Exemplo n.º 1
 def _assert_valid(self, data, expected_data):
     tested_data = {key: data[key] for key in expected_data}
     self.assertEqual(tested_data, expected_data)
     self.assertEqual(data["t"].size, data["gh"].shape[1])
     self.assertEqual(data["nm"].shape[0], data["gh"].shape[0])
     self.assertEqual(data["nm"].shape[1], 2)
     self.assertEqual(data["nm"][..., 0].min(), data["degree_min"])
     self.assertEqual(data["nm"][..., 0].max(), data["degree_max"])
     self.assertTrue(aabs(data["nm"][..., 1]).max() <= data["degree_max"])
Exemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, indices, coefficients, **kwargs):
     SHCoefficients.__init__(self, **kwargs)
     n_idx, m_idx = indices[..., 0], indices[..., 1]
     self._degree = n_idx.max()
     self._index = stack((
         aabs(m_idx) + (n_idx * (n_idx + 1)) // 2,
         (m_idx < 0).astype('int'),
     ), 1)
     self._coeff = coefficients
Exemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self, indices, coefficients, **kwargs):
     SHCoefficients.__init__(self, **kwargs)
     n_idx, m_idx = indices[..., 0], indices[..., 1]
     self._degree = n_idx.max()
     self._index = stack((
         aabs(m_idx) + (n_idx*(n_idx + 1))//2,
         (m_idx < 0).astype('int'),
     ), 1)
     self._coeff = coefficients
Exemplo n.º 4
 def _assert_valid(self, data, expected_data):
     tested_data = {key: data[key] for key in expected_data}
                     [data["epoch"], data["epoch"] + WMM_VALIDITY_PERIOD])
     self.assertEqual(tested_data, expected_data)
     self.assertEqual(data["t"].size, data["gh"].shape[1])
     self.assertEqual(data["nm"].shape[0], data["gh"].shape[0])
     self.assertEqual(data["nm"].shape[1], 2)
     self.assertEqual(data["nm"][..., 0].min(), data["degree_min"])
     self.assertEqual(data["nm"][..., 0].max(), data["degree_max"])
     self.assertTrue(aabs(data["nm"][..., 1]).max() <= data["degree_max"])
Exemplo n.º 5
 def _assert_valid(self, data, expected_data):
     tested_data = {
         key: data[key] for key in expected_data
     self.assertEqual(tested_data, expected_data)
     self.assertEqual(data["t"].size, data["gh"].shape[1])
     self.assertEqual(data["nm"].shape[0], data["gh"].shape[0])
     self.assertEqual(data["nm"].shape[1], 2)
     self.assertEqual(data["nm"][..., 0].min(), data["degree_min"])
     self.assertEqual(data["nm"][..., 0].max(), data["degree_max"])
     self.assertTrue(aabs(data["nm"][..., 1]).max() <= data["degree_max"])
Exemplo n.º 6
 def _assert_valid(self, data, expected_data):
     tested_data = {
         key: data[key] for key in expected_data
         data["t"], [data["epoch"], data["epoch"] + WMM_VALIDITY_PERIOD]
     self.assertEqual(tested_data, expected_data)
     self.assertEqual(data["t"].size, data["gh"].shape[1])
     self.assertEqual(data["nm"].shape[0], data["gh"].shape[0])
     self.assertEqual(data["nm"].shape[1], 2)
     self.assertEqual(data["nm"][..., 0].min(), data["degree_min"])
     self.assertEqual(data["nm"][..., 0].max(), data["degree_max"])
     self.assertTrue(aabs(data["nm"][..., 1]).max() <= data["degree_max"])
Exemplo n.º 7
def _extend( data , sgm , I , eps = 1e-6 , clock_wise = True ) : 
        extend hull 
        find a point closely located to the boundary segement but not part 
        of the footprint polygon

        eps is the absolute tolerance of the distance below which the 
        point is considered part of the bounary 
    if len(I) < 1 : return None 

    # distance from the line segment and parametric projection of the point 
    # to the boundary segement 
    dist , parm = _evalPoint2LineDistAndParmam( data[I] ,_getLineCoef( data[sgm] , clock_wise ) ) 

    # select points below the threshold and projected on the boundary segment 
    idx = aand( aabs( dist ) < eps , aand( parm >= 0 , parm <= 1 ) ).nonzero()[0] 

    return None if ( len(idx) < 1 ) else I[idx[0]] 
Exemplo n.º 8
def _extend( data , sgm , I , eps = 1e-6 , clock_wise = True ) : 
        extend hull 
        find a point closely located to the boundary segement but not part 
        of the footprint polygon

        eps is the absolute tolerance of the distance below which the 
        point is considered part of the bounary 
    if len(I) < 1 : return None 

    # distance from the line segment and parametric projection of the point 
    # to the boundary segement 
    dist , parm = _evalPoint2LineDistAndParmam( data[I] ,_getLineCoef( data[sgm] , clock_wise ) ) 

    # select points below the threshold and projected on the boundary segment 
    idx = aand( aabs( dist ) < eps , aand( parm >= 0 , parm <= 1 ) ).nonzero()[0] 

    return None if ( len(idx) < 1 ) else I[idx[0]] 
Exemplo n.º 9
def generalPSF(mask, x, y, a, r, wl, T=None, gamma=None, sigma=None):
Returns the diffraction-limited PSF generated by a given pupil, convolved with
a Voigt profile specified by the parameters gamma and sigma.


mask :  array_like (2D)
        The actual pupil of the telescope

x, y :  array_like
        Coordinate array of the image

a :     scalar (float)

r :     scalar (float)
        Distance from the optics to the object

wl :    scalar (float) / array_like

T :     scalar (float), required when wl is array_like
        Black body temperature

gamma : scalar (float)
        Parameter of the Lorentz profile (in arcsec)

sigma : scalar (float)
        Parameter of the Gaussian profile (in arcsec)

Note:   The convolution of the Lorentz and the Gaussian profiles lead to the
=====   Voigt profile
    if not hasattr(wl, '__len__'):
        wl = [wl]
        multiple_wl = False
        multiple_wl = True
        if T == None:
            raise ValueError('Black body temperature must be provided')
    psf_bol = []
    N = 0.
    x = asarray(x)
    y = asarray(y)
    Nx = len(x)
    Ny = len(y)
    dx = x[1] - x[0]
    dy = y[1] - y[0]
    if any(x[1:] - x[:-1] != dx) or any(y[1:] - y[:-1] != dy):
        warn("Coordinates must be equidistant")
    if not (gamma is None and sigma is None):
        X = roll(arange(-floor(Nx / 2.) * dx, Nx / 2. * dx, dx),
                 -int(floor(Nx / 2.)))
        Y = roll(arange(-floor(Ny / 2.) * dy, Ny / 2. * dy, dy),
                 -int(floor(Ny / 2.)))
        R, theta, z = coordCyl(X, Y, [0], [X[0], Y[0], 0], [0, 0, 1])
        R = sqrt(R[0][:, :, 0]**2 + R[1][:, :, 0]**2)
    nonIdeal = ones((Nx, Ny), dtype=complex)
    if gamma == 0.:
        gamma = None
    if sigma == 0.:
        sigma = None
    if not gamma is None:
        gamma = r * arctan(gamma * 2. * pi / (360. * 3600.))
        nonIdeal *= fft2(.5 * gamma / (pi * (R**2 + .25 * gamma**2)))
    if not sigma is None:
        sigma = r * arctan(sigma * 2. * pi / (360. * 3600.))
        nonIdeal *= fft2(
            exp(-R**2 / (2. * sigma**2)) / (sqrt(2. * pi) * sigma))
    for l in wl:
        Lx = l / (Nx * sin(dx / r))
        Ly = l / (Ny * sin(dy / r))
        s = (1 + 2 * int(floor(.5 * a / Lx)), 1 + 2 * int(floor(.5 * a / Ly)))
        mask_resampled = resample(mask, s)
        mask_padded = real(zeroPadding(mask_resampled, (Nx, Ny)))
        #mask_shifted   = (-1)**sum(meshgrid(arange(Nx), arange(Ny)))*mask_padded
        psf_val = aabs(fft2(mask_padded))**2
        #psf_val = psf_val/psf_val[int(floor(Nx/2.)),int(floor(Ny/2.))]
        psf_val = psf_val / asum(psf_val)
        if multiple_wl:
            pl = planck(l, T)
            pl = 1.
        psf_bol += [pl * psf_val]
        N += pl
    if gamma is None and sigma is None:
        return sum(psf_bol) / N
        nonIdeal /= nonIdeal[0, 0]
        psf_nonIdeal = real(ifft2(fft2(sum(psf_bol) / N) * nonIdeal))
        #return aabs(ifft2(nonIdeal))
        return psf_nonIdeal