Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_set_mask(self):
     base = self.base.copy()
     mbase = base.view(mrecarray)
     # Set the mask to True .......................
     mbase.mask = masked
     assert_equal(ma.getmaskarray(mbase['b']), [1] * 5)
     assert_equal(mbase['a']._mask, mbase['b']._mask)
     assert_equal(mbase['a']._mask, mbase['c']._mask)
     assert_equal(mbase._mask.tolist(), np.array([(1, 1, 1)] * 5,
     # Delete the mask ............................
     mbase.mask = nomask
     assert_equal(ma.getmaskarray(mbase['c']), [0] * 5)
     assert_equal(mbase._mask.tolist(), np.array([(0, 0, 0)] * 5,
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_set_fields(self):
        # Tests setting fields.
        base = self.base.copy()
        mbase = base.view(mrecarray)
        mbase = mbase.copy()
        mbase.fill_value = (999999, 1e20, 'N/A')
        # Change the data, the mask should be conserved
        mbase.a._data[:] = 5
        assert_equal(mbase['a']._data, [5, 5, 5, 5, 5])
        assert_equal(mbase['a']._mask, [0, 1, 0, 0, 1])
        # Change the elements, and the mask will follow
        mbase.a = 1
        assert_equal(mbase['a']._data, [1] * 5)
        assert_equal(ma.getmaskarray(mbase['a']), [0] * 5)
        # Use to be _mask, now it's recordmask
        assert_equal(mbase.recordmask, [False] * 5)
            np.array([(0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 1), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 1)],
        # Set a field to mask ........................
        mbase.c = masked
        # Use to be mask, and now it's still mask !
        assert_equal(mbase.c.mask, [1] * 5)
        assert_equal(mbase.c.recordmask, [1] * 5)
        assert_equal(ma.getmaskarray(mbase['c']), [1] * 5)
        assert_equal(ma.getdata(mbase['c']), [b'N/A'] * 5)
            np.array([(0, 0, 1), (0, 1, 1), (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 1), (0, 1, 1)],
        # Set fields by slices .......................
        mbase = base.view(mrecarray).copy()
        mbase.a[3:] = 5
        assert_equal(mbase.a, [1, 2, 3, 5, 5])
        assert_equal(mbase.a._mask, [0, 1, 0, 0, 0])
        mbase.b[3:] = masked
        assert_equal(mbase.b, base['b'])
        assert_equal(mbase.b._mask, [0, 1, 0, 1, 1])
        # Set fields globally..........................
        ndtype = [('alpha', '|S1'), ('num', int)]
        data = ma.array([('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3)], dtype=ndtype)
        rdata = data.view(MaskedRecords)
        val = ma.array([10, 20, 30], mask=[1, 0, 0])

        rdata['num'] = val
        assert_equal(rdata.num, val)
        assert_equal(rdata.num.mask, [1, 0, 0])
Exemplo n.º 3
def addfield(mrecord, newfield, newfieldname=None):
    """Adds a new field to the masked record array

    Uses `newfield` as data and `newfieldname` as name. If `newfieldname`
    is None, the new field name is set to 'fi', where `i` is the number of
    existing fields.

    _data = mrecord._data
    _mask = mrecord._mask
    if newfieldname is None or newfieldname in reserved_fields:
        newfieldname = 'f%i' % len(_data.dtype)
    newfield = ma.array(newfield)
    # Get the new data.
    # Create a new empty recarray
    newdtype = np.dtype(_data.dtype.descr + [(newfieldname, newfield.dtype)])
    newdata = recarray(_data.shape, newdtype)
    # Add the existing field
    [newdata.setfield(_data.getfield(*f), *f)
         for f in _data.dtype.fields.values()]
    # Add the new field
    newdata.setfield(newfield._data, *newdata.dtype.fields[newfieldname])
    newdata = newdata.view(MaskedRecords)
    # Get the new mask
    # Create a new empty recarray
    newmdtype = np.dtype([(n, bool_) for n in newdtype.names])
    newmask = recarray(_data.shape, newmdtype)
    # Add the old masks
    [newmask.setfield(_mask.getfield(*f), *f)
         for f in _mask.dtype.fields.values()]
    # Add the mask of the new field
    newdata._mask = newmask
    return newdata
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __setitem__(self, indx, value):
        Sets the given record to value.

        MaskedArray.__setitem__(self, indx, value)
        if isinstance(indx, basestring):
            self._mask[indx] = ma.getmaskarray(value)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __setattr__(self, attr, val):
        Sets the attribute attr to the value val.

        # Should we call __setmask__ first ?
        if attr in ['mask', 'fieldmask']:
        # Create a shortcut (so that we don't have to call getattr all the time)
        _localdict = object.__getattribute__(self, '__dict__')
        # Check whether we're creating a new field
        newattr = attr not in _localdict
            # Is attr a generic attribute ?
            ret = object.__setattr__(self, attr, val)
        except Exception:
            # Not a generic attribute: exit if it's not a valid field
            fielddict = ndarray.__getattribute__(self, 'dtype').fields or {}
            optinfo = ndarray.__getattribute__(self, '_optinfo') or {}
            if not (attr in fielddict or attr in optinfo):
                exctype, value = sys.exc_info()[:2]
                raise exctype(value)
            # Get the list of names
            fielddict = ndarray.__getattribute__(self, 'dtype').fields or {}
            # Check the attribute
            if attr not in fielddict:
                return ret
            if newattr:
                # We just added this one or this setattr worked on an
                # internal attribute.
                    object.__delattr__(self, attr)
                except Exception:
                    return ret
        # Let's try to set the field
            res = fielddict[attr][:2]
        except (TypeError, KeyError):
            raise AttributeError("record array has no attribute %s" % attr)

        if val is masked:
            _fill_value = _localdict['_fill_value']
            if _fill_value is not None:
                dval = _localdict['_fill_value'][attr]
                dval = val
            mval = True
            dval = filled(val)
            mval = getmaskarray(val)
        obj = ndarray.__getattribute__(self, '_data').setfield(dval, *res)
        _localdict['_mask'].__setitem__(attr, mval)
        return obj
Exemplo n.º 6
def fromarrays(arraylist, dtype=None, shape=None, formats=None,
               names=None, titles=None, aligned=False, byteorder=None,
    Creates a mrecarray from a (flat) list of masked arrays.

    arraylist : sequence
        A list of (masked) arrays. Each element of the sequence is first converted
        to a masked array if needed. If a 2D array is passed as argument, it is
        processed line by line
    dtype : {None, dtype}, optional
        Data type descriptor.
    shape : {None, integer}, optional
        Number of records. If None, shape is defined from the shape of the
        first array in the list.
    formats : {None, sequence}, optional
        Sequence of formats for each individual field. If None, the formats will
        be autodetected by inspecting the fields and selecting the highest dtype
    names : {None, sequence}, optional
        Sequence of the names of each field.
    fill_value : {None, sequence}, optional
        Sequence of data to be used as filling values.

    Lists of tuples should be preferred over lists of lists for faster processing.

    datalist = [getdata(x) for x in arraylist]
    masklist = [np.atleast_1d(getmaskarray(x)) for x in arraylist]
    _array = recfromarrays(datalist,
                           dtype=dtype, shape=shape, formats=formats,
                           names=names, titles=titles, aligned=aligned,
    _array._mask.flat = list(zip(*masklist))
    if fill_value is not None:
        _array.fill_value = fill_value
    return _array
Exemplo n.º 7
def merge_arrays(seqarrays,
    Merge arrays field by field.

    seqarrays : sequence of ndarrays
        Sequence of arrays
    fill_value : {float}, optional
        Filling value used to pad missing data on the shorter arrays.
    flatten : {False, True}, optional
        Whether to collapse nested fields.
    usemask : {False, True}, optional
        Whether to return a masked array or not.
    asrecarray : {False, True}, optional
        Whether to return a recarray (MaskedRecords) or not.

    >>> from numpy1.lib import recfunctions as rfn
    >>> rfn.merge_arrays((np.array([1, 2]), np.array([10., 20., 30.])))
    masked_array(data = [(1, 10.0) (2, 20.0) (--, 30.0)],
                 mask = [(False, False) (False, False) (True, False)],
           fill_value = (999999, 1e+20),
                dtype = [('f0', '<i4'), ('f1', '<f8')])

    >>> rfn.merge_arrays((np.array([1, 2]), np.array([10., 20., 30.])),
    ...              usemask=False)
    array([(1, 10.0), (2, 20.0), (-1, 30.0)],
          dtype=[('f0', '<i4'), ('f1', '<f8')])
    >>> rfn.merge_arrays((np.array([1, 2]).view([('a', int)]),
    ...               np.array([10., 20., 30.])),
    ...              usemask=False, asrecarray=True)
    rec.array([(1, 10.0), (2, 20.0), (-1, 30.0)],
              dtype=[('a', '<i4'), ('f1', '<f8')])

    * Without a mask, the missing value will be filled with something,
      depending on what its corresponding type:

      * ``-1``      for integers
      * ``-1.0``    for floating point numbers
      * ``'-'``     for characters
      * ``'-1'``    for strings
      * ``True``    for boolean values
    * XXX: I just obtained these values empirically
    # Only one item in the input sequence ?
    if (len(seqarrays) == 1):
        seqarrays = np.asanyarray(seqarrays[0])
    # Do we have a single ndarray as input ?
    if isinstance(seqarrays, (ndarray, np.void)):
        seqdtype = seqarrays.dtype
        # Make sure we have named fields
        if not seqdtype.names:
            seqdtype = np.dtype([('', seqdtype)])
        if not flatten or zip_dtype((seqarrays, ), flatten=True) == seqdtype:
            # Minimal processing needed: just make sure everythng's a-ok
            seqarrays = seqarrays.ravel()
            # Find what type of array we must return
            if usemask:
                if asrecarray:
                    seqtype = MaskedRecords
                    seqtype = MaskedArray
            elif asrecarray:
                seqtype = recarray
                seqtype = ndarray
            return seqarrays.view(dtype=seqdtype, type=seqtype)
            seqarrays = (seqarrays, )
        # Make sure we have arrays in the input sequence
        seqarrays = [np.asanyarray(_m) for _m in seqarrays]
    # Find the sizes of the inputs and their maximum
    sizes = tuple(a.size for a in seqarrays)
    maxlength = max(sizes)
    # Get the dtype of the output (flattening if needed)
    newdtype = zip_dtype(seqarrays, flatten=flatten)
    # Initialize the sequences for data and mask
    seqdata = []
    seqmask = []
    # If we expect some kind of MaskedArray, make a special loop.
    if usemask:
        for (a, n) in zip(seqarrays, sizes):
            nbmissing = (maxlength - n)
            # Get the data and mask
            data = a.ravel().__array__()
            mask = ma.getmaskarray(a).ravel()
            # Get the filling value (if needed)
            if nbmissing:
                fval = _check_fill_value(fill_value, a.dtype)
                if isinstance(fval, (ndarray, np.void)):
                    if len(fval.dtype) == 1:
                        fval = fval.item()[0]
                        fmsk = True
                        fval = np.array(fval, dtype=a.dtype, ndmin=1)
                        fmsk = np.ones((1, ), dtype=mask.dtype)
                fval = None
                fmsk = True
            # Store an iterator padding the input to the expected length
            seqdata.append(itertools.chain(data, [fval] * nbmissing))
            seqmask.append(itertools.chain(mask, [fmsk] * nbmissing))
        # Create an iterator for the data
        data = tuple(izip_records(seqdata, flatten=flatten))
        output = ma.array(np.fromiter(data, dtype=newdtype, count=maxlength),
                          mask=list(izip_records(seqmask, flatten=flatten)))
        if asrecarray:
            output = output.view(MaskedRecords)
        # Same as before, without the mask we don't need...
        for (a, n) in zip(seqarrays, sizes):
            nbmissing = (maxlength - n)
            data = a.ravel().__array__()
            if nbmissing:
                fval = _check_fill_value(fill_value, a.dtype)
                if isinstance(fval, (ndarray, np.void)):
                    if len(fval.dtype) == 1:
                        fval = fval.item()[0]
                        fval = np.array(fval, dtype=a.dtype, ndmin=1)
                fval = None
            seqdata.append(itertools.chain(data, [fval] * nbmissing))
        output = np.fromiter(tuple(izip_records(seqdata, flatten=flatten)),
        if asrecarray:
            output = output.view(recarray)
    # And we're done...
    return output