def solve_sylvester (tfms1, tfms2):
    Solves the system of Sylvester's equations to find the calibration transform.
    Returns the calibration transform from sensor 1 (corresponding to tfms1) to sensor 2.

    assert len(tfms1) == len(tfms2) and len(tfms1) >= 2
    I = np.eye(4)
    M_final = np.empty((0,16))

    s1_t0_inv = np.linalg.inv(tfms1[0])
    s2_t0_inv = np.linalg.inv(tfms2[0])
    for i in range(1,len(tfms1)):
        M = np.kron(I,[i])) - np.kron([i]).T,I)
        M_final = np.r_[M_final, M]
    # add the constraints on the last row of the transformation matrix to be == [0,0,0,1]
    for i in [3,7,11,15]:
        t = np.zeros((1,16))
        t[0,i] = 1
        M_final = np.r_[M_final,t]
    L_final = np.zeros(M_final.shape[0])
    L_final[-1] = 1

    X = np.linalg.lstsq(M_final,L_final)[0]
    tt = np.reshape(X,(4,4),order='F')
    return tt
Exemplo n.º 2
	def __init__(self, featureDimension, lambda_, eta_, userNum, windowSize =20):
		self.windowSize = windowSize
		self.counter = 0
		self.userNum = userNum
		self.lambda_ = lambda_
		# Basic stat in estimating Theta
		self.A = lambda_*np.identity(n = featureDimension*userNum)
		self.b = np.zeros(featureDimension*userNum)
		self.UserTheta = np.zeros(shape = (featureDimension, userNum))
		#self.UserTheta = np.random.random((featureDimension, userNum))
		self.AInv = np.linalg.inv(self.A)
		#self.W = np.random.random((userNum, userNum))
		self.W = np.identity(n = userNum)
		self.Wlong = vectorize(self.W)
		self.batchGradient = np.zeros(userNum*userNum)

		self.CoTheta =, self.W)
		self.BigW = np.kron(np.transpose(self.W), np.identity(n=featureDimension))
		self.CCA = np.identity(n = featureDimension*userNum)
		self.BigTheta = np.kron(np.identity(n=userNum) , self.UserTheta)
		self.W_X_arr = []
		self.W_y_arr = []
		for i in range(userNum):
Exemplo n.º 3
def balanceTrials(n_trials, randomize, factors, use_type='int'):
    n_factors = len(factors)
    n_levels = [0] * n_factors
    min_trials = 1.0 #needs to be float or the later ceiling operation will fail
    for f in range(0, n_factors):
        n_levels[f] = len(factors[f])
        min_trials *= n_levels[f] #simulates use of prod(n_levels) in the original code
    N = math.ceil(n_trials / min_trials)
    output = []
    len1 = min_trials
    len2 = 1
    index = numpy.random.uniform(0, 1, N * min_trials).argsort()
    for level, factor in zip(n_levels, factors):
        len1 /= level
        factor = numpy.array(factor, dtype=use_type)
        out = numpy.kron(numpy.ones((N, 1)), numpy.kron(numpy.ones((len1, len2)), factor).reshape(min_trials,)).astype(use_type).reshape(N*min_trials,)
        if randomize:
            out = [out[i] for i in index]
        len2 *= level
    return output
Exemplo n.º 4
def pansharpen(imname, inDir, outDir):
    """Create pansharpened images from EO-1 scene directory."""
    pan = gdal.Open(inDir + '/' + imname + '_B' + digits % 1 + '_L1T.TIF')
    bigPan = pan.ReadAsArray()[:-1, :-1]

    bandNums = []
    srcs = []
    dests = []
    driver = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff")
    for bandNum in range(2, 11):
        tif = gdal.Open(inDir+'/'+imname + '_B' + digits % bandNum + '_L1T.TIF')
        if tif is None:
            print "WARNING: Band %d not found." % bands
        dests.append(driver.CreateCopy(outDir + '/' + imname + '_B' +
                                       digits % bandNum + '_L1T.TIF', pan, 0))

    imgs = [np.float64(src.ReadAsArray()[:-1, :-1]) for src in srcs]
    smoothPan = np.kron(sum(imgs) / len(imgs), np.ones([3, 3])) + 1e-9

    for img, dest in zip(imgs, dests):
        newimg = bigPan / smoothPan * np.kron(img, np.ones([3, 3]))
        #newimg[newimg > 255] = 255
        band = dest.GetRasterBand(1)
    dest = None
    dests = None
Exemplo n.º 5
	def updateParameters(self, articlePicked, click,  userID):	
		self.counter +=1
		self.Wlong = vectorize(self.W)
		featureDimension = len(articlePicked.featureVector)
		T_X = vectorize(np.outer(articlePicked.featureVector, self.W.T[userID])) 
		self.A += np.outer(T_X, T_X)	
		self.b += click*T_X
		self.AInv = np.linalg.inv(self.A)
		self.UserTheta = matrixize(, self.b), len(articlePicked.featureVector)) 

		Xi_Matirx = np.zeros(shape = (featureDimension, self.userNum))
		Xi_Matirx.T[userID] = articlePicked.featureVector
		W_X = vectorize(, Xi_Matirx))
		self.batchGradient +=evaluateGradient(W_X, click, self.Wlong, self.lambda_, self.regu  )

		if self.counter%self.windowSize ==0:
			self.Wlong -= 1/(float(self.counter/self.windowSize)+1)*self.batchGradient
			self.W = matrixize(self.Wlong, self.userNum)
			self.W = normalize(self.W, axis=0, norm='l1')
			#print 'SVD', self.W
			self.batchGradient = np.zeros(self.userNum*self.userNum)
			# Use Ridge regression to fit W
		if self.W.T[userID].any() <0 or self.W.T[userID].any()>1:
			print self.W.T[userID]

		self.CoTheta =, self.W)
		self.BigW = np.kron(np.transpose(self.W), np.identity(n=len(articlePicked.featureVector)))
		self.CCA = , self.AInv), np.transpose(self.BigW))
		self.BigTheta = np.kron(np.identity(n=self.userNum) , self.UserTheta)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_regularized(self):

        exog = np.random.normal(size=(400, 5))
        groups = np.kron(np.arange(100), np.ones(4))
        expected_endog = exog[:, 0] - exog[:, 2]
        endog = expected_endog + np.kron(np.random.normal(size=100), np.ones(4)) + np.random.normal(size=400)

        # L1 regularization
        md = MixedLM(endog, exog, groups)
        mdf1 = md.fit_regularized(alpha=1.0)

        # L1 regularization
        md = MixedLM(endog, exog, groups)
        mdf2 = md.fit_regularized(alpha=10 * np.ones(5))

        # L2 regularization
        pen = penalties.L2()
        mdf3 = md.fit_regularized(method=pen, alpha=0.0)

        # L2 regularization
        pen = penalties.L2()
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            mdf4 = md.fit_regularized(method=pen, alpha=100.0)

        # Pseudo-Huber regularization
        pen = penalties.PseudoHuber(0.3)
        mdf5 = md.fit_regularized(method=pen, alpha=1.0)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def act(self, qubits, index=1):
        """Performs the action of a quantum gate on a qubit system.

        Operates in-place on the system "qubits", so the original system is
        changed by interaction with the gate. This avoids violations of the no-
        cloning theorem.

            qubits: A system of qubits for the gate to act on.
            index: Starting index of the first qubit in the system for the gate
            to act one. E.g. if the gate acts on two qubits and index = 3, then
            the gate would act on the 3rd and 4th qubits in the system (where
            qubits are indexed starting at one).

            ValueError if there is a dimension mismatch between the gate and the
            qubits to be operated on.
            RuntimeError if the matrix is not unitary.
        if index <= 0 or index + self.n() - 1 > qubits.n():
            raise ValueError('Dimension mismatch with gate and qubit system')
        if not is_unitary(self.__matrix):
            raise RuntimeError('Non-unitary matrix')

        # construct a matrix to operate only on the desired qubits
        G = copy(self.__matrix)
        if index > 1:
            G = numpy.kron(eye(2**(index - 1)), G)
        if index + self.n() - 1 < qubits.n():
            G = numpy.kron(G, eye(2**(qubits.n() - (index + self.n() -1))))

        qubits._QubitSystem__coeffs =, qubits._QubitSystem__coeffs)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def test_profile_inference(self):
        # Smoke test
        k_fe = 2
        gsize = 3
        n_grp = 100
        exog = np.random.normal(size=(n_grp * gsize, k_fe))
        exog_re = np.ones((n_grp * gsize, 1))
        groups = np.kron(np.arange(n_grp), np.ones(gsize))
        vca = np.random.normal(size=n_grp * gsize)
        vcb = np.random.normal(size=n_grp * gsize)
        errors = 0
        g_errors = np.kron(np.random.normal(size=100), np.ones(gsize))
        errors += g_errors + exog_re[:, 0]
        rc = np.random.normal(size=n_grp)
        errors += np.kron(rc, np.ones(gsize)) * vca
        rc = np.random.normal(size=n_grp)
        errors += np.kron(rc, np.ones(gsize)) * vcb
        errors += np.random.normal(size=n_grp * gsize)

        endog = exog.sum(1) + errors
        vc = {"a": {}, "b": {}}
        for k in range(n_grp):
            ii = np.flatnonzero(groups == k)
            vc["a"][k] = vca[ii][:, None]
            vc["b"][k] = vcb[ii][:, None]
        rslt = MixedLM(endog, exog, groups=groups, exog_re=exog_re, exog_vc=vc).fit()
        rslt.profile_re(0, vtype="re", dist_low=1, num_low=3, dist_high=1, num_high=3)
        rslt.profile_re("b", vtype="vc", dist_low=0.5, num_low=3, dist_high=0.5, num_high=3)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def test_vcomp_3(self):
        # Test a model with vcomp but no other random effects, using formulas.

        import scipy

        v = scipy.__version__.split(".")[1]
        v = int(v)
        if v < 16:

        x1 = np.random.normal(size=400)
        groups = np.kron(np.arange(100), np.ones(4))
        slopes = np.random.normal(size=100)
        slopes = np.kron(slopes, np.ones(4)) * x1
        y = slopes + np.random.normal(size=400)
        vc_fml = {"a": "0 + x1"}
        df = pd.DataFrame({"y": y, "x1": x1, "groups": groups})

        model = MixedLM.from_formula("y ~ 1", groups="groups", vc_formula=vc_fml, data=df)
        result =

        assert_allclose(result.resid.iloc[0:4], np.r_[-1.180753, 0.279966, 0.578576, -0.667916], rtol=1e-3)
        assert_allclose(result.fittedvalues.iloc[0:4], np.r_[-0.101549, 0.028613, -0.224621, -0.126295], rtol=1e-3)
Exemplo n.º 10
def haar_matrix_2(n):
    level = int(math.log(n, 2))

    h = np.array([1], dtype="double")
    nc = 1 / math.sqrt(2)
    lp = np.array([1, 1], dtype="double")
    hp = np.array([1, -1], dtype="double")
    hs = [h]
    for i in range(level):
        lp2 = np.kron(h, lp)
        one_eyed = np.reshape(np.eye(2 ** i), (1, (2 ** i) ** 2))[0]
        hp2 = np.kron(one_eyed, hp)
        print lp2
        print hp2
        h = nc * np.hstack((lp2, hp2))
    h = np.reshape(h, (2 ** level, 2 ** level))
#    coeffs = []
#    for i in reversed(range(level)):
#        h1 = hs[i + 1]
#        h2 = hs[i]
#        d = h2.shape[0]
#        h22 = np.vstack((np.hstack((h2, np.zeros((d, d)))), np.hstack((np.zeros((d, d)), np.eye(d)))))
#        coeffs.append(h22.I * h1)
#    return (h, coeffs)
    return h
Exemplo n.º 11
def expand(A):
    M,N = A.shape
    t = np.kron(A.flatten(),np.ones(N))
    u = np.triu(np.ones((N,N))).flatten()
    v = np.kron(np.ones(M),u)
    w  = t *  v
Exemplo n.º 12
def super_operator(H, jump_operators):
    #print "Constructing super-operator..."
    I = np.eye(H.shape[0], H.shape[1], dtype='complex')
    L = -1.j * (np.kron(H, I) - np.kron(I, H))
    if jump_operators:
        L += incoherent_super_operator(jump_operators)
    return L
Exemplo n.º 13
    def _make_pairs(self, i, j):
        Create arrays containing all unique ordered pairs of i, j.

        The arrays i and j must be one-dimensional containing non-negative

        mat = np.zeros((len(i) * len(j), 2), dtype=np.int32)

        # Create the pairs and order them
        f = np.ones(len(j))
        mat[:, 0] = np.kron(f, i).astype(np.int32)
        f = np.ones(len(i))
        mat[:, 1] = np.kron(j, f).astype(np.int32)

        # Remove repeated rows
            dtype = np.dtype((np.void, mat.dtype.itemsize * mat.shape[1]))
            bmat = np.ascontiguousarray(mat).view(dtype)
            _, idx = np.unique(bmat, return_index=True)
        except TypeError:
            # workaround for old numpy that can't call unique with complex
            # dtypes
            rs = np.random.RandomState(4234)
            bmat =, rs.uniform(size=mat.shape[1]))
            _, idx = np.unique(bmat, return_index=True)
        mat = mat[idx, :]

        return mat[:, 0], mat[:, 1]
Exemplo n.º 14
    def test_formulas(self):
        exog = np.random.normal(size=(300, 4))
        exog_re = np.random.normal(size=300)
        groups = np.kron(np.arange(100), [1, 1, 1])
        g_errors = exog_re * np.kron(np.random.normal(size=100),
                                     [1, 1, 1])
        endog = exog.sum(1) + g_errors + np.random.normal(size=300)

        mod1 = MixedLM(endog, exog, groups, exog_re)
        # test the names
        assert_( == ["x1", "x2", "x3", "x4"])
        assert_( == ["x_re1"])
        assert_( == ["x_re1 RE"])
        rslt1 =

        # Fit with a formula, passing groups as the actual values.
        df = pd.DataFrame({"endog": endog})
        for k in range(exog.shape[1]):
            df["exog%d" % k] = exog[:, k]
        df["exog_re"] = exog_re
        fml = "endog ~ 0 + exog0 + exog1 + exog2 + exog3"
        re_fml = "0 + exog_re"
        mod2 = MixedLM.from_formula(fml, df, re_formula=re_fml,

        assert_( == ["exog0", "exog1", "exog2", "exog3"])
        assert_( == ["exog_re"])
        assert_( == ["exog_re RE"])

        rslt2 =
        assert_almost_equal(rslt1.params, rslt2.params)

        # Fit with a formula, passing groups as the variable name.
        df["groups"] = groups
        mod3 = MixedLM.from_formula(fml, df, re_formula=re_fml,
        assert_( == ["exog0", "exog1", "exog2", "exog3"])
        assert_( == ["exog_re"])
        assert_( == ["exog_re RE"])

        rslt3 =
        assert_allclose(rslt1.params, rslt3.params, rtol=1e-4)

        # Check default variance structure with non-formula model
        # creation, also use different exog_re that produces a zero
        # estimated variance parameter.
        exog_re = np.ones(len(endog), dtype=np.float64)
        mod4 = MixedLM(endog, exog, groups, exog_re)
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            rslt4 =
        from statsmodels.formula.api import mixedlm
        mod5 = mixedlm(fml, df, groups="groups")
        assert_( == ["groups"])
        assert_( == ["groups RE"])
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            rslt5 =
        assert_almost_equal(rslt4.params, rslt5.params)
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_symm_algorithm_equivalence():
    """Test different stabilization methods in the computation of modes,
    in the presence and/or absence of the discrete symmetries."""
    for n in (12, 20, 40):
        for sym in kwant.rmt.sym_list:
            # Random onsite and hopping matrices in symmetry class
            h_cell = kwant.rmt.gaussian(n, sym)
            # Hopping is an offdiagonal block of a Hamiltonian. We rescale it
            # to ensure that there are modes at the Fermi level.
            h_hop = 10 * kwant.rmt.gaussian(2*n, sym)[:n, n:]

            if kwant.rmt.p(sym):
                p_mat = np.array(kwant.rmt.h_p_matrix[sym])
                p_mat = np.kron(np.identity(n // len(p_mat)), p_mat)
                p_mat = None

            if kwant.rmt.t(sym):
                t_mat = np.array(kwant.rmt.h_t_matrix[sym])
                t_mat = np.kron(np.identity(n // len(t_mat)), t_mat)
                t_mat = None

            if kwant.rmt.c(sym):
                c_mat = np.kron(np.identity(n // 2), np.diag([1, -1]))
                c_mat = None

            check_equivalence(h_cell, h_hop, n, sym=sym, particle_hole=p_mat,
                              chiral=c_mat, time_reversal=t_mat)
Exemplo n.º 16
def mk_Loss(cfg, is_near_v):
    t = beg('Loss')
    n_pos_ham = cfg.n_bits + 1   # num possible Hamming distances

    x = n_pos_ham - cfg.rho
    neigh_loss = np.concatenate([np.zeros(cfg.rho), np.arange(x)]) / x
    y = cfg.rho + 1
    non_neigh_loss = np.concatenate([np.arange(y,0,-1), np.zeros(cfg.n_bits-cfg.rho)]) / y
    my_assert (lambda : len(neigh_loss) == n_pos_ham)
    my_assert (lambda : len(non_neigh_loss) == n_pos_ham)

    # For each pair of corresponding cells, one should be 0.
    my_assert (lambda : not np.any(neigh_loss * non_neigh_loss))

    NeighLoss = np.kron(is_near_v,
                        neigh_loss.reshape(n_pos_ham, 1))
    my_assert (lambda : NeighLoss.shape == (n_pos_ham, cfg.batch_size) )

    NonNeighLoss = np.kron(is_near_v == False,
                           non_neigh_loss.reshape(n_pos_ham, 1))
    my_assert (lambda : NonNeighLoss.shape == (n_pos_ham, cfg.batch_size) )

    # For each pair of corresponding cells, one should be 0.
    my_assert (lambda : not np.any(NeighLoss * NonNeighLoss))
    Loss = NeighLoss + NonNeighLoss
    my_assert (lambda : (all(Loss.flat >= 0.0) and all(Loss.flat <= 1.0)))
    return Loss
Exemplo n.º 17
    def txest_vcomp_1(self):
        Fit the same model using constrained random effects and variance components.

        exog = np.random.normal(size=(400, 1))
        exog_re = np.random.normal(size=(400, 2))
        groups = np.kron(np.arange(100), np.ones(4))
        slopes = np.random.normal(size=(100, 2))
        slopes[:, 1] *= 2
        slopes = np.kron(slopes, np.ones((4, 1))) * exog_re
        errors = slopes.sum(1) + np.random.normal(size=400)
        endog = exog.sum(1) + errors

        free = MixedLMParams(1, 2, 0)
        free.fe_params = np.ones(1)
        free.cov_re = np.eye(2)
        free.vcomp = np.zeros(0)

        model1 = MixedLM(endog, exog, groups, exog_re=exog_re)
        result1 =

        exog_vc = {"a": {}, "b": {}}
        for k,group in enumerate(model1.group_labels):
            ix = model1.row_indices[group]
            exog_vc["a"][group] = exog_re[ix, 0:1]
            exog_vc["b"][group] = exog_re[ix, 1:2]
        model2 = MixedLM(endog, exog, groups, exog_vc=exog_vc)
        result2 =

        assert_allclose(result1.fe_params, result2.fe_params, atol=1e-4)
        assert_allclose(np.diag(result1.cov_re), result2.vcomp, atol=1e-2, rtol=1e-4)
        assert_allclose(result1.bse[[0, 1, 3]], result2.bse, atol=1e-2, rtol=1e-2)
Exemplo n.º 18
    def prepareTransitionalMat(self):
    	#create sigma_x matrix
    	sigmax = np.matrix(self.sigma_x)

    	#non changing channel
    	self.H = self.p0*np.identity(2**self.size) # not changing states
    	# nearest-neighbour changing channel	
    	for i in range(self.size-1):
    	    Tmatrix = np.identity(1)
	    for j in range(self.size):
	    	if j == i or j == i+1:
                    Tmatrix = np.kron(Tmatrix, sigmax)
                    Tmatrix = np.kron(Tmatrix, np.identity(2))	
            self.H = np.add(self.H, Tmatrix * self.p1)
	# second-neighbour changing channel	
    	for i in range(self.size-2):
    	    Tmatrix = np.identity(1)
	    for j in range(self.size):
	    	if j == i or j == i+2:
                    Tmatrix = np.kron(Tmatrix, sigmax)
                    Tmatrix = np.kron(Tmatrix, np.identity(2))	
	    self.H = np.add(self.H, Tmatrix * self.p2)
Exemplo n.º 19
 def _update_indicator(self,K,L):
     """ update the indicator """
     _update = {'term': self.n_terms*np.ones((K,L)).T.ravel(),
                 'row': np.kron(np.arange(K)[:,np.newaxis],np.ones((1,L))).T.ravel(),
                 'col': np.kron(np.ones((K,1)),np.arange(L)[np.newaxis,:]).T.ravel()}
     for key in _update.keys():
         self.indicator[key] = np.concatenate([self.indicator[key],_update[key]])
Exemplo n.º 20
def test_measurement_state_update(num_prefix_qubits):
    with xmon_stepper.Stepper(num_qubits=3,
                              min_qubits_before_shard=0) as s:
        # 1/sqrt(2)(I+iX) gate.
        for i in range(3):
            s.simulate_w(i, -0.5, 0)
        # Check state before measurements.
        single_qubit_state = np.array([1, 1j]) / np.sqrt(2)
        two_qubit_state = np.kron(single_qubit_state, single_qubit_state)
        expected = np.kron(two_qubit_state, single_qubit_state).flatten()
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(expected, s.current_state)
        assert not s.simulate_measurement(0)
        # Check state after collapse of first qubit state.
        expected = np.kron(two_qubit_state, np.array([1, 0])).flatten()
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(expected, s.current_state)
        assert not s.simulate_measurement(1)
        # Check state after collapse of second qubit state.
        expected = np.kron(single_qubit_state,
                           np.array([1, 0, 0, 0])).flatten()
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(expected, s.current_state, decimal=6)
        assert s.simulate_measurement(2)
        expected = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 1j, 0, 0, 0])
        # Check final state after collapse of third qubit state.
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(expected, s.current_state)
Exemplo n.º 21
    def test_count_blocks(self):
        def gold(A,bs):
            R,C = bs
            I,J = A.nonzero()
            return len( set( zip(I//R,J//C) ) )

        mats = []
        mats.append( [[0]] )
        mats.append( [[1]] )
        mats.append( [[1,0]] )
        mats.append( [[1,1]] )
        mats.append( [[0,1],[1,0]] )
        mats.append( [[1,1,0],[0,0,1],[1,0,1]] )
        mats.append( [[0],[0],[1]] )

        for A in mats:
            for B in mats:
                X = kron(A,B)
                Y = csr_matrix(X)
                for R in range(1,6):
                    for C in range(1,6):
                        assert_equal(spfuncs.count_blocks(Y, (R, C)), gold(X, (R, C)))

        X = kron([[1,1,0],[0,0,1],[1,0,1]],[[1,1]])
        Y = csc_matrix(X)
        assert_equal(spfuncs.count_blocks(X, (1, 2)), gold(X, (1, 2)))
        assert_equal(spfuncs.count_blocks(Y, (1, 2)), gold(X, (1, 2)))
Exemplo n.º 22
def SENSOR(d1=0.1, d2=0.1, d3=0.1):
    L1, L2, L3 = Ls(d1, d2, d3)
    LL1 =, np.kron(L1, L1))
    LL2 =, np.kron(L2, L2))
    LL3 =, np.kron(L3, L3))
    SENSOR = np.r_[LL1[[0, 4, 8], :], LL2[[0, 4, 8], :], LL3[[0, 4, 8], :]]
    return SENSOR
Exemplo n.º 23
def getU(J,hx,hz,t):
    Time evolution operator acting on 2 spins.

    J : float
        Pair-wise interaction energy.
    hx : float
        Magnetic energy of each spin with dipole moment mu in field B.
    t : float
        Timestep of each iteration.

    U : (2,2,2,2) ndarray
        Non-unitary time evolution operator.        
    I = s(0)
    X = s(1)
    Z = s(3)
    hamiltonian = -J*np.kron(Z,Z)\
    U = expm(-hamiltonian*t)
    return np.reshape(U,(2,2,2,2))
Exemplo n.º 24
def test_qubit_order_to_wavefunction_order_matches_np_kron(scheduler):
    simulator = cg.XmonSimulator()
    zero = [1, 0]
    one = [0, 1]

    result = simulate(simulator,
                      qubit_order=[Q1, Q2])
    assert cirq.allclose_up_to_global_phase(
        result.final_state, np.kron(one, zero))

    result = simulate(simulator,
                      qubit_order=[Q2, Q1])
    assert cirq.allclose_up_to_global_phase(
        result.final_state, np.kron(zero, one))

    result = simulate(simulator,
    assert cirq.allclose_up_to_global_phase(
        result.final_state, np.array(one))

    result = simulate(simulator,
                      cirq.Circuit.from_ops(cirq.X(Q1), cirq.Z(Q2)),
    assert cirq.allclose_up_to_global_phase(
        result.final_state, np.kron(one, zero))
Exemplo n.º 25
    def test_summary(self):
        # smoke test
        time = 50 * np.random.uniform(size=200)
        status = np.random.randint(0, 2, 200).astype(np.float64)
        exog = np.random.normal(size=(200,4))

        mod = PHReg(time, exog, status)
        rslt =
        smry = rslt.summary()

        strata = np.kron(np.arange(50), np.ones(4))
        mod = PHReg(time, exog, status, strata=strata)
        rslt =
        smry = rslt.summary()
        msg = "3 strata dropped for having no events"
        assert_(msg in str(smry))

        groups = np.kron(np.arange(25), np.ones(8))
        mod = PHReg(time, exog, status)
        rslt =
        smry = rslt.summary()

        entry = np.random.uniform(0.1, 0.8, 200) * time
        mod = PHReg(time, exog, status, entry=entry)
        rslt =
        smry = rslt.summary()
        msg = "200 observations have positive entry times"
        assert_(msg in str(smry))
Exemplo n.º 26
def gen_crossed_logit_pandas(nc, cs, s1, s2):


    a = np.kron(np.arange(nc), np.ones(cs))
    b = np.kron(np.ones(cs), np.arange(nc))
    fe = np.ones(nc * cs)

    vc = np.zeros(nc * cs)
    for i in np.unique(a):
        ii = np.flatnonzero(a == i)
        vc[ii] += s1*np.random.normal()
    for i in np.unique(b):
        ii = np.flatnonzero(b == i)
        vc[ii] += s2*np.random.normal()

    lp = -0.5 * fe + vc
    pr = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-lp))
    y = 1*(np.random.uniform(size=nc*cs) < pr)

    ident = np.zeros(2*nc,
    ident[nc:] = 1

    df = pd.DataFrame({"fe": fe, "a": a, "b": b, "y": y})

    return df
    def liouvillian(self, chi=None):
        sys_hamiltonian = (
            np.kron(self.electronic_hamiltonian(), np.eye(self.vib_basis_size))
            + np.kron(np.eye(3), self.vibrational_hamiltonian())
            + self.el_vib_interaction_hamiltonian()
        L = os.super_operator(sys_hamiltonian, self.lead_operators() + self.vib_damping_operators())

        if chi:
            L_jump = self.jump_liouvillian()
            for i, row in enumerate(L_jump):
                for j, v in enumerate(row):
                    if v != 0:
                        L[i, j] *= np.exp(chi)

        if self.remove_elements:
            L = np.delete(L, self.element_indices_to_remove, 0)
            L = np.delete(L, self.element_indices_to_remove, 1)

            # check physicality of Liouvillian, only need to check that columns related to populations add to 1 (maybe there is a rule for coherences too?)
            dv_pops = np.eye(3 * self.vib_basis_size).flatten()
            dv_pops = np.delete(dv_pops, self.element_indices_to_remove, 0)
            trans_L = L.T
            for i, el in enumerate(dv_pops):
                if el == 1:
                    sum = np.sum(trans_L[i])
                    if not -1.0e-6 < sum < 1.0e-6:
                        print "Liouvillian not physical!"
                        if chi != 0:
                            print "but chi is non zero"
                        print sum

        return L
Exemplo n.º 28
def pauli(paulis,positions,N):
    N-qubit Pauli operator given paulis and positions.

    paulis : list
        List of integers denoting type of Pauli matrix at each site.
    positions : list
        List of positions for each corresponding element in paulis.
    N : int
        Total number of sites.

    pauli : (2**N,2**N) ndarray
        Pauli operator as 2^N by 2^N matrix.
    mat = 1+0j
    identity = s(0)
    for i in xrange(N):
        if i in positions:
            mat = np.kron(mat,s(paulis[positions.index(i)]))
            mat = np.kron(mat,identity)
    return mat
Exemplo n.º 29
def generate_inequalities_constraints_mat(N, nx, nu, xmin, xmax, umin, umax):
    generate matrices of inequalities constrints

    return G, h
    G = np.zeros((0, (nx + nu) * N))
    h = np.zeros((0, 1))
    if umax is not None:
        tG = np.hstack([np.eye(N * nu), np.zeros((N * nu, nx * N))])
        th = np.kron(np.ones((N * nu, 1)), umax)
        G = np.vstack([G, tG])
        h = np.vstack([h, th])

    if umin is not None:
        tG = np.hstack([np.eye(N * nu) * -1.0, np.zeros((N * nu, nx * N))])
        th = np.kron(np.ones((N, 1)), umin * -1.0)
        G = np.vstack([G, tG])
        h = np.vstack([h, th])

    if xmax is not None:
        tG = np.hstack([np.zeros((N * nx, nu * N)), np.eye(N * nx)])
        th = np.kron(np.ones((N, 1)), xmax)
        G = np.vstack([G, tG])
        h = np.vstack([h, th])

    if xmin is not None:
        tG = np.hstack([np.zeros((N * nx, nu * N)), np.eye(N * nx) * -1.0])
        th = np.kron(np.ones((N, 1)), xmin * -1.0)
        G = np.vstack([G, tG])
        h = np.vstack([h, th])

    return G, h
def find_activity_intervals(C, Npeaks=5, tB=-3, tA=10, thres=0.3):
    # todo todocument
    import peakutils
    K, T = np.shape(C)
    L = []
    for i in range(K):
        if np.sum(np.abs(np.diff(C[i, :]))) == 0:
            print('empyty component at:' + str(i))
        indexes = peakutils.indexes(C[i, :], thres=thres)
        srt_ind = indexes[np.argsort(C[i, indexes])][::-1]
        srt_ind = srt_ind[:Npeaks]

    LOC = []
    for i in range(K):
        if len(L[i]) > 0:
            interval = np.kron(L[i], np.ones(int(np.round(tA - tB)), dtype=int)) + \
                np.kron(np.ones(len(L[i]), dtype=int), np.arange(tB, tA))
            interval[interval < 0] = 0
            interval[interval > T - 1] = T - 1

    return LOC
    def test_subsystem_restriction(self):
        r"""Test behavior of subsystem_list subsystem restriction"""

        total_samples = 100

        # set coupling term and drive channels to 0 frequency
        j = 0.5 / total_samples
        omega_d = 0.

        subsystem_list = [0, 2]
        y0 = np.kron(np.array([1., 0.]), np.array([0., 1.]))

        system_model = self._system_model_3Q(j, subsystem_list=subsystem_list)
        pulse_sim = PulseSimulator(system_model=system_model)

        schedule = self._3Q_constant_sched(total_samples,
        qobj = assemble([schedule],
                        qubit_lo_freq=[omega_d, omega_d, omega_d],

        result =, initial_state=y0).result()

        pulse_sim_yf = result.get_statevector()

        yf = expm(-1j * 0.5 * 2 * np.pi * np.kron(self.X, self.Z) / 4) @ y0

        self.assertGreaterEqual(state_fidelity(pulse_sim_yf, yf), 1 - (10**-5))

        y0 = np.kron(np.array([1., 0.]), np.array([1., 0.]))

        result =, initial_state=y0).result()
        pulse_sim_yf = result.get_statevector()

        yf = expm(-1j * 0.5 * 2 * np.pi * np.kron(self.X, self.Z) / 4) @ y0

        self.assertGreaterEqual(state_fidelity(pulse_sim_yf, yf), 1 - (10**-5))

        subsystem_list = [1, 2]
        system_model = self._system_model_3Q(j, subsystem_list=subsystem_list)

        y0 = np.kron(np.array([1., 0.]), np.array([0., 1.]))
        schedule = self._3Q_constant_sched(total_samples,
        qobj = assemble([schedule],
                        qubit_lo_freq=[omega_d, omega_d, omega_d],

        result =, initial_state=y0).result()
        pulse_sim_yf = result.get_statevector()

        yf = expm(-1j * 0.5 * 2 * np.pi * np.kron(self.X, self.Z) / 4) @ y0

        self.assertGreaterEqual(state_fidelity(pulse_sim_yf, yf), 1 - (10**-5))

        y0 = np.kron(np.array([1., 0.]), np.array([1., 0.]))

        result =
        pulse_sim_yf = result.get_statevector()

        yf = expm(-1j * 0.5 * 2 * np.pi * np.kron(self.X, self.Z) / 4) @ y0

        self.assertGreaterEqual(state_fidelity(pulse_sim_yf, yf), 1 - (10**-5))
Exemplo n.º 32
def gate_product_tabulation(
    base_gate: np.ndarray,
    max_infidelity: float,
    sample_scaling: int = 50,
    allow_missed_points: bool = True,
    random_state: cirq.RANDOM_STATE_OR_SEED_LIKE = None,
) -> GateTabulation:
    r"""Generate a GateTabulation for a base two qubit unitary.

        base_gate: The base gate of the tabulation.
        max_infidelity: Sets the desired density of tabulated product unitaries.
            The typical nearest neighbor Euclidean spacing (of the KAK vectors)
            will be on the order of $\sqrt{max\_infidelity}$. Thus the number of
            tabulated points will scale as $max\_infidelity^{-3/2}$.
        sample_scaling: Relative number of random gate products to use in the
            tabulation. The total number of random local unitaries scales as
            ~ $max\_infidelity^{-3/2} * sample\_scaling$. Must be positive.
        random_state: Random state or random state seed.
        allow_missed_points: If True, the tabulation is allowed to conclude
            even if not all points in the Weyl chamber are expected to be
            compilable using 2 or 3 base gates. Otherwise an error is raised
            in this case.

        A GateTabulation object used to compile new two-qubit gates from
        products of the base gate with 1-local unitaries.
    rng = value.parse_random_state(random_state)

    assert 1 / 2 > max_infidelity > 0
    spacing = np.sqrt(max_infidelity / 3)
    mesh_points = weyl_chamber_mesh(spacing)

    # Number of random gate products to sample over in constructing the
    # tabulation. This has to be at least the number of mesh points, as
    # a single product can only be associated with one mesh point.
    assert sample_scaling > 0, 'Input sample_scaling must positive.'
    num_mesh_points = mesh_points.shape[0]
    num_samples = num_mesh_points * sample_scaling

    # include the base gate itself
    kak_vecs = [cirq.kak_vector(base_gate, check_preconditions=False)]
    sq_cycles: List[Tuple[_SingleQubitGatePair, ...]] = [()]

    # Tabulate gates that are close to gates in the mesh
    u_locals_0 = random_qubit_unitary((num_samples, ), rng=rng)
    u_locals_1 = random_qubit_unitary((num_samples, ), rng=rng)

    tabulated_kak_inds = np.zeros((num_mesh_points, ), dtype=bool)

    tabulation_cutoff = 0.5 * spacing
    out = _tabulate_kak_vectors(
        local_unitary_pairs=[(u_locals_0, u_locals_1)],

    # Will be used later for getting missing KAK vectors.
    kak_vecs_single = np.array(kak_vecs)
    sq_cycles_single = list(sq_cycles)

    summary = (f'Fraction of Weyl chamber reached with 2 gates'
               f': {tabulated_kak_inds.sum() / num_mesh_points :.3f}')

    # repeat for double products
    # Multiply by the same local unitary in the gate product
    out = _tabulate_kak_vectors(
        local_unitary_pairs=[(u_locals_0, u_locals_1)] * 2,


    summary += (f'\nFraction of Weyl chamber reached with 2 gates and 3 gates'
                f'(same single qubit): '
                f'{tabulated_kak_inds.sum() / num_mesh_points :.3f}')

    # If all KAK vectors in the mesh have been tabulated, return.
    missing_vec_inds = np.logical_not(tabulated_kak_inds).nonzero()[0]

    if not np.any(missing_vec_inds):
        # coverage: ignore
        return GateTabulation(base_gate, np.array(kak_vecs), sq_cycles,
                              max_infidelity, summary, ())

    # Run through remaining KAK vectors that don't have products and try to
    # correct them

    u_locals_0p = random_qubit_unitary((100, ), rng=rng)
    u_locals_1p = random_qubit_unitary((100, ), rng=rng)
    u_locals = vector_kron(u_locals_0p, u_locals_1p)

    # Loop through the mesh points that have not yet been tabulated.
    # Consider their nonlocal parts A and compute products of the form
    # base_gate^\dagger k A
    # Compare the KAK vector of any of those products to the already tabulated
    # KAK vectors from single products of the form
    # base_gate k0 base_gate.
    # If they are close, then base_gate^\dagger k A  ~ base_gate k0 base_gate
    # So we may compute the outer local unitaries kL, kR such that
    #    base_gate^\dagger k A = kL base_gate k0 base_gate kR
    #    A = k^\dagger base_gate kL base_gate k0 base_gate kR
    #    the single-qubit unitary kL is the one we need to get the desired
    #    KAK vector.
    missed_points = []
    base_gate_dag = base_gate.conj().T
    for ind in missing_vec_inds:
        missing_vec = mesh_points[ind]
        # Unitary A we wish to solve for
        missing_unitary = kak_vector_to_unitary(missing_vec)

        # Products of the from base_gate^\dagger k A
        products = np.einsum('ab,...bc,cd', base_gate_dag, u_locals,
        # KAK vectors for these products
        kaks = cirq.kak_vector(products, check_preconditions=False)
        kaks = kaks[..., np.newaxis, :]

        # Check if any of the product KAK vectors are close to a previously
        # tabulated KAK vector
        dists2 = np.sum((kaks - kak_vecs_single)**2, axis=-1)
        min_dist_inds = np.unravel_index(dists2.argmin(), dists2.shape)
        min_dist = np.sqrt(dists2[min_dist_inds])
        if min_dist < tabulation_cutoff:
            # If so, compute the single qubit unitary k_L such that
            # base_gate^\dagger k A = kL base_gate k0 base_gate kR
            # where k0 is the old (previously tabulated) single qubit unitary
            # and k is one of the single qubit unitaries used above.
            # Indices below are for k, k0 respectively
            new_ind, old_ind = min_dist_inds

            # Special case where the RHS is just base_gate (no single qubit
            # gates yet applied). I.e. base_gate^\dagger k A ~  base_gate
            # which implies  base_gate^\dagger k A = k_L base_gate k_R
            new_product = products[new_ind]
            if old_ind == 0:
                assert not sq_cycles_single[old_ind]
                base_product = base_gate
                _, kL, actual = _outer_locals_for_unitary(
                    new_product, base_product)
                # Add to the enumeration
                sq_cycles.append((kL, ))
            else:  # typical case mentioned above
                assert len(sq_cycles_single[old_ind]) == 1
                old_sq_cycle = sq_cycles_single[old_ind][0]
                old_k = np.kron(*old_sq_cycle)
                base_product = base_gate @ old_k @ base_gate
                _, kL, actual = _outer_locals_for_unitary(
                    new_product, base_product)
                # Add to the enumeration
                sq_cycles.append((old_sq_cycle, kL))

                cirq.kak_vector(base_gate @ actual, check_preconditions=False))
        elif not allow_missed_points:
            raise ValueError(
                f'Failed to tabulate a KAK vector near {missing_vec}')

    kak_vecs = np.array(kak_vecs)
    summary += (f'\nFraction of Weyl chamber reached with 2 gates and 3 gates '
                f'(after patchup)'
                f': {(len(kak_vecs) - 1) / num_mesh_points :.3f}')

    return GateTabulation(base_gate, kak_vecs, sq_cycles, max_infidelity,
                          summary, tuple(missed_points))
Exemplo n.º 33
 def _tensor(cls, a, b):
     table = a.table.tensor(b.table)
     coeffs = np.kron(a.coeffs, b.coeffs)
     return SparsePauliOp(table, coeffs)
Exemplo n.º 34
def determine_search_location(A,
                                  generate_binary_structure(2, 1),
    compute the indices of the distance from the cm to search for the spatial component

    does it by following an ellipse from the cm or doing a step by step dilatation around the cm

        center of mass of each neuron

     A[:, i]: the A of each components

        the dimension of each A's ( same usually )

        computed distance matrix

     dims: [optional] tuple
                x, y[, z] movie dimensions

    method: [optional] string
            method used to expand the search for pixels 'ellipse' or 'dilate'

    expandCore: [optional]  scipy.ndimage.morphology
            if method is dilate this represents the kernel used for expansion

    min_size: [optional] int

    max_size: [optional] int

    dist: [optional] int

    dims: [optional] tuple
             x, y[, z] movie dimensions

    dist_indicator: np.ndarray
        distance from the cm to search for the spatial footprint

    Exception('You cannot pass empty (all zeros) components!')

    from scipy.ndimage.morphology import grey_dilation

    # we initialize the values
    if len(dims) == 2:
        d1, d2 = dims
    elif len(dims) == 3:
        d1, d2, d3 = dims
    d, nr = np.shape(A)
    A = csc_matrix(A)
    dist_indicator = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix((d, nr), dtype=np.float32)

    if method == 'ellipse':
        Coor = dict()
        # we create a matrix of size A.x of each pixel coordinate in A.y and inverse
        if len(dims) == 2:
            Coor['x'] = np.kron(np.ones(d2), list(range(d1)))
            Coor['y'] = np.kron(list(range(d2)), np.ones(d1))
        elif len(dims) == 3:
            Coor['x'] = np.kron(np.ones(d3 * d2), list(range(d1)))
            Coor['y'] = np.kron(np.kron(np.ones(d3), list(range(d2))),
            Coor['z'] = np.kron(list(range(d3)), np.ones(d2 * d1))
        if not dist == np.inf:  # determine search area for each neuron
            cm = np.zeros((nr, len(dims)))  # vector for center of mass
            Vr = []  # cell(nr,1);
            dist_indicator = []
            pars = []
            # for each dim
            for i, c in enumerate(['x', 'y', 'z'][:len(dims)]):
                # mass center in this dim = (coor*A)/sum(A)
                cm[:, i] = old_div([c], A[:, :nr].todense()),
                                   A[:, :nr].sum(axis=0))

            # parrallelizing process of the construct ellipse function
            for i in range(nr):
                    Coor, cm[i], A[:, i], Vr, dims, dist, max_size, min_size, d
            if dview is None:
                res = list(map(construct_ellipse_parallel, pars))
                if 'multiprocessing' in str(type(dview)):
                    res = dview.map_async(construct_ellipse_parallel,
                    res = dview.map_sync(construct_ellipse_parallel, pars)
            for r in res:

            dist_indicator = (np.asarray(dist_indicator)).squeeze().T

            raise Exception('Not implemented')
            dist_indicator = True * np.ones((d, nr))

    elif method == 'dilate':
        for i in range(nr):
            A_temp = np.reshape(A[:, i].toarray(), dims[::-1])
            if len(expandCore) > 0:
                if len(expandCore.shape) < len(dims):  # default for 3D
                    expandCore = iterate_structure(
                        generate_binary_structure(len(dims), 1), 2).astype(int)
                A_temp = grey_dilation(A_temp, footprint=expandCore)
                A_temp = grey_dilation(A_temp, [1] * len(dims))

            dist_indicator[:, i] = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix(
                np.squeeze(np.reshape(A_temp, (d, 1)))[:, None] > 0)
        raise Exception('Not implemented')
        dist_indicator = True * np.ones((d, nr))

    return dist_indicator
Exemplo n.º 35
def random_walk_inner(Gx, Gy,lamda=0.1, method_type="sylvester"):
    """ This is a function that implements the random walk kernel.

        Gx, Gy: are two graph type objects representing relevant graphs to 
        be compared. Their format is a square array.
        lamda: the factor concerning summation
        method_type: "simple" [O(|V|^6)] or "sylvester" [O(|V|^3)]
    X = Gx.adjacency_matrix
    Y = Gy.adjacency_matrix
    if(method_type == "simple"):
        # calculate the product graph
        XY = np.kron(X,Y)

        # algorithm presented in [Kashima et al., 2003; Gartner et al., 2003]
        # complexity of O(|V|^6)

        # XY is a square matrix
        s = XY.shape[0]
        I = np.identity(s)
        k =,inv(I - lamda*XY)).T,np.ones(shape=(s)))
    elif(method_type == "sylvester"):
        # algorithm presented in [Vishwanathan et al., 2006]
        # complexity of O(|V|^3)
        X_dimension = X.shape[0]
        Y_dimension = Y.shape[0]

        # For efficiency reasons multiply lambda
        # with the smallest e_{x,y} in dimension
        e_x = np.ones(shape=(X_dimension,1))
        e_y = np.ones(shape=(1,Y_dimension))

        # Prepare parameters for sylvester equation
        A = Y
            B = np.divide(inv(X.T), -lamda)
        except np.linalg.LinAlgError as err:
            if 'Singular matrix' in err.message:
                raise ValueError('Adjacency matrix of the first graph is not invertible')
        C = ,,B))
            R = solve_sylvester(A, B, C)
        except np.linalg.LinAlgError as err:
            raise ValueError('Solution was not found for the Sylvester Equation. Check Input!')
        # calculate kernel
        k = - np.sum(np.sum(R,axis=1),axis=0)
        # raise exception?
        # such method does not exist

    return k
Exemplo n.º 36
dp = np.diff(points, axis=0)
dist = dp**2

dist = np.round(np.sqrt(dist[:, 0] + dist[:, 1]))  # distance
ang = np.arctan2(dp[:, 1], dp[:, 0])  # orientation
ang = np.array([ang]).T

NumberOfDataPoints = np.sum(dist)

T = 0.5  # [s] Sampling time interval

v_set = 2 * np.hstack((np.cos(ang), np.sin(ang)))

idx = 0
v = np.kron(np.ones((dist[idx], 1)), v_set[idx, :])
for idx in range(1, nSegments):
    v = np.vstack((v, np.kron(np.ones((dist[idx], 1)), v_set[idx, :])))

# ==motion generation====================================================

A = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]],

B = np.array([[T, 0], [1, 0], [0, T], [0, 1]], dtype=float)

G = np.array([[T**2 / 2, 0], [T, 0], [0, T**2 / 2], [0, T]], dtype=float)

w_x = np.random.normal(0.0, np.sqrt(Q1),
                       NumberOfDataPoints)  # noise in x-direction
w_y = np.random.normal(0.0, np.sqrt(Q2),
Exemplo n.º 37
    def __init__(self,collclass,dt,nq,M=3,K=3,q=-1,c=1,**kwargs):
        self.collclass = collclass
        coll = self.collclass(M,0,1)

        self.K = K
        self.M = M

        self.nodes = coll._getNodes
        self.weights = coll._getWeights(coll.tleft,coll.tright) #Get M  nodes and weights

        self.Qmat = coll._gen_Qmatrix           #Generate q_(m,j), i.e. the large weights matrix
        self.Smat = coll._gen_Smatrix           #Generate s_(m,j), i.e. the large node-to-node weights matrix

        self.delta_m = coll._gen_deltas         #Generate vector of node spacings

        self.Qmat *= dt
        self.Smat *= dt
        self.delta_m *= dt

        self.ssi = 1

        self.nq = nq
        self.qe = q

        self.c = c

        #Collocation solution stuff
        Ix = np.array([1,0])
        Iv = np.array([0,1])
        Ixv = np.array([[0,1],[0,0]])
        Id = np.identity(nq*3)
        I2d = np.identity(nq*3*2)

        self.Ix = Ix
        self.Iv = Iv
        self.Ixv = Ixv
        self.Id = Id

        Qtil = self.Qmat[1:,1:]
        I3M = np.identity(3*M)
        self.Q = np.kron(np.identity(2),np.kron(Qtil,Id))

        #Define required calculation matrices
        QE = np.zeros((M+1,M+1),dtype=np.float)
        QI = np.zeros((M+1,M+1),dtype=np.float)
        QT = np.zeros((M+1,M+1),dtype=np.float)

        SX = np.zeros((M+1,M+1),dtype=np.float)

        for i in range(0,M):
            QE[(i+1):,i] = self.delta_m[i]
            QI[(i+1):,i+1] = self.delta_m[i]

        QT = 1/2 * (QE + QI)
        QX = QE @ QT + (QE*QE)/2
        SX[:,:] = QX[:,:]
        SX[1:,:] = QX[1:,:] - QX[0:-1,:]

        self.SX = SX
        self.SQ = self.Smat @ self.Qmat

        d = 3*nq

        self.x0 = np.zeros((M+1,nq,3),dtype=np.float)
        self.x = np.zeros((M+1,nq,3),dtype=np.float)
        self.xn = np.zeros((M+1,nq,3),dtype=np.float)

        self.u0 = np.zeros((M+1,nq,3),dtype=np.float)
        self.u = np.zeros((M+1,nq,3),dtype=np.float)
        self.un = np.zeros((M+1,nq,3),dtype=np.float)

        self.F = np.zeros((M+1,nq,3),dtype=np.float)
        self.Fn = np.zeros((M+1,nq,3),dtype=np.float)

        self.x_con = np.zeros((K,M))
        self.x_res = np.zeros((K,M))
        self.u_con = np.zeros((K,M))
        self.u_res = np.zeros((K,M))

        self.Rx = np.zeros((K+1,M),dtype=np.float)
        self.Rv = np.zeros((K+1,M),dtype=np.float)
Exemplo n.º 38
def max_pooling_test():
    c10_mux = np.array([[1, 0.5577475, 0.5009727, 0.4026691],
                        [0.5577475, 1, 0.4065749, 0.5003257],
                        [0.5009727, 0.4065749, 1, 0.5579081],
                        [0.4026691, 0.5003257, 0.5579081, 1]])

    #cifar-10, maj:
    c10_maj = np.array([[1., 0.67944996, 0.62174328, 0.48456234],
                        [0.67944996, 1., 0.48993862, 0.62174656],
                        [0.62174328, 0.48993862, 1., 0.67977668],
                        [0.48456234, 0.62174656, 0.67977668, 1.]])

    #mnist, mux:
    mn_mux = np.array([[1., 0.97971839, 0.97992029, 0.97461759],
                       [0.97971839, 1., 0.97835297, 0.97989071],
                       [0.97992029, 0.97835297, 1., 0.9797036],
                       [0.97461759, 0.97989071, 0.9797036, 1.]])

    mn_maj = np.array([[1., 0.98499708, 0.98510411, 0.97760448],
                       [0.98499708, 1., 0.98132139, 0.98508932],
                       [0.98510411, 0.98132139, 1., 0.98496749],
                       [0.97760448, 0.98508932, 0.98496749, 1.]])

    cmats = [c10_mux, c10_maj, mn_mux, mn_maj]

    mf1 = get_func_mat(max_pool_l1, 4, 2)
    mf2 = get_func_mat(np.bitwise_or, 2, 1)
    mf = mf1 @ mf2
    for idx, c in enumerate(cmats):
        cavg = np.sum(np.tril(c, -1)) / 6

        err0, err1, err2, err3 = 0, 0, 0, 0
        iter_cnt = 0
        b1 = B_mat(1)
        b2 = B_mat(2)
        c1_a = b1.T @ mf.T
        c2_a = b2.T @ mf1.T
        c2_a2 = b1.T @ mf2.T
        gen = get_pins(idx)
        for pin in gen:

            vin = (1 - cavg) * get_vin_mc0(pin) + cavg * get_vin_mc1(pin)
            vin_reco = (1 - cavg) * np.kron(get_vin_mc1(
                pin[0:2]), get_vin_mc1(pin[2:4])) + cavg * get_vin_mc1(pin)
            p_ideal = np.max(pin)

            #case 0
            err0 += np.abs(p_ideal - c1_a @ vin)

            #case 1
            c1_p_reco = c1_a @ vin_reco
            err1 += np.abs(p_ideal - c1_p_reco)

            #case 2
            c2_p1 = c2_a @ vin
            c2_vin_reco = get_vin_mc1(c2_p1)
            c2_p_reco = c2_a2 @ c2_vin_reco
            err2 += np.abs(p_ideal - c2_p_reco)

            #case 3
            c3_p_reco = c2_a @ vin_reco
            c3_vin_reco = get_vin_mc1(c3_p_reco)
            c3_p_reco2 = c2_a2 @ c3_vin_reco
            err3 += np.abs(p_ideal - c3_p_reco2)

            iter_cnt += 1

        print("case: 0, iter: {}: {}".format(idx, err0 / iter_cnt))
        print("case: 1, iter: {}: {}".format(idx, err1 / iter_cnt))
        print("case: 2, iter: {}: {}".format(idx, err2 / iter_cnt))
        print("case: 3, iter: {}: {}".format(idx, err3 / iter_cnt))
Exemplo n.º 39
    ans = np.linspace(0, (end - begin)**(1.0/curve), num) ** (curve) + begin
    ans[-1] = end #so that the last element is exactly end
    return ans

agrid2 = curvedspace(0., 100., 2., 40)
# kapgrid2 = curvedspace(0., 1., 2., 20)
zgrid2 = np.load('./input_data/zgrid.npy') ** 2.

#determine bgrid and prob_
bgrid2 = np.array([0., 0.1])
prob_b = np.array([[0.8, 0.2], [0.2, 0.8]])

prob_base = np.load('./input_data/transition_matrix.npy')
prob2 = np.kron(prob_b, prob_base)

###codes to generate shocks###
num_s = prob2.shape[0]
num_pop_assigned = 100_000
sim_time = 2000
data_i_s_elem = np.ones((num_pop_assigned, sim_time), dtype = int) * (-1)

data_i_s_elem[:, 0] = 7

@nb.jit(nopython = True)
def transit(i, r):

    if r <= prob2[i,0]:
        return 0
Exemplo n.º 40
 def _tensor(cls, a, b):
     paulis = a.paulis.tensor(b.paulis)
     coeffs = np.kron(a.coeffs, b.coeffs)
     return SparsePauliOp(paulis, coeffs, copy=False)
def qubit_and_resonator(d_r=30):
    """Qubit coupled to a microwave resonator demo.

    Simulates a qubit coupled to a microwave resonator.
    Reproduces plots from the experiment in :cite:`Hofheinz`.
    # Ville Bergholm 2010-2014

    print('\n\n=== Qubit coupled to a single-mode microwave resonator ===\n')
    if d_r < 10:
        d_r = 10  # truncated resonator dim

    #omega0 = 1e9 # Energy scale/\hbar, Hz
    #T = 0.025 # K

    # omega_r = 2*pi* 6.570 # GHz, resonator angular frequency
    # qubit-resonator detuning Delta(t) = omega_q(t) -omega_r

    Omega = 2 * pi * 19e-3  # GHz, qubit-resonator coupling
    Delta_off = -2 * pi * 463e-3  # GHz, detuning at off-resonance point
    Omega_q = 2 * pi * 0.5  # GHz, qubit microwave drive amplitude
    #  Omega << |Delta_off| < Omega_q << omega_r

    # decoherence times
    #T1_q = 650e-9 # s
    #T2_q = 150e-9 # s
    #T1_r = 3.5e-6 # s
    #T2_r = 2*T1_r # s

    # TODO heat bath and couplings
    #bq = markov.bath('ohmic', omega0, T)
    #[H, Dq] = fit(bq, Delta_off, T1_q, T2_q)
    #[H, Dr] = fit_ho(bq, ???, T1_r, T2_r???)
    #D = kron(eye(d_r), D) # +kron(Dr, qit.I)

    # Hamiltonians etc.

    # qubit raising and lowering ops
    sp = 0.5 * (sx - 1j * sy)
    sm = sp.conj().transpose()

    # resonator annihilation op
    a = boson_ladder(d_r)
    # resonator identity op
    I_r = eye(d_r)

    # qubit H
    Hq = kron(I_r, dot(sp, sm))
    # resonator H
    #Hr = kron(a'*a, I_q)

    # coupling H, rotating wave approximation
    Hint = Omega / 2 * (kron(a, sp) + kron(a.conj().transpose(), sm))
    # microwave control H
    HOq = lambda ampl, phase: kron(
        I_r, ampl * 0.5 * Omega_q * (cos(phase) * sx + sin(phase) * sy))
    #Q = ho.position(d_r)
    #P = ho.momentum(d_r)
    #HOr = lambda ampl, phase: kron(ampl*Omega_r/sqrt(2)*(cos(phase)*Q +sin(phase)*P), qit.I)

    # system Hamiltonian, in rotating frame defined by H0 = omega_r * (Hq + Hr)
    # D = omega_q - omega_r is the detuning between the qubit and the resonator
    H = lambda D, ampl, phase: D * Hq + Hint + HOq(ampl, phase)

    # readout: qubit in excited state?
    readout = lambda s, h: s.ev(kron(I_r, p1))

    s0 = state(0, (d_r, 2))  # resonator + qubit, ground state

    # Rabi test

    t = linspace(0, 500, 100)
    detunings = linspace(0, 2 * pi * 40e-3, 100)  # GHz
    out = empty((len(detunings), len(t)))

    #L = markov.superop(H(0, 1, 0), D, bq)
    L = H(0, 1, 0)  # zero detuning, sx pulse
    for k, d in enumerate(detunings):
        s = s0.propagate(L,
                         (2 / Omega_q) * pi / 2)  # Q (pi pulse for the qubit)
        #LL = markov.superop(H(d, 0, 0), D, bq)
        LL = H(d, 0, 0)  # detuned propagation
        out[k, :] = s.propagate(LL, t, out_func=readout)

    plot.pcolor(out, t, detunings / (2 * pi * 1e-3))
    #plt.colorbar(orientation = 'horizontal')
    plt.xlabel('Interaction time $\\tau$ (ns)')
    plt.ylabel('Detuning, $\\Delta/(2\\pi)$ (MHz)')
        'One photon Rabi-swap oscillations between qubit and resonator, $P_e$')

    #f = fft(out, [], 2)
    #pcolor(abs(fftshift(f, 2)))
    # state preparation

    def demolish_state(targ):
        """Convert a desired (possibly truncated) resonator state ket into a program for constructing that state.
        State preparation in reverse, uses approximate idealized Hamiltonians.
        # Ideal H without interaction
        A = lambda D, ampl, phase: D * Hq + HOq(ampl, phase)

        # resonator ket into a full normalized qubit+resonator state
        n = len(targ)
        targ = state(r_[targ, zeros(d_r - n)],
                     (d_r, )).normalize().tensor(state(0, (2, )))
        t = deepcopy(targ)

        n = n - 1  # highest excited level in resonator
        prog = zeros((n, 4))
        for k in reversed(range(n)):
            # |k+1,g> to |k,e>
            dd =, 2)
            prog[k, 3] = (angle(dd[k, 1]) - angle(dd[k + 1, 0]) - pi / 2 +
                          2 * pi) / -Delta_off
            targ = targ.propagate(A(-Delta_off, 0, 0), prog[k, 3])  # Z

            dd =, 2)
            prog[k, 2] = (2 / (sqrt(k + 1) * Omega)) * arctan2(
                abs(dd[k + 1, 0]), abs(dd[k, 1]))
            targ = targ.propagate(-Hint, prog[k, 2])  # S

            # |k,e> to |k,g>
            dd =, 2)
            phi = angle(dd[k, 1]) - angle(dd[k, 0]) + pi / 2
            prog[k, 1] = phi
            prog[k, 0] = (2 / Omega_q) * arctan2(abs(dd[k, 1]), abs(dd[k, 0]))
            targ = targ.propagate(A(0, -1, phi), prog[k, 0])  # Q
        return prog, t

    def prepare_state(prog):
        """Prepare a state according to the program."""
        s = s0  # start with ground state
        #s = tensor(ho.coherent_state(0.5, d_r), state(0, 2)) # coherent state
        for k in prog:
            # Q, S, Z
            s = s.propagate(H(0, 1, k[1]), k[0])  # Q
            s = s.propagate(H(0, 0, 0), k[2])  # S
            s = s.propagate(H(Delta_off, 0, 0), k[3])  # Z
        return s

    # readout plot (not corrected for limited visibility)

    prog, dummy = demolish_state([0, 1, 0, 1])  # |1> + |3>
    s1 = prepare_state(prog)

    prog, dummy = demolish_state([0, 1, 0, 1j])  # |1> + i|3>
    s2 = prepare_state(prog)

    t = linspace(0, 350, 200)
    out1 = s1.propagate(H(0, 0, 0), t, readout)
    out2 = s2.propagate(H(0, 0, 0), t, readout)

    plt.plot(t, out1, 'b-', t, out2, 'r-')
    plt.xlabel('Interaction time $\\tau$ (ns)')
    plt.title('Resonator readout through qubit.')
    plt.legend(('$|1\\rangle + |3\\rangle$', '$|1\\rangle + i|3\\rangle$'))

    # Wigner spectroscopy

    if False:
        # "voodoo cat"
        targ = zeros(d_r)
        for k in range(0, d_r, 3):
            targ[k] = (2**k) / sqrt(factorial(k))
        targ = [1, 0, 0, exp(1j * pi * 3 / 8), 0, 0, 1]

    # calculate the pulse sequence for constructing targ
    prog, t = demolish_state(targ)
    s = prepare_state(prog)

    print('Trying to prepare the state')
    print('Fidelity of prepared state with target state: {0:g}'.format(
        fidelity(s, t)))
    print('Time required for state preparation: {0:g} ns'.format(
        np.sum(prog[:, [0, 2, 3]])))
    print('\nComputing the Wigner function...')
    s = s.ptrace((1, ))
    W, a, b = ho.wigner(s, res=(80, 80), lim=(-2.5, 2.5, -2.5, 2.5))
    plot.pcolor(W, a, b, (-1, 1))
    plt.title('Wigner function $W(\\alpha)$')
Exemplo n.º 42
def train_model(train_data):
    td = train_data

    summaries = tf.summary.merge_all()
    RestoreSession = False
    if not RestoreSession:

    # lrval       = FLAGS.learning_rate_start
    learning_rate_start = myParams.myDict['learning_rate_start']
    lrval = myParams.myDict['learning_rate_start']
    start_time = time.time()
    last_summary_time = time.time()
    last_checkpoint_time = time.time()
    done = False
    batch = 0

    print("lrval %f" % (lrval))

    # assert FLAGS.learning_rate_half_life % 10 == 0

    # Cache test features and labels (they are small)
    test_feature, test_label =[td.test_features, td.test_labels])

    G_LossV = np.zeros((1000000), dtype=np.float32)
    filename = os.path.join(myParams.myDict['train_dir'], 'TrainSummary.mat')

    feed_dictOut = {td.gene_minput: test_feature}
    gene_output =, feed_dict=feed_dictOut)
    _summarize_progress(td, test_feature, test_label, gene_output, batch,

    feed_dict = {td.learning_rate: lrval}
    opsx = [td.gene_minimize, td.gene_loss]
    _, gene_loss =, feed_dict=feed_dict)

    # opsy = [td.gene_loss]
    # gene_loss =, feed_dict=feed_dict)

    # ops = [td.gene_minimize, td.disc_minimize, td.gene_loss, td.disc_real_loss, td.disc_fake_loss]
    # _, _, gene_loss, disc_real_loss, disc_fake_loss =, feed_dict=feed_dict)

    batch += 1

    gene_output =, feed_dict=feed_dictOut)
    _summarize_progress(td, test_feature, test_label, gene_output, batch,

    feed_dict = {td.learning_rate: lrval}
    # ops = [td.gene_minimize, td.disc_minimize, td.gene_loss, td.disc_real_loss, td.disc_fake_loss]

    opsx = [td.gene_minimize, td.gene_loss]
    _, gene_loss =, feed_dict=feed_dict)

    batch += 1

    gene_output =, feed_dict=feed_dictOut)
    _summarize_progress(td, test_feature, test_label, gene_output, batch,

    # load model
    # running model on data:test_feature
    RunOnData = False
    if RunOnData:
        filenames = tf.gfile.ListDirectory('DataAfterpMat')
        filenames = sorted(filenames)
        #filenames = [os.path.join('DataAfterpMat', f) for f in filenames]
        Ni = len(filenames)
        OutBase = myParams.myDict['SessionName'] + '_OutMat'


        for index in range(Ni):
            CurData =
                os.path.join('DataAfterpMat', filenames[index]))
            Data = CurData['CurData']
            Data = Data.reshape((1, 64, 64, 1))
            test_feature = np.kron(np.ones((16, 1, 1, 1)), Data)
            #test_feature = np.array(np.random.choice([0, 1], size=(16,64,64,1)), dtype='float32')

            feed_dictOut = {td.gene_minput: test_feature}
            gene_output =, feed_dict=feed_dictOut)

            filenameOut = os.path.join(OutBase,
                                       filenames[index][:-4] + '_out.mat')

            SOut = {}
            SOut['X'] = gene_output[0]
  , SOut)

    # pdb.set_trace()

    #_summarize_progress(td, test_feature, test_label, gene_output, batch, 'out')
    # to get value of var:

    if myParams.myDict['ShowRealData'] > 0:
        # ifilename=os.path.join('RealData', 'b.mat')
        ifilename = myParams.myDict['RealDataFN']
        RealData =
        RealData = RealData['Data']

        if RealData.ndim == 2:
            RealData = RealData.reshape(
                (RealData.shape[0], RealData.shape[1], 1, 1))
        if RealData.ndim == 3:
            RealData = RealData.reshape(
                (RealData.shape[0], RealData.shape[1], RealData.shape[2], 1))

        Real_feature = RealData

        if myParams.myDict['InputMode'] == 'RegridTry1':
            FullData =['NMAP_FN'])
            NMapCR = FullData['NMapCR']

            batch_size = myParams.myDict['batch_size']

            Real_feature = np.reshape(RealData[0], [RealData.shape[1]])
            Real_feature = np.take(Real_feature, NMapCR)
            Real_feature = np.tile(Real_feature, (batch_size, 1, 1, 1))

        Real_dictOut = {td.gene_minput: Real_feature}

    # LearningDecayFactor=np.power(2,(-1/FLAGS.learning_rate_half_life))
    learning_rate_half_life = myParams.myDict['learning_rate_half_life']
    LearningDecayFactor = np.power(2, (-1 / learning_rate_half_life))

    # train_time=FLAGS.train_time
    train_time = myParams.myDict['train_time']

    QuickFailureTimeM = myParams.myDict['QuickFailureTimeM']
    QuickFailureThresh = myParams.myDict['QuickFailureThresh']

    summary_period = myParams.myDict['summary_period']  # in Minutes
    checkpoint_period = myParams.myDict['checkpoint_period']  # in Minutes

    DiscStartMinute = myParams.myDict['DiscStartMinute']
    while not done:
        batch += 1
        gene_loss = disc_real_loss = disc_fake_loss = -1.234

        # elapsed = int(time.time() - start_time)/60
        CurTime = time.time()
        elapsed = (time.time() - start_time) / 60

        # Update learning rate
        lrval *= LearningDecayFactor
        if (learning_rate_half_life < 1000):  # in minutes
            lrval = learning_rate_start * np.power(
                0.5, elapsed / learning_rate_half_life)

        #print("batch %d gene_l1_factor %f' " % (batch,FLAGS.gene_l1_factor))
        # if batch==200:
        if elapsed > DiscStartMinute:
            FLAGS.gene_l1_factor = 0.9

        RunDiscriminator = FLAGS.gene_l1_factor < 0.999

        feed_dict = {td.learning_rate: lrval}
        if RunDiscriminator:
            ops = [
                td.gene_minimize, td.disc_minimize, td.gene_loss,
                td.disc_real_loss, td.disc_fake_loss
            _, _, gene_loss, disc_real_loss, disc_fake_loss =
                ops, feed_dict=feed_dict)
            ops = [td.gene_minimize, td.gene_loss, td.MoreOut, td.MoreOut2]
            _, gene_loss, MoreOut, MoreOut2 =,

        G_LossV[batch] = gene_loss

        VR = [
            v for v in tf.global_variables()
            if == "gene/GEN_L004/einsum_weightR:0"
        VI = [
            v for v in tf.global_variables()
            if == "gene/GEN_L004/einsum_weightI:0"
        VRX =
        VIX =
        HmngWnd = np.power(np.hamming(98), 1)
        HmngWnd = np.reshape(HmngWnd, [98, 1, 1])
        VC = VRX + 1j * VIX

        FVC = gfft(VC, dim=0)
        FVC = FVC * HmngWnd
        VC = gifft(FVC, dim=0)
        VYR = np.real(VC)
        VYI = np.imag(VC)
        VR.load(VYR, td.sess)
        VI.load(VYI, td.sess)

        if batch % 10 == 0:

            # pdb.set_trace()

            # Show we are alive
            #print('Progress[%3d%%], ETA[%4dm], Batch [%4d], G_Loss[%3.3f], D_Real_Loss[%3.3f], D_Fake_Loss[%3.3f]' %
            #      (int(100*elapsed/train_time), train_time - int(elapsed), batch, gene_loss, disc_real_loss, disc_fake_loss))

                'Progress[%3d%%], ETA[%4dm], Batch [%4d], G_Loss[%3.3f], D_Real_Loss[%3.3f], D_Fake_Loss[%3.3f], MoreOut[%3.3f, %3.3f]'
                % (int(100 * elapsed / train_time), train_time - int(elapsed),
                   batch, gene_loss, disc_real_loss, disc_fake_loss, MoreOut,

            # VLen=td.gene_var_list.__len__()
            # for i in range(0, VLen):
            #     print(td.gene_var_list[i].name);

            # print(VRX.dtype)
            # print(VRX)
            # exit()
            # var_23 = [v for v in tf.global_variables() if == "gene/GEN_L020/C2D_weight:0"][0]
            # v.load([2, 3], td.sess)

            if np.isnan(gene_loss):
                done = True

            # ggg: quick failure test
            if elapsed > QuickFailureTimeM:
                if gene_loss > QuickFailureThresh:
                    print('Quick failure!!')
                    done = True
                    QuickFailureTimeM = 10000000

            # Finished?
            current_progress = elapsed / train_time
            if current_progress >= 1.0:
                done = True

            StopFN = '/media/a/f38a5baa-d293-4a00-9f21-ea97f318f647/home/a/TF/stop.a'
            if os.path.isfile(StopFN):
                print('Stop file used!!')
                done = True

            # Update learning rate
            # if batch % FLAGS.learning_rate_half_life == 0:
            #     lrval *= .5

        # if batch % FLAGS.summary_period == 0:
        if (CurTime - last_summary_time) / 60 > summary_period:
            # Show progress with test features
            # feed_dict = {td.gene_minput: test_feature}
            gene_output =, feed_dict=feed_dictOut)

            if myParams.myDict['ShowRealData'] > 0:
                gene_RealOutput =,
                gene_output[0] = gene_RealOutput[0]

            Asuffix = 'out_%06.4f' % (gene_loss)
            _summarize_progress(td, test_feature, test_label, gene_output,
                                batch, Asuffix)

            last_summary_time = time.time()

        # if batch % FLAGS.checkpoint_period == 0:
        SaveCheckpoint_ByTime = (CurTime -
                                 last_checkpoint_time) / 60 > checkpoint_period
        CheckpointFN = '/media/a/f38a5baa-d293-4a00-9f21-ea97f318f647/home/a/TF/save.a'
        SaveCheckPointByFile = os.path.isfile(CheckpointFN)
        if SaveCheckPointByFile:

        if SaveCheckpoint_ByTime or SaveCheckPointByFile:
            last_checkpoint_time = time.time()
            # Save checkpoint
            _save_checkpoint(td, batch, G_LossV)

    _save_checkpoint(td, batch, G_LossV)

    print('Finished training!')
 def Rgate(d):
     r"""R = \sum_{xy} exp(i*2*pi * x*y/prod(dim)) |xy><xy|"""
     temp = kron(arange(d[0]), arange(d[-1])) / prod(d)
     return gate.phase(2 * pi * temp, (d[0], d[-1]))
Exemplo n.º 44
def solver_configuration(A, B=None, verb=True):
    """Generate a dictionary of SA parameters for an arbitray matrix A.

    A : array, matrix, csr_matrix, bsr_matrix
        (n x n) matrix to invert, CSR or BSR format preferred for efficiency
    B : None, array
        Near null-space modes used to construct the smoothed aggregation solver
        If None, the constant vector is used
        If (n x m) array, then B is passed to smoothed_aggregation_solver
    verb : bool
        If True, print verbose output during runtime

    config : dict
        A dictionary of solver configuration parameters that one uses to
        generate a smoothed aggregation solver

    The config dictionary contains the following parameter entries: symmetry,
    smooth, presmoother, postsmoother, B, strength, max_levels, max_coarse,
    coarse_solver, aggregate, keep.  See smoothed_aggregtion_solver for each
    parameter's description.

    >>> from import poisson
    >>> from pyamg import solver_configuration
    >>> A = poisson((40,40),format='csr')
    >>> solver_config = solver_configuration(A,verb=False)

    # Ensure acceptable format of A
    A = make_csr(A)
    config = {}

    # Detect symmetry
    if ishermitian(A, fast_check=True):
        config['symmetry'] = 'hermitian'
        if verb:
            print('  Detected a Hermitian matrix')
        config['symmetry'] = 'nonsymmetric'
        if verb:
            print('  Detected a non-Hermitian matrix')

    # Symmetry dependent parameters
    if config['symmetry'] == 'hermitian':
        config['smooth'] = ('energy', {
            'krylov': 'cg',
            'maxiter': 3,
            'degree': 2,
            'weighting': 'local'
        config['presmoother'] = ('block_gauss_seidel', {
            'sweep': 'symmetric',
            'iterations': 1
        config['postsmoother'] = ('block_gauss_seidel', {
            'sweep': 'symmetric',
            'iterations': 1
        config['smooth'] = ('energy', {
            'krylov': 'gmres',
            'maxiter': 3,
            'degree': 2,
            'weighting': 'local'
        config['presmoother'] = ('gauss_seidel_nr', {
            'sweep': 'symmetric',
            'iterations': 2
        config['postsmoother'] = ('gauss_seidel_nr', {
            'sweep': 'symmetric',
            'iterations': 2

    # Determine near null-space modes B
    if B is None:
        # B is the constant for each variable in a node
        if isspmatrix_bsr(A) and A.blocksize[0] > 1:
            bsize = A.blocksize[0]
            config['B'] = np.kron(
                np.ones((int(A.shape[0] / bsize), 1), dtype=A.dtype),
            config['B'] = np.ones((A.shape[0], 1), dtype=A.dtype)
    elif isinstance(B, np.ndarray):
        if len(B.shape) == 1:
            B = B.reshape(-1, 1)

        if (B.shape[0] != A.shape[0]) or (B.shape[1] == 0):
            raise TypeError(
                'Invalid dimensions of B, B.shape[0] must equal A.shape[0]')

        config['B'] = np.array(B, dtype=A.dtype)
        raise TypeError('Invalid B')

    if config['symmetry'] == 'hermitian':
        config['BH'] = None
        config['BH'] = config['B'].copy()

    # Set non-symmetry related parameters
    config['strength'] = ('evolution', {
        'k': 2,
        'proj_type': 'l2',
        'epsilon': 3.0
    config['max_levels'] = 15
    config['max_coarse'] = 500
    config['coarse_solver'] = 'pinv'
    config['aggregate'] = 'standard'
    config['keep'] = False

    return config
Exemplo n.º 45

#Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#limitations under the License.

from __future__ import print_function
import json
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx

#Sigma^z*Sigma^z interactions
sigmaz = [[1, 0], [0, -1]]
mszsz = (np.kron(sigmaz, sigmaz))

#Exchange interactions
exchange = np.asarray([[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 2, 0], [0, 2, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]])

#Couplings J1 and J2
J = [1, 0.4]
L = 20

pars = {}

# Define bond operators, labels, and couplings
bond_operator = [
    (J[0] * mszsz).tolist(),
    (J[1] * mszsz).tolist(),
    (-J[0] * exchange).tolist(),
def quantum_walk(steps=7, n=11, p=0.05, n_coin=2):
    """Quantum random walk demo.

    Simulates a 1D quantum walker controlled by a unitary quantum coin.
    On each step the coin is flipped and the walker moves either to the left
    or to the right depending on the result.

    After each step, the position of the walker is measured with probability p.
    p == 1 results in a fully classical random walk, whereas
    p == 0 corresponds to the "fully quantum" case.
    # Ville Bergholm 2010-2011
    from .base import H

    print('\n\n=== Quantum walk ===\n')
    # initial state: coin shows heads, walker in center node
    coin = state('0', n_coin)
    walker = state(n // 2, n)

    s = coin.tensor(walker).to_op(inplace=True)

    # translation operators (wrapping)
    left = gate.mod_inc(-1, n)
    right = left.ctranspose()

    if n_coin == 2:
        # coin flip operator
        #C = R_x(pi / 2)
        C = H
        # shift operator: heads, move left; tails, move right
        S = kron(p0, + kron(p1,
        C = rand_U(n_coin)
        S = kron(diag([1, 0, 0]), + kron(diag(
            [0, 1, 0]), + kron(diag([0, 0, 1]), eye(n))

    # propagator for a single step (flip + shift)
    U = dot(S, kron(C, eye(n)))

    # Kraus ops for position measurement
    M = []
    for k in range(n):
        temp = zeros((n, n))
        temp[k, k] = sqrt(p)
        M.append(kron(eye(n_coin), temp))

    # "no measurement"
    M.append(sqrt(1 - p) * eye(n_coin * n))

    for k in range(steps):
        s = s.u_propagate(U)
        #s = s.kraus_propagate(M) = p * diag(diag(
   + (1 - p) *  # equivalent but faster...

    s = s.ptrace([0])  # ignore the coin
    plt.title('Walker state after {0} steps'.format(steps))

    plt.figure(), s.prob(), width=0.8)
        'Walker position probability distribution after {0} steps'.format(
    return s
Exemplo n.º 47
def deviceFix(self):
    # Get the device data
    move = self.ME
    lick = self.LE[1:, :]
    photo = self.PE[1:, :]

    print "devices fixing.."
    # Define the position codes
    positionCode = 1
    photoStartCode = 2
    lickStartCode = 3
    photoStopCode = 4
    lickStopCode = 6

    # Label the position events with positionCodes
    moveLabels = positionCode * np.ones((move.shape[0], 1), 'double')
    move = np.hstack((move, moveLabels))
    del moveLabels  #no longer needed

    # Define the positions of the devices
    lickXY = np.array([0.0, 0.0 + 3.0
                       ])  #Maybe Evan was wrong, this is the Alan measurement
    photoXY = np.array(
        [-12.7500 + 0.0, -2.6 + 3.000]
    )  #according to Evan, this is what the center of mass of an eating mouse should be

    # Make photobeam break events
    if photo.shape[0] > 0:
        photoStartLabels = photoStartCode * np.ones(
            (photo.shape[0], 1), 'double')
        photoPositions = np.kron(np.ones((photo.shape[0], 1)), photoXY)
        temp = np.zeros((photo.shape[0], 1), 'double')
        temp[:, 0] = photo[:, 0]
        photoStart = np.hstack((temp, photoPositions, photoStartLabels))
        photoStopLabels = photoStopCode * np.ones(
            (photo.shape[0], 1), 'double')
        temp[:, 0] = photo[:, 0] + photo[:, 1] + 0.0001
        photoStop = np.hstack((temp, photoPositions, photoStopLabels))
        print "Warning: Device fix just experienced no photo events in the whole day! - mouse%d, day%d" % (
            self.individual.mouseNumber, self.dayNumber)
        photoStart = np.ones(
            (photo.shape[0], 4),
            'double')  #hopefully it understands 0 by 4 matrices
        photoStop = np.ones((photo.shape[0], 4), 'double')

# Make lickometer events
    if lick.shape[0] > 0:
        lickStartLabels = lickStartCode * np.ones((lick.shape[0], 1), 'double')
        lickPositions = np.kron(np.ones((lick.shape[0], 1)), lickXY)
        temp = np.zeros((lick.shape[0], 1), 'double')
        temp[:, 0] = lick[:, 0]
        lickStart = np.hstack((temp, lickPositions, lickStartLabels))
        lickStopLabels = lickStopCode * np.ones((lick.shape[0], 1), 'double')
        temp[:, 0] = lick[:, 0] + lick[:, 1]
        lickStop = np.hstack((temp, lickPositions, lickStopLabels))
        print "Warning: Device fix just experienced no lick events in the whole day! - mouse%d, day%d" % (
            self.individual.mouseNumber, self.dayNumber)
        lickStart = np.ones(
            (lick.shape[0], 4),
            'double')  #hopefully it understands 0 by 4 matrices
        lickStop = np.ones((lick.shape[0], 4), 'double')

# Make the time-sorted list of events
    allEvents = np.vstack((photoStart, move, photoStop, lickStart, lickStop))
    uncorrectedPositions = allEvents[:, 1:3]
    allEvents = np.hstack(
        (allEvents, uncorrectedPositions
         ))  # we are going to carry the uncorrected position data with us
    sortedEvents = allEvents[allEvents[:, 0].argsort()]
    del allEvents  # now that the sortedEvents list is created, allEvents is a liability, so we neutralize

    temp = np.zeros((sortedEvents.shape[0], 1), 'double')
    temp[:, 0] = np.array(range(sortedEvents.shape[0]), 'double')
    sortedEvents = np.hstack((sortedEvents, temp))
    numberOfEvents = sortedEvents.shape[0]
    positionRunStartingIndices = np.zeros(numberOfEvents, 'int')
    positionRunStopIndices = np.zeros(numberOfEvents, 'int')
    eventTypes = np.array(sortedEvents[:, 3], 'int')

    n = 0
    k = 0
    if eventTypes[0] == positionCode:
        isThereAnInitialSequenceOfPositions = True
        isThereAnInitialSequenceOfPositions = False

    isThereAFinalSequenceOfPositions = True
    while n < numberOfEvents and eventTypes[
            n] == positionCode:  #this while loop should make n be the index of the first lick or photo event
        n = n + 1

    if n < numberOfEvents:
        firstNonPositionIndex = n

    while True:
        while n < numberOfEvents and eventTypes[n] != positionCode:
            #this while loop should make n be the index of the start of a run of positions
            n = n + 1

        lastNonPositionIndex = n - 1  #this will happen many times, but on the last time it will be assigned the correct value

        if n < numberOfEvents:
            positionRunStartingIndices[k] = n
            isThereAFinalSequenceOfPositions = False

        while n < numberOfEvents and eventTypes[n] == positionCode:
            n = n + 1
        if n < numberOfEvents:
            positionRunStopIndices[k] = n
            k = k + 1  #we have found another fully anchored run with a define start and end

    positionRunStartingIndices = positionRunStartingIndices[:k]
    positionRunStopIndices = positionRunStopIndices[:k]
    temp1 = np.zeros((k, 1), 'double')
    temp1[:, 0] = positionRunStartingIndices
    temp2 = np.zeros((k, 1), 'double')
    temp2[:, 0] = positionRunStopIndices
    runStartAndStopIndices = np.hstack((temp1, temp2))

    # Fix the runs so they start and stop at their known positions
    fixedEvents = sortedEvents.copy()
    for i in range(k):
        startIndex = positionRunStartingIndices[i]
        stopIndex = positionRunStopIndices[i]
        startEventType = eventTypes[startIndex - 1]
        stopEventType = eventTypes[stopIndex]
        supposedStartPosition = sortedEvents[startIndex, 1:3]
        supposedStopPosition = sortedEvents[stopIndex - 1, 1:3]
        if startEventType == lickStopCode or startEventType == lickStartCode:
            knownStartPosition = lickXY
        elif startEventType == photoStopCode or startEventType == photoStartCode:
            knownStartPosition = photoXY

        if stopEventType == lickStopCode or stopEventType == lickStartCode:
            knownStopPosition = lickXY
        elif stopEventType == photoStopCode or stopEventType == photoStartCode:
            knownStopPosition = photoXY
        elif stopEventType == lickStopCode or stopEventType == lickStartCode:
            knownStopPosition = lickXY
        elif stopEventType == photoStopCode or stopEventType == photoStartCode:
            knownStopPosition = photoXY
        if stopIndex >= startIndex + 2:
            initiallyTranslateBy = knownStartPosition - supposedStartPosition
            correctionNeededByEnd = knownStopPosition - (supposedStopPosition +
            timesFromZeroToOne = np.zeros((stopIndex - startIndex, 1),
                               0] = (sortedEvents[startIndex:stopIndex, 0] -
                                     sortedEvents[startIndex - 1, 0]) * 1.0 / (
                                         sortedEvents[stopIndex, 0] -
                                         sortedEvents[startIndex - 1, 0])

                1:3] = sortedEvents[startIndex:stopIndex, 1:3] + np.kron(
                    np.ones((stopIndex - startIndex, 1)),
                    initiallyTranslateBy) + np.kron(timesFromZeroToOne,

        if stopIndex == startIndex + 1:
            fixedEvents[startIndex, 1:3] = knownStartPosition

# Fix positions prior to first lick/eat event
    if isThereAnInitialSequenceOfPositions:
        initiallyTranslateBy = sortedEvents[firstNonPositionIndex,
                                            1:3] - sortedEvents[
                                                firstNonPositionIndex - 1, 1:3]
                    1:3] = sortedEvents[:firstNonPositionIndex, 1:3] + np.kron(
                            (firstNonPositionIndex, 1)), initiallyTranslateBy)

# Fix positions after the last lick/eat event
    if isThereAFinalSequenceOfPositions:
        initiallyTranslateBy = sortedEvents[
            lastNonPositionIndex, 1:3] - sortedEvents[lastNonPositionIndex + 1,
        theLengthInQuestion = sortedEvents.shape[0] - lastNonPositionIndex - 1
            lastNonPositionIndex + 1:,
            1:3] = sortedEvents[lastNonPositionIndex + 1:, 1:3] + np.kron(
                np.ones((theLengthInQuestion, 1)), initiallyTranslateBy)

    # Store fixed data in numpy array
    sortedEvents = fixedEvents

    # Get the movement indices
    moveInd = mlab.find(sortedEvents[:, 3] == 1)
    sortedEvents = sortedEvents[moveInd, :]
    # Get the time and position data
    Time = sortedEvents[:, 0]
    deviceFixX = sortedEvents[:, 1]
    deviceFixY = sortedEvents[:, 2]

    self.Time = Time
    self.deviceFixX = deviceFixX
    self.deviceFixY = deviceFixY

    #We assume you calculated it because you want to use it / go with it
    self.CT = self.uncorrectedT
    self.CX = self.deviceFixX
    self.CY = self.deviceFixY
Exemplo n.º 48
# Heisenberg hamiltonian
ha = nk.operator.Heisenberg(hilbert=hi)

# Symmetric RBM Spin Machine
ma = nk.machine.RbmSpinSymm(alpha=1, hilbert=hi)
ma.init_random_parameters(seed=1234, sigma=0.01)

# defining the custom sampler
# here we use two types of moves : 2-spin exchange between two random neighboring sites,
# and 4-spin exchanges between 4 random neighboring sites
# note that each line and column have to add up to 1.0 (stochastic matrices)

one_exchange_operator = [[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]
two_exchange_operator = np.kron(one_exchange_operator, one_exchange_operator)

ops = [one_exchange_operator] * l + [two_exchange_operator] * l

# Single exchange operator acts on pairs of neighboring sites
acting_on = [[i, (i + 1) % l] for i in range(l)]

# Double exchange operator acts on cluster of 4 neighboring sites
acting_on += [[i, (i + 1) % l, (i + 2) % l, (i + 3) % l] for i in range(l)]

move_op = nk.operator.LocalOperator(hilbert=hi, operators=ops, acting_on=acting_on)

sa = nk.sampler.CustomSampler(machine=ma, move_operators=move_op)
Exemplo n.º 49
def shift_phase_of_t(index_amplitudes, substring_register_state, pattern_register_state):
    # This function corresponds to the application of U_f_prime operator to the superposition state
    # to mark the solution state t by shifting its phase.

    # Define scratch_register_state
    # scratch_register_state = [[[0,0],[0,1]],[[0,1],[1,0]],[[1,0],[1,1]],[[1,1],[0,0]]] =
    # substring_register_state = \
    #     [[[[1,0], [1,0]], [[1,0], [0,1]]],
    #      [[[1,0], [0,1]], [[0,1], [1,0]]],
    #      [[[0,1], [1,0]], [[0,1], [0,1]]],
    #      [[[0,1], [0,1]], [[1,0], [1,0]]]]

    # pattern_register_state = [[0, 1],
    #                           [1, 0]]
    # pattern_register_state = [[[1,0],[0,1]], [[0,1],[1,0]]]

    # scratch_register_state = \
    #     [[[[1,0], [1,0], [1,0]], [[1,0], [1,0], [1,0]]],
    #      [[[1,0], [1,0], [1,0]], [[1,0], [1,0], [1,0]]],
    #      [[[1,0], [1,0], [1,0]], [[1,0], [1,0], [1,0]]],
    #      [[[1,0], [1,0], [1,0]], [[1,0], [1,0], [1,0]]]]

    # Construct scratch register
    substrings_vectors = []
    for substring_index in xrange(N):
        substring_vectors = []
        for symbol_index in xrange(M):
            symbol_vectors = []
            for bit_index in xrange(symbol_bit_count+1):
    scratch_register_state = substrings_vectors

    # Mlog(|E|) CNOT operations: control: substring_register_state as control; target: scratch register (E is read as sigma denoted by Sigma)
    # print '>> Mlog(|E|) CNOT operations on substring and scratch register'

    for substring_index in xrange(0, N): # 0...N-1 (count of substrings in T)
        for symbol_index in xrange(0, M): # 0...M-1 (count of symbols in each substring)
            for bit_index in xrange(0, symbol_bit_count): # 0...log(|E|)-1 (count of bits in each symbol)

                # print 'substring_index: ', substring_index, ' symbol_index: ', symbol_index, ' bit_index: ', bit_index
                # print 'substring_register_state[', substring_index,'][', symbol_index,'][', bit_index,']: ', substring_register_state[substring_index][symbol_index][bit_index]
                # print 'scratch_register_state[', substring_index, '][', symbol_index,'][', bit_index, ']: ', scratch_register_state[substring_index][symbol_index][bit_index]

                state_vector = list(kron(substring_register_state[substring_index][symbol_index][bit_index], scratch_register_state[substring_index][symbol_index][bit_index]))
                new_state_vector = dot(CNOT(), state_vector)
                # print 'state_vector:', list(state_vector), ' new_state_vector:', list(new_state_vector)
                if (list(state_vector) != list(new_state_vector)):
                    # print 'state_vector ', state_vector, ' != new_state_vector ', new_state_vector
                    scratch_register_state[substring_index][symbol_index][bit_index] = list(dot(X(), scratch_register_state[substring_index][symbol_index][bit_index]))
                # else:
                    # print 'state_vector ', state_vector, ' == new_state_vector ', new_state_vector

                # print 'scratch_register_state[', substring_index, '][', symbol_index, '][', bit_index, ']: ', \
                # scratch_register_state[substring_index][symbol_index][bit_index]
                # print '==============================='

    # print 'substring register state: '
    # for i in xrange(N):
    #     for k in xrange(M):
    #         print substring_register_state[i][k]
    # print 'scratch register state: '
    # for i in xrange(N):
    #     for k in xrange(M):
    #         print scratch_register_state[i][k],
    #     print

    # Mlog(|E|) CNOT operations: control: pattern_register_state as control; target: scratch register (E is read as sigma denoted by Sigma)
    # print '>> Mlog(|E|) CNOT operations on pattern and scratch register'
    for i in xrange(0, N): # 0...N-1 (count of substrings in T)
        for k in xrange(0, M): # 0...M-1 (count of symbols in each substring)
            for j in xrange(0, symbol_bit_count): # 0...log(|E|)-1 (count of bits in each symbol)
                substring_index = i
                symbol_index = k
                bit_index = j

                # print 'substring_index:', substring_index,' symbol_index: ', symbol_index, ' bit_index: ', bit_index
                # print 'pattern_register_state[', symbol_index,'][', bit_index,']: ', pattern_register_state[symbol_index][bit_index]
                # print 'scratch_register_state[', substring_index, '][', symbol_index,'][', bit_index, ']: ', scratch_register_state[substring_index][symbol_index][bit_index]

                state_vector = list(kron(pattern_register_state[symbol_index][bit_index], scratch_register_state[substring_index][symbol_index][bit_index]))
                new_state_vector = list(dot(CNOT(), state_vector))
                # print 'state_vector:', list(state_vector), ' new_state_vector:', list(new_state_vector)
                if (list(state_vector) != list(new_state_vector)):
                    # print 'state_vector ', state_vector, ' != new_state_vector ', new_state_vector
                    scratch_register_state[substring_index][symbol_index][bit_index] = list(dot(X(), scratch_register_state[substring_index][symbol_index][bit_index]))
                # else:
                    # print 'state_vector ', state_vector, ' == new_state_vector ', new_state_vector

                # print 'scratch_register_state[', substring_index, '][', symbol_index, '][', bit_index, ']: ', \
                # scratch_register_state[substring_index][symbol_index][bit_index]
                # print '==============================='

    # print 'pattern register state: '
    # for k in xrange(M):
    #     print pattern_register_state[k]
    # print 'scratch register state: '
    # for i in xrange(N):
    #     for k in xrange(M):
    #         print scratch_register_state[i][k],
    #     print

    # M C^{log(|E|)}NOT operations: control: [k(log(|E|) + 1) + log(|E|)]-th qubits of scratch register; [k(log(|E|) + 1) + log(|E|)]-th qubits of scratch register
    # print '>> M C^{log(|E|)}NOT operations on scratch register'
    for substring_index in xrange(N):
        for symbol_index in xrange(M):

            state_vector = scratch_register_state[substring_index][symbol_index][0] # add state of target bit to state vector
            for bit_index in xrange(1, symbol_bit_count+1): # construct the state vector for the control bits starting from bit nearest to the target bit
                scratch_register_state[substring_index][symbol_index][bit_index] = list(dot(X(),scratch_register_state[substring_index][symbol_index][bit_index])) # apply X to control bit
                state_vector = kron(scratch_register_state[substring_index][symbol_index][bit_index], state_vector) # add state of control bit to state vector
                scratch_register_state[substring_index][symbol_index][bit_index] = list(dot(X(), scratch_register_state[
                    substring_index][symbol_index][bit_index])) # apply X to control bit

            new_state_vector = dot(CkNOT(symbol_bit_count), state_vector)


            if list(state_vector) != list(new_state_vector): # if all control bits are set to 1, apply X to target bit
                # print 'state_vector: ', state_vector, ' != new_state_vector: ', new_state_vector
                scratch_register_state[substring_index][symbol_index][symbol_bit_count] = list(dot(X(),scratch_register_state[substring_index][symbol_index][symbol_bit_count]))
            # else:
                # print 'state_vector: ', state_vector, ' == new_state_vector: ', new_state_vector

    # print 'scratch register state: '
    # for substring_index in xrange(N):
    #     for symbol_index in xrange(M):
    #         print scratch_register_state[substring_index][symbol_index],
    #     print

    # 1 C^{M}NOT operation: control: [k(log(|E|) + 1) + log(|E|)]-th qubits of scratch register; target: only qubit of output register
    # print '>> 1 C^{M}NOT operations on scratch register and output register'

    # Construct output register state
    # output_register_state = [[1,0],[1,0],[1,0],[1,0]]
    output_register_state = []
    for i in xrange(N):

    for substring_index in xrange(N):
        # state_vector = scratch_register_state[substring_index][0][symbol_bit_count]
        state_vector = output_register_state[substring_index]

        for symbol_index in xrange(M):
            state_vector = kron(scratch_register_state[substring_index][symbol_index][symbol_bit_count], state_vector)

        new_state_vector = dot(CkNOT(M), state_vector)
        if list(state_vector) != list(new_state_vector):
            # print 'state_vector: ', state_vector, ' != new_state_vector: ', new_state_vector
            output_register_state[substring_index] = list(dot(X(), output_register_state[substring_index]))
        # else:
            # print 'state_vector: ', state_vector, ' == new_state_vector: ', new_state_vector

    # print 'output_register_state: ', output_register_state

    # 1 Z operation: only qubit of output register
    # print '>> 1 Z operation on output register'
    for substring_index in xrange(N):
        output_register_state[substring_index] = list(dot(Z(), output_register_state[substring_index]))
    # print 'output_register_state: ', output_register_state

    # index_amplitudes = [1.0 / 2, 1.0 / 2, 1.0 / 2, 1.0 / 2]
    # print 'index_amplitudes: ', index_amplitudes
    for substring_index in xrange(N):
        index_amplitudes[substring_index] = index_amplitudes[substring_index] * sum(output_register_state[substring_index])
    # print 'index_amplitudes: ', index_amplitudes
    return index_amplitudes
Exemplo n.º 50
 def _tensor_unitary(unitary1, unitary0):
     """Helper function for tensor of two unitary qobj instructions."""
     qubits = unitary0['qubits'] + unitary1['qubits']
     params = np.kron(unitary1['params'], unitary0['params'])
     return {'name': 'unitary', 'qubits': qubits, 'params': params}
Exemplo n.º 51
C3_fftfull = * 4.
for i in range(L ** 2):
    j = np.where(C3_fft[i] == 1)[0][0]
    small_matr.append(C3_fftfull[n_bands * i : n_bands * i + 4, n_bands * j : n_bands * j + 4,])
    print(i, j, np.diag(small_matr[-1]))

perm = np.array(perm)

K0 = _model_hex_2orb_Koshino(L)
U_xy_to_chiral = np.kron(np.eye(K0.shape[0] // 2), np.array([[1, 1], [-1.0j, +1.0j]]) / np.sqrt(2))                                                   

K0 = U_xy_to_chiral.conj()
assert np.isclose(, /, K0.flatten()), 1)
assert np.isclose(, /, K0.flatten()), 1)
assert np.isclose(, /, K0.flatten()), 1)
TRS = np.concatenate([np.array([2 * i + 1, 2 * i]) for i in range(K0.shape[0] // 2)])
assert np.allclose(K0, K0.conj().T)

K0_TRS = K0[TRS, :]
K0_TRS = K0_TRS[:, TRS].conj()

assert np.isclose(np.vdot(K0.flatten(), K0_TRS.flatten()) /, K0.flatten()), 1.0)
TRS = get_TRS_symmetry_map(L)

K0_plus = K0[::2, :]
Exemplo n.º 52
def _updateR(X, A, R, co_var, lmbdaR, lmbdaRelSimilarity):

    _log.debug('Updating R (SVD) lambda R: %s' % str(lmbdaR))

    rank = A.shape[1]
    U, S, Vt = svd(A, full_matrices=False)
    Shat = kron(S, S)
    updated_R = []

    if len(R) == 0 or R is None:
        updated_R = np.array(
            [np.random.rand(rank, rank) for i in range(len(X))])
        return updated_R

        #for i in range(len(X)):
        #    Rn = first_term * dot(U.T, X[i].dot(U))
        #    Rn = dot(Vt.T, dot(Rn, Vt))
        #    updated_R.append(Rn)
        #return updated_R

    #inverse_term = Shat ** 2 + lmbdaR  # + lmbdaRelSimilarity * np.sum(co_var[i, :] - 1.0)
    #Shat = (Shat / inverse_term).reshape(rank, rank)

    for i in range(len(X)):
        inverse_term = Shat**2 + lmbdaR + lmbdaRelSimilarity * np.sum(
            co_var[i, :])
        first_term = (Shat / inverse_term).reshape(rank, rank)
        Rn = first_term * dot(U.T, X[i].dot(U))
        Rn = dot(Vt.T, dot(Rn, Vt))
        Rn = np.add(Rn, ((lmbdaRelSimilarity * np.sum([
            co_var[i][j] * R[j].reshape(rank * rank, ) for j in range(len(X))
                                                      axis=0)) /
                         inverse_term).reshape(rank, rank))

        #cij_vec_Rj =
        #second_term = np.sum(cij_vec_Rj, axis=0)
        #second_term = lmbdaRelSimilarity * second_term
        #second_term = second_term / inverse_term
        #second_term = second_term.reshape(rank, rank)

        #Rn = first_term_Rn # + second_term

        #Rn = Shat * dot(U.T, X[i].dot(U))
        #Rn = dot(Vt.T, dot(Rn, Vt))

        #if len(R) == 0:
        #    Rn = Shat * dot(U.T, X[i].dot(U))
        #    rel_sum_similarity = []
        #    for k in range(len(R)):
        #        if k == i:
        #            continue
        #        weight = co_var[i][k]
        #        if len(rel_sum_similarity) == 0:
        #            rel_sum_similarity = lmbdaRelSimilarity * weight * R[k]
        #        else:
        #            rel_sum_similarity = rel_sum_similarity + lmbdaRelSimilarity * weight * R[k]
        #    + rel_sum_similarity

        #Rn =


    return updated_R
Exemplo n.º 53
def _kron(*args):
    args = list(args)
    while len(args) != 1:
        x = args.pop()
        args[-1] = np.kron(args[-1], x)
    return args[0]
    evaluated_ops = (_embed_operator(base_op, _indices(idx_vals, pp))
                     for pp, base_op in enumerate(base_ops))
    diagram_op = functools.reduce(operator.matmul, evaluated_ops)

    simp_op += diagram_coeficient * (sym_proj @ diagram_op @ sym_proj)

# verify that the exact and simplified products of multi-body operators are equal
check_equal(simp_op, exact_op)

# verify the diagonsis of multi-body excitations

# build random SU(n)-symmetric interaction Hamiltonian
sun_coefs = random_tensor(2)
swap = sum((lambda op: np.kron(op, op.T))(unit_tensor((mu, nu), spin_dim))
           for mu in range(spin_dim) for nu in range(spin_dim))
sun_interactions = sum(sun_coefs[pp, qq] * _embed_operator(swap, [pp, qq])
                       for pp in range(spin_num) for qq in range(pp))

# build objects that appear in the multi-body eigenvalue problem
sym_energy = sun_coefs.sum() / 2
sun_coef_vec = sum(sun_coefs)

def coef_mod_val(choice):
    return sum(sun_coef_vec[pp] - sum(sun_coefs[pp, qq] for qq in choice)
               for pp in choice)

def coef_mod_mat(shape):
Exemplo n.º 55
            if (A[i][j] != B[i][j]):
                return 0
    return 1

I32 = -1 * np.identity(32)

sigma1 = [[0, 1], [1, 0]]
sigma2 = [[0, 0 - 1.j], [0 + 1.j, 0]]
sigma3 = [[1, 0], [0, -1]]
sigma4 = [[1, 0], [0, 1]]

gamma = np.zeros((N, dim, dim))
#Based on value of N, it constructs N Majorana fermions of size 2^N/2 x 2^N/2

for i in range(0, N):

    if i == 0:
        temp = np.kron(sigma1, sigma1)

    elif i < int(N / 2):
        temp = np.kron(temp, sigma1)

    #print ("Shape is ",  np.shape(gamma[i]))

#print ("Now check Clifford Algebra for our Gamma matrices")
#if (areSame(np.matmul(gamma1, gamma1), 1*I32)==1):
#   print("PASS")
#   print("ERROR")
Exemplo n.º 56
def mkron(a, b):
    return np.kron(a, b)
def quadrature_rule(avmap, N, NMC=10):
    """Get a quadrature rule on the space of simulation inputs.
    avmap : ActiveVariableMap 
        a domains.ActiveVariableMap
    N : int 
        the number of quadrature nodes in the active variables
    NMC : int, optional 
        the number of samples in the simple Monte Carlo over the inactive 
        variables (default 10)

    Xp : ndarray 
        (N*NMC)-by-m matrix containing the quadrature nodes on the simulation 
        input space
    Xw : ndarray 
        (N*NMC)-by-1 matrix containing the quadrature weights on the simulation 
        input space
    ind : ndarray 
        array of indices identifies which rows of `Xp` correspond to the same 
        fixed value of the active variables

    See Also

    This quadrature rule uses an integration rule on the active variables and
    simple Monte Carlo on the inactive variables.

    If the simulation inputs are bounded, then the quadrature nodes on the
    active variables is constructed with a Delaunay triangulation of a
    maximin design. The weights are computed by sampling the original variables,
    mapping them to the active variables, and determining which triangle the
    active variables fall in. These samples are used to estimate quadrature
    weights. Note that when the dimension of the active subspace is
    one-dimensional, this reduces to operations on an interval.

    If the simulation inputs are unbounded, the quadrature rule on the active
    variables is given by a tensor product Gauss-Hermite quadrature rule.
    if not isinstance(avmap, ActiveVariableMap):
        raise TypeError('avmap should be an ActiveVariableMap.')

    if not isinstance(N, int):
        raise TypeError('N should be an integer.')

    if not isinstance(NMC, int):
        raise TypeError('NMC should be an integer.')

    # get quadrature rule on active variables
    Yp, Yw = av_quadrature_rule(avmap, N)

    # get points on x space with MC
    Xp, ind = avmap.inverse(Yp, NMC)
    Xw = np.kron(Yw, np.ones((NMC,1)))/float(NMC)
    return Xp, Xw, ind
Exemplo n.º 58
    def align(self):
        L = self.E1.shape[0]
        K = self.N1.shape[1]
        T1 = np.zeros_like(self.A1)
        T2 = np.zeros_like(self.A2)

        # Normalize edge feature vectors
        for i in range(L):
            T1 += self.E1[i]**2
            T2 += self.E2[i]**2

        for i in range(T1.shape[0]):
            for j in range(T1.shape[1]):
                if T1[i, j] > 0:
                    T1[i, j] = 1. / T1[i, j]

        for i in range(T2.shape[0]):
            for j in range(T2.shape[1]):
                if T2[i, j] > 0:
                    T2[i, j] = 1. / T2[i, j]

        for i in range(L):
            self.E1[i] = self.E1[i] * T1
            self.E2[i] = self.E2[i] * T2

        # Normalize node feature vectors
        self.N1 = normalize(self.N1)
        self.N2 = normalize(self.N2)
        # Compute node feature cosine cross-similarity
        n1 = self.A1.shape[0]
        n2 = self.A2.shape[0]
        N = np.zeros(n1 * n2)

        for k in range(K):
            N += np.kron(self.N1[:, k], self.N2[:, k])

        # Compute the Kronecker degree vector
        d = np.zeros_like(N)
        for i in range(L):
            for k in range(K):
                d += np.kron([i] * self.A1, self.N1[:, k]),
                   [i] * self.A2, self.N2[:, k]))

        D = N * d
        DD = 1. / (np.sqrt(D) + 1e-12)
        DD[DD == inf] = 0

        # fixed-point solution
        q = DD * N
        h = self.H.flatten('F')

        s = h

        for i in range(self.maxiter):
            print("iterations ", i + 1)
            prev = s
            M = (q * s).reshape((n2, n1), order='F')
            S = np.zeros((n2, n1))
            for l in range(L):
                S +=[l] * self.A2, M),
                            self.E1[l] * self.A1)

            s = (1 - self.alpha) * h + self.alpha * q * S.flatten('F')

            diff = np.sqrt(np.sum((s - prev)**2))
            if diff < self.tol:

        self.alignment_matrix = s.reshape((n2, n1)).T

        return self.alignment_matrix
Exemplo n.º 59
def form_compressed_hamiltonian_diag(vecs, Hi, Hij):
    # {{{
    dim = 1  # dimension of subspace
    dims = [
    ]  # list of mode dimensions (size of hilbert space on each fragment)
    for vi, v in enumerate(vecs):
        dim = dim * v.shape[1]
    H = np.zeros((dim, dim))
    Htest = np.zeros((dim, dim))
    n_dims = len(dims)

    H1 = cp.deepcopy(Hi)
    H2 = cp.deepcopy(Hij)
    for vi, v in enumerate(vecs):
        H1[vi] =,[vi], v))

    for vi, v in enumerate(vecs):
        for wi, w in enumerate(vecs):
            if wi > vi:
                vw = np.kron(v, w)
                H2[(vi, wi)] =,
                            [(vi, wi)], vw))

    dimsdims = dims
    dimsdims = np.append(dims, dims)

    #Htest = Htest.reshape(dimsdims)
    #   Add up all the one-body contributions, making sure that the results is properly dimensioned for the
    #   target subspace
    dim_i1 = 1  #   dimension of space to the left
    dim_i2 = dim  #   dimension of space to the right

    for vi, v in enumerate(vecs):
        i1 = np.eye(dim_i1)
        dim_i2 = dim_i2 / v.shape[1]
        i2 = np.eye(dim_i2)

        #print "dim_i1  :  dim_i2", dim_i1, dim_i2, dim
        H += np.kron(i1, np.kron(H1[vi], i2))

        #nv = v.shape[1]
        #test = np.ones(len(dimsdims)).astype(int)
        #test[vi] = nv
        #test[vi+len(dims)] = nv

        #h = cp.deepcopy(H1[vi])
        #h = h.reshape(test)
        #Htest = np.einsum('ijkljk->ijklmn',Htest,h)

        dim_i1 = dim_i1 * v.shape[1]

#    print H.reshape(dimsdims)[:,:,:,:,:,:]
#    print "a"
#    print "a"
#    print "a"
#    print H.reshape(dimsdims)
#    Htest = Htest.reshape(dim,dim)
#    exit(-1)
#    printm(Htest)
#    print
#    printm(H)

#   Add up all the two-body contributions, making sure that the results is properly dimensioned for the
#   target subspace
    dim_i1 = 1  #   dimension of space to the left
    dim_i2 = 1  #   dimension of space in the middle
    dim_i2 = dim  #   dimension of space to the right

    H = H.reshape(dimsdims)

    #print H.shape
    #print H[tuple([slice(0,3)])*len(H.shape)].shape
    ##print H[tuple([slice(0,3)])*len(H.shape)] - H
    #print np.diagonal(np.diagonal(H)).shape
    #print H[np.ones(len(H.shape)).astype(int)].shape

    #sliceij = []
    #for d in dimsdims:
    #    sliceij.extend([slice(0,d)])
    #print sliceij

    for vi, v in enumerate(vecs):
        for wi, w in enumerate(vecs):
            if wi > vi:

                nv = v.shape[1]
                nw = w.shape[1]
                dim_env = dim / nv / nw
                #print ": ", nv, nw, dim_env, dim

                i1 = np.eye(dim_env)
                h = np.kron(H2[(vi, wi)], i1)
                #print ": ", H2[(vi,wi)].shape, i1.shape, h.shape, H.shape

                #print H2[(vi,wi)].shape, " x ", i1.shape, " = ", h.shape

                tens_dims = []
                tens_inds = []
                for ti, t in enumerate(vecs):
                    if (ti != vi) and (ti != wi):
                tens_dims = np.append(tens_dims, tens_dims)
                #tens_inds = np.append(tens_inds, tens_inds)

                sort_ind = np.argsort(tens_inds)

                #print "sort: ", sort_ind, np.array(tens_inds)[sort_ind]
                #print ":",vi,wi, tens_inds, tens_dims
                #swap indices since we have done kronecker product as H2xI
                #tens_dims[vi], tens_dims[] = tens_dims[0], tens_dims[vi]
                #tens_dims[vi+n_dims], tens_dims[0+n_dims] = tens_dims[0+n_dims], tens_dims[vi+n_dims]
                swap = np.append(sort_ind, sort_ind + n_dims)

                #todo and check
                #h.shape = (tens_dims)
                #H += h.transpose(swap)
                H += h.reshape(tens_dims).transpose(swap)

                #print "swap ", swap
                #h = h.reshape(tens_dims)
                #h = h.transpose(swap)
                #print h.shape
                #print h.shape, dimsdims

                #sl = cp.deepcopy(sliceij)
                #print H[sl].shape
                #H[] = Hij[(vi,wi)]
                #dim_i2 = 1
                #for i in range(vi,wi):
                #    dim_i2 = dim_i2 * vecs[i].shape[1]
                #dim_i2 = dim_i2/v.shape[1]
                #i2 = np.eye(dim_i2)

                #print "dim_i1  :  dim_i2", dim_i1, dim_i2, dim
                #H += np.kron(i1,np.kron(H1[vi],i2))

                #dim_i1 = dim_i1 * v.shape[1]

    H = H.reshape(dim, dim)
    print "     Size of Hamitonian block: ", H.shape
    return H
Exemplo n.º 60
def newton_solver(source_demands, sink_demands, proportions):
    n, m = source_demands.shape[0], sink_demands.shape[0]

    # Source demands mapped to sink demands via proportions.
    X = np.kron(np.eye(m), np.reshape(source_demands, [1, -1]))

    y_vec = np.zeros((1, n))
    y_vec[0][0] = 1
    y_vec = np.tile(y_vec, reps=(1, m))

    rows = []
    for _ in range(n):
        y_vec = np.roll(y_vec, shift=1, axis=-1)

    # Outgoing flows for each source
    Y = np.vstack(rows)

    A = np.vstack([X, Y])

    sink_col = np.reshape(sink_demands, [-1, 1])
    source_col = np.reshape(np.ones_like(source_demands), [-1, 1])

    b = np.vstack([sink_col, source_col])
    v, _, _, _ = np.linalg.lstsq(A, b, rcond=None)
    v_prev = v + 10

    p = np.reshape(proportions, [-1, 1])

    d = m + n + m * n
    split = m * n
    mat = np.zeros(shape=(d, d))
    I = np.eye(split)
    zero = np.zeros(shape=(m + n, m + n))

    lhs = np.vstack([I, A])
    rhs = np.vstack([A.T, zero])
    mat = np.hstack([lhs, rhs])


    pad = np.zeros(shape=(d - m * n, 1))

    max_iter = 1000
    step_size = 1
    beta = 0.9
    for i in range(max_iter):
        target = np.vstack([p - v, pad])

        sol, _, _, _ = np.linalg.lstsq(mat, target, rcond=None)
        delta_v = sol[:m * n]

        v_prev = v
        v = v_prev + step_size * delta_v
        step_size *= beta
        i += 1

        if np.linalg.norm(v - v_prev) < SMALL_NUMBER:
            print('Converged in {0} steps.'.format(i))

    return, v, p