Exemplo n.º 1
    def get_data(self):
        # initial condition is v=0 and x=0
        curr_state = np.array([[0] , [0]])
        # input and measurement at start at timestep 1 since KF starts at timestep 1
        vtr = np.zeros((1,self.control_inputs.size))
        xtr = np.zeros((1,self.control_inputs.size))
        measurements = np.zeros((1,self.control_inputs.size))

        # updates begin at timestep 1 since timestep 0 is the initial state
        for i in range(1, self.control_inputs.size):
            c_input = self.control_inputs[0 , i]
            c_input = np.reshape(c_input, (1,1))
            # get the next state from the control input
            next_state = mm(self.A, curr_state) + \
                            mm(self.B, c_input) + \
            # save the ground truth state (v and x)
            vtr[0 , i] = next_state[0 , 0]
            xtr[0 , i] = next_state[1 , 0]
            # save the measurement
            measurements[0 , i] = \
                (mm(self.C, next_state) + self.make_measurement_noise())

            curr_state = next_state
        return vtr, xtr, measurements
Exemplo n.º 2
def train_XCubed(W, dataset, patchshape, batch_size, iterations):
    for i in range(iterations):
        batch = get_batch(X, patchshape, batch_size=batch_size)
        W = normalize_columns(W)
        a = 0.5 * normalize_columns(mm(W.T, batch))**3
        W += mm((batch - mm(W, a)), a.T)
    return W
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_G_t(v, w, angle, dt, F_x_matrix):
    ratio = v/w
    a =  np.array([
                    [0, 0, ( -ratio*cos(angle) ) + ( ratio*cos(angle + (w*dt)) ) ],
                    [0, 0, ( -ratio*sin(angle) ) + ( ratio*sin(angle + (w*dt)) ) ],
                    [0, 0, 0]
    a = mm(mm(np.transpose(F_x_matrix), a), F_x_matrix)
    return np.identity(a.shape[0]) + a
Exemplo n.º 4
def calculate_w(reg, x, y):
  d = x.shape[1]
  covar = mm(tp(x),x )
  lambdai = np.diag( np.ones(d)*reg  )
  addedmatrix = lambdai + covar
  inverse = inv(addedmatrix)

  rightside = mm(tp(x), y) 

  w = mm(inverse,rightside)
  return w
Exemplo n.º 5
def get_batch(X, patchshape, batch_size=200):
    ix = randint(0, X.shape[1] - patchshape[0])
    iy = randint(0, X.shape[2] - patchshape[1])
    iz = randint(0, X.shape[3] -
                 patchshape[2]) if patchshape[2] != X.shape[3] else 0
    B = X[randint(0, X.shape[0], size=batch_size), ix:ix + patchshape[0],
          iy:iy + patchshape[1], iz:iz + patchshape[2]].reshape(
              batch_size, patchshape[0] * patchshape[1] * patchshape[2])
    B = B.T
    B = B - np.mean(B, axis=0)
    U, S, V = svd(mm(B, B.T))
    ZCAMatrix = mm(U, mm(np.diag(1.0 / np.sqrt(S + 1e-5)), U.T))
    B = mm(B, ZCAMatrix)
    return B
Exemplo n.º 6
 def animate(i):
     for j in range(len(lm_uncertanties)):
         x_lm = lm_pred_x[j, i]
         y_lm = lm_pred_y[j, i]
         if (x_lm == 0) and (y_lm == 0):
             # haven't seen landmark yet
         # http://anuncommonlab.com/articles/how-kalman-filters-work/part3.html#ellipses
         sigma = lm_pred_uncertainty[j][:, :, i]
         U, S, _ = np.linalg.svd(sigma)
         C = U * 2 * np.sqrt(S)
         theta = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100)
         circle = np.array([cos(theta), sin(theta)])
         e = mm(C, circle)
         e[0, :] += x_lm
         e[1, :] += y_lm
         lm_uncertanties[j].set_data(e[0, :], e[1, :])
     actual_path.set_data(x_tr[:i + 1], y_tr[:i + 1])
     pred_path.set_data(mu_x[:i + 1], mu_y[:i + 1])
     heading.set_data([x_tr[i], x_tr[i] + radius * cos(th_tr[i])],
                      [y_tr[i], y_tr[i] + radius * sin(th_tr[i])])
     particles.set_data(pose_particles[0, :, i], pose_particles[1, :, i])
     robot.center = (x_tr[i], y_tr[i])
     vision_beam.set_center((x_tr[i], y_tr[i]))
     vision_beam.theta1 = np.rad2deg(th_tr[i] - fov_bound)
     vision_beam.theta2 = np.rad2deg(th_tr[i] + fov_bound)
     return (actual_path, pred_path, heading, particles, robot, vision_beam) \
         + tuple(lm_uncertanties)
Exemplo n.º 7
def matmul(input1, input2):  #입력받은 행렬의 행렬 곱 함수
    if len(input1) and len(input2) and len(input1[0]) and len(
            input2[0]) == 2:  # 2x2 행렬이 맞는지 판단
        mat_ver = [[cul for cul in v] for v in zip(*input2)]

        result = [[
            input1[n][0] * mat_ver[0][0] + input1[n][1] * mat_ver[0][1],
            input1[n][0] * mat_ver[1][0] + input1[n][1] * mat_ver[1][1]
        ] for n in [0, 1]]  #8주차 과제에서 만든 2x2행렬 곱 함수 code

        print('2x2 두 행렬의 곱은 ', result, '입니다.')  #8주차에서 만든 함수로 구한 2x2 두 행렬의 곱셈 값

        print('2x2행렬의 곱이 아닙니다.')

            result = mm(input1, input2)  #행렬 곱
            print('두 행렬의 곱은 ', '\n', result, '입니다.')  #결과 출력

        except Exception:  #결과 안나오는 예외 경우
            print('곱하려는 두 행렬의 형식을 확인 후 다시 시도해주세요.')

            return result  #두 행렬의 곱 값 반환
Exemplo n.º 8
def low_variance_sampler(chi):
    # don't need the weights on the new particles
    new_particles = np.zeros((chi.shape[0] - 1, chi.shape[1]))

    saved_particle_indices = []

    M = chi.shape[1]
    r = random.uniform(0, 1 / M)
    c = chi[-1, 0]  # the first weight
    i = 0
    for m in range(M):
        U = r + m * (1 / M)
        while U > c:
            i += 1
            c += chi[-1, i]
        new_particles[:, m] = chi[:-1, i]

    # dealing with particle deprivation (not in the original algorithm)
    P = np.cov(chi[:-1, :])
    uniq = np.unique(
        saved_particle_indices).size  # num. of unique particles in resampling
    if (uniq / M) < .025:  # if we don't have much variety in our resampling
        Q = P / ((M * uniq)**(1 / new_particles.shape[0]))
        new_particles += mm(Q, randn(size=new_particles.shape))

    return new_particles
Exemplo n.º 9
def fitness(expander):
    correct = mm(
        np.arange(1, expander.shape[0] + 1).reshape(expander.shape[0], 1),
        np.ones((1, expander.shape[1])))
    sorted_map = np.sort(expander, axis=0)
    fit = sum(sum(np.abs(sorted_map - correct)))
    return fit
Exemplo n.º 10
def get_mu_bar(prev_mu, v, w, angle, dt, F_x_matrix):
    ratio = v/w
    m = np.array([
                    [(-ratio * sin(angle)) + (ratio * sin(angle + (w*dt)))],
                    [(ratio * cos(angle)) - (ratio * cos(angle + (w*dt)))],
    return prev_mu + mm(np.transpose(F_x_matrix), m)
Exemplo n.º 11
def sn(alpha, beta, x):
  d = x.shape[1]
  alphamat = np.diag( np.ones(d)*alpha  )
  betamat = beta * mm(tp(x),x)

  add = alphamat + betamat
  sn = inv(add)
  return sn
Exemplo n.º 12
    def __fit_dff_elm(self, X, y, elm):
        assert elm.beta is not None
        assert elm.input_weight is not None
        assert elm.covariance_matrix is not None

        H = self.__sig_activation_function(X, elm)
        H_t = H.transpose()

        ep = y - mm(H, elm.beta)
        ks = mm(mm(H, elm.covariance_matrix), H_t)
        pp = (mm(elm.covariance_matrix, H_t) / (1 + ks)) * ep
        elm.beta += pp

        # Updating other parameters
        if ks > 0:
            eps = elm.l - (1 - elm.l) / ks
            elm.covariance_matrix -= mm(
                mm(mm(elm.covariance_matrix, H_t),
                   H), elm.covariance_matrix) / (np.linalg.inv(eps) + ks)

        elm.la = elm.l * (elm.la + (ep * ep) / (1 + ks))
        elm.ny = elm.l * (elm.ny + 1)
        te = (ep * ep) / elm.la
        elm.l = 1 / (1 + (1 + elm.ro) * (np.log(1 + ks) +
                                         ((((elm.ny + 1) * te) /
                                           (1 + ks + te)) - 1) * (ks /
                                                                  (1 + ks))))
Exemplo n.º 13
def calculate_mse(w, x, y):
  n = x.shape[0]

  postweights =  mm(x,w)
  errorvector = postweights - y
  squarederror = np.square(errorvector)

  mse = np.mean(squarederror)
  return mse
Exemplo n.º 14
def get_mu_and_sig_bar(dimensionality_bound, w_m, w_c, chi_b_x):
    new_bel = np.zeros((3, 1))
    for pt in range(dimensionality_bound):
        new_bel += w_m[0, pt] * np.reshape(chi_b_x[:, pt], new_bel.shape)

    new_sig = np.zeros((3, 3))
    for pt in range(dimensionality_bound):
        state_diff = np.reshape(chi_b_x[:, pt], new_bel.shape) - new_bel
        new_sig += w_c[0, pt] * mm(state_diff, np.transpose(state_diff))

    return new_bel, new_sig
Exemplo n.º 15
        def gaussian(x, mu, sigma):
                - x: (m, n)
                - mu: (n)
                - sigma :(n, n)
            from numpy.linalg import pinv, det
            from numpy import matmul as mm
            from numpy import pi, sqrt, power, exp
            m, n = x.shape
            # reshape for convenience
            # x (m, n, 1) mu (n, 1)
            x = x[:, :, None]
            mu = mu[:, None]
            x_T = x.transpose(0, 2, 1)
            mu_T = mu.T
            # (m, 1, 1) -> (m)
            term = -0.5 * mm(x_T - mu_T, mm(pinv(sigma), x - mu))[:, 0, 0]

            return (1 / (power(2 * pi, n / 2) * sqrt(det(sigma))) * exp(term))
Exemplo n.º 16
Arquivo: ssa.py Projeto: jibbals/EOF
 def __init__(self, ts, M=None):
     if M is None: 
     self.M = M
     self.N = N
     # create M dimensional phase spaces
     X = np.zeros([M,N-M+1])
     X_norm = np.zeros([M,N-M+1])
     for i in range(M):
         X[i,:] = ts[i:(N-M+1+i)]
         X_norm[i,:] = X[i,:] - np.mean(X[i,:])
     self.trajectory = X
     self.R = mm(X_norm, tp(X_norm)) / (N-M+1)
     self.cov = np.cov(X)
     # eigen stuff, Principal components
     self.evals, self.evecs = npla.eig(self.R)
     self.PC = mm(tp(self.evecs), X_norm)
     # scale this to unbias it, convolution end points are based on fewer additions
     for col in range(M):
         # use convolution to get reconstructed components
         RCconv = np.convolve(self.PC[:,col],self.evecs)
         if col<M-1:
         elif col<N-M+1:
         elif col<N:
     assert (np.sum(np.abs(np.sum(RC,axis=0) - ts)) < 0.001).all(), "Reconstruction failed"
def getUpdatedCovariance(I, K, H, P):
    res = mm(K, H)
    res = I - res
    res = mm(res, P)
    return res
def getUpdate(K, y):
    return mm(K, y)
def getInnovation(z, H, x):
    return z - mm(H, x)
def getKGain(P, H, S):
    res = mm(P, transpose(H))
    res = mm(res, la.pinv(S))
    return res
def getNewX(A, x):
    return mm(A, x)
Exemplo n.º 22
def normalize_columns(X):
    return mm(X, np.diag(1. / (np.sqrt(np.sum(a**2, axis=0)) + 1e-6)))
Exemplo n.º 23
Batch_size = 64  # Batch size
Q = 1000  # Input size
S = 100  # Number of neurons
a = 10  # Network output size
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
a0 = torch.randn(Batch_size, Q, device=device, dtype=dtype)
t = torch.randn(Batch_size, a, device=device, dtype=dtype)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
w1 = torch.randn(Q, S, device=device, dtype=dtype)
w2 = torch.randn(S, a, device=device, dtype=dtype)
learning_rate = 1e-6
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
for index in range(10):
    n1 = (w1 * a0[index])
    a1 = n1 if n1 > 0 else 0
    n2 = np.mm(w2.t, a1)
    a2 = n2
    loss = (a2 - t).pow(2).sum()
    print(index, loss)

    #     h = p.mm(w1)  #### Matmul
    #     h_relu = h.clamp(min=0)  ### Clamps everything to min of
    #     a_net = h_relu.mm(w2) #Purelin output

    #     loss = (a_net - t).pow(2).sum()
    #     print(index, loss)

    grad_y_pred = 2.0 * (a2 - t)
    grad_w2 = a2.t().m, (grad_y_pred)  ## .t() flips a 2D array
    grad_h_relu = grad_y_pred.mm(w2.t())
    grad_h = grad_h_relu.clone()
def main():
    # Independent material properties for Scotchply 1002 in US units
    E11 = 5.6 * (10**6)  # psi
    E22 = 1.2 * (10**6)  # psi
    V12 = 0.26  # unit-less
    V21 = (V12 * E22) / E11  # unit-less
    G12 = 0.6 * (10**6)  # psi

    # Typical strengths of Scotchply 1002 in US units
    SLt = 154 * (10**3)  # psi
    SLc = 88.5 * (10**3)  # psi
    STt = 4.5 * (10**3)  # psi
    STc = 17.1 * (10**3)  # psi
    SLTs = 10.4 * (10**3)  # psi

    # Tsai-Wu Coefficients
    F11 = 1 / (SLt * SLc)
    F22 = 1 / (STt * STc)
    F12 = (-1 / 2) * math.sqrt(F11 * F22)
    F66 = 1 / (SLTs**2)
    F1 = (1 / SLt) - (1 / SLc)
    F2 = (1 / STt) - (1 / STc)

    # [Nxx, Nyy, Nxy, Mxx, Myy, Mxy] in lb/in & in-lb/in
    stress_resultant = np.array([[1000], [0], [0], [0], [0], [0]])

    # Enter a desired ply orientation angles in degrees here:
    angle_in_degrees = [
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 45, -45, 90, 90, 90,
        90, -45, 45, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
    # angle_in_degrees = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,45,-45,45,-45,45,-45,90,90,90,90,-45,45,-45,45,-45,45,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
    # angle_in_degrees = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,45,-45,45,-45,45,-45,45,-45,90,90,90,90,-45,45,-45,45,-45,45,-45,45,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
    # angle_in_degrees = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,45,-45,45,-45,45,-45,45,-45,45,-45,90,90,90,90,-45,45,-45,45,-45,45,-45,45,-45,45,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
    # angle_in_degrees = [0,0,0,0,0,0,45,-45,45,-45,45,-45,45,-45,45,-45,90,90,90,90,90,90,90,90,-45,45,-45,45,-45,45,-45,45,-45,45,0,0,0,0,0,0]
    # angle_in_degrees = [0,0,45,-45,45,-45,45,-45,45,-45,45,-45,45,-45,45,-45,45,-45,90,90,90,90,-45,45,-45,45,-45,45,-45,45,-45,45,-45,45,-45,45,-45,45,0,0]

    N = len(angle_in_degrees)  # number of plies
    t_ply = 0.005  # ply thickness in m
    h = t_ply * N

    # Number of at each angle
    n_0 = angle_in_degrees.count(0)
    n_45 = 2 * angle_in_degrees.count(
        45)  # Using symmetry to save on processing resources
    n_90 = angle_in_degrees.count(90)

    # Actual percentages of each ply group
    n_0_percent = n_0 / N
    n_45_percent = n_45 / N
    n_90_percent = n_90 / N

    # Distance from laminate mid-plane to out surfaces of plies)
    z0 = -h / 2
    z = [0] * (N)
    for i in range(N):
        z[i] = (-h / 2) + ((i + 1) * t_ply)

    # Distance from laminate mid-plane to mid-planes of plies
    z_mid_plane = [0] * N
    for i in range(N):
        z_mid_plane[i] = (-h / 2) - (t_ply / 2) + ((i + 1) * t_ply)

    # Ply orientation angle translated to radians to simplify equations below
    angle = [0] * N
    for i in range(N):
        angle[i] = math.radians(angle_in_degrees[i])

    # Stress Transformation (Global to Local), pg 112
    T = [0] * N
    for i in range(N):
        T[i] = np.array([[
            sin(angle[i])**2, 2 * sin(angle[i]) * cos(angle[i])
                             -2 * sin(angle[i]) * cos(angle[i])
                             -sin(angle[i]) * cos(angle[i]),
                             sin(angle[i]) * cos(angle[i]),
                             cos(angle[i])**2 - sin(angle[i])**2

    # Strain Transformation (Global-to-Local), pg 113
    T_hat = [0] * N
    for i in range(N):
        T_hat[i] = np.array([[
            sin(angle[i]) * cos(angle[i])
        ], [
            cos(angle[i])**2, -sin(angle[i]) * cos(angle[i])
                                 -2 * sin(angle[i]) * cos(angle[i]),
                                 2 * sin(angle[i]) * cos(angle[i]),
                                 cos(angle[i])**2 - sin(angle[i])**2

    # The local/lamina compliance matrix, pg 110
    S11 = 1 / E11
    S12 = -V21 / E22
    S21 = -V12 / E11
    S22 = 1 / E22
    S33 = 1 / G12
    S = np.array([[S11, S12, 0], [S21, S22, 0], [0, 0, S33]])

    # The local/lamina stiffness matrix, pg 107
    Q_array = lg.inv(S)  # The inverse of the S matrix

    # The global/laminate stiffness and compliance matrices
    Q_bar_array = [0] * N
    for i in range(N):
        Q_bar_array[i] = mm(lg.inv(T[i]), mm(
            Q_array, T_hat[i]))  # The global/laminate stiffness matrix, pg 114

    A_array = [[0] * 3] * 3
    for i in range(N):
        A_array += Q_bar_array[i] * t_ply

    B_array = [[0] * 3] * 3
    for i in range(N):
        B_array += (1 / 2) * (Q_bar_array[i] * ((z[i]**2) -
                                                ((z[i] - t_ply)**2)))

    D_array = [[0] * 3] * 3
    for i in range(N):
        D_array += (1 / 3) * (Q_bar_array[i] * ((z[i]**3) -
                                                ((z[i] - t_ply)**3)))

    ABD_array = np.array([[
        A_array[0][0], A_array[0][1], A_array[0][2], B_array[0][0],
        B_array[0][1], B_array[0][2]
                              A_array[1][0], A_array[1][1], A_array[1][2],
                              B_array[1][0], B_array[1][1], B_array[1][2]
                              A_array[2][0], A_array[2][1], A_array[2][2],
                              B_array[2][0], B_array[2][1], B_array[2][2]
                              B_array[0][0], B_array[0][1], B_array[0][2],
                              D_array[0][0], D_array[0][1], D_array[0][2]
                              B_array[1][0], B_array[1][1], B_array[1][2],
                              D_array[1][0], D_array[1][1], D_array[1][2]
                              B_array[2][0], B_array[2][1], B_array[2][2],
                              D_array[2][0], D_array[2][1], D_array[2][2]

    ABD_inverse_array = lg.inv(ABD_array)

    # Calculating the mid-plane strains and curvatures
    mid_plane_strains_and_curvatures_array = mm(lg.inv(ABD_array),

    # Transforming numpy array into lists for ease of formatting
    Q = Q_array.tolist()
    Q_bar = [0] * N
    for i in range(N):
        Q_bar[i] = Q_bar_array[i].tolist()
    A = A_array.tolist()
    B = B_array.tolist()
    D = D_array.tolist()
    ABD_inverse = ABD_inverse_array.tolist()
    mid_plane_strains_and_curvatures = mid_plane_strains_and_curvatures_array.tolist(

    # Parsing the Mid-plane strains and curvatures apart
    mid_plane_strains = np.array([[mid_plane_strains_and_curvatures[0][0]],
    curvatures = np.array([[mid_plane_strains_and_curvatures[3][0]],

    # Global Strains at mid-plane of each ply
    global_strains = [[[0]] * 3] * N
    for i in range(N):
        global_strains[i] = mid_plane_strains + z_mid_plane[i] * curvatures

    # Global Stresses at mid-plane of each ply
    global_stresses = [[[0]] * 3] * N
    for i in range(N):
        global_stresses[i] = mm(Q_bar[i], global_strains[i])

    # Local strains
    local_strains = [[[0]] * 3] * N
    for i in range(N):
        local_strains[i] = mm(T_hat[i], global_strains[i])

    # Local stresses
    local_stresses = [[[0]] * 3] * N
    for i in range(N):
        local_stresses[i] = mm(Q, local_strains[i])

    # Define Tsai-Wu quadratic function coefficients (aR^2 + bR + cc = 0)
    a = [0] * N
    for i in range(N):
        a[i] = (F11 * (local_stresses[i][0]**2)) + (
            2 * F12 * local_stresses[i][0] * local_stresses[i][1]) + (
                F22 * (local_stresses[i][1]**2)) + (F66 *

    b = [0] * N
    for i in range(N):
        b[i] = (F1 * local_stresses[i][0]) + (F2 * local_stresses[i][1])

    cc = [-1] * N

    # Strength Ratios for Tsai-Wu Criteria
    R_1_array = [0] * N
    for i in range(N):
        R_1_array[i] = (-b[i] +
                        math.sqrt((b[i]**2) - 4 * a[i] * cc[i])) / (2 * a[i])

    R_2 = [0] * N
    for i in range(N):
        R_2[i] = (-b[i] - math.sqrt((b[i]**2) - 4 * a[i] * cc[i])) / (2 * a[i])

    R_1 = [0] * N
    for i in range(N):
        R_1[i] = R_1_array[i].tolist()
    R_TW = min(R_1)

    # Tsai-Wu critical loads
    N_TW_xxc = float(R_TW * stress_resultant[0])

    # Calculating E_xx
    E_xx = (A[0][0] / h) * (1 - ((A[0][1]**2) / (A[0][0] * A[1][1])))

    # Calculating ε_xx and ε_xxc
    e_xx = float((stress_resultant[0]) / (E_xx * h))
    e_xxc = float(e_xx * R_TW[0])

    # Printing Ply Group Percentages
    print('Percent n_0:' + format(n_0_percent, '>9.2f'))
    print('Percent n_45:' + format(n_45_percent, '>8.2f'))
    print('Percent n_90:' + format(n_90_percent, '>8.2f'))

    print("\n# of ply that fails first: " + str(R_1.index(min(R_1)) + 1))

    # Printing the Critical loads
        "\nThis is the calculated strain for first ply failure under Tsai-Wu:")
    print("ε_xx  = " + format(e_xx, '>8.5f'))

    # Printing the Strength Ratio for Tsai-Wu Failure
        "\nThis is the Strength Ratio for the first ply failure under Tsai-Wu Failure Criterion:"
    print("R_TW = " + str(np.round(R_TW[0], 3)))

    # Printing the Critical loads
    print("\nThis is the critical strain for first ply failure under Tsai-Wu:")
    print("ε_xxc = " + format(e_xxc, '>8.5f'))
Exemplo n.º 25
    def solve(self):
        """ Solve the finite horizon problem
        # Compute Pt[...] matrices
        self.Pt[self.N] = self.Qf
        for t in range(self.N, 0, -1):
            atpb = mm(mm(self.A.T, self.Pt[t]), self.B)
            mid = self.R + mm(mm(self.B.T, self.Pt[t]), self.B)
            self.Pt[t - 1] = self.Q + mm(mm(
                self.A.T, self.Pt[t]), self.A) - mm(mm(atpb, inv(mid)), atpb.T)

        # Compute Kt[...] matrices
        for t in range(0, self.N):
            atpb = mm(mm(self.B.T, self.Pt[t + 1]), self.A)
            mid = self.R + mm(mm(self.B.T, self.Pt[t + 1]), self.B)
            self.Kt[t] = -mm(inv(mid), atpb)

        # Compute optimal input and trajectory
        for t in range(0, self.N):
            self.Ut[t] = mm(self.Kt[t], self.Xt[t])
            self.Xt[t + 1] = mm(self.A, self.Xt[t]) + mm(self.B, self.Ut[t])
Exemplo n.º 26
def simxfrm(A,B): return mm(transpose(B),mm(A,B))
def simxfrmt(A,B): return mm(B,mm(A,transpose(B)))
Exemplo n.º 27
     seen_lm[lm_idx, k] = True
     # initialize mean
     r = z_tr[0, 0]
     bearing = z_tr[1, 0]
     lm_x_bar = bel_x + (r * cos(bearing + bel_theta))
     lm_y_bar = bel_y + (r * sin(bearing + bel_theta))
     lm_loc_estimates_x[lm_idx, k] = lm_x_bar
     lm_loc_estimates_y[lm_idx, k] = lm_y_bar
     # calculate jacobian
     diff_x = lm_x_bar - bel_x
     diff_y = lm_y_bar - bel_y
     H = np.array([[r * diff_x, r * diff_y], [-diff_y, diff_x]])
     H *= 1 / (r * r)
     # initialize covariance
     H_inv = mat_inv(H)
     sigma = mm(H_inv, mm(Q_t, np.transpose(H_inv)))
     lm_sig_i = 2 * lm_idx
     p_sig_i = 2 * k
     lm_uncertanties[lm_sig_i:lm_sig_i + 2,
                     p_sig_i:p_sig_i + 2] = sigma
     # default importance weight
     weight *= p0
     # measurement prediction
     lm_x_bar = lm_loc_estimates_x[lm_idx, k]
     lm_y_bar = lm_loc_estimates_y[lm_idx, k]
     diff_x = lm_x_bar - bel_x
     diff_y = lm_y_bar - bel_y
     q = (diff_x * diff_x) + (diff_y * diff_y)
     r = np.sqrt(q)
     bearing = arctan2(diff_y, diff_x) - bel_theta
Exemplo n.º 28
def simxfrmt(A,B): return mm(B,mm(A,transpose(B)))

def geigh(A,B):
Exemplo n.º 29
                bel_y = chi_bar_x[1, pt]
                bel_theta = chi_bar_x[2, pt]
                x_diff = lm_x[i] - bel_x
                y_diff = lm_y[i] - bel_y
                q = (x_diff * x_diff) + (y_diff * y_diff)
                Z_bar_t[0, pt] = np.sqrt(q)
                Z_bar_t[1, pt] = arctan2(y_diff, x_diff) - bel_theta
            Z_bar_t += chi_aug[-2:, :]
            z_hat = np.zeros((2, 1))
            for pt in range(two_L_bound):
                z_hat += weights_m[0, pt] * np.reshape(Z_bar_t[:, pt],
            S_t = np.zeros((2, 2))
            for pt in range(two_L_bound):
                meas_diff = np.reshape(Z_bar_t[:, pt], z_hat.shape) - z_hat
                S_t += weights_c[0, pt] * mm(meas_diff,
            sigma_t = np.zeros((3, 2))
            for pt in range(two_L_bound):
                state_diff = np.reshape(chi_bar_x[:, pt],
                                        mu_bar.shape) - mu_bar
                meas_diff = np.reshape(Z_bar_t[:, pt], z_hat.shape) - z_hat
                sigma_t += weights_c[0, pt] * mm(state_diff,

            # (get the true measurement for the given landmark)
            true_x = x_pos_true[0, t_step]
            true_y = y_pos_true[0, t_step]
            true_theta = theta_true[0, t_step]
            z_true = np.zeros(z_hat.shape)
            x_diff = lm_x[i] - true_x
            y_diff = lm_y[i] - true_y
Exemplo n.º 30
def mmultiply(left, right):
    return mm(left, right)
Exemplo n.º 31
    def kalman_filter(self):
        # for plotting
        self.plotter = Plotter(self.times)

        self.plotter.save_iteration_data(self, 0, None)
        self.plotter.x_cov_vals.append(self.sigma[1 , 1])
        for timestep in range(1,self.control_inputs.size):

            c_input = self.control_inputs[0 , timestep]
            c_input = np.reshape(c_input, (1,1))
            z = self.measurements[0 , timestep]

            # prediction
            mu_bar = mm(self.A, self.mu) + mm(self.B, c_input)
            sigma_bar = mm(self.A, mm(self.sigma, np.transpose(self.A))) + self.R
            self.plotter.x_cov_vals.append(sigma_bar[1 , 1])
            # correction
            c_transpose = np.transpose(self.C)
            matrix_one = mm(sigma_bar, c_transpose)
            matrix_two = mat_inv(mm(self.C, mm(sigma_bar, c_transpose)) + self.Q)
            k = mm(matrix_one, matrix_two)
            mu = mu_bar + mm(k, z - mm(self.C, mu_bar))
            sigma = mm(np.identity(k.shape[0]) - mm(k, self.C), sigma_bar)

            # update the model's belief for the next filter iteration
            self.mu = mu
            self.sigma = sigma

            self.plotter.save_iteration_data(self, timestep, k)
            self.plotter.x_cov_vals.append(sigma[1 , 1])
Exemplo n.º 32
def PPCA(Y_mat, d=20):
       Implements probabilistic PCA for data with missing values,
       using a factorizing distribution over hidden states and hidden observations.
           Y:   (N by D ) input numpy ndarray of data vectors
           d:   (  int  ) dimension of latent space
           dia: (boolean) if True: print objective each step
           ss: ( float ) isotropic variance outside subspace
           C:  (D by d ) C*C' + I*ss is covariance model, C has scaled principal directions as cols
           M:  (D by 1 ) data mean
           X:  (N by d ) expected states
           Ye: (N by D ) expected complete observations (differs from Y if data is missing)
           Based on MATLAB code from J.J. VerBeek, 2006. http://lear.inrialpes.fr/~verbeek
    Y = Y_mat.copy()
    N, D = shape(
    )  # N observations in D dimensions (i.e. D is number of features, N is samples)
    threshold = 1E-4  # minimal relative change in objective function to continue
    hidden = isnan(Y)
    missing = hidden.sum()

    if (missing > 0):
        M = nanmean(Y, axis=0)
        M = average(Y, axis=0)

    Ye = Y - repmat(M, N, 1)

    if (missing > 0):
        Ye[hidden] = 0

    # initialize
    C = normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=(D, d))
    CtC = mm(C.T, C)
    X = mm(mm(Ye, C), inv(CtC))
    recon = mm(X, C.T)
    recon[hidden] = 0
    ss = np.sum((recon - Ye)**2) / (N * D - missing)

    count = 1
    old = np.inf

    # EM Iterations
    while (count):
        Sx = inv(eye(d) + CtC / ss)  # E-step, covariances
        ss_old = ss
        if (missing > 0):
            proj = mm(X, C.T)
            Ye[hidden] = proj[hidden]

        X = mm(mm(Ye, C), Sx / ss)  # E-step: expected values

        SumXtX = mm(X.T, X)  # M-step
        C = mm(mm(mm(Ye.T, X), (SumXtX + N * Sx).T),
               inv(mm((SumXtX + N * Sx), (SumXtX + N * Sx).T)))
        CtC = mm(C.T, C)
        ss = (np.sum((mm(X, C.T) - Ye)**2) + N * np.sum(CtC * Sx) +
              missing * ss_old) / (N * D)
        # transform Sx determinant into numpy float128 in order to deal with high dimensionality
        Sx_det = np.min(Sx).astype(np.float64)**shape(Sx)[0] * det(
            Sx / np.min(Sx))
        objective = N * D + N * (D * log(ss) + tr(Sx) - log(Sx_det)) + tr(
            SumXtX) - missing * log(ss_old)

        rel_ch = np.abs(1 - objective / old)
        old = objective

        count = count + 1
        if (rel_ch < threshold and count > 5):
            count = 0
        # if (dia == True):
        #     print('Objective: %.2f, Relative Change %.5f' % (objective, rel_ch))

    # C = orth(C)
    # covM = cov(mm(Ye, C).T)
    # vals, vecs = eig(covM)
    # ordr = np.argsort(vals)[::-1]
    # vals = vals[ordr]
    # vecs = vecs[:, ordr]

    # C = mm(C, vecs)
    # X = mm(Ye, C)

    # add data mean to expected complete data
    Ye = Ye + repmat(M, N, 1)

    # return C, ss, M, X, Ye
    return Ye
def getCovariance(A, B, E):
    res = mm(A, B)
    res = mm(res, transpose(A))
    res = res + E
    return res
Exemplo n.º 34
def geigh(A,B):
    X = canorth(B)
    E,V = eigh(simxfrm(A,X))
    return E,mm(X,V)