def generate_lookup_table(self):
        generate lookup talbe between degree corrdinates and linear corrdinates
        return two matrix:
        lookupI: i index in linear matrix to this pixel after warping
        lookupJ: j index in linear matrix to this pixel after warping

        # length of one degree on monitor at gaze point
        degDis = np.tan(np.pi / 180) * self.dis

        # generate degree coordinate without warpping
        degNoWarpCorX = self.lin_coord_x / degDis
        degNoWarpCorY = self.lin_coord_y / degDis

        # deg coordinates
        degCorX = self.deg_coord_x + self.center_coordinates[0]
        degCorY = self.deg_coord_y + self.center_coordinates[1]

        lookupI = np.zeros(degCorX.shape).astype(np.int32)
        lookupJ = np.zeros(degCorX.shape).astype(np.int32)

        for j in xrange(lookupI.shape[1]):
            currDegX = degCorX[0, j]
            diffDegX = degNoWarpCorX[0, :] - currDegX
            IndJ = np.argmin(np.abs(diffDegX))
            lookupJ[:, j] = IndJ

            for i in xrange(lookupI.shape[0]):
                currDegY = degCorY[i, j]
                diffDegY = degNoWarpCorY[:, IndJ] - currDegY
                indI = np.argmin(np.abs(diffDegY))
                lookupI[i, j] = indI

        return lookupI, lookupJ
Exemplo n.º 2
def plotISVar():
    plt.title('Variance minimization problem (call).\nVertical lines mark the minima.')
    for K in [0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2]:
        theta = np.linspace(-0.6, 2)
        var = [BS.exactCallVar(K*s0, theta) for theta in theta]
        minth = theta[np.argmin(var)]
        line, = plt.plot(theta, var, label=str(K))
        plt.axvline(minth, color=line.get_color())

    plt.ylabel('call variance')
    plt.legend(title=r'$K/s_0$', loc='upper left')

    plt.title('Variance minimization problem (put).\nVertical lines mark the minima.')
    for K in [0.8, 1.0, 1.2, 1.4]:
        theta = np.linspace(-2, 0.5)
        var = [BS.exactPutVar(K*s0, theta) for theta in theta]
        minth = theta[np.argmin(var)]
        line, = plt.plot(theta, var, label=str(K))
        plt.axvline(minth, color=line.get_color())

    plt.ylabel('put variance')
    plt.legend(title=r'$K/s_0$', loc='upper left')
Exemplo n.º 3
def select_minibatch(x_win, masks, extra, y, window_size, i, minibatch_size, order=None, add_oov_noise=False, oov_noise_prob=0.0):
    n = len(masks)
    if order is None:
        order = range(n)
    ms = min(minibatch_size, n-i)
    if ms > 1:
        minibatch_mask = np.vstack([masks[j] for j in range(i, min(i+ms, n))])
        max_len = np.max(np.argmin(minibatch_mask, axis=1))
        if max_len == 0:
            max_len = len(masks[i])
            minibatch_mask = minibatch_mask[:, 0: max_len].reshape((ms, max_len))
            e = sys.exc_info()[0]
            print e
            print max_len
            print minibatch_mask
        minibatch_x = x_win[0: max_len, order[i: min(i+ms, n)], :]
        minibatch_extra = np.vstack([extra[j] for j in range(i, min(i+ms, n))])
        minibatch_y = np.vstack([y[j] for j in range(i, min(i+ms, n))])

        max_len = np.argmin(masks[i])
        if max_len == 0:
            max_len = len(masks[i])
        minibatch_mask = np.array(masks[i][0: max_len]).reshape((1, max_len))
        minibatch_x = x_win[0: max_len, order[i], :].reshape((max_len, 1, window_size))
        minibatch_extra = np.array(extra[i]).reshape((1, len(extra[i])))
        minibatch_y = np.array(y[i]).reshape((1, len(y[i])))

    if add_oov_noise:
        draws = np.random.rand(max_len, ms, window_size)
        minibatch_x = np.array(minibatch_x * np.array(draws > oov_noise_prob, dtype='int32'), dtype='int32')

    return minibatch_x, minibatch_mask, minibatch_extra, minibatch_y
Exemplo n.º 4
def find_surface(cube):
    Return the `cube` index for the surface layer of for any model grid
    (rgrid, ugrid, sgrid), and any non-dimensional coordinate.

    TODO: Fold this into `find_layer()`

    z = z_coord(cube)
    if not z:
        msg = "Cannot find the surface for cube {!r}".format
        raise ValueError(msg(cube))
        if np.argmin(z.shape) == 0 and z.ndim == 2:
            points = z[:, 0].points
        elif np.argmin(z.shape) == 1 and z.ndim == 2:
            points = z[0, :].points
            points = z.points
        positive = z.attributes.get('positive', None)
        if positive == 'up':
            idx = np.unique(points.argmax(axis=0))[0]
            idx = np.unique(points.argmin(axis=0))[0]
        return idx
Exemplo n.º 5
    def fitChiSq(self, sampleSpec, returnChiSq=False):

        if np.all(sampleSpec.wave == self.wave):
            newSampleSpec = sampleSpec
            grid = self.values
            print "error in function"
            newSampleSpec = sampleSpec.interpolate(self.wave)            
            minIDx = self.wave.searchsorted(sampleSpec.wave[0])
            maxIDx = self.wave.searchsorted(sampleSpec.wave[-1])
            grid = self.values[:,minIDx:maxIDx]

        if newSampleSpec.var != None:
            var = newSampleSpec.var
            var = 1.

        if  newSampleSpec.dq != None:
            dqMask = newSampleSpec.dq
            dqMask = np.ones(grid.shape[1]).astype(bool)

        chiSq = ((grid[:,dqMask]-newSampleSpec.flux[dqMask])/var[dqMask])**2
        nu = (np.ones(grid.shape[0])*grid.shape[1]) - len(self.params) - 1
        redChiSq = np.sum(chiSq, axis=1) / nu

        if returnChiSq:
            return np.min(redChiSq), self.points[np.argmin(redChiSq)]
            return self.points[np.argmin(redChiSq)]
Exemplo n.º 6
def GetSpectralIndex(E_min, E_max):
    Returns the spectal index between evaluated at the two endpoints E_min and E_max based on the
    averaged P7REPv15 diffuse model

    :param E_min: Min energy in MeV
    :param E_max: Max energy in MeV
    :return spectral index: The power law index averaged over the given energy (positive value).
    E = np.array([58.473133087158203, 79.970359802246108, 109.37088726489363, 149.58030713742139, 204.57243095354417,
                  279.7820134691566, 382.64185792772452, 523.31738421248383, 715.71125569520109, 978.83734991844688,
                  1338.6998597146596, 1830.8632323330951, 2503.9669281982829, 3424.532355440329, 4683.5370393234753,
                  6405.4057377695362, 8760.3070758200847, 11980.97094929486, 16385.688725918291, 22409.769304923335,
                  30648.559770668966, 41916.282280063475, 57326.501908367274, 78402.17791960774, 107226.17459483664,
                  146647.10628359963, 200560.85990769751, 274295.61718814232, 375138.42752394517, 513055.37160154793])
    dnde = np.array([1.3259335, 0.94195729, 0.66580701, 0.46162829, 0.30296713, 0.18484889, 0.10698333, 0.059697378,
                     0.032260861, 0.01673951, 0.0082548652, 0.0039907703, 0.0018546022, 0.00082937587, 0.0003599966,
                     0.00015557533, 6.7215013e-05, 2.8863404e-05, 1.2341489e-05, 5.3399754e-06, 2.2966778e-06,
                     9.9477847e-07, 4.53333e-07, 2.1135656e-07, 9.9832157e-08, 4.6697188e-08, 2.1986754e-08,
                     1.0368451e-08, 5.0197251e-09, 2.4097735e-09])

    # Find bin and check bounds 
    E_bin_min, E_bin_max = int(np.argmin(np.abs(E-E_min))),  int(np.argmin(np.abs(E-E_max)))
    if E_bin_min == E_bin_max:
        E_bin_max = E_bin_min+1
    if E_bin_max >= len(dnde):
        E_bin_min, E_bin_max = len(dnde)-3, len(dnde)-1

    return -np.log(dnde[E_bin_min]/dnde[E_bin_max])/np.log(E[E_bin_min]/E[E_bin_max])
Exemplo n.º 7
def main():
        prog = sys.argv[0]
#       a = float(sys.argv[1])
#       b = float(sys.argv[2])
    except IndexError:
#        print '\nusage: '+prog+' a b    (where a & b are numbers)\n'

    unoptFile = open('i.dat','r')
    gamma_data = []
    i_data = []
    for line in unoptFile:
    gamma_data, i_data = np.array(gamma_data), np.array(i_data)
    unopt_gamma =  gamma_data[np.argmin(i_data)]

    optFile = open('omega_opt_ideriv/i.dat','r')

    gamma_data = []
    i_data = []
    for line in optFile:
    gamma_data, i_data = np.array(gamma_data), np.array(i_data)
    opt_gamma = gamma_data[np.argmin(i_data)]

    print unopt_gamma - opt_gamma, ' '
Exemplo n.º 8
def kappa_profile_chi2(env, models, model0, frac='1sigma'):
    ns, ds = [], []
    for m in models:
        n,d = 0,0
        for m1,m2 in izip(m['obj,data'], model0['obj,data']):
            obj,data = m1
            obj0,data0 = m2
            rs = [ abs(img.pos) for src in obj.sources for img in src.images]
            #rs = [ abs(img.pos) for src in obj.sources for img in src.images if img.parity_name != 'max']
            rmin, rmax = np.amin(rs), np.amax(rs)
            if 0:
                b = 0
                rmin = obj.basis.top_level_cell_size * 1.6
                b = np.argmin(abs(data['R'] - rmin))

            e = np.argmin(abs(data['R'] - rmax))

            v0 = data0['kappa(R)'][b:e+1]
            v1 = data['kappa(R)'][b:e+1]
            n += np.sum((v1 - v0)**2)
            d += np.sum(v0**2)
            #d += len(v0) #np.sum(v0**2)

    nd = array(ns) / array(ds)
    return dist_range(nd, frac)
def get_rectangular_subset(lon,lat,data,view,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,buffer=0):
    imin = np.argmin(np.abs(lon-xmin))
    imax = np.argmin(np.abs(lon-xmax))
    jmin = np.argmin(np.abs(lat-ymin))
    jmax = np.argmin(np.abs(lat-ymax))

    return lon[imin-buffer:imax+1+buffer], lat[jmin-buffer:jmax+1+buffer], grid_convert(grid_convert(data,view,'x+y+')[imin-buffer:imax+1+buffer,jmin-buffer:jmax+1+buffer],'x+y+',view)        
Exemplo n.º 10
 def ix(self):
     spec = self.spec
     start_freq_ix = np.argmin(np.abs(spec.freqs-self.start_freq))
     end_freq_ix = np.argmin(np.abs(spec.freqs-self.end_freq))
     start_time_ix = np.argmin(np.abs(spec.times-self.start_time))
     end_time_ix =  np.argmin(np.abs(spec.times-self.end_time))       
     return slice(start_freq_ix, end_freq_ix), slice(start_time_ix, end_time_ix)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def click(self,event):
        What to do, if a click on the figure happens:
            1. Check which axis
            2. Get data coord's.
            3. Plot resulting data.
            4. Update Figure
        if event.inaxes==self.overview:
            #Get nearest data
            #Check which mouse button:
            if event.button==1:
                #Plot it                
                c,=self.y_subplot.plot(self.y, self.z[:,xpos],label=str(self.x[xpos]))

            elif event.button==3:
                #Plot it                
                c,=self.x_subplot.plot(self.x, self.z[ypos,:],label=str(self.y[ypos]))

        if event.inaxes==self.y_subplot:
            c=self.x_subplot.plot(self.x, self.z[ypos,:],label=str(self.y[ypos]))

        if event.inaxes==self.x_subplot:
            c,=self.y_subplot.plot(self.y, self.z[:,xpos],label=str(self.x[xpos]))
        #Show it
def lattice(unit_cell_size, shape):
    We should just have delta functions at 1/d
    however, if the unit cell does not divide the 
    detector shape evenly then these fall between 
    # generate the q-space coordinates
    qi = np.fft.fftfreq(shape[0])
    qj = np.fft.fftfreq(shape[1])
    qk = np.fft.fftfreq(shape[2])

    # generate the recirocal lattice points from the unit cell size
    qs_unit = np.meshgrid(

    # now we want qs[qs_unit] = 1.
    lattice = np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.float)
    for ii, jj, kk in zip(qs_unit[0].ravel(), qs_unit[1].ravel(), qs_unit[2].ravel()):
        i = np.argmin(np.abs(ii - qi))
        j = np.argmin(np.abs(jj - qj))
        k = np.argmin(np.abs(kk - qk))
        lattice[i, j, k] = 1.0

    return lattice
Exemplo n.º 13
 def draw(self):
     # Add text?
     for kk,lls in enumerate(self.abssys_widg.all_abssys):
         # Label
         ipos = self.abssys_widg.all_items[kk].rfind('_')
         ilbl = self.abssys_widg.all_items[kk][ipos+1:]
         # Add text
         for wv,lbl in self.plt_wv:
             idx = np.argmin(np.abs(self.continuum.dispersion-wv*(1+lls.zabs)))
                 '{:s}_{:s}'.format(ilbl,lbl), ha='center',
                 color='blue', size='small', rotation=90.)
     # Ticks for selected LLS
     idxl = self.get_sngl_sel_sys()
     if idxl is not None:
         lls = self.abssys_widg.all_abssys[idxl]
         # Label
         ipos = self.abssys_widg.all_items[idxl].rfind('_')
         ilbl = self.abssys_widg.all_items[idxl][ipos+1:]
         for line in lls.lls_lines:
             if line.wrest < 915.*u.AA:
             idx = np.argmin(np.abs(self.continuum.dispersion-
                 '-{:s}'.format(ilbl), ha='center',
                 color='red', size='small', rotation=90.)
     # Draw
Exemplo n.º 14
def online_k_means(k,b,t,X_in):
    random_number = 11232015
    random_num = np.random.randint(X_in.shape[0], size =300 )
    rng = np.random.RandomState(random_number)
    permutation1 = rng.permutation(len(random_num))
    random_num = random_num[permutation1]
    x_input = X_in[random_num]
    c,l = mykmeansplusplus(x_input,k,t)
    v = np.zeros((k))
    for i in range(t):
        random_num = np.random.randint(X_in.shape[0], size = b)
        rng = np.random.RandomState(random_number)
        permutation1 = rng.permutation(len(random_num))
        random_num = random_num[permutation1]
        M = X_in[random_num]
        Y = cdist(M,c,metric='euclidean', p=2, V=None, VI=None, w=None)
        clust_index = np.argmin(Y,axis = 1)
        for i in range(M.shape[0]):
            c_in = clust_index[i]
            v[c_in] += 1
            ita = 1 / v[c_in]
            c[c_in] = np.add(np.multiply((1 - ita),c[c_in]),np.multiply(ita,M[i]))
    Y_l = cdist(X_in,c,metric='euclidean', p=2, V=None, VI=None, w=None)
    l = np.argmin(Y_l,axis = 1)        
    return c,l
Exemplo n.º 15
def kmeans(xx, centroids, maxIters = 20, minclust=30, maxDiff = 2):

  # Cluster Assignment step
  ca = np.array([np.argmin([, x_i-y_k) for y_k in centroids]) for x_i in xx])
  # all clusters have at least minclust?
  (unique, counts) = np.unique(ca, return_counts=True)
  for cc in counts:
    if cc < minclust:
      return("error: too few", np.array(centroids), ca)
  # Move centroids step
  centroids = np.array([xx[ca == k].mean(axis = 0) for k in range(centroids.shape[0])])

  while (iter<maxIters):
      # Cluster Assignment step
      canew = np.array([np.argmin([, x_i-y_k) for y_k in centroids]) for x_i in xx])
      # all clusters have at least minclust?
      (unique, counts) = np.unique(canew, return_counts=True)
      for cc in counts:
        if cc < minclust:
          return("error: too few", np.array(centroids), canew)
      numdiff = sum(ca != canew)
      if numdiff < maxDiff:
        return("converged", np.array(centroids), canew)
      ca = canew
      # Move centroids step
      centroids = np.array([xx[ca == k].mean(axis = 0) for k in range(centroids.shape[0])])
      iter += 1

  return("error: not converged", np.array(centroids), ca)
Exemplo n.º 16
 def normalization(self):
     lmin = np.argmin(np.abs( - self.lowerBoundNorm))
     lmax = np.argmin(np.abs( - self.upperBoundNorm))
     sumRef = np.sum(self.display[:, np.amin([lmin, lmax]):np.amax([lmin, lmax])], axis = 1)
     for idx in range(len(sumRef)):
         self.displaytemp[idx, :] = self.display[idx, :]/sumRef[idx]
Exemplo n.º 17
	def optimize_pa(self,fixed_pa=False,step=10,pa_init=0,pa_max=180):
		if fixed_pa:

			while True:
				## this could be made more efficient by only calling the sub-routine rotate_and_fft
				## but then need to watch out for differential vs. absolute rotations
				i=img2vis(self.f_model, self.pxscale, self.lam, oifits=self.oifits, pa=pa, phot=self.phot)

				if pa > pa_max:
			## chose global chi2 minimum here for the moment, and plot PA vs. chi2 
			##    so that we see if global minimum is bad.
			self.pa_best = self.pas[np.argmin(self.chi2)]
			## write out best chi**2 and name of model
			with open("chi2_min.txt","a") as f:
				txt="{0:06.0f} -- {1:5.3f} -- {2:5.2f} -- {3}\n".format(self.chi2[np.argmin(self.chi2)], self.pxscale, self.f_p, self.f_model)
Exemplo n.º 18
def optimal_clustering(df, patch, method='kmeans', statistic='gap', max_K=5):
    if len(patch) == 1:
        return [patch]

    if statistic == 'db':
        if method == 'kmeans':
            if len(patch) <= 5:
                K_max = 2
                K_max = min(len(patch) / 2, max_K)
            clustering = {}
            db_index = []
            X = df.ix[patch, :]
            for k in range(2, K_max + 1):
                kmeans = cluster.KMeans(n_clusters=k).fit(X)
                clustering[k] = pd.DataFrame(kmeans.predict(X), index=patch)
                dist_mu = squareform(pdist(kmeans.cluster_centers_))
                sigma = []
                for i in range(k):
                    points_in_cluster = clustering[k][clustering[k][0] == i].index
                    sigma.append(sqrt(X.ix[points_in_cluster, :].var(axis=0).sum()))
                db_index.append(davies_bouldin(dist_mu, np.array(sigma)))
            db_index = np.array(db_index)
            k_optimal = np.argmin(db_index) + 2
            return [list(clustering[k_optimal][clustering[k_optimal][0] == i].index) for i in range(k_optimal)]

        elif method == 'agglomerative':
            if len(patch) <= 5:
                K_max = 2
                K_max = min(len(patch) / 2, max_K)
            clustering = {}
            db_index = []
            X = df.ix[patch, :]
            for k in range(2, K_max + 1):
                agglomerative = cluster.AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=k, linkage='average').fit(X)
                clustering[k] = pd.DataFrame(agglomerative.fit_predict(X), index=patch)
                tmp = [list(clustering[k][clustering[k][0] == i].index) for i in range(k)]
                centers = np.array([np.mean(X.ix[c, :], axis=0) for c in tmp])
                dist_mu = squareform(pdist(centers))
                sigma = []
                for i in range(k):
                    points_in_cluster = clustering[k][clustering[k][0] == i].index
                    sigma.append(sqrt(X.ix[points_in_cluster, :].var(axis=0).sum()))
                db_index.append(davies_bouldin(dist_mu, np.array(sigma)))
            db_index = np.array(db_index)
            k_optimal = np.argmin(db_index) + 2
            return [list(clustering[k_optimal][clustering[k_optimal][0] == i].index) for i in range(k_optimal)]

    elif statistic == 'gap':
        X = np.array(df.ix[patch, :])
        if method == 'kmeans':
            f = cluster.KMeans
        gaps = gap(X, ks=range(1, min(max_K, len(patch))), method=f)
        k_optimal = list(gaps).index(max(gaps))+1
        clustering = pd.DataFrame(f(n_clusters=k_optimal).fit_predict(X), index=patch)
        return [list(clustering[clustering[0] == i].index) for i in range(k_optimal)]

        raise 'error: only db and gat statistics are supported'
Exemplo n.º 19
def kMedoids(k, centres, data, error, distance_func = None):
    # centres (kx3)
    # data (Nx3)
    # error: epsilon
    m = centres[:]
    if(distance_func is None):
        distance_func = lambda single_point, set: np.sum((single_point - set) ** 2, axis = 1)
        sets = [[] for i in range(k)]
        for point in data:
            # Calculate distance
            dist_sq = distance_func(point, m)
            # Choose the nearest centre and add point into corresponding set
        temp_m = m[:]
        for i in range(len(sets)):
            if sets[i] != []:
                # Find a suitable point for next centre
                distances = []
                for chosen_point in sets[i]:
                    distances.append(distance_func(chosen_point, sets[i]))
                temp_m[i] = sets[i][np.argmin(distances)]
        temp_m = np.array(temp_m)
        changes = temp_m - m
        m = temp_m
        if((changes < error).all()):
    return m
Exemplo n.º 20
  def _readDem(self):
    Read coordinates defining DEM and create vectors of x, y, and z values.

    # Load each coordinate as a numpy array.
    x, y, z = numpy.loadtxt(self.inputDem, dtype=numpy.float64, unpack=True)

    self.numZIn = len(z)
    if (y[0] == y[1]):
      # Ordered by rows.
      self.numXIn = max(numpy.argmax(x) + 1, numpy.argmin(x) + 1)
      self.xIn = x[0:self.numXIn]
      self.numYIn = self.numZIn/self.numXIn
      self.yIn = y[0:self.numZIn:self.numXIn]
      self.zIn = numpy.reshape(z, (self.numYIn, self.numXIn))
      # Ordered by columns.
      self.numYIn = max(numpy.argmax(y) + 1, numpy.argmin(y) + 1)
      self.yIn = y[0:self.numYIn]
      self.numXIn = self.numZIn/self.numYIn
      self.xIn = x[0:self.numZIn:self.numYIn]
      self.ZIn = numpy.transpose(numpy.reshape(z, (self.numXIn, self.numYIn)))

    if (self.xIn[0] > self.xIn[1]):
      self.xIn = numpy.flipud(self.xIn)
      self.zIn = numpy.fliplr(self.zIn)
    if (self.yIn[0] > self.yIn[1]):
      self.yIn = numpy.flipud(self.yIn)
      self.zIn = numpy.flipud(self.zIn)

Exemplo n.º 21
    def close_gripper(self, lr, step_viewer=1, max_vel=.02, close_dist_thresh=0.004, grab_dist_thresh=0.005):
        print 'CLOSING GRIPPER'
        # generate gripper finger trajectory
        joint_ind = self.robot.GetJoint("%s_gripper_l_finger_joint" % lr).GetDOFIndex()
        start_val = self.robot.GetDOFValues([joint_ind])[0]
        print 'start_val: ', start_val
        # execute gripper finger trajectory
        dyn_bt_objs = [bt_obj for sim_obj in self.dyn_sim_objs for bt_obj in sim_obj.get_bullet_objects()]
        next_val = start_val
        while next_val:
            flr2finger_pts_grid = self._get_finger_pts_grid(lr)
            ray_froms, ray_tos = flr2finger_pts_grid['l'], flr2finger_pts_grid['r']

            # stop closing if any ray hits a dynamic object within a distance of close_dist_thresh from both sides
            next_vel = max_vel
            for bt_obj in dyn_bt_objs:
                from_to_ray_collisions = self.bt_env.RayTest(ray_froms, ray_tos, bt_obj)
                to_from_ray_collisions = self.bt_env.RayTest(ray_tos, ray_froms, bt_obj)
                rays_dists = np.inf * np.ones((len(ray_froms), 2))
                for rc in from_to_ray_collisions:
                    ray_id = np.argmin(np.apply_along_axis(np.linalg.norm, 1, ray_froms - rc.rayFrom))
                    rays_dists[ray_id, 0] = np.linalg.norm( - rc.rayFrom)
                for rc in to_from_ray_collisions:
                    ray_id = np.argmin(np.apply_along_axis(np.linalg.norm, 1, ray_tos - rc.rayFrom))
                    rays_dists[ray_id, 1] = np.linalg.norm( - rc.rayFrom)
                colliding_rays_inds = np.logical_and(rays_dists[:, 0] != np.inf, rays_dists[:, 1] != np.inf)
                if np.any(colliding_rays_inds):
                    rays_dists = rays_dists[colliding_rays_inds, :]
                    if np.any(np.logical_and(rays_dists[:, 0] < close_dist_thresh,
                                             rays_dists[:, 1] < close_dist_thresh)):
                        next_vel = 0
                        next_vel = np.minimum(next_vel, np.min(rays_dists.sum(axis=1)))
            if next_vel == 0:
            next_val = np.maximum(next_val - next_vel, 0)

            self.robot.SetDOFValues([next_val], [joint_ind])
            if self.viewer and step_viewer:
        handles = []
        # add constraints at the points where a ray hits a dynamic link within a distance of grab_dist_thresh
        for bt_obj in dyn_bt_objs:
            from_to_ray_collisions = self.bt_env.RayTest(ray_froms, ray_tos, bt_obj)
            to_from_ray_collisions = self.bt_env.RayTest(ray_tos, ray_froms, bt_obj)
            for i in range(ray_froms.shape[0]):
            ray_collisions = [rc for rcs in [from_to_ray_collisions, to_from_ray_collisions] for rc in rcs]

            for rc in ray_collisions:
                if == bt_obj.GetKinBody().GetLink('rope_59'):
                if np.linalg.norm( - rc.rayFrom) < grab_dist_thresh:
                    link_tf =
                    link_tf[:3, 3] =
                    self._add_constraints(lr,, link_tf)
        if self.viewer and step_viewer:
Exemplo n.º 22
 def correct_shift_at_349nm(self):
     shift = self.values[closest_wavelength_index(self.nm,349)] - self.values[closest_wavelength_index(self.nm,348)]
     min_ = min(np.argmin(self.nm), closest_wavelength_index(self.nm,348))
     max_ = min(np.argmin(self.nm), closest_wavelength_index(self.nm,348))
     for i in range(min_,max_):
         self.values[i] -= shift            
     self.state += ' 349nm_shift_corrected'     
def get_cmd_shape(color, mag):
    gets the outline of a cmd. Guesses at a large polygon, and then add points
    that are outside of the polygon, ignores points within.

    then polar sorts the result.
    returns: N,2 array.
    # make a guess at the polygon.
    left = (np.min(color), mag[np.argmin(color)])
    right = (np.max(color), mag[np.argmax(color)])
    up = (color[np.argmin(mag)], np.min(mag))
    down = (color[np.argmax(mag)], np.max(mag))
    verts = np.vstack((left, right, up, down))

    points = np.column_stack((color, mag))
    for point in points:
        if nxutils.pnpoly(point[0], point[1], verts) == 0.:
            # add point to verts
            col = verts[:, 0]
            m = verts[:, 1]
            col = np.append(col, point[0])
            m = np.append(m, point[1])
            # order the new points in a circle
            verts = polar_sort(zip(col, m))

    verts = np.append(verts, [verts[0]], axis=0)
    # plt.plot(verts[:, 0], verts[:, 1], lw = 2)
    return verts
Exemplo n.º 24
    def _make_tuples(self, key):
        print('Populating', key)
        spikes = np.vstack([s.squeeze() for s in (preprocess.Spikes.RateTrace() & key).fetch('rate_trace')])
        s = spikes.sum(axis=0)
        nans = np.isnan(s)

        key['leading_nans'] = int(nans[0])
        key['trailing_nans'] = int(nans[1])

        t = (preprocess.Sync() & key).fetch1('frame_times')  # does not need to be unique

        flip_first = (vis.Trial() * preprocess.Sync().proj('psy_id', trial_idx='first_trial') & key).fetch1('flip_times')
        flip_last = (vis.Trial() * preprocess.Sync().proj('psy_id', trial_idx='last_trial') & key).fetch1('flip_times')

        # (vis.Trial() * preprocess.Sync() & 'trial_idx between first_trial and last_trial')
        fro = np.atleast_1d(flip_first.squeeze())[0]
        to = np.atleast_1d(flip_last.squeeze())[
            -1]  # not necessarily where the stimulus stopped, just last presentation
        idx_fro = np.argmin(np.abs(t - fro))
        idx_to = np.argmin(np.abs(t - to)) + 1
        key['stimulus_nans'] = int(np.any(nans[idx_fro:idx_to]))
        if np.any(nans):
            key['nan_idx'] = nans
        key['stimulus_start'] = idx_fro + 1
        key['stimulus_end'] = idx_to

Exemplo n.º 25
    def find_boundaries(self, all=False):
        """Find the local minima on either side of each peak

            prevb = np.argmin(self.y[0:self._idx[0]])
        except IndexError:
            prevb = 0

        bounds = []

        if not all:
            pos = self._idx[self._keep]
            pos = self._idx

        npks = len(pos)

        for i in range(npks):
            thismax = pos[i]
            if i < npks-1:
                nextmax = pos[i + 1]
                relb = np.argmin(self.y[thismax:nextmax])
                nextb = relb + thismax
                nextmax = len(self.y)-1
                nextb = len(self.y)-1

            bounds.append([prevb, nextb])
            prevb = nextb

        self._bounds = np.array(bounds)
Exemplo n.º 26
def estimate_pk_parms_1d(x,f,pktype):
    Gives initial guess of parameters for analytic fit of one dimensional peak

    Required Arguments:
    x -- (n) ndarray of coordinate positions
    f -- (n) ndarray of intensity measurements at coordinate positions x
    pktype -- string, type of analytic function that will be used to fit the data,
    current options are "gaussian","lorentzian","pvoigt" (psuedo voigt), and
    "split_pvoigt" (split psuedo voigt)

    p -- (m) ndarray containing initial guesses for parameters for the input peaktype 
    (see peak function help for what each parameters corresponds to)

#    lbg=np.mean(f[:2])
#    rbg=np.mean(f[:2]) 
    if((f[0]> (0.25*data_max)) and (f[-1]> (0.25*data_max))):#heuristic for wide peaks  
    elif (f[0]> (0.25*data_max)): #peak cut off on the left 
    elif (f[-1]> (0.25*data_max)): #peak cut off on the right 
    #checks for peaks that are cut off
    if cen_index == (num_pts-1):
        FWHM=x[cen_index]-x[np.argmin(np.abs(f[:cen_index]-A/2.))]#peak cut off on the left 
    elif cen_index == 0:
        FWHM=x[cen_index+np.argmin(np.abs(f[cen_index+1:]-A/2.))]-x[0] #peak cut off on the right 
    if FWHM <=0:##uh,oh something went bad
        FWHM=(x[-1]-x[0])/4. #completely arbitrary, set peak width to 1/4 window size

    if pktype=='gaussian' or pktype=='lorentzian':
    elif pktype=='pvoigt':
    elif pktype=='split_pvoigt':
    return p
Exemplo n.º 27
 def _transform_indices(self, key):
     Transforms indices by snapping to the closest value if
     values are numeric, otherwise applies no transformation.
     ndims = self.ndims
     if all(not isinstance(el, slice) for el in key):
         dim_inds = []
         for dim in self._cached_index_names:
             dim_type = self.get_dimension_type(dim)
             if isinstance(dim_type, type) and issubclass(dim_type, Number):
         str_keys = iter(key[i] for i in range(self.ndims)
                         if i not in dim_inds)
         num_keys = []
         if len(dim_inds):
             keys = list({tuple(k[i] if ndims > 1 else k for i in dim_inds)
                          for k in self.keys()})
             q = np.array([tuple(key[i] if ndims > 1 else key for i in dim_inds)])
             idx = np.argmin([np.inner(q - np.array(x), q - np.array(x))
                              if len(dim_inds) == 2 else np.abs(q-x)
                                  for x in keys])
             num_keys = iter(keys[idx])
         key = tuple(next(num_keys) if i in dim_inds else next(str_keys)
                     for i in range(self.ndims))
     elif any(not isinstance(el, slice) for el in key):
         index_ind = [idx for idx, el in enumerate(key)
                      if not isinstance(el, (slice, str))][0]
         dim_keys = np.array([k[index_ind] for k in self.keys()])
         snapped_val = dim_keys[np.argmin(np.abs(dim_keys-key[index_ind]))]
         key = list(key)
         key[index_ind] = snapped_val
         key = tuple(key)
     return key
    def _augmenting_row_reduction(self):
        Augmenting row reduction step from LAPJV algorithm
        unassigned = np.where(self._x == -1)[0]
        for i in unassigned:
            while True:
                #find smallest 2 values and indices
                temp = self.c[i] - self._v
                j1 = np.argmin(temp)
                u1 = temp[j1]
                temp[j1] = np.max(temp) + 1
                j2 = np.argmin(temp)
                u2 = temp[j2]

                if u1 < u2:
                    self._v[j1] -= u2 - u1
                elif self._y[j1] != -1:
                    j1 = j2
                k = self._y[j1]
                if k != -1:
                    self._x[k] = -1
                    self._x[i] = j1
                    self._y[j1] = i
                    i = k
                if np.allclose(u1, u2) or k == -1:
Exemplo n.º 29
def gpu_nnc_predict(trX, trY, teX, metric='cosine', batch_size=4096):
    if metric == 'cosine':
        metric_fn = cosine_dist
        metric_fn = euclid_dist
    idxs = []
    for i in range(0, len(teX), batch_size):
        mb_dists = []
        mb_idxs = []
        for j in range(0, len(trX), batch_size):
            dist = metric_fn(floatX(teX[i:i+batch_size]), floatX(trX[j:j+batch_size]))
            if metric == 'cosine':
                mb_dists.append(np.max(dist, axis=1))
                mb_idxs.append(j+np.argmax(dist, axis=1))
                mb_dists.append(np.min(dist, axis=1))
                mb_idxs.append(j+np.argmin(dist, axis=1))                
        mb_idxs = np.asarray(mb_idxs)
        mb_dists = np.asarray(mb_dists)
        if metric == 'cosine':
            i = mb_idxs[np.argmax(mb_dists, axis=0), np.arange(mb_idxs.shape[1])]
            i = mb_idxs[np.argmin(mb_dists, axis=0), np.arange(mb_idxs.shape[1])]
    idxs = np.concatenate(idxs, axis=0)
    nearest = trY[idxs]
    return nearest
Exemplo n.º 30
def rescale_frontoparallel(p_fp,box_fp,p_im):
    The fronto-parallel image region is rescaled to bring it in 
    the same approx. size as the target region size.

    p_fp : nx2 coordinates of countour points in the fronto-parallel plane
    box  : 4x2 coordinates of bounding box of p_fp
    p_im : nx2 coordinates of countour in the image

    NOTE : p_fp and p are corresponding, i.e. : p_fp[i] ~ p[i]

    Returns the scale 's' to scale the fronto-parallel points by.
    l1 = np.linalg.norm(box_fp[1,:]-box_fp[0,:])
    l2 = np.linalg.norm(box_fp[1,:]-box_fp[2,:])

    n0 = np.argmin(np.linalg.norm(p_fp-box_fp[0,:][None,:],axis=1))
    n1 = np.argmin(np.linalg.norm(p_fp-box_fp[1,:][None,:],axis=1))
    n2 = np.argmin(np.linalg.norm(p_fp-box_fp[2,:][None,:],axis=1))

    lt1 = np.linalg.norm(p_im[n1,:]-p_im[n0,:])
    lt2 = np.linalg.norm(p_im[n1,:]-p_im[n2,:])

    s =  max(lt1/l1,lt2/l2)
    if not np.isfinite(s):
        s = 1.0
    return s
Exemplo n.º 31
        for i in range(0, ncol):
            cent[:,i] = sample(tuple(data[:,i]), k)

        #Distances from observations to centroids
        dist_ls = []
        clus = []
        dist = np.zeros(shape=(nrow, k))

        for i in range(0, (nrow)):
            for j in range(0, (ncol-1)):
                dist[i,j] = math.sqrt((sum(data[i,:] - cent[j,:]))**2)
        data_df = pd.DataFrame(data)
        clus_df = pd.DataFrame(clus)
        data_c = pd.concat([data_df.reset_index(drop=True), clus_df], axis=1)
        data_clus = data_c.values

        for h in range(1, niter):
            #Recompute centroids
            cent = np.zeros(shape=(k, ncol))
            for i in range(0, ncol):
                cent[:,i] = sample(tuple(data[:,i]), k)
Exemplo n.º 32
        # convert to numpy arrays
        xTrain = numpy.array(xTrainTemp)
        yTrain = numpy.array(yListTrain)
        xTest = numpy.array(xTestTemp)
        yTest = numpy.array(yListTest)

        # use sci-kit learn linear regression
        wineQModel = linear_model.LinearRegression(), yTrain)

        # use trained model to generate prediction and calculate rmsError
        rmsError = numpy.linalg.norm((yTest - wineQModel.predict(xTest)), 2) / sqrt(len(yTest))
        attTemp = []

    iBest = numpy.argmin(errorList)

print "Out of sample error versus attribute set size:"
print oosError
print "\n" + "Best attribute indices"
print attributeList
namesList = [names[i] for i in attributeList]
print "\n" + "Best attribute names"
print namesList

# Plot error versus number of attributes
x = range(len(oosError))
plt.plot(x, oosError, 'k')
plt.xlabel('Number of Attributes')
Exemplo n.º 33
def rollImage(compared, rolled, scope = 5):
    values = [compareImages(compared,  np.roll(rolled,i, axis = 0)) for i in range(-scope,scope+1)]
    return np.roll(rolled,np.argmin(values) - scope, axis = 0)
Exemplo n.º 34
           title=f'Channel: {ch}')
    ax.secondary_xaxis('top', functions=(lambda x: 1e7 / x, lambda x: 1e7 / x))

# %%
# Using the inital channel 63 clearly leads to an offset, indicating the
# zero-order position was not correct. Using instead 58 as the center channel we
# get an good greement. The peak at 1601 is isolated from water vapor lines,
# hence we will use it to calibrate the dispersion. For that we will look at
# three spectra at once: One where the peak is at the center channel and one for
# each side. We will try to find a suitable dispersion factor to get some
# reasonable overlap. As seen below, a factor of 7.7 nm/pixel gives us really
# good fit.

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
i = np.argmin(abs(cwl - 1e7 / 1601))
disp = 7.7
new_x = disp * (np.arange(128) - 58)
ax.plot(new_x + cwl[i], pr[i, :])
ax.plot(new_x + cwl[i - 130], 0.58 * pr[i - 130, :])
ax.plot(new_x + cwl[i + 130], 1.4 * pr[i + 130, :])

new_wl = disp * (np.arange(128) - 58)[:, None] + cwl[None, :]
# %%
# Using that factor we can extract the region around the peak for multiple spectra.
# In this region, we just look for the minium.

fig, (ax, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, sharex=True, figsize=(3, 4))

mask = (abs(new_wl - 1e7 / 1601) < 80).T
ax.plot(np.arange(128) - 58, cwl[np.argmax(mask, 0)], lw=1, c='k', ls='--')
Exemplo n.º 35
def _crop_eyes(facecrop, eye_cascade, Lexpect=(0.7, 0.4), Rexpect=(0.3, 0.4),
               maxdist=0.2, maxsize=0.3):
    """Attempts to find eyes in an image of a face, and crops the left
    and the right eye separately. When more than two potential eyes
    are detected, the eyes that are closest to the expected positions
    of the eyes will be selected.


    facecrop		-	A numpy.ndarray with unsigned, 8-bit
                    integers that reflect the greyscale values
                    of a face.

    Keyword Arguments

    Lexpect		-	A (x,y) tuple that indicates where the left
                    eye is expected to be. Note that the
                    coordinates are in relative space, where
                    (0,0) is the top-left of the image, (0,1)
                    is the bottom-left, and (1,1) is the
                    bottom-right. Also note that the left eye is
                    likely to be on the right side of the image,
                    and the right eye is likely to be in the
                    left part of the image. Default = (0.7,0.4)

    Rexpect		-	A (x,y) tuple that indicates where the right
                    eye is expected to be. Note that the
                    coordinates are in relative space, where
                    (0,0) is the top-left of the image, (0,1)
                    is the bottom-left, and (1,1) is the
                    bottom-right. Also note that the left eye is
                    likely to be on the right side of the image,
                    and the right eye is likely to be in the
                    left part of the image. Default = (0.3,0.4)

    maxdist		-	A float that indicates what the maximal
                    allowable distance is between the expected
                    eye position, and the position of detected
                    potential eye. The maximal distance is
                    defined as a proportion of the image height.
                    It can also be set to None. Default = (0.2)

    maxsize		-	A float that indicates what the maximal
                    allowable width is of the detected eyes. The
                    maximal size is defined as a proportion of
                    the image width. It can also be set to None.
                    Default = (0.3)


    success, [left, right]	-	success is a Boolean that indicates
                        whether the eyes could be detected.
                        left and right are both a numpy.ndarray
                        with unsigned, 8-bit integers that
                        reflect the greyscale values of what
                        are assumed to be the left and the
                        right eye.

    # Return straight away when facecrop==None
    if facecrop is None:
        return False, [None, None]

    eyes = eye_cascade.detectMultiScale(facecrop)

    # Return if no eyes could be detected.
    if len(eyes) == 0:
        return False, [None, None]

    # Remove all the potential eye rects that are too large.
    if maxsize != None:
        eyes = eyes[eyes[:, 3] < maxsize * facecrop.shape[0]]

    # Calculate the distances between each potential eye and the
    # expected locations. (NOTE: These are not the actual distances,
    # but the squared distances. They need to be compared to the
    # squared maximum distance.)
    cx = (eyes[:, 0] + eyes[:, 2] / 2) / float(facecrop.shape[1])
    cy = (eyes[:, 1] + eyes[:, 3] / 2) / float(facecrop.shape[0])
    dl = (cx - Lexpect[0]) ** 2 + (cy - Lexpect[1]) ** 2
    dr = (cx - Rexpect[0]) ** 2 + (cy - Rexpect[1]) ** 2
    # Exclude all potential eyes that are too far from expected eye
    # locations.
    if maxdist != None:
        good = numpy.min([dl, dr], axis=0) < maxdist ** 2
        eyes = eyes[good]
        dl = dl[good]
        dr = dr[good]

    # If no eye was detected, there is no eye index.
    if len(eyes) == 0:
        li = None
        ri = None

    # If only one eye is detected, its index is 0.
    elif len(eyes) == 1:
        # Check whether the distance to the left eye is closer. If it
        # is, than only the left eye was recorded. If not, the right
        # eye was recorded.
        if dl[0] < dr[0]:
            li = 0
            ri = None
            li = None
            ri = 0

    # If two or more eyes were detected, choose the potential rects
    # that were closest to the expected eye positions.
        li = numpy.argmin(dl)
        ri = numpy.argmin(dr)

    # If no eye was detected, return no success.
    success = True
    if (li is None) & (ri is None):
        success = False
    # If the left eye was detected, crop it from the face.
    if li is None:
        left = None
        x, y, w, h = eyes[li]
        x, y, w, h = int(x), int(y), int(w), int(h)
        y += h // 4
        h = h // 2
        left = facecrop[y:y + h, x:x + w]
    # If the right eye was detected, crop it from the face.
    if ri is None:
        right = None
        x, y, w, h = eyes[ri]
        x, y, w, h = int(x), int(y), int(w), int(h)
        y += h // 4
        h = h // 2
        right = facecrop[y:y + h, x:x + w]

    # In DEBUG mode, draw the original frame and the detected eyes.
    if _DEBUG:
        # Display the face in the bottom-left pane.
        _AX[1][0].imshow(facecrop, cmap='gray')
        _AX[1][0].set_title("potential eyes")
        for i in range(len(eyes)):
            r = eyes[i]
            if i == li or i == ri:
                    (r[0], r[1]), r[2], r[3], fill=False,
                    (r[0], r[1]), r[2], r[3], fill=False,

    return success, [left, right]
Exemplo n.º 36
    def _sample_logger(self, event, samplequeue):

        """Continuously monitors the Queue, and writes samples to the log
        file whenever over five are still in the Queue.

        # Create a list to keep track of samples.
        timestamps = []
        samplelist = []

        # Continuously run.
        while event.is_set():

            # Only process samples if the tracker is recording.
            if self._recording:

                # Obtain a new sample if the Queue isn't empty, and lock
                # the Queue while we're using it.
                if not samplequeue.empty():
                    #				if samplequeue.qsize() > 0:
                    # Get the oldest sample in the Queue.
                    sample = samplequeue.get()
                    # Add the sample to the list.
                    # Store the sample locally, but only if it's not
                    # a message.
                    if sample[1][0][0] != 'MSG':
                        self._latest_sample = sample

                # Write the oldest samples from the list, but make sure
                # there are always at least five samples still in the
                # list. We do this, because the sampling happens
                # asynchronously in several parallel processes. This
                # might result in newer samples being processed and
                # becoming available before older samples. Obviously,
                # we want to log the samples in chronological order of
                # obtaining them, not of them becoming available. So
                # we keep a buffer of five samples, which should
                # hopefully be enough to allow slightly older samples
                # to come in.
                while len(timestamps) > 5:
                    # Find the oldest timestamp.
                    i = numpy.argmin(timestamps)
                    t = timestamps.pop(i)
                    LR = samplelist.pop(i)
                    # Log the sample.
                    self._log_sample([t, LR])

            # If we're not recording anymore, but there are samples left
            # in the list, then we need to process those first.
            elif not self._recording and len(timestamps) > 0:
                # Empty out the sample buffer.
                while len(timestamps) > 0:
                    # Find the oldest timestamp.
                    i = numpy.argmin(timestamps)
                    t = timestamps.pop(i)
                    LR = samplelist.pop(i)
                    # Log the sample.
                    self._log_sample([t, LR])

            # If the tracker is not recording, wait for a bit to avoid
            # wasting processing resources on continuously checking
            # whether the tracker is recording.
                # Pause for 10 milliseconds.
Exemplo n.º 37
            ### with a window of the length of the chunk -- keep the high frequencies
            #            window = tau
            #            weights = np.repeat(1.0,window)/window
            #            dsst_box = np.convolve(dsst_chunk, weights,'valid')
            ### power spectral density of the chunck time series low pass filtered
            #            nn = 0
            #            for c in range(0,NumChunk-1):
            #                f_box[c,:], pxx_box[c,:] = signal.periodogram(dsst_box[nn \
            #                                                                       :nn+tau])
            #                nn = nn + tau

            # inter chunk variance of the fast varying process
            # average periodograms in time -- estimate the spectrum for all the chunks
            pxx_jall = np.mean(pxx_j, axis=0)

            idx = np.argmin(np.abs(f_j[0][:] - (1 / tau)))
            # variance of the fast varying component
            PP['Var_F'][jcnt_id, icnt_id] = (1 / tau) * pxx_jall[idx]
#            PP['Var_F2'][jcnt_id,icnt_id] = np.nanmean(pxx_box[:][idx]/tau)

        jcnt_id = jcnt_id + 1
#        elapsed_lat = time.time() - t_lat
#        print('elapsed time for each lat:', elapsed_lat)

    elapsed_lon = time.time() - t_lon
    print('elapsed time for each lon:', elapsed_lon)
    icnt_id = icnt_id + 1

# variance ratio
PP['S_tau'][:, :] = PP['Var_interC'][:, :] / PP['Var_F'][:, :]
#PP['S_tau2'][:,:] = PP['Var_interC'][:,:] / PP['Var_F2'][:,:]
Exemplo n.º 38
angle = utils.copy_docstring(
    lambda input, name=None: np.angle(input))

argmax = utils.copy_docstring(
    lambda input, axis=None, output_type=np.int64, name=None: (  # pylint: disable=g-long-lambda
        np.argmax(input, axis=0 if axis is None else int(axis))

argmin = utils.copy_docstring(
    lambda input, axis=None, output_type=np.int64, name=None: (  # pylint: disable=g-long-lambda
            input), axis=0 if axis is None else int(axis))

asin = utils.copy_docstring(
    lambda x, name=None: np.arcsin(x))

asinh = utils.copy_docstring(
    lambda x, name=None: np.arcsinh(x))

atan = utils.copy_docstring(
    lambda x, name=None: np.arctan(x))

atan2 = utils.copy_docstring(
Exemplo n.º 39
    plt.subplot(3, 1, j + 1)
    plt.plot([x for x in range(1, n) if x % 10 == 0],
    plt.title(titles[i], fontsize=12)
    # plt.plot([x for x in range(1, n) if x % 10 == 0],[np.mean(x) for x in np.array(trials).T], lw = 1, color = 'red', label = 'Actual')

plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
for i in range(n_dims):
    n = dims[i]
    trials = times[i]
    smooth = signal.savgol_filter([np.mean(x) for x in np.array(trials).T], 5,
    plt.subplot(2, 2, i + 1)
    plt.plot([2**x + 1 for x in range(4,
                                      int(math.log2(n)) + 1)],
    # plt.plot([x for x in range(1, n) if x % 10 == 0],[np.mean(x) for x in np.array(trials).T], lw = 1, color = 'red', label = 'Actual')

min_vals = [np.argmin(x) for x in np.array(trials).T]
Exemplo n.º 40
def _box_sphere_collision(H_g0, half_extents0, p_g1, radius1):
    """ Get information on box/sphere collision.

    :param H_g0: pose of the center of the box relative to the ground
    :type H_g0: (4,4)-array
    :param half_extents0: half lengths of the box
    :type half_extents0: (3,)-array
    :param p_g1: position of the center of the sphere relative to the ground
    :type p_g1: (3,) array
    :param float radius1: radius of the sphere
    :return: a tuple (*sdist*, *H_gc0*, *H_gc1*) with:

            * *sdist*: the minimal distance between the box and the sphere
            * *H_gc0*: the pose from the ground to the closest contact point on box 0 (normal along z)
            * *H_gc1*: the pose from the ground to the closest contact point on sphere 1 (normal along z)

    .. image:: img/box_sphere_collision.svg
       :width: 300px


    >>> from numpy import array, eye
    >>> H_g0 = eye(4)
    >>> lengths0 = array([1., 2., 3.])
    >>> r1 = 0.1
    >>> p_g1 = array([0., 3., 1.])
    >>> (sdist, H_gc0, H_gc1)=_box_sphere_collision(H_g0, lengths0/2, p_g1, r1)
    >>> print(sdist)
    >>> print(H_gc0)
    [[ 0.  1.  0.  0.]
     [-0.  0.  1.  1.]
     [ 1. -0.  0.  1.]
     [ 0.  0.  0.  1.]]
    >>> print(H_gc1)
    [[ 0.   1.   0.   0. ]
     [-0.   0.   1.   2.9]
     [ 1.  -0.   0.   1. ]
     [ 0.   0.   0.   1. ]]
    >>> p_g1 = array([0.55, 0., 0.])
    >>> (sdist, H_gc0, H_gc1)=_box_sphere_collision(H_g0, lengths0/2, p_g1, r1)
    >>> print(sdist)
    >>> print(H_gc0)
    [[-0.   0.   1.   0.5]
     [ 0.  -1.   0.   0. ]
     [ 1.   0.   0.   0. ]
     [ 0.   0.   0.   1. ]]
    >>> print(H_gc1)
    [[-0.    0.    1.    0.45]
     [ 0.   -1.    0.    0.  ]
     [ 1.    0.    0.    0.  ]
     [ 0.    0.    0.    1.  ]]
    >>> p_g1 = array([0.45, 0., 0.])
    >>> (sdist, H_gc0, H_gc1)=_box_sphere_collision(H_g0, lengths0/2, p_g1, r1)
    >>> print(sdist)
    >>> print(H_gc0)
    [[-0.   0.   1.   0.5]
     [ 0.  -1.   0.   0. ]
     [ 1.   0.   0.   0. ]
     [ 0.   0.   0.   1. ]]
    >>> print(H_gc1)
    [[-0.    0.    1.    0.35]
     [ 0.   -1.    0.    0.  ]
     [ 1.    0.    0.    0.  ]
     [ 0.    0.    0.    1.  ]]

    assert Hg.ishomogeneousmatrix(H_g0)
    p_01 = Hg.pdot(Hg.inv(H_g0), p_g1)
    if (abs(p_01) <= half_extents0).all():
        # p_01 is inside the box, we need to find the nearest face
        near_face = zeros(6)
        near_face[0:3] = half_extents0 - p_01
        near_face[3:6] = half_extents0 + p_01
        i = argmin(near_face)
        f_0 = p_01.copy()
        normal = zeros(3)
        if i < 3:
            f_0[i] = half_extents0[i]
            normal[i] = 1
            f_0[i - 3] = -half_extents0[i - 3]
            normal[i - 3] = -1  #TODO check this line is correct
        f_g = Hg.pdot(H_g0, f_0)
        sdist = -norm(f_g - p_g1) - radius1
        # find the point x inside the box that is the nearest to
        # the sphere center:
        f_0 = zeros(3)
        for i in arange(3):
            f_0[i] = max(min(half_extents0[i], p_01[i]), -half_extents0[i])
        f_g = Hg.pdot(H_g0, f_0)
        vec = p_g1 - f_g
        normal = vec / norm(vec)
        sdist = norm(vec) - radius1
    H_gc0 = Hg.zaligned(normal)
    H_gc1 = H_gc0.copy()
    H_gc0[0:3, 3] = f_g
    H_gc1[0:3, 3] = p_g1 - radius1 * normal
    return (sdist, H_gc0, H_gc1)
def get_original_probsevere_ids(
        best_track_storm_object_table, probsevere_storm_object_table):
    """For each best-track storm object, returns the original probSevere ID.

    N = number of best-track storm objects

    Each input is a pandas DataFrame with columns documented in

    :param best_track_storm_object_table: N-row pandas DataFrame with storm
        objects *after* fixing duplicate probSevere IDs and running best-track.
    :param probsevere_storm_object_table: pandas DataFrame with storm
        objects *before* fixing duplicate probSevere IDs and running best-track.
    :return: orig_probsevere_ids: length-N list of original probSevere IDs
    :raises: ValueError: if any best-track object cannot be found in the
        original probSevere table.

    num_best_track_objects = len(best_track_storm_object_table.index)
    orig_probsevere_ids = [None] * num_best_track_objects

    for i in range(num_best_track_objects):
        these_time_indices = numpy.where(
            probsevere_storm_object_table[TIME_COLUMN].values ==

        if not len(these_time_indices):
            this_time_string = time_conversion.unix_sec_to_string(

            error_string = (
                'Cannot find any probSevere objects at {0:s}, even though there'
                ' are best-track objects at this time.'
            raise ValueError(error_string)

        these_latitude_diffs_deg = numpy.absolute(
                these_time_indices] -
        these_longitude_diffs_deg = numpy.absolute(
                these_time_indices] -

        this_min_latlng_diff_deg = numpy.min(
            these_latitude_diffs_deg + these_longitude_diffs_deg)
        this_nearest_index = numpy.argmin(
            these_latitude_diffs_deg + these_longitude_diffs_deg)
        this_nearest_index = these_time_indices[this_nearest_index]

        if this_min_latlng_diff_deg > TOLERANCE:
            this_time_string = time_conversion.unix_sec_to_string(

            error_string = (
                'Cannot find original probSevere ID for best-track object '
                '"{0:s}" at {1:s}, {2:.4f} deg N, and {3:.4f} deg E.  Nearest '
                'probSevere object at {1:s} is at {4:.4f} deg N and {5:.4f} deg'
                ' E.'
            raise ValueError(error_string)

        orig_probsevere_ids[i] = probsevere_storm_object_table[

    return orig_probsevere_ids
def find_onset_and_cessation(timeseries, start, end_year, window1, window2,
    This function finds the onset and cessation of the wet season
    The methodology is based on that of Liebmann et al. (2012) Journal of Climate
    The full methodology is described in Dunning et al. (2016)
    It uses the numpy library
    It does not work out the onset and end for first and last year
    For each year it starts searching 'window1' days prior to the start of the water year
    The index of the start of the water year is given by 'start'
    'timeseries' should be one dimensional and be a multiple of year_length long
    window1 and window2 determines how far each side of the wet season days are searched for (start and end resp.)
    Leap days should have already been removed
    start should be in the range 0-364
    The anomaly is calculated over all year first, then the relevant parts are selected and summed

    # Calculate p-alpha
    p_minus_alpha = timeseries - np.mean(timeseries)

    # Create storage arrays
    # Don't calculate for the first or last year
    years = timeseries.shape[0] / year_length - 1
    onset = np.zeros(years - 1)
    end = np.zeros(years - 1)
    onset_success = []
    end_success = []

    # Loop through second to penultimate year
    for year in np.arange(1, years):

        # Select the anomaly from start - window to end + window
        begin = int(year * year_length + start - window1)
        endd = int(year * year_length + end_year + window2)
        this_year = p_minus_alpha[begin:endd]

        # Calculate the cumulative precipitation for that period
        delta = this_year.copy()
        for day in np.arange(len(this_year)):
            delta[day] = np.sum(this_year[0:day + 1])

        # Find the index of the absolute min and max
        # Modify so that the min is not at the end and max is after min
        min_index = np.argmin(delta)
        # Check that the min is not right at the end of the record (within last 8 days)
        # Iterate until it is not at the end
        length_6 = len(delta) - 8
        iterr = 0
        while min_index > length_6:
            iterr += 1
            delta_con = delta[:-7 * iterr]
            min_index = np.argmin(delta_con)
            length_6 = length_6 - 7
            if length_6 < 10:
                min_index = float('nan')
        if math.isnan(min_index):
            max_index = float('nan')
            max_index = np.argmax(delta[min_index:]) + min_index

        # Plot to test
        #ax1 = plt.subplot(4,4,year)
        #ax1.plot(this_year, color='DodgerBlue')
        #ax2 = ax1.twinx()
        #ax2.plot(delta, 'g', linewidth=3)
        #ax2.plot([min_index+1, min_index+1], [min(delta)-10,max(delta)+10], 'm', linewidth=4)
        #ax2.plot([max_index+1, max_index+1], [min(delta)-10,max(delta)+10], 'm', linewidth=4)

        # Transform to 'day of the year'
        onset_day = min_index + start - window1 + 1
        cessation_day = max_index + start - window1

        # Store in onset and cessation arrays
        if onset_day > cessation_day:  #Not successful
            print 'why did this happen? - onset>cesssation in find_onset_and_cessation function'
            onset[year - 1] = float('nan')
            end[year - 1] = float('nan')
            # If onset day and cessation day are nans then it will do this loop
            onset[year - 1] = onset_day
            end[year - 1] = cessation_day
    return onset, end
Exemplo n.º 43
def minimize(fun,
    """Find the minimum of function 'fun'.
    fun : callable
        Function to minimize.
    bounds : list of tuples
        Bounds for each parameter.
    cons : dict
    method : string
        Minimization method.
    grad : callable
        Gradient of fun or None.
    prior : scipy-like distribution object
        Used for sampling initialization points. If None, samples uniformly.
    n_start_points : int, optional
        Number of initialization points.
    maxiter : int, optional
        Maximum number of iterations.
    random_state : np.random.RandomState, optional
        Used only if no elfi.Priors given.
    tuple of the found coordinates of minimum and the corresponding value.
    ndim = len(bounds)
    start_points = np.empty((n_start_points, ndim))

    if prior is None:
        # Sample initial points uniformly within bounds
        # TODO: combine with the the bo.acquisition.UniformAcquisition method?
        random_state = random_state or np.random
        for i in range(ndim):
            start_points[:, i] = random_state.uniform(*bounds[i],
        start_points = prior.rvs(n_start_points, random_state=random_state)
        if len(start_points.shape) == 1:
            # Add possibly missing dimension when ndim=1
            start_points = start_points[:, None]
        for i in range(ndim):
            start_points[:, i] = np.clip(start_points[:, i], *bounds[i])

    # Run the optimisation from each initialization point.
    locs = []
    vals = np.empty(n_start_points)
    for i in range(n_start_points):
        result = scipy.optimize.minimize(fun,
                                         start_points[i, :],
        vals[i] = result['fun']

    # Return the optimal case.
    ind_min = np.argmin(vals)
    locs_out = locs[ind_min]
    for i in range(ndim):
        locs_out[i] = np.clip(locs_out[i], *bounds[i])

    return locs[ind_min], vals[ind_min]
Exemplo n.º 44
def plot_steps_with_surrogate(w_path):
    # make figure to update
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 5))
    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)

    # make cost function path based on gradient descent steps (in w_path)
    g_path = []
    for i in range(0, len(w_path)):
        w = w_path[i]

    # plot costs function

    # colors for points
    s = np.linspace(1 / len(g_path), 1, len(g_path))
    s.shape = (len(s), 1)
    colorspec = np.concatenate((s, np.flipud(s)), 1)
    colorspec = np.concatenate((colorspec, np.zeros((len(s), 1))), 1)

    # plot initial point
             color=colorspec[0, :],
             markerfacecolor=colorspec[0, :])

    # plot a tracer on this first point just for visualization purposes
    t = np.linspace(-0.5, g_path[0], 100)
    s = w_path[0] * np.ones((100))
    ax1.plot(s, t, '--k')

    # plot first quadratic surrogate
    s_range = 3  # range over which to show the linear surrogate
    s = np.linspace(w_path[0] - s_range, w_path[0] + s_range, 10000)
    t = surrogate(w_path[0], s)
    h, = ax1.plot(s, t, 'm', linewidth=2)

    # plot minimum of quadratic surrogate
    ind = np.argmin(t)
    x_mark, = ax1.plot(s[ind], t[ind], 'kx', markersize=12, markeredgewidth=3)

    # loop over the remaining iterations, showing
    # - the quadratic surrogate at the first few steps
    # - color changing from green (start) to red (end) of gradient descent run
    for i in range(1, len(g_path)):
        # with the first few points plot the surrogates as well for illustration
        if i <= 1:

            # plot cost function evaluated at next newton's method step
                     color=colorspec[i - 1, :],
                     markerfacecolor=colorspec[i - 1, :])

            # remove old quadratic and stationary pt from drawing

            # draw new quadratic
            s_range = 3
            s = np.linspace(w_path[i] - s_range, w_path[i] + s_range, 10000)
            t = surrogate(w_path[i], s)
            h, = ax1.plot(s, t, 'm', linewidth=2)

            # draw minimum / maximum of quadratic
            ind = np.argmin(t)
            x_mark, = ax1.plot(s[ind],

        # remove quadratic surrogate, point, etc.,
        if i == 1:
            ax1.plot(w_path[i + 1],
                     g_path[i + 1],
                     color=colorspec[i, :],
                     markerfacecolor=colorspec[i, :])

            # remove quadratic and pt

        # for later iterations just plot point so things don't get too visually cluttered
        if i >= 1:  # just plot point so things don't get too cluttered
                     color=colorspec[i - 1, :],
                     markerfacecolor=colorspec[i - 1, :])

        # color the final point red just for visualization purposes
        if i == len(g_path) - 1:
            t = np.linspace(-0.5, g_path[i], 100)
            s = w_path[i] * np.ones((100))
            ax1.plot(s, t, '--k')
    def fit(self, X_train, y_train,
            X_valid=None, y_valid=None,
            n_epochs=100, batch_size=10,

        if self.gradient_steps < 1:
            seq_length = 1
            seq_length = 2 * self.gradient_steps

        start_epoch = 0
        best_epoch = 0
        best_loss = np.inf
        best_params = self.get_params()
        validate = X_valid is not None and y_valid is not None

        train_loss_fn = os.path.join(self.out_dir, 'train_loss.txt')

        if not keep_training:

        if validate:
            valid_loss_fn = os.path.join(self.out_dir, 'valid_loss_reg.txt')
            valid_loss_2_fn = os.path.join(self.out_dir, 'valid_loss.txt')
            if not keep_training:

                if os.path.exists(valid_loss_fn):
                    valid_loss_old = np.loadtxt(valid_loss_fn)
                    best_loss_idx = np.argmin(valid_loss_old[:, 1])
                    best_loss = valid_loss_old[best_loss_idx, 1]
                    best_epoch = valid_loss_old[best_loss_idx, 0]
                    start_epoch = int(best_epoch) + 1

                elif os.path.exists(train_loss_fn):
                    train_loss_old = np.loadtxt(train_loss_fn)
                    best_loss_idx = np.argmin(train_loss_old[:, 1])
                    best_loss = train_loss_old[best_loss_idx, 1]
                    best_epoch = train_loss_old[best_loss_idx, 0]
                    start_epoch = int(best_epoch) + 1

            named_valid_results = ()

        train_batch_provider = BatchProvider(theano.config.floatX)
        train_batch_provider.store_data(X_train, y_train)

        valid_batch_provider = BatchProvider(theano.config.floatX)
        valid_batch_provider.store_data(X_valid, y_valid)

        total_train_instances = np.sum(len(x) for x in X_train)
        n_train_batches_per_epoch = max(
            1, 2 * total_train_instances / (batch_size * seq_length))'Batch size: {}; Batches per epoch: {}'
                    .format(batch_size, n_train_batches_per_epoch))

        # variables to hold data batches; reusing rather than recreating the
        # arrays saves (a little bit of) time
        X_t = train_batch_provider.make_X_batch_array(batch_size, seq_length)
        y_t = train_batch_provider.make_Y_batch_array(batch_size, seq_length)

        if isinstance(self.train_fun, (tuple, list)):
            train_mode_selector = ParameterUpdate(start_epoch, n_epochs)
            train_mode_selector = SimpleParameterUpdate()

        # Initialize valid loss (in case there is no validation set)
        valid_loss = np.array([0 for o in self.valid_fun.outputs])

            for epoch in xrange(start_epoch,

                # train_results = []
                mode = train_mode_selector.select_mode(epoch)
      'Training {0} params'.format(mode))
                train_loss, named_train_results = _train_loss(
                    self, train_batch_provider, batch_size, seq_length,
                    X_t, y_t, train_loss_fn, epoch,
                    n_train_batches_per_epoch, mode=mode)

                if validate and (
                        np.mod(epoch - start_epoch, 5) == 0 or
                        epoch == n_epochs - 1):
                    valid_results = []
                    for i, (X_v, y_v) in enumerate(
                        valid_results.append(self.valid_fun(X_v, y_v))

                    valid_loss = np.nanmean(valid_results, axis=0)

                        valid_loss_fn, epoch, valid_loss[0])
                        valid_loss_2_fn, epoch, valid_loss[-1])

                named_valid_results = zip([ for o in
                    ("Epoch: {0}/{3}, "
                     "train: {1}, "
                     "validate: {2} ")
                            '; '.join(
                                '{0} ={1: .3f}'.format(k, v) for k, v in
                            '; '.join(
                                '{0} ={1: .3f}'.format(k, v) for k, v in

                params = self.get_params()

                # Early stopping
                if validate:
                    es_loss = valid_loss[0]

                    es_loss = train_loss[0]

                if es_loss < best_loss:
                    best_params = params
                    best_loss = es_loss
                    best_epoch = epoch
                # Make a backup every 100 epochs (Astrud is sometimes
                # unreliable)
                if np.mod(epoch - start_epoch, 100) == 0:
          'Backing parameters up!')
                                os.path.join(self.out_dir, ''))

                early_stop = (
                    epoch > (best_epoch + max_epochs_from_best))

                if early_stop:

        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            print('Training interrupted')

        if best_loss < np.inf:
            print('Reloading best self (epoch = {0}, {2} loss = {1:.3f})'
                  .format(best_epoch + 1, best_loss,
                          'validation' if validate else 'training'))


        return self.get_params()
    best_for_best_test_result = np.zeros(
        (th_test[0].eval().shape[0], dl_params_1['out_size']),

    for tmp in range(len(xgbAccuracyByClass)):
        print('Acc by class for classifier ', tmp, ': ',

    acc_by_class = np.asarray(xgbAccuracyByClass)
    for row_i in range(best_for_best_result.shape[0]):
        class_for_row = []
        for proba in xgbProbas:
        counter = Counter(class_for_row)
        maj_vote = counter.most_common()[0][0]
        best_classif = np.argmin(acc_by_class[:, int(maj_vote)])
        best_probs = xgbProbas[best_classif][row_i]
        best_for_best_result[row_i] = best_probs

    for row_i in range(best_for_best_test_result.shape[0]):
        class_for_row = []
        for proba in xgbTestProbas:
        counter = Counter(class_for_row)
        maj_vote = counter.most_common()[0][0]
        best_classif = np.argmin(acc_by_class[:, int(maj_vote)])
        best_test_probs = xgbTestProbas[best_classif][row_i]
        best_for_best_test_result[row_i] = best_test_probs

    for r_i, result in enumerate(xgbProbas):
        test_result = xgbTestProbas[r_i]
Exemplo n.º 47
	def learning(self, actionPolicy, actionParam, eval_greedy=False):
		from scipy.special import digamma
		from scipy.stats import t as studentTdist

		state = self.obj.reset(self.np_random)
		deltaR = 0.1
		deltaM = 0.2
		deltaT = 0.02
		epsilon = 0.0001
		while(self.step <= self.obj.timeH):
			if actionPolicy == 'egreedy':
				if self.np_random.rand() < actionParam:
					action = self.np_random.choice(range(self.obj.anum))
					action = np.argmax(self.ng_param[state,:,0])
			elif actionPolicy == 'Q-sample':
				p = self.np_random.rand(self.obj.anum)
				xs = np.arange(min(self.ng_param[state,:,0])-10.0, max(self.ng_param[state,:,0])+10.0,0.01)
				p_table = []
				for x in xs:
				ids = np.argmin(np.abs(p-np.asarray(p_table)),axis=0)
				action = np.argmax([xs[ids[i]] for i in range(self.obj.anum)])
				raise ValueError('Not provided action policy.')

			cur_param = self.ng_param[state,action]
			reward, state_n, done = self.obj.observe(state,action,self.np_random)

			std = np.sqrt((cur_param[1]+1)*cur_param[3]/cur_param[1]/(cur_param[2]-1))
			R_samples = np.arange(cur_param[0]-3*std, cur_param[0]+3*std, deltaR, dtype=np.float32)
			R_pdf = norm.pdf(R_samples, cur_param[0],std)
			M1 = reward +*R_samples
			M2 = M1**2
			mu0_new = (cur_param[1]*cur_param[0] + 1*M1)/(cur_param[1]+1)
			l_new = (cur_param[1]+1)*np.ones(R_samples.shape)
			a_new = (cur_param[2]+0.5)*np.ones(R_samples.shape)
			b_new = cur_param[3]+0.5*(M2-M1**2)+0.5*cur_param[1]*(M1-cur_param[0])**2/l_new
			x_mu = np.arange(-20.0+cur_param[0],20.0+cur_param[0], deltaM, dtype=np.float32)
			x_tau = np.arange(0.01+cur_param[0],0.2+cur_param[0], deltaT, dtype=np.float32)

			e_mt, e_t, e_m2t, e_logt = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
			tot_prob = 0.0
			tmp_mu = []
			for x_m in x_mu:
				tmp_tau = []
				for x_t in x_tau:
					p_mix = deltaR*, x_t, mu0_new, l_new, a_new, b_new),R_pdf)
					tot_prob += p_mix
					e_mt += x_m*x_t*p_mix
					e_t += x_t*p_mix
					e_m2t += x_m*x_m*x_t*p_mix
					e_logt += np.log(x_t)*p_mix
			tot_prob *= deltaT*deltaM
			if abs(tot_prob-1.0) > 0.1:
			e_mt *= deltaT*deltaM/tot_prob
			e_t *= deltaT*deltaM/tot_prob
			e_m2t *= deltaT*deltaM/tot_prob
			e_logt *= deltaT*deltaM/tot_prob

			if (np.log(e_t)-e_logt)<0:
			self.ng_param[state,action,0] = e_mt/e_t
			self.ng_param[state,action,1] = 1.0/(e_m2t - e_t*self.ng_param[state,action,0]**2)
			self.ng_param[state,action,2] = max(1+epsilon, self.finverse(np.log(e_t)-e_logt, digamma))
			self.ng_param[state,action,3] = self.ng_param[state,action,2]/e_t
Exemplo n.º 48


    # Converting the array into a list
    monthly_change_list = sum(monthly_change)

    # Summing the monthly change
    total = sum(monthly_change_list)

    average_change = total / (len(total_months)-1)
    formated_avg_change = "{:.2f}".format(average_change)

    max_num = np.argmax(monthly_change_list, axis=0)
    min_num = np.argmin(monthly_change_list, axis=0)

    print ("Financial Analysis")
    print ("-------------------------")
    print (f"Total Months: {len(total_months)}")
    print (f"Total: ${sum(profit_loss)}")
    print (f"Average Change: ${formated_avg_change}")
    print (f"Greatest Increase in Profits: {total_months[max_num + 1]} $({monthly_change_list[max_num]})")
    print (f"Greatest Decrease in Profits: {total_months[min_num + 1]} $({monthly_change_list[min_num]})")

output_file = os.path.join('Analysis', 'financial_analysis.txt')

with open(output_file, 'w') as txtfile:

    # Initialize csv.writer
    print("Financial Analysis", file=txtfile)
Exemplo n.º 49
def minimum_bounding_rectangle(points):
    Find the smallest bounding rectangle for a set of points.
    Returns a set of points representing the corners of the bounding box.

    :param points: an nx2 matrix of coordinates
    :rval: an nx2 matrix of coordinates
    from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import rotate
    pi2 = np.pi / 2.

    # get the convex hull for the points
    hull_points = points[ConvexHull(points).vertices]

    # calculate edge angles
    edges = np.zeros((len(hull_points) - 1, 2))
    edges = hull_points[1:] - hull_points[:-1]

    angles = np.zeros((len(edges)))
    angles = np.arctan2(edges[:, 1], edges[:, 0])

    angles = np.abs(np.mod(angles, pi2))
    angles = np.unique(angles)

    # find rotation matrices
    # XXX both work
    rotations = np.vstack([
        np.cos(angles - pi2),
        np.cos(angles + pi2),
    #     rotations = np.vstack([
    #         np.cos(angles),
    #         -np.sin(angles),
    #         np.sin(angles),
    #         np.cos(angles)]).T
    rotations = rotations.reshape((-1, 2, 2))

    # apply rotations to the hull
    rot_points =, hull_points.T)

    # find the bounding points
    min_x = np.nanmin(rot_points[:, 0], axis=1)
    max_x = np.nanmax(rot_points[:, 0], axis=1)
    min_y = np.nanmin(rot_points[:, 1], axis=1)
    max_y = np.nanmax(rot_points[:, 1], axis=1)

    # find the box with the best area
    areas = (max_x - min_x) * (max_y - min_y)
    best_idx = np.argmin(areas)

    # return the best box
    x1 = max_x[best_idx]
    x2 = min_x[best_idx]
    y1 = max_y[best_idx]
    y2 = min_y[best_idx]
    r = rotations[best_idx]

    rval = np.zeros((4, 2))
    rval[0] =[x1, y2], r)
    rval[1] =[x2, y2], r)
    rval[2] =[x2, y1], r)
    rval[3] =[x1, y1], r)

    return rval
def _fit_init(model, batch_provider,
              X_train, y_train, X_valid,
              y_valid, keep_training, em_train=False):

    start_epoch = 0
    best_epoch = 0
    best_loss = np.inf
    best_params = model.get_params()
    validate = X_valid is not None and y_valid is not None
    epoch_idx = 0

    if em_train:
        start_cycle = 0
        best_cycle = 0
        epoch_idx = 1
        cycle_idx = 0

    train_loss_fn = os.path.join(model.out_dir, 'train_loss.txt')

    if not keep_training:

    if validate:
        valid_loss_fn = os.path.join(model.out_dir, 'valid_loss_reg.txt')
        valid_loss_2_fn = os.path.join(model.out_dir, 'valid_loss.txt')
        if not keep_training:

            if os.path.exists(valid_loss_fn):
                valid_loss_old = np.loadtxt(valid_loss_fn)
                best_loss_idx = np.argmin(valid_loss_old[:, -1])
                best_loss = valid_loss_old[best_loss_idx, -1]
                best_epoch = valid_loss_old[best_loss_idx, epoch_idx]
                start_epoch = int(best_epoch) + 1

                if em_train:
                    best_cycle = valid_loss_old[best_loss_idx, cycle_idx]
                    start_cycle = int(best_cycle) + 1

            elif os.path.exists(train_loss_fn):
                train_loss_old = np.loadtxt(train_loss_fn)
                best_loss_idx = np.argmin(train_loss_old[:, -1])
                best_loss = train_loss_old[best_loss_idx, -1]
                best_epoch = train_loss_old[best_loss_idx, epoch_idx]
                start_epoch = int(best_epoch) + 1

                if em_train:
                    best_cycle = train_loss_old[best_loss_idx, cycle_idx]
                    start_cycle = int(best_cycle) + 1

    train_batch_provider = batch_provider(theano.config.floatX)
    train_batch_provider.store_data(X_train, y_train)

    if validate:
        valid_batch_provider = batch_provider(theano.config.floatX)
        valid_batch_provider.store_data(X_valid, y_valid)
        valid_batch_provider = None

    total_train_instances = np.sum(len(x) for x in X_train)

    if em_train:
        return (train_batch_provider, valid_batch_provider,
                start_epoch, best_loss, best_params,
                train_loss_fn, valid_loss_fn, valid_loss_2_fn,
                validate, best_epoch, start_cycle, best_cycle)
        return (train_batch_provider, valid_batch_provider,
                start_epoch, best_loss, best_params,
                train_loss_fn, valid_loss_fn, valid_loss_2_fn,
                validate, best_epoch)
Exemplo n.º 51
def train_and_save(args):
    seed = args.seed

    device = args.device
    num_workers = args.num_workers
    n_epoch = args.epochs
    lr =
    lr_scheduler = args.lr_scheduler
    save_per_epoch = args.save_per_epoch
    save_dir = args.save_dir
    weight_decay = args.weight_decay
    n_iterations = args.num_iterations
    read_level_info = args.read_level_info

    model_config = toml.load(args.model_config)
    train_config = toml.load(args.train_config)

    print("Saving training information to {}".format(save_dir))

    if not os.path.exists(save_dir):

    train_info = dict()
    train_info["model_config"] = model_config
    train_info["train_config"] = train_config
    train_info["train_config"]["learning_rate"] = lr
    train_info["train_config"]["epochs"] = n_epoch
    train_info["train_config"]["save_per_epoch"] = save_per_epoch
    train_info["train_config"]["weight_decay"] = weight_decay
    train_info["train_config"]["number_of_validation_iterations"] = n_iterations
    train_info["train_config"]["lr_scheduler"] = lr_scheduler
    train_info["train_config"]["seed"] = seed

    with open(os.path.join(save_dir, "train_info.toml"), 'w') as f:
        toml.dump(train_info, f)
    model = MILModel(model_config).to(device)
    train_dl, test_dl, val_dl = build_dataloader(train_config, num_workers)

    optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=lr, weight_decay=weight_decay)

    train_criterion = build_train_loss_function(train_config['train_loss_function'])
    test_criterion = build_test_loss_function(train_config['test_loss_function'])

    train_results, test_results = train(model, train_dl, test_dl, optimizer, n_epoch, device, 
                                        train_criterion, test_criterion,
                                        save_dir=save_dir, scheduler=None,
                                        save_per_epoch=save_per_epoch, n_iterations=n_iterations, read_level_info=read_level_info)

    joblib.dump(train_results, os.path.join(save_dir, "train_results.joblib"))      
    joblib.dump(test_results, os.path.join(save_dir, "test_results.joblib"))   
    test_results = joblib.load(os.path.join(save_dir, "test_results.joblib"))
    selection_criteria = ['avg_loss', 'roc_auc', 'pr_auc']
    if read_level_info:
        selection_criteria = ['avg_loss', 'avg_loss_read', 'roc_auc', 'pr_auc', 'roc_auc_read', 'pr_auc_read']

    for selection_criterion in selection_criteria:
        test_loss = [test_results[selection_criterion][i] for i in range (0, len(test_results[selection_criterion]), save_per_epoch)]

        if selection_criterion in ('avg_loss', 'avg_loss_read'):
            best_model = (np.argmin(test_loss) + 1) * save_per_epoch
            best_model = (np.argmax(test_loss) + 1) * save_per_epoch

        model.load_state_dict(torch.load(os.path.join(save_dir, "model_states", str(best_model), "")))
        val_results = validate(model, val_dl, device, test_criterion, n_iterations, read_level_info=read_level_info)
        print("Criteria: {criteria} \t"
              "Compute time: {compute_time:.3f}".format(criteria=selection_criterion, compute_time=val_results["compute_time"]))
        print("Val Loss: {loss:.3f} \t"
              "Val Accuracy: {accuracy:.3f} \t "
              "Val ROC AUC: {roc_auc:.3f} \t "
              "Val PR AUC: {pr_auc:.3f}".format(loss=val_results["avg_loss"],
        if read_level_info:
            print("Val Loss read: {loss:.3f} \t"
                  "Val Accuracy read: {accuracy:.3f} \t "
                  "Val ROC AUC read: {roc_auc:.3f} \t "
                  "Val PR AUC read: {pr_auc:.3f}".format(loss=val_results["avg_loss_read"],
        joblib.dump(val_results, os.path.join(save_dir, "val_results_{}.joblib".format(selection_criterion)))   
Exemplo n.º 52
        face_encodings = face_recognition.face_encodings(rgb_small_frame, face_locations)

        face_names = []
        for face_encoding in face_encodings:
            # See if the face is a match for the known face(s)
            matches = face_recognition.compare_faces(known_face_encodings, face_encoding)
            name = "Unknown"

            # # If a match was found in known_face_encodings, just use the first one.
            # if True in matches:
            #     first_match_index = matches.index(True)
            #     name = known_face_names[first_match_index]

            # Or instead, use the known face with the smallest distance to the new face
            face_distances = face_recognition.face_distance(known_face_encodings, face_encoding)
            best_match_index = np.argmin(face_distances)
            if matches[best_match_index]:
                name = known_face_names[best_match_index]


    process_this_frame = not process_this_frame

    # Display the results
    for (top, right, bottom, left), name in zip(face_locations, face_names):
        # Scale back up face locations since the frame we detected in was scaled to 1/4 size
        top *= 4
        right *= 4
        bottom *= 4
        left *= 4
Exemplo n.º 53
import xarray

# Reading in new netcdf file that contains both the observation and the forecast
fpath = ''
ncd = nc.Dataset(fpath, 'r')
lon = ncd['lon'][:]
lat = ncd['lat'][:]
time = ncd['time'][:]

##### Subsampling the grid to show only tropical Pacific #####
latbounds = [-50, 50]
lonbounds = [90, 300]
# latitude lower and upper index
latli = np.argmin(np.abs(lat - latbounds[0]))
latui = np.argmin(np.abs(lat - latbounds[1]))

# longitude lower and upper index
lonli = np.argmin(np.abs(lon - lonbounds[0]))
lonui = np.argmin(np.abs(lon - lonbounds[1]))

# ssh = ncd['ssh'][:, :, :]  # sea surface height from CMEMS observation (months 1 to 7) or ACCESS-s1 forecast (months)
# # 8 to 13)
# skill = ncd['skill'][:, :, :]  # the variable is only for the forecast months, 8-13, 1-7 are empty
# trend = ncd['trend'][:]  # Observed trend, static map (not time dependent)

lat = lat[latli:latui]
lon = lon[lonli:lonui]
ssh = ncd['ssh'][:, latli:latui, lonli:lonui]  # sea surface height from CMEMS observation (months 1 to 7) or ACCESS-s1 forecast (months)
# 8 to 13)
Exemplo n.º 54
def pso(func, lb, ub, ieqcons=[], f_ieqcons=None, args=(), kwargs={}, 
        swarmsize=10, w_max=0.9, w_min=.4, c1=0.5, c2=0.3, maxiter=100, 
        minstep=1e-8, minfunc=1e-8, debug=False, processes=1,
    Perform a particle swarm optimization (PSO)
    func : function
        The function to be minimized
    lb : array
        The lower bounds of the design variable(s)
    ub : array
        The upper bounds of the design variable(s)
    ieqcons : list
        A list of functions of length n such that ieqcons[j](x,*args) >= 0.0 in 
        a successfully optimized problem (Default: [])
    f_ieqcons : function
        Returns a 1-D array in which each element must be greater or equal 
        to 0.0 in a successfully optimized problem. If f_ieqcons is specified, 
        ieqcons is ignored (Default: None)
    args : tuple
        Additional arguments passed to objective and constraint functions
        (Default: empty tuple)
    kwargs : dict
        Additional keyword arguments passed to objective and constraint 
        functions (Default: empty dict)
    swarmsize : int
        The number of particles in the swarm (Default: 100)
    w_max : scalar
        Maximum particle velocity scaling factor (Default: 0.9)
    w_min : scalar
        Minimum particle velocity scaling factor (Default: 0.4)
    c1 : scalar
        Scaling factor to search away from the particle's best known position
        (Default: 0.5)
    c2 : scalar
        Scaling factor to search away from the swarm's best known position
        (Default: 0.3)
    maxiter : int
        The maximum number of iterations for the swarm to search (Default: 100)
    minstep : scalar
        The minimum stepsize of swarm's best position before the search
        terminates (Default: 1e-8)
    minfunc : scalar
        The minimum change of swarm's best objective value before the search
        terminates (Default: 1e-8)
    debug : boolean
        If True, progress statements will be displayed every iteration
        (Default: False)
    processes : int
        The number of processes to use to evaluate objective function and 
        constraints (default: 1)
    particle_output : boolean
        Whether to include the best per-particle position and the objective
        values at those.
    g : array
        The swarm's best known position (optimal design)
    fg : scalar
        The objective value at ``g``
    fg_hist : array
        list of objective function value by iteration
    it : scalar
        number of iterations to convergence
    fnc_calls: scalar
        number of objective function calls to convergence
    assert len(lb)==len(ub), 'Lower- and upper-bounds must be the same length'
    assert hasattr(func, '__call__'), 'Invalid function handle'
    lb = np.array(lb)
    ub = np.array(ub)
    assert np.all(ub>lb), 'All upper-bound values must be greater than lower-bound values'
    vhigh = np.abs(ub - lb)
    vlow = -vhigh

    # Initialize objective function
    obj = partial(_obj_wrapper, func, args, kwargs)
    # Check for constraint function(s) #########################################
    if f_ieqcons is None:
        if not len(ieqcons):
            if debug:
                print('No constraints given.')
            cons = _cons_none_wrapper
            if debug:
                print('Converting ieqcons to a single constraint function')
            cons = partial(_cons_ieqcons_wrapper, ieqcons, args, kwargs)
        if debug:
            print('Single constraint function given in f_ieqcons')
        cons = partial(_cons_f_ieqcons_wrapper, f_ieqcons, args, kwargs)
    is_feasible = partial(_is_feasible_wrapper, cons)

    # Initialize the multiprocessing module if necessary
    if processes > 1:
        import multiprocessing
        mp_pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes)
    # Initialize the particle swarm ############################################
    S = swarmsize
    D = len(lb)  # the number of dimensions each particle has
    x = np.random.rand(S, D)  # particle positions
    v = np.zeros_like(x)  # particle velocities
    p = np.zeros_like(x)  # best particle positions
    fx = np.zeros(S)  # current particle function values
    fs = np.zeros(S, dtype=bool)  # feasibility of each particle
    fp = np.ones(S)*np.inf  # best particle function values
    g = []  # best swarm position
    fg = np.inf  # best swarm position starting value
    fg_hist = [] # store best objective value at every iteration
    fnc_calls = 0
    w = np.linspace(w_max,w_min,maxiter,endpoint=True) # linearly decreasing w
    # Initialize the particle's position
    x = lb + x*(ub - lb)

    # Calculate objective and constraints for each particle
    if processes > 1:
        fx = np.array(, x))
        fs = np.array(, x))
        for i in range(S):
            fx[i] = obj(x[i, :]); fnc_calls += 1
            fs[i] = is_feasible(x[i, :])
    # Store particle's best position (if constraints are satisfied)
    i_update = np.logical_and((fx < fp), fs)
    p[i_update, :] = x[i_update, :].copy()
    fp[i_update] = fx[i_update]

    # Update swarm's best position
    i_min = np.argmin(fp)
    if fp[i_min] < fg:
        fg = fp[i_min]
        g = p[i_min, :].copy()
        # At the start, there may not be any feasible starting point, so just
        # give it a temporary "best" point since it's likely to change
        g = x[0, :].copy()
    # Initialize the particle's velocity
    v = vlow + np.random.rand(S, D)*(vhigh - vlow)
    # Iterate until termination criterion met ##################################
    for it in tqdm(range(1,maxiter+1)):
        rp = np.random.uniform(size=(S, D))
        rg = np.random.uniform(size=(S, D))

        # Update the particles velocities
        v = w[it-1]*v + c1*rp*(p - x) + c2*rg*(g - x)
        # Update the particles' positions
        x = x + v
        # Correct for bound violations
        maskl = x < lb
        masku = x > ub
        x = x*(~np.logical_or(maskl, masku)) + lb*maskl + ub*masku

        # Update objectives and constraints
        if processes > 1:
            fx = np.array(, x))
            fs = np.array(, x))
            for i in range(S):
                fx[i] = obj(x[i, :]); fnc_calls+=1
                fs[i] = is_feasible(x[i, :])

        # Store particle's best position (if constraints are satisfied)
        i_update = np.logical_and((fx < fp), fs)
        p[i_update, :] = x[i_update, :].copy()
        fp[i_update] = fx[i_update]

        # Compare swarm's best position with global best position
        i_min = np.argmin(fp)
        if fp[i_min] < fg:
            if debug:
                print('New best for swarm at iteration {:}: {:} {:}'\
                    .format(it, p[i_min, :], fp[i_min]))

            p_min = p[i_min, :].copy()
            stepsize = np.sqrt(np.sum((g - p_min)**2))

            if np.abs(fg - fp[i_min]) <= minfunc:
                print('Stopping search: Swarm best objective change less than {:}'\
                if particle_output:
                    return p_min, fp[i_min], p, fp
                    return p_min, fp[i_min], fg_hist, it, fnc_calls
            elif stepsize <= minstep:
                print('Stopping search: Swarm best position change less than {:}'\
                if particle_output:
                    return p_min, fp[i_min], p, fp
                    return p_min, fp[i_min], fg_hist, it, fnc_calls
                g = p_min.copy()
                fg = fp[i_min]

        if debug:
            print('Best after iteration {:}: {:} {:}'.format(it, g, fg))
        it += 1

    print('Stopping search: maximum iterations reached --> {:}'.format(maxiter))
    if not is_feasible(g):
        print("However, the optimization couldn't find a feasible design. Sorry")
    if particle_output:
        return g, fg, p, fp
        return g, fg, fg_hist, it, fnc_calls
Exemplo n.º 55
def CTMM(world: World):
    '''Run a continuous time markov model based on
    an initialized World object'''

    results = []

    t = 0
    # for _ in range(100):
    while world.I > 0:

        infect_vec = [
            sample_from_exp(country.l1 * country.I * (country.S / country.N))
            for country in world.countries
        t_i, i = min(infect_vec), np.argmin(infect_vec)

        recover_vec = [
            sample_from_exp(country.l2 * country.I)
            for country in world.countries
        t_r, r = min(recover_vec), np.argmin(recover_vec)

        migrateS_vec = [
            sample_from_exp(country.l3 * country.S)
            for country in world.countries
        t_m1, m1 = min(migrateS_vec), np.argmin(migrateS_vec)

        migrateI_vec = [
            sample_from_exp(country.l3 * country.I)
            for country in world.countries
        t_m2, m2 = min(migrateI_vec), np.argmin(migrateI_vec)

        migrateR_vec = [
            sample_from_exp(country.l3 * country.R)
            for country in world.countries
        t_m3, m3 = min(migrateR_vec), np.argmin(migrateR_vec)

        t_min_global = min(t_i, t_r, t_m1, t_m2, t_m3)

        #, t_r, t_m))

        if not (t_i == float('inf') and t_r == float('inf')
                and t_m1 == float('inf') and t_m2 == float('inf')
                and t_m3 == float('inf')):

            if t_i == t_min_global:
                t += t_i
                world.countries[i].I += 1
                world.countries[i].S -= 1
                #including these staments in all conditionals in case there's a tie in the min (?)
            elif t_r == t_min_global:
                # world.new_recovery(country)
                t += t_r
                world.countries[r].I -= 1
                world.countries[r].R += 1

            elif t_m1 == t_min_global:
                #randomly select a destination country for migration...
                t += t_m1
                j = np.random.choice(np.setdiff1d(range(world.m), i))
                world.countries[m1].S -= 1
                world.countries[j].S += 1

            elif t_m2 == t_min_global:
                #randomly select a destination country for migration...
                t += t_m2
                j = np.random.choice(np.setdiff1d(range(world.m), i))
                world.countries[m2].I -= 1
                world.countries[j].I += 1

            elif t_m3 == t_min_global:
                t += t_m3
                j = np.random.choice(np.setdiff1d(range(world.m), i))
                world.countries[m3].R -= 1
                world.countries[j].R += 1

    for country in world.countries:
        results.append((country.l1, country.R / country.N))

    return results
Exemplo n.º 56
def main():
    input_dimensions = 13
    map_width = 7
    map_height = 5
    radius0 = max(map_width,map_height)/2
    learning_rate0 = 0.1
    epochs = 5000
    learning_rate = learning_rate0
    BMU = np.zeros([2],dtype=np.int32)

    patterns = []
    classes = []
    #carregando o arquivo vizinhos.txt
    file = open('vizinhos.txt','r')
    for line in file.readlines():
        row = line.strip().split(',')
    patterns = np.asarray(patterns,dtype=np.float32)
    max_iterations = epochs*len(patterns)
    too_many_iterations = 10*max_iterations
    MAP = np.random.uniform(size=(map_height,map_width,input_dimensions))
    prev_MAP = np.zeros((map_height,map_width,input_dimensions))

    result_map = np.zeros([map_height,map_width,3],dtype=np.float32)

    coordinate_map = np.zeros([map_height,map_width,2],dtype=np.int32)

    for i in range(map_height):
        for j in range(map_width):
            coordinate_map[i][j] = [i,j]
    while (epoch <= epochs):
        shuffle = random.sample(list(np.arange(0,len(patterns),1,'int')),len(patterns))
        for i in range(len(patterns)):
            J = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.sum((prev_MAP-MAP)**2,2)))
            if  J<= e: 
                if timestep == max_iterations and timestep != too_many_iterations:
                    epochs += 1
                    max_iterations = epochs*len(patterns)
                pattern = patterns[shuffle[i]]
                Eucli_MAP = Eucli_dists(MAP,pattern)
                BMU[0] = np.argmin(np.amin(Eucli_MAP,1),0)
                BMU[1] = np.argmin(Eucli_MAP,1)[int(BMU[0])]
                Eucli_from_BMU = Eucli_dists(coordinate_map,BMU)  
                prev_MAP = np.copy(MAP)
                for i in range(map_height):
                    for j in range(map_width):
                        distance = Eucli_from_BMU[i][j]
                        if distance <= radius:
                            theta = math.exp(-(distance**2)/(2*(radius**2)))
                            MAP[i][j] = MAP[i][j] + theta*learning_rate*(pattern-MAP[i][j])
                learning_rate = learning_rate0*math.exp(-(timestep)/max_iterations)
                time_constant = max_iterations/math.log(radius) 
                radius = radius0*math.exp(-(timestep)/time_constant)
        if flag==1:
    for pattern in patterns:
        Eucli_MAP = Eucli_dists(MAP,pattern)
        BMU[0] = np.argmin(np.amin(Eucli_MAP,1),0)
        BMU[1] = np.argmin(Eucli_MAP,1)[int(BMU[0])]
        x = BMU[0]
        y = BMU[1]
        if classes[i] == '1':
            if result_map[x][y][0] <= 0.5:
                result_map[x][y] += np.asarray([0.5,0,0])
        elif classes[i] == '2':
            if result_map[x][y][1] <= 0.5:
                result_map[x][y] += np.asarray([0,0.5,0])
        elif classes[i] == '3':
            if result_map[x][y][2] <= 0.5:
                result_map[x][y] += np.asarray([0,0,0.5])
    result_map = np.flip(result_map,0)

    print ("\nRed = Iris-Setosa")
    print ("Green = Iris-Virginica")
    print ("Blue = Iris-Versicolor\n")

Exemplo n.º 57
    def train(self, disp=True):
        Train SVR model

           disp (bool): Display process or not. Default to True.

        if self.svrinfo.nepsi == 0 and == 0 and self.svrinfo.nlens == 0:
            if disp:
                print("Construct SVR without tuning parameters.")
            self.svrinfo.optimizer = None
            xparamopt = [
                self.svrinfo.theta, self.svrinfo.epsilon, self.svrinfo.c,

            if self.svrinfo.errtype == 'L2':
                self.svrinfo.errloo,, self.svrinfo.alpha, self.svrinfo.epsilon, \
                    self.svrinfo.theta, self.svrinfo.c, self.svrinfo.wgk = l2svr(xparamopt, self.svrinfo, return_all=True)
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    'Other options are not yet available')

            xhyp0_norm = sobol_points(self.svrinfo.nrestart + 1,
            xhyp0 = realval(np.array(self.svrinfo.lbhyp),
                            np.array(self.svrinfo.ubhyp), xhyp0_norm[1:, :])
            optimbound = np.transpose(
                np.vstack((self.svrinfo.lbhyp, self.svrinfo.ubhyp)))

            bestxcand = np.zeros(np.shape(xhyp0))
            errloocand = np.zeros(shape=[self.svrinfo.nrestart])
            for ii in range(self.svrinfo.nrestart):
                xhyp0_ii = xhyp0[ii, :]

                if self.svrinfo.optimizer == 'lbfgsb':
                    res = minimize(l2svr,
                                       'eps': 1e-03,
                                       'disp': False
                                   args=(self.svrinfo, False))
                    bestxcand_ii = res.x
                    errloocand_ii =
                elif self.svrinfo.optimizer == 'diff_evo':
                    res = differential_evolution(l2svr,
                                                 args=(self.svrinfo, False))
                    bestxcand_ii = res.x
                    errloocand_ii =
                    raise NotImplementedError(
                        'Other optimizers are not yet implemented')

                bestxcand[ii, :] = bestxcand_ii
                errloocand[ii] = errloocand_ii

            I = np.argmin(errloocand)
            xparamopt = bestxcand[I, :]

            if disp:
                print("Train hyperparam finished.")
                print(f"Best hyperparameter is {xparamopt}")
                print(f"With Error LOO of {errloocand[I]}")

            self.svrinfo.errloo,, self.svrinfo.alpha, self.svrinfo.epsilon, \
                self.svrinfo.theta, self.svrinfo.c, self.svrinfo.wgk = l2svr(xparamopt, self.svrinfo, return_all=True)
Exemplo n.º 58
    def _alignment_matrix(
        self, src: str, tar: str, backtrace: bool = True
    ) -> Union[np.ndarray, Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]]:
        """Return the Levenshtein alignment matrix.

        src : str
            Source string for comparison
        tar : str
            Target string for comparison
        backtrace : bool
            Return the backtrace matrix as well

        numpy.ndarray or tuple(numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray)
            The alignment matrix and (optionally) the backtrace matrix

        .. versionadded:: 0.4.1

        src_len = len(src)
        tar_len = len(tar)

        if self._discount_from == 'coda':
            discount_from = [0, 0]

            src_voc = src.lower()
            for i in range(len(src_voc)):
                if src_voc[i] in self._vowels:
                    discount_from[0] = i
            for i in range(discount_from[0], len(src_voc)):
                if src_voc[i] not in self._vowels:
                    discount_from[0] = i
                discount_from[0] += 1

            tar_voc = tar.lower()
            for i in range(len(tar_voc)):
                if tar_voc[i] in self._vowels:
                    discount_from[1] = i
            for i in range(discount_from[1], len(tar_voc)):
                if tar_voc[i] not in self._vowels:
                    discount_from[1] = i
                discount_from[1] += 1

        elif isinstance(self._discount_from, int):
            discount_from = [self._discount_from, self._discount_from]
            discount_from = [1, 1]

        d_mat = np.zeros((src_len + 1, tar_len + 1), dtype=np.float_)
        if backtrace:
            trace_mat = np.zeros((src_len + 1, tar_len + 1), dtype=np.int8)
        for i in range(1, src_len + 1):
            d_mat[i, 0] = d_mat[i - 1, 0] + self._discount_func(
                max(0, i - discount_from[0])
            if backtrace:
                trace_mat[i, 0] = 1
        for j in range(1, tar_len + 1):
            d_mat[0, j] = d_mat[0, j - 1] + self._discount_func(
                max(0, j - discount_from[1])
            if backtrace:
                trace_mat[0, j] = 0
        for i in range(src_len):
            i_extend = self._discount_func(max(0, i - discount_from[0]))
            for j in range(tar_len):
                traces = ((i + 1, j), (i, j + 1), (i, j))
                cost = min(
                    i_extend, self._discount_func(max(0, j - discount_from[1]))
                opts = (
                    d_mat[traces[0]] + cost,  # ins
                    d_mat[traces[1]] + cost,  # del
                    + (cost if src[i] != tar[j] else 0),  # sub/==
                d_mat[i + 1, j + 1] = min(opts)
                if backtrace:
                    trace_mat[i + 1, j + 1] = int(np.argmin(opts))

                if self._mode == 'osa':
                    if (
                        i + 1 > 1
                        and j + 1 > 1
                        and src[i] == tar[j - 1]
                        and src[i - 1] == tar[j]
                        # transposition
                        d_mat[i + 1, j + 1] = min(
                            d_mat[i + 1, j + 1], d_mat[i - 1, j - 1] + cost
                        if backtrace:
                            trace_mat[i + 1, j + 1] = 2
        if backtrace:
            return d_mat, trace_mat
        return d_mat
Exemplo n.º 59
def train(args):
    # load data
    print("[Loading data with batch size {}...]".format(args['batch_size']))
    writer = SummaryWriter()

    if args['debug']:
        args['train_tok_file'] = args['eval_tok_file']
        args['train_idx_file'] = args['eval_idx_file']

    dataset = QuACDataset(os.path.join(args['data_dir'], args['train_tok_file']), os.path.join(args['data_dir'], args['train_idx_file']), os.path.join(args['data_dir'], args['train_question_freq_idx_file']), max_turns=args['max_turns'])
    train_batch = QuACDataLoader(dataset, num_workers=0, batch_sampler=QuACBatchSampler(dataset, batch_size=args['batch_size']))
    with open(os.path.join(args['data_dir'], args['vocab_file']), 'rb') as f:
        vocab = pickle.load(f)
    args['vocab_size'] = len(vocab['word2id'])
    args['char_vocab_size'] = len(vocab['char2id'])
    dev_dataset = QuACDataset(os.path.join(args['data_dir'], args['eval_tok_file']), os.path.join(args['data_dir'], args['eval_idx_file']), os.path.join(args['data_dir'], args['train_question_freq_idx_file']), max_turns=args['max_turns'])
    dev_batch = QuACDataLoader(dev_dataset, batch_size=args['batch_size'], num_workers=0)

    pathlib.Path(args['model_dir']).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    model_file = '{}/{}'.format(args['model_dir'], args['model_file'])
    finetuned_model_file = '{}/{}'.format(args['model_dir'], args['finetuned_model_file'])
    teacher_model_file = '{}/{}'.format(args['model_dir'], args['teacher_model_file'])


    if args['mode'] == 'train':
        args['lambda2'] = 0
        args['finetune'] = False
    elif args['mode'] == 'train_teacher':
        args['lambda2'] = 1
        args['finetune'] = False
    elif args['mode'] == 'finetune':
        args['finetune'] = True

    # skip training if the language does not have training or dev data
    if len(train_batch) == 0 or len(dev_batch) == 0:
        print("[Skip training because no data available...]")

    # start training
    args['vocab'] = vocab

    finetuning = False

    if args['finetune']:
        print('Start finetuning...')
        finetuning = True
        trainer = Trainer(model_file=model_file, use_cuda=args['cuda'], vocab=vocab, teacher_model_file=teacher_model_file, args=args)
        lr_scheduler = optim.lr_scheduler.ReduceLROnPlateau(trainer.optimizer, factor=args['lr_decay'], patience=args['patience'], mode='max')
        lambda_rl = args['lambda_reinforce']
        args['lambda_reinforce'] = 0
        trainer = Trainer(args=args, vocab=vocab, use_cuda=args['cuda'], emb_matrix=vocab['vecs'])
        lr_scheduler = optim.lr_scheduler.ReduceLROnPlateau(trainer.optimizer, factor=args['lr_decay'], patience=args['patience'], mode='min' if args['eval_ppl'] else 'max')
    print("[Training seq2seq-based question generator...]")
    global_step = 0
    max_steps = len(train_batch) * args['num_epoch']
    dev_score_history = []
    best_dev_preds = []
    current_lr = args['lr']
    global_start_time = time.time()
    format_str = '{}: step {}/{} (epoch {}/{}), loss = {:.6f} ({:.3f} sec/batch), lr: {:.6f}, lambda: {:.6f}'

    references = [' '.join([x.lower() for x in tgt_text]) for i in range(len(dev_dataset)) for tgt_text in dev_dataset[i]['tgt_text']]

    if args['lambda2'] > 0:
        teacher_lr_scheduler = optim.lr_scheduler.ReduceLROnPlateau(trainer.teacher_optimizer, factor=args['lr_decay'], patience=args['patience'], mode='max')

    writer_tag = f"lambda1={args['lambda1']};lambda2={args['lambda2']}"
    if args['teacher_info_only']:
        writer_tag += '/informativeness_reward_only'
    elif args['teacher_spec_only']:
        writer_tag += '/specificity_reward_only'

    # eval on dev
    print("Evaluating on dev set...")
    dev_preds = []
    dev_edits = []
    dev_acc = (0, 0, 0)
    logppl = 0
    total_count = 0
    total_sent = 0
    total_reward = 0
    for i, batch in enumerate(tqdm(dev_batch)):
        if args['eval_ppl']:
            loss, acc, reward = trainer.update(batch, eval=True, freeze_teacher=args['finetune'])
            count = (batch['tgt_out'] > 0).sum().item()
            logppl += loss * count
            total_count += count
            sent_count = sum(len(x) for x in batch['tgt_text'])
            total_sent += sent_count
            dev_acc = tuple(x * sent_count + y for x, y in zip(acc, dev_acc))
            total_reward += reward * sent_count
            preds = trainer.predict(batch, args['beam_size'])
            dev_preds += preds

    dev_acc = tuple(x / total_sent for x in dev_acc)
    writer.add_scalars(writer_tag, {'spec_reward': dev_acc[0], 'novelty_reward': dev_acc[1], 'nll': dev_acc[2], 'weighted_sum': total_reward / total_sent}, 0)

    best_dev_acc = (0, 0, -1e10)
    patience = 0
    target_lambda = args['lambda2']
    finetune_start = 1
    # start training
    for epoch in range(1, args['num_epoch']+1):
        if trainer.optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] < args['lr'] * 1e-2 and \
            (args['lambda2'] == 0 or trainer.teacher_optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] < args['lr'] * 1e-2 or finetuning):
            if finetuning or lambda_rl == 0: break

            print('Start finetuning...')
            finetuning = True
            args['lambda_reinforce'] = lambda_rl
            trainer = Trainer(model_file=model_file, use_cuda=args['cuda'], vocab=vocab, teacher_model_file=teacher_model_file, args=args)
            lr_scheduler = optim.lr_scheduler.ReduceLROnPlateau(trainer.optimizer, factor=args['lr_decay'], patience=args['patience'], mode='max')
            finetune_start = epoch
            dev_score_history = []

        train_loss = 0
        teacher_acc = (0, 0, 0)
        for i, batch in enumerate(train_batch):
            start_time = time.time()
            global_step += 1
            loss, acc, reward = trainer.update(batch, eval=False, freeze_teacher=finetuning, i=global_step) # update step
            train_loss += loss
            teacher_acc = tuple(x+y for x, y in zip(acc, teacher_acc))
            if global_step % args['log_step'] == 0:
                duration = time.time() - start_time
                print(format_str.format("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), global_step,\
                        max_steps, epoch, args['num_epoch'], loss, duration, trainer.optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'],

        # eval on dev
        print("Evaluating on dev set...")
        dev_preds = []
        dev_edits = []
        dev_acc = (0, 0, 0)
        logppl = 0
        total_count = 0
        total_sent = 0
        total_reward = 0
        for i, batch in enumerate(tqdm(dev_batch)):
            if args['eval_ppl']:
                loss, acc, reward = trainer.update(batch, eval=True, freeze_teacher=finetuning)
                count = (batch['tgt_out'] > 0).sum().item()
                logppl += loss * count
                total_count += count
                sent_count = sum(len(x) for x in batch['tgt_text'])
                total_sent += sent_count
                dev_acc = tuple(x * sent_count + y for x, y in zip(acc, dev_acc))
                total_reward += reward * sent_count
                preds = trainer.predict(batch, args['beam_size'])
                dev_preds += preds

        if args['eval_ppl']:
            if finetuning:
                dev_score = total_reward / total_sent
                dev_score = np.exp(logppl / total_count)
            dev_score = rouge_score(references, [' '.join(x) for x in dev_preds])


        train_loss = train_loss / len(train_batch) # avg loss per batch
        print("epoch {}: train_loss = {:.6f}, dev_score = {:.4f}".format(epoch, train_loss, dev_score))
        if args['lambda2'] != 0:
            dev_acc = tuple(x / total_sent for x in dev_acc)
            teacher_acc = tuple(x / len(train_batch) for x in teacher_acc)
            writer.add_scalars(writer_tag, {'spec_reward': dev_acc[0], 'novelty_reward': dev_acc[1], 'nll': dev_acc[2], 'weighted_sum': total_reward / total_sent}, epoch)
            print("train_acc = {:s}, dev_acc = {:s}, teacher lr = {:.6f}".format(str(teacher_acc), str(dev_acc), trainer.teacher_optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr']))

        # save best model
        compare = (lambda new, old: new > max(old)) if finetuning else (lambda new, old: new < min(old))
        if args['lambda2'] != 1 and (len(dev_score_history) == 0 or compare(dev_score, dev_score_history)):
            if finetuning:
            print("new best model saved.")
            best_dev_preds = dev_preds
            patience = 0

        if not finetuning and args['lambda2'] != 0 and dev_acc[0] + dev_acc[1] + 0.1 * dev_acc[2] > best_dev_acc[0] + best_dev_acc[1] + 0.1 * best_dev_acc[2]:
            print("new best teacher model saved.")
            best_dev_acc = dev_acc
            patience = 0

        dev_score_history += [dev_score]

        if patience >= args['trainer_patience']:
        patience += 1

    print("Training ended with {} epochs.".format(epoch))

    if finetuning:
        best_f, best_epoch = max(dev_score_history), np.argmax(dev_score_history)+1
        print("Best dev score = {:.2f}, at epoch = {}".format(best_f, best_epoch))
        best_f, best_epoch = min(dev_score_history), np.argmin(dev_score_history)+1
        print("Best dev perplexity = {:.2f}, at epoch = {}".format(best_f, best_epoch))
Exemplo n.º 60
def MinLowerBounds_varylambda(salmon_exps, lbs):
	Assuming Salmon must be (1-lambda) proportion, the lower bounds becomes (1-lambda) * salmon + lambda * lb
	This function calculates the minimum lower bounds from multiple samples with varying lambda proportions.
	The min lower bounds of the samples is a piece-wise linear functions with respect to lambda.
		- salmon_exps: Salmon expression of transcripts from multiple samples
		- lbs: the G2 lower bounds of the transcript from multiple samples
		- region
		- interceptions: the interception of each linear functions in the piece-wise linear curves
		- slopes: the slope of each linear functions in the piece-wise linear curves
    assert (len(salmon_exps) == len(lbs))
    assert (np.all([lbs[i] <= salmon_exps[i]
                    for i in range(len(salmon_exps))]))
    # variables to record which sample has the min lb, and the corresponding interception and slope of the lb line
    indexes = []
    region_start = []
    region_end = []
    interceptions = []
    slopes = []
    # from lambda = 0, find the minimum salmon expression
    s = 0
    i = np.argmin(salmon_exps)
    slopes.append(lbs[i] - salmon_exps[i])
    # record the possible index of lines that can cross with the current min
    set_possible_indexes = set(list(range(len(salmon_exps)))) - set([i])
    while s < 1:
        # find the region_end: either 1 or the first crossing with other lines
        crossing = []
        for j in set_possible_indexes:
            # parallel case
            if lbs[j] - salmon_exps[j] == lbs[i] - salmon_exps[i]:
            # find x axis of the crossing
                (j, 1.0 * (salmon_exps[j] - salmon_exps[i]) /
                 (lbs[i] - salmon_exps[i] - lbs[j] + salmon_exps[j])))
        crossing.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
        # remove the crossing that before s: these lines are not possible to be below the current line
        for (k, x) in crossing:
            if x < s:
        crossing = [(k, x) for (k, x) in crossing if x > s]
        # find the crossing
        if len(crossing) == 0 or crossing[0][1] >= 1:
            s = 1
            s = region_end[-1]
            i = crossing[0][0]
            slopes.append(lbs[i] - salmon_exps[i])
    assert (len(indexes) == len(region_start))
    assert (len(region_start) == len(region_end))
    assert (len(region_end) == len(interceptions))
    assert (len(interceptions) == len(slopes))
    # assertion about the monotonic decreasing of min lb as lambda increases
    for i in range(1, len(region_start)):
        minlb_start = interceptions[i -
                                    1] + slopes[i - 1] * region_start[i - 1]
        minlb_end = interceptions[i] + slopes[i] * region_start[i]
        assert (minlb_start >= minlb_end - floatpoint_error)
    regions = [(region_start[i], region_end[i])
               for i in range(len(region_start))]
    return regions, interceptions, slopes