def read_precomp_code(N, index=0):
    # This code generates gold or kasami sequences of length 2^N.
    numsyms = 2**N - 1
    path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

    if numsyms == 255 or numsyms == 63:
        filename = path + '/codebooks/kasamilarge-' + str(numsyms)
        # sequence = readFileSignature( filename, index );
        File = open(filename, 'r')
        # d = textread(filename, '%d')
        d = [list(map(int, line.split())) for line in File]
        d = np.array(d)
        out = d
        out = d[index, :]
        if 0:
            seq1 = d[index, :]
            seq2 = np.roll(seq1, (numsyms + 1) / 2 + 1)
            quadseq = [0] + seq1 + sqrt(-1) * seq2
            symseq = np.zeros(2 * (numsyms + 1), 1)
            symseq[1:2 * (numsyms + 1) - 1:2] = quadseq
            sequence = np.fft.ifft(symseq)
            # Notice that we are adding a cyclic prefix of 1/5 of the signature txlen
            sequence = np.concatonate(
                sequence[3 / 4 * (numsyms + 1) * 2 + 1:(numsyms + 1) *
                axis=1).transpose()  # .' transpose (' conj transpose)
            offset = (numsyms + 1) * 2 - 3 / 4 * (numsyms + 1) * 2 + 1

    elif numsyms == 127 or numsyms == 511:
        filename = path + '/codebooks/gold-' + str(numsyms)
        # sequence = readFileSignature( filename, index );
        File = open(filename, 'r')
        d = [list(map(int, line.split())) for line in File]
        d = np.array(d)
        out = d[index, :]
        if 0:
            seq1 = d[index, :]
            seq2 = np.roll(seq1, (numsyms + 1) / 2 + 1)
            quadseq = [0] + seq1 + sqrt(-1) * seq2
            symseq = np.zeros(2 * (numsyms + 1), 1)
            symseq[1:2 * (numsyms + 1) - 1:2] = quadseq
            sequence = np.fft.ifft(symseq)
            # Notice that we are adding a cyclic prefix of 1/5 of the signature txlen
            sequence = np.concatonate(
                sequence[3 / 4 * (numsyms + 1) * 2 + 1:(numsyms + 1) *
                axis=1).transpose()  # .' transpose (' conj transpose)
            offset = (numsyms + 1) * 2 - 3 / 4 * (numsyms + 1) * 2 + 1
            len = numsyms + 1

        print('Length not supported')

    return out
Exemplo n.º 2
def multiRegression(IDP, DEP):
    assert np.size(IDP[:, 0]) == np.size(DEP[:, 0])
    assert np.size(DEP[0, :] == 1)
    records = np.size(IND[:, 0])
    IND = np.concatonate(IND, np.ones(records).reshape(records, 1), axis=1)
    return np.linalg.solve(, IDP),
                 , DEP.reshape(records, 1))
Exemplo n.º 3
def estimatedFit(IND, coeff):
    records = np.size(IND[:, 0])
    IND = np.concatonate(IND, np.ones(records).reshape(records, 1), axis=1)
    coeff = np.repeat(coeff.transpose(), record, axis=0)
    return np.sum(IND * coeff, axis=1).reshape(records, 1)
Exemplo n.º 4
def getPreambles(preamble_type='gold_ifft', seq_length=128, cp=0, upsample=1):
    # Returns matrix where each row is an individual
    # preambles. Row are ordered such that top row has
    # the highest autocorrelation highest_peak_to_second_ratio

    #preambles = []
    #preambles = np.array([]).reshape(0,2*seq_length)
    preambles = np.empty((seq_length, 2 * seq_length * upsample + cp),
    highest_peak_to_second_ratio = []
    auto_corr = []

    preamble_type = preamble_type.lower()

    ## Generate ZadoffSequences
    if preamble_type == 'zadoff_chu':  #ERROR: NOT TESTED# #TODO: add upsampling
        for i in range(1, seq_length):
            if fractions.gcd(seq_length, i) == 1:
                p = lteZadoffChuSeq(i, seq_length)
                p_short = p
                for n in range(len(p)):
                    auto_corr[n] = p_short * np.roll(
                        p_short.conj().transpose(), n)
                idx = abs(auto_corr).argsort()
                auto_corr = auto_corr[idx]
                auto_corr = auto_corr[::-1]
                #highest_peak_to_second_ratio[end+1] = abs(auto_corr[0]) - abs(auto_corr[1])
                    abs(auto_corr[0]) - abs(auto_corr[1]))
                # Add CP and repetition
                p = np.concatonate([p[len(p) - cp:len(p)], p, p],
                                   axis=1)  ## Not sure if the axis is right
                preambles = np.concatenate((preambles, p))

    ## Generate IFFT GoldCode sequences
    if preamble_type == 'gold_ifft':
        auto_corr = []
        integ = np.round(np.log2(seq_length))
        if (2**integ - seq_length == 0):
            for i in range(seq_length):
                thisP = preamble_generator(int(round(np.log2(seq_length))),
                thisP = (1 - 2**-15) * thisP / np.amax(abs(thisP))
                p_short = thisP[cp + seq_length:]
                auto_corr = np.correlate(p_short, p_short, mode="full")
                idx = abs(auto_corr).argsort()
                auto_corr = auto_corr[idx]
                auto_corr = auto_corr[::-1]
                abs_p = np.square(abs(p_short))
                PAPR = (max(abs_p) / (sum(abs_p) / len(abs_p)))
                #print (float((sum(abs_p)/len(abs_p))))  #error seems to be that the 108th term seems to be truncated   32 bit vs 64 bit precision
                preambles[i, :] = thisP
            print('not here')

    ## Generate BPSK GoldCode sequences
    if preamble_type == 'gold_bpsk':  #ERROR: NOT TESTED#
        auto_corr = []
        integ = np.round(np.log2(seq_length))
        if (2**integ - seq_length == 0):
            for i in range(seq_length):
                p = preamble_generator(int(np.log2(seq_length)),
                p_short = p[cp + seq_length:len(p)]
                auto_corr = []
                p_short = p_short.reshape(len(p_short), 1)
                for n in range(len(p_short)):
                        (, np.roll(p_short.conj().transpose(),
                                                 n))))  #<---- error is here!
                auto_corr = auto_corr[::-1]
                    abs(auto_corr[0]) - abs(auto_corr[1]))
                preambles = np.concatenate((preambles, p[np.newaxis]))  #<----

    ## Order them according to highest autocorrelation Peak
    highest_peak_to_second_ratio_idx = np.argsort(highest_peak_to_second_ratio)
    #print (float(highest_peak_to_second_ratio[108]))
    #print (float(highest_peak_to_second_ratio[84]))
    #print (highest_peak_to_second_ratio_idx)
    if seq_length == 128 and preamble_type == 'gold_ifft':    #temporary fix needed if indexing is wrong due to precision error
        y = highest_peak_to_second_ratio_idx[-2]
        highest_peak_to_second_ratio_idx[-2] = highest_peak_to_second_ratio_idx[-3]
        highest_peak_to_second_ratio_idx[-3] = y
    preambles = (1 - 2**-15) * preambles[highest_peak_to_second_ratio_idx]

    return preambles, highest_peak_to_second_ratio_idx
Exemplo n.º 5
def estimatedFit(IND, coeff):
    records = np.size(IND[:, 0])
    IND = np.concatonate(IND, np.ones(records).reshape(records, 1), axis = 1)
    coeff = np.repeat(coeff.transpose(), record, axis = 0)
    return np.sum(IND * coeff, axis = 1).reshape(records, 1)
Exemplo n.º 6
def multiRegression(IDP, DEP):
    assert np.size(IDP[:, 0]) == np.size(DEP[:, 0])
    assert np.size(DEP[0, :] == 1)
    records = np.size(IND[:, 0])
    IND = np.concatonate(IND, np.ones(records).reshape(records, 1), axis = 1)
    return np.linalg.solve(, IDP),, DEP.reshape(records, 1))