Exemplo n.º 1
def proportion_effectsize(prob1, prob2, method='normal'):
    '''effect size for a test comparing two proportions

    for use in power function

    prob1, prob2: float or array_like

    es : float or ndarray
        effect size

    only method='normal' is implemented to match pwr.p2.test
    see http://www.statmethods.net/stats/power.html

    I think other conversions to normality can be used, but I need to check.

    if method != 'normal':
        raise ValueError('only "normal" is implemented')

    es = 2 * (np.arcsin(np.sqrt(prob2)) - np.arcsin(np.sqrt(prob1)))
    return es
    def to_SQL(self, RAname, DECname):

        if self.DECdeg != 90.0 and self.DECdeg != -90.0:
            RAmax = self.RAdeg + \
            360.0 * np.arcsin(np.sin(0.5*self.radius) / np.cos(self.DEC))/np.pi
            RAmin = self.RAdeg - \
            360.0 * np.arcsin(np.sin(0.5*self.radius) / np.cos(self.DEC))/np.pi
           #just in case, for some reason, we are looking at the poles
           RAmax = 360.0
           RAmin = 0.0

        DECmax = self.DECdeg + self.radiusdeg
        DECmin = self.DECdeg - self.radiusdeg

        #initially demand that all objects are within a box containing the circle
        #set from the DEC1=DEC2 and RA1=RA2 limits of the haversine function
        bound = ("%s between %f and %f and %s between %f and %f "
                     % (RAname, RAmin, RAmax, DECname, DECmin, DECmax))

        #then use the Haversine function to constrain the angular distance form boresite to be within
        #the desired radius.  See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haversine_formula
        bound = bound + ("and 2 * ASIN(SQRT( POWER(SIN(0.5*(%s - %s) * PI() / 180.0),2)" % (DECname,self.DECdeg))
        bound = bound + ("+ COS(%s * PI() / 180.0) * COS(%s * PI() / 180.0) " % (DECname, self.DECdeg))
        bound = bound + ("* POWER(SIN(0.5 * (%s - %s) * PI() / 180.0),2)))" % (RAname, self.RAdeg))
        bound = bound + (" < %s " % self.radius)

        return bound
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_intersect_tube_2points_transformed():
    '''inter_local should be the same as interpos,
    even if we make the tube longer in z'''
    pos = np.array([[50., 0., 0., 1.], [10., .5, 0., 1.], [2, 0, .3, 1.]])
    dir = np.array([[-.1, 0., 0., 0], [-0.5, 0, 0., 0.], [-1., 0., 0., 0.]])

    exp_inter_loc = np.array([[0., np.arcsin(0.5), 0.],
                              [0., 0., 0.3]]).T
    exp_interpos = np.array([[1., 0., 0.],
                             [np.sqrt(0.75), 0.5, 0.],
                             [1, 0., .3]])
    circ = Cylinder({'zoom': [1, 1., 5.]})
    intersect, interpos, inter_local = circ.intersect(dir, pos)
    assert np.all(intersect == True)
    assert np.allclose(h2e(interpos), exp_interpos)
    assert np.allclose(inter_local, exp_inter_loc)
    # Rotate: interpos should be the same as in the unrotated case.
    # Beware of rotation direction!
    orient = transforms3d.axangles.axangle2mat([0, 0, 1], -.3)
    circ = Cylinder({'orientation': orient})
    intersect, interpos, inter_local = circ.intersect(dir, pos)
    assert np.all(intersect == True)
    assert np.allclose(h2e(interpos), exp_interpos)
    assert np.allclose(inter_local, np.array([[0.3, 0.3 + np.arcsin(0.5), 0.3],
                                              [0., 0., 0.3]]).T)

    # Shift: inter_local is the same, but interpos changes
    circ = Cylinder({'position': [-.3, 0, 0]})
    intersect, interpos, inter_local = circ.intersect(dir, pos)
    assert np.all(intersect == True)
    assert np.allclose(h2e(interpos), np.array([[.7, 0, 0],
                                                [np.sqrt(0.75) -.3, 0.5, 0.],
                                                [.7, 0., .3]]))
    assert np.allclose(inter_local, exp_inter_loc)
Exemplo n.º 4
def theta_generate(system, plot = False, realonly = False, useapproximations = False):
        global theta_2,theta_3, cos_theta_2, cos_theta_3, tan_theta_2
        (n_1,n_2,n_3) = system.indices
        theta_1 = system.theta_1
        freq = system.freq

        cos_theta_2 = (n_2)**-1  * array(n_2**2-((n_1)*sin(theta_1))**2,dtype = complex)
        cos_theta_3 = (n_3)**-1  * array(n_3**2-((n_1)*sin(theta_1))**2,dtype = complex)
        tan_theta_2 = sqrt((1-cos_theta_2**2)/cos_theta_2)

        theta_2 = numpy.arcsin(sin(theta_1) * n_1/ n_2,dtype = complex)
        theta_3 = numpy.arcsin(sin(theta_1)* n_1 / n_3,dtype = complex)

        if plot == True:

                py.title("cos Angles of incidence")
        system.angles = (theta_2,theta_3, cos_theta_2, cos_theta_3, tan_theta_2)
        return 0
Exemplo n.º 5
 def getCurvePoints(self,P0,P1,P2,R,n=20):
     """Generates a curve. P0,P1 and P2 define a corner and R defines the radius of the
     tangential circle element. n gives the number of point to approximate the curve.
     P1 is the corner itself and P0 and P2 give the tangents.
     if np.arcsin(np.cross(o1,o2)) > 0:
     circleCenter= P1+x[0]*o1+v1
     angle = np.arcsin(np.cross(v2/R,v1/R))
     for i in range(n+1):
         rot = np.array([[np.cos(x),-np.sin(x)],
     return points
Exemplo n.º 6
def zoeppritz_rpp(vp1, vs1, rho1, vp2, vs2, rho2, theta1, terms=False):
    Exact Zoeppritz from expression.

    This is useful because we can pass arrays to it, which we can't do to

    Dvorkin et al. (2014). Seismic Reflections of Rock Properties. Cambridge.
    theta1 = np.radians(theta1)
    p = np.sin(theta1) / vp1  # Ray parameter
    theta2 = np.arcsin(p * vp2)
    phi1 = np.arcsin(p * vs1)  # Reflected S
    phi2 = np.arcsin(p * vs2)  # Transmitted S

    a = rho2 * (1 - 2 * np.sin(phi2)**2.) - rho1 * (1 - 2 * np.sin(phi1)**2.)
    b = rho2 * (1 - 2 * np.sin(phi2)**2.) + 2 * rho1 * np.sin(phi1)**2.
    c = rho1 * (1 - 2 * np.sin(phi1)**2.) + 2 * rho2 * np.sin(phi2)**2.
    d = 2 * (rho2 * vs2**2 - rho1 * vs1**2)

    E = (b * np.cos(theta1) / vp1) + (c * np.cos(theta2) / vp2)
    F = (b * np.cos(phi1) / vs1) + (c * np.cos(phi2) / vs2)
    G = a - d * np.cos(theta1)/vp1 * np.cos(phi2)/vs2
    H = a - d * np.cos(theta2)/vp2 * np.cos(phi1)/vs1

    D = E*F + G*H*p**2

    rpp = (1/D) * (F*(b*(np.cos(theta1)/vp1) - c*(np.cos(theta2)/vp2)) \
                   - H*p**2 * (a + d*(np.cos(theta1)/vp1)*(np.cos(phi2)/vs2)))

    return rpp
Exemplo n.º 7
 def __arc_segment(self,r,a,b):
     Returns length of circle segment in a half-infinite slit.
       r   ... radius of circle which is centered at the origin
       a,b ... borders of slit containing (x,y) with x>a, b>y>0 
   #print r, a, b
   # scalar version
   if np.isscalar(r):
     if r<a:              # circle outside slit
       return 0;   
     elif r**2>a**2+b**2: # circle does not intersect left border at x=a
       return r*np.arcsin(b/r);
     else:                # circle only intersects left border at x=a
       return r*np.arccos(a/r);
   # parallel version
     r     = np.atleast_1d(r); 
     arc   = np.zeros(r.size);
     index = r>=a;              # select radii which intersect half-slit
     y2_a  = r[index]**2-a**2;  # intersection of circle with left border at x=a
     ymax  = np.where( y2_a > b**2, b, np.sqrt(y2_a) ); 
                                # largest y value on circle segment in half-slit
     arc[index] = r[index] * np.arcsin( ymax / r[index] );
                                # calculate arc length
     # DEBUG
     if self.verbosity>2:
       arc2 = [ self.__arc_segment(ir,a,b) for ir in r ];
       assert(np.allclose( arc, arc2 ));
     return arc;
   raise RuntimeError("Should never reach this point");
def calculate_couplings_levine(dt: float, w_jk: Matrix,
                               w_kj: Matrix) -> Matrix:
    Compute the non-adiabatic coupling according to:
    `Evaluation of the Time-Derivative Coupling for Accurate Electronic
    State Transition Probabilities from Numerical Simulations`.
    Garrett A. Meek and Benjamin G. Levine.
    dx.doi.org/10.1021/jz5009449 | J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2014, 5, 2351−2356
    # Orthonormalize the Overlap matrices
    w_jk = np.linalg.qr(w_jk)[0]
    w_kj = np.linalg.qr(w_kj)[0]

    # Diagonal matrix
    w_jj = np.diag(np.diag(w_jk))
    w_kk = np.diag(np.diag(w_kj))

    # remove the values from the diagonal
    np.fill_diagonal(w_jk, 0)
    np.fill_diagonal(w_kj, 0)

    # Components A + B
    acos_w_jj = np.arccos(w_jj)
    asin_w_jk = np.arcsin(w_jk)

    a = acos_w_jj - asin_w_jk
    b = acos_w_jj + asin_w_jk
    A = - np.sin(np.sinc(a))
    B = np.sin(np.sinc(b))

    # Components C + D
    acos_w_kk = np.arccos(w_kk)
    asin_w_kj = np.arcsin(w_kj)

    c = acos_w_kk - asin_w_kj
    d = acos_w_kk + asin_w_kj
    C = np.sin(np.sinc(c))
    D = np.sin(np.sinc(d))

    # Components E
    w_lj = np.sqrt(1 - (w_jj ** 2) - (w_kj ** 2))
    w_lk = -(w_jk * w_jj + w_kk * w_kj) / w_lj
    asin_w_lj = np.arcsin(w_lj)
    asin_w_lk = np.arcsin(w_lk)
    asin_w_lj2 = asin_w_lj ** 2
    asin_w_lk2 = asin_w_lk ** 2

    t1 = w_lj * w_lk * asin_w_lj
    x1 = np.sqrt((1 - w_lj ** 2) * (1 - w_lk ** 2)) - 1
    t2 = x1 * asin_w_lk
    t = t1 + t2
    E_nonzero = 2 * asin_w_lj * t / (asin_w_lj2 - asin_w_lk2)

    # Check whether w_lj is different of zero
    E1 = np.where(np.abs(w_lj) > 1e-8, E_nonzero, np.zeros(A.shape))

    E = np.where(np.isclose(asin_w_lj2, asin_w_lk2), w_lj ** 2, E1)

    cte = 1 / (2 * dt)
    return cte * (np.arccos(w_jj) * (A + B) + np.arcsin(w_kj) * (C + D) + E)
Exemplo n.º 9
def convert_galactic_equa(l, b):
   '''l and b in degrees'''
   r = pi / 180.0
   dec = arcsin(cos(b * r) * sin((l - 33) * r) * sin(62.6 * r) + sin(b * r) * cos(62.6 * r))
   ra  = 282.25 + arcsin((cos(b * r) * sin((l - 33) * r) * cos(62.6 * r) - sin(b * r) * sin(62.6 * r)) / cos(dec)) / r
   dec = dec / r
   return ra, dec
Exemplo n.º 10
def raDecFromVec(v):
    Taken from
    Search for "convert from Cartestion to spherical coordinates"

    Adapted because I'm dealing with declination which is defined
    with 90degrees at zenith

    # Ensure v is a normal vector
    v /= np.linalg.norm(v)

    ra_deg = 0  # otherwise not in namespace0
    dec_rad = np.arcsin(v[2])
    s = np.hypot(v[0], v[1])
    if s == 0:
        ra_rad = 0
        ra_rad = np.arcsin(v[1] / s)
        ra_deg = np.degrees(ra_rad)
        if v[0] >= 0:
            if v[1] >= 0:
                ra_deg = 360 + ra_deg
            if v[1] > 0:
                ra_deg = 180 - ra_deg
                ra_deg = 180 - ra_deg

    raDec = ra_deg, np.degrees(dec_rad)
    return np.array(raDec)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def __remove_particles_randomly(self):

        grid_pairs = np.array([self.grid[0].ravel(), self.grid[1].ravel()]).T

        particles = grid_pairs[
            grid_pairs[:, 1]
            > (
                self.sin_amp * np.sin(self.sin_freq * grid_pairs[:, 0] + np.arcsin(1.0))
                + self.sin_amp
                + self.particle_diameter
        self.driver = grid_pairs[
            grid_pairs[:, 1]
            <= (
                self.sin_amp * np.sin(self.sin_freq * grid_pairs[:, 0] + np.arcsin(1.0))
                + self.sin_amp
                + self.particle_diameter

        self.x = particles[:, 0]

        number_of_particles_to_remove = self.__compute_number_of_particles_to_remove()


        self.x = particles[:-number_of_particles_to_remove, 0]
        self.y = particles[:-number_of_particles_to_remove, 1]
    def test_arcsin_no_warning_on_unscaled_quantity(self):
        a = 15 * u.kpc
        b = 27 * u.pc

        with warnings.catch_warnings():
Exemplo n.º 13
def solve_acos_plus_bsin_plus_c(a, b, c):
    Solves a*cos(x) + b*sin(x) + c = 0 for x in [-pi/2, pi/2].

    The method used is to change variable by setting t = sin(x).

        a, b, c: coefficients of the equation

        A solution x if it exists, None in the other cases.
    out = None
    if a * a + b * b - c * c > 0:
        poly = np.poly1d([a * a + b * b, 2 * b * c, c * c - a * a])
        if not any([-1 <= t <= 1 for t in poly.r]):
            print("no solutions between -1 and 1: ", poly.r)
        elif all([-1 <= t <= 1 for t in poly.r]):
            i = np.argmin(np.abs(np.array([a * np.sqrt(1 - t * t) + b * t + c for t in poly.r])))
            out = np.arcsin(poly.r[i])
            if -1 <= poly.r[0] <= 1:
                out = np.arcsin(poly.r[0])

    # check that the solution is in [-pi/2, pi/2] and satisfies the equation
    assert -np.pi / 2 < out < np.pi / 2
    np.testing.assert_allclose(a * np.cos(out) + b * np.sin(out) + c, 0, atol=1e-12)
    return out
Exemplo n.º 14
 def calc_total_reflection(self,alpha,n1,n2):
     if beta>thetaC:
         return True
         return False
Exemplo n.º 15
  def test_cartesianToSpherical(self):
    Check correct working of the Cartesian to Spherical coordinates transformation.
    r, phi, theta = cartesianToSpherical(array([1,0,0]), array([0,1,0]), array([0,0,1]))

    r, phi, theta = cartesianToSpherical(1.0, 1.0, 0.0)
    assert_almost_equal(r, sqrt(2.0))
    assert_almost_equal(phi, pi/4.0)
    assert_almost_equal(theta, 0.0)

    r, phi, theta = cartesianToSpherical(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
    assert_almost_equal(r, sqrt(3.0))
    assert_almost_equal(phi, pi/4.0)
    assert_almost_equal(theta, arcsin(1.0/sqrt(3.0)))

    r, phi, theta = cartesianToSpherical(1.0, 1.0, -1.0)
    assert_almost_equal(r, sqrt(3.0))
    assert_almost_equal(phi, pi/4.0)
    assert_almost_equal(theta, -arcsin(1.0/sqrt(3.0)))

    r, phi, theta = cartesianToSpherical(-1.0, -1.0, -1.0)
    assert_almost_equal(r, sqrt(3.0))
    assert_almost_equal(phi, pi/4.0+pi)
    assert_almost_equal(theta, -arcsin(1.0/sqrt(3.0)))

    assert_raises(Exception, cartesianToSpherical, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    assert_raises(Exception, cartesianToSpherical, array([1,0,0,0]), array([0,1,0,0]), array([0,0,0,1]))
Exemplo n.º 16
def gfun_apit(Vcorr,theta,R,do,t):

  nrv = len(R[0])
  Apit = R
  g = R
  Vcorr = Vcorr+theta
  Pt = Vcorr*R*t

  for i in range(nrv):
    pt = Pt[0][i]
    Do = do[0][i]

    if pt < Do:
      a = 2*pt*(1-(pt*Do**(-1))**2)**(0.5)
      Theta1 = 2*np.arcsin(a*Do**(-1))
      Theta2 = 2*np.arcsin(a*(2*pt)**(-1))
      A1 = 0.5*(Theta1*(Do*0.5)**2-a*np.absolute(Do*0.5-pt**2*Do**(-1)))
      A2 = 0.5*(Theta2*pt**2-a*pt**2*Do**(-1))

    if pt >= Do:
      Apit[0][i] = np.pi*4**(-1)*Do**2
    elif pt <= Do*2**(-0.5):
      Apit[0][i] = A1+A2
      Apit[0][i] = np.pi*4**(-1)*Do**2 - A1 + A2

  return Apit
def evalExactφ(sqp,sqpnext,sqpdesired):

	if(abs(a+1) > float("1e-12") and (a*a + b*b - 1)>0):

		φ1=2*np.arctan(     ( b -  (a*a + b*b - 1)**0.5 )/(a+1)    )
		φ2=2*np.arctan(     ( b +  (a*a + b*b - 1)**0.5 )/(a+1)    )

			print("Ok nan found, locating butter chicken")
			print( (a*a + b*b -1) )
			print( (b + (a*a + b*b -1)**0.5 ) )

			return φ1
			return φ2
		print("Glaba, something went globular :P")
		return 0
Exemplo n.º 18
 def arcsin(x):
         val = np.arcsin(x.v)
         unc = (1/np.sqrt(1 - x.v*x.v))*x.u
         return Measurement(val, np.abs(unc))
     except AttributeError:
         return np.arcsin(x)
Exemplo n.º 19
def calc_cercle_visi():
    """Calcul du cercle de visibilité"""
    from params import ELEVMIN, h, Re  # , a, mu

    # Rayon du cercle de visibilité (theta)
    phi = np.arcsin(np.cos(ELEVMIN) / (1 + h / Re))
    theta = np.pi / 2 - phi - ELEVMIN

    ## XXX : pas utilisés ici, déjà dans params.py
    #T = 2 * np.pi * np.sqrt((a**3) / mu) # Période orbitale (s)
    #w = np.sqrt(mu / (a**3)) # vitesse angulaire du satellite (rad.s^(-1))

    # Calcul des points extremes du cercle de visibilite
    pasR = 0.01
    DLAT_VIS = np.arange(-theta, theta, pasR)  # np.array([..])
    DLON = []
    #DLON = np.zeros(len(DLAT_VIS))
    for lat_vis in DLAT_VIS:
    #for i, lat_vis in enumerate(DLAT_VIS):
        dlat = abs(lat_vis)
        st2 = np.sin(theta)**2
        sdlat = np.sin(dlat)**2  # pas utilisé
        DLON.append(np.arcsin(np.sqrt(abs((st2 - sdlat) / (1 - sdlat)))))
        #DLON[i] = np.arcsin(np.sqrt(abs((st2 - np.sin(dlat)**2) /
        #    np.cos(dlat)**2)))

    DLON = np.array(DLON)
    return DLAT_VIS, DLON
Exemplo n.º 20
    def _transform_parametersraw(self, pars, in_format, out_format):
        """Convert parameter values from in_format to out_format.

           Also restores parameters to a preferred range if it permits multiple
           values that correspond to the same physical result.

           pars: Sequence of parameters
           in_format: A format defined for this class
           out_format: A format defined for this class

           Defined Formats
           internal: [position, parameterized width-squared, area]
           pwa: [position, full width at half maximum, area]
           mu_sigma_area: [mu, sigma, area]
        temp = np.array(pars)

        # Do I need to change anything?  The internal parameters may need to be
        # placed into the preferred range, even though their interpretation does
        # not change.
        if in_format == out_format and in_format != "internal":
            return pars

        # Convert to intermediate format "internal"
        if in_format == "internal":
            # put the parameter for width in the "physical" quadrant [-pi/2,pi/2],
            # where .5*(sin(p)+1) covers fwhm = [0, maxwidth]
            n = np.floor((temp[1]+np.pi/2)/np.pi)
            if np.mod(n, 2) == 0:
                temp[1] = temp[1] - np.pi*n
                temp[1] = np.pi*n - temp[1]
            temp[2] = np.abs(temp[2]) # map negative area to equivalent positive one
        elif in_format == "pwa":
            if temp[1] > self.maxwidth:
                emsg = "Width %s (FWHM) greater than maximum allowed width %s" %(temp[1], self.maxwidth)
                raise SrMiseTransformationError(emsg)
            temp[1] = np.arcsin(2.*temp[1]**2/self.maxwidth**2-1.)
        elif in_format == "mu_sigma_area":
            fwhm = temp[1]*self.sigma2fwhm
            if fwhm > self.maxwidth:
                emsg = "Width %s (FWHM) greater than maximum allowed width %s" %(fwhm, self.maxwidth)
                raise SrMiseTransformationError(emsg)
            temp[1] = np.arcsin(2.*fwhm**2/self.maxwidth**2-1.)
            raise ValueError("Argument 'in_format' must be one of %s." \
                              % self.parformats)

        # Convert to specified output format from "internal" format.
        if out_format == "internal":
        elif out_format == "pwa":
            temp[1] = np.sqrt(.5*(np.sin(temp[1])+1.)*self.maxwidth**2)
        elif out_format == "mu_sigma_area":
            temp[1] = np.sqrt(.5*(np.sin(temp[1])+1.)*self.maxwidth**2)/self.sigma2fwhm
            raise ValueError("Argument 'out_format' must be one of %s." \
                              % self.parformats)
        return temp
Exemplo n.º 21
def newton_theta(theta, d_f, d_s, f, n_s, n_a=1, d_w=0, n_w=1):
    """ Newton's Method to find theta_1 for a given theta.

    Theta_1 as a function of theta is desired, but cannot be solved
    analytically. Newton's Method yields a numerical approximation.


    theta : float
        Incident angle (in rads) of a ray in the absence of refraction;
        effectively specifies a radial position on the objective lens.

    d_f : float
        Depth (in m) of hypothetical focal point below sample surface
        in the absence of refraction (i.e. focal length minus the distance
        between the objective lens and the sample surface).

    d_s : float
        Intended focal depth (in m) below sample surface (after correction).

    f : float
        Focal length of objective lens (in m).

    n_s : float
        Refractive index of the sample.

    n_a : float
        Refractive index of the ambient.

    d_w : float
        Thickness of the window (in m), used when irradiating through a window
        (e.g. sample inside a heated stage with viewport). Use 0 for no window.

    n_w : float
        Refractive index of the window.


    ret : float
        Numerical approximation of the value of theta_1 for a given theta.

    def g_th1(theta_1, d_s, d_w):  # separating out a large term from F
        return (d_s*n_a*np.sin(theta_1)/np.sqrt(
                n_s**2 - n_a**2*np.sin(theta_1)**2) +
                    n_w**2 - n_a**2*np.sin(theta_1)**2))

    iterations = 0
    theta_1 = theta  # initial 'guess'
    F = theta - (theta_1 + np.arcsin((np.cos(theta_1)/f) *
                 (g_th1(theta_1, d_s, d_w) - (d_f+d_w)*np.tan(theta_1))))
    while abs(F) > 1e-10:  # precision limit
        F = theta - (theta_1 + np.arcsin((np.cos(theta_1)/f) *
                     (g_th1(theta_1, d_s, d_w) - (d_f+d_w)*np.tan(theta_1))))
        theta_1 -= F/diff_theta(theta_1, d_f, d_s, f, n_s, n_a, d_w, n_w)
        iterations += 1
    return theta_1
Exemplo n.º 22
    def reconstruct_cluster_angle(self, events, index_group):
        """Reconstruct angles from a single event"""

        c = 3.00e+8

        t = [int(events[u]['ext_timestamp']) for u in index_group]
        stations = [events[u]['station_id'] for u in index_group]

        dt1 = t[0] - t[1]
        dt2 = t[0] - t[2]

        r1, phi1 = self.cluster.calc_r_and_phi_for_stations(stations[0], stations[1])
        r2, phi2 = self.cluster.calc_r_and_phi_for_stations(stations[0], stations[2])

        phi = arctan2((dt2 * r1 * cos(phi1) - dt1 * r2 * cos(phi2)),
                      (dt2 * r1 * sin(phi1) - dt1 * r2 * sin(phi2)) * -1)
        theta1 = arcsin(c * dt1 * 1e-9 / (r1 * cos(phi - phi1)))
        theta2 = arcsin(c * dt2 * 1e-9 / (r2 * cos(phi - phi2)))

        e1 = sqrt(self.rel_theta1_errorsq(theta1, phi, phi1, phi2, r1, r2))
        e2 = sqrt(self.rel_theta2_errorsq(theta2, phi, phi1, phi2, r1, r2))

        theta_wgt = (1 / e1 * theta1 + 1 / e2 * theta2) / (1 / e1 + 1 / e2)

        if theta_wgt < 0:
            theta_wgt *= -1
            phi += pi
            phi = (phi + pi) % (2 * pi) - pi

        return theta_wgt, phi
Exemplo n.º 23
def tthToRad(twoTheta, unit, wavelength=None, directDist=None):
    Convert a two theta angle from original `unit` to radian.

    `directDist = ai.getFit2D()["directDist"]`
    if isinstance(twoTheta, numpy.ndarray):
    elif isinstance(twoTheta, collections.Iterable):
        twoTheta = numpy.array(twoTheta)

    if unit == units.TTH_RAD:
        return twoTheta
    elif unit == units.TTH_DEG:
        return numpy.deg2rad(twoTheta)
    elif unit == units.Q_A:
        if wavelength is None:
            raise AttributeError("wavelength have to be specified")
        return numpy.arcsin((twoTheta * wavelength) / (4.e-10 * numpy.pi)) * 2.0
    elif unit == units.Q_NM:
        if wavelength is None:
            raise AttributeError("wavelength have to be specified")
        return numpy.arcsin((twoTheta * wavelength) / (4.e-9 * numpy.pi)) * 2.0
    elif unit == units.R_MM:
        if directDist is None:
            raise AttributeError("directDist have to be specified")
        # GF: correct formula?
        return numpy.arctan(twoTheta / directDist)
    elif unit == units.R_M:
        if directDist is None:
            raise AttributeError("directDist have to be specified")
        # GF: correct formula?
        return numpy.arctan(twoTheta / (directDist * 0.001))
        raise ValueError("Converting from 2th to unit %s is not supported", unit)
Exemplo n.º 24
def tpi2k(id, p, dI):
    p2brho = 10./2.99792458
    deg = pi/180.0
    if id not in table.keys():
        print( "type identifier is unknown")
        print( "known types:")
        print( list(table.keys())[:10])
        print( list(table.keys())[10:20])
        print( list(table.keys())[20:30])
        print( list(table.keys())[35:])
        return None
    magnet_type = table[id]["type"]
    a = table[id]["A"]
    el = table[id]["EL"]
    km = table[id]["KM"]
    dk0 = p3(a, dI ) * km/(p*p2brho)
    dk = 0.
    if magnet_type == "S" or magnet_type == "Q":
        #case kQ:
        dk = dk0
    elif magnet_type == "B":
        phi = 2.0*np.arcsin(0.5*el * dk0)
        dk = phi/deg
    elif magnet_type ==  "C":
        phi = 2.0*np.arcsin(0.5*el * dk0)
        dk = phi*1.e3
    elif magnet_type == "T":
        phi = 2.0*np.arcsin(0.5*el * dk0)
        dk = phi*1.e3
    return dk
Exemplo n.º 25
def test_rphi_to_dl_2d():
    #This is a tangent point
    r,phi= 6., numpy.arccos(0.75)
    d,l= bovy_coords.rphi_to_dl_2d(r,phi,degree=False,ro=8.,phio=0.)
    l= numpy.arcsin(0.75)
    d= 6./numpy.tan(l)
    assert numpy.fabs(d-6./numpy.tan(numpy.arcsin(0.75))) < 10.**-10., 'dl_to_rphi_2d conversion did not work as expected'
    assert numpy.fabs(l-numpy.arcsin(0.75)) < 10.**-10., 'rphi_to_dl_2d conversion did not work as expected'
    #This is another point
    r,phi= 2., 55.
    d,l= bovy_coords.rphi_to_dl_2d(r,phi,degree=True,ro=2.*numpy.sqrt(2.),
    assert numpy.fabs(d-2.) < 10.**-10., 'rphi_to_dl_2d conversion did not work as expected'
    assert numpy.fabs(l-45.) < 10.**-10., 'rphi_to_dl_2d conversion did not work as expected'
    #This is another point, for arrays
    r,phi= 2., 45.
    os= numpy.ones(2)
    d,l= bovy_coords.rphi_to_dl_2d(os*r,os*phi,
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(d-2.) < 10.**-10.), 'rphi_to_dl_2d conversion did not work as expected'
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(l-45.) < 10.**-10.), 'rphi_to_dl_2d conversion did not work as expected'
    #This is another point, for lists, which for some reason I support
    r,phi= 2., 45.
    d,l= bovy_coords.rphi_to_dl_2d([r,r],[phi,phi],
    d= numpy.array(d)
    l= numpy.array(l)
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(d-2.) < 10.**-10.), 'rphi_to_dl_2d conversion did not work as expected'
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(l-45.) < 10.**-10.), 'rphi_to_dl_2d conversion did not work as expected'
    return None
Exemplo n.º 26
def R2axis(M):

    m00 = M[0, 0]
    m01 = M[0, 1]
    m02 = M[0, 2]
    m10 = M[1, 0]
    m11 = M[1, 1]
    m12 = M[1, 2]
    m20 = M[2, 0]
    m21 = M[2, 1]
    m22 = M[2, 2]
    # symmetric matrix K
    K = np.array(
            [m00 - m11 - m22, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
            [m01 + m10, m11 - m00 - m22, 0.0, 0.0],
            [m02 + m20, m12 + m21, m22 - m00 - m11, 0.0],
            [m21 - m12, m02 - m20, m10 - m01, m00 + m11 + m22],
    K /= 3.0
    # quaternion is eigenvector of K that corresponds to largest eigenvalue
    w, V = np.linalg.eigh(K)
    q = V[[3, 0, 1, 2], np.argmax(w)]

    # quaternion to Axis
    nrm = np.linalg.norm(q[1:4])
    if nrm <= 0.0:
        a = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    elif q[0] < 0.0:
        a = (np.pi - np.arcsin(nrm)) * 2 * q[1:4] / nrm
        a = np.arcsin(nrm) * 2 * q[1:4] / nrm

    return a
 def _cal_center(p0,p1,p2):
     #p0 is of type up-down 
     #print T
     #look at document#1 in binder for detail
     if (sin_list[0]<1)&(sin_list[0]>0):
         if self.switch==False:
         elif self.switch==True:
         if self.switch==False:
         elif self.switch==True:
     return center_point_org
Exemplo n.º 28
    def reconstruct_angle(self, event, offsets=None):
        """Reconstruct angles from a single event"""

        c = 3.00e+8

        if offsets is not None:
            self._correct_offsets(event, offsets)

        dt1 = event['t1'] - event['t3']
        dt2 = event['t1'] - event['t4']

        station = self.cluster.stations[event['station_id']]
        r1, phi1 = station.calc_r_and_phi_for_detectors(1, 3)
        r2, phi2 = station.calc_r_and_phi_for_detectors(1, 4)

        phi = arctan2((dt2 * r1 * cos(phi1) - dt1 * r2 * cos(phi2)),
                      (dt2 * r1 * sin(phi1) - dt1 * r2 * sin(phi2)) * -1)
        theta1 = arcsin(c * dt1 * 1e-9 / (r1 * cos(phi - phi1)))
        theta2 = arcsin(c * dt2 * 1e-9 / (r2 * cos(phi - phi2)))

        e1 = sqrt(self.rel_theta1_errorsq(theta1, phi, phi1, phi2, r1, r2))
        e2 = sqrt(self.rel_theta2_errorsq(theta2, phi, phi1, phi2, r1, r2))

        theta_wgt = (1 / e1 * theta1 + 1 / e2 * theta2) / (1 / e1 + 1 / e2)

        if theta_wgt < 0:
            theta_wgt *= -1
            phi += pi
            phi = (phi + pi) % (2 * pi) - pi

        return theta_wgt, phi
Exemplo n.º 29
def funDR1R2(x, v1, v2, v3, z1, z2):
# def funDR1R2(x, v1, v2, v3, z1, z2):
		Computes arrival time of direct, and two critically refracted waves from three layer models

		x: offset (array)
		v1: velocity of 1st layer (float)
		v2: velocity of 2nd layer (float)
		v3: velocity of 3rd layer (float)
		z1: thickness of 1st layer (float)
		z2: thickness of 2nd layer (float)

	direct = 1./v1*x
	theta1 = np.arcsin(v1/v2)    
	theta2 = np.arcsin(v2/v3)
	ti1 = 2*z1*np.cos(theta1)/v1
	ti2 = 2*z2*np.cos(theta2)/v2
	xc1 = 2*z1*np.tan(theta1)
	xc2 = 2*z2*np.tan(theta2)
	act1 = x > xc1
	act2 = x > xc2   
	ref1 = np.ones_like(x)*np.nan
	ref1[act1] = 1./v2*x[act1] + ti1    
	ref2 = np.ones_like(x)*np.nan
	ref2[act2] = 1./v3*x[act2] + ti2 + ti1
	t0 = 2.*z1/v1
	refl1 = np.sqrt(t0**2+x**2/v1**2)

	return np.c_[direct, ref1, ref2, refl1]
Exemplo n.º 30
def sphericalLawOfSines(angle1, side1, angle2, side2=None):
 '''Law of sines. 4 possible inputs, angle1 and side1 must be dms arrays and 
    either angle2 or side2 must also be dms arrays, with the other as None
    This function will determing the missing side/angle from the other three
 #if side2 must be found
 if side2 == None:
  #do math, notice the conversion to/from radians
  angle1 = dms2deg(angle1)*np.pi/180
  angle2 = dms2deg(angle2)*np.pi/180
  side1  = dms2deg( side2)*np.pi/180
  side2  = np.arcsin(np.sin(angle2)*np.sin(side1)/np.sin(angle1))*180/np.pi

  return deg2dms(side2)

 #if angle2 must be found
 if angle2 == None:
  #do math, notice the conversion to/from radians
  angle1 = dms2deg(angle1)*np.pi/180
  side1  = dms2deg( side1)*np.pi/180
  side2  = dms2deg( side2)*np.pi/180
  angle2 = np.arcsin(np.sin(side2)*np.sin(angle1)/np.sin(side1))*180/np.pi

  return deg2dms(angle2)

 #tell the user that they f****d up
  print('Error, law of sines overconstrained, returning 0')
  return np.array([0,0,0])
    def step(self):
        # Unpack the state and actions.
        # -----------------------------
        # Want to ignore the previous value of omegadd; it could only cause a
        # bug if we assign to it.

        (theta, thetad, omega, omegad, _, xf, yf, xb, yb, psi) = self.sensors
        (T, d) = self.actions

        # For recordkeeping.
        # ------------------
        if self._save_wheel_contact_trajectories:

        # Intermediate time-dependent quantities.
        # ---------------------------------------
        # Avoid divide-by-zero, just as Randlov did.
        if theta == 0:
            rf = 1e8
            rb = 1e8
            rCM = 1e8
            rf = self.L / np.abs(sin(theta))
            rb = self.L / np.abs(tan(theta))
            rCM = sqrt((self.L - self.c)**2 + self.L**2 / tan(theta)**2)

        phi = omega + np.arctan(d / self.h)

        # Equations of motion.
        # --------------------
        # Second derivative of angular acceleration:
        omegadd = 1 / self.Itot * (
            self.M * self.h * self.g * sin(phi) - cos(phi) *
            (self.Idc * self.sigmad * thetad + sign(theta) * self.v**2 *
             (self.Md * self.r *
              (1.0 / rf + 1.0 / rb) + self.M * self.h / rCM)))
        thetadd = (T - self.Idv * self.sigmad * omegad) / self.Idl

        # Integrate equations of motion using Euler's method.
        # ---------------------------------------------------
        # yt+1 = yt + yd * dt.
        # Must update omega based on PREVIOUS value of omegad.
        omegad += omegadd * self.time_step
        omega += omegad * self.time_step
        thetad += thetadd * self.time_step
        theta += thetad * self.time_step

        # Handlebars can't be turned more than 80 degrees.
        theta = np.clip(theta, -1.3963, 1.3963)

        # Wheel ('tyre') contact positions.
        # ---------------------------------

        # Front wheel contact position.
        front_temp = self.v * self.time_step / (2 * rf)
        # See Randlov's code.
        if front_temp > 1:
            front_temp = sign(psi + theta) * 0.5 * np.pi
            front_temp = sign(psi + theta) * arcsin(front_temp)
        xf += self.v * self.time_step * -sin(psi + theta + front_temp)
        yf += self.v * self.time_step * cos(psi + theta + front_temp)

        # Rear wheel.
        back_temp = self.v * self.time_step / (2 * rb)
        # See Randlov's code.
        if back_temp > 1:
            back_temp = np.sign(psi) * 0.5 * np.pi
            back_temp = np.sign(psi) * np.arcsin(back_temp)
        xb += self.v * self.time_step * -sin(psi + back_temp)
        yb += self.v * self.time_step * cos(psi + back_temp)

        # Preventing numerical drift.
        # ---------------------------
        # Copying what Randlov did.
        current_wheelbase = sqrt((xf - xb)**2 + (yf - yb)**2)
        if np.abs(current_wheelbase - self.L) > 0.01:
            relative_error = self.L / current_wheelbase - 1.0
            xb += (xb - xf) * relative_error
            yb += (yb - yf) * relative_error

        # Update heading, psi.
        # --------------------
        delta_y = yf - yb
        if (xf == xb) and delta_y < 0.0:
            psi = np.pi
            if delta_y > 0.0:
                psi = arctan((xb - xf) / delta_y)
                psi = sign(xb - xf) * 0.5 * np.pi - arctan(delta_y / (xb - xf))

        self.sensors = np.array(
            [theta, thetad, omega, omegad, omegadd, xf, yf, xb, yb, psi])
Exemplo n.º 32
def readWCSCoeffs(header):
    Read distortion coeffs from WCS header keywords and
    populate distortion coeffs arrays.
    # Read in order for polynomials
    _xorder = header['a_order']
    _yorder = header['b_order']
    order = max(max(_xorder, _yorder), 3)

    fx = np.zeros(shape=(order + 1, order + 1), dtype=np.float64)
    fy = np.zeros(shape=(order + 1, order + 1), dtype=np.float64)

    # Read in CD matrix
    _cd11 = header['cd1_1']
    _cd12 = header['cd1_2']
    _cd21 = header['cd2_1']
    _cd22 = header['cd2_2']
    _cdmat = np.array([[_cd11, _cd12], [_cd21, _cd22]])
    _theta = np.arctan2(-_cd12, _cd22)
    _rotmat = np.array([[np.cos(_theta), np.sin(_theta)],
                        [-np.sin(_theta), np.cos(_theta)]])
    _rCD = np.dot(_rotmat, _cdmat)
    _skew = np.arcsin(-_rCD[1][0] / _rCD[0][0])
    _scale = _rCD[0][0] * np.cos(_skew) * 3600.
    _scale2 = _rCD[1][1] * 3600.

    # Set up refpix
    refpix = {}
    refpix['XREF'] = header['crpix1']
    refpix['YREF'] = header['crpix2']
    refpix['XSIZE'] = header['naxis1']
    refpix['YSIZE'] = header['naxis2']
    refpix['PSCALE'] = _scale
    refpix['V2REF'] = 0.
    refpix['V3REF'] = 0.
    refpix['THETA'] = np.rad2deg(_theta)
    refpix['XDELTA'] = 0.0
    refpix['YDELTA'] = 0.0
    refpix['DEFAULT_SCALE'] = True
    refpix['centered'] = True

    # Set up template for coeffs keyword names
    cxstr = 'A_'
    cystr = 'B_'
    # Read coeffs into their own matrix
    for i in range(_xorder + 1):
        for j in range(i + 1):
            xcname = cxstr + str(j) + '_' + str(i - j)
            if xcname in header:
                fx[i, j] = header[xcname]

    # Extract Y coeffs separately as a different order may
    # have been used to fit it.
    for i in range(_yorder + 1):
        for j in range(i + 1):
            ycname = cystr + str(j) + '_' + str(i - j)
            if ycname in header:
                fy[i, j] = header[ycname]

    # Now set the linear terms
    fx[0][0] = 1.0
    fy[0][0] = 1.0

    return fx, fy, refpix, order
Exemplo n.º 33
def beta_calc(a, alpha, b):
    return np.arcsin(a * np.sin(alpha) / b)
    def _step(self, action):
        except (rospy.ServiceException) as e:
            print("/gazebo/unpause_physics service call failed")

        # max_ang_speed = 0.3
        # ang_vel = (action-10)*max_ang_speed*0.1 #from (-0.33 to + 0.33)

        vel_cmd = Twist()
        # vel_cmd.linear.x = 0.2
        # vel_cmd.angular.z = ang_vel
        # self.vel_pub.publish(vel_cmd)
        if action == 1:
            vel_cmd.linear.x = 0.5
        elif action == 2:
            vel_cmd.angular.z = 0.2
            #vel_cmd.linear.x = 0.1
        elif action == 3:
            vel_cmd.angular.z = -0.2
            #vel_cmd.linear.x = 0.1
            vel_cmd.linear.x = -0.1

        data = None
        while data is None:
                data = rospy.wait_for_message('/scan', LaserScan, timeout=5)
        robot_tf = None
        # while robot_tf is None:
        #     try:
        #         robot_tf = rospy.wait_for_message("/tf", TFMessage, timeout=5)
        #     except:
        #         pass
        # rospy.wait_for_service('/gazebo/pause_physics')
        # try:
        #     #resp_pause = pause.call()
        #     self.pause()
        # except (rospy.ServiceException) as e:
        #     print ("/gazebo/pause_physics service call failed")

        state, done = self.calculate_observation(data)
        # added code
        #         targetPosition = self.getmodelstate
        # mobilePosition = self.getmodelstate####### ModelState?
        targetPositionRe = self.getmodelstate
            # targetPosition = self.getmodelstate('Target', 'world')
            # mobilePosition = self.getmodelstate('mobile_base', 'world')
            targetPositionRe = self.getmodelstate("Target", "chassis")
        except (rospy.ServiceException) as e:
            print('get the target position failed !')

        # x= targetPosition.pose.position.x-mobilePosition.pose.position.x
        # y= targetPosition.pose.position.y-mobilePosition.pose.position.y
        x = targetPositionRe.pose.position.x
        y = targetPositionRe.pose.position.y
        # distance,angle= cmath.polar(complex(x,y))
        # state = list(state)
        # state = state.extend([distance,angle])
        distance, theta = cmath.polar(complex(x, y))  #theta (-pi, pi)
        theta = np.arcsin(y / distance)
        if x < 0 and y < 0:
            # angle = -np.pi - np.arcsin(y / distance)
            angle = -np.pi - theta
        elif x < 0 and y > 0:
            angle = np.pi - theta
            # angle = np.pi - np.arcsin(y / distance)
            # angle = np.arcsin(y / distance)
            angle = theta
        # quaternion=(robot_tf.transforms[0].transform.rotation.x,
        #             robot_tf.transforms[0].transform.rotation.y,
        #             robot_tf.transforms[0].transform.rotation.z,
        #             robot_tf.transforms[0].transform.rotation.w)
        # euler=np.array(tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(quaternion))

        self.angle = np.round(abs(angle) / np.pi, 2)
        self.distance = np.round(distance / 10, 2)
        anglereward = -self.angle
        # if (abs(targetPosition.pose.position.x - mobilePosition.pose.position.x) and
        #     abs(targetPosition.pose.position.y - mobilePosition.pose.position.y)) <= 0.3:
        if (distance <= 0.3):
            target = True
            # print("targetPosition.pose.position.y"+str(targetPosition.pose.position.y))
            # print("mobilePosition.pose.position.y"+str(mobilePosition.pose.position.y))
            target = False

        if not done:
            # Straight reward = 5, Max angle reward = 0.5
            #reward = round(15*(max_ang_speed - abs(ang_vel) +0.0335), 2)
            # print ("Action : "+str(action)+" Ang_vel : "+str(ang_vel)+" reward="+str(reward))
            if target:
                reward = 200
                done = True
                # distance2 = math.hypot(mobilePosition.pose.position.x - targetPosition.pose.position.x,
                #                        mobilePosition.pose.position.y - targetPosition.pose.position.y)
                #distance1 = GazeboMylabTurtlebotLidarNnEnv.store[0]
                reward = -self.distance
                #GazeboMylabTurtlebotLidarNnEnv.store[0] = distance
            reward = -200
        #print("reward is :"+str(reward))
        #print("distance2:"+str(distance2)+" distance1: "+str(distance1))

        # if abs(angle-euler[2])>np.pi:
        #     anglereward=-abs(angle-euler[2]-2*np.pi)/(np.pi)
        # else:
        #     anglereward=-abs(angle-euler[2])/(np.pi)
        # print("anglereward is: "+str(math.degrees(-abs(angle)))+"reward is :"+str(reward))
        reward = reward + anglereward
        # self.angle=np.round(angle-euler[2],2)/np.pi
        state = np.hstack([state, self.distance, self.angle])

        return state, reward, done, {}
Exemplo n.º 35
 def single_channel_analysis(self, beta0, beta1):
Exemplo n.º 36

## Input my commandline parameters ##

parser = OptionParser ( usage = '%prog [options]')

parser.add_option ('--dec', dest = 'dec', type = float,
                default = 0., metavar = 'DEC',
                help = 'sin of the source declination.')

parser.add_option ('--years', dest = 'years', type = int,
                default = 2, metavar = 'YEARS',
                help = 'Number of years of data')

opts,args = parser.parse_args ()
dec_deg = np.arcsin(opts.dec) * 180./np.pi
years = opts.years

##Not sure if this background folder needs to be redone... but it worked for single source so I don't think so.

files = [cache.load(datafolder+file) for file in os.listdir(datafolder) if file.endswith('.array')]
beta=(0.5) #For background ts
TS_beta=[] #Calculated from the total TS median after we get all the TS.
for file in files:
  for item in range(len(file['n_inj'])):
Exemplo n.º 37
    def do_range_projection(self):
        """ Project a pointcloud into a spherical projection image.projection.
            Function takes no arguments because it can be also called externally
            if the value of the constructor was not set (in case you change your
            mind about wanting the projection)
        # JLLIU x, y, z, i, h, w
        # return_to_bin_table = np.zeros((64, 2048, 7), dtype=np.float32)
        # print(return_to_bin_table.shape)

        # laser parameters
        fov_up = self.proj_fov_up / 180.0 * np.pi  # field of view up in rad
        fov_down = self.proj_fov_down / 180.0 * np.pi  # field of view down in rad
        fov = abs(fov_down) + abs(fov_up)  # get field of view total in rad

        # get depth of all points
        depth = np.linalg.norm(self.points, 2, axis=1)

        # get scan components
        scan_x = self.points[:, 0]
        scan_y = self.points[:, 1]
        scan_z = self.points[:, 2]

        # print(scan_x[0])

        # get angles of all points
        yaw = -np.arctan2(scan_y, scan_x)
        pitch = np.arcsin(scan_z / depth)

        # get projections in image coords
        proj_x = 0.5 * (yaw / np.pi + 1.0)  # in [0.0, 1.0]
        proj_y = 1.0 - (pitch + abs(fov_down)) / fov  # in [0.0, 1.0]

        # scale to image size using angular resolution
        proj_x *= self.proj_W  # in [0.0, W]
        proj_y *= self.proj_H  # in [0.0, H]

        # round and clamp for use as index
        proj_x = np.floor(proj_x)
        proj_x = np.minimum(self.proj_W - 1, proj_x)
        proj_x = np.maximum(0, proj_x).astype(np.int32)  # in [0,W-1]
        self.proj_x = np.copy(proj_x)  # store a copy in orig order

        proj_y = np.floor(proj_y)
        proj_y = np.minimum(self.proj_H - 1, proj_y)
        proj_y = np.maximum(0, proj_y).astype(np.int32)  # in [0,H-1]
        self.proj_y = np.copy(proj_y)  # stope a copy in original order

        # copy of depth in original order
        self.unproj_range = np.copy(depth)

        # order in decreasing depth
        indices = np.arange(depth.shape[0])
        order = np.argsort(depth)[::-1]
        depth = depth[order]
        indices = indices[order]
        points = self.points[order]
        remission = self.remissions[order]
        proj_y = proj_y[order]
        proj_x = proj_x[order]

        #print("\npoints.shape: ",self.points.shape)
        #print("yaw.shape: ",yaw.shape)
        #print("pitch.shape: ",pitch.shape)
        #print("proj_x.shape: ",proj_x.shape)
        #print("proj_y.shape: ",proj_y.shape)

        #for doggy in range(0,100):
            #print("proj_x[%d]: "%doggy, proj_x[doggy])
            #print("proj_y[%d]: "%doggy, proj_y[doggy])

        # assing to images
        self.proj_range[proj_y, proj_x] = depth
        self.proj_xyz[proj_y, proj_x] = points
        self.proj_remission[proj_y, proj_x] = remission
        self.proj_idx[proj_y, proj_x] = indices
        self.proj_mask = (self.proj_idx > 0).astype(np.int32)
Exemplo n.º 38
def align_beamline(beamLine,

                                            [-hDiv / 2, vDiv / 2])
                                            [hDiv / 2, -vDiv / 2])
    print('for {0:.2f}h x {1:.2f}v mrad^2 divergence:'.format(
        hDiv * 1e3, vDiv * 1e3))
    print('full feMovableMaskLT.opening = [{0[0]:.3f}, {0[1]:.3f}]'.format(
    print('full feMovableMaskRB.opening = [{0[0]:.3f}, {0[1]:.3f}]'.format(
    print('half feMovableMaskLT.opening = [{0[0]:.3f}, {0[1]:.3f}]'.format(
        [op / 2 for op in beamLine.feMovableMaskLT.opening]))
    print('half feMovableMaskRB.opening = [{0[0]:.3f}, {0[1]:.3f}]'.format(
        [op / 2 for op in beamLine.feMovableMaskRB.opening]))

    p = raycing.distance_xy(beamLine.vfm.center, beamLine.sources[0].center)
    if pitch is None:
        sinPitch = beamLine.vfm.r * 1.5 / p
        pitch = float(np.arcsin(sinPitch))
        sinPitch = np.sin(pitch)
    beamLine.vfm.R = p / sinPitch

    beamLine.vcm.pitch = pitch
    p = raycing.distance_xy(beamLine.vcm.center, beamLine.sources[0].center)
    beamLine.vcm.R = 2. * p / sinPitch
    print('VCM.p = {0:.1f}'.format(p))
    print('VCM.pitch = {0:.6f} mrad'.format(beamLine.vcm.pitch * 1e3))
    print('VCM.roll = {0:.6f} mrad'.format(beamLine.vcm.roll * 1e3))
    print('VCM.yaw = {0:.6f} mrad'.format(beamLine.vcm.yaw * 1e3))
    print('VCM.z = {0:.3f}'.format(beamLine.vcm.center[2]))
    print('VCM.R = {0:.0f}'.format(beamLine.vcm.R))
    print('VCM.dx = {0:.3f}'.format(beamLine.vcm.dx))
    print('VCM.jack1.zCalib = {0:.3f}'.format(beamLine.vcm.jack1Calib))
    print('VCM.jack2.zCalib = {0:.3f}'.format(beamLine.vcm.jack2Calib))
    print('VCM.jack3.zCalib = {0:.3f}'.format(beamLine.vcm.jack3Calib))
    print('VCM.tx1 = {0:.3f}'.format(beamLine.vcm.tx1[0]))
    print('VCM.tx2 = {0:.3f}'.format(beamLine.vcm.tx2[0]))

    p = raycing.distance_xy(beamLine.fsm2.center, beamLine.vcm.center)
    fsm2height = beamLine.height + p * np.tan(2 * pitch)

    p = raycing.distance_xy(beamLine.dcm.center, beamLine.vcm.center)
    beamLine.dcm.center[2] = beamLine.height + p * np.tan(2 * pitch)
    aCrystal = beamLine.dcm.material[beamLine.dcm.surface.index(
    dSpacing = aCrystal.d
    print('DCM.crystal = {0}'.format(nameDCMcrystal))
    print('DCM.dSpacing = {0:.6f} angsrom'.format(dSpacing))
    if bragg is None:
        theta = float(np.arcsin(rm.ch / (2 * dSpacing * energy)))
        bragg = theta + 2 * pitch
        theta = bragg - 2 * pitch
        energy = rm.ch / (2 * dSpacing * np.sin(theta))
    print('DCM.energy = {0:.3f} eV'.format(energy))
    print('DCM.bragg = {0:.6f} deg'.format(np.degrees(bragg)))
    print('DCM.realThetaAngle = DCM.bragg - 2*VCM.pitch = {0:.6f} deg'.format(
    beamLine.dcm.energy = energy
    beamLine.dcm.bragg = bragg
    p = raycing.distance_xy(beamLine.vfm.center, beamLine.vcm.center)
    if heightVFM is not None:
        fixedExit = (heightVFM - beamLine.height -
                     p * np.tan(2 * pitch)) * np.cos(2 * pitch)
        heightVFM = fixedExit / np.cos(2 * pitch) + \
            beamLine.height + p * np.tan(2 * pitch) + 0.5

    beamLine.heightVFM = heightVFM
    beamLine.dcm.fixedExit = fixedExit
    beamLine.dcm.cryst2perpTransl = \
    print('DCM.pitch = {0:.6f} mrad'.format(beamLine.dcm.pitch * 1e3))
    print('DCM.roll = {0:.6f} mrad'.format(beamLine.dcm.roll * 1e3))
    print('DCM.yaw = {0:.6f} mrad'.format(beamLine.dcm.yaw * 1e3))
    print('DCM.z = {0:.3f}'.format(beamLine.dcm.center[2]))
    print('DCM.fixedExit = {0:.3f}'.format(fixedExit))
    print('DCM.cryst2perpTransl = {0:.3f}'.format(
    print('DCM.dx = {0:.3f}'.format(beamLine.dcm.dx))
    print('DCM.jack1.zCalib = {0:.3f}'.format(beamLine.dcm.jack1Calib))
    print('DCM.jack2.zCalib = {0:.3f}'.format(beamLine.dcm.jack2Calib))
    print('DCM.jack3.zCalib = {0:.3f}'.format(beamLine.dcm.jack3Calib))

    p = raycing.distance_xy(beamLine.vfm.center, beamLine.fsm3.center)
    fsm3height = heightVFM - p * np.tan(2 * pitch)

    p = raycing.distance_xy(
        (beamLine.xbpm4foils.center[0], beamLine.xbpm4foils.center[1]))
    heightXBPM4 = heightVFM - p * np.tan(2 * pitch)
    beamLine.xbpm4foils.select_aperture(nameDiagnFoil, heightXBPM4)
    print('beamLine.xbpm4foils.zActuator = {0:.3f}'.format(

    beamLine.vfm.pitch = -pitch
    beamLine.vfm.center[2] = heightVFM - beamLine.vfm.hCylinder
    #    beamLine.vfm.yaw = 50e-6
    print('VFM.pitch = {0:.6f} mrad'.format(beamLine.vfm.pitch * 1e3))
    print('VFM.roll = {0:.6f} mrad'.format(beamLine.vfm.roll * 1e3))
    print('VFM.yaw = {0:.6f} mrad'.format(beamLine.vfm.yaw * 1e3))
    print('VFM.z = {0:.3f}'.format(beamLine.vfm.center[2]))
    print('VFM.R = {0:.0f}'.format(beamLine.vfm.R))
    print('VFM.r = {0:.3f}'.format(beamLine.vfm.r))
    print('VFM.dx = {0:.3f}'.format(beamLine.vfm.dx))
    print('VFM.jack1.zCalib = {0:.3f}'.format(beamLine.vfm.jack1Calib))
    print('VFM.jack2.zCalib = {0:.3f}'.format(beamLine.vfm.jack2Calib))
    print('VFM.jack3.zCalib = {0:.3f}'.format(beamLine.vfm.jack3Calib))
    print('VFM.tx1 = {0:.3f}'.format(beamLine.vfm.tx1[0]))
    print('VFM.tx2 = {0:.3f}'.format(beamLine.vfm.tx2[0]))

    beamLine.eh100To40Flange.center[2] = heightVFM
    print('eh100To40Flange.center[2] = {0:.3f}'.format(

    beamLine.slitEH.opening[2] += heightVFM - beamLine.height
    beamLine.slitEH.opening[3] += heightVFM - beamLine.height

    print('fsm1.z = {0:.3f}'.format(beamLine.height))
    print('fsm2.z = {0:.3f}'.format(fsm2height))
    print('fsm3.z = {0:.3f}'.format(fsm3height))
    print('fsm4.z = {0:.3f}'.format(heightVFM))
Exemplo n.º 39
    from subprocess import check_output

    import numpy as np

    from astropy.table import QTable
    from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord, Angle
    from astropy.time import Time
    from astropy import units as u


    N = 100

    tab = QTable()
    target_lon = np.random.uniform(0, 360, N) * u.deg
    target_lat = np.degrees(np.arcsin(np.random.uniform(-1, 1, N))) * u.deg
    tab['target'] = SkyCoord(target_lon, target_lat, frame='fk5')
    tab['obstime'] = Time(np.random.uniform(
        Time('2017-12-31').mjd, N),
    tab['obslon'] = Angle(np.random.uniform(-180, 180, N) * u.deg)
    tab['obslat'] = Angle(np.arcsin(np.random.uniform(-1, 1, N)) * u.deg)
    tab['geocent'] = 0.
    tab['heliocent'] = 0.
    tab['lsrk'] = 0.
    tab['lsrd'] = 0.
    tab['galactoc'] = 0.
    tab['localgrp'] = 0.
Exemplo n.º 40
def chipDrw_1(c, chip_resonator_length, chip_coupler_length, wiggle_length, d=None, inductive_launcher=False):
    ### Chip Init
    # gapw=calculate_gap_width(eps_eff,50,pinw)

    if d == None: d = MaskMaker.ChipDefaults()
    gap_ratio = d.gapw / d.pinw
    c.frequency = 10
    c.pinw = 1.5  # d.pinw
    c.gapw = 1.
    c.center_gapw = 1
    c.radius = 40
    c.frequency = 5  # GHz
    # c.Q = 1000000 #one of the couplers
    c.imp_rsn = 80
    launch_pin_width = 150
    launcher_width = (1 + 2 * gap_ratio) * launch_pin_width
    c.launcher_length = 500
    c.inside_padding = 1160
    c.left_inside_padding = 180
    c.C = 0.5e-15  # (factor of 2 smaller than actual value from simulation.)
    c.cap1 = mask_utils.sapphire_capacitor_by_C_Channels(c.C)
    # c.cap1 = sapphire_capacitor_by_Q_Channels(c.frequency, c.Q, 50, resonator_type=0.5)
    ### Calculating the interior length of the resonator
    # c.interior_length = calculate_interior_length(c.frequency, d.phase_velocity,
    # c.imp_rsn, resonator_type=0.5,
    # harmonic=0, Ckin=c.cap1, Ckout=c.cap1)
    c.interior_length = 17631 / 2.  # unit is micron, devide by 2 to get the half wavelength
    # This gives 6.88GHz in reality.
    c.meander_length = c.interior_length  # (c.interior_length - (c.inside_padding))  - c.left_inside_padding
    print('meander_length', c.meander_length)

    c.num_wiggles = 7
    c.meander_horizontal_length = (c.num_wiggles + 1) * 2 * c.radius
    launcher_straight = 645
    chipInit(c, defaults=d)

    ### Components
    #### MaskMaker.Launcher
    two_layer = c.two_layer

    c.s5.pinw = 4.
    c.s5.gapw = 2.5
    c.s7.pinw = 4.
    c.s7.gapw = 2.5
    c.s3.pinw2 = d.pinw_rsn
    c.s4.pinw2 = d.pinw_rsn
    if two_layer:
        c.s5.chip.two_layer = True
        c.s7.chip.two_layer = True

    # resonator_length = 3000  # for 10GHz

    length_before_turning = 20  # 220 + 116
    turn_radius = 100
    turn_radius_2 = 10

    coupler_width_1 = 5
    length_2 = 750 / 2. - turn_radius - turn_radius_2 - coupler_width_1

    ### Left launchers and the drive resonator
    s = c.sl1
    MaskMaker.Launcher(s, pinw=2, gapw=2)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, length_before_turning)
    MaskMaker.CPWBend(s, -90, radius=turn_radius, segments=10)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, length_2)
    MaskMaker.CPWBend(s, 90, radius=turn_radius_2, segments=10)
    # MaskMaker.CPWTaper(s, 10, 0.09, stop_pinw=1, stop_gapw=.5)

    # Interaction driven programming: encourage trying code out and look at the output, instead of just reading code.
    # such encouragements unlock new behaviors that positively re-enforce itself.
    # this positive re-enforcement is what makes this kind of philosophical change significant.

    s = c.sl2
    MaskMaker.Launcher(s, pinw=2, gapw=2)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, length_before_turning)
    MaskMaker.CPWBend(s, 90, radius=turn_radius, segments=10)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, length_2)
    MaskMaker.CPWBend(s, -90, radius=turn_radius_2, segments=10)
    # MaskMaker.CPWTaper(s, 10, 0.09, stop_pinw=1, stop_gapw=.5)

    # c.sl1.last = MaskMaker.middle(c.sl1.last, c.sl2.last)
    # CPWWiggles(c.sl1, 1, 12, 1, start_up=True, radius=(1.5 + 2) / 2., segments=10)

    # drive resonator from the left
    drive_resonator_start_pt = MaskMaker.middle(c.sl1.last, c.sl2.last)
    c.s_drive = MaskMaker.Structure(c, start=drive_resonator_start_pt, direction=0)

    MaskMaker.CoupledTaper(c.s_drive, 6, pinw=c.sl1.pinw, gapw=c.sl1.gapw, center_gapw=8, stop_pinw=1.2, stop_gapw=1,

    drive_pinw = channel_W - 2 * res_gp_gap_W
    drive_gapw = res_gp_gap_W
    padding_to_connect_to_ellipse = trap_gap
    three_pin_L = trap_guard_L + trap_gap + padding_to_connect_to_ellipse

    MaskMaker.CPWTaper(c.s_drive, 50, pinw=3.4, gapw=1.0, stop_pinw=drive_pinw, stop_gapw=drive_gapw)
                          2500 + 302.910 - 300 + 9.32 + 0.09 - 1.68 - 0.140 + 0.75 + 2 * guard_gap + trap_guard_L)

    # trap area
    # gapw is always res_gp_gap_W
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(c.s_drive, trap_gap, pinw=trap_pin_W, gapw=(channel_W - trap_pin_W) / 2)
    MaskMaker.ThreePinTaper(c.s_drive, three_pin_L, pinw=res_pin_W, center_pinw=trap_pin_W, gapw=res_gp_gap_W,
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(c.s_drive, trap_L - padding_to_connect_to_ellipse * 2, pinw=trap_pin_W,
                          gapw=(channel_W - trap_pin_W) / 2)
    MaskMaker.ThreePinTaper(c.s_drive, three_pin_L, pinw=res_pin_W, center_pinw=trap_pin_W, gapw=res_gp_gap_W,
    MaskMaker.CoupledStraight(c.s_drive, trap_gap, center_gapw=trap_gap * 2 + trap_pin_W)

    ### Right launchers and the readout resonator

    s = c.s4
    s.chip.two_layer = True
    pinw = res_pin_W * 2 + res_center_gap_W
    gapw = 1.5

    if inductive_launcher:
        MaskMaker.Inductive_Launcher(s, pinw=25, gapw=20, padw=200, padl=300, num_loops=4)
        MaskMaker.Launcher(s, pinw=1.5, gapw=1.5)
        MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, 245)

    right_launcher_straight = 2000 + wiggle_length - 80 - 245. - chip_resonator_length + 280 + 229.890 + 300 + 0.75 + guard_gap * 2 + trap_guard_L
    # cprint("right_launcher_straight: {}".format(right_launcher_straight), color="red")

    MaskMaker.CPWTaper(s, 80, stop_pinw=pinw, stop_gapw=gapw)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, right_launcher_straight)
    MaskMaker.CPWTaper(s, 1, stop_pinw=res_pin_W * 2, stop_gapw=res_center_gap_W / 2 + res_gp_gap_W)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, 4.5)
    MaskMaker.CPWTaper(s, 1)  ##, stop_pinw=1.5, stop_gapw=(channel_W - 1.5) / 2)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, 10)
    MaskMaker.CPWTaper(s, 3, stop_pinw=res_pin_W * 2 + res_center_gap_W, stop_gapw=res_gp_gap_W)

    # resonator (on the right)
    readout_resonator_start_pt = MaskMaker.translate_pt(c.center, (
        chip_resonator_length - 529.390 - 300 + 1000 - wiggle_length - 0.75 - 2 * guard_gap - trap_guard_L, 0))
    c.s_readout = MaskMaker.Structure(c, start=readout_resonator_start_pt, direction=180)
    s = c.s_readout
    s.pinw = res_pin_W
    s.gapw = res_gp_gap_W
    s.center_gapw = res_center_gap_W
    MaskMaker.CoupledStraight(s, 50)

    wiggle_right_length = resonator_length - wiggle_length - 1 - 1.16 + 1.27 - 1.86 - 0.1400

    MaskMaker.CoupledWiggles(s, 6, wiggle_length, 0, start_up=True, radius=30,
    MaskMaker.CoupledStraight(s, wiggle_right_length)

    # if not hasattr(s, 'gap_layer') and not hasattr(s, 'pin_layer'):
    #     MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, .1225, pinw=0, gapw=.22 / 2.)

    # Center Guard
    length_to_trap = 450 - 5 - 10
    guard_straight = 185.51 - 1.351 - 0.28
    center_guard_taper = 5
    guard_middle_pinch_length = 4 + 0.371
    guardSHorizontal = 445. - 300

    s = c.s14
    s.chip.two_layer = False
    MaskMaker.Launcher(s, pinw=1.5, gapw=1.5)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, length_to_trap - 400)
    MaskMaker.CPWSturn(s, 20, 90, 90, guardSHorizontal, -90, 90, 20, segments=10)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, guard_straight)
    MaskMaker.CPWTaper(s, center_guard_taper, stop_pinw=trap_L, stop_gapw=trap_gap)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, guard_middle_pinch_length)

    s = c.s18
    s.chip.two_layer = False
    MaskMaker.Launcher(s, pinw=1.5, gapw=1.5)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, length_to_trap - 400)
    MaskMaker.CPWSturn(s, 20, -90, 90, guardSHorizontal, 90, 90, 20, segments=10)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, guard_straight)
    MaskMaker.CPWTaper(s, center_guard_taper, stop_pinw=trap_L, stop_gapw=trap_gap)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, guard_middle_pinch_length)

    mid_pt = MaskMaker.translate_pt(MaskMaker.middle(c.s1.last, c.s2.last), (-300, 0))
    s.last = mid_pt
    theta2 = np.arcsin(0.70 / (2 * res_pin_trap_outer_A))
    theta3 = np.arcsin(0.70 / (2 * res_pin_trap_inner_A))

    outer_arc = MaskMaker.ellipse_arcpts(mid_pt, res_pin_trap_outer_A * res_pin_trap_outer_ratio, res_pin_trap_outer_A,
                                         angle_start=theta2, angle_stop=np.pi - theta2, angle=0, segments=15)
    inner_arc = MaskMaker.ellipse_arcpts(mid_pt, res_pin_trap_inner_A * res_pin_trap_inner_ratio, res_pin_trap_inner_A,
                                         angle_start=np.pi - theta3, angle_stop=theta3, angle=0, segments=15)

    for ia in inner_arc:

    # And mirror the trap
    mirrored_outer_arc = MaskMaker.mirror_pts(outer_arc, axis_angle=0, axis_pt=mid_pt)

    MaskMaker.Ellipses(s.gap_layer, mid_pt, trap_L / 2, trap_W / 2, angle=0, segments=30)
    MaskMaker.Ellipses(s.pin_layer, mid_pt, trap_pin_A * trap_pin_ratio, trap_pin_A, angle=0, segments=30)

    s.chip.two_layer = True

    middleGuardL = 1.2
    sideGuardL = 0.2
    guardGap = 0.2

    guardLauncherStraight = 145 + 1.3759 + 0.3750 - 5.5461
    guardSHorizontal = 360 + 12.68 + 1.277 + 0.0707 - 0.220 - 0.0670 - 0.290 - 0.07
    guardEndStraight = 120 + 20.7 + 2 + 2
    sideGuardEndStraight = 1.0 + 3.9897 + 0.255 - 0.12 - 0.25 - 1.350 + 0.37 - 0.28

    ### Microwave Feed Couplers

    coupler_offset = 15
    R1 = 60
    L1 = 0
    coupler_offset_h = 00 + 39.6475 - 0.8
    L3 = 199.5 - 0.0013 - 120 - 40 - 40
    L5 = 27.2513 + 150 + 150 - coupler_offset  # to make it `coupler_offset` um away from the resonator

    s = c.s15
    s.chip.two_layer = False
    s.pinw = 3
    s.gapw = 1
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, L1 + R1 * 2 + L3)
    # MaskMaker.CPWSturn(s, L1, -90, R1, coupler_offset_h, 90, R1, L3, segments=5)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, L5)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, 1.5, pinw=0, gapw=2.5)

    s = c.s19
    s.chip.two_layer = False
    s.pinw = 3
    s.gapw = 1
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, L1 + R1 * 2 + L3)
    # MaskMaker.CPWSturn(s, L1, 90, R1, coupler_offset_h, -90, R1, L3, segments=5)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, L5)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, 1.5, pinw=0, gapw=2.5)

    ### Resonator Couplers
    c.two_layer = True
    coupler_spacing = 0.8
    coupler_offset_v = 1.5 + 1.2 - 1. - 0.73
    coupler_offset_h = 462.4025 - coupler_spacing + 159.6475 - coupler_spacing
    launch_pt = MaskMaker.translate_pt(c.center, (coupler_offset_h, coupler_offset_v))
    setattr(c, 'resonator_coupler_1', MaskMaker.Structure(c, start=launch_pt, direction=90))
    launch_pt = MaskMaker.translate_pt(c.center, (coupler_offset_h, -coupler_offset_v))
    setattr(c, 'resonator_coupler_2', MaskMaker.Structure(c, start=launch_pt, direction=-90))

    coupler_1 = c.resonator_coupler_1
    res_coupler_gap = 0.65
    end_cap_gap = 1.2 / 2 + res_coupler_gap  # 1.25 um

    coupler_1.pinw = 1.2
    coupler_1.gapw = res_coupler_gap
    coupler_2 = c.resonator_coupler_2
    coupler_2.pinw = 1.2
    coupler_2.gapw = res_coupler_gap

    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(coupler_1, coupler_offset + chip_coupler_length)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(coupler_1, 1.5, pinw=0, gapw=end_cap_gap)

    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(coupler_2, coupler_offset + chip_coupler_length)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(coupler_2, 1.5, pinw=0, gapw=end_cap_gap)

    ### DC Guards
    guard_pin_w = trap_guard_L
    launcher_pin_w = 3
    launcher_gap_w = 2.5
    guard_radius = 1.2
    guard_taper_length = 6
    guard_horizontal_2 = guardSHorizontal + 1876 - 300 - 1.24 - 1.4118 - 1.4980 - 0.1840 + (guard_pin_w / 2)

    s = c.s5
    s.chip.two_layer = False
    MaskMaker.Launcher(s, pinw=launcher_pin_w, gapw=launcher_gap_w)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, guardLauncherStraight)
    MaskMaker.CPWSturn(s, 20, 90, 90, guard_horizontal_2, -60, 90, 20,
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, guardEndStraight)
    MaskMaker.CPWTaper(s, guard_taper_length, stop_pinw=guard_pin_w, stop_gapw=trap_gap)
    MaskMaker.CPWBend(s, -30, radius=guard_radius, segments=1)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, sideGuardEndStraight)

    s = c.s7
    s.chip.two_layer = False
    MaskMaker.Launcher(s, pinw=launcher_pin_w, gapw=launcher_gap_w)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, guardLauncherStraight)
    MaskMaker.CPWSturn(s, 20, -90, 90, guard_horizontal_2, 60, 90, 20,
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, guardEndStraight)
    MaskMaker.CPWTaper(s, guard_taper_length, stop_pinw=guard_pin_w, stop_gapw=trap_gap)
    MaskMaker.CPWBend(s, 30, radius=guard_radius, segments=1)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, sideGuardEndStraight)

    # Resonator Side Guards
    s = c.s1
    s.chip.two_layer = False
    MaskMaker.Launcher(s, pinw=launcher_pin_w, gapw=launcher_gap_w)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, guardLauncherStraight)
    MaskMaker.CPWSturn(s, 20, -90, 90, guard_horizontal_2 - 1900, 60, 90, 20,
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, guardEndStraight)
    MaskMaker.CPWTaper(s, guard_taper_length, stop_pinw=guard_pin_w, stop_gapw=trap_gap)
    MaskMaker.CPWBend(s, 30, radius=guard_radius, segments=1)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, sideGuardEndStraight)

    s = c.s2
    s.chip.two_layer = False
    MaskMaker.Launcher(s, pinw=launcher_pin_w, gapw=launcher_gap_w)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, guardLauncherStraight)
    MaskMaker.CPWSturn(s, 20, 90, 90, guard_horizontal_2 - 1900, -60, 90, 20,
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, guardEndStraight)
    MaskMaker.CPWTaper(s, guard_taper_length, stop_pinw=guard_pin_w, stop_gapw=trap_gap)
    MaskMaker.CPWBend(s, -30, radius=guard_radius, segments=1)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, sideGuardEndStraight)

    # Resonator DC Bias pinch electrodes
    L1 = 20
    R = 20
    L3 = - (resonator_length - 900 - wiggle_length) + 1450 - 40 - 36.86 + 0.15 + 1.5 + - 0.15 + guard_gap
    L5 = 4
    L6 = 2
    L4 = 450 - 40 - L1 - 0.4 - 1.070 - L5 - L6 - 0.28

    s = c.s6
    MaskMaker.Launcher(s, pinw=1.5, gapw=1.5)
    MaskMaker.CPWSturn(s, L1, -90, R, L3, 90, R, L4, segments=3)
    MaskMaker.CPWTaper(s, L5, stop_pinw=3.5, stop_gapw=0.5)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, L6)

    s = c.s8
    MaskMaker.Launcher(s, pinw=1.5, gapw=1.5)
    MaskMaker.CPWSturn(s, L1, 90, R, L3, -90, R, L4, segments=3)
    MaskMaker.CPWTaper(s, L5, stop_pinw=3.5, stop_gapw=0.5)
    MaskMaker.CPWStraight(s, L6)

    s.chip.two_layer = True
Exemplo n.º 41
    def rhs(self, Core):
        lref = self.bref
        # wind interpolation bit
        alt = Core.lla[2]

        wind_v = self.wind_speed
        wind_angle = self.wind_heading

        wind_angle = wind_angle / 180 * np.pi

        # find the aerodynamic frame velocity

        _VN = wind_v * np.cos(wind_angle)
        _VE = wind_v * np.sin(wind_angle)
        Vgust_b = np.dot(Core.DCMbe, np.array([_VN, _VE, 0.]))

        # Vb = Core.DCMbc @ Core.DCMci @ Core.vel
        Vb = Core.DCMbc @ Core.vel
        Va = Vgust_b + Vb
        Va_norm = np.linalg.norm(Va)

        # compute stuff for aero
        mach = Va_norm / Core.a
        q = 0.5 * Core.rho * Va_norm**2

        alpha = np.arctan2(Va[2], Va[0])

        if Va_norm == 0.:
            beta = 0.
            beta = np.arcsin(Va[1] / Va_norm)

        if alpha > MAX_ALPHA:
            alpha = MAX_ALPHA
        if alpha < -MAX_ALPHA:
            alpha = -MAX_ALPHA

        # compute p_hat, q_hat and r_hat
        if np.sqrt(Va_norm**2) <= 1e-8:
            p_hat = 0.
            q_hat = 0.
            r_hat = 0.
            p_hat = self.bref * Core.omega[0] / (2 * Va_norm)
            q_hat = self.cref * Core.omega[1] / (2 * Va_norm)
            r_hat = self.bref * Core.omega[2] / (2 * Va_norm)

        # compute the coefficient along axis
        c_x = self.c_x_0 + self.c_x_a2 * alpha**2 + self.c_x_p * p_hat + self.c_x_q * q_hat + self.c_x_r * r_hat
        c_y = self.c_y_b * beta + self.c_y_p * p_hat + self.c_y_q * q_hat + self.c_y_r * r_hat
        c_z = self.c_z_a * alpha + self.c_z_p * p_hat + self.c_z_q * q_hat + self.c_z_r * r_hat

        c_ll = self.c_ll_0 + self.c_ll_p * p_hat
        c_m = self.c_m_a * alpha + self.c_m_p * p_hat + self.c_m_q * q_hat + self.c_m_r * r_hat
        c_ln = self.c_ln_b * beta + self.c_ln_p * p_hat + self.c_ln_q * q_hat + self.c_ln_r * r_hat

        # compute force and moment coefficients
        c_f = np.array([c_x, c_y, c_z])

        # l = -Core.cg+np.array([x_cp, 0, 0])
        length = Core.cg
        c_m = np.array([c_ll, c_m, c_ln]) + np.cross(length, c_f) / np.array(
            [self.bref, self.cref, self.bref])

        # compute actual forces and moments
        aero_force = q * c_f * self.sref * self.scale
        aero_force_c = aero_force

        aero_moment = q * c_m * self.sref * np.array(
            [self.bref, self.cref, self.bref]) * self.scale

        Core.force[0] += aero_force_c[0]
        Core.moment[0] += aero_moment[0]
        Core.force[1] += aero_force_c[1]
        Core.moment[1] += aero_moment[1]
        Core.force[2] += aero_force_c[2]
        Core.moment[2] += aero_moment[2]
Exemplo n.º 42
 def rotation_to_euler_angle(self, R):
     roll = np.arctan2(R[2, 1], R[2, 2])
     pitch = np.arcsin(-R[2, 0])
     yaw = np.arctan2(R[1, 0], R[0, 0])
     return roll, pitch, yaw
Exemplo n.º 43
def load_config_commands(rob_controller, config):
    """Load the position commands to the robot controller.
    Uses the method determined by the command type 
    selected in the configuration file. Currently, the
    options are `read_from_file`, `sample_from_file`, or 
    `parametric_sample`. `read_from_file` takes the 
    commands directly from the command file. 
    `sample_from_file` generates a sequence of commands by
    sampling rows from the command file with replacement.
    For both of these options, the command file is assumed
    to have three columns ordered as `reach distance`, 
    `azimuth', `elevation`. `parametric_sample` does not 
    use the command file. Rather, it samples commands 
    uniformly from the `reach volume` determined by the 
    user-selected inverse kinematics parameters. 

        * Further functionalize for better clarity.

    rob_controller : serial.serialposix.Serial
        The serial interface to the robot controller.
    config : dict
        The currently loaded configuration file. 

    config : dict
        The configuration file possibly updated to include
        the command values that were loaded.    

    #extract robot kinematic settings
    ygimbal_to_joint = config['RobotSettings']['ygimbal_to_joint']
    zgimbal_to_joint = config['RobotSettings']['zgimbal_to_joint']
    xgimbal_xoffset = config['RobotSettings']['xgimbal_xoffset']
    ygimbal_yoffset = config['RobotSettings']['ygimbal_yoffset']
    zgimbal_zoffset = config['RobotSettings']['zgimbal_zoffset']
    x_origin = config['RobotSettings']['x_origin']
    y_origin = config['RobotSettings']['y_origin']
    z_origin = config['RobotSettings']['z_origin']
    reach_dist_min = config['RobotSettings']['reach_dist_min']
    reach_dist_max = config['RobotSettings']['reach_dist_max']
    reach_angle_max = config['RobotSettings']['reach_angle_max']
    #generate commands according to selected command type
    n = 100
    if config['RobotSettings']['command_type'] == "parametric_sample":
        r = (reach_dist_min + (reach_dist_max - reach_dist_min) *
             np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0, size=500 * n)**(1.0 / 3.0))
        theta_y = reach_angle_max * np.random.uniform(
            low=-1, high=1, size=500 * n)
        theta_z = reach_angle_max * np.random.uniform(
            low=-1, high=1, size=500 * n)
        theta = np.sqrt(theta_y**2 + theta_z**2)
        r = r[theta <= reach_angle_max][0:n]
        theta_y = theta_y[theta <= reach_angle_max][0:n]
        theta_z = theta_z[theta <= reach_angle_max][0:n]
    elif config['RobotSettings']['command_type'] == "sample_from_file":
        r_set, theta_y_set, theta_z_set = np.loadtxt(
            usecols=(1, 2, 3))
        rand_sample = np.random.choice(range(len(r_set)), replace=True, size=n)
        r = r_set[rand_sample]
        theta_y = theta_y_set[rand_sample]
        theta_z = theta_z_set[rand_sample]
    elif config['RobotSettings']['command_type'] == "read_from_file":
        r, theta_y, theta_z = np.loadtxt(
            usecols=(1, 2, 3))
        raise Exception("Invalid command type.")
    #pass generated commands though inverse kinematic transformation
    Ax = np.sqrt(xgimbal_xoffset**2 + r**2 -
                 2 * xgimbal_xoffset * r * np.cos(theta_y) * np.cos(theta_z))
    gammay = -np.arcsin(
        np.sin(theta_y) * np.sqrt((r * np.cos(theta_y) * np.cos(theta_z))**2 +
                                  (r * np.sin(theta_y) * np.cos(theta_z))**2) /
        np.sqrt((xgimbal_xoffset - r * np.cos(theta_y) * np.cos(theta_z))**2 +
                (r * np.sin(theta_y) * np.cos(theta_z))**2))
    gammaz = -np.arcsin(r * np.sin(theta_z) / Ax)
    Ay = np.sqrt((ygimbal_to_joint -
                  ygimbal_to_joint * np.cos(gammay) * np.cos(gammaz))**2 +
                 (ygimbal_yoffset -
                  ygimbal_to_joint * np.sin(gammay) * np.cos(gammaz))**2 +
                 (ygimbal_to_joint * np.sin(gammaz))**2)
    Az = np.sqrt((zgimbal_to_joint -
                  zgimbal_to_joint * np.cos(gammay) * np.cos(gammaz))**2 +
                 (zgimbal_to_joint * np.sin(gammay) * np.cos(gammaz))**2 +
                 (zgimbal_zoffset - zgimbal_to_joint * np.sin(gammaz))**2)
    Ax = np.round((Ax - xgimbal_xoffset) / 50 * 1024 + x_origin, decimals=1)
    Ay = np.round((Ay - ygimbal_yoffset) / 50 * 1024 + y_origin, decimals=1)
    Az = np.round((Az - zgimbal_zoffset) / 50 * 1024 + z_origin, decimals=1)
    #convert tranformed commands to appropriate data types/format
    x = np.array2string(Ax, formatter={'float_kind': lambda Ax: "%.1f" % Ax})
    y = np.array2string(Ay, formatter={'float_kind': lambda Ay: "%.1f" % Ay})
    z = np.array2string(Az, formatter={'float_kind': lambda Az: "%.1f" % Az})
    r = np.array2string(r, formatter={'float_kind': lambda r: "%.1f" % r})
    theta_y = np.array2string(
        theta_y, formatter={'float_kind': lambda theta_y: "%.1f" % theta_y})
    theta_z = np.array2string(
        theta_z, formatter={'float_kind': lambda theta_z: "%.1f" % theta_z})
    x = x[1:-1] + ' '
    y = y[1:-1] + ' '
    z = z[1:-1] + ' '
    r = r[1:-1] + ' '
    theta_y = theta_y[1:-1] + ' '
    theta_z = theta_z[1:-1] + ' '
    #load commands to robot
        _load_command_variable(rob_controller, 'x_command_pos', x)
        _load_command_variable(rob_controller, 'y_command_pos', y)
        _load_command_variable(rob_controller, 'z_command_pos', z)
    except Exception as varname:
        raise Exception("Failed to load: " + varname)
    #record the loaded commands to the config
    config['RobotSettings']['x'] = x
    config['RobotSettings']['y'] = y
    config['RobotSettings']['z'] = z
    config['RobotSettings']['r'] = r
    config['RobotSettings']['theta_y'] = theta_y
    config['RobotSettings']['theta_z'] = theta_z
    return config
Exemplo n.º 44
    def rhs(self, Core):
        # wind interpolation bit
        alt = Core.lla[2]

        _VN, _VE = interp_one(alt, self.wind_alt, self.wind_speed)

        Vgust_b = np.dot(Core.DCMbe, np.array([_VN, _VE, 0.]))
        Vb = Core.DCMbc @ Core.vel

        Va = Vgust_b + Vb
        Va_norm = np.linalg.norm(Va)

        # compute stuff for aero
        mach = Va_norm / Core.a
        q = 0.5 * Core.rho * Va_norm**2

        alpha = np.arctan2(Va[2], Va[0])

        if Va_norm == 0.:
            beta = 0.
            beta = np.arcsin(Va[1] / Va_norm)

        alpha_raw, beta_raw = alpha, beta
        if alpha > MAX_ALPHA:
            alpha = MAX_ALPHA
        if alpha < -MAX_ALPHA:
            alpha = -MAX_ALPHA

        if beta > MAX_ALPHA:
            beta = MAX_ALPHA
        if beta < -MAX_ALPHA:
            beta = -MAX_ALPHA

        # compute p_hat, q_hat and r_hat
        if np.sqrt(Va_norm**2) == 0.:
            p_hat = 0.
            q_hat = 0.
            r_hat = 0.
            p_hat = self.lref * Core.omega[0] / (2 * Va_norm)
            q_hat = self.lref * Core.omega[1] / (2 * Va_norm)
            r_hat = self.lref * Core.omega[2] / (2 * Va_norm)

        # make sure mach number is within the bounds of interpolation
        if mach < self.machs[0]:
            mach = self.machs[0]
        if mach > self.machs[-1]:
            mach = self.machs[-1]
        # interpolate the coefficients
        c_x_0 = interp_one(mach, self.machs, self.c_x_0)
        c_x_a = interp_one(mach, self.machs, self.c_x_a)
        c_x_a2 = interp_one(mach, self.machs, self.c_x_a2)
        c_x_p = interp_one(mach, self.machs, self.c_x_p)
        c_x_q = interp_one(mach, self.machs, self.c_x_q)
        c_x_r = interp_one(mach, self.machs, self.c_x_r)
        c_y_b = interp_one(mach, self.machs, self.c_y_b)
        c_y_p = interp_one(mach, self.machs, self.c_y_p)
        c_y_q = interp_one(mach, self.machs, self.c_y_q)
        c_y_r = interp_one(mach, self.machs, self.c_y_r)
        c_z_a = interp_one(mach, self.machs, self.c_z_a)
        c_z_p = interp_one(mach, self.machs, self.c_z_p)
        c_z_q = interp_one(mach, self.machs, self.c_z_q)
        c_z_r = interp_one(mach, self.machs, self.c_z_r)
        c_ll_0 = interp_one(mach, self.machs, self.c_ll_0)
        c_ll_p = interp_one(mach, self.machs, self.c_ll_p)
        c_m_a = interp_one(mach, self.machs, self.c_m_a)
        c_m_p = interp_one(mach, self.machs, self.c_m_p)
        c_m_q = interp_one(mach, self.machs, self.c_m_q)
        c_m_r = interp_one(mach, self.machs, self.c_m_r)
        c_ln_b = interp_one(mach, self.machs, self.c_ln_b)
        c_ln_p = interp_one(mach, self.machs, self.c_ln_p)
        c_ln_q = interp_one(mach, self.machs, self.c_ln_q)
        c_ln_r = interp_one(mach, self.machs, self.c_ln_r)
        x_cp = interp_one(mach, self.machs, self.x_cp)

        # compute the coefficient along axis
        c_x = c_x_0 + c_x_a2 * alpha**2 + c_x_p * p_hat + c_x_q * q_hat + c_x_r * r_hat
        # c_x = c_x_0 + c_x_a * alpha + c_x_a2 * alpha**2 + c_x_p * p_hat + c_x_q * q_hat + c_x_r * r_hat
        c_y = c_y_b * beta + c_y_p * p_hat + c_y_q * q_hat + c_y_r * r_hat
        c_z = c_z_a * alpha + c_z_p * p_hat + c_z_q * q_hat + c_z_r * r_hat

        c_ll = c_ll_0 + c_ll_p * p_hat
        c_m = c_m_a * alpha + c_m_p * p_hat + c_m_q * q_hat + c_m_r * r_hat
        c_ln = c_ln_b * beta + c_ln_p * p_hat + c_ln_q * q_hat + c_ln_r * r_hat

        # compute force and moment coefficients
        c_f = np.array([c_x, c_y, c_z])

        length = Core.cg

        c_m = np.array([c_ll, c_m, c_ln
                        ]) + np.cross(-1 * length, c_f) / self.lref

        # compute actual forces and moments
        # self.scale = np.ones(6)*1.3
        aero_force = q * c_f * self.sref * self.scale[:3]

        aero_moment = q * c_m * self.sref * self.lref * self.scale[3:]

        # print(Va)
        # print(alpha, beta)
        # print(aero_force, aero_moment)
        Core.force[0] += aero_force[0]
        Core.moment[0] += aero_moment[0]
        Core.force[1] += aero_force[1]
        Core.moment[1] += aero_moment[1]
        Core.force[2] += aero_force[2]
        Core.moment[2] += aero_moment[2]

        if Core.logging:
            self.history["f_a[0]"] = np.append(self.history["f_a[0]"],
            self.history["f_a[1]"] = np.append(self.history["f_a[1]"],
            self.history["f_a[2]"] = np.append(self.history["f_a[2]"],

            self.history["m_a[0]"] = np.append(self.history["m_a[0]"],
            self.history["m_a[1]"] = np.append(self.history["m_a[1]"],
            self.history["m_a[2]"] = np.append(self.history["m_a[2]"],

            self.history["M"] = np.append(self.history["M"], mach)
            self.history["q"] = np.append(self.history["q"], q)

            self.history["alpha"] = np.append(self.history["alpha"], alpha_raw)
            self.history["beta"] = np.append(self.history["beta"], beta_raw)
Exemplo n.º 45
    def euler(self, order='xyz'):

        q = self.normalized().qs
        q0 = q[..., 0]
        q1 = q[..., 1]
        q2 = q[..., 2]
        q3 = q[..., 3]
        es = np.zeros(self.shape + (3,))

        if order == 'xyz':
            es[..., 0] = np.arctan2(
                2 * (q0 * q1 + q2 * q3), 1 - 2 * (q1 * q1 + q2 * q2))
            es[..., 1] = np.arcsin((2 * (q0 * q2 - q3 * q1)).clip(-1, 1))
            es[..., 2] = np.arctan2(
                2 * (q0 * q3 + q1 * q2), 1 - 2 * (q2 * q2 + q3 * q3))
        elif order == 'yzx':
            es[..., 0] = np.arctan2(
                2 * (q1 * q0 - q2 * q3), -q1 * q1 + q2 * q2 - q3 * q3 + q0 * q0)
            es[..., 1] = np.arctan2(
                2 * (q2 * q0 - q1 * q3), q1 * q1 - q2 * q2 - q3 * q3 + q0 * q0)
            es[..., 2] = np.arcsin((2 * (q1 * q2 + q3 * q0)).clip(-1, 1))
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'Cannot convert from ordering %s' % order)

        # These conversion don't appear to work correctly for Maya.
        # http://bediyap.com/programming/convert-quaternion-to-euler-rotations/
        if   order == 'xyz':
            es[fa + (0,)] = np.arctan2(2 * (q0 * q3 - q1 * q2), q0 * q0 + q1 * q1 - q2 * q2 - q3 * q3)
            es[fa + (1,)] = np.arcsin((2 * (q1 * q3 + q0 * q2)).clip(-1,1))
            es[fa + (2,)] = np.arctan2(2 * (q0 * q1 - q2 * q3), q0 * q0 - q1 * q1 - q2 * q2 + q3 * q3)
        elif order == 'yzx':
            es[fa + (0,)] = np.arctan2(2 * (q0 * q1 - q2 * q3), q0 * q0 - q1 * q1 + q2 * q2 - q3 * q3)
            es[fa + (1,)] = np.arcsin((2 * (q1 * q2 + q0 * q3)).clip(-1,1))
            es[fa + (2,)] = np.arctan2(2 * (q0 * q2 - q1 * q3), q0 * q0 + q1 * q1 - q2 * q2 - q3 * q3)
        elif order == 'zxy':
            es[fa + (0,)] = np.arctan2(2 * (q0 * q2 - q1 * q3), q0 * q0 - q1 * q1 - q2 * q2 + q3 * q3)
            es[fa + (1,)] = np.arcsin((2 * (q0 * q1 + q2 * q3)).clip(-1,1))
            es[fa + (2,)] = np.arctan2(2 * (q0 * q3 - q1 * q2), q0 * q0 - q1 * q1 + q2 * q2 - q3 * q3) 
        elif order == 'xzy':
            es[fa + (0,)] = np.arctan2(2 * (q0 * q2 + q1 * q3), q0 * q0 + q1 * q1 - q2 * q2 - q3 * q3)
            es[fa + (1,)] = np.arcsin((2 * (q0 * q3 - q1 * q2)).clip(-1,1))
            es[fa + (2,)] = np.arctan2(2 * (q0 * q1 + q2 * q3), q0 * q0 - q1 * q1 + q2 * q2 - q3 * q3)
        elif order == 'yxz':
            es[fa + (0,)] = np.arctan2(2 * (q1 * q2 + q0 * q3), q0 * q0 - q1 * q1 + q2 * q2 - q3 * q3)
            es[fa + (1,)] = np.arcsin((2 * (q0 * q1 - q2 * q3)).clip(-1,1))
            es[fa + (2,)] = np.arctan2(2 * (q1 * q3 + q0 * q2), q0 * q0 - q1 * q1 - q2 * q2 + q3 * q3)
        elif order == 'zyx':
            es[fa + (0,)] = np.arctan2(2 * (q0 * q1 + q2 * q3), q0 * q0 - q1 * q1 - q2 * q2 + q3 * q3)
            es[fa + (1,)] = np.arcsin((2 * (q0 * q2 - q1 * q3)).clip(-1,1))
            es[fa + (2,)] = np.arctan2(2 * (q0 * q3 + q1 * q2), q0 * q0 + q1 * q1 - q2 * q2 - q3 * q3)
            raise KeyError('Unknown ordering %s' % order)

        # https://github.com/ehsan/ogre/blob/master/OgreMain/src/OgreMatrix3.cpp
        # Use this class and convert from matrix

        return es
Exemplo n.º 46
        def _visualize_output():
            last_frame_index = 0
            last_frame_time = time.time()
            fps_history = []
            all_gaze_histories = []

            if args.fullscreen:
                cv.namedWindow('vis', cv.WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN)
                cv.setWindowProperty('vis', cv.WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN, cv.WINDOW_FULLSCREEN)

            while True:
                # If no output to visualize, show unannotated frame
                if inferred_stuff_queue.empty():
                    next_frame_index = last_frame_index + 1
                    if next_frame_index in data_source._frames:
                        next_frame = data_source._frames[next_frame_index]
                        if 'faces' in next_frame and len(next_frame['faces']) == 0:
                            if not args.headless:
                                cv.imshow('vis', next_frame['bgr'])
                            if args.record_video:
                            last_frame_index = next_frame_index
                    if cv.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):

                # Get output from neural network and visualize
                output = inferred_stuff_queue.get()
                bgr = None
                for j in range(batch_size):
                    frame_index = output['frame_index'][j]
                    if frame_index not in data_source._frames:
                    frame = data_source._frames[frame_index]

                    # Decide which landmarks are usable
                    heatmaps_amax = np.amax(output['heatmaps'][j, :].reshape(-1, 18), axis=0)
                    can_use_eye = np.all(heatmaps_amax > 0.7)
                    can_use_eyelid = np.all(heatmaps_amax[0:8] > 0.75)
                    can_use_iris = np.all(heatmaps_amax[8:16] > 0.8)

                    start_time = time.time()
                    eye_index = output['eye_index'][j]
                    bgr = frame['bgr']
                    eye = frame['eyes'][eye_index]
                    eye_image = eye['image']
                    eye_side = eye['side']
                    eye_landmarks = output['landmarks'][j, :]
                    eye_radius = output['radius'][j][0]
                    if eye_side == 'left':
                        eye_landmarks[:, 0] = eye_image.shape[1] - eye_landmarks[:, 0]
                        eye_image = np.fliplr(eye_image)

                    # Embed eye image and annotate for picture-in-picture
                    eye_upscale = 2
                    eye_image_raw = cv.cvtColor(cv.equalizeHist(eye_image), cv.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
                    eye_image_raw = cv.resize(eye_image_raw, (0, 0), fx=eye_upscale, fy=eye_upscale)
                    eye_image_annotated = np.copy(eye_image_raw)
                    if can_use_eyelid:
                                                                     .reshape(-1, 1, 2)],
                            isClosed=True, color=(255, 255, 0), thickness=1, lineType=cv.LINE_AA,
                    if can_use_iris:
                                                                      .reshape(-1, 1, 2)],
                            isClosed=True, color=(0, 255, 255), thickness=1, lineType=cv.LINE_AA,
                            tuple(np.round(eye_upscale*eye_landmarks[16, :]).astype(np.int32)),
                            color=(0, 255, 255), markerType=cv.MARKER_CROSS, markerSize=4,
                            thickness=1, line_type=cv.LINE_AA,
                    face_index = int(eye_index / 2)
                    eh, ew, _ = eye_image_raw.shape
                    v0 = face_index * 2 * eh
                    v1 = v0 + eh
                    v2 = v1 + eh
                    u0 = 0 if eye_side == 'left' else ew
                    u1 = u0 + ew
                    bgr[v0:v1, u0:u1] = eye_image_raw
                    bgr[v1:v2, u0:u1] = eye_image_annotated

                    # Visualize preprocessing results
                    frame_landmarks = (frame['smoothed_landmarks']
                                       if 'smoothed_landmarks' in frame
                                       else frame['landmarks'])
                    for f, face in enumerate(frame['faces']):
                        for landmark in frame_landmarks[f][:-1]:
                            cv.drawMarker(bgr, tuple(np.round(landmark).astype(np.int32)),
                                          color=(0, 0, 255), markerType=cv.MARKER_STAR,
                                          markerSize=2, thickness=1, line_type=cv.LINE_AA)
                            bgr, tuple(np.round(face[:2]).astype(np.int32)),
                            tuple(np.round(np.add(face[:2], face[2:])).astype(np.int32)),
                            color=(0, 255, 255), thickness=1, lineType=cv.LINE_AA,

                    # Transform predictions
                    eye_landmarks = np.concatenate([eye_landmarks,
                                                    [[eye_landmarks[-1, 0] + eye_radius,
                                                      eye_landmarks[-1, 1]]]])
                    eye_landmarks = np.asmatrix(np.pad(eye_landmarks, ((0, 0), (0, 1)),
                                                       'constant', constant_values=1.0))
                    eye_landmarks = (eye_landmarks *
                                     eye['inv_landmarks_transform_mat'].T)[:, :2]
                    eye_landmarks = np.asarray(eye_landmarks)
                    eyelid_landmarks = eye_landmarks[0:8, :]
                    iris_landmarks = eye_landmarks[8:16, :]
                    iris_centre = eye_landmarks[16, :]
                    eyeball_centre = eye_landmarks[17, :]
                    eyeball_radius = np.linalg.norm(eye_landmarks[18, :] -
                                                    eye_landmarks[17, :])

                    # Smooth and visualize gaze direction
                    num_total_eyes_in_frame = len(frame['eyes'])
                    if len(all_gaze_histories) != num_total_eyes_in_frame:
                        all_gaze_histories = [list() for _ in range(num_total_eyes_in_frame)]
                    gaze_history = all_gaze_histories[eye_index]
                    if can_use_eye:
                        # Visualize landmarks
                        cv.drawMarker(  # Eyeball centre
                            bgr, tuple(np.round(eyeball_centre).astype(np.int32)),
                            color=(0, 255, 0), markerType=cv.MARKER_CROSS, markerSize=4,
                            thickness=1, line_type=cv.LINE_AA,
                        # cv.circle(  # Eyeball outline
                        #     bgr, tuple(np.round(eyeball_centre).astype(np.int32)),
                        #     int(np.round(eyeball_radius)), color=(0, 255, 0),
                        #     thickness=1, lineType=cv.LINE_AA,
                        # )

                        # Draw "gaze"
                        # from models.elg import estimate_gaze_from_landmarks
                        # current_gaze = estimate_gaze_from_landmarks(
                        #     iris_landmarks, iris_centre, eyeball_centre, eyeball_radius)
                        i_x0, i_y0 = iris_centre
                        e_x0, e_y0 = eyeball_centre
                        theta = -np.arcsin(np.clip((i_y0 - e_y0) / eyeball_radius, -1.0, 1.0))
                        phi = np.arcsin(np.clip((i_x0 - e_x0) / (eyeball_radius * -np.cos(theta)),
                                                -1.0, 1.0))
                        current_gaze = np.array([theta, phi])
                        gaze_history_max_len = 10
                        if len(gaze_history) > gaze_history_max_len:
                            gaze_history = gaze_history[-gaze_history_max_len:]
                        util.gaze.draw_gaze(bgr, iris_centre, np.mean(gaze_history, axis=0),
                                            length=120.0, thickness=1)

                    if can_use_eyelid:
                            bgr, [np.round(eyelid_landmarks).astype(np.int32).reshape(-1, 1, 2)],
                            isClosed=True, color=(255, 255, 0), thickness=1, lineType=cv.LINE_AA,

                    if can_use_iris:
                            bgr, [np.round(iris_landmarks).astype(np.int32).reshape(-1, 1, 2)],
                            isClosed=True, color=(0, 255, 255), thickness=1, lineType=cv.LINE_AA,
                            bgr, tuple(np.round(iris_centre).astype(np.int32)),
                            color=(0, 255, 255), markerType=cv.MARKER_CROSS, markerSize=4,
                            thickness=1, line_type=cv.LINE_AA,

                    dtime = 1e3*(time.time() - start_time)
                    if 'visualization' not in frame['time']:
                        frame['time']['visualization'] = dtime
                        frame['time']['visualization'] += dtime

                    def _dtime(before_id, after_id):
                        return int(1e3 * (frame['time'][after_id] - frame['time'][before_id]))

                    def _dstr(title, before_id, after_id):
                        return '%s: %dms' % (title, _dtime(before_id, after_id))

                    if eye_index == len(frame['eyes']) - 1:
                        # Calculate timings
                        frame['time']['after_visualization'] = time.time()
                        fps = int(np.round(1.0 / (time.time() - last_frame_time)))
                        if len(fps_history) > 60:
                            fps_history = fps_history[-60:]
                        fps_str = '%d FPS' % np.mean(fps_history)
                        last_frame_time = time.time()
                        fh, fw, _ = bgr.shape
                        cv.putText(bgr, fps_str, org=(fw - 110, fh - 20),
                                   fontFace=cv.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, fontScale=0.8,
                                   color=(0, 0, 0), thickness=1, lineType=cv.LINE_AA)
                        cv.putText(bgr, fps_str, org=(fw - 111, fh - 21),
                                   fontFace=cv.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, fontScale=0.79,
                                   color=(255, 255, 255), thickness=1, lineType=cv.LINE_AA)
                        if not args.headless:
                            cv.imshow('vis', bgr)
                        last_frame_index = frame_index

                        # Record frame?
                        if args.record_video:

                        # Quit?
                        if cv.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):

                        # Print timings
                        if frame_index % 60 == 0:
                            latency = _dtime('before_frame_read', 'after_visualization')
                            processing = _dtime('after_frame_read', 'after_visualization')
                            timing_string = ', '.join([
                                _dstr('read', 'before_frame_read', 'after_frame_read'),
                                _dstr('preproc', 'after_frame_read', 'after_preprocessing'),
                                'infer: %dms' % int(frame['time']['inference']),
                                'vis: %dms' % int(frame['time']['visualization']),
                                'proc: %dms' % processing,
                                'latency: %dms' % latency,
                            print('%08d [%s] %s' % (frame_index, fps_str, timing_string))
Exemplo n.º 47
    def update(self):

        # diam - diamond thickness
        # ds - seat thickness
        # r1 - small radius
        # r2 - large radius
        # tilt - tilting angle of DAC
        dtor = np.pi / 180.0

        diam = self._diamond_thickness
        ds = self._seat_thickness
        r1 = self._small_cbn_seat_radius
        r2 = self._large_cbn_seat_radius
        tilt = -self._tilt * dtor
        tilt_rotation = self._tilt_rotation * dtor + np.pi / 2
        center_offset_angle = self._center_offset_angle * dtor

        two_theta = self._tth_array * dtor
        azi = self._azi_array * dtor

        # calculate radius of the cone for each pixel specific to a center_offset and rotation angle
        if self._center_offset != 0:
            beta = azi - np.arcsin(self._center_offset * np.sin(
                (np.pi -
                 (azi + center_offset_angle))) / r1) + center_offset_angle
            r1 = np.sqrt(r1**2 + self._center_offset**2 -
                         2 * r1 * self._center_offset * np.cos(beta))
            r2 = np.sqrt(r2**2 + self._center_offset**2 -
                         2 * r2 * self._center_offset * np.cos(beta))

        # defining rotation matrices for the diamond anvil cell
        Rx = np.matrix([[1, 0, 0],
                        [0, np.cos(tilt_rotation), -np.sin(tilt_rotation)],
                        [0, np.sin(tilt_rotation),

        Ry = np.matrix([[np.cos(tilt), 0, np.sin(tilt)], [0, 1, 0],
                        [-np.sin(tilt), 0, np.cos(tilt)]])

        dac_vector = np.array(Rx * Ry * np.matrix([1, 0, 0]).T)

        # calculating a diffraction vector for each pixel
        diffraction_vec = np.array([
            np.cos(azi) * np.sin(two_theta),
            np.sin(azi) * np.sin(two_theta)

        # angle between diffraction vector and diamond anvil cell vector based on dot product:
        tt = np.arccos(dot_product(dac_vector, diffraction_vec) / \
                       (vector_len(dac_vector) * vector_len(diffraction_vec)))

        # calculate path through diamond its absorption
        path_diamond = diam / np.cos(tt)
        abs_diamond = np.exp(-path_diamond / self._diamond_abs_length)

        # define the different regions for the absorption in the seat
        # region 2 is partial absorption (in the cone) and region 3 is complete absorbtion
        ts1 = np.arctan(r1 / diam)
        ts2 = np.arctan(r2 / (diam + ds))
        tseat = np.arctan((r2 - r1) / ds)

        region2 = np.logical_and(tt > ts1, tt < ts2)
        region3 = tt >= ts2

        # calculate the paths through each region
        path_seat = np.zeros(tt.shape)
        if self._center_offset != 0:
            deltar = diam * np.tan(tt[region2]) - r1[region2]
            alpha = np.pi / 2. - tseat[region2]
            gamma = np.pi - (alpha + tt[region2] + np.pi / 2)
            deltar = diam * np.tan(tt[region2]) - r1
            alpha = np.pi / 2. - tseat
            gamma = np.pi - (alpha + tt[region2] + np.pi / 2)

        path_seat[region2] = deltar * np.sin(alpha) / np.sin(gamma)
        path_seat[region3] = ds / np.cos(tt[region3])

        abs_seat = np.exp(-path_seat / self._seat_abs_length)

        # combine both, diamond and seat absorption correction
        self._data = abs_diamond * abs_seat
Exemplo n.º 48
angle = -40
k_0 = 10
n = 4

k_y = k_0 * np.sin(np.deg2rad(angle))
k_z1 = k_0 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(angle))
k_z2 = np.sqrt((k_0 * n)**2 - k_y**2)

frames = 100
list = []

amp = 10
r_coef = 0.5
t_coef = 0.5

ref_angle = np.rad2deg(np.arcsin(np.sin(np.deg2rad(angle)) / n))


def myFun(x, y, i):
    if y > 0:
        if y < -1 / np.sin(np.deg2rad(-angle)) * (x - 0.5) and y < 1 / np.sin(
                np.deg2rad(-angle)) * (x + 1.5):
            return amp * np.real(np.exp(
                1j * (k_y * x + k_z1 * y + 0.1 * i))) + amp * r_coef * np.real(
                    np.exp(1j * (k_y * x - k_z1 * y + 0.1 * i)))
        if y < -1 / np.sin(np.deg2rad(-angle)) * (x - 0.5):
            return amp * np.real(np.exp(
                1j * (k_y * x + k_z1 * y + 0.1 * i))) + amp * np.real(
                    np.exp(1j *
Exemplo n.º 49
# Centre frequency of modelled antenna
f = 1.5e9  # GSSI 1.5GHz antenna model

# Largest dimension of antenna transmitting element
D = 0.060  # GSSI 1.5GHz antenna model

# Traces to plot for sanity checking
traceno = np.s_[:]  # All traces

# Critical angle and velocity
if epsr:
    mr = 1
    z1 = np.sqrt(mr / epsr) * z0
    v1 = c / np.sqrt(epsr)
    thetac = np.round(np.arcsin(v1 / c) * (180 / np.pi))
    wavelength = v1 / f

# Print some useful information
print('Centre frequency: {} GHz'.format(f / 1e9))
if epsr:
    print('Critical angle for Er {} is {} degrees'.format(epsr, thetac))
    print('Wavelength: {:.3f} m'.format(wavelength))
        'Observation distance(s) from {:.3f} m ({:.1f} wavelengths) to {:.3f} m ({:.1f} wavelengths)'
        .format(radii[0], radii[0] / wavelength, radii[-1],
                radii[-1] / wavelength))
        'Theoretical boundary between reactive & radiating near-field (0.62*sqrt((D^3/wavelength): {:.3f} m'
        .format(0.62 * np.sqrt((D**3) / wavelength)))
Exemplo n.º 50

e = np.sqrt((1 - (np.linalg.norm(h)**2)) / a)


hz = h[3]
i = np.arccos(hz / np.linalg.norm(h))  #entre 0 y 90°

#Longitud del nodo ascendente(O-omega)

hx = h[0]
hy = -h[1]
O1 = np.arcsin(hx / np.linalg.norm(h) * np.sin(i))
O2 = np.arccos(-hy / np.linalg.norm(h) * np.sin(i))
O = com(O1, O2)

#hallar v True anomaly

v1 = np.arccos(((a * (1 - squ(e)) / Norma_rm) - 1) * 1 / e)
v2 = np.arcsin(((np.dot(rm, rp) * a *
                 (1 - squ(e))) / np.linalg.norm(h) * Norma_rm) * 1 / e)
v = np.rad2deg(com(v1, v2))

#hallar U--revisar x,y,z

U1 = np.arccos(np.dot(rm, np.cos(O) + np.sin(O)) / Norma_rm)
Exemplo n.º 51
def bvn_cdf(x,
    """ Bivariate normal cumulative distribution function with specified mean and covariance matrix.
    x : float or numpy.ndarray of floats
        x-coordinate(s) at which to evaluate the CDF (upper limit).
    y : float or numpy.ndarray of floats 
        y-coordinate(s) at which to evaluate the CDF (upper limit).
    mu_x : float
        x-coordinate of the mean.
    mu_y : float
        y-coordinate of the mean.
    sigma_x : float
        Variance in x.
    sigma_y : float
        Variance in y.
    sigma_xy : float
        Covariance of x and y.
        Value of joint CDF at (x, y), i.e.,  P(X <= birth, Y <= pers).
    Based on the Matlab implementations by Thomas H. Jørgensen (http://www.tjeconomics.com/code/) and Alan Genz (http://www.math.wsu.edu/math/faculty/genz/software/matlab/bvnl.m) using the approach described by Drezner and Wesolowsky (https://doi.org/10.1080/00949659008811236).
    dh = -(x - mu_x) / np.sqrt(sigma_xx)
    dk = -(y - mu_y) / np.sqrt(sigma_yy)

    hk = np.multiply(dh, dk)
    r = sigma_xy / np.sqrt(sigma_xx * sigma_yy)

    lg, w, x = gauss_legendre_quad(r)

    dim1 = np.ones((len(dh), ), dtype=np.float64)
    dim2 = np.ones((lg, ), dtype=np.float64)
    bvn = np.zeros((len(dh), ), dtype=np.float64)

    if abs(r) < 0.925:
        hs = (np.multiply(dh, dh) + np.multiply(dk, dk)) / 2.0
        asr = np.arcsin(r)
        sn1 = np.sin(asr * (1.0 - x) / 2.0)
        sn2 = np.sin(asr * (1.0 + x) / 2.0)
        dim1w = np.outer(dim1, w)
        hkdim2 = np.outer(hk, dim2)
        hsdim2 = np.outer(hs, dim2)
        dim1sn1 = np.outer(dim1, sn1)
        dim1sn2 = np.outer(dim1, sn2)
        sn12 = np.multiply(sn1, sn1)
        sn22 = np.multiply(sn2, sn2)
        bvn = asr * np.sum(np.multiply(dim1w, np.exp(np.divide(np.multiply(dim1sn1, hkdim2) - hsdim2,
                                                               (1 - np.outer(dim1, sn12))))) +
                           np.multiply(dim1w, np.exp(np.divide(np.multiply(dim1sn2, hkdim2) - hsdim2,
                                                               (1 - np.outer(dim1, sn22))))), axis=1) / (4 * np.pi) \
              + np.multiply(norm_cdf(-dh), norm_cdf(-dk))
        if r < 0:
            dk = -dk
            hk = -hk

        if abs(r) < 1:
            opmr = (1.0 - r) * (1.0 + r)
            sopmr = np.sqrt(opmr)
            xmy2 = np.multiply(dh - dk, dh - dk)
            xmy = np.sqrt(xmy2)
            rhk8 = (4.0 - hk) / 8.0
            rhk16 = (12.0 - hk) / 16.0
            asr = -1.0 * (np.divide(xmy2, opmr) + hk) / 2.0

            ind = asr > 100
            bvn[ind] = sopmr * np.multiply(
                np.exp(asr[ind]), 1.0 - np.multiply(
                    np.multiply(rhk8[ind], xmy2[ind] - opmr),
                    (1.0 - np.multiply(rhk16[ind], xmy2[ind]) / 5.0) / 3.0) +
                np.multiply(rhk8[ind], rhk16[ind]) * opmr * opmr / 5.0)

            ind = hk > -100
            ncdfxmyt = np.sqrt(2.0 * np.pi) * norm_cdf(-xmy / sopmr)
            bvn[ind] = bvn[ind] - np.multiply(
                np.multiply(np.multiply(np.exp(-hk[ind] / 2.0), ncdfxmyt[ind]),
                1.0 - np.multiply(
                    np.multiply(rhk8[ind], xmy2[ind]),
                    (1.0 - np.multiply(rhk16[ind], xmy2[ind]) / 5.0) / 3.0))
            sopmr = sopmr / 2
            for ix in [-1, 1]:
                xs = np.multiply(sopmr + sopmr * ix * x,
                                 sopmr + sopmr * ix * x)
                rs = np.sqrt(1 - xs)
                xmy2dim2 = np.outer(xmy2, dim2)
                dim1xs = np.outer(dim1, xs)
                dim1rs = np.outer(dim1, rs)
                dim1w = np.outer(dim1, w)
                rhk16dim2 = np.outer(rhk16, dim2)
                hkdim2 = np.outer(hk, dim2)
                asr1 = -1.0 * (np.divide(xmy2dim2, dim1xs) + hkdim2) / 2.0

                ind1 = asr1 > -100
                cdim2 = np.outer(rhk8, dim2)
                sp1 = 1.0 + np.multiply(np.multiply(cdim2, dim1xs),
                                        1.0 + np.multiply(rhk16dim2, dim1xs))
                ep1 = np.divide(
                        np.divide(-np.multiply(hkdim2, (1.0 - dim1rs)),
                                  2.0 * (1.0 + dim1rs))), dim1rs)
                bvn = bvn + np.sum(np.multiply(
                    np.multiply(np.multiply(sopmr, dim1w),
                                np.exp(np.multiply(asr1, ind1))),
                    np.multiply(ep1, ind1) - np.multiply(sp1, ind1)),
            bvn = -bvn / (2.0 * np.pi)

        if r > 0:
            bvn = bvn + norm_cdf(-np.maximum(dh, dk))
        elif r < 0:
            bvn = -bvn + np.maximum(0, norm_cdf(-dh) - norm_cdf(-dk))

    return bvn
Exemplo n.º 52
def controller(states, states_load, states_d, parameters):

    # mass of vehicles (kg)
    m = parameters.m
    ml = .136
    # is there some onboard thrust control based on the vertical acceleration?
    ml = .01

    # acceleration due to gravity (m/s^2)
    g = parameters.g
    rospy.logwarn('g: ' + str(g))

    # Angular velocities multiplication factor
    # Dw  = parameters.Dw

    # third canonical basis vector
    e3 = numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0])

    # transported mass: position and velocity
    p = states[0:3]
    v = states[3:6]
    # thrust unit vector and its angular velocity
    R = states[6:15]
    R = numpy.reshape(R, (3, 3))
    r3 = R.dot(e3)

    # load
    pl = states_load[0:3]
    vl = states_load[3:6]

    Lmeas = norm(p - pl)
    rospy.logwarn('rope length: ' + str(Lmeas))
    L = 0.66

    #rospy.logwarn('param Throttle_neutral: '+str(parameters.Throttle_neutral))

    rl = (p - pl) / Lmeas
    omegal = skew(rl).dot(v - vl) / Lmeas
    omegal = zeros(3)

    # desired quad trajectory
    pd = states_d[0:3] - L * e3
    vd = states_d[3:6]
    ad = states_d[6:9]
    jd = states_d[9:12]
    sd = states_d[12:15]

    # rospy.logwarn(numpy.concatenate((v,vl,vd)))

    # position error and velocity error
    ep = pl - pd
    ev = vl - vd

    rospy.logwarn('ep: ' + str(ep))

    gstar = g * e3 + ad
    d_gstar = jd
    dd_gstar = sd

    #rospy.logwarn('rl: '+str(rl))
    #rospy.logwarn('omegal: '+str(omegal))
    #rospy.logwarn('ev: '+str(ev))

    # temp override
    #rl = array([0.,0.,1.])
    #omegal = zeros(3)
    #L = 1


    # rospy.logwarn('ep='+str(ep)+' ev='+str(ev)+' rl='+str(rl)+' omegal='+str(omegal))

    Tl, tau, _, _ = backstep_ctrl(ep, ev, rl, omegal, gstar, d_gstar, dd_gstar)
    rospy.logwarn('g: ' + str(g))

    U = (eye(3) - outer(rl, rl)).dot(tau * m * L) + rl * (
        # -m/L*inner(v-vl,v-vl)
        +Tl * (m + ml))
    U = R.T.dot(U)

    n = rl

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
    # The throttle sent to the motors is automatically adjusted based on the tilt angle
    # of the vehicle (i.e increased as the vehicle tilts over more) to reduce the
    # compensation the pilot must fo as the vehicles attitude changes
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
    # Full_actuation = m*(ad + u + g*e3 + self.d_est)
    Full_actuation = U

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#

    U = numpy.zeros(4)

    Throttle = numpy.dot(Full_actuation, r3)
    # this decreases the throtle, which will be increased
    Throttle = Throttle * numpy.dot(n, r3)
    U[0] = Throttle

    # current  euler angles
    euler = GetEulerAngles(R)
    # current phi and theta
    phi = euler[0]
    theta = euler[1]
    # current psi
    psi = euler[2]

    # Rz(psi)*Ry(theta_des)*Rx(phi_des) = r3_des

    # desired roll and pitch angles
    r3_des = Full_actuation / numpy.linalg.norm(Full_actuation)
    r3_des_rot = Rz(-psi).dot(r3_des)

    sin_phi = -r3_des_rot[1]
    sin_phi = bound(sin_phi, 1, -1)
    phi = numpy.arcsin(sin_phi)
    U[1] = phi

    sin_theta = r3_des_rot[0] / c(phi)
    sin_theta = bound(sin_theta, 1, -1)
    cos_theta = r3_des_rot[2] / c(phi)
    cos_theta = bound(cos_theta, 1, -1)
    pitch = numpy.arctan2(sin_theta, cos_theta)
    U[2] = pitch

    # yaw control: gain
    k_yaw = parameters.k_yaw
    # desired yaw: psi_star
    psi_star = parameters.psi_star

    psi_star_dot = 0
    psi_dot = psi_star_dot - k_yaw * s(psi - psi_star)
    U[3] = 1 / c(phi) * (c(theta) * psi_dot - s(phi) * U[2])

    U = Cmd_Converter(U, parameters)

    return U
Exemplo n.º 53
    ax.view_init(hoshi_chihei.alt.value, hoshi_chihei.az.value)

    # 天頂から天体までの曲線
    tenchou_chihei = SkyCoord(az=hoshi_chihei.az,
                              alt=np.linspace(hoshi_chihei.alt.value, 90, 101),
    tenchou_xyz = tenchou_chihei.cartesian.xyz
    ax.plot(*tenchou_xyz, color='#9999ff')

    # 時間と方位角と仰俯角と視差角を書く
    az = hoshi_chihei.az.to_string(unit=u.degree, sep=['° ', '′ ', '″'])
    alt = hoshi_chihei.alt.to_string(unit=u.degree, sep=['° ', '′ ', '″'])
    parang = np.degrees(
            np.sin(hoshi_chihei.az.radian) * np.cos(koko.lat.radian) /
        f'{(ima+9*u.hour).datetime}\naz = {az}\nalt = {alt}\nparang= {parang:.3f}',

Exemplo n.º 54
def read(humfile, sonpath, cs2cs_args, c, draft, doplot, t, bedpick, flip_lr,
         model, calc_bearing, filt_bearing, chunk):  #cog = 1,
    Read a .DAT and associated set of .SON files recorded by a Humminbird(R)

    Parse the data into a set of memory mapped files that will
    subsequently be used by the other functions of the PyHum module.

    Export time-series data and metadata in other formats.

    Create a kml file for visualising boat track

    [] = PyHum.read(humfile, sonpath, cs2cs_args, c, draft, doplot, t, bedpick, flip_lr, chunksize, model, calc_bearing, filt_bearing, chunk)

    humfile : str
       path to the .DAT file
    sonpath : str
       path where the *.SON files are
    cs2cs_args : int, *optional* [Default="epsg:26949"]
       arguments to create coordinates in a projected coordinate system
       this argument gets given to pyproj to turn wgs84 (lat/lon) coordinates
       into any projection supported by the proj.4 libraries
    c : float, *optional* [Default=1450.0]
       speed of sound in water (m/s). Defaults to a value of freshwater
    draft : float, *optional* [Default=0.3]
       draft from water surface to transducer face (m)
    doplot : float, *optional* [Default=1]
       if 1, plots will be made
    t : float, *optional* [Default=0.108]
       length of transducer array (m).
       Default value is that of the 998 series Humminbird(R)
    bedpick : int, *optional* [Default=1]
       if 1, bedpicking with be carried out automatically
       if 0, user will be prompted to pick the bed location on screen
    flip_lr : int, *optional* [Default=0]
       if 1, port and starboard scans will be flipped
       (for situations where the transducer is flipped 180 degrees)
    model: int, *optional* [Default=998]
       A 3 or 4 number code indicating the model number
       Examples: 998, 997, 1198, 1199
    calc_bearing : float, *optional* [Default=0]
       if 1, bearing will be calculated from coordinates
    filt_bearing : float, *optional* [Default=0]
       if 1, bearing will be filtered
    chunk : str, *optional* [Default='d100' (distance, 100 m)]
       letter, followed by a number.
       There are the following letter options:
       'd' - parse chunks based on distance, then number which is distance in m
       'p' - parse chunks based on number of pings, then number which is number of pings
       'h' - parse chunks based on change in heading, then number which is the change in heading in degrees
       '1' - process just 1 chunk

    sonpath+base+'_data_port.dat': memory-mapped file
        contains the raw echogram from the port side
        sidescan sonar (where present)

    sonpath+base+'_data_port.dat': memory-mapped file
        contains the raw echogram from the starboard side
        sidescan sonar (where present)

    sonpath+base+'_data_dwnhi.dat': memory-mapped file
        contains the raw echogram from the high-frequency
        echosounder (where present)

    sonpath+base+'_data_dwnlow.dat': memory-mapped file
        contains the raw echogram from the low-frequency
        echosounder (where present)

    sonpath+base+"trackline.kml": google-earth kml file
        contains the trackline of the vessel during data

    sonpath+base+'rawdat.csv': comma separated value file
        contains time-series data. columns corresponding to
        easting (m)
        northing (m)
        depth to bed (m)
        alongtrack cumulative distance (m)
        vessel heading (deg.)

    sonpath+base+'meta.mat': .mat file
        matlab format file containing a dictionary object
        holding metadata information. Fields are:
        e : ndarray, easting (m)
        n : ndarray, northing (m)
        es : ndarray, low-pass filtered easting (m)
        ns : ndarray, low-pass filtered northing (m)
        lat : ndarray, latitude
        lon : ndarray, longitude
        shape_port : tuple, shape of port scans in memory mapped file
        shape_star : tuple, shape of starboard scans in memory mapped file
        shape_hi : tuple, shape of high-freq. scans in memory mapped file
        shape_low : tuple, shape of low-freq. scans in memory mapped file
        dep_m : ndarray, depth to bed (m)
        dist_m : ndarray, distance along track (m)
        heading : ndarray, heading of vessel (deg. N)
        pix_m: float, size of 1 pixel in across-track dimension (m)
        bed : ndarray, depth to bed (m)
        c : float, speed of sound in water (m/s)
        t : length of sidescan transducer array (m)
        spd : ndarray, vessel speed (m/s)
        time_s : ndarray, time elapsed (s)
        caltime : ndarray, unix epoch time (s)

    # prompt user to supply file if no input file given
    if not humfile:
        print('An input file is required!!!!!!')
        )  # we don't want a full GUI, so keep the root window from appearing
        humfile = askopenfilename(filetypes=[("DAT files", "*.DAT")])

    # prompt user to supply directory if no input sonpath is given
    if not sonpath:
        print('A *.SON directory is required!!!!!!')
        )  # we don't want a full GUI, so keep the root window from appearing
        sonpath = askdirectory()

    # print given arguments to screen and convert data type where necessary
    if humfile:
        print('Input file is %s' % (humfile))

    if sonpath:
        print('Son files are in %s' % (sonpath))

    if cs2cs_args:
        print('cs2cs arguments are %s' % (cs2cs_args))

    if draft:
        draft = float(draft)
        print('Draft: %s' % (str(draft)))

    if c:
        c = float(c)
        print('Celerity of sound: %s m/s' % (str(c)))

    if doplot:
        doplot = int(doplot)
        if doplot == 0:
            print("Plots will not be made")

    if flip_lr:
        flip_lr = int(flip_lr)
        if flip_lr == 1:
            print("Port and starboard will be flipped")

    if t:
        t = np.asarray(t, float)
        print('Transducer length is %s m' % (str(t)))

    if bedpick:
        bedpick = np.asarray(bedpick, int)
        if bedpick == 1:
            print('Bed picking is auto')
        elif bedpick == 0:
            print('Bed picking is manual')
            print('User will be prompted per chunk about bed picking method')

    if chunk:
        chunk = str(chunk)
        if chunk[0] == 'd':
            chunkmode = 1
            chunkval = int(chunk[1:])
            print('Chunks based on distance of %s m' % (str(chunkval)))
        elif chunk[0] == 'p':
            chunkmode = 2
            chunkval = int(chunk[1:])
            print('Chunks based on %s pings' % (str(chunkval)))
        elif chunk[0] == 'h':
            chunkmode = 3
            chunkval = int(chunk[1:])
            print('Chunks based on heading devation of %s degrees' %
        elif chunk[0] == '1':
            chunkmode = 4
            chunkval = 1
            print('Only 1 chunk will be produced')
                "Chunk mode not understood - should be 'd', 'p', or 'h' - using defaults"
            chunkmode = 1
            chunkval = 100
            print('Chunks based on distance of %s m' % (str(chunkval)))

    if model:
            model = int(model)
            print("Data is from the %s series" % (str(model)))
            if model == 'onix':
                model = 0
                print("Data is from the ONIX series")
            elif model == 'helix':
                model = 1
                print("Data is from the HELIX series")
            elif model == 'mega':
                model = 2
                print("Data is from the MEGA series")
#    if cog:
#       cog = int(cog)
#       if cog==1:
#          print "Heading based on course-over-ground"

    if calc_bearing:
        calc_bearing = int(calc_bearing)
        if calc_bearing == 1:
            print("Bearing will be calculated from coordinates")

    if filt_bearing:
        filt_bearing = int(filt_bearing)
        if filt_bearing == 1:
            print("Bearing will be filtered")

    ## for debugging
    #humfile = r"test.DAT"; sonpath = "test_data"
    #cs2cs_args = "epsg:26949"; doplot = 1; draft = 0
    #c=1450; bedpick=1; fliplr=1; chunk = 'd100'
    #model=998; cog=1; calc_bearing=0; filt_bearing=0

    #if model==2:
    #   f = 1000
    f = 455

            "Checking the epsg code you have chosen for compatibility with Basemap ... "
        from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
        m = Basemap(projection='merc',
        del m
        print("... epsg code compatible")
    except (ValueError):
            "Error: the epsg code you have chosen is not compatible with Basemap"
            "please choose a different epsg code (http://spatialreference.org/)"
        print("program will now close")

    # start timer
    if os.name == 'posix':  # true if linux/mac or cygwin on windows
        start = time.time()
    else:  # windows
        start = time.clock()

    # if son path name supplied has no separator at end, put one on
    if sonpath[-1] != os.sep:
        sonpath = sonpath + os.sep

    # get the SON files from this directory
    sonfiles = glob.glob(sonpath + '*.SON')
    if not sonfiles:
        sonfiles = glob.glob(os.getcwd() + os.sep + sonpath + '*.SON')

    base = humfile.split('.DAT')  # get base of file name for output
    base = base[0].split(os.sep)[-1]

    # remove underscores, negatives and spaces from basename
    base = humutils.strip_base(base)

    print("WARNING: Because files have to be read in byte by byte,")
    print("this could take a very long time ...")

    #reading each sonfile in parallel should be faster ...
        o = Parallel(n_jobs=np.min([len(sonfiles), cpu_count()]), verbose=0)(
            delayed(getscans)(sonfiles[k], humfile, c, model, cs2cs_args)
            for k in range(len(sonfiles)))
        X, Y, A, B = zip(*o)

        for k in range(len(Y)):
            if Y[k] == 'sidescan_port':
                dat = A[k]  #data.gethumdat()
                metadat = B[k]  #data.getmetadata()
                if flip_lr == 0:
                    data_port = X[k].astype('int16')
                    data_star = X[k].astype('int16')

            elif Y[k] == 'sidescan_starboard':
                if flip_lr == 0:
                    data_star = X[k].astype('int16')
                    data_port = X[k].astype('int16')

            elif Y[k] == 'down_lowfreq':
                data_dwnlow = X[k].astype('int16')

            elif Y[k] == 'down_highfreq':
                data_dwnhi = X[k].astype('int16')

            elif Y[k] == 'down_vhighfreq':  #hopefully this only applies to mega systems
                data_dwnhi = X[k].astype('int16')

        del X, Y, A, B, o
        old_pyread = 0

        if 'data_port' not in locals():
            data_port = ''
            print("portside scan not available")

        if 'data_star' not in locals():
            data_star = ''
            print("starboardside scan not available")

        if 'data_dwnhi' not in locals():
            data_dwnlow = ''
            print("high-frq. downward scan not available")

        if 'data_dwnlow' not in locals():
            data_dwnlow = ''
            print("low-frq. downward scan not available")

    except:  # revert back to older version if paralleleised version fails

            "something went wrong with the parallelised version of pyread ...")

            import pyread
            from . import pyread

        data = pyread.pyread(sonfiles, humfile, c, model, cs2cs_args)

        dat = data.gethumdat()

        metadat = data.getmetadata()

        old_pyread = 1

    nrec = len(metadat['n'])

    metadat['instr_heading'] = metadat['heading'][:nrec]

    #metadat['heading'] = humutils.get_bearing(calc_bearing, filt_bearing, cog, metadat['lat'], metadat['lon'], metadat['instr_heading'])

        es = humutils.runningMeanFast(metadat['e'][:nrec],
                                      len(metadat['e'][:nrec]) / 100)
        ns = humutils.runningMeanFast(metadat['n'][:nrec],
                                      len(metadat['n'][:nrec]) / 100)
        es = metadat['e'][:nrec]
        ns = metadat['n'][:nrec]

    metadat['es'] = es
    metadat['ns'] = ns

        trans = pyproj.Proj(init=cs2cs_args)
        trans = pyproj.Proj(cs2cs_args.lstrip(), inverse=True)

    lon, lat = trans(es, ns, inverse=True)
    metadat['lon'] = lon
    metadat['lat'] = lat

    metadat['heading'] = humutils.get_bearing(calc_bearing, filt_bearing,
                                              metadat['lat'], metadat['lon'],
                                              metadat['instr_heading'])  #cog

    dist_m = humutils.get_dist(lat, lon)
    metadat['dist_m'] = dist_m

    if calc_bearing == 1:  # recalculate speed, m/s
        ds = np.gradient(np.squeeze(metadat['time_s']))
        dx = np.gradient(np.squeeze(metadat['dist_m']))
        metadat['spd'] = dx[:nrec] / ds[:nrec]

    # theta at 3dB in the horizontal
    theta3dB = np.arcsin(c / (t * (f * 1000)))
    #resolution of 1 sidescan pixel to nadir
    ft = (np.pi / 2) * (1 / theta3dB)  #/ (f/455)

    dep_m = humutils.get_depth(metadat['dep_m'][:nrec])

    if old_pyread == 1:  #older pyread version

        # port scan
            if flip_lr == 0:
                data_port = data.getportscans().astype('int16')
                data_port = data.getstarscans().astype('int16')
            data_port = ''
            print("portside scan not available")

    if data_port != '':

        Zt, ind_port = makechunks_scan(chunkmode, chunkval, metadat, data_port,
        del data_port

        ## create memory mapped file for Z
        shape_port = io.set_mmap_data(sonpath, base, '_data_port.dat', 'int16',

        ##we are only going to access the portion of memory required
        port_fp = io.get_mmap_data(sonpath, base, '_data_port.dat', 'int16',

    if old_pyread == 1:  #older pyread version
        # starboard scan
            if flip_lr == 0:
                data_star = data.getstarscans().astype('int16')
                data_star = data.getportscans().astype('int16')
            data_star = ''
            print("starboardside scan not available")

    if data_star != '':

        Zt, ind_star = makechunks_scan(chunkmode, chunkval, metadat, data_star,
        del data_star

        # create memory mapped file for Z
        shape_star = io.set_mmap_data(sonpath, base, '_data_star.dat', 'int16',

        star_fp = io.get_mmap_data(sonpath, base, '_data_star.dat', 'int16',

    if 'star_fp' in locals() and 'port_fp' in locals():
        # check that port and starboard are same size
        # and trim if not
        if np.shape(star_fp) != np.shape(port_fp):
                "port and starboard scans are different sizes ... rectifying")
            if np.shape(port_fp[0])[1] > np.shape(star_fp[0])[1]:
                tmp = port_fp.copy()
                tmp2 = np.empty_like(star_fp)
                for k in range(len(tmp)):
                    tmp2[k] = tmp[k][:, :np.shape(star_fp[k])[1]]
                del tmp

                # create memory mapped file for Z
                shape_port = io.set_mmap_data(sonpath, base, '_data_port2.dat',
                                              'int16', tmp2)
                #shape_star = shape_port.copy()
                shape_star = tuple(np.asarray(shape_port).copy())

                ##we are only going to access the portion of memory required
                port_fp = io.get_mmap_data(sonpath, base, '_data_port2.dat',
                                           'int16', shape_port)

                ind_port = list(ind_port)
                ind_port[-1] = np.shape(star_fp[0])[1]
                ind_port = tuple(ind_port)

            elif np.shape(port_fp[0])[1] < np.shape(star_fp[0])[1]:
                tmp = star_fp.copy()
                tmp2 = np.empty_like(port_fp)
                for k in range(len(tmp)):
                    tmp2[k] = tmp[k][:, :np.shape(port_fp[k])[1]]
                del tmp

                # create memory mapped file for Z
                shape_port = io.set_mmap_data(sonpath, base, '_data_star2.dat',
                                              'int16', tmp2)
                #shape_star = shape_port.copy()
                shape_star = tuple(np.asarray(shape_port).copy())

                #we are only going to access the portion of memory required
                star_fp = io.get_mmap_data(sonpath, base, '_data_star2.dat',
                                           'int16', shape_star)

                ind_star = list(ind_star)
                ind_star[-1] = np.shape(port_fp[0])[1]
                ind_star = tuple(ind_star)

    if old_pyread == 1:  #older pyread version
        # low-freq. sonar
            data_dwnlow = data.getlowscans().astype('int16')
            data_dwnlow = ''
            print("low-freq. scan not available")

    if data_dwnlow != '':

        Zt, ind_low = makechunks_scan(chunkmode, chunkval, metadat,
                                      data_dwnlow, 2)
        del data_dwnlow

        # create memory mapped file for Z
        shape_low = io.set_mmap_data(sonpath, base, '_data_dwnlow.dat',
                                     'int16', Zt)

        ##we are only going to access the portion of memory required
        dwnlow_fp = io.get_mmap_data(sonpath, base, '_data_dwnlow.dat',
                                     'int16', shape_low)

    if old_pyread == 1:  #older pyread version
        # hi-freq. sonar
            data_dwnhi = data.gethiscans().astype('int16')
            data_dwnhi = ''
            print("high-freq. scan not available")

    if data_dwnhi != '':

        Zt, ind_hi = makechunks_scan(chunkmode, chunkval, metadat, data_dwnhi,
        del data_dwnhi

        # create memory mapped file for Z
        shape_hi = io.set_mmap_data(sonpath, base, '_data_dwnhi.dat', 'int16',

        dwnhi_fp = io.get_mmap_data(sonpath, base, '_data_dwnhi.dat', 'int16',

    if 'dwnhi_fp' in locals() and 'dwnlow_fp' in locals():
        # check that low and high are same size
        # and trim if not
        if (np.shape(dwnhi_fp) != np.shape(dwnlow_fp)) and (chunkmode != 4):
            print("dwnhi and dwnlow are different sizes ... rectifying")
            if np.shape(dwnhi_fp[0])[1] > np.shape(dwnlow_fp[0])[1]:
                tmp = dwnhi_fp.copy()
                tmp2 = np.empty_like(dwnlow_fp)
                for k in range(len(tmp)):
                    tmp2[k] = tmp[k][:, :np.shape(dwnlow_fp[k])[1]]
                del tmp

                # create memory mapped file for Z
                shape_low = io.set_mmap_data(sonpath, base, '_data_dwnhi2.dat',
                                             'int16', tmp2)
                #shape_hi = shape_low.copy()
                shape_hi = tuple(np.asarray(shape_low).copy())

                ##we are only going to access the portion of memory required
                dwnhi_fp = io.get_mmap_data(sonpath, base, '_data_dwnhi2.dat',
                                            'int16', shape_hi)

                ind_hi = list(ind_hi)
                ind_hi[-1] = np.shape(dwnlow_fp[0])[1]
                ind_hi = tuple(ind_hi)

            elif np.shape(dwnhi_fp[0])[1] < np.shape(dwnlow_fp[0])[1]:
                tmp = dwnlow_fp.copy()
                tmp2 = np.empty_like(dwnhi_fp)
                for k in range(len(tmp)):
                    tmp2[k] = tmp[k][:, :np.shape(dwnhi_fp[k])[1]]
                del tmp

                # create memory mapped file for Z
                shape_low = io.set_mmap_data(sonpath, base,
                                             '_data_dwnlow2.dat', 'int16',
                #shape_hi = shape_low.copy()
                shape_hi = tuple(np.asarray(shape_low).copy())

                ##we are only going to access the portion of memory required
                dwnlow_fp = io.get_mmap_data(sonpath, base,
                                             '_data_dwnlow2.dat', 'int16',

                ind_low = list(ind_low)
                ind_low[-1] = np.shape(dwnhi_fp[0])[1]
                ind_low = tuple(ind_low)

    if old_pyread == 1:  #older pyread version
        del data

    if ('shape_port' in locals()) and (chunkmode != 4):
        metadat['shape_port'] = shape_port
        nrec = metadat['shape_port'][0] * metadat['shape_port'][2]
    elif ('shape_port' in locals()) and (chunkmode == 4):
        metadat['shape_port'] = shape_port
        nrec = metadat['shape_port'][1]
        metadat['shape_port'] = ''

    if ('shape_star' in locals()) and (chunkmode != 4):
        metadat['shape_star'] = shape_star
        nrec = metadat['shape_star'][0] * metadat['shape_star'][2]
    elif ('shape_star' in locals()) and (chunkmode == 4):
        metadat['shape_star'] = shape_star
        nrec = metadat['shape_star'][1]
        metadat['shape_star'] = ''

    if ('shape_hi' in locals()) and (chunkmode != 4):
        metadat['shape_hi'] = shape_hi
        #nrec = metadat['shape_hi'][0] * metadat['shape_hi'][2] * 2
    elif ('shape_hi' in locals()) and (chunkmode == 4):
        metadat['shape_hi'] = shape_hi
        metadat['shape_hi'] = ''

    if ('shape_low' in locals()) and (chunkmode != 4):
        metadat['shape_low'] = shape_low
        #nrec = metadat['shape_low'][0] * metadat['shape_low'][2] * 2
    elif ('shape_low' in locals()) and (chunkmode == 4):
        metadat['shape_low'] = shape_low
        metadat['shape_low'] = ''

    #make kml boat trackline
    humutils.make_trackline(lon, lat, sonpath, base)

    if 'port_fp' in locals() and 'star_fp' in locals():

        #if not os.path.isfile(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(sonpath,base+'meta.mat'))):
        if 2 > 1:
            if bedpick == 1:  # auto

                x, bed = humutils.auto_bedpick(ft, dep_m, chunkmode, port_fp,

                if len(dist_m) < len(bed):
                    dist_m = np.append(
                        dist_m, dist_m[-1] * np.ones(len(bed) - len(dist_m)))

                if doplot == 1:
                    if chunkmode != 4:
                        for k in range(len(star_fp)):
                                port_fp[k], star_fp[k],
                                bed[ind_port[-1] * k:ind_port[-1] * (k + 1)],
                                dist_m[ind_port[-1] * k:ind_port[-1] *
                                       (k + 1)],
                                x[ind_port[-1] * k:ind_port[-1] * (k + 1)], ft,
                                shape_port, sonpath, k, chunkmode)
                        plot_2bedpicks(port_fp, star_fp, bed, dist_m, x, ft,
                                       shape_port, sonpath, 0, chunkmode)

                # 'real' bed is estimated to be the minimum of the two
                bed = np.min(np.vstack((bed[:nrec], np.squeeze(x[:nrec]))),
                bed = humutils.runningMeanFast(bed, 3)

            elif bedpick > 1:  # user prompt

                x, bed = humutils.auto_bedpick(ft, dep_m, chunkmode, port_fp,

                if len(dist_m) < len(bed):
                    dist_m = np.append(
                        dist_m, dist_m[-1] * np.ones(len(bed) - len(dist_m)))

                # 'real' bed is estimated to be the minimum of the two
                bed = np.min(np.vstack((bed[:nrec], np.squeeze(x[:nrec]))),
                bed = humutils.runningMeanFast(bed, 3)

                # manually intervene
                fig = plt.figure()
                ax = plt.gca()
                if chunkmode != 4:
                    im = ax.imshow(np.hstack(port_fp),
                    im = ax.imshow(port_fp, cmap='gray', origin='upper')
                plt.plot(bed, 'r')

                pts1 = plt.ginput(
                    timeout=30)  # it will wait for 200 clicks or 60 seconds
                x1 = map(lambda x: x[0],
                         pts1)  # map applies the function passed as
                y1 = map(lambda x: x[1],
                         pts1)  # first parameter to each element of pts
                del fig

                if x1 != []:  # if x1 is not empty
                    tree = KDTree(zip(np.arange(1, len(bed)), bed))
                        dist, inds = tree.query(zip(x1, y1),
                        dist, inds = tree.query(zip(x1, y1), k=100, eps=5)

                    b = np.interp(inds, x1, y1)
                    bed2 = bed.copy()
                    bed2[inds] = b
                    bed = bed2

                if doplot == 1:
                    if chunkmode != 4:
                        for k in range(len(star_fp)):
                                port_fp[k], star_fp[k],
                                bed[ind_port[-1] * k:ind_port[-1] * (k + 1)],
                                dist_m[ind_port[-1] * k:ind_port[-1] *
                                       (k + 1)],
                                x[ind_port[-1] * k:ind_port[-1] * (k + 1)], ft,
                                shape_port, sonpath, k, chunkmode)
                        plot_2bedpicks(port_fp, star_fp, bed, dist_m, x, ft,
                                       shape_port, sonpath, 0, chunkmode)

            else:  #manual

                beds = []

                if chunkmode != 4:
                    for k in range(len(port_fp)):
                            "Bed picking " + str(k + 1) + " of " +
                            str(len(port_fp)) +
                            ", are you ready? 30 seconds. Press Enter to continue..."
                        bed = {}
                        fig = plt.figure()
                        ax = plt.gca()
                        im = ax.imshow(port_fp[k], cmap='gray', origin='upper')
                        pts1 = plt.ginput(
                            n=300, timeout=30
                        )  # it will wait for 200 clicks or 60 seconds
                        x1 = map(lambda x: x[0],
                                 pts1)  # map applies the function passed as
                        y1 = map(
                            lambda x: x[1],
                            pts1)  # first parameter to each element of pts
                        bed = np.interp(np.r_[:ind_port[-1]], x1, y1)
                        del fig
                        extent = np.shape(port_fp[k])[0]
                    bed = np.asarray(np.hstack(beds), 'float')
                        "Bed picking - are you ready? 30 seconds. Press Enter to continue..."
                    bed = {}
                    fig = plt.figure()
                    ax = plt.gca()
                    im = ax.imshow(port_fp, cmap='gray', origin='upper')
                    pts1 = plt.ginput(
                        n=300, timeout=30
                    )  # it will wait for 200 clicks or 60 seconds
                    x1 = map(lambda x: x[0],
                             pts1)  # map applies the function passed as
                    y1 = map(lambda x: x[1],
                             pts1)  # first parameter to each element of pts
                    bed = np.interp(np.r_[:ind_port[-1]], x1, y1)
                    del fig
                    extent = np.shape(port_fp)[1]
                    bed = np.asarray(np.hstack(beds), 'float')

            # now revise the depth in metres
            dep_m = (1 / ft) * bed

            if doplot == 1:
                if chunkmode != 4:
                    for k in range(len(star_fp)):
                            port_fp[k], star_fp[k], (1 / ft) *
                            bed[ind_port[-1] * k:ind_port[-1] * (k + 1)],
                            dist_m[ind_port[-1] * k:ind_port[-1] * (k + 1)],
                            ft, shape_port, sonpath, k, chunkmode)
                    plot_bedpick(port_fp, star_fp, (1 / ft) * bed, dist_m, ft,
                                 shape_port, sonpath, 0, chunkmode)

            metadat['bed'] = bed[:nrec]

        metadat['bed'] = dep_m[:nrec] * ft

    metadat['heading'] = metadat['heading'][:nrec]
    metadat['lon'] = lon[:nrec]
    metadat['lat'] = lat[:nrec]
    metadat['dist_m'] = dist_m[:nrec]
    metadat['dep_m'] = dep_m[:nrec]
    metadat['pix_m'] = 1 / ft
    metadat['bed'] = metadat['bed'][:nrec]
    metadat['c'] = c
    metadat['t'] = t
    if model == 2:
        metadat['f'] = f * 2
        metadat['f'] = f

    metadat['spd'] = metadat['spd'][:nrec]
    metadat['time_s'] = metadat['time_s'][:nrec]
    metadat['e'] = metadat['e'][:nrec]
    metadat['n'] = metadat['n'][:nrec]
    metadat['es'] = metadat['es'][:nrec]
    metadat['ns'] = metadat['ns'][:nrec]
        metadat['caltime'] = metadat['caltime'][:nrec]
        metadat['caltime'] = metadat['caltime']

    savemat(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(sonpath, base + 'meta.mat')),

    f = open(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(sonpath, base + 'rawdat.csv')),
    writer = csv.writer(f)
        ('longitude', 'latitude', 'easting', 'northing', 'depth (m)',
         'distance (m)', 'instr. heading (deg)', 'heading (deg.)'))
    for i in range(0, nrec):
            (float(lon[i]), float(lat[i]), float(es[i]), float(ns[i]),
             float(dep_m[i]), float(dist_m[i]),
             float(metadat['instr_heading'][i]), float(metadat['heading'][i])))

    del lat, lon, dep_m  #, dist_m

    if doplot == 1:

        plot_pos(sonpath, metadat, es, ns)

        if 'dwnlow_fp' in locals():

            plot_dwnlow(dwnlow_fp, chunkmode, sonpath)

        if 'dwnhi_fp' in locals():

            plot_dwnhi(dwnhi_fp, chunkmode, sonpath)

    if os.name == 'posix':  # true if linux/mac
        elapsed = (time.time() - start)
    else:  # windows
        elapsed = (time.clock() - start)
    print("Processing took " + str(elapsed) + "seconds to analyse")

Exemplo n.º 55
    def compute_invariants(self):
        Computes the invariants according to Weaver et al., [2000, 2003]
        Mostly used to plot Mohr's circles
        In a 1D case: rho = mu (inv1**2+inv2**2)/w & phi = arctan(inv2/inv1)
        Sets the invariants as attributes:
            **inv1**       : real off diaganol part normalizing factor
            **inv2**       : imaginary off diaganol normalizing factor
            **inv3**       : real anisotropy factor (range from [0,1])
            **inv4**       : imaginary anisotropy factor (range from [0,1])
            **inv5**       : suggests electric field twist
            **inv6**       : suggests in phase small scale distortion
            **inv7**       : suggests 3D structure
            **strike**     : strike angle (deg) assuming positive clockwise 0=N
            **strike_err** : strike angle error (deg)
            **q**          : dependent variable suggesting dimensionality

        # get the length of z to initialize some empty arrays
        nz = self.z.shape[0]

        # set some empty arrays to put stuff into
        self.inv1 = np.zeros(nz)
        self.inv2 = np.zeros(nz)
        self.inv3 = np.zeros(nz)
        self.inv4 = np.zeros(nz)
        self.inv5 = np.zeros(nz)
        self.inv6 = np.zeros(nz)
        self.inv7 = np.zeros(nz)
        self.q = np.zeros(nz)
        self.strike = np.zeros(nz)
        self.strike_err = np.zeros(nz)

        c_tf = self.z.all() == 0.0
        if c_tf == True:
        # loop over each freq
        for ii in range(nz):
            # compute the mathematical invariants
            x1 = .5 * (self.z[ii, 0, 0].real + self.z[ii, 1, 1].real)  # trace
            x2 = .5 * (self.z[ii, 0, 1].real + self.z[ii, 1, 0].real)
            x3 = .5 * (self.z[ii, 0, 0].real - self.z[ii, 1, 1].real)
            x4 = .5 * (self.z[ii, 0, 1].real - self.z[ii, 1, 0].real)  # berd
            e1 = .5 * (self.z[ii, 0, 0].imag + self.z[ii, 1, 1].imag)  # trace
            e2 = .5 * (self.z[ii, 0, 1].imag + self.z[ii, 1, 0].imag)
            e3 = .5 * (self.z[ii, 0, 0].imag - self.z[ii, 1, 1].imag)
            e4 = .5 * (self.z[ii, 0, 1].imag - self.z[ii, 1, 0].imag)  # berd
            ex = x1 * e1 - x2 * e2 - x3 * e3 + x4 * e4

            if ex == 0.0:
                print 'Could not compute invariants for {0:5e} Hz'.format(
                self.inv1[ii] = np.nan
                self.inv2[ii] = np.nan
                self.inv3[ii] = np.nan
                self.inv4[ii] = np.nan
                self.inv5[ii] = np.nan
                self.inv6[ii] = np.nan
                self.inv7[ii] = np.nan
                self.q[ii] = np.nan
                self.strike[ii] = np.nan
                self.strike_err[ii] = np.nan

                d12 = (x1 * e2 - x2 * e1) / ex
                d34 = (x3 * e4 - x4 * e3) / ex
                d13 = (x1 * e3 - x3 * e1) / ex
                d24 = (x2 * e4 - x4 * e2) / ex
                d41 = (x4 * e1 - x1 * e4) / ex
                d23 = (x2 * e3 - x3 * e2) / ex

                inv1 = np.sqrt(x4**2 + x1**2)
                inv2 = np.sqrt(e4**2 + e1**2)
                inv3 = np.sqrt(x2**2 + x3**2) / inv1
                inv4 = np.sqrt(e2**2 + e3**2) / inv2

                s41 = (x4 * e1 + x1 * e4) / ex

                inv5 = s41 * ex / (inv1 * inv2)
                inv6 = d41 * ex / (inv1 * inv2)

                q = np.sqrt((d12 - d34)**2 + (d13 + d24)**2)

                inv7 = (d41 - d23) / q

                # if abs(inv7)>1.0:
                #     print("debug value inv7=", inv7)

                strikeang = .5 * np.arctan2(d12 - d34,
                                            d13 + d24) * (180 / np.pi)
                strikeangerr = abs(.5 * np.arcsin(inv7)) * (180 / np.pi)

                self.inv1[ii] = inv1
                self.inv2[ii] = inv2
                self.inv3[ii] = inv3
                self.inv4[ii] = inv4
                self.inv5[ii] = inv5
                self.inv6[ii] = inv6
                self.inv7[ii] = inv7
                self.q[ii] = q
                self.strike[ii] = strikeang
                self.strike_err[ii] = strikeangerr
Exemplo n.º 56
# *************************************
# - Physics -

# All measures are nondimensionalized at last instance with crankpin length.
# Measures are irrelevant, so crankpink length has been taken as unitary.

# Step between axis.
theta = np.array([i * 2. * np.pi / n for i in range(1, n)])

# Secondary rods connection points radius.
e = (1. - m) / (1. - (l * np.sin(theta)) ** 2 / 2.)

# Angle between primary rod and primary piston to secondary rods connection
# points line.
delta = np.arcsin(np.sin(theta) * np.sqrt(1. - 2. * np.cos(theta) /
                  e + e ** -2) ** -1)

# The same mission as l for secondary pistons.
lb = l * np.sin(theta) * (m * np.sin(theta + delta)) ** -1

# Special point needed for secondary pistons position calculation.
OM = np.sin(theta) * (np.sin(theta + delta)) ** -1

# Cranckshaft rotation angle.
alpha = np.linspace(0., 2. * np.pi, frames // loops)

# Angle between primary rod and vertical axis.
betha = np.arcsin(l * np.sin(alpha))

def Bp(alpha):
Exemplo n.º 57
def elevation(times, latitudes, longitudes):
    Elevation angle of the sun in local solar time. Zero at horizon.

    times: pd.DatetimeIndex
        Corresponding timestamps, must be localized or UTC will be assumed.
    latitudes: numeric
        Latitude(s) in radians.
    longitudes: numeric
        Longitude(s) in radians.

    elevation: numeric
        Elevation angle in local solar time in radians.


    # ===== COPY PASTED =====
    Abber = 20 / 3600.

    # The SPA algorithm needs time to be expressed in terms of
    # decimal UTC hours of the day of the year.

    # If localized, convert to UTC. otherwise, assume UTC.
        time_utc = times.tz_convert('UTC')
    except TypeError:
        time_utc = times

    # Strip out the day of the year and calculate the decimal hour
    DayOfYear = time_utc.dayofyear
    DecHours = (time_utc.hour + time_utc.minute / 60. +
                time_utc.second / 3600. + time_utc.microsecond / 3600.e6)

    # np.array needed for pandas > 0.20
    UnivDate = np.array(DayOfYear)
    UnivHr = np.array(DecHours)

    Yr = np.array(time_utc.year) - 1900
    YrBegin = 365 * Yr + np.floor((Yr - 1) / 4.) - 0.5

    Ezero = YrBegin + UnivDate
    T = Ezero / 36525.

    # Calculate Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time (GMST)
    GMST0 = 6 / 24. + 38 / 1440. + (45.836 + 8640184.542 * T +
                                    0.0929 * T**2) / 86400.
    GMST0 = 360 * (GMST0 - np.floor(GMST0))
    GMSTi = np.mod(GMST0 + 360 * (1.0027379093 * UnivHr / 24.), 360)
    # =======================

    # Local apparent sidereal time
    LocAST = (360 + GMSTi.reshape(-1, 1) +
              np.degrees(longitudes).reshape(1, -1)) % 360

    # ===== COPY PASTED =====
    EpochDate = Ezero + UnivHr / 24.
    T1 = EpochDate / 36525.

    ObliquityR = np.radians(23.452294 - 0.0130125 * T1 - 1.64e-06 * T1**2 +
                            5.03e-07 * T1**3)
    MlPerigee = 281.22083 + 4.70684e-05 * EpochDate + 0.000453 * T1**2 + (
        3e-06 * T1**3)
    MeanAnom = np.mod((358.47583 + 0.985600267 * EpochDate - 0.00015 * T1**2 -
                       3e-06 * T1**3), 360)
    Eccen = 0.01675104 - 4.18e-05 * T1 - 1.26e-07 * T1**2
    EccenAnom = MeanAnom
    E = 0

    while np.max(abs(EccenAnom - E)) > 0.0001:
        E = EccenAnom
        EccenAnom = MeanAnom + np.degrees(Eccen) * np.sin(np.radians(E))

    TrueAnom = (2 * np.mod(
            np.arctan2(((1 + Eccen) / (1 - Eccen))**0.5 *
                       np.tan(np.radians(EccenAnom) / 2.), 1)), 360))
    EcLon = np.mod(MlPerigee + TrueAnom, 360) - Abber
    EcLonR = np.radians(EcLon)
    DecR = np.arcsin(np.sin(ObliquityR) * np.sin(EcLonR))

    RtAscen = np.degrees(
        np.arctan2(np.cos(ObliquityR) * np.sin(EcLonR), np.cos(EcLonR)))
    # =======================

    HrAngleR = np.radians(LocAST - RtAscen.reshape(-1, 1))
    DecR = DecR.reshape(-1, 1)
    LatR = latitudes.reshape(1, -1)

    return np.arcsin(
        np.cos(DecR) * np.cos(HrAngleR) * np.cos(LatR) +
        np.sin(DecR) * np.sin(LatR))
Exemplo n.º 58
def propagate(dt):
    global state, inp, wind, param, forces, moments, gusts, num1, num2, num3, den1, den2, den3, t0, V_a, abp, beta,\
        alpha, pub_h, pub_va, pub_phi, pub_chi
    s = np.copy(state)
    t0 += dt
    # print state, "state starting dynamics"
    g = 9.81
    m = param['m']
    b = param['b']
    c = param['c']
    S = param['S']
    rho = param['rho']
    p_n = s[0][0]
    p_e = s[1][0]
    p_d = s[2][0]
    u = s[3][0]
    v = s[4][0]
    w = s[5][0]
    phi = s[6][0]
    theta = s[7][0]
    psi = s[8][0]
    p = s[9][0]
    q = s[10][0]
    r = s[11][0]
    origin, xaxis, yaxis, zaxis = (0., 0., 0.), (1., 0., 0.), (0., 1.,
                                                               0.), (0., 0.,
    Rx = rotation_matrix(phi, xaxis)
    Ry = rotation_matrix(theta, yaxis)
    Rz = rotation_matrix(psi, zaxis)
    R_V_B = concatenate_matrices(Rx, Ry, Rz)
    R_V_B = R_V_B[0:3, 0:3]
    wind_body = np.transpose(R_V_B) * np.matrix(np.copy(wind))
    # low alt, light turb
    alt = 50.0
    Lu = 200.0
    Lv = 200.0
    Lw = 50.0
    sigma_u = 1.06
    sigma_v = 1.06
    sigma_w = 0.7

    num1 = sigma_u * np.sqrt(2.0 * V_a / Lu)
    den1 = [1.0, V_a / Lu]

    num2 = [
        sigma_v * np.sqrt(3.0 * V_a / Lv),
        sigma_v * np.sqrt(3.0 * V_a / Lv) * (V_a / np.sqrt(3.0 * Lv))
    den2 = [1.0, 2.0 * V_a / Lv, (V_a / Lv)**2.0]

    num3 = [
        sigma_w * np.sqrt(3.0 * V_a / Lw),
        sigma_w * np.sqrt(3.0 * V_a / Lw) * (V_a / np.sqrt(3.0 * Lw))
    den3 = [1.0, 2.0 * V_a / Lw, (V_a / Lw)**2.0]
    time_series = np.linspace(0, t0)
    #print np.shape(time_series)
    input_series = np.random.randn(np.size(time_series), 1) * 0.1
    #print time_series, input_series
    _, y1, _ = signal.lsim((num1, den1), input_series, time_series)
    _, y2, _ = signal.lsim((num2, den2), input_series, time_series)
    _, y3, _ = signal.lsim((num3, den3), input_series, time_series)
    gusts[0][0] = y1[-1] / 10000.0
    gusts[1][0] = y2[-1] / 10000.0
    gusts[2][0] = y3[-1] / 10000.0
    #print gusts
    # if p_d > -alt:
    #     gusts = [[0.0],[0.0],[0.0]]
    V_r = [[u - wind_body[0, 0] + gusts[0][0]],
           [v - wind_body[1, 0] + gusts[1][0]],
           [w - wind_body[2, 0] + gusts[2][0]]]
    # V_r = [[u],[v],[w]]
    # V_a = 25.0
    V_a = np.sqrt((V_r[0][0])**2.0 + V_r[1][0]**2.0 + V_r[2][0]**2.0)
    # print V_a, "printing V_a in propagation"
    alpha = np.arctan2(V_r[2][0], V_r[0][0])
    # alpha,beta,_ = abp
    beta = np.arcsin(V_r[1][0] / V_a)
    # alpha = np.arctan2(w,u)
    # beta = np.arcsin(v/V_a)
    Vn = V_a * np.cos(psi) + wind[0][0]
    Ve = V_a * np.sin(psi) + wind[1][0]
    course = np.arctan2(Ve, Vn)
    sphi = np.sin(phi)
    cphi = np.cos(phi)
    stheta = np.sin(theta)
    ctheta = np.cos(theta)
    spsi = np.sin(psi)
    cpsi = np.cos(psi)
    ttheta = np.tan(theta)
    secth = 1.0 / ctheta
    calpha = np.cos(alpha)
    salpha = np.sin(alpha)
    C_D_alpha = param['C_D_0'] + param['C_D_alpha'] * alpha
    C_L_alpha = param['C_L_0'] + param['C_L_alpha'] * alpha
    C_X = -C_D_alpha * calpha + C_L_alpha * salpha
    C_X_q = -param['C_D_q'] * calpha + param['C_L_q'] * salpha
    C_X_delta_e = -param['C_D_delta_e'] * calpha + param['C_L_delta_e'] * salpha
    C_Z = -C_D_alpha * salpha - C_L_alpha * calpha
    C_Z_q = -param['C_D_q'] * salpha - param['C_L_q'] * calpha
    C_Z_delta_e = -param['C_D_delta_e'] * salpha - param['C_L_delta_e'] * calpha
    forces = np.copy(np.matrix([[-m*g*stheta],[m*g*ctheta*sphi],[m*g*ctheta*cphi]]) + \
             0.5*rho*(V_a**2.0)*S*np.matrix([[C_X + C_X_q*c*q/(2.0*V_a)+ C_X_delta_e*inp[1][0]],\
             [param['C_Y_0'] + param['C_Y_beta']*beta + param['C_Y_p']*b*p/(2.0*V_a) + param['C_Y_r']*b*r/(2.0*V_a) + param['C_Y_delta_a']*inp[0][0] + param['C_Y_delta_r']*inp[2][0]],\
             [C_Z + C_Z_q*c*q/(2.0*V_a) + C_Z_delta_e*inp[1][0]]])\
             + 0.5*rho*param['S_prop']*param['C_prop']*np.matrix([[(param['k_motor']*inp[3][0])**2.0 - V_a**2.0],[0.],[0.]]))

    moments = np.copy(0.5*rho*(V_a**2.0)*S*np.matrix([[b*(param['C_l_0'] + param['C_l_p']*b*p/(2.0*V_a) + param['C_l_r']*b*r/(2*V_a) + param['C_l_delta_a']*inp[0][0] +\
              [c*(param['C_m_0'] + param['C_m_alpha']*alpha + param['C_m_q']*c*q/(2.0*V_a) + param['C_m_delta_e']*inp[1][0])],\
              [b*(param['C_n_0'] + param['C_n_beta']*beta + param['C_n_p']*b*p/(2.0*V_a) + param['C_n_r']*b*r/(2.0*V_a) + param['C_n_delta_a']*inp[0][0] + \
              param['C_n_delta_r']*inp[2][0])]]) +\

    # RK4 integration
    k1 = dynamics(s)

    k2 = dynamics(s + dt / 2.0 * k1)
    k3 = dynamics(s + dt / 2.0 * k2)
    k4 = dynamics(s + dt / 2.0 * k3)
    temp = k1 + 2.0 * k2 + 2.0 * k3 + k4

    # temp[6][0] = wrap(temp[6][0])
    # temp[7][0] = wrap(temp[7][0])
    # temp[8][0] = wrap(temp[8][0])

    s += dt / 6.0 * temp

    # s[6][0] = wrap(s[6][0])
    # s[7][0] = wrap(s[7][0])
    # s[8][0] = wrap(s[8][0])
    print s[6][0], s[2][0]

    state = np.copy(s)
Exemplo n.º 59
def beam_grid(nbi,
    #+ Calculates settings for a grid that aligns with the neutral beam.
    #+    **nbi**: [Neutral beam geometry structure](|url|/page/03_technical/01_prefida_inputs.html#neutral-beam-geometry-structure)
    #+    **rstart**: Radial start position of beam grid [cm]
    #+##Keyword Arguments
    #+    **dV**: Cell volume [\(cm^3\)]: Defaults to 8.0
    #+    **nx**: Number of cells in length: Default determined by `dV`
    #+    **ny**: Number of cells in width: Default determined by `dV`
    #+    **nz**: Number of cells in height: Default determined by `dV`
    #+    **length**: Length of grid along beam sightline. [cm]: Defaults to 100 cm
    #+    **width**: Width of grid [cm]: Defaults to 100 cm
    #+    **height**: Height of grid [cm]: Defaults 80 cm
    #+##Return Value
    #+    Structure containing beam grid settings suitable for the Namelist File
    #+##Example Usage
    #+>>> grid = beam_grid(nbi,200.0,nx=100,ny=50,nz=50,length=100,width=50,height=50)

    if width < nbi['widy']:
        warn("Grid width is smaller then the source width")
        print("width: {}".format(width))
        print("source width: {}".format(nbi['widy']))

    if height < nbi['widz']:
        warn("Grid height is smaller then the source height")
        print("height: {}".format(height))
        print("source height: {}".format(nbi['widz']))

    dv3 = dv**(1. / 3.)

    if nx is None:
        nx = round(length / dv3)

    if ny is None:
        ny = round(width / dv3)

    if nz is None:
        nz = round(height / dv3)

    xmin = 0.
    xmax = length
    ymin = -width / 2.
    ymax = width / 2.
    zmin = -height / 2.
    zmax = height / 2.

    src = nbi['src']
    axis = nbi['axis'] / np.sqrt(np.sum(nbi['axis']**2))
    pos = src + 100. * axis

    if np.sqrt(src[0]**2 + src[1]**2) < rstart:
        error("Source radius cannot be less then rstart", halt=True)

    dis = np.sqrt(np.sum((src - pos)**2.0))
    beta = np.arcsin((src[2] - pos[2]) / dis)
    alpha = np.arctan2((pos[1] - src[1]), (pos[0] - src[0]))
    gamma = 0.
    a = axis[0]**2 + axis[1]**2
    b = 2. * (src[0] * axis[0] + src[1] * axis[1])
    c = src[0]**2 + src[1]**2 - rstart**2
    t = (-b - np.sqrt(b**2 - 4. * a * c)) / (2. * a)
    origin = src + t * axis

    beam_grid = {
        'nx': nx,
        'ny': ny,
        'nz': nz,
        'xmin': xmin,
        'xmax': xmax,
        'ymin': ymin,
        'ymax': ymax,
        'zmin': zmin,
        'zmax': zmax,
        'alpha': alpha,
        'beta': beta,
        'gamma': gamma,
        'origin': origin

    return beam_grid
#30? different angles are used --->x
energy = 9.5  #10.72   #keV
wavelength = 1.23984E-9 / energy
pixel_det = 55E-6  # Pixel ctr to ctr distance (w) [m] #Pilatus
z = 1

#def calculate_dq3():
# lattice constant Ga(0.51In(0.49)P
#lattice_constant_a = 5.653E-10
# lattice constant InP
lattice_constant_a = 5.8687E-10
# distance between planes (111), correct?
d = lattice_constant_a / np.sqrt(3)
q_abs = 2 * np.pi / d
#q_abs_alt = 4*np.pi *np.sin(theta)/wavelength
theta = np.arcsin(q_abs * wavelength / (4 * np.pi))
theta = theta * 180 / np.pi
np.disp('Theta [o]:')

dtheta = wavelength / (4 * (500E-9) * np.sin(theta * np.pi / 180))
dtheta = dtheta * 180 / np.pi
print 'dtheta [o]'
# reconvert to radians for later calcultations
theta = theta * np.pi / 180
dtheta = dtheta * np.pi / 180
#    return dq

# define pixel sizes in reciprocal space
dq1 = 2 * np.pi * pixel_det / (wavelength * z)