Exemplo n.º 1
def YeoJohn(x, blambda):
    Does Yeo-Johnson power transformation on data x with parameter blambda

    x: 1D array
        one dimensional array of data
    blambda: float number
        power transformation parameter

    out: 1D array
        power transformation result
    out = array(x)
    if nany(x >= 0.0) and (blambda != 0.0):
        out[x >= 0.0] = ((((out[x >= 0.0] + 1.0)**(blambda)) - 1.0) / blambda)
    if (nany(x >= 0.0)) and (blambda == 0.0):
        out[x >= 0.0] = log(out[x >= 0.0] + 1.0)
    if (nany(x < 0.0)) and (blambda != 2.0):
        out[x < 0.0] = -((((1 - out[x < 0])**(2.0 - blambda)) - 1.0) /
                         (2.0 - blambda))
    if (nany(x < 0.0)) and (blambda == 2.0):
        out[x < 0.0] = -log(1.0 - out[x < 0.0])
    return out
Exemplo n.º 2
def YeoJohnInv(x, blambda):
    Does inverse Yeo-Johnson power transformation on data x with parameter blambda

    x: 1D array
        one dimensional array of data
    blambda: float number
        power transformation parameter

    out: 1D array
        inverse power transformation result
    out = array(x)
    if (nany(x >= 0.0)) and (blambda != 0.0):
        out[x >= 0.0] = (
            (out[x >= 0.0] * blambda + 1.0)**(1.0 / blambda)) - 1.0
    if (nany(x >= 0.0)) and (blambda == 0.0):
        out[x >= 0.0] = exp(out[x >= 0.0]) - 1.0
    if (nany(x < 0.0)) and (blambda != 2.0):
        out[x < 0.0] = 1.0 - ((1.0 - out[x < 0.0] *
                               (2.0 - blambda))**(1.0 / (2.0 - blambda)))
    if (nany(x < 0.0)) and (blambda == 2.0):
        out[x < 0.0] = 1.0 - exp(-out[x < 0.0])
    return out
Exemplo n.º 3
def Hurst(x):
    Calculates Hurst exponent, long term memory in array. For random walk
    process it cloes to 0.5. For non-stationary data it goes above 1. For
    data with any periodic pattern Hurst exponent lies in between interval

    x: 1D array
        one dimensional array

    hexp: float
        Hurst exponent value, normally it lays in interval [0,1]
    def half(N):  # halving segments indeces in N
        return sort(append(N, (N[:-1] + trunc((diff(N) + 1.0) / 2.0))))

    def rscalc(x):  # simple R/S Hurst exponent estimation
        y = cumsum(x - mean(x))
        R = max(y) - min(y)
        S = std(x, ddof=1)
        return R / S

        n = len(array(x))
    except Exception:
        n = 0
    if n >= 16:
        X = array(n)
        Y = array(rscalc(x))
        N = array([0, trunc(n / 2.0), n])
        #  calculating Hurst exponent for halved segments of x
        while min(diff(N)) >= 8:
            xl = []
            yl = []
            for i in range(1, len(N)):
                rs = rscalc(x[N[i - 1]:N[i]])
                xl.append((N[i] - N[i - 1]))
            xl = array(xl)
            yl = array(yl)
            X = append(X, mean(xl))
            Y = append(Y, mean(yl))
            N = half(N)
        if nany(isnan(Y)):
            X = X[~isnan(Y)]
            Y = Y[~isnan(Y)]
        X = column_stack((log(X), ones(len(X))))
        Y = log(Y)
        # linear regerssion between log(n) and log(R/S) values
        hexp = lstsq(X, Y)[0][0]
        if n > 0:
            hexp = rscalc(x)
            hexp = None
    return hexp
Exemplo n.º 4
 def plot_vb(self, pos, vbs, **args):
     from numpy import isnan
     from numpy import any as nany
     from numpy import diff
     cspan = args.get('cspan', 1)
     rspan = args.get('rspan', 1)
     self.ax = self.get_ax(pos, rspan=rspan, cspan=cspan)
     if vbs is not None and not nany(isnan(vbs)):
         len_vb = len(vbs)
         self.ax.plot(vbs, label='vbs')
         vb_df = diff(vbs)
         vb_df_neg_idx = arange(len(vb_df))[vb_df < 0] + 1
         vb_negs = vbs[vb_df_neg_idx]
         self.ax.plot(vb_df_neg_idx, vb_negs, 'rx', ms=10)
         for i, v in zip(vb_df_neg_idx, vb_negs):
             self.ax.text(i, v, '%d: %f' % (i, v), ha='right', va='top')
         x, y = len_vb - 1, vbs[-1]
         txt = 'Itr:%d,VB:%f' % (x, y)
         self.ax.plot(x, y, 'bo')
         self.ax.text(x, y, txt, fontsize='small', ha='right', va='top')
         xlim = (0, len_vb)
         ylim = (vbs.min(), vbs.max() + 10)
                      'No Variational Bound Values',
         xlim = (-10, 10)
         ylim = (-10, 10)
     title = 'variational bound'
     self._decos_grid(xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)
Exemplo n.º 5
def CalcOnGroups(div_groups, func_calc, func_def=Median):
    Gives results of calculation of func_calc on divided groups of data
    div_groups: 2D array 
        two dimensional array of data
    func_calc: function name
        name of function to be used to calculate on div_groups rows
    func_def: function name
        name of function to be used to calculate on div_groups rows in case when func_calc is failed
    der_vals: 1D array
        derived values from div_groups using func_calc
    default_value = func_def(div_groups)
    der_vals = apply_along_axis(func_calc, 0, div_groups)
    if (nany(isnan(der_vals))):
        der_vals[where(isnan(der_vals))[0]] = default_value
    return der_vals
Exemplo n.º 6
def StatLen(itseries, iobs, xhint=False, xper=False, nchanges=None):
    Detecting stationary changes in time series itseries using different methods

    itseries: 1D array
        numpy array or other array that can be converted into numpy array

    iobs: integer
        number of observations per day

    xhint: boolean
        indices if data has bad behavior to treat with robust methods

    xper: boolean
        indices if data periodic or not to treat with less robust methods

    stati2: dictionary
        containing to numpy arrays named "strong" and "weak",
        "strong" has stationary change indeces with strong changes
        "weak" has stationary change indeces with weak changes
        "lambdas" Kolmogorov-Smirnov test lambda values found used KSValues method
    intseries = array(itseries)
    empty_array = empty(0, dtype=int)
    lchanges = empty_array
    l3dstat = 0
    trend_det = 0
    nobsi = intseries.size
    stati2 = {"strong": [0, (nobsi - 1)], "weak": [0, (nobsi - 1)]}
    obsi = iobs
    if ((nobsi - 2 * obsi) >= 0):
        rnch = int(round(nobsi / (3 * obsi)))
        rnch = 0
    if nchanges is not None and obsi >= 24:
        rnch = nchanges
    if rnch > 0:
        lchanges = MultipleChange(intseries, Q=rnch)
        if (lchanges.size < rnch) or (not xper):
            xchange = SingleChange(intseries)
            xchange = empty_array
        if not xper:
            if nobsi > 3 * obsi:
                trend_det = TestS(intseries[(nobsi - 2 * obsi):]) * TestS(intseries[(nobsi - obsi):])
                l3dstat = TestMV(intseries, (nobsi - obsi), obsi) + TestA(intseries, (nobsi - obsi), obsi)
            if (nobsi > (3 * obsi)) and (l3dstat > 0):
                lchanges0 = MultipleChange(intseries[(nobsi - 3 * obsi):], Q=3, robust=True)
                if lchanges0.size > 0:
                    lchanges0 = lchanges0 + (nobsi - 3 * obsi)
                lchanges0 = empty_array
            if (lchanges.size > 0) and (lchanges0.size > 0):
                dchanges = [nany((w - lchanges) < 3) for w in lchanges0]
                if sum(dchanges) > 0:
                    lchanges0 = lchanges0[~array(dchanges)]
            if lchanges0.size > 0:
                lchanges = sort(append(lchanges, lchanges0))
            if (lchanges.size == 0) and (lchanges0.size > 0):
                lchanges = lchanges0
            if (lchanges.size > 0) and (xchange.size > 0) and (min(abs(lchanges - xchange)) >= 3):
                lchanges = sort(append(lchanges, xchange))
                if (lchanges.size == 0) and (xchange.size > 0):
                    lchanges = xchange
            if (lchanges.size > 0) and (xchange.size > 0):
                if not nany(lchanges == xchange):
                    lchanges = sort(append(lchanges, xchange))
            if (lchanges.size == 0) and (xchange.size > 0):
                lchanges = xchange
    if (lchanges.size > 0):
        lchanges = sort(lchanges)
        if (trend_det > 0):
            lchanges = lchanges[lchanges <= (nobsi - obsi - 1)]
        ltest = array(map(lambda(w): TestA(intseries, w, obsi) + TestMV(intseries, w, obsi) + TestK(intseries, w, obsi, 2), lchanges))
        if xhint:
            kltest = array(map(lambda(w): TestK(intseries, w, obsi, 0), lchanges))
            kltest = array(map(lambda(w): TestK(intseries, w, obsi, 1), lchanges))
        if (not xhint) and nany(ltest > 0.19):
            stati2["strong"] = [0] + lchanges[ltest > 0.19].tolist() + [nobsi - 1]
        if (xhint) and nany(ltest > 0.06):
            stati2["strong"] = [0] + lchanges[ltest > 0.06].tolist() + [nobsi - 1]
        if nany(kltest > 0.06):
            stati2["weak"] = [0] + lchanges[kltest > 0.06].tolist() + [nobsi - 1]
    return stati2
def source_prob(config, ra, dec, zs, fluxes, flux_errs, ews_obs, ew_err, c_obs, which_color, 
                addl_fluxes, addl_fluxes_error, addl_line_names, flim_file, h=0.67, 
                ignore_noise=False, extended_output=False):
    Return P(LAE|DATA)/P(DATA) and P(DATA|LAE)P(LAE)/(P(DATA|OII)P(OII)) given 

    input information about the sources

    config : ConfigParser
        configuration object 
    ra, dec, zs, fluxes, flux_errs, ews_obs, ew_err, c_obs : array
        positions, redshifts (assuming LAE), line fluxes, errors on
        line fluxes, equivalent widths, errors on EW and colours 
        of the sources. (XXX Latter two not used!)
    which_color : str
        which colour is given. Colour not used! 
    addl_fluxes, addl_fluxes_error : 2D array
        each i of addl_fluxes[i, :] should correspond,
        in order, to the fluxes measured for each source
        for the emission line named at position i in
        addl_line_names. To not use set to None (not an
        array of None!)
    addl_line_names : array
        names of emission lines stored in addl_fluxes, in the 
        correct order (see above). To not use set to None 
        (not an array of None!)
    flim_file : str
        file containing the flux limits (here for
        compatibility with Leung+ 2016 style API, not
        used here) 
    h : float
        Hubbles constant/100
    ignore_noise : bool
        ignore the noise on the input
        parameters and assume they are
    extended_output : bool
        Return extended output

    prob_lae_given_data :
        probability source is an LAE
    prob_lae_given_data_justlum :
        if Extended = True, probability computed
        just from flux and redshift
        if Extended = True, probability computed
        just from flux, redshift and equivalent 
        if Extended = True, probability computed
        just from flux, redshift and the flux
        in other emission lines

    lae_ew = EquivalentWidthAssigner.from_config(config, 'LAE_EW')
    oii_ew = EquivalentWidthAssigner.from_config(config, "OII_EW")
    lf_lae = LuminosityFunction.from_config(config, "LAE_LF", ew_assigner=lae_ew)
    lf_oii = LuminosityFunction.from_config(config, "OII_LF")
    cosmo = generate_cosmology_from_config(config)

    oii_zlim = config.getfloat("General", "oii_zlim")

    _logger.info("Using Hubbles Constant of {:f}".format(h*100))

    interp_ew = True
    lae_ew_obs = InterpolatedParameter(config.get("InterpolatedEW", "lae_file"), "EW_BCENS")
    oii_ew_obs = InterpolatedParameter(config.get("InterpolatedEW", "oii_file"), "EW_BCENS")

    if ignore_noise:
        lae_ew_obs = lae_ew
        oii_ew_obs = oii_ew
        interp_ew = False

    oii_ew_max = config.getfloat("InterpolatedEW", "oii_ew_max")

    # Cast everything to arrays
    ra = array(ra)
    dec = array(dec)
    zs = array(zs)
    fluxes = array(fluxes)
    ews_obs = array(ews_obs)
    c_obs = array(c_obs)

    wls = (zs + 1.0)*config.getfloat("wavelengths", "LAE")
    zs_oii = wls/config.getfloat("wavelengths", "OII") - 1.0

    # Compute the volume elements 
    dvol_lae = return_delta_volume(wls, config.getfloat("wavelengths", "LAE"), cosmo, wl_lae=config.getfloat("wavelengths", "LAE"))
    dvol_oii = return_delta_volume(wls, config.getfloat("wavelengths", "OII"), cosmo, wl_lae=config.getfloat("wavelengths", "LAE") )

    # Remove source too close to be mistaken for LAEs and therefore removed
    # from catalogue (follows argument used for Leung+ 2017)
    dvol_oii[zs_oii < oii_zlim] = 0.0

    # EW factors
    ew_n_lae = return_ew_n(ews_obs, zs, lae_ew_obs, interp_ew = interp_ew)
    ew_n_oii = return_ew_n(ews_obs, zs_oii, oii_ew_obs, interp_ew = interp_ew)

    # Always LAE according to Leung+ (seems to be true in the sims, very, very rare for OII)
    # Might need to change if EW_ERR grows for OII
    ew_n_oii[ews_obs < 0.0] = 0.0
    ew_n_lae[ews_obs < 0.0] = 1.0

    # Upper limit of the OII EW tabulation - assume LAE
    ew_n_oii[ews_obs > oii_ew_max] = 0.0
    ew_n_lae[ews_obs > oii_ew_max] = 1.0

    # Luminosity function factors
    if ignore_noise:
        lf_n_lae = return_lf_n(fluxes, zs, lf_lae, cosmo)
        lf_n_oii = return_lf_n(fluxes, zs_oii, lf_oii, cosmo)
        fluxes_lae = InterpolatedParameter(config.get("InterpolatedFlux", "lae_file"), "FLUX_OBS_BCENS")
        fluxes_oii = InterpolatedParameter(config.get("InterpolatedFlux", "oii_file"), "FLUX_OBS_BCENS")

        lf_n_lae = lf_n_interp(fluxes, zs, lf_lae, fluxes_lae, cosmo) 
        lf_n_oii = lf_n_interp(fluxes, zs_oii, lf_oii, fluxes_oii, cosmo)

    # Add additional lines to classification probability (if they're there)
    n_lines_lae = 1.0
    n_lines_oii = 1.0
    if type(addl_line_names) != type(None):
        for line_name, taddl_fluxes, taddl_fluxes_errors in zip(addl_line_names, addl_fluxes[:], addl_fluxes_error[:]):
            tn_lines_lae, tn_lines_oii = n_additional_line(fluxes, flux_errs, taddl_fluxes, taddl_fluxes_errors, 
                                                           config.getfloat("RelativeLineStrengths", line_name), 

            if nany(tn_lines_lae < 0.0) or nany(tn_lines_oii < 0.0):
                dodgy_is = tn_lines_lae < 0.0
                _logger.warning(tn_lines_lae[dodgy_is], fluxes[dodgy_is], taddl_fluxes[dodgy_is], zs_oii[dodgy_is], line_name)
                _logger.warning("The line {:s} results in some negative probabilities".format(line_name))

            # Not an LAE or an OII?
            neither = (tn_lines_lae + tn_lines_oii) < 1e-30
            if nany(neither):
                _logger.warning("Source is neither OII or LAE based off of other emission lines")

            n_lines_lae *= tn_lines_lae
            n_lines_oii *= tn_lines_oii

    # Compute expected number based off of L and z
    nlae = lf_n_lae*dvol_lae
    noii = lf_n_oii*dvol_oii
    prob_lae_given_data_justlum = nlae/(nlae + noii)

    # Include EW information but not emission lines
    nlae_ew = nlae*ew_n_lae
    noii_ew = noii*ew_n_oii

    prob_lae_given_data_lum_ew = nlae_ew/(nlae_ew + noii_ew)

    # Include emission lines but not EW
    nlae_lines = nlae*n_lines_lae
    noii_lines = noii*n_lines_oii
    prob_lae_given_data_lum_lines = nlae_lines/(nlae_lines + noii_lines)

    # Include everything (default return)
    nlae = nlae*n_lines_lae*ew_n_lae
    noii = noii*n_lines_oii*ew_n_oii
    prob_lae_given_data = nlae/(nlae + noii)

    if not extended_output:
        return prob_lae_given_data
        #return prob_lae_given_data, prob_lae_given_data_justlum, prob_lae_given_data_lum_ew, prob_lae_given_data_lum_lines, ew_n_lae, ew_n_oii 
        return prob_lae_given_data, prob_lae_given_data_justlum, prob_lae_given_data_lum_ew, prob_lae_given_data_lum_lines
Exemplo n.º 8
    def integrate_lf_limits(self, config, ra, dec, zs, lmins, lmaxes, lambda_,
        Integrate the luminosity between specific
        flux limit. Sets huge normalisation value for non-physical 
        redshifts (i.e. deals with low redshift limits
        for OII and LAE)

        config : ConfigParser
            configuration object
        ra, dec, zs : array
            locations to integrate the LF, redshift
            to set the LF parameters
        lmins, lmaxes : float array
            arrays of limits, each row corresponds
            to ra, dec and zs
        lambda_ : float
            wavelength of line (for z -> wl conversion)

        range_integrals : array
            Integral of LF between lmin and lmax
        norms : array
            Integral of LF from flux limit up to

        # Luminosity limits
        wls = (1.0 + array(zs)) * lambda_

        # For flux limit need zs assuming LAE
        zlaes = wls / config.getfloat("wavelengths", "LAE") - 1.0

        llims = self.flims(zlaes) * (
            4.0 * pi * square(cosmo.luminosity_distance(zs).to('cm').value))

        if len(llims) == 1:
            if lmins < llims:
                raise TooFaintForLimitsException(
                    "There are Lmin values less than the limiting L")
            if nany(lmins < llims):
                _logger.error(len(lmins[lmins < llims]), lmins[lmins < llims],
                              llims[lmins < llims])
                raise TooFaintForLimitsException(
                    "There are Lmin values less than the limiting L")

        # If no flux errors included just integrate the luminosity function analytically
        if not self.flux_errors:

            # No need to do phi* and stuff here
            phistars = self.lf.phi_star_func(zs)
            lstars = self.lf.Lstars_func(zs)
            alphas = self.lf.alphas_func(zs)

            # Integrate gamma function
            range_integrals = zeros(len(alphas))
            norms = -99.0 * ones(len(alphas))

            # Sources out of range
            undetectable = (array(llims) < 0.1) | (array(zs) < 0.0)

            # Sources that are too bright to be likely candidates
            # (otherwise Gamma integral fails)
            undetectable = undetectable | (lmins / lstars >= 25.0)
            detectable = (array(llims) >= 0.1) & (array(zs) >= 0.0)

            # Get lmax from lf
            lmaxes_for_norm = self.lf.return_lmax_at_z(zs)

            # LMAX CHOICE NOT TESTED!!!
            norms[detectable] = phistars[detectable] * gamma_integral_limits(
                alphas[detectable] + 1, (llims / lstars)[detectable],
                (1000 * lmaxes_for_norm / lstars)[detectable])
            # Too bright to be likely
            not_too_bright_det = (lmins / lstars < 25.0) & detectable

            range_integrals[not_too_bright_det] = phistars[
                not_too_bright_det] * gamma_integral_limits(
                    alphas[not_too_bright_det] + 1.0,
                    (lmins / lstars)[not_too_bright_det],
                    (lmaxes / lstars)[not_too_bright_det])
            # Correct n-density for the EW
            if self.lf.ew_assigner:
                    detectable] *= self.lf.ew_assigner.classification_correction(
                    not_too_bright_det] *= self.lf.ew_assigner.classification_correction(

            return range_integrals, norms
            raise NotImplementedError()
Exemplo n.º 9
def source_prob(config,
    Return P(LAE) = P(LAE|DATA)/P(DATA) and evidence ratio P(DATA|LAE)P(LAE)/(P(DATA|OII)P(OII)) 
    given input information about the sources

    config : ConfigParser
        configuration object
    ra, dec, zs, fluxes, flux_errs, ews_obs, ew_err, c_obs : array
        positions, redshifts (assuming LAE), line fluxes, errors on
        line fluxes, equivalent widths, errors on EW and 
        colours of the sources (latter two not used!)
    which_color : str
        which colour is given 
    addl_fluxes, addl_fluxes_error : 2D array
        each i of addl_fluxes[i, :] should correspond,
        in order, to the fluxes measured for each source
        for the emission line named at position i in
        addl_line_names. To not use set to None (not an
        array of None!)
    addl_line_names : array
        names of emission lines stored in addl_fluxes, in the 
        correct order (see above). To not use set to None (not an array of None!)
    flim_file : str
        file containing the flux limits 
    h : float
        Hubbles constant/100
    extended_output : bool
        Return extended output

    posterior_odds, prob_lae_given_data : float arrays
        posterior_odds = P(DATA|LAE)P(LAE)/(P(DATA|OII)P(OII))

    lae_ew = EquivalentWidthAssigner.from_config(config, 'LAE_EW')
    oii_ew = EquivalentWidthAssigner.from_config(config, "OII_EW")
    lf_lae = LuminosityFunction.from_config(config,
    lf_oii = LuminosityFunction.from_config(config, "OII_LF")
    cosmo = generate_cosmology_from_config(config)

    oii_zlim = config.getfloat("General", "oii_zlim")

    _logger.info("Using Hubbles Constant of {:f}".format(cosmo.H0))

    # Cast everything to arrays
    ra = array(ra)
    dec = array(dec)
    zs = array(zs)
    fluxes = array(fluxes)
    ews_obs = array(ews_obs)
    c_obs = array(c_obs)

    zs_oii = (
        (zs + 1.0) * config.getfloat("wavelengths", "LAE")) / config.getfloat(
            "wavelengths", "OII") - 1.0

    # Probability of equivalent widths
    prob_ew_lae = ew_prob(ews_obs, zs, lae_ew)
    prob_ew_oii = ew_prob(ews_obs, zs_oii, oii_ew)

    # Deal with negative and huge EW as in Leung+ , negative or huge EW only for
    # really noisey continuum values which should be for LAEs
    prob_ew_lae[(ews_obs < 0.0) | (ews_obs > 5000.0)] = 1.0
    prob_ew_oii[(ews_obs < 0.0) | (ews_obs > 5000.0)] = 0.0

    # Add additional lines to classification probability
    prob_lines_lae = 1.0
    prob_lines_oii = 1.0
    if type(addl_line_names) != type(None):
        for line_name, taddl_fluxes, taddl_fluxes_errors in zip(
                addl_line_names, addl_fluxes[:], addl_fluxes_error[:]):

            rlstrgth = config.getfloat("RelativeLineStrengths", line_name)
            tprob_lines_lae, tprob_lines_oii = prob_additional_line(
                line_name, fluxes, flux_errs, taddl_fluxes,
                taddl_fluxes_errors, rlstrgth)

            if nany(tprob_lines_lae < 0.0) or nany(tprob_lines_oii < 0.0):
                    "Negative probability for line {:s}".format(line_name))
                #dodgy_is = tprob_lines_lae < 0.0
                #_logger.error(tprob_lines_lae[dodgy_is], fluxes[dodgy_is], taddl_fluxes[dodgy_is], zs_oii[dodgy_is], line_name)
                #raise NegativeProbException("The probability here is negative!")

            # Not an LAE or an OII?
            neither = (tprob_lines_lae + tprob_lines_oii) < 1e-30
            if nany(neither):
                    "Emission line {:s} doesn't look like it's from OII or LAE!"
                #_logger.error(fluxes[neither], flux_errs[neither], taddl_fluxes[neither], taddl_fluxes_errors[neither], zs_oii[neither], line_name)
                #raise UnrecognizedSourceException("Neither OII or LAE")

            prob_lines_lae *= tprob_lines_lae
            prob_lines_oii *= tprob_lines_oii

    # Carry out integrals of the luminosity function
    _logger.info('Computing OII posteriors')
    prob_flux_oii, noiis = luminosity_likelihoods(config,
                                                      "wavelengths", "OII"),
    _logger.info('Computing LAE posteriors')
    prob_flux_lae, nlaes = luminosity_likelihoods(config,
                                                      "wavelengths", "LAE"),

    # Compute the LAE/OII priors
    prior_oii = noiis / (nlaes + noiis)
    prior_lae = nlaes / (nlaes + noiis)

    prob_data_lae = prob_ew_lae * prob_flux_lae * prob_lines_lae
    prob_data_oii = prob_flux_oii * prob_ew_oii * prob_lines_oii

    # This section for test output
    #table = Table([prob_ew_lae, prob_flux_lae, prob_lines_lae, prob_ew_oii, prob_flux_oii, prob_lines_oii],
    #              names=["prob_ew_lae", "prob_flux_lae", "prob_lines_lae", "prob_ew_oii",
    #                     "prob_flux_oii", "prob_lines_oii"])

    # Remove anything with too low an OII redshift
    prob_data_oii[zs_oii < oii_zlim] = 0.0
    prior_oii[zs_oii < oii_zlim] = 0.0
    prior_lae[zs_oii < oii_zlim] = 1.0

    prob_data = prob_data_lae * prior_lae + prob_data_oii * prior_oii

    #print(prior_lae, prior_oii, prob_data_lae, prob_data_oii)

    # Ignore div0 errors
    posterior_odds = divide(prob_data_lae * prior_lae,
                            prob_data_oii * prior_oii)
    prob_lae_given_data = divide(prob_data_lae * prior_lae, prob_data)

    if nany(prob_lae_given_data < 0.0) or nany(isnan(prob_lae_given_data)):
        #dodgy_is = (prob_lae_given_data < 0.0) | isnan(prob_lae_given_data)
        #print(prob_lae_given_data[dodgy_is], prob_data_lae[dodgy_is], prob_data_oii[dodgy_is],
        #      prior_lae[dodgy_is], prior_oii[dodgy_is], prob_ew_lae[dodgy_is], prob_ew_oii[dodgy_is],
        #      ews_obs[dodgy_is], prob_lines_lae[dodgy_is], prob_lines_oii[dodgy_is], zs_oii[dodgy_is])
        #raise NegativeProbException("""The probability here is negative or NAN! Could be low-z OII (z<0.05) or weird
        #                               source neither OII or LAE!""")
        _logger.warning("Some sources appear to be neither LAE or OII!")

    # Not a chance it's OII
    posterior_odds[(prior_oii < 1e-80) | (prob_data_oii < 1e-80)] = 1e32
    prob_lae_given_data[(prior_oii < 1e-80) | (prob_data_oii < 1e-80)] = 1.0

    if not extended_output:
        return posterior_odds, prob_lae_given_data
        return posterior_odds, prob_lae_given_data, prob_data_lae, prob_data_oii, prior_lae, prior_oii
Exemplo n.º 10
def luminosity_likelihoods(config,
    Return likelihoods based off of the flux and redshift of an object. Also return
    the expected number density of objects at that redshift (+/- 4AA).

    config : ConfigParser
        configuration object
    ras, decs, zs, fluxes : array
        Source properties. zs are true redshifts 
        (i.e. not the inferred LAE ones)
    lf : line_classification.lfs_ews.luminosity_function:LuminosityFunction
        a luminosity function to integrate
    flim_file : str
        path to a file containing the flux limits. Used
        to set luminosity function integral faint limits
    cosmo : astropy.cosmology:FLRW
        an astropy cosmology object to deal with
    delta_l : float (Optional)
        percentage range of luminosity integral (set
        to +/-5% based off Leung+ 2016

    prob_flux : array
        P(flux|LF) the probability that an
        observed flux in the range 1 +- delta_l 
        was drawn from a LF
    n_expected : array
        The expected number of sources in a wavelength 
        slice +/- 4A around its wavelength (value to roughly match
        what Andrew Leung used) (assuming 1 steradian of sky)

    # Grab cosmology from luminosity function
    wl = lambda_ * (1.0 + array(zs))
    zlaes = wl / config.getfloat("wavelengths", "LAE") - 1.0

    # Has to be LAE redshift
    Ls = 4.0 * pi * square(
        cosmo.luminosity_distance(zs).to('cm').value) * fluxes

    # Class to integrate the luminosity function
    lf_inter = LFIntegrator(lf, flim_file)

    # 5% range from Andrew Leung's work
    lupper = (1.0 + delta_l) * Ls
    llower = (1.0 - delta_l) * Ls

    # Don't let range drop below Lmin
    llims = lf_inter.flims(zlaes) * (
        4.0 * pi * square(cosmo.luminosity_distance(zs).to('cm').value))
    out_of_range_is = llower < llims

    # Set lower limit to flux limit and add missing range to upper limit
    if nany(out_of_range_is):
        lrange = lupper[out_of_range_is] - llower[out_of_range_is]
        lupper[out_of_range_is] = llims[out_of_range_is] + lrange
        llower[out_of_range_is] = 1.0001 * llims[out_of_range_is]

    lf_ints, ns = lf_inter.integrate_lf_limits(config, ras, decs, zs, llower,
                                               lupper, lambda_, cosmo)

    # P(flux|LF)
    prob_flux = lf_ints / ns

    # Undetectable stuff
    prob_flux[ns < -98] = 0.0
    ns[ns < -98] = 0.0

    if nany(prob_flux < 0.0):
        dodges_is = prob_flux < 0.0
        _logger.error("zs, L_lower  L_upper  LF_Integral  Norm")
        _logger.error(zs[dodges_is], llower[dodges_is], lupper[dodges_is],
                      lf_ints[dodges_is], ns[dodges_is])
        raise NegativeProbException("The probability here is negative!")

    # Now derive the expected number of sources in the wavelength slices
    zmins = (wl - 4.0) / lambda_ - 1.0
    zmaxes = (wl + 4.0) / lambda_ - 1.0
    vols = cosmo.comoving_volume(zmaxes).to(
        'Mpc3').value - cosmo.comoving_volume(zmins).to('Mpc3').value

    n_expected = vols * ns

    # for testing
    #for a, b, c, d in zip(ns, vols, zmins, zmaxes)[:10]:
    #    print(a, b, c, d, lambda_)

    return prob_flux, n_expected
Exemplo n.º 11
def Predicter(norm_times,
    Gives prediction based one day dynamic threshold for a data pair points provided in
    norm_times and norm_data

    norm_times: 1D array
        one dimensional array of timestamps with fixed step, i.e. timestamps of some timeseries

    norm_data: 1D array
        one dimensional array of values with fixed step, i.e. values of some timeseries

    is_positive: boolean
        indicates if data is non-negative or not

    trend_only: boolean
        indicates if only trend should be predicted or not

    psense: string
        confidence level, i.e. sensitivity, possible values are "low", "medium", "high"

    x_forecast: numpy array
        array containing 3 columns with timestamps, lower and upper bounds
    last_day = daytrunc(norm_times[-1])
    delta_t = norm_times[1] - norm_times[0]
    obsi = ceil((24 * 60 * 60) / delta_t)
    pred_dates = arange((norm_times[-1] + delta_t),
                        (last_day + 2.0 * 24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0), delta_t)
    pred_dates = pred_dates - (24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0)
    linear_prediction = {
            (pred_dates, zeros(pred_dates.size), zeros(pred_dates.size))),
    nahead = pred_dates.size
    mlambda = BCLambda(norm_data)
    linmod = TSLM(YeoJohn(norm_data, mlambda), obsi, trend_only=trend_only)
    pred_reliab = sqrt(linmod.rsquared_adj)
    x_forecast = PredictLM(linmod,
    x_forecast = apply_along_axis(lambda (w): YeoJohnInv(w, mlambda), 1,
    if nany(isnan(x_forecast[:, 1])) or nany(isnan(x_forecast[:, 3])):
        if (sum(~isnan(x_forecast[:, 0])) >
                1) and (sum(~isnan(x_forecast[:, 4])) > 1):
            divx = x_forecast[:, 4] - x_forecast[:, 0]
            divm = array([])
            if sum(isnan(x_forecast[:, 2])) == 0:
                divm = x_forecast[:, 2]
                if sum(isnan(x_forecast[:, 1])) == 0:
                    divm = x_forecast[:, 1]
                    if sum(isnan(x_forecast[:, 3])) == 0:
                        divm = x_forecast[:, 3]
            if sum(isnan(divx)) > 0:
                divm0 = divm[~isnan(divx)]
                divx0 = divx[~isnan(divx)]
                divm0 = divm
                divx0 = divx
            div_lm = OLS(divx0, add_constant(divm0)).fit()
            divx_est = div_lm.params[0] + div_lm.params[1] * divm
            if nany(isnan(divx)):
                divx[isnan(divx)] = divx_est[isnan(divx)]
            if nany(isnan(x_forecast[:, 0])):
                naninds = where(isnan(x_forecast[:, 0]))[0]
                x_forecast[naninds, 0] = x_forecast[naninds, 4] - divx[naninds]
            if nany(isnan(x_forecast[:, 4])):
                naninds = where(isnan(x_forecast[:, 4]))[0]
                x_forecast[naninds, 4] = x_forecast[naninds, 0] + divx[naninds]
            if (sum(isnan(x_forecast[:, 0])) == sum(isnan(
                    x_forecast[:, 2]))) and (sum(isnan(x_forecast[:, 4]))
                                             == sum(isnan(x_forecast[:, 2]))):
                div_low1 = x_forecast[:, 1]
                div_low2 = x_forecast[:, 0]
                if sum(isnan(div_low2)) > 0:
                    div_low10 = div_low1[~isnan(div_low2)]
                    div_low20 = div_low2[~isnan(div_low2)]
                    div_low10 = div_low1
                    div_low20 = div_low2
                div_lm_low = OLS(div_low20, add_constant(div_low10)).fit()
                upper_est = (x_forecast[:, 3] -
                             div_lm_low.params[0]) / div_lm_low.params[1]
                div_up1 = x_forecast[:, 4]
                div_up2 = x_forecast[:, 3]
                if sum(isnan(div_low2)) > 0:
                    div_up10 = div_up1[~isnan(div_up2)]
                    div_up20 = div_up2[~isnan(div_up2)]
                    div_up10 = div_up1
                    div_up20 = div_up2
                div_lm_up = OLS(div_up20, add_constant(div_up10)).fit()
                lower_est = (x_forecast[:, 1] -
                             div_lm_up.params[0]) / div_lm_up.params[1]
                if nany(isnan(x_forecast[:, 4])):
                    naninds_up = where(isnan(x_forecast[:, 4]))[0]
                    x_forecast[naninds_up, 4] = upper_est[naninds_up]
                if nany(isnan(x_forecast[:, 0])):
                    naninds_low = where(isnan(x_forecast[:, 0]))[0]
                    x_forecast[naninds_low, 0] = lower_est[naninds_low]
    x_forecast = delete(x_forecast, (1, 2, 3), 1)
    if is_positive:
        if nany(x_forecast[:, 0] < 0):
            x_forecast[x_forecast[:, 0] < 0, 0] = 0.0
        if nany(x_forecast[:, 1] < 0):
            x_forecast[x_forecast[:, 1] < 0, 1] = 0.0
    x_forecast = column_stack((pred_dates, x_forecast))
    if trend_only:
        x_forecast = x_forecast[-obsi:, ]
    linear_prediction = {"thresholds": x_forecast, "reliability": pred_reliab}
    return linear_prediction
Exemplo n.º 12
def BadInd(norm_times, norm_data, real_times, change_inds, xhint=False):
    Checks if some days in a data can be removed to have stationary data

    norm_times: 1D array
        one dimensional array of timestamps with fixed step, i.e. timestamps of some timeseries

    norm_data: 1D array
        one dimensional array of values with fixed step, i.e. values of some timeseries

    real_times: 1D array
        one dimensional array of timestamps of raw data

    change_inds: 1D array
        indices of stationary changes

    xhint: boolean
        indicates if data is highly unstable or not

    erase_inf: dictionary of 2 numpy arrays
        numpy array named "indices" is indeces in raw data to be removed
        numpy array named "stat" is indeces of new stationary change points, can be empty
    nobsi = norm_data.size
    delta_t = norm_times[2] - norm_times[1]
    obsi = ceil(24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0 / delta_t)
    schanges = change_inds
    erase_inf = {"indices": [], "stat": schanges}
    if len(schanges) > 0:
        binds = where(diff(schanges) < obsi)[0]
        if len(binds) > 0:
            erase_inds = array([])
            rerase_inds = array([])
            chmark = ones(len(binds))
            for i in range(len(binds)):
                if ((schanges[binds[i]] + 1 + obsi) < (nobsi - obsi)):
                    chts = delete(
                        arange(schanges[binds[i]] + 1,
                               schanges[binds[i]] + 1 + obsi))
                    chts = delete(
                        arange(schanges[binds[i]] + 1,
                               schanges[binds[i] + 1] - 1))
                if TestK(chts, schanges[binds[i]], obsi, 2) == 0:
                    chmark[i] = TestA(chts, schanges[binds[i]], obsi) + TestMV(
                        chts, schanges[binds[i]], obsi)
                    chmark[i] = 0.2
                if (not xhint) and (chmark[i] == 0.1):
                    chmark[i] = 0
                if (chmark[i] < 0.06):
                    if ((schanges[binds[i]] + obsi + 1) <= nobsi):
                        erase_inds = append(
                                   (schanges[binds[i]] + obsi)))
                        erase_inds = append(erase_inds,
                                            arange(schanges[binds[i]], nobsi))
                    remdate = real_times[max(
                            real_times <= norm_times[schanges[binds[i]]])[0])]
                    rerase_inds = append(
                        where(((real_times <= (remdate + 24 * 60 * 60)) &
                               (real_times > remdate)))[0])
            erase_inds = unique(erase_inds)
            rerase_inds = unique(rerase_inds)
            if nany(chmark < 0.06):
                temp_inds = binds[where(chmark < 0.06)[0]]
                temp_inds = append(temp_inds, (temp_inds + 1))
                schanges = delete(schanges, temp_inds)
            erase_stat = intersect1d(erase_inds, schanges)
            if (len(erase_stat) > 0):
                schanges = setdiff1d(schanges,
                                     erase_stat)  # damn asymetric setdiff!
            erase_inf["indices"] = rerase_inds
            erase_inf["stat"] = schanges
    return erase_inf