Exemplo n.º 1
def _convert_to_onehot(labels):
    # use the original numpy functions
    from numpy import zeros as nzeros
    from numpy import arange as narange
    # to one-hot
    new_labels = nzeros((labels.size, labels.max() + 1))
    new_labels[narange(labels.size), labels] = 1.
    return new_labels
def calculateTripleFrequency(remainder, strobe):
    a = np.array([1., 2., 3.])
    remainder1 = remainder.copy()
    remainder2 = remainder1.copy() - 0.6
    strobeLen = strobe.shape[1]
    aLen = a.shape[1]
    fre_1 = nzeros([strobeLen, aLen], dtype=float)
    for i in narange(1., (strobeLen) + 1):
        for j in narange(1., (aLen) + 1):
            fre_1[int(i) - 1, int(j) - 1] = ndot(strobe[int(i) - 1],
                                                 a[int(j) - 1])

    t = np.shape(fre_1)
    iter = 1.
    remainder2Len = remainder2.shape[1]
    freq_plus = nzeros([t[0, 0] * t[0, 1], remainder2Len])
    freq_minus = nzeros([t[0, 0] * t[0, 1], remainder2Len])
    freq_plus_shift_negative1 = nzeros([t[0, 0] * t[0, 1], remainder2Len])
    freq_plus_shift_negative2 = nzeros([t[0, 0] * t[0, 1], remainder2Len])

    for i in narange(1., (t[0, 0]) + 1):
        for j in narange(1., (t[0, 1]) + 1):
            fre_11 = fre_1[int(i) - 1, int(j) - 1].copy()
            remainder_1 = remainder2[int(i) - 1, :].copy()
            for k in narange(1., remainder2Len + 1):
                if remainder_1[0, int(k) - 1] > 0.:
                    freq_plus[int(iter) - 1, int(k) -
                              1] = fre_11 + remainder_1[0, int(k) - 1]
                    freq_minus[int(iter) - 1, int(k) -
                               1] = fre_11 - remainder_1[0, int(k) - 1]
                        int(iter) - 1, int(k) -
                        1] = fre_11 + 30. - remainder_1[0, int(k) - 1]
                        int(iter) - 1, int(k) -
                        1] = fre_11 - 30. - remainder_1[0, int(k) - 1]

            iter = iter + 1.

    est_fre = np.vstack((freq_plus, freq_minus, freq_plus_shift_negative1,
    frequency1 = nround(est_fre)
    frequency2 = nfloor(est_fre)
    return [frequency1, frequency2]
def checkValidity_MultiFrquency(X1, Y1, f1, NFFT1):
    d1_list = []
    d2_list = []
    g2_list = []

    peak1 = np.sort(findPeakPyVersion((2. * X1[0:int(NFFT1 / 2. + 1.)])),
    peak1Len = peak1.shape[1]
    chk_val1 = nzeros([peak1Len, 1])
    index1 = nzeros([peak1Len, 1])
    for i in narange(1., (peak1Len + 1)):
        chk_val1[int(i) -
                 1, :] = peak1[int(i) - 1] / (nmean(peak1[int(i):peak1Len]))
        if chk_val1[int(i) - 1, :] > 2.:
            index1[int(i) - 1, :] = np.nonzero(
                X1[0:NFFT1 / 2. + 1.] == peak1[:, int(i) - 1] / 2.)
            d1_list.append(f1[index1[int(i) - 1, :]])

    mean1 = nmean(peak1[0:peak1Len])
    k = 1.
    peak2 = np.sort(findPeakPyVersion((2. * Y1[0:NFFT1 / 2. + 1.])), 'descend')
    peak2Len = peak2.shape[1]
    chk_val = nzeros([peak2Len, 1])
    index2 = nzeros([peak2Len, 1])
    for i in narange(1., peak2Len):
        chk_val[int(i) -
                1, :] = peak2[0, int(i) - 1] / nmean(peak2[int(i):peak2Len])
        if chk_val[int(i) - 1, :] > 3.:
            g2_list.append(chk_val[int(i) - 1, :])
            index2[int(i) - 1, :] = np.nonzero(
                (Y1[0:NFFT1 / 2. + 1.] == peak2[:, int(i) - 1] / 2.))
            d2_list.append(f1[index2[int(i) - 1, :]])

    d2 = np.array([d2_list])
    d1 = np.array([d1_list])
    g2 = np.array([g2_list])

    if g2 >= 0.:
        g1 = nmean(g2)
        g1 = nmean(g2)

    return [g1, d1, d2]
def calculateFrequency(d11, z):
    colSize = d11.shape[1]
    diff = nzeros([3, colSize], dtype=float)
    diff[0, :] = nabs(nround(
        (d11[int((z - 3.)) - 1] - d11[int((z - 2.)) - 1])))
    diff[1, :] = nabs(nround(
        (d11[int((z - 2.)) - 1] - d11[int((z - 1.)) - 1])))
    diff[2, :] = nabs(nround((d11[int((z - 1.)) - 1] - d11[int(z) - 1])))
    w = scp.stats.mode(diff)
    return w
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: map.py Projeto: reims/wesen
 def _DelObject(self, _id):
     """Removes an object from the VBO"""
     if self._vbo is None:
     index = self._indices[_id]
     num_values = type(self).__num_values
     del self._indices[_id]
     if not (index == self._max_index):
         self._max_index -= 1
     self._vbo[index * num_values : (index + 1) * num_values] = nzeros(num_values, "f")
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: map.py Projeto: reims/wesen
 def _DelObject(self, _id):
     """Removes an object from the VBO"""
     if self._vbo is None:
     index = self._indices[_id]
     num_values = type(self).__num_values
     del self._indices[_id]
     if not (index == self._max_index):
         self._max_index -= 1
     self._vbo[index * num_values:(index + 1) * num_values] = nzeros(
         num_values, "f")
def velocityPendCenter(pend_centers):
    time = 1. / 30.
    [r, c] = np.shape(pend_centers)
    VelocityMarker = nzeros([r, c], dtype=float)
    for i in narange(2., (r) + 1):
        VelocityMarker[int(i) - 1, int((c - 1.)) - 1] = (
            pend_centers[int(i) - 1, int((c - 1.)) - 1] - pend_centers[int(
                (i - 1.)) - 1, int((c - 1.)) - 1]) / time
        VelocityMarker[int(i) - 1, int(c) -
                       1] = (pend_centers[int(i) - 1, int(c) - 1] -
                                 (i - 1.)) - 1, int(c) - 1]) / time

    return VelocityMarker
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: map.py Projeto: reims/wesen
 def _BuildData(self, descriptor):
     """Builds data array from scratch and creates VBO object"""
     if len(descriptor) == 0:
     num_objects = len(descriptor)
     values_per_object = len(self.__descToArray(descriptor[0]))
     self._data_size = 2 ** ceil(log(num_objects, 2))
     self._data = nzeros(self._data_size * values_per_object, "f")
     self._indices = {}
     for i, obj in enumerate(descriptor):
         _id = obj["id"]
         values = self.__descToArray(obj)
         for j, v in enumerate(values):
             self._data[i * values_per_object + j] = v
         self._indices[_id] = i
     self._empty_indices = []
     self._max_index = num_objects - 1
     self._vbo = vbo.VBO(
         self._data, usage=GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW, target=GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, size=self._data_size * values_per_object * 4
     self._dirty_objects = {}
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: map.py Projeto: reims/wesen
 def _BuildData(self, descriptor):
     """Builds data array from scratch and creates VBO object"""
     if len(descriptor) == 0:
     num_objects = len(descriptor)
     values_per_object = len(self.__descToArray(descriptor[0]))
     self._data_size = 2**ceil(log(num_objects, 2))
     self._data = nzeros(self._data_size * values_per_object, "f")
     self._indices = {}
     for i, obj in enumerate(descriptor):
         _id = obj["id"]
         values = self.__descToArray(obj)
         for j, v in enumerate(values):
             self._data[i * values_per_object + j] = v
         self._indices[_id] = i
     self._empty_indices = []
     self._max_index = num_objects - 1
     self._vbo = vbo.VBO(self._data,
                         size=self._data_size * values_per_object * 4)
     self._dirty_objects = {}
Exemplo n.º 10
 def zeros(N, dtype="float", bytes=16):
     return pyfftw.n_byte_align(nzeros(N, dtype=dtype), bytes)
def mfreq_simulate2(frequency):
    nfreq = 4.
    nsampl = 33.
    sampling_option = 0.
    cam_fps = 15.
    prime1 = np.array([
        61., 67., 71., 73., 79., 83., 89., 97., 101., 103., 107., 109., 113.,
        127., 131., 137., 139., 149., 151., 157., 163., 167., 173., 179., 181.,
        191., 193., 197., 199., 211., 223., 227., 229.
    sFile = open('strobe_file.txt', 'w+')
    freq = np.random.rand(1., nfreq)
    frequencies = np.array([70., 100., 170., 230.])
    if sampling_option == 1.:
        sampling = nzeros([nsampl])
        for i in narange(1., (nsampl) + 1):
            stri = "give" + str(i) + "th frequency of strobe"
            print stri
            sampling[int(i) - 1] = float(raw_input())

        sampling = prime1.copy()

    print sampling
    remainder = nzeros([int(nfreq), int(nsampl)])
    remainder2 = remainder.copy()
    for j in narange(1., (nsampl) + 1):
        for i in narange(1., (nfreq) + 1):
            if nmod(
                        nmod(frequencies[int(i) - 1], sampling[int(j) - 1]),
                        (sampling[int(j) - 1] - nmod(frequencies[int(i) - 1],
                                                     sampling[int(j) - 1]))) /
                            cam_fps)), 2.) == 0.:
                remainder[int(i) - 1, int(j) - 1] = nmod(
                        nmod(frequencies[int(i) - 1], sampling[int(j) - 1]),
                        (sampling[int(j) - 1] - np.mod(frequencies[int(i) - 1],
                                                       sampling[int(j) - 1]))),
                remainder[int(i) - 1, int(j) - 1] = 15. - nmod(
                        nmod(frequencies[int(i) - 1], sampling[int(j) - 1]),
                        (sampling[int(j) - 1] - np.mod(frequencies[int(i) - 1],
                                                       sampling[int(j) - 1]))),

        remainder2[:, int(j) - 1] = np.sort(remainder[:, int(j) - 1])

    sFile.write("%f\n" % nfreq)
    sFile.write("%f\n" % nsampl)

    for j in narange(1., (nsampl) + 1):
        sFile.write("%f " % sampling[int(j) - 1])

    for i in narange(1., (nfreq) + 1):
        for j in np.arange(1., (nsampl) + 1):
            sFile.write('%8.2f ' % remainder2[int(i) - 1, int(j) - 1])

    return [frequencies, sampling]
Exemplo n.º 12
 def uncertainty(self):
     return (np.asarray(self._uncertainty)
             if self._uncertainty is not None else
Exemplo n.º 13
 def zeros(N, dtype="float", bytes=16):
     return pyfftw.n_byte_align(nzeros(N, dtype=dtype), bytes)