Exemplo n.º 1
def get_rotation_matrix(*, start_point: np.ndarray, end_point: typing.Any) -> np.ndarray:
    if type(end_point) is tuple:
        end_point = np.array(end_point, np.float32)
    if np.array_equal(start_point, end_point):
        return np.identity(3, np.float32)
    if np.array_equal(start_point, -end_point):
        if start_point[0] == 1.0:
            return util.transforms.rotate(180, (0, 0, 1))[:3, :3]
            return util.transforms.rotate(180, (1, 0, 0))[:3, :3]
        x = np.cross(start_point, end_point)
        x = np.divide(x, np.linalg.norm(x))
        start_point_length = np.linalg.norm(start_point)
        end_point_length = np.linalg.norm(end_point)
        cos_theta = np.dot(start_point, end_point)/(start_point_length*end_point_length)
        theta = math.acos(cos_theta)

        A = np.array([[    0, -x[2],  x[1]],
                      [ x[2],     0, -x[0]],
                      [-x[1],  x[0],    0]],
        rotate_matrix = np.identity(3, np.float32)
        rotate_matrix += A*math.sin(theta)
        rotate_matrix += np.dot(A, A)*(1 - math.cos(theta))
        if x[2] <= 0:
            rotate_matrix = np.dot(rotate_matrix, util.transforms.rotate(180, (0, 0, 1))[:3, :3])
        return rotate_matrix
Exemplo n.º 2
	def __init__(self, featureDimension, lambda_, eta_, userNum, windowSize =20):
		self.windowSize = windowSize
		self.counter = 0
		self.userNum = userNum
		self.lambda_ = lambda_
		# Basic stat in estimating Theta
		self.A = lambda_*np.identity(n = featureDimension*userNum)
		self.b = np.zeros(featureDimension*userNum)
		self.UserTheta = np.zeros(shape = (featureDimension, userNum))
		#self.UserTheta = np.random.random((featureDimension, userNum))
		self.AInv = np.linalg.inv(self.A)
		#self.W = np.random.random((userNum, userNum))
		self.W = np.identity(n = userNum)
		self.Wlong = vectorize(self.W)
		self.batchGradient = np.zeros(userNum*userNum)

		self.CoTheta = np.dot(self.UserTheta, self.W)
		self.BigW = np.kron(np.transpose(self.W), np.identity(n=featureDimension))
		self.CCA = np.identity(n = featureDimension*userNum)
		self.BigTheta = np.kron(np.identity(n=userNum) , self.UserTheta)
		self.W_X_arr = []
		self.W_y_arr = []
		for i in range(userNum):
Exemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self):
     self._position = numpy.zeros((2,))
     self._position_frozen = False
     self._matrix = numpy.matrix(numpy.identity(3, numpy.float64))
     self._temp_matrix = numpy.matrix(numpy.identity(3, numpy.float64))
     self._selected = False
     self._scene = None
Exemplo n.º 4
def Energy_condensate_full(Q, F1, x, y, H, mu, kappa, Ns) : 
    if Q==0 and F1 ==0 :
        return 1e14
    m = find_minimum(Q, F1, mu, kappa, Ns)
    if m[0] < H/2 :
        return 1e14
    result = 0
    for n1 in range(Ns) : 
        for n2 in range(Ns) : 
            M, dim = HamiltonianMatrix(n1, n2, Q, F1, 0, H, mu, kappa, Ns, 'T1') 
            B = np.identity(dim)
            B[dim/2:dim, dim/2:dim] = -np.identity(dim/2)
            eig = np.absolute(np.real(lin.eigvals(np.dot(B,M))))
            result += sum(eig)/2
            vec = [x[Ns * n1 + n2], np.conjugate(y[Ns * ((Ns - n1) % Ns) + (Ns - n2) % Ns])]
            result += np.dot(vec, np.dot(np.conj(vec).T, M))
    return result - 3 * Ns ** 2 * (np.abs(F1)**2 - np.abs(Q)**2)/2 - Ns**2 * mu*(1. + kappa) + Ns * H
Exemplo n.º 5
	def updateParameters(self, articlePicked, click,  userID):	
		self.counter +=1
		self.Wlong = vectorize(self.W)
		featureDimension = len(articlePicked.featureVector)
		T_X = vectorize(np.outer(articlePicked.featureVector, self.W.T[userID])) 
		self.A += np.outer(T_X, T_X)	
		self.b += click*T_X
		self.AInv = np.linalg.inv(self.A)
		self.UserTheta = matrixize(np.dot(self.AInv, self.b), len(articlePicked.featureVector)) 

		Xi_Matirx = np.zeros(shape = (featureDimension, self.userNum))
		Xi_Matirx.T[userID] = articlePicked.featureVector
		W_X = vectorize( np.dot(np.transpose(self.UserTheta), Xi_Matirx))
		self.batchGradient +=evaluateGradient(W_X, click, self.Wlong, self.lambda_, self.regu  )

		if self.counter%self.windowSize ==0:
			self.Wlong -= 1/(float(self.counter/self.windowSize)+1)*self.batchGradient
			self.W = matrixize(self.Wlong, self.userNum)
			self.W = normalize(self.W, axis=0, norm='l1')
			#print 'SVD', self.W
			self.batchGradient = np.zeros(self.userNum*self.userNum)
			# Use Ridge regression to fit W
		if self.W.T[userID].any() <0 or self.W.T[userID].any()>1:
			print self.W.T[userID]

		self.CoTheta = np.dot(self.UserTheta, self.W)
		self.BigW = np.kron(np.transpose(self.W), np.identity(n=len(articlePicked.featureVector)))
		self.CCA = np.dot(np.dot(self.BigW , self.AInv), np.transpose(self.BigW))
		self.BigTheta = np.kron(np.identity(n=self.userNum) , self.UserTheta)
	def reInitilize(self):
		d = np.shape(self.A)[0]				# as theta is re-initialized some part of the structures are set to zero
		self.A = np.identity(n=d)
		self.b = np.zeros(d)
		self.A_inv = np.identity(n=d)
		self.theta = np.zeros(d)
		self.pta = 0
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_linear_2p2s_with_dof_at_1_correlation_matrix(self):
        dof_index = 0
        output_index = 0

        model_instance = dict(models.model_data.model_structure)
        model_instance["parameters"] = numpy.array([2.0, 4.0])
        model_instance["inputs"] = numpy.array([[1.0, 10], [2.0, 20], [3.0, 30]])

        problem_instance = dict(models.model_data.problem_structure)
        problem_instance["output_indices"] = [output_index]
        problem_instance["inputs"] = model_instance["inputs"]
        problem_instance["parameters"] = [model_instance["parameters"][dof_index]]
        problem_instance["parameter_indices"] = [dof_index]

        dof = [1.0]
        # one standard deviation
        offset = -1
        measured = numpy.array([[1.0], [2.0], [3.0]]) + offset
        problem_instance["outputs"] = measured
        sens = [J_linear_2p2s([dof[0], model_instance["parameters"][1]], x) for x in model_instance["inputs"]]
        # identity covariance matrix of observation errors
        cov_obs_errs = numpy.identity(3)
        actual = metrics.confidence_measures.compute_covariance_matrix(sens, cov_obs_errs)
        expected = numpy.array([[1**2+2**2+3**2, 0], [0, 0]])
        [[self.assertEqual(act, exp) for act, exp in zip(acts, exps)] for acts, exps in zip(actual, expected)]
        # diagonal covariance matrix of observation errors
        multiplier = 2
        cov_obs_errs = numpy.identity(3) * multiplier
        actual = metrics.confidence_measures.compute_covariance_matrix(sens, cov_obs_errs)
        expected = numpy.array([[(1**2+2**2+3**2)/multiplier, 0], [0, 0]])
        [[self.assertEqual(act, exp) for act, exp in zip(acts, exps)] for acts, exps in zip(actual, expected)]
Exemplo n.º 8
 def P(self, debug=False,mu=np.identity(6),g=9.81,n=1,N=0,N_=np.infty, 
             a=np.ones(1), b=np.zeros(1), 
             hip=np.zeros((1,3)), foot=np.nan*np.ones((1,3)), 
             lamb=1.*np.ones(1), kapp=1e3*np.ones(1), 
             psi=np.zeros(1), zeta=np.zeros(1)):
     mu - 6x6 - SE(3) inertia tensor
     g - scalar - gravitational constant
     n - int - number of legs
     N - int - step count; negative indicates descent; zero disables count
     a - 1 x n - binary vector indicating leg active
     b - 1 x n - binary vector indicating leg stance
     hip - n x 3 - hip locations in body frame
     foot - n x 3 - foot stance locations in world frame
     lamb - 1 x n - leg lengths
     kapp - 1 x n - leg stiffness
     psi,zeta - 1 x n - leg touchdown angle is 
       dot( expm(zeta*skew(e_z)), expm(psi*skew(e_y)) )
     debug - bool - flag for printing debugging info
   ex,ey,ez = np.identity(3)
   # TODO: sanitize inputs (make np.array, broadcast to correct size)
   return Struct(j=None,debug=debug,mu=mu,muinv=np.linalg.inv(mu),
	def maximum_muscle_force(OptimalLengths, Angle, AngularVelocity, R, OptimalForces):
		OptimalLengths must be a 1X4 Matrix with optimal muscle lengths for 4 muscles.
		Angle should be the current angle. AngularVelocity should be the current 
		angular velocity. R is the 1X4 moment arm matrix. And OptimalForces should be
		a 4X1 matrix of forces produced by each muscle when at optimal lengths and 
		# Force-Length Considerations
		CurrentMuscleLengths = OptimalLengths.T - R.T*Angle
		NormalizedMuscleLengths = np.matrix([(CurrentMuscleLengths[i,0]/OptimalLengths.T[i,0])-1 for i in range(4)])
		# We subtract one from every Normalized Muscle Length to find the percentage 
		# above and below the optimal length.
		MaximumMuscleForce_FL = np.identity(4)*[force_length_curve(NormalizedMuscleLengths[0,i]) \
													+ passive_force_length_curve(NormalizedMuscleLengths[0,i],) \
														for i in range(4)]

		# Force-Velocity Considerations
		CurrentMuscleVelocity = -R.T*AngularVelocity
		NormalizedMuscleVelocity = [CurrentMuscleVelocity[i,0]/OptimalLengths.T[i,0] for i in range(4)]
		MaximumMuscleForce_FV = np.identity(4)* \
									[force_velocity_curve(NormalizedMuscleLengths[0,i],NormalizedMuscleVelocity[i]) \
										for i in range(4)]
		MaximumMuscleForce = (MaximumMuscleForce_FL+MaximumMuscleForce_FV)*[OptimalForces[0,i] for i in range(4)]
Exemplo n.º 10
    def Slv(self, x0, *args):
        self._args = args[0]
        self._N = len(x0)
        Idn = np.identity(self._N) # Identity Matrix
        x = x0        # Initial Value(xはNかける1の縦ベクトルなので計算注意)
        hesse = np.identity(self._N) # Hessian Matrix
        g2 = self.Gradient(x)    #勾配を求める(自作関数)。次元はN*1
        k = []
        for i in xrange(self._max):
            g1 = g2    #次元はN*1
            print self.Length(g1)
            if self.Length(g1) < self._eps: break    # Converged(収束)
            p = np.dot((-1 * hesse), g1.T)    #pはN*1の縦ベクトル
            k = self.Gold(x, p)  #α値の更新(自作関数) ← 改訂ニュートン法による。ステップ幅の決定。kはスカラ
            s = p*k         #sはN*1の縦ベクトル
            x += s         #ここでxが更新される
            x[x<1e-4]=1e-4; x[x>1e2]=1e2 
            # Calculating Hessian Matrix
            g2 = self.Gradient(x)
            y = g2 - g1    #勾配の差(次元はN*1)
            yt = y.T    #次元は1*N
            st = s.T    #次元は1*N
            z = np.dot(st, y)
            if z == 0: break   # wether Converged
            # BFGS Formula
            hesse = (Idn - s * yt / z) * hesse * (Idn - y * st / z) + s * st / z;    #ヘッセ行列の近似値の更新。
        # Returning X and Y
        return [x, self._func(x, self._args)]
Exemplo n.º 11
def compose_matrix(scale=None, shear=None, angles=None, translate=None,perspective=None):
    """Return 4x4 transformation matrix from sequence of

    Code modified from the work of Christoph Gohlke link provided here

    This is the inverse of the decompose_matrix function.

    scale : vector of 3 scaling factors
    shear : list of shear factors for x-y, x-z, y-z axes
    angles : list of Euler angles about static x, y, z axes
    translate : translation vector along x, y, z axes
    perspective : perspective partition of matrix

    matrix : 4x4 array

    >>> import math
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> import dipy.core.geometry as gm
    >>> scale = np.random.random(3) - 0.5
    >>> shear = np.random.random(3) - 0.5
    >>> angles = (np.random.random(3) - 0.5) * (2*math.pi)
    >>> trans = np.random.random(3) - 0.5
    >>> persp = np.random.random(4) - 0.5
    >>> M0 = gm.compose_matrix(scale, shear, angles, trans, persp)
    M = np.identity(4)
    if perspective is not None:
        P = np.identity(4)
        P[3, :] = perspective[:4]
        M = np.dot(M, P)
    if translate is not None:
        T = np.identity(4)
        T[:3, 3] = translate[:3]
        M = np.dot(M, T)
    if angles is not None:
        R = euler_matrix(angles[0], angles[1], angles[2], 'sxyz')
        M = np.dot(M, R)
    if shear is not None:
        Z = np.identity(4)
        Z[1, 2] = shear[2]
        Z[0, 2] = shear[1]
        Z[0, 1] = shear[0]
        M = np.dot(M, Z)
    if scale is not None:
        S = np.identity(4)
        S[0, 0] = scale[0]
        S[1, 1] = scale[1]
        S[2, 2] = scale[2]
        M = np.dot(M, S)
    M /= M[3, 3]
    return M
Exemplo n.º 12
    def __init__(self, population, sigma, **params):
        self.parents = population
        self.dim = len(self.parents[0])

        # Selection
        self.mu = params.get("mu", len(self.parents))
        self.lambda_ = params.get("lambda_", 1)

        # Step size control
        self.d = params.get("d", 1.0 + self.dim / 2.0)
        self.ptarg = params.get("ptarg", 1.0 / (5.0 + 0.5))
        self.cp = params.get("cp", self.ptarg / (2.0 + self.ptarg))

        # Covariance matrix adaptation
        self.cc = params.get("cc", 2.0 / (self.dim + 2.0))
        self.ccov = params.get("ccov", 2.0 / (self.dim ** 2 + 6.0))
        self.pthresh = params.get("pthresh", 0.44)

        # Internal parameters associated to the mu parent
        self.sigmas = [sigma] * len(population)
        # Lower Cholesky matrix (Sampling matrix)
        self.A = [numpy.identity(self.dim) for _ in range(len(population))]
        # Inverse Cholesky matrix (Used in the update of A)
        self.invCholesky = [numpy.identity(self.dim) for _ in range(len(population))]
        self.pc = [numpy.zeros(self.dim) for _ in range(len(population))]
        self.psucc = [self.ptarg] * len(population)

        self.indicator = params.get("indicator", tools.hypervolume)
Exemplo n.º 13
def rotation(ntheta):
    '''Find rotation matrix from axis-angle vector.'''
    theta = la.norm(ntheta)
    if theta == 0:
        return np.identity(3)
    Q = dual(ntheta / theta)
    return np.identity(3) - Q * math.sin(theta) + dot(Q, Q) * (1 - math.cos(theta))
Exemplo n.º 14
def Hfs(L,S,I):
    """Provides the L dot S matrix (fine structure)"""
    gS=int(2*S+1) #number of mS values



    Hfs=0.5*(kron(J2,Ii)-L*(L+1)*Fi-S*(S+1)*Fi) # fine structure in m_L,m_S,m_I basis
    return Hfs
Exemplo n.º 15
def Hhfs(L,S,I):
    """Provides the I dot J matrix (magnetic dipole interaction)"""



    return Hhfs
def rotne_prager_tensor_loops(r_vectors, eta, a, *args, **kwargs):
  Calculate free rotne prager tensor for particles at locations given by
  r_vectors (list of 3 dimensional locations) of radius a.
  num_particles = len(r_vectors)
  fluid_mobility = np.array([np.zeros(3*num_particles) for _ in range(3*num_particles)])
  for j in range(num_particles):
    for k in range(num_particles):
      if j != k:
        # Particle interaction, rotne prager.
        r = r_vectors[j] - r_vectors[k]
        r_norm = np.linalg.norm(r)
        if r_norm > 2.*a:
          # Constants for far RPY tensor, taken from OverdampedIB paper.
          C1 = 3.*a/(4.*r_norm) + (a**3)/(2.*r_norm**3)
          C2 = 3.*a/(4.*r_norm) - (3.*a**3)/(2.*r_norm**3)

        elif r_norm <= 2.*a:
          # This is for the close interaction,
          # Call C3 -> C1 and C4 -> C2
          C1 = 1 - 9.*r_norm/(32.*a)
          C2 = 3*r_norm/(32.*a)
        fluid_mobility[(j*3):(j*3 + 3), (k*3):(k*3 + 3)] = (1./(6.*np.pi*eta*a)*(
          C1*np.identity(3) + C2*np.outer(r, r)/(np.maximum(r_norm, np.finfo(float).eps)**2)))

      elif j == k:
        # j == k, diagonal block.
        fluid_mobility[(j*3):(j*3 + 3), (k*3):(k*3 + 3)] = ((1./(6.*np.pi*eta*a)) * np.identity(3))
  return fluid_mobility
Exemplo n.º 17
    def _get_H(self, debug=False):
        returns H_t as defined in algorithm 2
        I = np.identity(len(self.w))
        if min(len(self.s), len(self.y)) == 0:
                print "Warning: No second order information used!"
                return I
        assert len(self.s) > 0, "s cannot be empty."
        assert len(self.s) == len(self.y), "s and y must have same length"
        assert self.s[0].shape == self.y[0].shape, \
            "s and y must have same shape"
        assert abs(self.y[-1]).sum() != 0, "latest y entry cannot be 0!"
        assert 1/np.inner(self.y[-1], self.s[-1]) != 0, "!"

        I = np.identity(len(self.s[0]))
        H = np.dot((np.inner(self.s[-1], self.y[-1]) / np.inner(self.y[-1],
                   self.y[-1])), I)

        for (s_j, y_j) in itertools.izip(self.s, self.y):
            rho = 1.0/np.inner(y_j, s_j)
            V = I - np.multiply(rho, np.outer(s_j, y_j))
            H = (V).dot(H).dot(V.T)
            H += np.multiply(rho, np.outer(s_j, s_j))

        return H
Exemplo n.º 18
    def __init__(self, xdims, udims, T, A1=None, B1=None, A2=None, B2=None, stoch=False):
        self.xdims = xdims
        self.udims = udims
        self.T = T
        self.t = 0

        self.robot = None

        if A1 is None:
            A1 = np.zeros((self.xdims, self.xdims))
        if A2 is None:
            A2 = np.zeros((self.xdims, self.xdims))
        if B1 is None:
            B1 = np.zeros((self.xdims, self.udims))
        if B2 is None:
            B2 = np.zeros((self.xdims, self.udims))
        self.A1 = A1
        self.A2 = A2
        self.B1 = B1
        self.B2 = B2
        self.stoch = stoch
        self.mean = np.zeros(self.xdims)
        self.cov_init = np.identity(self.xdims) * 20
        self.cov = np.identity(self.xdims) * .1
Exemplo n.º 19
 def __init__(self, population, sigma, params={}):
     # Create a centroid individual
     self.centroid = copy.deepcopy(population[0])
     # Clear its content
     self.centroid[:] = self.centroid[0:0]
     # The centroid is used in new individual creation
     self.centroid.extend(numpy.mean(population, 0))
     self.dim = len(self.centroid)
     self.sigma = sigma
     self.pc = numpy.zeros(self.dim)
     self.ps = numpy.zeros(self.dim)
     self.chiN = math.sqrt(self.dim) * (1 - 1. / (4. * self.dim) + \
                                   1. / (21. * self.dim**2))
     self.B = numpy.identity(self.dim)
     self.C = numpy.identity(self.dim)
     self.diagD = numpy.ones(self.dim)
     self.BD = self.B * self.diagD
     self.lambda_ = params.get("lambda_", int(4 + 3 * math.log(self.dim)))
     self.update_count = 0
     self.params = params
Exemplo n.º 20
def matrix_exp(M, ntaylor=20, nsquare=10):
    """Computes the exponential of a square matrix via a Taylor series.

    Calculates the matrix exponential by first calculating exp(M/(2**nsquare)),
    then squaring the result the appropriate number of times.

       M: Matrix to be exponentiated.
       ntaylor: Optional integer giving the number of terms in the Taylor series.
          Defaults to 15.
       nsquare: Optional integer giving how many times the original matrix will
          be halved. Defaults to 15.

       The matrix exponential of M.

    n = M.shape[1]
    tc = np.zeros(ntaylor + 1)
    tc[0] = 1.0
    for i in range(ntaylor):
        tc[i + 1] = tc[i] / (i + 1)

    SM = np.copy(M) / 2.0**nsquare

    EM = np.identity(n, float) * tc[ntaylor]
    for i in range(ntaylor - 1, -1, -1):
        EM = np.dot(SM, EM)
        EM += np.identity(n) * tc[i]

    for i in range(nsquare):
        EM = np.dot(EM, EM)
    return EM
Exemplo n.º 21
    def __init__(self):
        dt = 0.005

        #State-transition model
        self.A = np.array([
        #Observation model
        self.H = np.array([[1,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0]])

        #Process/State noise
        vel_noise_std = 0.005
        pos_noise_std = 0.005
        self.Q = np.array([

        #Sensor/Measurement noise
        measurement_noise_std = 0.5
        self.R = measurement_noise_std * measurement_noise_std * np.identity(2)

        self.x = np.zeros((4,1)) #Initial state vector [x,y,vx,vy]
        self.sigma = 9 * np.identity(4) #Initial covariance matrix
Exemplo n.º 22
def test_symm_algorithm_equivalence():
    """Test different stabilization methods in the computation of modes,
    in the presence and/or absence of the discrete symmetries."""
    for n in (12, 20, 40):
        for sym in kwant.rmt.sym_list:
            # Random onsite and hopping matrices in symmetry class
            h_cell = kwant.rmt.gaussian(n, sym)
            # Hopping is an offdiagonal block of a Hamiltonian. We rescale it
            # to ensure that there are modes at the Fermi level.
            h_hop = 10 * kwant.rmt.gaussian(2*n, sym)[:n, n:]

            if kwant.rmt.p(sym):
                p_mat = np.array(kwant.rmt.h_p_matrix[sym])
                p_mat = np.kron(np.identity(n // len(p_mat)), p_mat)
                p_mat = None

            if kwant.rmt.t(sym):
                t_mat = np.array(kwant.rmt.h_t_matrix[sym])
                t_mat = np.kron(np.identity(n // len(t_mat)), t_mat)
                t_mat = None

            if kwant.rmt.c(sym):
                c_mat = np.kron(np.identity(n // 2), np.diag([1, -1]))
                c_mat = None

            check_equivalence(h_cell, h_hop, n, sym=sym, particle_hole=p_mat,
                              chiral=c_mat, time_reversal=t_mat)
Exemplo n.º 23
 def on_key_down(self, keysym):
     # Control simulation
     if keysym.sym == sdl.SDLK_q:
     if keysym.sym == sdl.SDLK_r:
     if keysym.sym == sdl.SDLK_p:
         self.runSimulation = not self.runSimulation
         print '-'*40
         print "Run Simulation: ", self.runSimulation
     if keysym.sym == sdl.SDLK_h:
     if keysym.sym == sdl.SDLK_g:
         if self.worldView == 0:
             self.worldView = 1
             self.renderer.setProjection(self.sim.width, self.sim.height)
             self.renderer.matModelView = np.identity(4,'f')
             self.renderer.matView = np.identity(4,'f')
         elif self.worldView == 1:
             self.worldView = 0
             width, height = self.userController.agent.fov
             self.renderer.setProjection(width, height)
         self.renderer.worldView = self.worldView
     if keysym.sym == sdl.SDLK_f:
     if keysym.sym == sdl.SDLK_i:
         # use for tests
     # Control agent
Exemplo n.º 24
def test_cell_triclinic():
    while True:
        rvecs = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, (3, 3))
        if abs(np.linalg.det(rvecs)) > 0.1:
    cell = Cell(rvecs)

    # Test attributes
    assert cell.nvec == 3
    assert (cell.rvecs == rvecs).all()
    assert abs(cell.volume - abs(np.linalg.det(rvecs))) < 1e-10
    assert abs(np.dot(cell.gvecs, cell.rvecs.transpose()) - np.identity(3)).max() < 1e-5
    assert abs(np.dot(cell.gvecs.transpose(), cell.rvecs) - np.identity(3)).max() < 1e-5
    cell2 = Cell(-cell.rvecs)
    assert abs(cell2.volume - abs(np.linalg.det(rvecs))) < 1e-10
    for i in xrange(3):
        assert cell.get_rlength(i) == cell.rlengths[i]
        assert cell.get_glength(i) == cell.glengths[i]
        assert cell.get_rspacing(i) == cell.rspacings[i]
        assert cell.get_gspacing(i) == cell.gspacings[i]
        assert abs(cell.get_rlength(i) - 1.0/cell.get_gspacing(i)) < 1e-10
        assert abs(cell.get_glength(i) - 1.0/cell.get_rspacing(i)) < 1e-10

    # Test methods (1)
    vec1 = np.array([10.0, 0.0, 5.0])*angstrom
    cell.add_rvec(vec1, np.array([1,2,3]))

    # Test methods (2)
Exemplo n.º 25
def get_bands(h,output_file="BANDS2D_",nindex=[-1,1],
  """ Calculate band structure"""
  if h.dimensionality!=2: raise  # continue if two dimensional
  hk_gen = h.get_hk_gen() # gets the function to generate h(k)
  kxs = np.linspace(-nsuper,nsuper,nk)+k0[0]  # generate kx
  kys = np.linspace(-nsuper,nsuper,nk)+k0[1]  # generate ky
  kdos = [] # empty list
  kxout = []
  kyout = []
  if reciprocal: R = h.geometry.get_k2K() # get matrix
  else:  R = np.matrix(np.identity(3)) # get identity
  # setup a reasonable value for delta
  # setup the operator
  if operator is None:
    operator = np.matrix(np.identity(h.intra.shape[0]))
  os.system("rm -f "+output_file+"*") # delete previous files
  fo = [open(output_file+"_"+str(i)+".OUT","w") for i in nindex] # files        
  for x in kxs:
    for y in kxs:
      r = np.matrix([x,y,0.]).T # real space vectors
      k = np.array((R*r).T)[0] # change of basis
      hk = hk_gen(k) # get hamiltonian
      evals = lg.eigvalsh(hk) # eigenvalues
      epos = sorted(evals[evals>0]) # positive energies
      eneg = -np.array(sorted(np.abs(evals[evals<0]))) # negative energies
      for (i,j) in zip(nindex,range(len(nindex))): # loop over bands
        fo[j].write(str(x)+"     "+str(y)+"   ")
        if i>0: fo[j].write(str(epos[i-1])+"\n")
        if i<0: fo[j].write(str(eneg[abs(i)-1])+"\n")
  [f.close() for f in fo] # close file
Exemplo n.º 26
def identity_like_generalized(a):
    a = asarray(a)
    if a.ndim == 3:
        return np.array([identity(a.shape[-2]) for ax in a])
    elif a.ndim > 3:
        raise ValueError("Not implemented...")
    return identity(a.shape[0])
Exemplo n.º 27
def test_cell_cubic():
    rvecs = np.array([[9.865, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 9.865, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 9.865]])*angstrom
    cell = Cell(rvecs)

    # Test attributes
    assert cell.nvec == 3
    assert (cell.rvecs == rvecs).all()
    assert (cell.rspacings == 9.865*angstrom).all()
    assert (cell.gspacings == 1/(9.865*angstrom)).all()
    assert abs(cell.volume - (9.865*angstrom)**3) < 1e-10
    assert abs(np.dot(cell.gvecs, cell.rvecs.transpose()) - np.identity(3)).max() < 1e-5
    assert abs(np.dot(cell.gvecs.transpose(), cell.rvecs) - np.identity(3)).max() < 1e-5
    cell2 = Cell(-cell.rvecs)
    assert abs(cell2.volume - (9.865*angstrom)**3) < 1e-10
    for i in xrange(3):
        assert cell.get_rlength(i) == cell.rlengths[i]
        assert cell.get_glength(i) == cell.glengths[i]
        assert cell.get_rspacing(i) == cell.rspacings[i]
        assert cell.get_gspacing(i) == cell.gspacings[i]
        assert abs(cell.get_rlength(i) - 1.0/cell.get_gspacing(i)) < 1e-10
        assert abs(cell.get_glength(i) - 1.0/cell.get_rspacing(i)) < 1e-10

    # Test methods (1)
    vec1 = np.array([10.0, 0.0, 5.0])*angstrom
    assert abs(vec1 - np.array([0.135, 0.0, -4.865])*angstrom).max() < 1e-10
    cell.add_rvec(vec1, np.array([1,2,3]))
    assert abs(vec1 - np.array([10.0, 19.73, 24.73])*angstrom).max() < 1e-10

    # Test methods (2)
Exemplo n.º 28
def transform(args, workspace_lh, workspace_rh, nsubjs):

    transform_lh = np.zeros((args.nvoxel, args.nfeature, nsubjs))
    transform_rh = np.zeros((args.nvoxel, args.nfeature, nsubjs))

    if args.align_algo in ["ha", "srm_noneprob"]:
        transform_lh = workspace_lh["R"]
        transform_rh = workspace_rh["R"]
    elif args.align_algo in ["srm", "pca", "ica"]:
        bW_lh = workspace_lh["bW"]
        bW_rh = workspace_rh["bW"]
        for m in range(nsubjs):
            transform_lh[:, :, m] = bW_lh[m * args.nvoxel : (m + 1) * args.nvoxel, :]
            transform_rh[:, :, m] = bW_rh[m * args.nvoxel : (m + 1) * args.nvoxel, :]
    elif args.align_algo in ["ha_sm_retraction"]:
        bW_lh = workspace_lh["W"]
        bW_rh = workspace_rh["W"]
        for m in range(nsubjs):
            transform_lh[:, :, m] = bW_lh[:, :, m]
            transform_rh[:, :, m] = bW_rh[:, :, m]
    elif args.align_algo == "noalign":
        for m in range(nsubjs):
            transform_lh[:, :, m] = np.identity(args.nvoxel)
            transform_rh[:, :, m] = np.identity(args.nvoxel)
        exit("alignment algo not recognized")

    return (transform_lh, transform_rh)
Exemplo n.º 29
def ale3dStrainOutToV(vecds):
    #takes 5 components of evecd and the 6th component is lndetv

    """convert from vecds representation to symmetry matrix"""
    eps = num.zeros([3,3],dtype='float64')
    #Akk_by_3 = sqr3i * vecds[5] # -p
    a = num.exp(vecds[5])**(1./3.)# -p
    t1 = sqr2i*vecds[0]
    t2 = sqr6i*vecds[1]

    eps[0, 0] =    t1 - t2
    eps[1, 1] =   -t1 - t2
    eps[2, 2] = sqr2b3*vecds[1]
    eps[1, 0] = vecds[2] * sqr2i
    eps[2, 0] = vecds[3] * sqr2i
    eps[2, 1] = vecds[4] * sqr2i

    eps[0, 1] = eps[1, 0]
    eps[0, 2] = eps[2, 0]
    eps[1, 2] = eps[2, 1]



    return V,Vinv
Exemplo n.º 30
def get_H(ph_count1, at_count1, wc1, wa1, g1, ph_count2, at_count2, wc2, wa2, g2, m = 0.4, RWA=True):
	# get_H_err(ph_count, at_count, wc, wa, g, RWA)
	adiag1 = np.sqrt(np.arange(1, ph_count1+1))
	across1 = np.diagflat(adiag1, -1)
	a1 = np.diagflat(adiag1, 1)
	acrossa1 = np.dot(across1, a1)

	adiag2 = np.sqrt(np.arange(1, ph_count2+1))
	across2 = np.diagflat(adiag2, -1)
	a2 = np.diagflat(adiag2, 1)
	acrossa2 = np.dot(across2, a2)
	sigmadiag = [1]

	sigmacross = np.diagflat(sigmadiag, -1)
	sigma = np.diagflat(sigmadiag, 1)
	sigmacrosssigma = np.dot(sigmacross, sigma)
	ph1_dim = ph_count1+1
	I_ph1 = np.identity(ph1_dim)

	at1_dim = pow(2, at_count1)
	I_at1 = np.identity(at1_dim)
	ph2_dim = ph_count2+1
	I_ph2 = np.identity(ph2_dim)

	at2_dim = pow(2, at_count2)
	I_at2 = np.identity(at2_dim)
	if RWA:
		h1 = H1.get_H_RWA(ph_count1, at_count1, wc1, wa1, g1, RWA)
		h2 = H1.get_H_RWA(ph_count2, at_count2, wc2, wa2, g2, RWA)
		h1 = H1.get_H_EXACT(ph_count1, at_count1, wc1, wa1, g1)
		h2 = H1.get_H_EXACT(ph_count2, at_count2, wc2, wa2, g2)
	H = np.kron(h1, np.identity(h2.shape[0])) + np.kron(np.identity(h1.shape[0]), h2) 

	H1_m = np.kron(across1, np.identity(at1_dim))
	H1_m = np.kron(H1_m, a2)
	H1_m = np.kron(H1_m, np.identity(at2_dim))
	H2_m = np.kron(a1, np.identity(at1_dim))
	H2_m = np.kron(H2_m, across2)
	H2_m = np.kron(H2_m, np.identity(at2_dim))
	H_m = m * (H1_m + H2_m)
	H = np.matrix(H + H_m)
	H_size = np.shape(H)
	# print('H:\n', H, '\n')
	# # # print('H_size:', H_size, '\n')
	return H
Exemplo n.º 31
def jacobi_eigenvalue_algorithm(a, n, max_iter):
    def treshold_convergence(a, n, it_num):
        off_sum = 0.0

        for j in range(0, n):
            for i in range(0, j):
                off_sum = off_sum + a[i, j]**2

        off_sum = sqrt(off_sum) / float(4 * n)

        if (off_sum == 0.0):
            return off_sum

        for p in range(0, n):
            for q in range(p + 1, n):
                gapq = 10.0 * abs(a[p, q])
                termp = gapq + abs(a[p, p])
                termq = gapq + abs(a[q, q])

        if 4 < it_num and termp == abs(a[p, p]) and termq == abs(a[q, q]):
            a[p, q] = 0.0

        return off_sum

    def max_off_diagonal(
            a, n):  # Za pronalazenje najveceg vandijagonalnog elementa
        max_elem = 0.0
        for i in range(n - 1):
            for j in range(i + 1, n):
                if abs(a[i, j]) >= max_elem:
                    max_elem = abs(a[i, j])
                    k = i
                    l = j
        return max_elem, k, l

    def rotate(a, n, p, k, l):  # Rotiramo kako bismo anulirali a[k, l]
        diff = a[l, l] - a[k, k]

        if abs(a[k, l]) < abs(diff) * 0.1:
            t = a[k, l] / diff
            theta = diff / (2.0 * a[k, l])
            t = 1.0 / (abs(theta) + sqrt(theta**2 + 1.0))

            if theta < 0.0:
                t = -t

        c = 1.0 / sqrt(t**2 + 1.0)
        s = t * c
        tau = s / (1.0 + c)

        temp = a[k, l]
        a[k, l] = 0.0
        a[k, k] = a[k, k] - t * temp
        a[l, l] = a[l, l] + t * temp

        for i in range(k):  # i < k
            temp = a[i, k]
            a[i, k] = temp - s * (a[i, l] + tau * temp)
            a[i, l] = a[i, l] + s * (temp - tau * a[i, l])

        for i in range(k + 1, l):  # k < i < l
            temp = a[k, i]
            a[k, i] = temp - s * (a[i, l] + tau * a[k, i])
            a[i, l] = a[i, l] + s * (temp - tau * a[i, l])

        for i in range(l + 1, n):  # i > l
            temp = a[k, i]
            a[k, i] = temp - s * (a[l, i] + tau * temp)
            a[l, i] = a[l, i] + s * (temp - tau * a[l, i])

        for i in range(n):  # Azuriramo matricu transformacije
            temp = p[i, k]
            p[i, k] = temp - s * (p[i, l] + tau * p[i, k])
            p[i, l] = p[i, l] + s * (temp - tau * p[i, l])

    n = len(a)
    p = identity(n) * 1.0
    for it_num in range(max_iter):
        max_elem, k, l = max_off_diagonal(a, n)
        off_sum = treshold_convergence(a, n, it_num)

        if max_elem < 0.000001 or off_sum == 0.0:
            return diagonal(a), p, it_num

        rotate(a, n, p, k, l)

    print('Metoda nije konvergirala')
Exemplo n.º 32
                int(np.around(rateL[pos] * x * 10000))
                for x in [t0, t1, t2, t3]
            ancaa = ancseq[pos]
            anc = np.array([1 if ancaa == aaL[i] else 0 for i in range(20)])
            freq = freqL[pos, :]
            mul = freq / jfreq
            mul.shape = 1, 20
            mulmat = mul.repeat(20, axis=0)
            jfmat = jmat * mulmat
            for i in range(20):
                jfmat[i, i] = 1 - (np.sum(jfmat[i, :]) - jfmat[i, i])

            n1aprob = evo(anc, T[0], jfmat)
            n2aprob = evo(anc, T[2], jfmat)
            Id = np.identity(20)
            mat1 = evo(Id, T[1], jfmat)
            mat2 = evo(Id, T[3], jfmat)
            for i in range(20):
                mat1[i, i] = 0
                mat2[i, i] = 0
            prob = 0

            n1aprob.shape = 20, 1
            n2aprob.shape = 20, 1
            condmat1 = np.multiply(n1aprob, mat1)
            condmat2 = np.multiply(n2aprob, mat2)
            condmatsum = np.sum(condmat2, axis=0, keepdims=True)
            prob = np.sum(np.multiply(condmatsum, condmat1))
            # print >>OUTSITE,"%f"%(prob)
Exemplo n.º 33
 def fprime_ieqcon2(self, x):
     """ Vector inequality constraint, derivative """
     return np.identity(x.shape[0])
# Misc.
import random
import warnings

# ENVIRONMENT SETUP ########################################################################################

game_name = 'SpaceInvaders-Atari2600'
env = retro.make(game=game_name)
print("***************** {} *****************".format(game_name))
print("Frame size: {}".format(env.observation_space))
print("Action size: {}\n".format(env.action_space.n))

# Here we create an hot encoded version of our actions
# possible_actions = [[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]...]
possible_actions = np.array(np.identity(env.action_space.n,dtype=int).tolist())

# PRE-PROCESSING FUNCTIONS #################################################################################
    Take a frame.
    Grayscale it
    Resize it.
        |                 |
        |                 |
        |                 |
        |                 |
Exemplo n.º 35
def get_coordconv_matrix(coord):
   """Return the rotation matrix corresponding to coord systems given
   in coord.

   Usage: matconv,do_conv,normcoord = get_coordconv_matrix(coord)

      - coord: a tuple with initial and final coord systems.
               See normalise_coord.
      - matconv: the euler matrix for coord sys conversion
      - do_conv: True if matconv is not identity, False otherwise
      - normcoord: the tuple of initial and final coord sys.

   History: adapted from CGIS IDL library.

   coord_norm = normalise_coord(coord)

   if coord_norm[0] == coord_norm[1]:
      matconv = np.identity(3)
      do_conv = False
      eps = 23.452294 - 0.0130125 - 1.63889E-6 + 5.02778E-7
      eps = eps * np.pi / 180.

      # ecliptic to galactic
      e2g = np.array([[-0.054882486, -0.993821033, -0.096476249],
                   [ 0.494116468, -0.110993846,  0.862281440],
                   [-0.867661702, -0.000346354,  0.497154957]])

      # ecliptic to equatorial
      e2q = np.array([[1.,     0.    ,      0.         ],
                   [0., np.cos( eps ), -1. * np.sin( eps )],
                   [0., np.sin( eps ),    np.cos( eps )   ]])

      # galactic to ecliptic
      g2e = np.linalg.inv(e2g)

      # galactic to equatorial
      g2q = np.dot(e2q , g2e)

      # equatorial to ecliptic
      q2e = np.linalg.inv(e2q)

      # equatorial to galactic
      q2g = np.dot(e2g , q2e)

      if coord_norm == ('E','G'):
         matconv = e2g
      elif coord_norm == ('G','E'):
         matconv = g2e
      elif coord_norm == ('E','C'):
         matconv = e2q
      elif coord_norm == ('C','E'):
         matconv = q2e
      elif coord_norm == ('C','G'):
         matconv = q2g
      elif coord_norm == ('G','C'):
         matconv = g2q
         raise ValueError('Wrong coord transform :',coord_norm)
      do_conv = True

   return matconv,do_conv,coord_norm
Exemplo n.º 36
def isRotationMatrix(R):
    Rt = np.transpose(R)
    shouldBeIdentity = np.dot(Rt, R)
    I = np.identity(3, dtype=R.dtype)
    n = np.linalg.norm(I - shouldBeIdentity)
    return n < 1e-6
Exemplo n.º 37
def bayesian1(name):
    data1 = getcurrent(name.lower())
    data = []
    a = 390 - len(data)
    for i in range(0, len(data1)):
    #print data
    x_10 = []
    for b in xrange(0, a):
        t_data = []
        for i in xrange(len(data) - 10, len(data)):
        for i in xrange(1, 11):
        t = []
        t_data = t
        #print t_data
        N = 10
        M = 6

        rel_err_dr = 0

        x = x_10[len(x_10) - 1] + 1

        for k in range(1):
            t = numpy.zeros((N, 1), float)
            phi = numpy.zeros((M, 1), float)
            phi_sum = numpy.zeros((M, 1), float)
            phi_sum_t = numpy.zeros((M, 1), float)

            for i in range(M):
                phi[i][0] = math.pow(x, i)

            for i in range(N):
                t[i][0] = t_data[k][i]

            for j in range(N):
                for i in range(M):
                    phi_sum[i][0] = phi_sum[i][0] + math.pow(x_10[j], i)
                    phi_sum_t[i][0] = phi_sum_t[i][0] + t[j][0] * math.pow(
                        x_10[j], i)

        # Calculation of variance / standard deviation
            S = numpy.linalg.inv(0.005 * numpy.identity(M) +
                                 11.1 * numpy.dot(phi_sum, phi.T))

            var = numpy.dot((phi.T), numpy.dot(S, phi))
            var = var + 1 / 11.1

            # Calculating the mean
            mean = 11.1 * numpy.dot(phi.T, numpy.dot(S, phi_sum_t))

            #abs_error = abs_error + error_n
            mean = mean[0][0]
            #print 'mean', mean

    t = t_data[0]
    t_data = t
    sum = 0
    avg = 0
    for i in t_data:
        sum += i
    mov = sum / len(t_data)
    #print 'mov', mov
    per = ((mean - mov) / mov) * 100
    #print 'per', per
    final = []
    mean = round(mean, 3)
    per = round(per, 3)
    return final[0]
Exemplo n.º 38
#!/usr/bin/env python
import numpy as np

zero = np.zeros([2, 2])
identity = np.identity(2)
metric = np.array([
[1, 0, 0, 0],
[0, -1, 0, 0],
[0, 0, -1, 0],
[0, 0, 0, -1]])

sigma_1 = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]])
sigma_2 = np.array([[0, -1j], [1j, 0]])
sigma_3 = np.array([[1, 0], [0, -1]])

sigma = [sigma_1, sigma_2, sigma_3]

gamma_0 = np.array([
[1, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 0, 0],
[0, 0, -1, 0],
[0, 0, 0, -1]], dtype=np.complex128)
gamma_1 = np.concatenate([np.concatenate([zero, -sigma_1]), np.concatenate([sigma_1, zero])], axis=1)
gamma_2 = np.concatenate([np.concatenate([zero, -sigma_2]), np.concatenate([sigma_2, zero])], axis=1)
gamma_3 = np.concatenate([np.concatenate([zero, -sigma_3]), np.concatenate([sigma_3, zero])], axis=1)

gammaM_0 = np.concatenate([np.concatenate([zero, sigma_2]), np.concatenate([sigma_2, zero])], axis=1)
gammaM_1 = np.concatenate([np.concatenate([1j * sigma_3, zero]), np.concatenate([zero, 1j * sigma_3])], axis=1)
gammaM_2 = np.concatenate([np.concatenate([zero, sigma_2]), np.concatenate([-sigma_2, zero])], axis=1)
gammaM_3 = np.concatenate([np.concatenate([-1j * sigma_1, zero]), np.concatenate([zero, -1j * sigma_1])], axis=1)
Exemplo n.º 39
 def stage7(self, guests):
     arrange guest atoms
     self.logger.info("Stage7: Atomic positions of the guest.")
     if self.cagepos is not None:
         # the cages around the dopants.
         dopants_neighbors = self.dopants_info(self.dopants,
         # put the (one-off) groups
         if len(self.spot_groups) > 0:
             # process the -H option
             for cage, group_to in self.spot_groups.items():
                 group, root = group_to.split(":")
                 self.add_group(cage, group, int(root))
         molecules = defaultdict(list)
         if len(self.spot_guests) > 0:
             # process the -G option
             for cage, molec in self.spot_guests.items():
         if guests is not None:
             # process the -g option
             for arg in guests:
                 cagetype, spec = arg[0].split("=")
                 assert cagetype in self.cagetypes, "Nonexistent cage type: {0}".format(
                 resident = dict()
                 rooms = list(self.cagetypes[cagetype] - self.filled_cages)
                 for room in rooms:
                     resident[room] = None
                 # spec contains a formula consisting of "+" and "*"
                 contents = spec.split("+")
                 vacant = len(rooms)
                 for content in contents:
                     if "*" in content:
                         molec, frac = content.split("*")
                         frac = float(frac)
                         molec = content
                         frac = 1.0
                     nmolec = int(frac * len(rooms) + 0.5)
                     vacant -= nmolec
                     assert vacant >= 0, "Too many guests."
                     remain = nmolec
                     movedin = []
                     while remain > 0:
                         r = random.randint(0, len(rooms) - 1)
                         room = rooms[r]
                         if resident[room] is None:
                             resident[room] = molec
                             remain -= 1
                     #    "    {0} * {1} @ {2}".format(molec, nmolec, movedin))
         # Now ge got the address book of the molecules.
         if len(molecules):
             self.logger.info("  Summary of guest placements:")
             self.guests_info(self.cagetypes, molecules)
         if len(self.spot_groups) > 0:
             self.logger.info("  Summary of groups:")
         # semi-guests
         for root, cages in self.groups.items():
             assert root in self.dopants
             name = self.dopants[root]
             molname = "G{0}".format(root)
             pos = self.reppositions[root]
             rot = self.rotmatrices[root]
                 [0, molname, name,
                  self.repcell.rel2abs(pos), 0])
             del self.dopants[root]  # processed.
             self.logger.debug((root, cages, name, molname, pos, rot))
             for cage, group in cages.items():
                 assert group in self.groups_placer
                 assert cage in dopants_neighbors[root]
                 cpos = self.repcagepos[cage]
                 self.atoms += self.groups_placer[group](cpos, pos,
         # molecular guests
         for molec, cages in molecules.items():
             gmol = safe_import("molecule", molec)
             cpos = [self.repcagepos[i] for i in cages]
             cmat = [np.identity(3) for i in cages]
             self.atoms += arrange_atoms(cpos, self.repcell, cmat,
                                         gmol.sites, gmol.labels, gmol.name)
     # Assume the dopant is monatomic and replaces one water molecule
     atomset = defaultdict(set)
     for label, name in self.dopants.items():
     for name, labels in atomset.items():
         pos = [self.reppositions[i] for i in sorted(labels)]
         rot = [self.rotmatrices[i] for i in sorted(labels)]
         self.atoms += arrange_atoms(pos, self.repcell, rot, [
             [0., 0., 0.],
         ], [name], name)
     self.logger.info("Stage7: end.")
Exemplo n.º 40
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np

# np.identity 生成法向矢量
embedding = np.identity(5, dtype=np.int32)
ids = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None])
result = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embedding, ids)

# RNN中 embedding 是为了把每个词打散,方便放入cell?
with tf.Session() as sess:
    # 可以看出如果feed_dict={ids:[1,2,1]},则取了embedding的第2行、第3行和第2行,
    # embedding_lookup里面有不同的partition的方法,都大同小异。
    # feed_dict 还可以是多维度的。
    print sess.run(result, feed_dict={ids: [1, 2, 1]})
    TODO: Callback
Exemplo n.º 41
def test_linear_sum_assignment_input_string():
    I = np.identity(3)
    with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="Cannot cast array data"):
Exemplo n.º 42
    ave_dist_tgt = np.linalg.norm(np.mean(verts_tgt_visi, axis=0))
    scale = ave_dist_gt / ave_dist_tgt
    verts_tgt *= scale
    verts_tgt_visi *= scale

    # do ICP
    source = open3d.PointCloud()
    target = open3d.PointCloud()
    source.points = open3d.Vector3dVector(verts_tgt_visi)
    target.points = open3d.Vector3dVector(verts_gt_visi)

    reg_p2p = open3d.registration_icp(
    trans_mat = reg_p2p.transformation
    verts_tgt_fit = np.zeros(verts_tgt.shape)
    verts_tgt_visi_fit = np.zeros(verts_tgt_visi.shape)

    for j in range(len(verts_tgt)):
        verts_tgt_fit[j] = np.dot(trans_mat[:3, :3],
                                  verts_tgt[j]) + trans_mat[:3, 3]

    for j in range(len(verts_tgt_visi)):
        verts_tgt_visi_fit[j] = np.dot(trans_mat[:3, :3],
                                       verts_tgt_visi[j]) + trans_mat[:3, 3]
 def get_dK_y_dnoise(self) -> np.ndarray:
     return 2 * self.noise_scale * np.identity(self.X.shape[0])
Exemplo n.º 44
def test_linear_sum_assignment_input_inf():
    I = np.identity(3)
    I[:, 0] = np.inf
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="cost matrix is infeasible"):
Exemplo n.º 45
	ASC.set_values('kernel_type','Gaussian Kernel')

	#np.savetxt('Four_gaussian_label_1.csv', db['Y_matrix'], delimiter=',', fmt='%d')

	a = db['allocation']
	print 'Original allocation :' , a
	b = np.concatenate((np.zeros(200), np.ones(200)))
	print "NMI : " , normalized_mutual_info_score(a,b)
else: #	Predefining the original clustering, the following are the required settings
	ASC.set_values('kernel_type','Gaussian Kernel')

	db['Y_matrix'] = label_2
	db['U_matrix'] = label_2
	db['prev_clust'] = 1
	db['allocation'] = Y_2_allocation(label_2)
	a = db['allocation']
	b = np.concatenate((np.zeros(200), np.ones(200)))
	print 'Predefined allocation :' , a , '\n'

if True:	#	Alterntive clustering

	start_time = time.time() 
Exemplo n.º 46
def test_linear_sum_assignment_input_bool():
    I = np.identity(3)
Exemplo n.º 47
    def set_corrected_dofs_helper_fixedy(self, node, transform):
        transform_new = dc(transform)
        node.corrected_transform = transform_new
        # node.corrected_position = node.corrected_transform.dot(vec3tovec4(node.offset))
        transform_new = dc(
        if (node.name == "End Site"):
            node.corrected_dof_values = []
        if (node.depth == 0):
            # if(True):
            inter_transform = np.identity(4)
            for i in range(len(node.dofs)):
                dof = node.dofs[i]
                dof_val = node.dof_values[i]
                rot = np.identity(4)
                if (dof == "Xposition"):
                    rot = translation((dof_val, 0, 0))
                elif (dof == "Yposition"):
                    rot = translation((0, dof_val, 0))
                elif (dof == "Zposition"):
                    rot = translation((0, 0, dof_val))
                elif (dof == "Xrotation"):
                    rot = rotation_x(dof_val)
                elif (dof == "Yrotation"):
                    rot = rotation_y(dof_val)
                elif (dof == "Zrotation"):
                    rot = rotation_z(dof_val)
                inter_transform = inter_transform.dot(rot)
                # transform_new = transform_new.dot(rot)

            transform_new = transform_new.dot(inter_transform)
            node.corrected_dof_values = node.dof_values[:]
            node.noised_position = node.position[:3]
            node.corrected_position = node.noised_position[:]
            for child in node.children:
                child.noised_position = child.position[:3]
                child.corrected_position = child.noised_position[:]
            # print(inter_transform)
            # transform_new2 = transform_new
            # print(inter_transform)
            # print("inter_transform",inter_transform)
        # if(True):
            TA = np.empty((len(node.children), 3))
            i = 0
            for child in node.children:
                vec = vec4tovec3(
                vec = vec / np.linalg.norm(vec)
                rot = np.array(child.offset)
                rot = rot / np.linalg.norm(rot)

                ta, ret_val = find_transform(rot, vec, node.dof_values[-1],

                if (ret_val == -1):
                    child.noised_position = child.position[:3]
                    diff = np.array(child.noised_position) - np.array(
                    lengthratio = norm2(diff) / norm2(child.offset)
                    diff = diff / lengthratio
                    diff = diff + np.array(node.corrected_position)
                    child.corrected_position = diff.tolist()

                TA[i, :] = np.array([ta[0], ta[1], ta[2]])
                i += 1

            ta = np.mean(TA, axis=0)
            trans = rotation_z(ta[0]).dot(rotation_x(ta[1])).dot(
            transform_new = transform_new.dot(trans)
            node.corrected_dof_values = [ta[0], ta[1], ta[2]]
        for child in node.children:
            self.set_corrected_dofs_helper(child, dc(transform_new))
Exemplo n.º 48
    # divide them all by the pitcher_outs_recorded column
    y = y / y[:, 0:1] * 27

    # get rid of the pitcher_outs_recorded since they're all the same now
    y = y[:, 1:]

    # standardize the output fields
    y = (y - np.mean(y, axis=0, keepdims=True)) / np.std(y, axis=0, keepdims=True)

    # get the X values
    X = season_matrix[:, 0:4]

    X, encodings = one_hot_columns(X, [0, 1, 2])

    # add a row to the matrix for each feature to regularize it
    regularizer = np.identity(X.shape[1]) * 16
    for i in range(len(encodings[0]) + len(encodings[1]), regularizer.shape[0] - 1):
        regularizer[i, i] = 1

    # if there are no DH's this season, add a regularizer to the DH column so the matrix isn't singular
    if np.mean(X[:, -1]) == 0:
        regularizer[-1, -1] = 1
        regularizer[-1, -1] = 0

    X = np.vstack([X, regularizer])
    y = np.vstack([y, np.zeros((X.shape[1], y.shape[1]))])

    XTX = X.T.dot(X)
    XTy = X.T.dot(y)
    w = la.solve(XTX, XTy)
Exemplo n.º 49
 def set_corrected_dofs(self, noise_std):
     transform = np.identity(4)
     self.set_corrected_dofs_helper(self.root, transform)
Exemplo n.º 50
def translation(xyz):
    tran = np.identity(4)
    tran[0, 3] = xyz[0]
    tran[1, 3] = xyz[1]
    tran[2, 3] = xyz[2]
    return tran
Exemplo n.º 51
def generate_full_rank_matrix(input_matrix):
    '''do Gaussian elimination and return the decomposed matrices
    input_matrix: (matrix)
    return (link_matrix, kernel_matrix, independent_list)
    m, n = input_matrix.shape
    reduced_matrix = input_matrix.copy()
    pivots = numpy.identity(m, dtype=numpy.float)

    dependent_list = list(range(m))
    independent_list = []
    skipped_list = []
    skipped_buffer = []

    for j in range(n):
        if len(dependent_list) == 0:

        maxidx = dependent_list[0]
        maxelem = reduced_matrix[maxidx][j]
        for i in dependent_list:
            if abs(reduced_matrix[i][j]) > abs(maxelem):
                maxidx = i
                maxelem = reduced_matrix[i][j]

        if maxelem != 0:
            reduced_matrix[maxidx] /= maxelem
            pivots[maxidx] /= maxelem

            for i in range(m):
                if i != maxidx:
                    k = reduced_matrix[i][j]
                    reduced_matrix[i] -=  k * reduced_matrix[maxidx]
                    pivots[i] -=  k * pivots[maxidx]

            if len(skipped_buffer) > 0:
                skipped_buffer = []


    assert len(dependent_list) + len(independent_list) == m

    link_matrix = numpy.identity(m, dtype=numpy.float)
    link_matrix[dependent_list] -= pivots[dependent_list]

    rank = len(independent_list)
    kernel_matrix = numpy.zeros((n, n - rank), dtype=numpy.float)
    parsed_rank = rank + len(skipped_list)
    reduced_matrix = numpy.take(reduced_matrix, list(range(parsed_rank, n)) + skipped_list, 1)

    cnt1 = 0
    cnt2 = 0
    for i in range(parsed_rank):
        if len(skipped_list) > cnt1 and skipped_list[cnt1] == i:
            kernel_matrix[i][n - parsed_rank + cnt1] = 1.0
            cnt1 += 1
            kernel_matrix[i][range(n - rank)] = -reduced_matrix[independent_list[cnt2]]
            cnt2 += 1

    for i in range(n - parsed_rank):
        kernel_matrix[i + parsed_rank][i] = 1.0

    independent_list = numpy.sort(independent_list)
    link_matrix = numpy.take(link_matrix, independent_list, 1)
    return (link_matrix, kernel_matrix, independent_list)
Exemplo n.º 52
    def set_corrected_dofs_helper(self, node, transform):
        transform_new = dc(transform)
        node.corrected_transform = transform_new
        # node.corrected_position = node.corrected_transform.dot(vec3tovec4(node.offset))
        transform_new = dc(
        if (node.name == "End Site" or not node.isreal):
            node.corrected_dof_values = []
        if (node.depth == 0):
            # if(True):
            inter_transform = np.identity(4)
            for i in range(len(node.dofs)):
                dof = node.dofs[i]
                dof_val = node.dof_values[i]
                rot = np.identity(4)
                if (dof == "Xposition"):
                    rot = translation((dof_val, 0, 0))
                elif (dof == "Yposition"):
                    rot = translation((0, dof_val, 0))
                elif (dof == "Zposition"):
                    rot = translation((0, 0, dof_val))
                elif (dof == "Xrotation"):
                    rot = rotation_x(dof_val)
                elif (dof == "Yrotation"):
                    rot = rotation_y(dof_val)
                elif (dof == "Zrotation"):
                    rot = rotation_z(dof_val)
                inter_transform = inter_transform.dot(rot)
                # transform_new = transform_new.dot(rot)

            transform_new = transform_new.dot(inter_transform)
            node.corrected_dof_values = node.dof_values[:]
            node.noised_position = node.position[:3]
            node.corrected_position = node.noised_position[:]
            for child in node.children:
                child.noised_position = child.position[:3]
                child.corrected_position = child.noised_position[:]
            TA = np.empty((len(node.children), 3))
            i = 0
            finapos = []
            initpos = []

            for child in node.children:
                vec = vec4tovec3(
                vec = vec / np.linalg.norm(vec)
                rot = np.array(child.offset)
                rot = rot / np.linalg.norm(rot)


            ta = self.find_rotation(initpos, finapos)
            # print(ta)
            trans = rotation_z(ta[0]).dot(rotation_x(ta[1])).dot(
            # print(trans)
            transform_new = transform_new.dot(trans)
            node.corrected_dof_values = [ta[0], ta[1], ta[2]]
        for child in node.children:
            self.set_corrected_dofs_helper(child, dc(transform_new))
Exemplo n.º 53
def pivot_matrix(A):
    Essa função recebe uma matriz 'A' e faz a pivotizacao dela retornando
    a matriz de pivo e inclusive a matriz de permutacao
    n = A.shape[0]
    m = A.shape[1]
    aux = A.copy()
    permutation = np.identity(n)
    if n == m or m > n:
        for j in range(m):#percorre toda a matriz pelas colunas
            if j == n:
            #recebe o index maximo do valor máximo da coluna
            index = np.argmax(aux[:,j])         

            if index < j:
                #Indentificar se o index de valor máximo é da submatriz
                temporary = np.max(aux[j:n,j])
                #Encontra o index verdadeiro
                index = np.argwhere(aux[:,j] == temporary).flatten()
                if index.size > 1:#Se existir mais de um index igual seleciona o primeiro
                   index  = int(index[0].copy())
                else:#Se o valor máximo for diferente
                   index = int(np.argwhere(aux[:,j] == temporary).flatten())    
            if index >= j:# Se o index estiver na submatriz
                temp = aux[j,:].copy()#recebe a linha que sera deslocada
                aux[j,:] =  aux[index,:].copy()#linha que sera colocada acima
                aux[index,:] = temp.copy()#desloca a linha para baixo
                temp2 = permutation[j,:].copy()#matriz de permutacao
                permutation[j,:] = permutation[index,:]
                permutation[index,:] = temp2.copy()
    else:#Essa parte e para matrizes altas com n>m
        for j in range(n):
            if j == m:
            #recebe o index maximo do valor máximo da coluna
            index = np.argmax(aux[:,j])         
            if index < j:
                #Indentificar se o index de valor máximo é da submatriz
                temporary = np.max(aux[j:n,j])
                #Encontra o index verdadeiro
                index = np.argwhere(aux[:,j] == temporary).flatten()
                if index.size > 1:
                   index  = int(index[0].copy())
                   index = int(np.argwhere(aux[:,j] == temporary).flatten())    
            if index >= j:
                temp = aux[j,:].copy()
                aux[j,:] =  aux[index,:].copy()
                aux[index,:] = temp.copy()
                temp2 = permutation[j,:].copy()
                permutation[j,:] = permutation[index,:]
                permutation[index,:] = temp2.copy()
    return aux,permutation
Exemplo n.º 54
 def set_transformations_values(self):
     transform = np.identity(4)
     self.set_transformations_values_helper(self.root, transform)
Exemplo n.º 55
 def matrix(self):
     m = np.identity(4)
     m[:3, :3] = self.R
     m[:3, 3] = self.t
     return m
Exemplo n.º 56
def gradient(x , y , lamda):
  y = np.asmatrix(y)
  lamdaI = lamda * np.identity(x.shape[1])
  inverse = np.linalg.inv(np.dot(x.transpose() , x) + lamdaI)
  return np.dot( np.dot( inverse , x.transpose() ) , y.transpose() )
Exemplo n.º 57
a_s = 1000 # soil-updating parameter (maybe reduce this value? a_s)
b_s = 0.1
c_s = 1
#theta_s = 

rho = 0.9
rho_n = 0.1 # local soild updating parameter

rho_IWD = 0.1 #global soil-updating parameter

epsilon_s = 0.0001 # to prevent zero division

weight_infogain = 1 # for weighted gene ranking used in computing time(i,j)

# Initialization of dynamic parameters
soilMatrix = np.identity(nodes)

for a in range(nodes):	# Precaution: Increase the soil for a node to itself so as to have little probability of picking itself

probMatrix = np.identity(nodes)

initialVelocity = 100 # Initial velocity of each IWD
velocity = initialVelocity

unvisited = range(nodes) # List of cities not visited, initially this 
			 # contains even the initial node.
Exemplo n.º 58
import sys
import navio.util
import navio.mpu9250
import navio.adc
import navio.util
import serial
import threading
import VL53L0X

del_t = 0.01 #sec
g = 0 #m/s^2
x_old = np.array([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],dtype=np.float) #m, m/s, rad
omega = np.array([0,0,0],dtype=np.float) #rad/sec
acc = np.array([0,0,-g],dtype=np.float) #m/s^2
gamma = 800 # 0~1000
P_old = np.identity(9)*gamma
I_9 = np.identity(9)
QQ = np.diag([0,0,0,acc_noise,acc_noise,acc_noise,gyro_noise,gyro_noise,gyro_noise])
RR = np.diag([0.4,0.4,0.4,0.02,0.02,0.02,0.02,0.01])

alfa = np.array([0.8244,0.8244,0.8244],dtype=np.float)
m9a_low_old = np.array([0,0,0],dtype=np.float)
m9g_low_old = np.array([0,0,0],dtype=np.float)

anchor1 = np.array([-6.000,  3.500, 2.5],dtype=float)
anchor2 = np.array([ 8.695,  3.514, 2.5],dtype=float)
anchor3 = np.array([ 8.436, -8.166, 2.5],dtype=float)
anchor4 = np.array([-6.003, -8.160, 2.5],dtype=float)
Exemplo n.º 59
def main():
    vec , lam =  eigenvalue_inv(A,x,n,10**(-8))
    best_vec, best_lam = eigenvalue_inv(A+4*np.identity(len(A)),vec,n,10**(-8))
    print("Lambda is %s"%(lam))
Exemplo n.º 60
def read_cortex_surface_segmentation(fsdir, physical_to_index, fsconfig,
    """ Read the cortex gyri surface segmentatation of freesurfer.

    Give access to the right and left hemisphere segmentations that can be
    projected on the cortical and inflated cortical surfaces.
    The vertex are expressed in the voxel coordinates.

    fsdir: str( mandatory)
        the subject freesurfer segmentation directory.
    physical_to_index: array (mandatory)
        the transformation to project a physical point in an array.
    fsconfig: str (mandatory)
        the freesurfer configuration file.
    affine: array (optional, default None)
        an affine transformation in voxel coordinates that will be applied on
        the output vertex of the cortex surface.

    segmentation: dict
        contain the two hemisphere 'lh' and 'rh' triangular surfaces and
        inflated surfaces represented in a TriSurface structure.
    # Construct the path to the surface segmentation results and associated
    # labels
    meshdir = os.path.join(fsdir, "surf")
    labeldir = os.path.join(fsdir, "label")
    segfile = os.path.join(fsdir, "mri")

    # Get deformation between the ras and ras-tkregister spaces
    asegfile = os.path.join(segfile, "aseg.mgz")
    translation = tkregister_translation(asegfile, fsconfig)

    # Construct the deformation to apply on the cortex mesh
    if affine is None:
        affine = numpy.identity(4)
    deformation = numpy.dot(affine, numpy.dot(physical_to_index, translation))

    # Create an dictionary to contain all the surfaces and labels
    segmentation = {}

    # Select the hemisphere
    for hemi in ["lh", "rh"]:

        # Get annotation id at each vertex (if a vertex does not belong
        # to any label and orig_ids=False, its id will be set to -1) and
        # the names of the labels
        annotfile = os.path.join(labeldir, "{0}.aparc.annot".format(hemi))
        labels, ctab, regions = freesurfer.read_annot(
            annotfile, orig_ids=False)
        meta = dict((index, {"region": item[0], "color": item[1][:4].tolist()})
                    for index, item in enumerate(zip(regions, ctab)))

        # Select the surface type
        hemisegmentation = {}
        for surf in ["white", "inflated"]:

            # Load the mesh: a 2-uplet with vertex (x, y, z) coordinates and
            # mesh triangles
            meshfile = os.path.join(meshdir, "{0}.{1}".format(hemi, surf))
            mesh = freesurfer.read_geometry(meshfile)
            hemisegmentation[surf] = {
                "vertices": apply_affine_on_mesh(mesh[0], deformation),
                "triangles": mesh[1]

        # Save the segmentation result
        segmentation[hemi] = TriSurface(

    return segmentation