Exemplo n.º 1
def getgeodesicpts(m):
 computes the lat/lon values of the points on the surface of the sphere
 corresponding to a twenty-sided (icosahedral) geodesic.

 @param m: the number of points on the edge of a single geodesic triangle.
 There are 10*(m-1)**2+2 total geodesic points, including the poles.

 @return: C{B{lats, lons}} - rank 1 numpy float32 arrays containing
 the latitudes and longitudes of the geodesic points (in degrees). These
 points are nearly evenly distributed on the surface of the sphere.
    x,y,z = _spherepack.ihgeod(m)
# convert cartesian coords to lat/lon.
    rad2dg = 180./math.pi
    r1 = x*x+y*y
    r = numpy.sqrt(r1+z*z)
    r1 = numpy.sqrt(r1)
    xtmp = numpy.where(numpy.logical_or(x,y),x,numpy.ones(x.shape,numpy.float32))
    ztmp = numpy.where(numpy.logical_or(r1,z),z,numpy.ones(z.shape,numpy.float32))
    lons = rad2dg*numpy.arctan2(y,xtmp)+180.
    lats = rad2dg*numpy.arctan2(r1,ztmp)-90.
    lat = numpy.zeros(10*(m-1)**2+2,numpy.float32)
    lon = numpy.zeros(10*(m-1)**2+2,numpy.float32)
# first two points are poles.
    lat[0] = 90; lat[1] = -90.
    lon[0] = 0.; lon[1] = 0.
    lat[2:] = lats[0:2*(m-1),0:m-1,:].flatten()
    lon[2:] = lons[0:2*(m-1),0:m-1,:].flatten()
    return lat,lon
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, strFilename, reconst=False, mask=None, pointfile=None, dSpacing=None, wavelength=None):
        @param: input image filename
        @param reconst: shall mased part or negative values be reconstructed (wipe out problems with pilatus gaps)
        self.strFilename = strFilename
        self.data = fabio.open(strFilename).data.astype("float32")
        if mask is not None:
            mask = mask.astype(bool)
            view = self.data.ravel()
            flat_mask = mask.ravel()
            min_valid = view[numpy.where(flat_mask == False)].min()
            view[numpy.where(flat_mask)] = min_valid

        self.shape = self.data.shape
        self.points = ControlPoints(pointfile, dSpacing=dSpacing, wavelength=wavelength)
#        self.lstPoints = []
        self.fig = None
        self.fig2 = None
        self.fig2sp = None
        self.ax = None
        self.ct = None
        self.msp = None
        if reconstruct and (reconst is not False):
            if mask is None:
                mask = self.data < 0
            self.massif = Massif(reconstruct(self.data, mask))
            self.massif = Massif(self.data)
        self._sem = threading.Semaphore()
        self._semGui = threading.Semaphore()
        self.defaultNbPoints = 100
def vis_result(image, seg, gt, title1='Segmentation', title2='Ground truth', savefile=None):
    indices = np.where(seg >= 0.5)
    indices_gt = np.where(gt >= 0.5)

    im_norm = image / image.max()
    rgb_image = color.gray2rgb(im_norm)
    multiplier = [0., 1., 1.]
    multiplier_gt = [1., 1., 0.]

    im_seg = rgb_image.copy()
    im_gt = rgb_image.copy()
    im_seg[indices[0], indices[1], :] *= multiplier
    im_gt[indices_gt[0], indices_gt[1], :] *= multiplier_gt

    fig = plt.figure()
    a = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1)
    a = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2)

    if savefile is None:
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_float_modulus_exact(self):
        # test that float results are exact for small integers. This also
        # holds for the same integers scaled by powers of two.
        nlst = list(range(-127, 0))
        plst = list(range(1, 128))
        dividend = nlst + [0] + plst
        divisor = nlst + plst
        arg = list(itertools.product(dividend, divisor))
        tgt = list(divmod(*t) for t in arg)

        a, b = np.array(arg, dtype=int).T
        # convert exact integer results from Python to float so that
        # signed zero can be used, it is checked.
        tgtdiv, tgtrem = np.array(tgt, dtype=float).T
        tgtdiv = np.where((tgtdiv == 0.0) & ((b < 0) ^ (a < 0)), -0.0, tgtdiv)
        tgtrem = np.where((tgtrem == 0.0) & (b < 0), -0.0, tgtrem)

        for dt in np.typecodes['Float']:
            msg = 'dtype: %s' % (dt,)
            fa = a.astype(dt)
            fb = b.astype(dt)
            # use list comprehension so a_ and b_ are scalars
            div = [self.floordiv(a_, b_) for  a_, b_ in zip(fa, fb)]
            rem = [self.mod(a_, b_) for a_, b_ in zip(fa, fb)]
            assert_equal(div, tgtdiv, err_msg=msg)
            assert_equal(rem, tgtrem, err_msg=msg)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def plotResult(self, nn):
        cmask = np.where(self.y==1);
        plot(self.X[cmask,0], self.X[cmask,1], 'or', markersize=4)
        cmask = np.where(self.y==2);
        plot(self.X[cmask,0], self.X[cmask,1], 'ob', markersize=4)
        cmask = np.where(self.y==3);
        plot(self.X[cmask,0], self.X[cmask,1], 'og', markersize=4)

        minX = min(self.X[:,0])
        minY = min(self.X[:,1])
        maxX = max(self.X[:,0])
        maxY = max(self.X[:,1])

        grid_range = [minX, maxX, minY, maxY];
        delta = 0.05; levels = 100
        a = arange(grid_range[0],grid_range[1],delta)
        b = arange(grid_range[2],grid_range[3],delta)
        A, B = meshgrid(a, b)
        values = np.zeros(A.shape)

        for i in range(len(a)):
            for j in range(len(b)):
                values[j,i] = nn.getNetworkOutput( [ a[i], b[j] ] )
        contour(A, B, values, levels=[1], colors=['k'], linestyles='dashed')
        contourf(A, B, values, levels=linspace(values.min(),values.max(),levels), cmap=cm.RdBu)
Exemplo n.º 6
def do_cluster(raw_data, mode):
    filter_zeros=np.where(raw_data[:, 1] != 0)[0]
    clear_data = raw_data[filter_zeros,:] # ignore the zeros on X
    filter_zeros=np.where(clear_data[:, 2] != 0)[0]
    clear_data = clear_data[filter_zeros,:] # ignore the zeros on Y
    rospy.loginfo('filtered data')
    #filter2=np.where(clear_data[:, 1] > 0.5)[0] 
    #clear_data = clear_data[filter2, :]    # ignore mishits 
    #% TRAINING 
    if mode == 0:
        cluster_labels =np.zeros((len(clear_data),1),int)
        eps = 0.5
        min_points = 3
        rospy.loginfo('call DBscan ')
        [core_samples,cluster_labels, n_clusters, human]=scikit_dbscan.dbscan(clear_data, eps, min_points,mode) 

    #% TESTING
    if mode == 1:
        rospy.loginfo('call DBscan ')
        [core_samples,cluster_labels,n_clusters, human]=scikit_dbscan.dbscan(clear_data,eps, min_points)

    return core_samples,cluster_labels,human
def soft_threshold(lamda,b):

    th = float(lamda)/2.0
    print ("(lamda,Threshold)",lamda,th)
    print("The type of b is ..., its len is ",type(b),b.shape,len(b[0]))

    if(lamda == 0):
        return b
    m,n = b.shape

    x = np.zeros((m,n))

    k = np.where(b > th)
    # print("(b > th)",k)
    #print("Number of elements -->(b > th) ",type(k))
    x[k] = b[k] - th

    k = np.where(np.absolute(b) <= th)
    # print("abs(b) <= th",k)
    # print("Number of elements -->abs(b) <= th ",len(k))
    x[k] = 0

    k = np.where(b < -th )
    # print("(b < -th )",k)
    # print("Number of elements -->(b < -th ) <= th",len(k))
    x[k] = b[k] + th
    x = x[:]

    return x
Exemplo n.º 8
    def factorize(self):
        """ factorize the filter into a minimal phase and maximal phase


        (Fmin,Fmax) : tuple of filter
            Fmin : minimal phase filter
            Fmax : maximal phase filter

        if self.fir:
            # selectionne les zeros interne et externe
            internal = np.where(abs(self.z) < 1)[0]
            external = np.where(abs(self.z) >= 1)[0]
            zi = self.z[internal]
            ze = self.z[external]

            Fmin = DF()
            Fmin.z = zi

            Fmax = DF()
            Fmax.z = ze

            return (Fmin, Fmax)
def compute_cost( X, y, theta, lam ):

    '''Compute cost for logistic regression.'''
    # Number of training examples
    m = y.shape[0]

    # Compute the prediction based on theta and X
    predictions = X.dot( theta )

    # Preprocessing values before sending to sigmoid function.
    # If the argument to sigmoid function >= 0, we know that the
    # sigmoid value is 1. Similarly for the negative values.
    predictions[ where( predictions >= 20 ) ] = 20
    predictions[ where( predictions <= -500 ) ] = -500
    hypothesis = sigmoid( predictions )

    hypothesis[ where( hypothesis == 1.0 ) ] = 0.99999

    # Part of the cost function without regularization
    J1 = ( -1.0 / m ) * sum( ( y * np.log( hypothesis ) ) + 
                            ( ( 1.0 - y ) * np.log( 1.0 - hypothesis ) ) ) 

    # Computing the regularization term
    J2 = lam / ( 2.0 * m ) * sum( theta[ 1:, ] * theta[ 1:, ] )
    error = hypothesis - y

    return J1 + J2
Exemplo n.º 10
Arquivo: mroi.py Projeto: Naereen/nipy
    def select_id(self, id, roi=True):
        """Convert a ROI id into an index to be used to index features safely.

        id : any hashable type, must be in self.get_id()
          The id of the region one wants to access.
        roi : bool
          If True (default), return the ROI index in the ROI list.
          If False, return the indices of the voxels of the ROI with the given
          id. That way, internal access to self.label can be made.

        index : int or np.array of shape (roi.size, )
          Either the position of the ROI in the ROI list (if roi == True),
          or the positions of the voxels of the ROI with id `id`
          with respect to the self.label array.

        if id not in self.get_id():
            raise ValueError("Unexisting `id` provided")
        if roi:
            index = int(np.where(self.get_id() == id)[0])
            index = np.where(self.label == np.where(self.get_id() == id)[0])[0]
        return index
def infos() :

    '''Some information about the neuronal populations for each structures'''
    print "Striatal populations: %d" % len(STR)
    print "Pallidal populations: %d" % len(GP)

    C = (W_STR_STR > 0).sum(axis=1) + (W_STR_STR < 0).sum(axis=1)
    L = W_STR_STR[np.where(W_STR_STR != 0)]
    print "Collateral striatal connections"
    print "Mean number:  %g (+/- %g)" % (C.mean(), C.std())
    print "Mean length:  %g (+/- %g)" % (L.mean(), L.std())

    C = (W_GP_GP > 0).sum(axis=1) + (W_GP_GP < 0).sum(axis=1)
    L = W_GP_GP[np.where(W_GP_GP != 0)]
    print "Collateral pallidal connections"
    print "Mean number:  %g (+/- %g)" % (C.mean(), C.std())
    print "Mean length:  %g (+/- %g)" % (L.mean(), L.std())

    C = (W_STR_GP > 0).sum(axis=1) + (W_STR_GP < 0).sum(axis=1)
    L = W_STR_GP[np.where(W_STR_GP != 0)]
    print "Striato-pallidal connections"
    print "Mean number:  %g (+/- %g)" % (C.mean(), C.std())
    print "Mean length:  %g (+/- %g)" % (L.mean(), L.std())

    print "Mean # collateral striato-pallidal connections:  %g (+/- %g)" % (C.mean(), C.std())
    C = (W_GP_STR > 0).sum(axis=1) + (W_GP_STR < 0).sum(axis=1) 
    L = W_GP_STR[np.where(W_GP_STR != 0)]
    print "Pallido-striatal connections"
    print "Mean number:  %g (+/- %g)" % (C.mean(), C.std())
    print "Mean length:  %g (+/- %g)" % (L.mean(), L.std())
Exemplo n.º 12
    def prime_to_pixel(self, xprime, yprime,  color=0):
        color0 = self._get_ricut()
        g0, g1, g2, g3 = self._get_drow()
        h0, h1, h2, h3 = self._get_dcol()
        px, py, qx, qy = self._get_cscc()

        # #$(%*&^(%$%*& bad documentation.
        (px,py) = (py,px)
        (qx,qy) = (qy,qx)

        qx = qx * np.ones_like(xprime)
        qy = qy * np.ones_like(yprime)
        xprime -= np.where(color < color0, px * color, qx)
        yprime -= np.where(color < color0, py * color, qy)

        # Now invert:
        #   yprime = y + g0 + g1 * x + g2 * x**2 + g3 * x**3
        #   xprime = x + h0 + h1 * x + h2 * x**2 + h3 * x**3
        x = xprime - h0
        # dumb-ass Newton's method
        dx = 1.
        # FIXME -- should just update the ones that aren't zero
        # FIXME -- should put in some failsafe...
        while np.max(np.abs(np.atleast_1d(dx))) > 1e-10:
            xp    = x + h0 + h1 * x + h2 * x**2 + h3 * x**3
            dxpdx = 1 +      h1     + h2 * 2*x +  h3 * 3*x**2
            dx = (xprime - xp) / dxpdx
            x += dx
        y = yprime - (g0 + g1 * x + g2 * x**2 + g3 * x**3)
        return (x, y)
Exemplo n.º 13
    def processTrafficData(self):
        for index, row in self.traffic_data.iterrows():

            adjacent_list = []
            if index > 1 and index < 18467:
                if self.traffic_data.ix[index - 1]['inter1'] == row[0]:
                    key1 = self.traffic_data.ix[index - 1]['inter1'] + ', ' + self.traffic_data.ix[index - 1]['inter2']
                if self.traffic_data.ix[index + 1]['inter1'] == row[0]:
                    key2 = self.traffic_data.ix[index + 1]['inter1'] + ', ' + self.traffic_data.ix[index + 1]['inter2']
                keylist = np.where(self.traffic_data['inter1'] == row[1])[0]
                keylist1 = np.where(self.traffic_data['inter2'] == row[0])[0]
                ind_list = np.intersect1d(keylist, keylist1)
                if len(ind_list) >= 1:
                    ind = ind_list[0]
                    if ind > 1 and ind < 18467:
                        if self.traffic_data.ix[ind - 1]['inter1'] == row[1]:
                            key3 = self.traffic_data.ix[ind - 1]['inter1'] + ', ' + self.traffic_data.ix[ind - 1]['inter2']
                        if self.traffic_data.ix[ind + 1]['inter1'] == row[1]:
                            key4 = self.traffic_data.ix[ind + 1]['inter1'] + ', ' + self.traffic_data.ix[ind + 1]['inter2']
            node = row['node']
Exemplo n.º 14
def stats(t, snp=None):
    '''Return a record array with imputation statistics.'''
    T = t.sample_index_to_impute
    imputed = t.imputed_data[:, T, :]
    tot_to_impute = 2 * imputed.shape[1]
    snp = snp if snp is not None else np.arange(t.num_snps)
    stats = np.zeros((len(snp),),
                            ('dist_cm', 'f4'), # Genetic distance from beginning of chromosome
                            ('count', '(2,)i4'), # Allele count
                            ('frequency', '(2,)f4'), # Allele frequency
                            ('call_rate', 'f4'), # Imputation Call rate
                            ('call_rate_training', 'f4')  # Imputation Call rate
    call_rate_training = 1.0 * np.sum(np.sum(t.imputed_data[:, t.sample_index, :] != 0, axis=2), axis=1)# / (2 * len(t.sample_index))        
    for row, snp_index in enumerate(snp):
        # TODO: replace by a bulk group-by/hist?
        # g = t.__t.training_data[snp_index, :, :]
        i = imputed[snp_index, :]
        (c1, c2) = (len(np.where(i == 1)[0]), len(np.where(i == 2)[0]))
        c = c1 + c2 + SMALL_FLOAT
        f1, f2 = (1.0 * c1) / c, (1.0 * c2) / c
        call_rate = 1.0 * len(i.nonzero()[0]) / tot_to_impute
        # print 'c1 %4d c2 %4d f1 %.2f f2 %.2f call rate %5.2f' % (c1, c2, f1, f2, call_rate)
        stats[row] = (t.snp['dist_cm'][snp_index], [c1, c2], [f1, f2], call_rate, call_rate_training[snp_index])
    return stats
Exemplo n.º 15
    def pixel_to_prime(self, x, y, color=0):
        # Secret decoder ring:
        #  http://www.sdss.org/dr7/products/general/astrometry.html
        # (color)0 is called riCut;
        # g0, g1, g2, and g3 are called
        #    dRow0, dRow1, dRow2, and dRow3, respectively;
        # h0, h1, h2, and h3 are called
        #    dCol0, dCol1, dCol2, and dCol3, respectively;
        # px and py are called csRow and csCol, respectively;
        # and qx and qy are called ccRow and ccCol, respectively.
        color0 = self._get_ricut()
        g0, g1, g2, g3 = self._get_drow()
        h0, h1, h2, h3 = self._get_dcol()
        px, py, qx, qy = self._get_cscc()

        # #$(%*&^(%$%*& bad documentation.
        (px,py) = (py,px)
        (qx,qy) = (qy,qx)

        yprime = y + g0 + g1 * x + g2 * x**2 + g3 * x**3
        xprime = x + h0 + h1 * x + h2 * x**2 + h3 * x**3

        # The code below implements this, vectorized:
        # if color < color0:
        #   xprime += px * color
        #   yprime += py * color
        # else:
        #   xprime += qx
        #   yprime += qy
        qx = qx * np.ones_like(x)
        qy = qy * np.ones_like(y)
        xprime += np.where(color < color0, px * color, qx)
        yprime += np.where(color < color0, py * color, qy)

        return (xprime, yprime)
Exemplo n.º 16
def prep_data(dataset):
    df = dataset.copy()

    latlon = list(zip(df.lat, df.lon))
    dist = np.array([distance(latlon[i + 1], latlon[i]) for i in range(len((latlon[:-1])))])

    df["dist"] = np.concatenate(([0], np.cumsum(dist)))

    slope = np.abs(100 * np.diff(df.alt) / (1000 * dist))
    slope[np.where(                 slope <  4) ] = 0 # "green"
    slope[np.where((slope >=  4) & (slope <  6))] = 1 # "yellow"
    slope[np.where((slope >=  6) & (slope < 10))] = 2 # "pink"
    slope[np.where((slope >= 10) & (slope < 15))] = 3 # "orange"
    slope[np.where( slope >= 15                )] = 4 # "red"
    slope = im.median_filter(slope, 6)

    colors = np.empty_like(slope, dtype=object)
    colors[np.where(slope == 0)] = "green"
    colors[np.where(slope == 1)] = "yellow"
    colors[np.where(slope == 2)] = "pink"
    colors[np.where(slope == 3)] = "orange"
    colors[np.where(slope == 4)] = "red"
    df["colors"] = list(colors) + [None]              # NOTE: add [None] just make pandas happy

    return df
def myTradingSystem(DATE, CLOSE, settings):
    ''' This system uses mean reversion techniques to allocate capital into the desired equities '''

    # This strategy evaluates two averages over time of the close over a long/short
    # scale and builds the ratio. For each day, "smaQuot" is an array of "nMarkets"
    # size.
    nMarkets = numpy.shape(CLOSE)[1]
    periodLong = 200
    periodShort = 40

    smaLong = numpy.sum(CLOSE[-periodLong:, :], axis=0)/periodLong
    smaRecent = numpy.sum(CLOSE[-periodShort:, :], axis=0)/periodShort
    smaQuot = smaRecent / smaLong

    # For each day, scan the ratio of moving averages over the markets and find the
    # market with the maximum ratio and the market with the minimum ratio:
    longEquity = numpy.where(smaQuot == numpy.nanmin(smaQuot))
    shortEquity = numpy.where(smaQuot == numpy.nanmax(smaQuot))

    # Take a contrarian view, going long the market with the minimum ratio and
    # going short the market with the maximum ratio. The array "pos" will contain
    # all zero entries except for those cases where we go long (1) and short (-1):
    pos = numpy.zeros((1, nMarkets))
    pos[0, longEquity[0][0]] = 1
    pos[0, shortEquity[0][0]] = -1

    # For the position sizing, we supply a vector of weights defining our
    # exposure to the markets in settings['markets']. This vector should be
    # normalized.
    pos = pos/numpy.nansum(abs(pos))

    return pos, settings
    def getFracMelt(self, time=None, scale=1.0):
        """Get fractional area where basal melting occurs.

        time: if None, return data for all time slices
              if list/etc of size two, interpret as array selection
              if single value, get only this time slice"""

        (tarray, t) = CFchecklist(time, self.file.variables["time"])
        values = []
        fact = self.deltax * self.deltay * scale
        if tarray:
            for i in range(t[0], t[1] + 1):
                ih = self.getIceArea(time=i, scale=scale)
                if ih > 0:
                    mlt = numpy.where(self.file.variables["bmlt"][i, :, :] > 0.0, 1, 0).flat
                    values.append(sum(mlt) * fact / ih)
            return values
        ih = self.getIceArea(time=t, scale=scale)
        if ih > 0:
            mlt = numpy.where(self.file.variables["bmlt"][t, :, :] > 0.0, 1, 0).flat
            return sum(mlt) * fact / ih
            return 0.0
Exemplo n.º 19
    def get_absline(self, inp):
        """ Returns an AbsLine from the AbsSystem

        inp : str or Quantity
          str -- Name of the transition, e.g. 'CII 1334'
          Quantity -- Rest wavelength of the transition, e.g. 1334.53*u.AA
            to 0.01 precision

        absline -- AbsLine object or list of Abslines
          More than one will be returned if this line exists in
          multiple components.  The returned quantity will then
          be a list instead of a single object
        # Generate the lines
        abslines = self.list_of_abslines()
        if isinstance(inp,basestring):
            names = np.array([absline.name for absline in abslines])
            mt = np.where(names == inp)[0]
        elif isinstance(inp,Quantity):
            wrest = Quantity([absline.wrest for absline in abslines])
            mt = np.where(np.abs(wrest-inp) < 0.01*u.AA)[0]
            raise IOError("Bad input to absline")
        # Finish
        if len(mt) == 0:
            warnings.warn("No absline with input={}".format(inp))
            return None
        elif len(mt) == 1:
            return abslines[mt]
            return [abslines[ii] for ii in mt]
Exemplo n.º 20
def multi_where(vec1, vec2):
    '''Given two vectors, multi_where returns a tuple of indices where those
    two vectors overlap.
           2 numpy vectors
           (xy, yx) where xy is a numpy vector containing the indices of the
           elements in vector 1 that are also in vector 2. yx is a vector
           containing the indices of the elements in vector 2 that are also
           in vector 1.
           >> x = np.array([1,2,3,4,5])
           >> y = np.array([3,4,5,6,7])
           >> (xy,yx) = multi_where(x,y)
           >> xy
           >> yx

    OneInTwo = np.array([])
    TwoInOne = np.array([])
    for i in range(vec1.shape[0]):
        if np.where(vec2 == vec1[i])[0].shape[0]:
            OneInTwo = np.append(OneInTwo,i)
            TwoInOne = np.append(TwoInOne, np.where(vec2 == vec1[i])[0][0])

    return (np.int8(OneInTwo), np.int8(TwoInOne))
Exemplo n.º 21
def hist_mask(data, threshold=.95, keep='lower'):
    Returns boolean mask of values below a frequency percentage threshold (0-1).

        -data (1D array)
        -threshold (float): 0-1
        -keep (str): lower, greater, middle. If middle, threshold is ignored,
                     and a single cluster is searched out.

    bins = len(data)/100 if keep.lower() == 'middle' else len(data) / 2
    freq, val = np.histogram(data, bins=bins)
    freq = freq / np.sum(freq).astype(float)  # Normalize frequency data

    if keep.lower() in ('lower', 'upper'):
        cutoff_value = val[np.where(np.diff(np.cumsum(freq) < threshold))[0] + 1]
        cutoff_value = val[1] if len(cutoff_value)==0 else cutoff_value
        if keep.lower() == 'lower':
            return data < cutoff_value
            return data > cutoff_value
        histmask = np.ones(data.shape[0], dtype=bool)  # Initializing mask with all True values

        # Slowly increment the parameter until a strong single central cluster is found
        for param in np.arange(0.0005, .02, .0003):
            cutoff_values = val[np.where(np.diff(freq < param))[0]]
            if len(cutoff_values) == 2:
                histmask &= data > cutoff_values[0]
                histmask &= data < cutoff_values[1]
                return histmask
            return data > -100000.  # Return an all-true mask
            print("Warning: Histogram filter not finding a good parameter to form a central cluster. Please try again.")
Exemplo n.º 22
def implicit_black_box(propensities, V, X, w, h, deter_vector, stoc_positions, positions, valid, deriv):

    # Adjustment for systems reaching steady state

    temp = derivative_G(propensities, V, X, w, deter_vector, stoc_positions, positions, valid)
    # pdb.set_trace()
    valid_adjust_pos = np.where(np.sum(np.abs(temp), axis=0) < 1e-10, True, False)

    valid_adjust = valid[:, :]
    valid_adjust[valid_adjust_pos, :] = False

    # print(" Reached Steady State %d"%(np.sum(valid_adjust_pos)))

    from scipy.integrate import ode

    # pdb.set_trace()
    deter_ode = ode(f).set_integrator("lsoda", method="adams", with_jacobian=False)
    deter_ode.set_initial_value(X[deter_vector, :].flatten(), 0).set_f_params(
        [propensities, V, X, deter_vector, stoc_positions, positions, valid_adjust, w]

    # pdb.set_trace()
    while deter_ode.successful() and deter_ode.t < h:

        # print("Black Box: \n"+ str(deter_ode.y))

        # print("iterator : \n:"+str(next_X[deter_vector,:]))
    X[deter_vector, :] = deter_ode.y.reshape((np.sum(deter_vector), X.shape[1]))

    # Another adjust to compensate for non negative
    X = np.where(X < 0.0, 0.0, X)

    return X
Exemplo n.º 23
def word2ind(word, vocab, utok_ind=None):
    ind = np.where(vocab == unicode(word))
    if len(ind[0]) == 0:
        if not utok_ind:
            utok_ind = np.where(vocab == UTOK)
        ind = utok_ind
    return ind[0][0]
Exemplo n.º 24
 def _lininterp(self,x,X,Y):
     if hasattr(x,'__len__'):
         xtype = 'array'
         xtype = 'scalar'
     idx = X.searchsorted(xx)
     yy = xx*0
     yy[idx>len(X)-1] = Y[-1]  # over
     yy[idx<=0] = Y[0]          # under
     wok = np.where((idx>0) & (idx<len(X)))  # the good ones
     yywok = Y[iok-1] + ( (Y[iok]-Y[iok-1])/(X[iok]-X[iok-1])
                          * (xx[wok]-X[iok-1]) )
     w = np.where( ((X[iok]-X[iok-1]) == 0) )   # where are the nan ?
     yywok[w] = Y[iok[w]-1]    # replace by previous value
     wl = np.where(xx[wok] == X[0])
     yywok[wl] = Y[0]
     wh = np.where(xx[wok] == X[-1])
     yywok[wh] = Y[-1]
     yy[wok] = yywok
     if xtype == 'scalar':
         yy = yy[0]
     return yy
Exemplo n.º 25
def corrtag_image(in_data,xtype='XCORR',ytype='YCORR',pha=(2,30),bins=(1024,16384),times=None,ranges=((0,1023),(0,16384)),binning=(1,1),NUV=False):
    try: histogram2d
    except NameError: from numpy import histogram2d,where,zeros
    try: getdata
    except NameError: from pyfits import getdata
    try: events=getdata(in_data,1)
    except: events=in_data

    xlength = (ranges[1][1]+1)
    ylength = (ranges[0][1]+1)
    xbinning = binning[1]
    ybinning = binning[0]

    if NUV:
        bins = (1024,1024)
        pha = (-1,1)
        ranges = ( (0,1023), (0,1023) )

    if times != None:
        index = where( (events['TIME']>=times[0]) & (events['TIME'] <= times[1]) )
        events=  events[index]

    index = where((events['PHA']>=pha[0])&(events['PHA']<=pha[1]))

    if len(index[0]):
        image,y_r,x_r = histogram2d(events[ytype][index],events[xtype][index],bins=bins,range=ranges)
        image = zeros( (bins[0]//binning[0],bins[1]//binning[1]) )

    return image
Exemplo n.º 26
 def mutual_information(self, x_index, y_index, log_base, debug=False):
     Calculate and return Mutual information between two random variables
     # Check if index are into the bounds
     assert (0 <= x_index <= self.n_rows)
     assert (0 <= y_index <= self.n_rows)
     # Variable to return MI
     summation = 0.0
     # Get uniques values of random variables
     values_x = set(self.data[x_index])
     values_y = set(self.data[y_index])
     # Print debug info
     if debug:
         print 'MI between'
         print self.data[x_index]
         print self.data[y_index]
         # For each random
     for value_x in values_x:
         for value_y in values_y:
             px = shape(where(self.data[x_index] == value_x))[1] / self.n_cols
             py = shape(where(self.data[y_index] == value_y))[1] / self.n_cols
             pxy = len(where(in1d(where(self.data[x_index] == value_x)[0],
                                  where(self.data[y_index] == value_y)[0]) == True)[0]) / self.n_cols
             if pxy > 0.0:
                 summation += pxy * math.log((pxy / (px * py)), log_base)
             if debug:
                 print '(%d,%d) px:%f py:%f pxy:%f' % (value_x, value_y, px, py, pxy)
     return summation
Exemplo n.º 27
 def __init__(self,turn,elem,single,name,s,x,xp,y,yp,pc,de,tau,**args):
     # structure
     self.s =np.array(s ,dtype=float)
     self.x =np.array(x ,dtype=float)
     self.y =np.array(y ,dtype=float)
     for nn,vv in self.__dict__.items():
         if hasattr(vv,'__len__') and len(vv)==d0*d1*d2:
def test_background_model(tmpdir):
    data_store = DataStore.from_dir('$GAMMAPY_EXTRA/datasets/hess-crab4-hd-hap-prod2/')
    bgmaker = OffDataBackgroundMaker(data_store, outdir=str(tmpdir))

    table = Table.read('run.lis', format='ascii.csv')
    assert table['OBS_ID'][1] == 23526

    table = ObservationTable.read(str(tmpdir / 'obs.fits'))
    assert list(table['GROUP_ID']) == [0, 0, 0, 1]
    table = ObservationTable.read(str(tmpdir / 'group-def.fits'))
    assert list(table['ZEN_PNT_MAX']) == [49, 90]

    # TODO: Fix 3D code
    # bgmaker.make_model("3D")
    # bgmaker.save_models("3D")
    # model = CubeBackgroundModel.read(str(tmpdir / 'background_3D_group_001_table.fits.gz'))
    # assert model.counts_cube.data.sum() == 1527

    model = EnergyOffsetBackgroundModel.read(str(tmpdir / 'background_2D_group_001_table.fits.gz'))
    assert model.counts.data.value.sum() == 1398

    index_table_new = bgmaker.make_total_index_table(data_store, "2D", None, None)
    table_bkg = index_table_new[np.where(index_table_new["HDU_NAME"] == "bkg_2d")]
    name_bkg_run023523 = table_bkg[np.where(table_bkg["OBS_ID"] == 23523)]["FILE_NAME"]
    assert str(tmpdir) + "/" + name_bkg_run023523[0] == str(tmpdir) + '/background_2D_group_001_table.fits.gz'
    name_bkg_run023526 = table_bkg[np.where(table_bkg["OBS_ID"] == 23526)]["FILE_NAME"]
    assert str(tmpdir) + "/" + name_bkg_run023526[0] == str(tmpdir) + '/background_2D_group_000_table.fits.gz'
Exemplo n.º 29
 def entropy(self, x_index, y_index, log_base, debug=False):
     Calculate the entropy between two random variable
     assert (0 <= x_index <= self.n_rows)
     assert (0 <= y_index <= self.n_rows)
     # Variable to return MI
     summation = 0.0
     # Get uniques values of random variables
     values_x = set(self.data[x_index])
     values_y = set(self.data[y_index])
     # Print debug info
     if debug:
         print 'Entropy between'
         print self.data[x_index]
         print self.data[y_index]
         # For each random
     for value_x in values_x:
         for value_y in values_y:
             pxy = len(where(in1d(where(self.data[x_index] == value_x)[0],
                                  where(self.data[y_index] == value_y)[0]) == True)[0]) / self.n_cols
             if pxy > 0.0:
                 summation += pxy * math.log(pxy, log_base)
             if debug:
                 print '(%d,%d) pxy:%f' % (value_x, value_y, pxy)
     if summation == 0.0:
         return summation
         return - summation
Exemplo n.º 30
def CalcErange(inWS,ns,erange,binWidth):
    #length of array in Fortran
    array_len = 4096

    binWidth = int(binWidth)
    bnorm = 1.0/binWidth

    #get data from input workspace
    _,X,Y,E = GetXYE(inWS,ns,array_len)
    Xdata = mtd[inWS].readX(0)

    #get all x values within the energy range
    rangeMask = (Xdata >= erange[0]) & (Xdata <= erange[1])
    Xin = Xdata[rangeMask]

    #get indicies of the bounds of our energy range
    minIndex = np.where(Xdata==Xin[0])[0][0]+1
    maxIndex = np.where(Xdata==Xin[-1])[0][0]

    #reshape array into sublists of bins
    Xin = Xin.reshape(len(Xin)/binWidth, binWidth)

    #sum and normalise values in bins
    Xout = [sum(bin_val) * bnorm for bin_val in Xin]

    #count number of bins
    nbins = len(Xout)

    nout = [nbins, minIndex, maxIndex]

     #pad array for use in Fortran code
    Xout = PadArray(Xout,array_len)

    return nout,bnorm,Xout,X,Y,E
Exemplo n.º 31
    def load_hdf5(self, restartFolder, timestep, tXY):
        This function reads and allocates **badlands** parameters & variables from a previous
        simulation. These parameters are obtained from a specific time HDF5 file.

            This function is only called when a **restart simulation** is ran... |:bomb:|

            restartFolder: restart folder name as defined in tge XML input file.
            timestep: time step to load defined based on output interval number.
            tXY: 2D numpy array TIN grid local coordinates.

            numpy 1D array containing the updated elevation from the restart model.
            numpy 1D array containing the updated erosion/deposition values from the restart model.

        if os.path.exists(restartFolder):
            folder = restartFolder + "/h5/"
            fileCPU = "tin.time%s.hdf5" % timestep
            restartncpus = len(glob.glob1(folder, fileCPU))
            if restartncpus == 0:
                raise ValueError(
                    "The requested time step for the restart simulation cannot be found in the restart folder."
            raise ValueError(
                "The restart folder is missing or the given path is incorrect."

        df = h5py.File("%s/h5/tin.time%s.hdf5" % (restartFolder, timestep),
        coords = numpy.array((df["/coords"]))
        cumdiff = numpy.array((df["/cumdiff"]))
        cumhill = numpy.array((df["/cumhill"]))
        cumfail = numpy.array((df["/cumfail"]))
        x, y, z = numpy.hsplit(coords, 3)
        c = cumdiff
        h = cumhill
        f = cumfail

        XY = numpy.column_stack((x, y))
        tree = cKDTree(XY)
        distances, indices = tree.query(tXY, k=3)

        if len(z[indices].shape) == 3:
            z_vals = z[indices][:, :, 0]
            c_vals = c[indices][:, :, 0]
            h_vals = h[indices][:, :, 0]
            f_vals = f[indices][:, :, 0]
            z_vals = z[indices]
            c_vals = c[indices]
            h_vals = h[indices]
            f_vals = f[indices]

        with numpy.errstate(divide="ignore"):
            elev = numpy.average(z_vals, weights=(1.0 / distances), axis=1)
            cum = numpy.average(c_vals, weights=(1.0 / distances), axis=1)
            hcum = numpy.average(h_vals, weights=(1.0 / distances), axis=1)
            fcum = numpy.average(f_vals, weights=(1.0 / distances), axis=1)

        onIDs = numpy.where(distances[:, 0] == 0)[0]
        if len(onIDs) > 0:
            if len(z[indices].shape) == 3:
                elev[onIDs] = z[indices[onIDs, 0], 0]
                cum[onIDs] = c[indices[onIDs, 0], 0]
                hcum[onIDs] = h[indices[onIDs, 0], 0]
                fcum[onIDs] = f[indices[onIDs, 0], 0]
                elev[onIDs] = z[indices[onIDs, 0]]
                cum[onIDs] = c[indices[onIDs, 0]]
                hcum[onIDs] = h[indices[onIDs, 0]]
                fcum[onIDs] = f[indices[onIDs, 0]]

        return elev, cum, hcum, fcum
Exemplo n.º 32
def sample_homography(shape,
                      max_angle=np.pi / 2,
    """Sample a random valid homography.
    Computes the homography transformation between a random patch in the original image
    and a warped projection with the same image size.
    As in `tf.contrib.image.transform`, it maps the output point (warped patch) to a
    transformed input point (original patch).
    The original patch, which is initialized with a simple half-size centered crop, is
    iteratively projected, scaled, rotated and translated.
        shape: A rank-2 `Tensor` specifying the height and width of the original image.
        perspective: A boolean that enables the perspective and affine transformations.
        scaling: A boolean that enables the random scaling of the patch.
        rotation: A boolean that enables the random rotation of the patch.
        translation: A boolean that enables the random translation of the patch.
        n_scales: The number of tentative scales that are sampled when scaling.
        n_angles: The number of tentatives angles that are sampled when rotating.
        scaling_amplitude: Controls the amount of scale.
        perspective_amplitude_x: Controls the perspective effect in x direction.
        perspective_amplitude_y: Controls the perspective effect in y direction.
        patch_ratio: Controls the size of the patches used to create the homography.
        max_angle: Maximum angle used in rotations.
        allow_artifacts: A boolean that enables artifacts when applying the homography.
        translation_overflow: Amount of border artifacts caused by translation.
        A `Tensor` of shape `[1, 8]` corresponding to the flattened homography transform.

    # Corners of the output image
    pts1 = np.stack([[0., 0.], [0., 1.], [1., 1.], [1., 0.]], axis=0)
    # Corners of the input patch
    margin = (1 - patch_ratio) / 2
    pts2 = margin + np.array([[0, 0], [0, patch_ratio],
                              [patch_ratio, patch_ratio], [patch_ratio, 0]],

    # Random perspective and affine perturbations
    if perspective:
        if not allow_artifacts:
            perspective_amplitude_x = min(perspective_amplitude_x, margin)
            perspective_amplitude_y = min(perspective_amplitude_y, margin)
        perspective_displacement = truncated_normal(
            [1], 0., perspective_amplitude_y / 2)
        h_displacement_left = truncated_normal([1], 0.,
                                               perspective_amplitude_x / 2)
        h_displacement_right = truncated_normal([1], 0.,
                                                perspective_amplitude_x / 2)
        pts2 += np.stack([
            np.concatenate([h_displacement_left, perspective_displacement], 0),
            np.concatenate([h_displacement_left, -perspective_displacement],
            np.concatenate([h_displacement_right, perspective_displacement],
            np.concatenate([h_displacement_right, -perspective_displacement],

    # Random scaling
    # sample several scales, check collision with borders, randomly pick a valid one
    if scaling:
        scales = np.concatenate(
             truncated_normal([n_scales], 1, scaling_amplitude / 2)], 0)
        center = np.mean(pts2, axis=0, keepdims=True)
        scaled = np.expand_dims(pts2 - center, axis=0) * np.expand_dims(
            np.expand_dims(scales, 1), 1) + center
        if allow_artifacts:
            valid = np.arange(n_scales)  # all scales are valid except scale=1
            a = np.all((scaled >= 0.) & (scaled < 1.), (1, 2))
            valid = np.where(np.all((scaled >= 0.) & (scaled < 1.),
                                    (1, 2)))[:][0]
        idx = valid[np.random.random_integers(0, high=np.shape(valid)[0])]
        pts2 = scaled[idx]

    # Random translation
    if translation:
        t_min, t_max = np.min(pts2, axis=0), np.min(1 - pts2, axis=0)
        if allow_artifacts:
            t_min += translation_overflow
            t_max += translation_overflow
        pts2 += np.expand_dims(np.stack([
            np.random.uniform(-t_min[0], t_max[0]),
            np.random.uniform(-t_min[1], t_max[1])

    # Random rotation
    # sample several rotations, check collision with borders, randomly pick a valid one
    if rotation:
        angles = np.linspace(-max_angle, max_angle, n_angles)
        angles = np.concatenate([[0.], angles],
                                axis=0)  # in case no rotation is valid
        center = np.mean(pts2, axis=0, keepdims=True)
        rot_mat = np.reshape(
                np.cos(angles), -np.sin(angles),
                     axis=1), [-1, 2, 2])
        rotated = np.matmul(
            np.tile(np.expand_dims(pts2 - center, axis=0),
                    [n_angles + 1, 1, 1]), rot_mat) + center
        if allow_artifacts:
            valid = np.arange(n_angles)  # all angles are valid, except angle=0
            valid = np.where(
                np.all((rotated >= 0.) & (rotated < 1.), axis=(1, 2)))[:][0]
        idx = valid[np.random.random_integers(0, high=np.shape(valid)[0])]
        pts2 = rotated[idx]

    # Rescale to actual size
    shape = shape[::-1]  # different convention [y, x]
    pts1 *= np.expand_dims(shape, axis=0).astype(np.float32)
    pts2 *= np.expand_dims(shape, axis=0).astype(np.float32)

    def ax(p, q):
        return [p[0], p[1], 1, 0, 0, 0, -p[0] * q[0], -p[1] * q[0]]

    def ay(p, q):
        return [0, 0, 0, p[0], p[1], 1, -p[0] * q[1], -p[1] * q[1]]

    a_mat = np.stack([f(pts1[i], pts2[i]) for i in range(4) for f in (ax, ay)],
    p_mat = np.transpose(
        np.stack([[pts2[i][j] for i in range(4) for j in range(2)]], axis=0))
    homography = np.transpose(np.linalg.solve(a_mat, p_mat))
    return homography
Exemplo n.º 33
    def get_current_frame(self, draw_options={}):
        with self.current_frame_lock:
            frame_copy = np.copy(self._current_frame)
            frame_time = self.current_frame_time
            tracked_objects = {
                k: v.to_dict()
                for k, v in self.tracked_objects.items()
            motion_boxes = self.motion_boxes.copy()
            regions = self.regions.copy()

        frame_copy = cv2.cvtColor(frame_copy, cv2.COLOR_YUV2BGR_I420)
        # draw on the frame
        if draw_options.get('bounding_boxes'):
            # draw the bounding boxes on the frame
            for obj in tracked_objects.values():
                thickness = 2
                color = COLOR_MAP[obj['label']]

                if obj['frame_time'] != frame_time:
                    thickness = 1
                    color = (255, 0, 0)

                # draw the bounding boxes on the frame
                box = obj['box']
                    f"{int(obj['score']*100)}% {int(obj['area'])}",

        if draw_options.get('regions'):
            for region in regions:
                cv2.rectangle(frame_copy, (region[0], region[1]),
                              (region[2], region[3]), (0, 255, 0), 2)

        if draw_options.get('zones'):
            for name, zone in self.camera_config.zones.items():
                thickness = 8 if any([
                    name in obj['current_zones']
                    for obj in tracked_objects.values()
                ]) else 2
                cv2.drawContours(frame_copy, [zone.contour], -1, zone.color,

        if draw_options.get('mask'):
            mask_overlay = np.where(self.camera_config.motion.mask == [0])
            frame_copy[mask_overlay] = [0, 0, 0]

        if draw_options.get('motion_boxes'):
            for m_box in motion_boxes:
                cv2.rectangle(frame_copy, (m_box[0], m_box[1]),
                              (m_box[2], m_box[3]), (0, 0, 255), 2)

        if draw_options.get('timestamp'):
            time_to_show = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
                frame_time).strftime("%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S")
                        time_to_show, (10, 30),
                        color=(255, 255, 255),

        return frame_copy
Exemplo n.º 34
    def _diff(self):
        # Much of the code for comparing columns is similar to the code for
        # comparing headers--consider refactoring
        colsa = self.a.columns
        colsb = self.b.columns

        if len(colsa) != len(colsb):
            self.diff_column_count = (len(colsa), len(colsb))

        # Even if the number of columns are unequal, we still do comparison of
        # any common columns
        colsa = dict((c.name.lower(), c) for c in colsa)
        colsb = dict((c.name.lower(), c) for c in colsb)

        if '*' in self.ignore_fields:
            # If all columns are to be ignored, ignore any further differences
            # between the columns

        # Keep the user's original ignore_fields list for reporting purposes,
        # but internally use a case-insensitive version
        ignore_fields = set([f.lower() for f in self.ignore_fields])

        # It might be nice if there were a cleaner way to do this, but for now
        # it'll do
        for fieldname in ignore_fields:
            fieldname = fieldname.lower()
            if fieldname in colsa:
                del colsa[fieldname]
            if fieldname in colsb:
                del colsb[fieldname]

        colsa_set = set(colsa.values())
        colsb_set = set(colsb.values())
        self.common_columns = sorted(colsa_set.intersection(colsb_set),
                                     key=lambda c: c.name)

        self.common_column_names = set([col.name.lower()
                                        for col in self.common_columns])

        left_only_columns = dict((col.name.lower(), col)
                                 for col in colsa_set.difference(colsb_set))
        right_only_columns = dict((col.name.lower(), col)
                                  for col in colsb_set.difference(colsa_set))

        if left_only_columns or right_only_columns:
            self.diff_columns = (left_only_columns, right_only_columns)
            self.diff_column_names = ([], [])

        if left_only_columns:
            for col in self.a.columns:
                if col.name.lower() in left_only_columns:

        if right_only_columns:
            for col in self.b.columns:
                if col.name.lower() in right_only_columns:

        # If the tables have a different number of rows, we don't compare the
        # columns right now.
        # TODO: It might be nice to optionally compare the first n rows where n
        # is the minimum of the row counts between the two tables.
        if len(self.a) != len(self.b):
            self.diff_rows = (len(self.a), len(self.b))

        # If the tables contain no rows there's no data to compare, so we're
        # done at this point. (See ticket #178)
        if len(self.a) == len(self.b) == 0:

        # Like in the old fitsdiff, compare tables on a column by column basis
        # The difficulty here is that, while FITS column names are meant to be
        # case-insensitive, PyFITS still allows, for the sake of flexibility,
        # two columns with the same name but different case.  When columns are
        # accessed in FITS tables, a case-sensitive is tried first, and failing
        # that a case-insensitive match is made.
        # It's conceivable that the same column could appear in both tables
        # being compared, but with different case.
        # Though it *may* lead to inconsistencies in these rare cases, this
        # just assumes that there are no duplicated column names in either
        # table, and that the column names can be treated case-insensitively.
        for col in self.common_columns:
            name_lower = col.name.lower()
            if name_lower in ignore_fields:

            cola = colsa[name_lower]
            colb = colsb[name_lower]

            for attr, _ in _COL_ATTRS:
                vala = getattr(cola, attr, None)
                valb = getattr(colb, attr, None)
                if diff_values(vala, valb):
                        ((col.name.upper(), attr), (vala, valb)))

            arra = self.a[col.name]
            arrb = self.b[col.name]

            if (np.issubdtype(arra.dtype, float) and
                    np.issubdtype(arrb.dtype, float)):
                diffs = where_not_allclose(arra, arrb, atol=0.0,
            elif 'P' in col.format:
                diffs = ([idx for idx in xrange(len(arra))
                          if not np.allclose(arra[idx], arrb[idx], atol=0.0,
                diffs = np.where(arra != arrb)

            self.diff_total += len(set(diffs[0]))

            if self.numdiffs >= 0:
                if len(self.diff_values) >= self.numdiffs:
                    # Don't save any more diff values

                # Add no more diff'd values than this
                max_diffs = self.numdiffs - len(self.diff_values)
                max_diffs = len(diffs[0])

            last_seen_idx = None
            for idx in islice(diffs[0], 0, max_diffs):
                if idx == last_seen_idx:
                    # Skip duplicate indices, which my occur when the column
                    # data contains multi-dimensional values; we're only
                    # interested in storing row-by-row differences
                last_seen_idx = idx
                self.diff_values.append(((col.name, idx),
                                         (arra[idx], arrb[idx])))

        total_values = len(self.a) * len(self.a.dtype.fields)
        self.diff_ratio = float(self.diff_total) / float(total_values)
def synthetic_data_generator(size,dgp,parameters,noise,plots = True):
    synthetic_data_generator(size,dgp,plots = True)
    # ------- PARAMETERS -------- #
    size: int
        size of the sample
    dgp: str
        data generating process ; "sigmoid", "quadratic", "noise"
    parameters: dict
        true parameters, dict keys are "alpha","beta1","beta2"
    plots : Bool 
        True if you wants the plots to be savedù
    noise : float
        Noise coefficient
    # ------- OUTPUT ------------ # 
    data: np.array 
        data generated   
    # get parameters 
    alpha = parameters["alpha"] ; beta1 = parameters["beta1"] ; beta2 = parameters["beta2"]
    # --------------------------- generate data on independent variables --------------------------- #
    # generate the independent variables
    x1 = np.random.normal(loc = 200, scale = 100, size = size)
    x2 = np.linspace(-300,300,size)
    # generate the y from the data based on the case
    if dgp == "sigmoid":
        # case 1 use a simple logistic
        true_values = sigmoid(alpha + beta1 * x1 + beta2 * x2)
        values = sigmoid(alpha + beta1 * x1 + beta2 * x2 + np.random.normal(loc = 0, scale = noise * np.abs((x1 - x1.mean()))))
        # set threshold 
        threshold = values.mean()
        y = (values >= threshold).astype(int)
    elif dgp == "quadratic": 
        # case 2 circle
        true_values = alpha + beta1 * x1**2 + beta2 * x2**2
        values = true_values + np.random.normal(loc = 0, scale = noise * (x1 - x1.mean())**2)
        # set threshold 
        threshold = values.mean()
        y = (values >= threshold).astype(int)
    elif dgp == "noise":
        # purely random y
        y = ss.bernoulli.rvs(p = 0.5, size = size)
        raise Exception
    # --------------------------- plot the data ---------------------------------------- # 
    if plots == True:
        _,ax = plt.subplots()
        ax.scatter(x1[np.where(y == 0)],x2[np.where(y == 0)],color="blue")
        ax.scatter(x1[np.where(y == 1)],x2[np.where(y == 1)],color="yellow")
        if (dgp == "sigmoid"): 
            ax.plot(x1[np.argsort(x1)],(inv_sigmoid(threshold) - alpha - beta1 * x1[np.argsort(x1)])/beta2)
            boundary = []
            boundary.append(np.array([x1[np.argsort(x1)],(inv_sigmoid(threshold) - alpha - beta1 * x1[np.argsort(x1)])/beta2]).T)
        elif (dgp == "quadratic"):
            ax.plot(x1[np.argsort(x1)],np.sqrt((threshold - alpha - beta1 * x1[np.argsort(x1)]**2)/beta2))
            ax.plot(x1[np.argsort(x1)],-np.sqrt((threshold - alpha - beta1 * x1[np.argsort(x1)]**2)/beta2))
            boundary = []
            boundary.append(np.array([x1[np.argsort(x1)],-np.sqrt((threshold - alpha - beta1 * x1[np.argsort(x1)]**2)/beta2)]).T)
            boundary.append(np.array([x1[np.argsort(x1)],np.sqrt((threshold - alpha - beta1 * x1[np.argsort(x1)]**2)/beta2)]).T)
            boundary = []
        graph_name = "SyntheticData_scatter_" + dgp
        plt.savefig("/Users/davideferri/Documents/Repos/sklearn_applications/BivariateClassification_MLexample/graphs/" + graph_name)
    # -------------------------- return the data ------------------------------------ # 
    # get the data in a single array
    data = np.array([y,x1,x2]).T
    return data,boundary
Exemplo n.º 36
sim           = 'SIMBA'
snapnum       = 33
realizations  = 66

# images parameters
grid         = 250
splits       = 5

# parameters of the density field routine
periodic     = True
verbose      = False
x_min, y_min = 0.0, 0.0

# find the numbers that each cpu will work with
numbers = np.where(np.arange(realizations)%nprocs==myrank)[0]

# define the matrix hosting all the maps
maps_T_loc  = np.zeros((splits*3*realizations, grid, grid), dtype=np.float32)
maps_T_tot  = np.zeros((splits*3*realizations, grid, grid), dtype=np.float32)
maps_Z_loc  = np.zeros((splits*3*realizations, grid, grid), dtype=np.float32)
maps_Z_tot  = np.zeros((splits*3*realizations, grid, grid), dtype=np.float32)
maps_P_loc  = np.zeros((splits*3*realizations, grid, grid), dtype=np.float32)
maps_P_tot  = np.zeros((splits*3*realizations, grid, grid), dtype=np.float32)
maps_Mg_loc = np.zeros((splits*3*realizations, grid, grid), dtype=np.float32)
maps_Mg_tot = np.zeros((splits*3*realizations, grid, grid), dtype=np.float32)
maps_Mc_loc = np.zeros((splits*3*realizations, grid, grid), dtype=np.float32)
maps_Mc_tot = np.zeros((splits*3*realizations, grid, grid), dtype=np.float32)
maps_Ms_loc = np.zeros((splits*3*realizations, grid, grid), dtype=np.float32)
maps_Ms_tot = np.zeros((splits*3*realizations, grid, grid), dtype=np.float32)
maps_Vg_loc = np.zeros((splits*3*realizations, grid, grid), dtype=np.float32)
Exemplo n.º 37
    def load_hdf5_flex(self, restartFolder, timestep, tXY):
        This function reads and allocates **badlands** parameters & variables from a previous
        simulation with flexural isostasy turned on.

        These parameters are obtained from a specific time HDF5 file.

            restartFolder: restart folder name as defined in tge XML input file.
            timestep: time step to load defined based on output interval number.
            tXY: 2D numpy array TIN grid local coordinates.

            numpy 1D array containing the updated elevation from the restart model.
            numpy 1D array containing the updated erosion/deposition values from the restart model.
            numpy 1D array containing the cumulative flexural isostasy values from the restart model.

            Flexural isostasy is obtained from the gFlex_ package available on Github!

            Wickert, A. D. (2016), Open-source modular solutions for flexural isostasy: gFlex v1.0,
            Geosci. Model Dev., 9(3), 997–1017, `doi:10.5194/gmd-9-997-2016`_.

        .. _`doi:10.5194/gmd-9-997-2016`:  https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-9-997-2016
        .. _gflex: https://github.com/awickert/gFlex


        if os.path.exists(restartFolder):
            folder = restartFolder + "/h5/"
            fileCPU = "tin.time%s.hdf5" % timestep
            restartncpus = len(glob.glob1(folder, fileCPU))
            if restartncpus == 0:
                raise ValueError(
                    "The requested time step for the restart simulation cannot be found in the restart folder."
            raise ValueError(
                "The restart folder is missing or the given path is incorrect."

        df = h5py.File("%s/h5/tin.time%s.hdf5" % (restartFolder, timestep),
        coords = numpy.array((df["/coords"]))
        cumdiff = numpy.array((df["/cumdiff"]))
        cumhill = numpy.array((df["/cumhill"]))
        cumfail = numpy.array((df["/cumfail"]))
        cumflex = numpy.array((df["/cumflex"]))
        x, y, z = numpy.hsplit(coords, 3)
        c = cumdiff
        h = cumhill
        s = cumfail
        f = cumflex

        XY = numpy.column_stack((x, y))
        tree = cKDTree(XY)
        distances, indices = tree.query(tXY, k=3)

        if len(z[indices].shape) == 3:
            z_vals = z[indices][:, :, 0]
            c_vals = c[indices][:, :, 0]
            h_vals = h[indices][:, :, 0]
            s_vals = s[indices][:, :, 0]
            f_vals = f[indices][:, :, 0]
            z_vals = z[indices]
            c_vals = c[indices]
            s_vals = s[indices]
            h_vals = h[indices]
            f_vals = f[indices]

        distances[distances < 0.0001] = 0.0001
        with numpy.errstate(divide="ignore"):
            elev = numpy.average(z_vals, weights=(1.0 / distances), axis=1)
            cum = numpy.average(c_vals, weights=(1.0 / distances), axis=1)
            hcum = numpy.average(h_vals, weights=(1.0 / distances), axis=1)
            scum = numpy.average(s_vals, weights=(1.0 / distances), axis=1)
            fcum = numpy.average(f_vals, weights=(1.0 / distances), axis=1)

        onIDs = numpy.where(distances[:, 0] <= 0.0001)[0]
        if len(onIDs) > 0:
            if len(z[indices].shape) == 3:
                elev[onIDs] = z[indices[onIDs, 0], 0]
                cum[onIDs] = c[indices[onIDs, 0], 0]
                hcum[onIDs] = h[indices[onIDs, 0], 0]
                scum[onIDs] = s[indices[onIDs, 0], 0]
                fcum[onIDs] = f[indices[onIDs, 0], 0]
                elev[onIDs] = z[indices[onIDs, 0]]
                cum[onIDs] = c[indices[onIDs, 0]]
                hcum[onIDs] = h[indices[onIDs, 0]]
                scum[onIDs] = s[indices[onIDs, 0]]
                fcum[onIDs] = f[indices[onIDs, 0]]

        return elev, cum, hcum, scum, fcum
Exemplo n.º 38
    def beam_search(self, data_loader, k=12, max_len=100,
                    avoid_rep=False, avoid_unk=False):
        """Performs beam search over split and returns the hyps."""
        results = []
        inf = 1e3
        bos = self.trg_vocab['<bos>']
        eos = self.trg_vocab['<eos>']

        for batch in pbar(data_loader, unit='batch'):
            n = batch.size

            # Mask to apply to pdxs.view(-1) to fix indices
            nk_mask = torch.arange(n * k).long().cuda()
            pdxs_mask = (nk_mask / k) * k

            # Tile indices to use in the loop to expand first dim
            tile = nk_mask / k

            # We can fill this to represent the beams in tensor format
            beam = torch.zeros((max_len, n, k)).long().cuda()

            # Encode source sentences into ctxs (S*N*C)
            ctxs, ctx_mask = self.enc(to_var(batch[self.sl], volatile=True))

            # Get initial decoder state (N*H)
            h_t = self.dec.f_init(ctxs, ctx_mask)

            # Initial y_t for <bos> embs: N x emb_dim
            y_t = self.dec.emb(to_var(
                torch.ones(n).long() * bos, volatile=True))

            log_p, h_t = self.dec.f_next(ctxs, ctx_mask, y_t, h_t)
            nll, beam[0] = log_p.data.topk(k, sorted=False, largest=False)

            for t in range(1, max_len):
                cur_tokens = beam[t - 1].view(-1)
                fini_idxs = (cur_tokens == eos).nonzero()
                n_fini = fini_idxs.numel()
                if n_fini == n * k:

                # Fetch embs for the next iteration (N*K, E)
                y_t = self.dec.emb(to_var(cur_tokens, volatile=True))

                # Get log_probs and new LSTM states (log_p, N*K, V)
                ctxs, ctx_mask = ctxs[:, tile], ctx_mask[:, tile]
                log_p, h_t = self.dec.f_next(ctxs, ctx_mask, y_t, h_t[tile])
                log_p = log_p.data

                # Suppress probabilities of previous tokens
                if avoid_rep:
                        0, cur_tokens + (nk_mask * self.n_trg_vocab), inf)

                # Avoid <unk> tokens
                if avoid_unk:
                    log_p[:, self.trg_vocab['<unk>']] = inf

                # Favor finished hyps to generate <eos> again
                # Their nll scores will not increase further and they will
                # always be kept in the beam.
                if n_fini > 0:
                    fidxs = fini_idxs[:, 0]
                    log_p.index_fill_(0, fidxs, inf)
                        0, fidxs * self.n_trg_vocab + eos, 0)

                # Expand to 3D, cross-sum scores and reduce back to 2D
                nll = (nll.unsqueeze(2) + log_p.view(n, k, -1)).view(n, -1)

                # Reduce (N, K*V) to k-best
                nll, idxs = nll.topk(k, sorted=False, largest=False)

                # previous indices into the beam and current token indices
                pdxs = idxs / self.n_trg_vocab

                # Insert current tokens
                beam[t] = idxs % self.n_trg_vocab

                # Permute all hypothesis history according to new order
                beam[:t] = beam[:t].gather(2, pdxs.repeat(t, 1, 1))

                # Compute correct previous indices
                # Mask is needed since we're in flattened regime
                tile = pdxs.view(-1) + pdxs_mask

            # Put an explicit <eos> to make idxs_to_sent happy
            beam[max_len - 1] = eos

            # Get beam and scores to CPU
            beam = beam.cpu().numpy()
            nll = nll.cpu().numpy()

            # Normalize scores by length
            lens, idxs = np.where(beam.reshape(max_len, -1) == eos)
            idxs = idxs.tolist()
            # Get sequence lengths
            lens = [lens[idxs.index(i)] for i in range(n * k)]
            # Avoid divide-by-zero in extreme case where hyp is only <eos>
            lens = [len_ if len_ != 0 else 1 for len_ in lens]
            nll /= np.array(lens).reshape(n, k)

            # Get best hyp for each sample in the batch
            hyps = beam[:, range(n), nll.argmin(axis=1)].T
            results.extend([self.trg_vocab.idxs_to_sent(hy) for hy in hyps])

        return results
Exemplo n.º 39
		def objective(limit, target):
			w = np.where(like>limit)
			count = histogram[w]
			return count.sum() - target
Exemplo n.º 40
    img_disp_target[pos_mask] = targets
    return img_disp_target

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # 缺点: 中心采样策略无法反映hw变化,而且既然叫做半径,为啥mask区域不是圆形,而是正方形
    center_sampling = True  # 是否使用中心采样策略
    feature_shape = (100, 100, 3)
    strides = 4
    radius = 3.5  # 默认1.5
    center_sample_radius = radius * strides  # 扩展半径radius,值越大,扩展面积越大
    gt_boox = [20, 30, 80, 71]  # 特征图size xyxy

    gt_bbox = torch.as_tensor(gt_boox, dtype=torch.float32).view(-1, 4)
    pos_mask, bbox_targets = get_target_mask(gt_bbox, feature_shape, center_sample_radius, center_sampling)

    # 可视化
    pos_mask1 = pos_mask[..., 0].numpy()
    gray_img = np.where(pos_mask1 > 0, 255, 0).astype(np.uint8)
    # 绘制原始bbox
    img = mmcv.gray2bgr(gray_img)
    cv2.rectangle(img, (gt_boox[0], gt_boox[1]), (gt_boox[2], gt_boox[3]), color=(255, 0, 0))
    cv2.namedWindow('img', 0)
    mmcv.imshow(img, 'img')

    # 显示centerness
    centerness_targets = centerness_target(pos_mask, bbox_targets)
    centerness_targets = centerness_targets.view(feature_shape[0], feature_shape[1])
Exemplo n.º 41
    def get_hist_data(self, contract, durationStr='10 D', barSizeSetting='1 day', show='TRADES'):

        :param symbol: e.g. 'SPY'
        :param type: e.g. 'STK', 'FUT', 'OPT'
        :param durationStr: [S	Seconds, D	Day, W	Week, M	Month, Y	Year ]
        :param barSizeSetting: [1 secs, 5 secs, 10 secs, 15 secs, 30 secs, 1 min, 2 mins, 3 mins, 5 mins, 10 mins ,15 mins,
        20 mins, 30 mins, 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours, 4 hours, 8 hours, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month]
        # k = 0
        # while k < 10:
        #     contract_details_list = self.tws.resolve_ib_contract(symbol, type)
        #     try:
        #         contract_details = contract_details_list[0]
        #         break
        #     except TypeError:
        #         sleep(2)
        #     k = k + 1
        # if k == 10:
        #     return -1
        # contract = contract_details.contract

        id = str(contract.symbol) + str(contract.secType) + str(contract.exchange) + str(contract.primaryExchange) + show + barSizeSetting
        if id in self.data.keys():
            date_updated = self.data[id]['UpdateDate']
            hist_data_old = self.data[id]['Data']
            if date_updated.date() == datetime.datetime.today().date():
                hist_data = hist_data_old
                if hist_data_old.size > 0:
                    # date_last_str = hist_data_old[-1][BAR_DICT['Date']]
                    date_last_date = hist_data_old[-1][BAR_DICT['Date']]
                    date_now = datetime.datetime.now()
                    date_delta = date_now - date_last_date
                    date_delta_days = date_delta.days

                    if date_delta_days > 0:
                        hist_data_new = self.tws.get_IB_historical_data(contract,
                                                                        durationStr='{} D'.format(date_delta_days),
                        hist_data_new = Database.convert_hist_data(hist_data_new)
                        z = np.where(hist_data_old[:, 0] == date_last_date)[0][0] - 1

                        if z is not None and hist_data_new.size > 0:
                            hist_data_old = hist_data_old[:z]
                            hist_data = np.concatenate((hist_data_old, hist_data_new), axis=0)
                            hist_data = hist_data_old
                        hist_data = hist_data_old
                    hist_data = self.tws.get_IB_historical_data(contract, durationStr=durationStr,
                                                                barSizeSetting=barSizeSetting, show=show)
                    hist_data = Database.convert_hist_data(hist_data)
                self.data[id]['Data'] = hist_data
                self.data[id]['UpdateDate'] = datetime.datetime.now()
                self.save(self.data, 'HistData')
            hist_data = self.tws.get_IB_historical_data(contract, durationStr=durationStr,
                                                        barSizeSetting=barSizeSetting, show=show)
            hist_data = Database.convert_hist_data(hist_data)
            if hist_data.size != 0:
                self.data[id] = {'Data': None, 'UpdateDate': None}
                self.data[id]['Data'] = hist_data
                self.data[id]['UpdateDate'] = datetime.datetime.now()
                self.save(self.data, 'HistData')
                return -1

        # self.data[id]['Data'] = hist_data
        # self.data[id]['UpdateDate'] = datetime.datetime.now()
        return hist_data
Exemplo n.º 42
def rg_update(s , r , ac , af , s_max , rg):
    rg = np.where(s>s_max , rg_cal(r , ac , af) , rg)
    s_max = np.maximum(s , s_max)
    return rg , s_max
Exemplo n.º 43
def _trim_cell(relative_axes, cell, symprec):
    """Trim overlapping atoms

    relative_axes: ndarray
        Transformation matrix to transform supercell to a smaller cell such as:
            trimmed_lattice = np.dot(relative_axes.T, cell.get_cell())
    cell: PhonopyAtoms
        A supercell
    symprec: float
        Tolerance to find overlapping atoms in the trimmed cell

        trimmed_cell, extracted_atoms, mapping_table

    positions = cell.get_scaled_positions()
    numbers = cell.get_atomic_numbers()
    masses = cell.get_masses()
    magmoms = cell.get_magnetic_moments()
    lattice = cell.get_cell()
    trimmed_lattice = np.dot(relative_axes.T, lattice)

    trimmed_positions = []
    trimmed_numbers = []
    if masses is None:
        trimmed_masses = None
        trimmed_masses = []
    if magmoms is None:
        trimmed_magmoms = None
        trimmed_magmoms = []
    extracted_atoms = []

    positions_in_new_lattice = np.dot(positions,
    positions_in_new_lattice -= np.floor(positions_in_new_lattice)
    trimmed_positions = np.zeros_like(positions_in_new_lattice)
    num_atom = 0

    mapping_table = np.arange(len(positions), dtype='intc')
    for i, pos in enumerate(positions_in_new_lattice):
        is_overlap = False
        if num_atom > 0:
            diff = trimmed_positions[:num_atom] - pos
            diff -= np.rint(diff)
            # Older numpy doesn't support axis argument.
            # distances = np.linalg.norm(np.dot(diff, trimmed_lattice), axis=1)
            # overlap_indices = np.where(distances < symprec)[0]
            distances = np.sqrt(
                np.sum(np.dot(diff, trimmed_lattice)**2, axis=1))
            overlap_indices = np.where(distances < symprec)[0]
            if len(overlap_indices) > 0:
                assert len(overlap_indices) == 1
                is_overlap = True
                mapping_table[i] = extracted_atoms[overlap_indices[0]]

        if not is_overlap:
            trimmed_positions[num_atom] = pos
            num_atom += 1
            if masses is not None:
            if magmoms is not None:

    # scale is not always to become integer.
    scale = 1.0 / np.linalg.det(relative_axes)
    if len(numbers) == np.rint(scale * len(trimmed_numbers)):
        trimmed_cell = PhonopyAtoms(
        return trimmed_cell, extracted_atoms, mapping_table
        return False
Exemplo n.º 44

def full_date_pkr(x):
    return int(x.game_id[3:11])

def full_date_pkr2(x):
    return int(x.game_id[3:12])

read_df['full_date'] = read_df.apply(full_date_pkr, axis=1)
read_df['full_date2'] = read_df.apply(full_date_pkr2, axis=1)

df = read_df.copy()

df['h'] = np.where(df.h_fl > 0, 1, 0)

df = df.groupby(by=['full_date', 'full_date2', 'bat_id']).agg({'h': 'sum'})
df = df.reset_index()
df = df.merge(players, left_on='bat_id', right_on='retroID')

def debut_pkr(x):
    return int(x.debut.replace("-", ""))

df['debut2'] = df.apply(debut_pkr, axis=1)

df = df.query("debut2 >= 19900101")

player_list = list(df.bat_id.unique())
def add_reg_noise(data_name, X, y, lat, lon, pr_noise, nlabel, y_perc = np.nan, cutoff = 1., region_name='ENSO'):

    lat = lat.flatten()
    lon = lon.flatten()
    NSAMPLES = np.shape(X)[0]
    # define the tranquil and noisy regions
    if data_name.find('mixedLabels')==0:
        inoise = np.arange(0,len(y))
        tranquil = is_tranquil(NSAMPLES,inoise)

    elif data_name.find('tranquilFOO') == 0:      
        reg_lats, reg_lons = get_region(region_name = region_name)
        ilat = np.where(np.logical_and(lat>=reg_lats[0],lat<=reg_lats[1]))[0]
        ilon = np.where(np.logical_and(lon>=reg_lons[0],lon<=reg_lons[1]))[0]
        reg_avg = np.nansum(np.nansum(X[:,:,ilon],axis=-1)[:,ilat],axis=-1)/(len(ilat)*len(ilon))
        print('region shape = ' + str(len(ilat)) + ' x ' + str(len(ilon)))
        inoise = np.where(reg_avg<=cutoff)[0]
        tranquil = is_tranquil(NSAMPLES,inoise)
    elif data_name.find('noNoise') == 0:
        inoise = []
        tranquil = np.ones((NSAMPLES,))
        raise ValueError('no such data noise type.')
    #change the labels on the noisy data
    y_new = np.copy(y)   
    corrupt = np.zeros(np.shape(tranquil))
    for i in inoise:
        if np.random.random() < pr_noise:
            i_rand_sample = np.random.randint(0,NSAMPLES)
            value = y[i_rand_sample]
            corrupt_value = 1
            value = y[i]
            corrupt_value = 0
        y_new[i] = value
        corrupt[i] = corrupt_value
    itranquil = np.where(tranquil==1)[0]
    i = np.where(corrupt==1)[0]
    k = np.where(np.logical_and(tranquil==1, corrupt==1))[0]
    print('# tranquil = ' + str(len(itranquil)) + ' out of ' + str(NSAMPLES) + ' samples')
    print('percent tranquil = ' + str(np.round(100.*len(itranquil)/len(tranquil))) + '%')
        print('tranquil mislabeled = ' + str(np.round(100.*len(k)/len(itranquil))) + '%')        
        print('non-tranquil mislabeled = ' + str(np.round(100.*len(i)/len(inoise))) + '%')
    print('total mislabeled = ' + str(np.round(100.*len(i)/len(y_new))) + '%')
    return X, y_new, tranquil, corrupt
Exemplo n.º 46
def add_bbox_regression_targets(roidb):
    """Add information needed to train bounding-box regressors."""
    assert len(roidb) > 0
    assert 'max_classes' in roidb[0], 'Did you call prepare_roidb first?'

    num_images = len(roidb)
    # Infer number of classes from the number of columns in gt_overlaps
    num_classes = roidb[0]['gt_overlaps'].shape[1]
    for im_i in xrange(num_images):
        rois = roidb[im_i]['boxes']
        max_overlaps = roidb[im_i]['max_overlaps']
        max_classes = roidb[im_i]['max_classes']
        roidb[im_i]['bbox_targets'] = \
                _compute_targets(rois, max_overlaps, max_classes)

        # Use fixed / precomputed "means" and "stds" instead of empirical values
        means = np.tile(
                np.array(cfg.TRAIN.BBOX_NORMALIZE_MEANS), (num_classes, 1))
        stds = np.tile(
                np.array(cfg.TRAIN.BBOX_NORMALIZE_STDS), (num_classes, 1))
        # Compute values needed for means and stds
        # var(x) = E(x^2) - E(x)^2
        class_counts = np.zeros((num_classes, 1)) + cfg.EPS
        sums = np.zeros((num_classes, 4))
        squared_sums = np.zeros((num_classes, 4))
        for im_i in xrange(num_images):
            targets = roidb[im_i]['bbox_targets']
            for cls in xrange(1, num_classes):
                cls_inds = np.where(targets[:, 0] == cls)[0]
                if cls_inds.size > 0:
                    class_counts[cls] += cls_inds.size
                    sums[cls, :] += targets[cls_inds, 1:].sum(axis=0)
                    squared_sums[cls, :] += \
                            (targets[cls_inds, 1:] ** 2).sum(axis=0)

        means = sums / class_counts
        stds = np.sqrt(squared_sums / class_counts - means ** 2)

    print 'bbox target means:'
    print means
    print means[1:, :].mean(axis=0) # ignore bg class
    print 'bbox target stdevs:'
    print stds
    print stds[1:, :].mean(axis=0) # ignore bg class

    # Normalize targets
        print "Normalizing targets"
        for im_i in xrange(num_images):
            targets = roidb[im_i]['bbox_targets']
            for cls in xrange(1, num_classes):
                cls_inds = np.where(targets[:, 0] == cls)[0]
                roidb[im_i]['bbox_targets'][cls_inds, 1:] -= means[cls, :]
                roidb[im_i]['bbox_targets'][cls_inds, 1:] /= stds[cls, :]
        print "NOT normalizing targets"

    # These values will be needed for making predictions
    # (the predicts will need to be unnormalized and uncentered)
    return means.ravel(), stds.ravel()
Exemplo n.º 47
    def iterar(self):

        #Verifica os novos infectados por infectantes do tipo 1 e 2
        lista_novos_infectados_tipo1, lista_novos_infectados_tipo2 = self.verificar_infeccao(self.lista_infectados_tipo_1+self.lista_infectados_tipo_2)

        for indice in lista_novos_infectados_tipo1:
            self.criar_individuo(self.INFECTADO_TIPO_1, indice)
        for indice in lista_novos_infectados_tipo2:
            self.criar_individuo(self.INFECTADO_TIPO_2, indice)

        #Verifica morte dos infectados tipo 2
        lista_mortos = self.checagem_morte_lista(self.lista_infectados_tipo_2)
        #retira os indices dos individuos mortos da lista de infectados
        self.lista_infectados_tipo_2 = [indice for indice in self.lista_infectados_tipo_2 if indice not in lista_mortos]
        #Instancia individuos mortos na matriz
        for indice in lista_mortos:
            self.criar_individuo(self.MORTO, indice)
        #atualiza o número de mortos na matriz
        self.num_mortos = self.num_mortos + len(lista_mortos)

        #Verifica cura dos infectados tipo 1
        lista_curados_t1 = self.checagem_cura_lista(self.lista_infectados_tipo_1)

        #Verifica cura dos infectados tipo 2    
        lista_curados_t2 = self.checagem_cura_lista(self.lista_infectados_tipo_2 )

        #Instancia individuos mortos na matriz
        for indice in lista_curados_t1+lista_curados_t2:
            self.criar_individuo(self.CURADO, indice)

        #atualiza o número de curados na matriz
        self.num_curados = self.num_curados + len(lista_curados_t1 + lista_curados_t2)

        #Atualiza a lista de infectados após a cura dos individuos
        self.lista_infectados_tipo_1 = [indice for indice in self.lista_infectados_tipo_1 if indice not in lista_curados_t1]
        self.lista_infectados_tipo_2 = [indice for indice in self.lista_infectados_tipo_2 if indice not in lista_curados_t2]
        nova_lista_t1 = []       
        for indice in self.lista_infectados_tipo_1:
        self.lista_infectados_tipo_1 = nova_lista_t1
        nova_lista_t2 = []       
        for indice in self.lista_infectados_tipo_2:
        self.lista_infectados_tipo_2 = nova_lista_t2

        # matriz_infectantes = matriz_infectantes[matriz_infectantes < 3]
        indices_infectados = list(zip(*np.where((self.matriz_status == 1) + (self.matriz_status == 2))))
        # indices_infectados = list(zip(*self.matriz_status.nonzero()))
        #indices_infectados = [indice for indice in indices_infectados if indice not in self.lista_infectados_tipo_1 + self.lista_infectados_tipo_2]
        # self.num_curados = 0
        #self.num_mortos = 0
        self.lista_infectados_tipo_1 = []
        self.lista_infectados_tipo_2 = []
        #novos_t1 = []
        #novos_t2 = []

        for indice in indices_infectados:
            #if indice not in self.lista_infectados_tipo_1 and indice not in self.lista_infectados_tipo_2:
            # print(indice)
            # print(self.matriz_status.shape)
            status = self.matriz_status[indice[0], indice[1]]
            if status == self.INFECTADO_TIPO_1:
            if status == self.INFECTADO_TIPO_2:

        #self.lista_infectados_tipo_1 = self.lista_infectados_tipo_1 + novos_t1    
        #self.lista_infectados_tipo_2 = self.lista_infectados_tipo_2 + novos_t2

        dict = {'num_sadios': self.populacao_inicial - len(self.lista_infectados_tipo_1) -len(self.lista_infectados_tipo_2) -self.num_curados-self.num_mortos,
                'num_infect_t1': len(self.lista_infectados_tipo_1),
                'num_infect_t2': len(self.lista_infectados_tipo_2),
                'num_curados': self.num_curados,
                'num_mortos': self.num_mortos}
        self.dataframe = self.dataframe.append(dict, ignore_index=True)    


        #adiciona 1 ao número de atualizações realizadas na matriz
        self.num_atualizacoes +=1
import cv2
import numpy as np
mask_path = '/mnt/data7/slice_test_seg/ct_lesion-type_20200311_177'
lung_path = '/home/xzw/lung_seg'
img_path = '/mnt/data6/lung_data'
output_path_slices = '/mnt/data7/slice_test_seg/mask_jpgs_new'
output_path_raw = '/mnt/data7/slice_test_seg/raw_jpgs_new'
os.makedirs(output_path_raw, exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(output_path_slices, exist_ok=True)

all_files = glob.glob(mask_path + '/*mask-label.nii')

for item in all_files:
    mask = sitk.ReadImage(item)
    mask = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(mask)
    zz, yy, xx = np.where(mask > 0)

    name = item.split('/')[-1].split('-mask')[0]
    if int(name.split('_')[0]) < 100:
        full_name = os.path.join(
            img_path, 'lung_1st',
            name.split('_')[0] + '_' + name.split('_')[1] + '.nii')
        full_name_lung = os.path.join(lung_path,
                                      'illPatient1_' + name + '_label.nii')
        full_name = os.path.join(
            img_path, 'lung_2rd',
            str(int(name.split('_')[0]) - 100) + '_' + name.split('_')[1] +
        full_name_lung = os.path.join(
            lung_path, 'illPatient2_' + str(int(name.split('_')[0]) - 100) +
Exemplo n.º 49
    def calc_statistic_outliers(self, factor: float = 3.0) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]:
            factor (float) - prefactor for stddev to detect statistic outliers
            data (DataFrame) - pandas DataFrame with columns 'object_id', 'time', 'cluster_id', 'outlier'
            outlier_result (DataFrame) - pandas DataFrame with columns 'object_id', 'start_time', 'end_time',
                                         'cluster_end_time', 'rating', 'distance' and 'outlier'
        timestamps = self._data[self._time_column_name].unique()

        self._outlier_rating = pd.DataFrame(
            columns=[self._object_column_name, 'start_time', 'end_time', 'rating', 'distance', 'outlier'])

        for t1 in range(len(timestamps) - 1):
            for t2 in range(t1 + 1, len(timestamps)):
                subsequence_ratings = self.calc_subsequence_ratings(timestamps[t1], timestamps[t2])
                subsequence_ratings = subsequence_ratings.assign(distance=0)
                subsequence_ratings = subsequence_ratings.assign(outlier=0)
                std_dev = np.std(subsequence_ratings[subsequence_ratings['rating'] >= 0]['rating'].values)
                mean = np.mean(subsequence_ratings[subsequence_ratings['rating'] >= 0]['rating'].values)
                subsequence_ratings = subsequence_ratings.assign(distance=lambda x: abs(x['rating'] - mean))
                subsequence_ratings[subsequence_ratings['rating'] >= 0] = subsequence_ratings[subsequence_ratings['rating'] >= 0].assign(outlier=lambda x: (x['distance'] <= factor * std_dev) - 1)
                self._outlier_rating = self._outlier_rating.append(subsequence_ratings)

        noise_object_ids = self._data[self._data[self._cluster_column_name] < 0][self._object_column_name].unique()
        for object_id in noise_object_ids:
            noisy_timestamps = self._data[(self._data[self._object_column_name] == object_id) &
                                          (self._data[self._cluster_column_name] < 0)][
            start_index = np.where(timestamps == noisy_timestamps[0])[0][0]
            counter = 1
            for i in range(1, len(noisy_timestamps)):
                if noisy_timestamps[i] == timestamps[start_index + counter]:
                    counter += 1
                    if counter > 1:
                        self._outlier_rating = self._outlier_rating.append({self._object_column_name: object_id,
                                                                            'start_time': timestamps[start_index],
                                                                            'end_time': timestamps[
                                                                                start_index + counter - 1],
                                                                            'rating': -1,
                                                                            'distance': -1,
                                                                            'outlier': -2}, ignore_index=True)
                    start_index = np.where(timestamps == noisy_timestamps[i])[0][0]
                    counter = 1
            if counter > 1:
                self._outlier_rating = self._outlier_rating.append({self._object_column_name: object_id,
                                                                    'start_time': timestamps[start_index],
                                                                    'end_time': timestamps[start_index + counter - 1],
                                                                    'rating': -1,
                                                                    'distance': -1,
                                                                    'outlier': -2}, ignore_index=True)
        self._outlier_result = self._outlier_rating[self._outlier_rating['outlier'] < 0]
        timestamps = timestamps.tolist()
        self._data = self._data.assign(outlier=0)
        for index, row in self._outlier_result.iterrows():
            for time_point in timestamps[timestamps.index(int(row['start_time'])): timestamps.index(
                    int(row['end_time'])) + 1]:
                self._data.loc[(self._data[self._time_column_name] == time_point) & (
                        self._data[self._object_column_name] == row[self._object_column_name]), 'outlier'] = row['outlier']

        return self._data, self._outlier_result
Exemplo n.º 50
    def detect_pnet20(self, im):
        """Get face candidates through pnet

        im: numpy array
            input image array

        boxes: numpy array
            detected boxes before calibration
        boxes_c: numpy array
            boxes after calibration
        h, w, c = im.shape
        net_size = 20

        current_scale = float(
            net_size) / self.min_face_size  # find initial scale
        im_resized = self.resize_image(im, current_scale)
        _, _, current_height, current_width = im_resized.shape

        if self.slide_window:
            # sliding window
            temp_rectangles = list()
            rectangles = list(
            )  # list of rectangles [x11, y11, x12, y12, confidence] (corresponding to original image)
            all_cropped_ims = list()
            while min(current_height, current_width) > net_size:
                current_y_list = range(0, current_height - net_size + 1, self.stride) if (current_height - net_size) % self.stride == 0 \
                else range(0, current_height - net_size + 1, self.stride) + [current_height - net_size]
                current_x_list = range(0, current_width - net_size + 1, self.stride) if (current_width - net_size) % self.stride == 0 \
                else range(0, current_width - net_size + 1, self.stride) + [current_width - net_size]

                for current_y in current_y_list:
                    for current_x in current_x_list:
                        cropped_im = im_resized[:, :,
                                                current_y:current_y + net_size,
                                                current_x:current_x + net_size]

                        current_rectangle = [
                            int(w * float(current_x) / current_width),
                            int(h * float(current_y) / current_height),
                            int(w * float(current_x) / current_width) +
                            int(w * float(net_size) / current_width),
                            int(h * float(current_y) / current_height) +
                            int(w * float(net_size) / current_width), 0.0

                current_scale *= self.scale_factor
                im_resized = self.resize_image(im, current_scale)
                _, _, current_height, current_width = im_resized.shape
            # helper for setting PNet batch size
            num_boxes = len(all_cropped_ims)
            batch_size = self.pnet_detector.batch_size
            ratio = float(num_boxes) / batch_size
            if ratio > 3 or ratio < 0.3:
                print "You may need to reset PNet batch size if this info appears frequently, \
face candidates:%d, current batch_size:%d"%(num_boxes, batch_size)
            all_cropped_ims = np.vstack(all_cropped_ims)
            cls_scores, reg = self.pnet_detector.predict(all_cropped_ims)

            cls_scores = cls_scores[:, 1].flatten()
            keep_inds = np.where(cls_scores > self.thresh[0])[0]

            if len(keep_inds) > 0:
                boxes = np.vstack(temp_rectangles[ind] for ind in keep_inds)
                boxes[:, 4] = cls_scores[keep_inds]
                reg = reg[keep_inds].reshape(-1, 4)
                return None, None

            keep = py_nms(boxes, 0.7, 'Union')
            boxes = boxes[keep]

            boxes_c = self.calibrate_box(boxes, reg[keep])

            # fcn
            all_boxes = list()
            while min(current_height, current_width) > net_size:
                cls_map, reg = self.pnet_detector.predict(im_resized)
                cls_map = cls_map.asnumpy()
                reg = reg.asnumpy()
                boxes = self.generate_bbox(cls_map[0, 1, :, :], reg,
                                           current_scale, self.thresh[0])

                current_scale *= self.scale_factor
                im_resized = self.resize_image(im, current_scale)
                _, _, current_height, current_width = im_resized.shape

                if boxes.size == 0:
                keep = py_nms(boxes[:, :5], 0.5, 'Union')
                boxes = boxes[keep]

            if len(all_boxes) == 0:
                return None, None

            all_boxes = np.vstack(all_boxes)

            # merge the detection from first stage
            keep = py_nms(all_boxes[:, 0:5], 0.7, 'Union')
            all_boxes = all_boxes[keep]
            boxes = all_boxes[:, :5]

            bbw = all_boxes[:, 2] - all_boxes[:, 0] + 1
            bbh = all_boxes[:, 3] - all_boxes[:, 1] + 1

            # refine the boxes
            boxes_c = np.vstack([
                all_boxes[:, 0] + all_boxes[:, 5] * bbw,
                all_boxes[:, 1] + all_boxes[:, 6] * bbh,
                all_boxes[:, 2] + all_boxes[:, 7] * bbw,
                all_boxes[:, 3] + all_boxes[:, 8] * bbh, all_boxes[:, 4]
            boxes_c = boxes_c.T

        return boxes, boxes_c
Exemplo n.º 51
 def predict(self, A):
     return np.where(A > 0.5, 1., 0.)
def operations(img1,img2,threshold):
    image_1 = cv2.imread(img1)
    image_2 = cv2.imread(img2)
    ###transforming input images to grayscale images and then binarization
    ##image 1
    blue_component1 = image_1[:,:,0]
    green_component1 = image_1[:,:,1]
    red_component1 = image_1[:,:,2]
    gray_image_1 = (0.11*blue_component1 + 0.59*green_component1 + 0.3*red_component1)
    binary_image_1 =  np.where(gray_image_1 > threshold, 255,0)

 ##image 2
    blue_component2 = image_2[:,:,0]
    green_component2 = image_2[:,:,1]
    red_component2 = image_2[:,:,2]
    gray_image_2 = (0.11*blue_component2 + 0.59*green_component2 + 0.3*red_component2)
    binary_image_2 = np.where(gray_image_2 > threshold,255,0)
    #image_3 = binary_image_1 + binary_image_2
    image_3_add = cv2.add(binary_image_1,binary_image_2)
    #image_3 = binary_image_1 - binary_image_2
    image_3_sub = cv2.subtract(binary_image_1,binary_image_2)
    ### logical xor
    xor = np.logical_xor(binary_image_1, binary_image_2)
    image_3_xor = np.where(xor > 0,255,0)
    ### logical andd
    #andd = np.logical_and(binary_image_1,binary_image_2)
    image_3_andd = np.where((binary_image_1*binary_image_2>0), 255,0)
     ### logical or
    orr = np.logical_or(binary_image_1,binary_image_2)
    image_3_orr = np.where(orr > 0,255,0)

    image_add = cv2.imread("image_add.jpg")     
    cv2.imshow('Addition of Images',image_add)
    image_sub = cv2.imread("image_sub.jpg")     
    cv2.imshow('Subtraction of Images',image_sub)
    image_xor = cv2.imread("image_xor.jpg")     
    cv2.imshow('Logical XOR of Images',image_xor)
    image_andd = cv2.imread("image_and.jpg")     
    cv2.imshow('Logical AND of Images',image_andd)
    image_orr = cv2.imread("image_or.jpg")     
    cv2.imshow('Logical OR of Images',image_orr)
Exemplo n.º 53
    plt.contourf(xx, yy, Z, cmap=cmap, alpha=0.25)
    plt.contour(xx, yy, Z, colors='k', linewidths=0.7)
    plt.scatter(X[0], X[1], c=Y[0], cmap=cmap, edgecolors='k')
    plt.savefig('decision_boundary_%s_%s.png' % (layer, node))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    X1 = np.random.randn(2, 40)
    X1 /= 1.5 * np.linalg.norm(X1, axis=0)
    Y1 = np.array([1.] * 40).reshape((1, 40))
    X2 = np.random.randn(2, 40)
    X2 /= np.linalg.norm(X2, axis=0)
    Y2 = np.array([0.] * 40).reshape((1, 40))
    X = np.concatenate([X1, X2], axis=1)
    Y = np.concatenate([Y1, Y2], axis=1)
    layers = initiate_layers([(3, tanh()), (1, sigmoid())], X)
    num_iterations = 10000
    losses = []
    for i in range(num_iterations):
        activations = forward_propogation(X, layers)
        layers = backward_propogation(Y, 1.0, activations, layers)
        P = np.where(activations[-1] > 0.5, 1., 0)
        losses.append(np.squeeze(loss(Y, activations[-1])))
    print(metrics.accuracy_score(Y[0], P[0]))
    for i, (W, B, g) in enumerate(layers):
        for j in range(W.shape[0]):
            plot_decision_boundary(layers, X, Y, layer=i, node=j)
    plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
Exemplo n.º 54

#year forest
g = GeoTiff(lossyear)

ex = grid.extent_in_crs(crs=wgs84)  # l, r, b, t
g.set_subset(corners=((ex[0], ex[2]), (ex[1], ex[3])),
             crs=wgs84, margin=10)
ls = g.get_vardata()
ls = np.array(ls, dtype=float)
# ls[ls >100] = np.nan
# ls = grid.map_gridded_data(ls, g.grid)
ls = np.round(ls).astype(int)
year_on_ds = ds18_present.salem.lookup_transform(ls, grid=g.grid, lut=lut, method=lambda x:np.bincount(x[np.where(x>0)]).argmax())
year_on_ds = year_on_ds.assign_coords(lon=grid.ll_coordinates[0][0,:], lat=grid.ll_coordinates[1][:,0])
# deforestation before 2009: set to 0


# mask_river = grid.region_of_interest(shape=river)
# mask_lakes = grid.region_of_interest(shape=lakes, roi=mask_river, all_touched=True)
# mask_river[mask_lakes]= 1
# larr = ds18_present.copy()
# larr.values = mask_river

ds2f = ds18_present.values.flatten()
dsf = ds18_hist.values.flatten()
Exemplo n.º 55
def SE_BDD(H_mat, Z_mat, Threshold, Verbose = "True"):
    import numpy as np
    from numpy.random import seed
    from numpy.random import randn
    from numpy import mean
    from numpy import std

    #print("\n **************  State Estimation ************* \n")
    # takes H matrix Z measurements, Threshold and Verbose as input
    std_cutOff_th = 1.5
    Max_Threshold = 10
    Threshold_step = 2

    doneFlag = 0
    fullRank = True
    numberOfMeasurements = H_mat.shape[0]
    numberOfStates = H_mat.shape[1]
    #print("Considering only the taken measurements")

    ############# starting State Estimation ###############
    Z_mat = Z_mat[Z_mat[:,0].argsort(kind='mergesort')]
    Z_mat_Copy = Z_mat.copy()

    # Space holder for Z_est
    Z_est = np.zeros(numberOfMeasurements)
    list_of_removed_sensors = []
    while(doneFlag == 0):
        #list_of_removed_sensors = []
        #considering only the taken measurements
        Z_msr = Z_mat[Z_mat[:,1]==1][:,2]

        # considering only the corresponding columns in H
        H_msr = H_mat[Z_mat[:,1]==1]

        #Chekcing rank of H
        Rank = np.linalg.matrix_rank(H_msr)

        if Verbose == "True": 
            print("Current Rank", Rank)
            print("H_msr Shape: ", H_msr.shape)

        ###### H is full rank --> Start Estimating          
        if Rank == numberOfStates:

            #Estimating the states using WMSE estimator
            States = (np.linalg.inv(H_msr.T@H_msr)@H_msr.T)@Z_msr

            # Estimating the measurement from the estimated states
            Z_est = H_mat@States

            if Verbose == "True":
                #print("\n Initital Z_m: "+str(Z_mat))
                #print("\n Sates: \n"+str(States))
                #print("\n Z_est: \n"+str(Z_est))

            #####################  Checking for Bad Data ##################################
            # Calculating the Noise
            M_Noise, P_Noise, Noisy_Index = Calc_Percent_of_Noise (Z_est, Z_mat, Threshold, fullRank,  Verbose =="False")

            #####   If there are some noisy data  ############# 
            if( len(Noisy_Index) > 0): 

                #print("***************** Bad Data Detected *********************")
                #changing the noisy measurement parameter (taken) from 1 to 0

                # Analyzig the percentage of noise
                Noise_mean, Noise_std = mean(P_Noise), std(P_Noise)

                # identify outliers
                Noise_cut_off = Noise_mean + Noise_std * std_cutOff_th

                indxtbremoved = np.where(P_Noise > Noise_cut_off)[0]

                target_noisy_indx = indxtbremoved if indxtbremoved.size > 0 else  Noisy_Index #np.argsort(P_Noise)[::-1]

                if Verbose == "True": 
                    print(f"Noise_mean: {Noise_mean}, Noise_std: {Noise_std}")
                    print("Removing sensor: ", target_noisy_indx)

                # removing noisy sensors from the state estimation process
                Z_mat[target_noisy_indx,1] = -1
                list_of_removed_sensors = list_of_removed_sensors + target_noisy_indx.tolist()

                if Verbose == "True": print("!!!! Done !!!\nNo more noisy data")
                doneFlag = 1
            if Threshold < Max_Threshold:

                Threshold += Threshold_step
                if Verbose == "True": print(f"Relaxing the nosie threshold to {Threshold}")
                list_of_removed_sensors = []
                Z_mat = Z_mat_Copy.copy()


                doneFlag = -1
                if Verbose == "True": print(f"\n\n\nSystem Unobservable !, Rank = {Rank}")

                #####  Returning ##############
                fullRank = False
                Z_est = np.zeros(numberOfMeasurements)
                States = np.zeros(numberOfStates)

    ############### Returning ########################
    #print("list_of_removed_sensors:", list_of_removed_sensors)
    return States, Z_est, Z_mat, fullRank
Exemplo n.º 56
 def predict(self, A):
     return np.where(A > 0, 1., -1.)
Exemplo n.º 57
def pattern_gen(n, capacity):
    import numpy as np

    r = len(capacity)
    if r == 0:
        print(" number of sections cant be zero")
    list_ = []
    avg_frac = n/r
    avg_int = n//r
    diff = (avg_frac - avg_int)
    if diff >= 0.5:
        diff = 1 - diff
        step = avg_int + 1
        ceil_sign = -1
        step = avg_int
        ceil_sign = +1
    liability = 0
    repeat = 0
    while repeat < r:
        repeat = repeat + 1   
        liability = liability + diff * ceil_sign
        if abs(liability) >= 0.99:
            added = round(step + liability)
            n = n - added
            liability = liability - ceil_sign

            n = n - round(step)
    #########  checking capacity ##3##
    cap = np.array(capacity)
    dis = np.array(list_)
    diff = cap - dis
    #print("diff:", diff)
    lagg = np.sum(diff[np.where(diff<0)])
    #print("lagg:", lagg)
    index = 0
    while(lagg < 0):
        positiveIndex = np.where(diff > 0)[0]
        if index >= positiveIndex.size:
            index = 0
        if positiveIndex.size == 0:
            print("Distribution not possible!!!!!")
#         print(positiveIndex)
#         print(index)
#         print(diff[positiveIndex[index]])
        diff[positiveIndex[index]] -= 1
        lagg += 1
        index += 1
        #print(diff, lagg)
    diff[np.where(diff < 0)] = 0
    dis = cap - diff
    return dis.astype(int).tolist()
Exemplo n.º 58
def SE_BDD_(H_mat, Z_mat, W_list, Threshold_min, Threshold_max, Verbose = "True"):
    import numpy as np
    from numpy.random import seed
    from numpy.random import randn
    from numpy import mean
    from numpy import std

    if Verbose == "True": 
        print("\n **************  State Estimation ************* \n")

    doneFlag = 0
    fullRank = True
    Threshold = Threshold_min
    Threshold_step = 2
    numberOfMeasurements = H_mat.shape[0]
    numberOfStates = H_mat.shape[1]
    ############# starting State Estimation ###############
    #Z_mat = Z_mat[Z_mat[:, 0].argsort(kind='mergesort')]
    Z_mat_Copy = Z_mat.copy()
    W_list = np.array(W_list)

    # Space holder for Z_est
    #Z_est = np.zeros(numberOfMeasurements)
    #list_of_removed_sensors = []
    ################# Starting the loop ###################################
    while(doneFlag == 0):
        #list_of_removed_sensors = []
        #considering only the taken measurements
        consideredIndx = np.where(Z_mat[:,1] == 1)[0]
        Z_msr = Z_mat[consideredIndx][:,2]

        # considering only the corresponding columns in H
        H_msr = H_mat[consideredIndx]
        # Measurement Covarriance Residual Matrix
        R_msr = np.diag(W_list[consideredIndx]) 
        R_inv = np.linalg.inv(R_msr)
        #Chekcing rank of H
        Rank = np.linalg.matrix_rank(H_msr) if H_msr.shape[0] > 0 else 0

        if Verbose == "True": 
            print("Current Rank", Rank)
            print("H_msr Shape: ", H_msr.shape)

        ###### H is full rank --> Start Estimating          
        if Rank == numberOfStates:
            #Estimating the states using WMSE estimator
            inv__Ht_Rinv_H__Ht = np.linalg.inv(H_msr.T@R_inv@H_msr)@H_msr.T
            States = inv__Ht_Rinv_H__Ht@R_inv@Z_msr
            # Ω = R − H. (H_T.R−1.H)−1.HT
            # Omega is a residual covarience matrix
            Omega_mat = R_msr - (H_msr@inv__Ht_Rinv_H__Ht)
            #print("Check :\n", R_msr - ([email protected](H_msr.T@R_inv@H_msr)@H_msr.T))
            #print(f"R_msr: {R_msr} \n Shape {R_msr.shape}")
            #print(f"Omega_mat: {Omega_mat} \n Shape {Omega_mat.shape}")
            # Estimating the measurement from the estimated states
            Z_est = H_mat@States
            if Verbose == "True":
                print("\n Initital Z_m: "+str(Z_mat))
                print("\n Sates: \n"+str(States))
                print("\n Z_est: \n"+str(Z_est))
                print("Calling Noise.. CheckNoise...")

            #####################  Checking for Bad Data ##################################
            # Calculating the Noise
            M_Noise, P_Noise, doneFlag = CheckNoise(
                Z_est, Z_mat, Omega_mat, R_msr, Threshold, fullRank,  Verbose =="False")
        # H is not a full rank matrix ............. abort estimation 
            if Threshold < Threshold_max:
                Threshold += Threshold_step
                Z_mat = Z_mat_Copy.copy()
                if Verbose == "True": print(f"Relaxing the threshold to {Threshold}")
                doneFlag = -1 #system unobservable 
                if Verbose == "True": print(f"\n\n\nSystem Unobservable !, Rank = {Rank}")
                #####  Returning ##############
                fullRank = False
                Z_est = np.zeros(numberOfMeasurements)
                States = np.zeros(numberOfStates)
                M_Noise = np.zeros(numberOfMeasurements)
    Noisy_Indx = np.where(Z_mat[:,1] == -1)[0]

    return States, Z_est, Z_mat, M_Noise, Noisy_Indx, fullRank, Threshold
Exemplo n.º 59
# Iterative read file ; each time 100000 records are read and processed
for i in range(1, 10):
    data = np.genfromtxt(
        max_rows=i * 100000,
        usecols=(0, 1, 2),
        skip_header=((i - 1) * 100000))
    if i == 1:
        hdr = list(data[0])
        data = np.delete(data, [0], axis=0)
# Get unique users
    s = list(set(data[:, 0]))
    #Find number of occurences of the user
    for user in s:
        c = np.where(data[:, 0] == user)
        # Select only those users who have rated atleast 100 movies
        if total_users == 3000 or len(fin_data) > 200000:
            flag = 1
        if len(c[0]) > 100:
            total_users += 1
            for j in c:
                fin_data = np.append(fin_data, data[j], axis=0)
    if flag == 1:

# Keep ratings of only those movies that have atleast 10 ratings

# Get unique movies
movie = list(set(fin_data[:, 1]))
Exemplo n.º 60
def CheckNoiseCor (Z_est, Z_mat, Omega_mat, R_msr, Threshold,  fullRank, Corr, Verbose):

    import math
    import numpy as np
    if fullRank != True:
    #         if Verbose == "True": 
    #             print("System Unobservable!"
        return None, None, Z_mat[:,0]        

    Z_msr = Z_mat[Z_mat[:, 1] == 1][:,2].copy()
    ####################################################   Here --------------------> 
    '''boolean index did not match indexed array along dimension 0; dimension is 53 
    but corresponding boolean dimension is 55'''
    if Verbose == "True":
        print("Starting BDD")
        print("Z_est: ", Z_est.shape)
        #print("Z_mat[:, 1] == 1", Z_mat[:, 1] == 1)

    Z_est_msr = Z_est[Z_mat[:, 1] == 1]
    # Calculating the measurement error
    M_Noise = (Z_msr - Z_est_msr)
    M_Noise_norm = M_Noise.copy()
    # Calculating the normalized residuals
    for index, _ in enumerate(M_Noise):
        if index == 0: continue
            M_Noise_norm [index] = np.absolute(M_Noise [index])/math.sqrt(Omega_mat[index, index])
            M_Noise_norm [index] = 0
            if Verbose == "True":
                print("index: ", index, np.absolute(M_Noise [index]))
                print(f" Value Error, Expected postive, Got {Omega_mat[index, index]}")
#     Noise_mat_actual = np.zeros(Z_mat.shape[0])
#     Noise_mat_actual[Z_mat[:,1] == 1] = M_Noise
#     Noise_mat_norm = np.zeros(Z_mat.shape[0])
#     Noise_mat_norm[Z_mat[:,1] == 1] = M_Noise_norm

#     print(M_Noise.shape)

    Noise_mat_actual = M_Noise.copy()
    Noise_mat_norm = M_Noise_norm.copy()
    active_idx = np.where(Z_mat[:,1] == 1)[0]
    # Checking for Noisy data
    if np.max(Noise_mat_norm) > Threshold:
        tIndx = np.argmax(Noise_mat_norm)
        if Verbose == "True":
            print(f"targetedIndx in cut: {tIndx}--> Value : {Noise_mat_norm[tIndx]}")
            print("Updating Z_mat...")
            print("Before: ", Z_mat[tIndx])
        #print("R_msr: ", R_msr.shape, Omega_mat.shape)
        if Corr == True:
            Z_mat[active_idx[tIndx], 2] = Z_mat[active_idx[tIndx], 2] - R_msr[tIndx,tIndx]/Omega_mat[tIndx,tIndx]*M_Noise[tIndx]
            Z_mat[active_idx[tIndx], 1] = -1

        doneFlag = 0
        if Verbose == "True":
            print("After: ", Z_mat[tIndx])
        if Verbose == "True": print("No Bad Data Detected....")
        doneFlag = 1
        Noise_mat_actual = np.zeros(Z_mat.shape[0])
        Noise_mat_actual[Z_mat[:,1] == 1] = M_Noise.copy()
        Noise_mat_norm = np.zeros(Z_mat.shape[0])
        Noise_mat_norm[Z_mat[:,1] == 1] = M_Noise_norm.copy()
    return Noise_mat_actual, Noise_mat_norm, doneFlag