4, 2, 4)
        return (abs(r.standard_cauchy()))**0.5 + 4
Exemplo n.º 2
def AMMOchild(parent, strats):
    chromosomelen = len(parent)
    T = 1 / sqrt(2 * chromosomelen)
    Tp = 1 / sqrt(2 * sqrt(chromosomelen))
    nstrats = strats * exp(T * randn(2) + Tp * randn(2))
    nchild = parent + nstrats[0] * (standard_cauchy((chromosomelen, 1)) + nstrats[1] * random.normal(chromosomelen, 1))
    return [nchild, nstrats]
Exemplo n.º 3
def noise_iid(size, noise_scale, noise_tail="normal", **kwargs):
    if noise_tail == "normal":
        return npr.normal(0, 1, size=size) * noise_scale
    elif noise_tail == "laplace":
        return npr.laplace(0, 1, size=size) * noise_scale
    elif noise_tail == "cauchy":
        return npr.standard_cauchy(size=size) * noise_scale
Exemplo n.º 4
def compound_poisson_from_T(intensity,
    Simulation de la trajectoire d'un processus de Poisson composé sur l'intervalle
    [0,T], pour une loi d'amplitude des sauts donnee (par défaut, c'est la loi
    exponentielle d'espérance 1/4)
    scale_jumps = 1. / intensity_jumps
    N = poisson(T * intensity)

    events = zeros(N + 1)
    events[1:] = T * rand(N)
    events = append(events, T)

    jumps = zeros(N + 1)
    if jumps_distribution == "exponential":
        jumps[1:] = cumsum(exponential(scale_jumps, size=N))
    if jumps_distribution == "cauchy":
        jumps[1:] = cumsum(abs(standard_cauchy(size=N)))
    jumps = append(jumps, jumps[-1])

    return events, jumps
Exemplo n.º 5
def build_dist(type, n):
    if type=='l':
        # ARP: I like the list comprehensions
        d = [np.mean(r.standard_cauchy(n)) for x in range(x_len)]
    elif type=='t':
        d = [np.mean(r.triangular(-15, 0, 15, size=n)) for x in range(x_len)]
    elif type=='u':
        d = [np.mean(r.uniform(-15, 15, n)) for x in range(x_len)]
    return d
Exemplo n.º 6
 def copyAndModify(self, maxMutations, scale, source, maxIndexes):
     The search operator:
     - copy and mutate this member.
     - copy values from the source at random indexes.
     x = self.rep.copy()
     mutableIndexes = sample(range(len(x)), randrange(maxMutations + 1))
     x[mutableIndexes] += standard_cauchy() * scale
     copyIndexes = sample(range(len(x)), randrange(maxIndexes + 1))
     x[copyIndexes] = source.rep[copyIndexes]
     return x
Exemplo n.º 7
def varRange(n):
    for i in range(1000):
        fillTable(normal(0, 1, n))
    addRow("normal", n)
    for i in range(1000):
    addRow("cauchy", n)
    for i in range(1000):
        fillTable(laplace(0, 2**(-0.5), n))
    addRow("laplace", n)
    for i in range(1000):
        fillTable(poisson(10, n))
    addRow("poisson", n)
    for i in range(1000):
        fillTable(uniform(-1 * (3**0.5), 3**0.5, n))
    addRow("uniform", n)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def train(self):
        pop = [self.create_solution() for _ in range(self.pop_size)]
        sorted_pop = sorted(pop, key=lambda temp: temp[self.ID_FIT])
        leaders = deepcopy(sorted_pop[:3])
        g_best = deepcopy(sorted_pop[0])

        for epoch in range(self.epoch):
            b = 2 - 2 * epoch / (self.epoch - 1
                                 )  # linearly decreased from 2 to 0, Eq. 5
            a = 2 - 2 * epoch / (self.epoch - 1
                                 )  # linearly decreased from 2 to 0
            ## Random walk here
            for i in range(0, len(leaders)):
                pos_new = leaders[i][self.ID_POS] + a * standard_cauchy(
                fit_new = self.get_fitness_position(pos_new)
                if fit_new < leaders[i][self.ID_FIT]:
                    leaders[i] = [pos_new, fit_new]
            ## Update other wolfs
            for i in range(self.pop_size):
                miu1, miu2, miu3 = b * (2 * uniform() - 1), b * (
                    2 * uniform() - 1), b * (2 * uniform() - 1)  # Eq. 3
                c1, c2, c3 = 2 * uniform(), 2 * uniform(), 2 * uniform(
                )  # Eq. 4
                X1 = leaders[0][self.ID_POS] - miu1 * abs(
                    c1 * g_best[self.ID_POS] - pop[i][self.ID_POS])
                X2 = leaders[1][self.ID_POS] - miu2 * abs(
                    c2 * g_best[self.ID_POS] - pop[i][self.ID_POS])
                X3 = leaders[2][self.ID_POS] - miu3 * abs(
                    c3 * g_best[self.ID_POS] - pop[i][self.ID_POS])
                pos_new = (X1 + X2 + X3) / 3.0
                fit_new = self.get_fitness_position(pos_new)
                if fit_new < pop[i][self.ID_FIT]:
                    pop[i] = [pos_new, fit_new]
            sorted_pop = sorted(pop + leaders,
                                key=lambda temp: temp[self.ID_FIT])
            pop = deepcopy(sorted_pop[:self.pop_size])
            leaders = deepcopy(sorted_pop[:3])
            if sorted_pop[self.ID_MIN_PROB][self.ID_FIT] < g_best[self.ID_FIT]:
                g_best = deepcopy(sorted_pop[self.ID_MIN_PROB])

            if self.verbose:
                print(">Epoch: {}, Best fit: {}".format(
                    epoch + 1, g_best[self.ID_FIT]))
        self.solution = g_best
        return g_best[self.ID_POS], g_best[self.ID_FIT], self.loss_train
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: filter.py Projeto: chyser/bin
def arma_process(length,
    """ Generate ARMA(p,q) process of given length, where p=len(ar_params) and q=len(ma_params).

    # Initialize series with mean value
    series = resize(float(mu), length)

    # Enforce array type for parameters
    ar_params = atleast_1d(ar_params)
    ma_params = concatenate(([1], -1 * atleast_1d(ma_params))).tolist()

    # Reverse order of parameters for calculations below

    # Degree of process
    p, q = len(ar_params), len(ma_params) - 1

    # Specify error distribution
    if dist is 'normal':
        a = random.normal(0, scale, length)
    elif dist is 'cauchy':
        a = random.standard_cauchy(length) * scale
    elif dist is 't':
        a = random.standard_t(scale, length)
        print 'Invalid error disitrbution'

    # Generate autoregressive series
    for t in range(1, length):

        # Autoregressive piece
        series[t] += dot(ar_params[max(p - t, 0):],
                         series[t - min(t, p):t] - mu)

        # Moving average piece
        series[t] += dot(ma_params[max(q - t + 1, 0):], a[t - min(t, q + 1):t])

    return series
Exemplo n.º 10
def Simple(f, x0, maxEvals=1e6, verbose=False, targetFitness=-1e-10, sigma = .001, batchSize = None):
    dim = len(x0)
    if not batchSize:
        batchSize = 4 + int(floor(3 * log(dim)))
    numEvals = 0
    bestFound = None
    bestFitness = -Inf
    mutation = sigma

    population = [x0 + randn(dim) * mutation for _ in range(batchSize)]
    sigmas = ones(batchSize) * sigma

    while numEvals + batchSize <= maxEvals and bestFitness < targetFitness:
        # produce and evaluate samples
        fitnesses = [f(s) for s in population]
        # print fitnesses

        if max(fitnesses) > bestFitness:
            bestFitness = max(fitnesses)
            bestFound = population[argmax(fitnesses)]

        numEvals += batchSize 
        if verbose: print "Step", numEvals/batchSize, ":", max(fitnesses), "best:", bestFitness
        # update center and variances
        utilities = computeUtilities(fitnesses)

        new_population = []
        new_sigmas = []
        for n in range(batchSize):
            chosen = select_proportional(utilities)

            new_sigmas.append(sigmas[chosen] * normal(1,.001))
            new_population.append(population[chosen].copy() + standard_cauchy(dim) * new_sigmas[n])

            # new_sigmas.append(sigmas[chosen] + normal(0,.01))
            # new_population.append(population[chosen].copy() + randn(dim) * new_sigmas[n])

        population = new_population
        sigmas = new_sigmas
        print mean(sigmas)
        # population = mix(new_population)

    return bestFound, bestFitness
Exemplo n.º 11
Arquivo: mcmc.py Projeto: NASCENCE/alg
def MCMC(f, x0, maxEvals=1e5, verbose=False, targetFitness=-1e-10, sigma=0.1, batchSize=None):
    dim = len(x0)

    bestFound = None
    bestFitness = -Inf

    last_fitness = f(x0)
    T = 1.0

    numEvals = 0

    accept_estimate = 0.5
    avg_fitness = last_fitness
    SMOOTH = 0.0001
    while numEvals <= maxEvals and bestFitness < targetFitness:
        x_new = x0 + standard_cauchy(dim) * sigma
        fitness = f(x_new)
        if fitness > bestFitness:
            bestFitness = fitness
            bestFound = x_new.copy()
            print bestFitness, bestFound

        print fitness / T, last_fitness / T
        avg_fitness = avg_fitness * (1.0 - SMOOTH) + fitness * SMOOTH
        accept = min(1.0, exp((fitness - avg_fitness) / T) / exp((last_fitness - avg_fitness) / T))
        # print accept, fitness, last_fitness
        if accept > rand():
            x0 = x_new
            last_fitness = fitness
            accept_estimate = accept_estimate * (1.0 - SMOOTH) + SMOOTH
            accept_estimate = accept_estimate * (1.0 - SMOOTH)
        if accept_estimate > 0.4:
            sigma *= 1.1
            # T /= 1.001
            sigma /= 1.1
            # T *= 1.001
        if numEvals % 1000 == 0:
            print sigma
        numEvals += 1
    return bestFound, bestFitness
Exemplo n.º 12
def compound_poisson_from_n(intensity,
    Simulation de la trajectoire d'un processus de Poisson composé jusqu'a
    l'instant T_n, pour une loi d'amplitude des sauts donnee (par défaut, 
    c'est la loi exponentielle d'esperance 1/4)
    scale = 1. / intensity
    scale_jumps = 1. / intensity_jumps

    events = zeros(n + 1)
    events[1:] = cumsum(exponential(scale, size=n))

    jumps = zeros(n + 1)
    if jumps_distribution == "exponential":
        jumps[1:] = cumsum(exponential(scale_jumps, size=n))
    if jumps_distribution == "cauchy":
        jumps[1:] = cumsum(abs(standard_cauchy(size=n)))
    return events, jumps
Exemplo n.º 13
Arquivo: filter.py Projeto: chyser/bin
def arma_process(length, ar_params=[1.], ma_params=[1.], mu=0., dist='normal', scale=1):
    """ Generate ARMA(p,q) process of given length, where p=len(ar_params) and q=len(ma_params).

    # Initialize series with mean value
    series = resize(float(mu), length)

    # Enforce array type for parameters
    ar_params = atleast_1d(ar_params)
    ma_params = concatenate(([1], -1 * atleast_1d(ma_params))).tolist()

    # Reverse order of parameters for calculations below

    # Degree of process
    p, q = len(ar_params), len(ma_params) - 1

    # Specify error distribution
    if dist is 'normal':
        a = random.normal(0, scale, length)
    elif dist is 'cauchy':
        a = random.standard_cauchy(length) * scale
    elif dist is 't':
        a = random.standard_t(scale, length)
        print 'Invalid error disitrbution'

    # Generate autoregressive series
    for t in range(1, length):

        # Autoregressive piece
        series[t] += dot(ar_params[max(p-t, 0):], series[t - min(t, p):t] - mu)

        # Moving average piece
        series[t] += dot(ma_params[max(q - t + 1, 0):], a[t - min(t, q + 1):t])

    return series
Exemplo n.º 14
    def sample(self, n_samples):
        # Sample from standard half-cauchy distribution
        lamda = np.abs(npr.standard_cauchy(size=n_samples))

        # I think scale is the thing called Tau^2 in the paper.
        return npr.randn() * lamda * self.scale
Exemplo n.º 15
#coding: utf-8

import numpy as np
import numpy.random as rd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from math import pi
from scipy.special import i0


plt.hist(x, histtype='step', bins=1000, range=(-10, 10), normed=True)
plt.title("Standard_Cauchy dist : p(x)")
Exemplo n.º 16
 def __call__(self):
     return standard_cauchy(size=size(self.s)) * self.s
Exemplo n.º 17
    def sample(self, n_samples):
        # Sample from standard half-cauchy distribution
        lamda = np.abs(npr.standard_cauchy(size=n_samples))

        # I think scale is the thing called Tau^2 in the paper.
        return npr.randn() * lamda * self.scale
Exemplo n.º 18
    def __init__(
            Construct an SOE Scenario

        num_n : int
            number of atoms in the dictionary
        num_m : int
            number to compress down to
        mos_method : string, optional
            method to use for model order selection
        algorithm : function
            recovery method
        **kwargs : dict
            additional arguments for each MOS method

        # save the MOS algorithm
        self._mos_method = mos_method

        if self._mos_method == 'lopes':

            # evenly divide the measurement
            self.num_m1 = int(num_m/2)
            self.num_m2 = num_m - self.num_m1
            self._num_gamma = kwargs['num_gamma']

            # init measurement matrix
            matMeasurement = np.zeros((num_m, num_n))

            # generate cauchy measurements
            matMeasurement[:self.num_m1, :] = npr.standard_cauchy(
                (self.num_m1, num_n)
            ) * self._num_gamma

            # generate gaussian measurements
            matMeasurement[self.num_m1:, :] = npr.randn(
            ) * self._num_gamma

            matMeasurement[:] = proj_sphere(matMeasurement)

            # set appropriate estimation function
            self._estimate_function = self._est_lopes

        elif mos_method == 'ravazzi':

            # density parameter and variance of normal distribution
            self._num_gamma = kwargs['num_gamma']

            # generate the uniform distribution to decide where there are zeros
            # in the measurement matrix
            matUniform = npr.uniform(0, 1, (num_m, num_n))

            # generate the normal distributed samples
            matNormal = (1 / np.sqrt(self._num_gamma)) * \
                npr.randn(num_m, num_n)

            # decide where there are zeros
            matSubSel = 1 * (matUniform < self._num_gamma)

            # put the normal distributed elements, where we rolled the
            # dice correctly
            matMeasurement = matSubSel * matNormal

            # set the correct estimation function
            self._estimate_function = self._est_ravazzi


            # path to store training data to
            self._buffer_path = kwargs['str_path']

            # overlap parameter
            self._num_p = kwargs['num_p']

            # error probability during training
            self._num_err_prob = kwargs['num_err_prob']

            # make scenario complex if we do overlap
            self._do_complex = ((self._num_p != 0) or (kwargs['do_complex']))

            # if we have no overlap, both matrices should be gaussian
            # if we have overlap one has to be vandermonde and the scenario
            # itself has to be complex
            if self._num_p == 0:

                # find dimensions most suitable
                self._num_l, self._num_k = self._largest_div(num_m)

                # create the matrices
                if self._do_complex:
                    mat_psi = npr.randn(self._num_l, num_n) + \
                        1j * npr.randn(self._num_l, num_n)

                    mat_phi = npr.randn(self._num_k, num_n) + \
                        1j * npr.randn(self._num_k, num_n)

                    mat_psi = npr.randn(self._num_l, num_n)
                    mat_phi = npr.randn(self._num_k, num_n)

                self._estimate_function = self._nope_overlap

                mat_psi = vand.draw(
                    self._buffer_path + "vander_c"
                mat_phi = npr.randn(self._num_p, num_n) + \
                    1j * npr.randn(self._num_p, num_n)

                self._num_l = self._find_block_length(num_m, self._num_p)
                self._num_k = int((num_m - self._num_l) / self._num_p + 1)

                # set appropriate estimation function
                self._estimate_function = self._true_overlap

            # measurement is the KRP of scaled KRP of vandermonde
            # where we only take the first num_m rows
            matMeasurement = proj_sphere(
                khatri_rao(mat_psi, mat_phi)[:num_m, :]

            if mos_method == 'eft':
                # generate the array with the helper values
                self._num_q = min(self._num_l, self._num_k)
                self._arr_r = self._eft_fetch_arr_r(

                # fetch the thresholding coefficients
                self._arr_eta = self._eft_fetch_arr_eta(
                    self._buffer_path + "eft_arr_eta_" +
                    str(self._num_err_prob) + "_" +
                    int(self._do_complex) * "c_" +
                    str(self._num_l) + "_" + str(self._num_k)
                ) + 0.4

            elif mos_method == 'eet':
                self._arr_eta = self._eet_fetch_arr_eta(
                    self._buffer_path + "eet_arr_eta_" +
                    str(self._num_err_prob) + "_" +
                    int(self._do_complex) * "c_" +
                    str(self._num_l) + "_" + str(self._num_k)
            elif mos_method == 'new':
                self._arr_eta = self._new_fetch_arr_eta(
                    self._buffer_path + "new_arr_eta_" +
                    str(self._num_err_prob) + "_" +
                    int(self._do_complex) * "c_" +
                    str(self._num_l) + "_" + str(self._num_k)

        # now create the cs scenario
            self,						# yay!
            np.eye(num_n),				# during soe the dictionary is the
            # identity matrix, i.e. the vector
            # itself is sparse
            algorithm					# recovery is done with OMP
Exemplo n.º 19
def standard_cauchy(size, params):
        return random.standard_cauchy(size)
    except ValueError as e:
Exemplo n.º 20
def cauchy_distr(size):
    return random.standard_cauchy(size)
Exemplo n.º 21
def cauchy(x=0,gamma=1,size=None):
    return random.standard_cauchy(size=size)*gamma+x
Exemplo n.º 22
 def __call__(self):
     return nr.standard_cauchy(size=np.size(self.s)) * self.s
file.write('Распределение ошибок соответствует ei ~ N(0, 1) + Cauchy(0, 10)\n')
    'Для создания выбросов в 10, 30 и 50 % случаев будет использоваться следующий подход:\n'
file.write('    1) будут сгенерированы три ряда длиной в 10 символов\n')
    '    2) в рядах будут содержаться 1, 3 и 5 чисел из распределения Коши, остальные - нули\n'
    '    3) будет создан массив ошибок со стандартным нормальным распределением\n'
    '    4) каждый элемент массива ошибок случайно будет увеличен на одно из чисел рядов с Коши\n'

Cauchy_row1 = [0, standard_cauchy(), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
Cauchy_row2 = [
    standard_cauchy(), 0,
    standard_cauchy(), 0, 0,
    standard_cauchy(), 0, 0, 0
Cauchy_row3 = [
    standard_cauchy(), 0,
    standard_cauchy(), 0,
    standard_cauchy(), 0,
    standard_cauchy(), 0,
# Создаём списки, где будут лежать выбросы из распределения Коши
Exemplo n.º 24
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
import matplotlib.mlab as mlab
from scipy import stats
from numpy.random import standard_cauchy

N = 1000

#uniform[0,1] variable
u = uniform(size=N)

#Inverse probability transform
x_s = np.tan(np.multiply((u - 1 / 2), np.pi))

std_cauchy = standard_cauchy(N)
x = np.linspace(-10, 10, N, endpoint=True)

plt.hist(x_s, bins=50, range=(-10, 10), normed=True, alpha=0.9, label='Cuachy')
plt.ylabel('Inverse Probabiliity Transform')
plt.plot(x, stats.cauchy.pdf(x), color='orange', label='sin(x)')
Exemplo n.º 25
# IMPORTANT: leave the above line as is.

import sys
import numpy as np
import numpy.random as npr
from sklearn import linear_model
DIMENSION = 400  # Dimension of the original data.
CLASSES = (-1, +1)   # The classes that we are trying to predict.
M =10000  # nb of samples to take

ww = npr.standard_cauchy(size=(M,400))
b = npr.uniform(0, 2*np.pi, size = M) 
def transform(x_original):
    gamma = 2
    return np.cos(ww.dot(x_original)*gamma+b)*np.sqrt(2.0/M)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    x = None
    clf = linear_model.SGDClassifier(fit_intercept=False, alpha=0.00001, loss='hinge')
    for line in sys.stdin:
        line = line.strip()
        (label, x_string) = line.split(" ", 1)
        y = np.array([int(label)])
        x_original = np.fromstring(x_string, sep=' ')
        x = transform(x_original)  # Use our features.
        clf.partial_fit(x,y, classes=CLASSES)
    w = clf.coef_.flatten()
    print "%s\t%s" % ('1', str(list(w)))
Exemplo n.º 26
 def __call__(self, num_draws=None):
     size = (self.s.shape)
     if num_draws:
         size += (num_draws, )
     return standard_cauchy(size=size).T * self.s
Exemplo n.º 27
 def __call__(self):
     return standard_cauchy(size=np.size(self.s)) * self.s
Exemplo n.º 28
    A = ((x - m) / s)**2
    B = pi * s
    return prod(1 / (B * (1 + A)))

N = 10
n = 10**4
pr = range(0, n, 1)
m1 = 0.
s1 = 1.
for p in pr:
    x = normal(m1, s1, N)
    g.append(log(f(x, N, m1, s1)/f(x, N, m2, s2)))
    x = normal(m2, s2, N)
    g2.append(log(f(x, N, m1, s1)/f(x, N, m2, s2)))

for p in pr:
    x = normal(m1, s1, N)
    if f(x, N, m1, s1) != 0:
        g.append(log(f(x, N, m1, s1) / C(x, m1, s1)))
    x = standard_cauchy(N)
    if f(x, N, m1, s1) != 0:
        g2.append(log((f(x, N, m1, s1) / C(x, m1, s1))))

y, bins, _ = plt.hist(g, 200, histtype=u'step', density=True)
y2, bins2, _ = plt.hist(g2, 200, histtype=u'step', density=True)
bin_w = bins[1] - bins[0]
#bin_w2 = bins2[1] - bins2[0]
    return np.median(s[s <= q2]), np.median(s[s >= q2])

def out(x):
    # returns mask for those values in sample, that are not outliers
    q1, q3 = quartiles(x)
    iqr = q3 - q1
    return (q1 - 1.5 * iqr <= x) & (x <= q3 + 1.5 * iqr)

mu, sigma = 0, 1
N = 2000

if __name__ == '__main__':
    X = nr.normal(mu, sigma, N)
    Z = nr.standard_cauchy(N)

    S = pd.DataFrame({'X': X, 'Z': Z})

    M1, M2 = abs(S) > 1, abs(S) > 3

    C1, C2 = np.sum(M1), np.sum(M2)
    print(C1, C2, sep='\n')

    X_F = X[out(X)]
    Z_F = Z[out(Z)]

    N_BINS = 42

    plt.hist(X_F, bins=N_BINS)
    plt.title('N(%.2f, %.2f) - filtered' % (mu, sigma))
Exemplo n.º 30
from numpy import quantile, around
from numpy.random import normal, standard_cauchy, laplace, poisson, uniform
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tabulate import tabulate

distributions = {
    "normal": lambda n: normal(0, 1, n),
    "cauchy": lambda n: standard_cauchy(n),
    "laplace": lambda n: laplace(0, 2**(-0.5), n),
    "pois": lambda n: poisson(10, n),
    "uniform": lambda n: uniform(-math.sqrt(3), math.sqrt(3), n)

def getDistribution(distrName, n):
    return distributions.get(distrName)(n)

def theoreticalProb(sample):
    min = quantile(
        sample, 0.25) - 1.5 * (quantile(sample, 0.75) - quantile(sample, 0.25))
    max = quantile(
        sample, 0.75) + 1.5 * (quantile(sample, 0.75) - quantile(sample, 0.25))
    return min, max

def ejectionNum(rv, min, max):
    ejection = 0
    for elem in rv:
        if elem < min or elem > max: