Exemplo n.º 1
    def transform(self, input_obs, column_names, *, smin=None):
        column_names = np.array(column_names)
        both_cols = npi.intersection(column_names, self.mm_colnames)
        obs_cols = npi.indices(column_names, both_cols)
        mm_cols = npi.indices(self.mm_colnames, both_cols)
        obs = input_obs[:, obs_cols]
        mm = self.mm[:, mm_cols]

        # the columns that did not make it
        not_mm_cols = npi.indices(self.mm_colnames,
                                  npi.difference(self.mm_colnames, both_cols))

        # we can only work with rows that have not any "1"
        mm = mm[np.where(self.mm[:, not_mm_cols].sum(axis=1) == 0)[0], :]

        # clearing out "empty" rows
        mm_nonzero_rows = np.where(mm.sum(axis=1))[0]
        mm = mm[mm_nonzero_rows, :]

        # clearing out duplicate rows (out-features)
        mm = pd.DataFrame(mm).drop_duplicates().values

        # generate output names
        self.output_names = [
            '_'.join(map(lambda j: both_cols[j],
                         np.where(mm[row, :])[0]))
            for row in range(mm.shape[0])

        if smin is None:
            res = map_features(obs, mm)
            res = map_features_smin(obs, mm, smin)

        return res
def _load_stock_prices(dates, symbol):
    print(f'Loading pricing data for stock {symbol.upper()}')

    symbol_dates = _filter_to_business_days(
    mat_idx_to_file_idx = npi.indices(symbol_dates, dates, missing=-1)

    missing_indices = np.where(mat_idx_to_file_idx == -1)
    if len(missing_indices) > 0:
        missing_dates = [
            str(d)[:10] for d in sorted(set(dates[missing_indices]))
        print(f'Missing pricing data for stock {symbol.upper()} for '
              f'the following dates: {missing_dates})')

    file_prices = np.zeros(shape=(len(symbol_dates) + 1, ))
    file_prices[:-1] = np.loadtxt(
        skiprows=1,  # skip CSV header  
    file_prices[-1] = np.nan

    return file_prices[mat_idx_to_file_idx]
Exemplo n.º 3
    def confidence_scores(self, X, annotator_ids=None, **kwargs):
        """Method returning the confidence scores for labelling the given samples.

        X: array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
             Samples whose class labels are queried.
        annotator_ids: array-like, shape (n_queried_annotators)
            The indices of the annotators whose confidence scores are queried.

        C: numpy.ndarray, shape (n_samples, n_annotators)
            confidence scores of the queried annotators for labelling the given samples.
            The non queried annotators should return np.nan values.
        # check annotator_ids
        annotator_ids = check_indices(annotator_ids,
                                      self.n_annotators() - 1, 'annotator_ids')

        # obtain ids of queried samples
        X = check_array(X)
        sample_ids = indices(self.X_, X, missing=-1)
        sample_ids_flag = sample_ids >= 0

        # confidence scores provided by queried annotators
        C = np.full((np.size(X, 0), self.n_annotators()), np.nan)
          annotator_ids[:, None]] = self.C_[sample_ids[sample_ids_flag],
                                            annotator_ids[:, None]]

        return C
Exemplo n.º 4
def create_pre_compute():
    with open('./Data/Trajectories.txt', 'r') as f:
        # trajectory_num = []
        trajectories_list = []
        for line in f:
            lst = re.split(r'[ ]', line)
            tmp = [float(i) for i in lst]
            # trajectory_num.append(tmp.pop(-1))

    trajectories = np.zeros([len(trajectories_list), 24])
    for i, trajectory in enumerate(trajectories_list):
        for j, stop_area in enumerate(trajectory):
            trajectories[i, j] = int(stop_area)

    unique_trajectories = npi.unique(trajectories)
    label_uniques = npi.indices(unique_trajectories, trajectories)
    np.save('./Data/label_uniques.npy', label_uniques)
    np.save('./Data/trajectories_uniques.npy', unique_trajectories)
    np.save('./Data/np_trajectories.npy', trajectories)

    # trajectories = np.load('./Data/np_trajectories.npy')
    # unique_trajectories = np.load('./Data/trajectories_uniques.npy')
    # label_uniques = np.load('./Data/label_uniques.npy')

    dist_pre_compute = np.zeros([len(unique_trajectories), len(unique_trajectories)])
    for i in range(0, len(unique_trajectories)-1):
        for j in range(i+1, len(unique_trajectories)):
            if j % 2000 == 0:
                print([i, j])
            dist_pre_compute[i, j] = dist_pre_compute[j, i] = levenshtein(unique_trajectories[i, :], unique_trajectories[j, :])
            # dist_pre_compute[i, j] = dist_pre_compute[j, i] = dtw(unique_trajectories[i, :], unique_trajectories[j, :])
    np.save('./Data/pre_compute_dtw', dist_pre_compute)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def normalize_x(self, features):
        np_all_features = np.array(self.features)
        np_features_to_normalize = np.array(features)
        columns_to_normalize = npi.indices(np_all_features, np_features_to_normalize)

        for column in columns_to_normalize:
            mean = self.x[:,column:column+1].mean()
            sd = self.x[:,column:column+1].std()
            self.x[:,column:column+1] = (self.x[:,column:column+1] - mean) / sd
Exemplo n.º 6
def create_np():
    names_dict, label_list = points_dict()
    for file_tmp in os.listdir("./Data/CoordinatesInput"):
        if file_tmp.endswith(".txt"):
            str_file = file_tmp.title()
            str_file_pre = './Data/CoordinatesInput/%s.txt' % (str_file[:-4])
            str_file_np = './Data/npData/%s' % (str_file[:-4])
            with open(str_file_pre, 'r') as f:
                all_coordinates = []
                for line in f:
                    line = line.strip('\n')
                    tmp = ''
                    coordinates_list = []
                    for sign in line:
                        if sign != '[' and sign != ']' and sign != "'" and sign != '"' and sign != ' ':
                            if sign == ',':
                                tmp = ''
                                tmp += sign

            if len(all_coordinates) > 0:
                data = np.zeros([len(all_coordinates), 6])
                for idx, item1 in enumerate(all_coordinates):
                    for idy, item2 in enumerate(item1):
                        data[idx][idy] = float(item2)

                tmp = data[:, :2]
                unique_coordinate = npi.unique(tmp)
                label = npi.indices(unique_coordinate, tmp)
                max_cluster = np.max(label) + 1
                count = np.zeros(max_cluster)
                for i in label:
                    count[i] += 1

                temp = count
                idc = np.zeros(max_cluster)
                for i in range(max_cluster):
                    idx = np.argmax(temp)
                    idc[idx] = max_cluster - (i + 1)
                    temp[idx] = 0

                for idx, count_label in enumerate(idc):
                    if count_label < max_cluster - math.floor(max_cluster * 0.1):
                        label[np.where(label == idx)] = max_cluster

                j = 0
                for i in range(max_cluster + 1):
                    tmp = np.where(label == i)
                    if len(tmp[0]) > 0:
                        data[np.where(label == i), 5] = label_list[names_dict[str_file[:-4]]][j]
                        j += 1

                np.save(str_file_np, data)
Exemplo n.º 7
def work(A, i):
    global out_pus

    X = A['rechit_x'][i]
    Y = A['rechit_y'][i]
    Z = A['rechit_z'][i]
    E = A['rechit_energy'][i]
    L = A['rechit_layer'][i]
    T = A['rechit_time'][i]
    D = A['rechit_detid'][i]

    H = A['simcluster_hits'][i]
    F = A['simcluster_fractions'][i]

    if not (len(X) == len(Y) == len(Z) == len(E) == len(L) ==
            len(T)) or len(X) == 0:
        print("Error in number of entries")

    num_entries = len(X)

    print("Hello, world!")
    # All features
    all_features = np.concatenate(
        (np.expand_dims(X, axis=1), np.expand_dims(
            Y, axis=1), np.expand_dims(Z, axis=1), np.expand_dims(E, axis=1),
         np.expand_dims(L, axis=1), np.expand_dims(T, axis=1)),
    total_fractions = np.zeros(len(all_features))

    for k in range(len(H)):
        my_simcluster_hits = H[k]
        my_simcluster_frac = F[k]
        print('\tCluster %d - %d' % (k, len(my_simcluster_hits)))
        valid_indices = np.isin(my_simcluster_hits, D)

        cluster_frac = my_simcluster_frac[valid_indices]
        cluster_hits = my_simcluster_hits[valid_indices]

        cluster_hits = npi.indices(D, cluster_hits, missing='raise')
        total_fractions[cluster_hits] += cluster_frac

    print("Hello, world 2!")

    pu_indices = np.argwhere()[total_fractions < 0.1]
    data_required = A[pu_indices]
    if len(pu_indices) > 300:

    print("Length", len(out_pus))

    if len(out_pus) == 5:
        return True
        return False
Exemplo n.º 8
def gethpz(ras, dec, red, nside, ipixlst, nzbin, zlims):
    npix = len(ipixlst)
    print '\nMaking healpix grid of nside =', nside, 'with', npix, 'pixels in', nzbin, 'slices...'
    phi, theta = np.radians(ras), np.radians(90. - dec)
    ipix = hp.ang2pix(nside, theta, phi)
    izbin = np.digitize(red, zlims) - 1
    cut = (np.isin(ipix, ipixlst)) & (izbin >= 0) & (izbin < nzbin)
    ipix, izbin = ipix[cut], izbin[cut]
    ipix = npi.indices(ipixlst, ipix)
    dathpz, edges = np.histogramdd(np.vstack([izbin, ipix]).transpose(),
                                   bins=(nzbin, npix))
    return dathpz
Exemplo n.º 9
    def localised(self, x, y, xnew):
        windowloc = 200
        x = np.asarray(x)
        y = np.asarray(y)

        if x[0] > x[-1]:
            x = x[::-1]
            y = y[::-1]

        ynew = np.zeros(len(xnew))

        #Localised Radial Basis functions by looping through subset of data
        localisation = int(np.ceil(len(x) / windowloc))
        factor = np.ceil(len(x) / localisation)
        for idloc in range(localisation):
            #localisation allows for some overlapping to improve the consistency upon reforming total data
            #determines if the sub-data is the last sub-data group
            if idloc == localisation - 1:
                start = int((idloc * factor) - 5)
                end = int(len(x))
                #determines if the sub-data is the first sub-data group
            elif idloc == 0:
                start = 0
                end = (int(1 * factor) + 5)
                start = int((idloc * factor) - 5)
                end = int(((idloc + 1) * factor) + 5)

            ydata_loop = y[start:end]
            xdata_loop = x[start:end]

            #selects the region of x data to extract the new y data
            xnew_cut_idx = npi.indices(
                xnew, xnew[(xnew >= xdata_loop[0]) & (xnew < xdata_loop[-1])])
            xnew_cut = xnew[xnew_cut_idx]

            #caries out the radial basis function interpolation on the localised sub-data
            rbf = Rbf(xdata_loop, ydata_loop, function='linear', smooth=0)
            ynew[xnew_cut_idx] = rbf(xnew_cut)

        Data = pd.DataFrame()
        Data['x'] = xnew
        Data['y'] = ynew

        if self.BlackmanHarrisFiltervar.get() == 1:
            Data = Data.rolling(5,
            Data.dropna(how='any', inplace=True)

        return [Data['x'].values, Data['y'].values]
Exemplo n.º 10
def replace_neighbours(classes, classified, classified_ID, org_neighbours):
    classes = array of same length as len of org_label with new labels
    classified = numpy array with new classified values
    classified_ID = merged regions with a unique ID
    org_neighbours = output of calc_neighbours function
    replaced = list of arrays with replaced neighbours per region
    tablemerged = array indicating the percentages of neighbours for each region. First N columns are
                  the unique amount of classes. Last column is the classified value of that region  
    # Set up dictionary for replacement of unique neighbour values to classified neighbour values
    listv = np.unique(classes).tolist()
    keys = []
    values = []
    for i in listv:
        keys.append(classified_ID[classified == i])
        leng = classified_ID[classified == i]
        values.append([i] * len(leng))
    keys = np.concatenate(keys).tolist()
    values = np.concatenate(values).tolist()

    alldict = dict(zip(keys, values))

    # Replace list of unique neightbours with classified neighbours
    # First get keys of final dict
    keys_clas = alldict.keys()
    values_clas = alldict.values()

    import numpy_indexed as npi
    arr = np.concatenate(org_neighbours)
    idx = npi.indices(keys_clas, arr, missing='mask')
    remap = np.logical_not(idx.mask)
    arr[remap] = np.array(values_clas)[idx[remap]]
    replaced = np.array_split(arr, np.cumsum([len(a) for a in org_neighbours][:-1]))

    # Determine classification % of neighbours and generate array for attribute table
    idx = [np.ones(len(a))*i for i, a in enumerate(replaced)]
    (rows, cols), table = npi.count_table(np.concatenate(idx), np.concatenate(replaced))
    table = table.astype(float)
    table = table / table.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True) * 100
    # Build classification table
    values_final = np.asarray(values_clas)
    tablemerged = np.column_stack((table, values_final))
    return replaced, tablemerged
Exemplo n.º 11
def resample_array(data_mask, timestamp_list):
    groups = data_mask[:, 0]
    groups = np.array(groups, dtype=int)
    data = data_mask[:, 1]
    ts_list = np.array(np.unique(groups), dtype=int).tolist()

    value_list = [data[groups == ts_].sum() for ts_ in ts_list]

    res_array = np.zeros((len(timestamp_list), 2), dtype=float)
    res_array[:, 0] = timestamp_list

    match_index = npi.indices(timestamp_list, ts_list)
    res_array[match_index, 1] = value_list
    return res_array
Exemplo n.º 12
 def splitClusters(self):
     for k in range(len(self.Clusters[:, 0])):  #For every cluster
         if self.Clusters[
                 1] >= 2 * self.N:  # and self.Clusters[k,2]>2*self.r:   #If # of data that cluster has is greater than N
             X = self.buffered_data[self.buffered_data[:, 1] ==
                                                  0], 3:]  #data cluster k
             tree = kdtree.create(
                 X.tolist())  #construct kdtree with data of cluster k
             for l in range(len(X[:, 0])):  # for each data of cluster k
                 points = tree.search_nn_dist(
                     X[l, :],
                     self.r)  # find number of data in radius r for data l
                 if len(
                 ) >= self.N:  # if # of data in area is greater than N
                     center = self.calculate_cluster_center(
                     )  # calculate centroid of candidate cluster
                     indices = npi.indices(
                         X, points, missing='ignore'
                     )  #find data in the all data of cluster k
                     points2 = np.delete(
                         X, indices, 0)  # find remaining data of cluster k
                     if len(points2) >= self.N:
                         center2 = self.calculate_cluster_center(
                         dis = euclidean_distances([center], [center2])
                         r1 = self.calculateRadius(points, center)
                         r2 = self.calculateRadius(points2, center2)
                         if float(dis) > r1 + r2 + 0.5 * self.r:
                             new_cluster_label = self.Clusters.shape[0] + 1
                             self.Clusters = np.vstack([
                                     len(points), 1, self.r,
                                     np.mean(np.std(points, axis=0)), center
                             indices = np.isin(self.buffered_data[:, 3:],
                                               points)[:, 0]
                             self.buffered_data[indices == True,
                                                1] = new_cluster_label
                             self.buffered_data[indices == True, 2] = 1
                             print("Cluster #%d is split." %
                                   (self.Clusters[k, 0]))
Exemplo n.º 13
def select_nodes(coord, connect, nodes):
    """ Selects unique nodes to build the mesh.
        coord (:obj:`numpy.array`): mesh coordinates.
        connect (:obj:`numpy.array`): Element connectivity.
        nodes (:obj:`numpy.array`): Nodes to select.

        A tuple with coordinates and connectivity for the selected nodes.
    nodes = np.array(nodes) - 1
    nodes = connect[nodes, 1:].flatten()
    index = npi.indices(coord[:, 0], np.unique(nodes))
    return coord[index, :], connect[nodes, :]
Exemplo n.º 14
def read_particles(AHF_file, particle_file):
    Reads the particles from the AHF dataset and splits them into a more intelligable
    structure, organised in a similar way to the ones that are stored alongside the

    The big problem here is being able to match up the particle IDs with the location
    in the array that they exist; we actually need to re-sort the HaloID's such that
    they line up exactly.

    data = read_AHF_particles(AHF_file)

    switch = {"gas": 0, "dark_matter": 1, "stellar": 4}

    ids = {}

    with h5py.File(particle_file, "r") as handle:
        for name, particle_type in switch.items():
            full_particle_type = "PartType{}".format(particle_type)

            this_id_list = handle[full_particle_type]["ParticleIDs"][...]

            ids[name] = this_id_list

    # Now we can prepare the output arrays.
    output_data = {}

    for name, particle_type in switch.items():
        mask = data["Ptype"] == particle_type

        particle_ids = data["id"][mask]
        halo_ids = data["HaloID"][mask]

        # This finds the indicies where the two ID arrays match up
        indicies = ni.indices(ids[name], particle_ids)
        # We need to re-order the AHF data to be in the same order as
        # the actual HDF5 data. We can do that by using these indicies
        # as well as np.take.

        cleaned_halo_data = np.zeros_like(ids[name]) - 1
        cleaned_halo_data[indicies] = halo_ids

        this_data = {"HaloID": cleaned_halo_data, "ParticleIDs": ids[name]}

        output_data[name] = this_data

    return output_data
Exemplo n.º 15
def hppixtogrid(nzbin,nside,denshpz,winhpz,ipixlst,zlims,dobound,rmin,rmax,dmin,dmax,nx,ny,nz,lx,ly,lz,x0,y0,z0,cosmo):
  rsets = 10       # Number of random sets to average
  nran = 10000000  # Number of points in each random set
  npix = len(ipixlst)
  print '\nMapping (healpix,redshift) binning to (x,y,z) binning...'
  print 'Healpix grid with nzbin =',nzbin,'npix =',npix,'ntot =',nzbin*npix
  print 'Cuboid grid with nx =',nx,'ny =',ny,'nz =',nz,'ntot =',nx*ny*nz
  print 'Sampling with random points...'
  print 'rsets =',rsets
  print 'nran =',nran
  countgrid,densgrid,wingrid,maskgrid = np.zeros((nzbin,npix)),np.zeros((nx,ny,nz)),np.zeros((nx,ny,nz)),np.zeros((nx,ny,nz))
  for iset in range(rsets):
    print 'Generating random set',iset+1,'...'
# Generate random points in cuboid
    rxpos,rypos,rzpos = boxtools.genransim(nran,lx,ly,lz)
# Convert random points to spherical co-ordinates
    rras,rdec,rred = boxtools.getradecred(dobound,rmin,rmax,dmin,dmax,rxpos,rypos,rzpos,x0,y0,z0,cosmo)
# Cut points within redshift bins
    izbin = np.digitize(rred,zlims) - 1
    cut = (izbin >= 0) & (izbin < nzbin)
    rxpos,rypos,rzpos,rras,rdec,izbin = rxpos[cut],rypos[cut],rzpos[cut],rras[cut],rdec[cut],izbin[cut]
# Cut points within healpix pixels
    rphi,rtheta = np.radians(rras),np.radians(90.-rdec)
    ipix = hp.ang2pix(nside,rtheta,rphi)
    cut = np.isin(ipix,ipixlst)
    rxpos,rypos,rzpos,izbin,ipix = rxpos[cut],rypos[cut],rzpos[cut],izbin[cut],ipix[cut]
# Re-index pixels to run from 1 to len(ipixlst)
    ipix = npi.indices(ipixlst,ipix)
# Count numbers in each (healpix,redshift) cell
    tempgrid,edges = np.histogramdd(np.vstack([izbin+0.5,ipix+0.5]).transpose(),bins=(nzbin,npix))
    countgrid += tempgrid
# Bin densities in each (x,y,z) cell
    rdens = denshpz[izbin,ipix]
    tempgrid,edges = np.histogramdd(np.vstack([rxpos,rypos,rzpos]).transpose(),bins=(nx,ny,nz),range=((0.,lx),(0.,ly),(0.,lz)),normed=False,weights=rdens)
    densgrid += tempgrid
# Bin window in each (x,y,z) cell
    rwin = winhpz[izbin,ipix]
    tempgrid,edges = np.histogramdd(np.vstack([rxpos,rypos,rzpos]).transpose(),bins=(nx,ny,nz),range=((0.,lx),(0.,ly),(0.,lz)),normed=False,weights=rwin)
    wingrid += tempgrid
# Count numbers in each (x,y,z) cell
    tempgrid,edges = np.histogramdd(np.vstack([rxpos,rypos,rzpos]).transpose(),bins=(nx,ny,nz),range=((0.,lx),(0.,ly),(0.,lz)))
    maskgrid += tempgrid
  print 'Number of randoms in healpix grid mean =',np.mean(countgrid),'std =',np.std(countgrid),'nullfrac =',float(len(countgrid[countgrid == 0]))/float(nzbin*len(ipixlst))
  print 'Number of randoms in cuboid grid mean =',np.mean(maskgrid[maskgrid>0.]),'std =',np.std(maskgrid[maskgrid>0.])
# Average densities and window on (x,y,z) grid
  densgrid = np.where(maskgrid>0.,densgrid/maskgrid,0.)
  wingrid = np.where(maskgrid>0.,wingrid/maskgrid,0.)
  return densgrid,wingrid
Exemplo n.º 16
def all_faces(coord, connect):
    """ Gets vertices of all faces of the mesh.

        coord (:obj:`numpy.array`): Coordinates of the element.
        connect (:obj:`numpy.array`): Element connectivity.
        Corresponding nodes.
    nodes_per_face = np.array([connect[:, [1,2,3,4]], connect[:, [5,6,7,8]], \
                                connect[:, [6,7,3,2]], connect[:, [7,8,4,3]], \
                                connect[:, [6,5,1,2]], connect[:, [5,8,4,1]]]).reshape(-1,4)

    ind_faces = npi.indices(coord[:, 0],
                            nodes_per_face.flatten()).reshape(-1, 4)
    return ind_faces
Exemplo n.º 17
 def mat_arg(self, lat_link):
     """ lat_link = whether 1D system or 2D system
         Its argument comes from latticeND() function
         It generates non-zero positions of sparse matrix with amplitudes
     A = self.basisArray()
     for j in range(A.shape[0]):
         for sublink in lat_link:
             if A[j, sublink[0]] >= 1:
                 hoppedVec = np.array(A[j]).tolist()
                 hoppedVec[sublink[0]] -= 1
                 hoppedVec[sublink[1]] += 1
                 i = int(
                     npi.indices(A, np.array([hoppedVec]), missing='mask'))
                 amp = round(
                     math.sqrt((A[j, sublink[1]] + 1) * A[j, sublink[0]]) *
                     -self.T, 3)
                 yield [i, j, amp]
Exemplo n.º 18
def free_faces(coord, connect):
    """ Get vertices of external faces of the mesh.
        coord (:obj:`numpy.array`): Coordinates of the element.
        connect (:obj:`numpy.array`): Element connectivity.
        Corresponding nodes.
    nodes_per_face = np.array([connect[:, [1,2,3,4]], connect[:, [5,6,7,8]], \
                                connect[:, [6,7,3,2]], connect[:, [7,8,4,3]], \
                                connect[:, [6,5,1,2]], connect[:, [5,8,4,1]]]).reshape(-1,4)

    unique, counts = npi.count(nodes_per_face)
    unique = unique[counts < 2]
    ind_faces = npi.indices(coord[:, 0], unique.flatten()).reshape(-1, 4)

    return ind_faces
Exemplo n.º 19
    def class_labels(self, X, annotator_ids=None, query_value=1, **kwargs):
        """Method returning the class labels of the given samples.
        If the query value is greater than zero, it updates the n_queries and queried sample statistics

        X: array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
             Samples whose class labels are queried.
        annotator_ids: array-like, shape (n_queried_annotators)
            The indices of the annotators whose class labels are queried.
        query_value: int
            The query value represents the increment of the query statistics of the queried annotators.

        Y: numpy.ndarray, shape (n_samples, n_annotators)
            Class labels of the given samples which were provided by the queried annotators.
            The non queried annotators return np.nan values.
        # check annotator_ids
        annotator_ids = check_indices(annotator_ids,
                                      self.n_annotators() - 1, 'annotator_ids')

        # obtain ids of queried samples
        X = check_array(X)
        sample_ids = indices(self.X_, X, missing=-1)
        sample_ids_flag = sample_ids >= 0

        # class labels provided by queried annotators
        Y = np.full((np.size(X, 0), self.n_annotators()), np.nan)
          annotator_ids[:, None]] = self.Y_[sample_ids[sample_ids_flag],
                                            annotator_ids[:, None]]

        # update query statistics
        if query_value > 0:
            self.queried_flags_[sample_ids, annotator_ids[:, None]] = True
            self.n_queries_[annotator_ids] += query_value

        return Y
Exemplo n.º 20
 def transform(self, y):
     return npi.indices(self.mapping, y)
Exemplo n.º 21
def polygons(zip_name, class_path, class_clouds, path_to_folder,
             save_class_path, save_imgs, poly_path, time_spaced):

    print("Current: ", zip_name)
    # grid code
    grid_img = zip_name[38:-16]

    # acquisition date
    year_img = zip_name[11:15]
    month_img = zip_name[15:17]
    day_img = zip_name[17:19]
    discriminator_img = zip_name[-6:]

    # predicted files names
    search_criteria = "*_predicted.tif"
    q = os.path.join(class_path, search_criteria)
    dem_fps = glob.glob(q)
    dem_fps.sort(key=os.path.getmtime, reverse=True)
    # dem_fps.sort(key=os.path.getmtime, reverse=False)

    #dem_fps.sort(key=os.path.getmtime) ???? ai pega sempre o primeiro que é dia 18 afff

    for fname in dem_fps:
        print("Teste: ", fname)
        if grid_img in fname:

            # test date
            name_file = fname[-74:-14]  # get the name of the file
            year_test = name_file[11:15]
            month_test = name_file[15:17]
            day_test = name_file[17:19]
            discriminator_test = name_file[-6:]

            path_shapes = poly_path + '/' + str(year_img) + str(
                month_img) + str(day_img) + 'T' + str(
                    discriminator_img) + '_' + str(year_test) + str(
                        month_test) + str(day_test) + 'T' + str(
                            discriminator_test) + '_' + str(grid_img)


            # d1 = datetime.datetime(int(year_img), int(month_img), int(day_img)) # current image
            # d2 = datetime.datetime(int(year_test), int(month_test), int(day_test)) # test image

            # print(d1)
            # print(d2)

            # days_dif = d1 - d2
            # days_d = abs(days_dif.days)

            # if time_spaced is None:
            #     time_spaced = days_d
            #     #time_spaced = xxx

            # if days_d > time_spaced:
            #     print(f"Images spaced more than {time_spaced} days... Getting the next image.")
            #     continue

            # elif d1 < d2:
            #     print("Previous image found for grid:", grid_img)
            #     print("Date of current image:", day_img, "-", month_img, '-', year_img)
            #     print("Date of previous image:", day_test, "-", month_test, '-', year_test)
            #     break

            if os.path.isdir(path_shapes) is False:

                # compare date - date in yyyy/mm/dd format
                d1 = datetime.datetime(int(year_img), int(month_img),
                                       int(day_img))  # current image
                d2 = datetime.datetime(int(year_test), int(month_test),
                                       int(day_test))  # test image


                days_dif = d1 - d2
                days_d = abs(days_dif.days)

                if time_spaced is None:
                    time_spaced = days_d
                    #time_spaced = xxx

                time_spaced = days_d  # ADICIONEI PARA TESTAR

                if days_d > time_spaced:
                        f"Images spaced more than {time_spaced} days... Getting the next image."

                elif d1 < d2:  # because the download is made from the most recent image to the oldest
                    print("Previous image found for grid:", grid_img)
                    print("Date of current image:", day_img, "-", month_img,
                          '-', year_img)
                    print("Date of previous image:", day_test, "-", month_test,
                          '-', year_test)

                    BSCL1 = cloud_masks(path_to_folder,
                                        save_class_path)  # current
                    EVI1 = evi(path_to_folder)
                    EVI1[BSCL1 == 9999] = np.nan  # masking EVI final image

                    # search for the path
                    path_to_folder_BSCL2 = save_imgs + '/' + name_file + '.SAFE/GRANULE/'
                    BSCL2 = cloud_masks(path_to_folder_BSCL2,
                                        save_class_path)  # old image
                    EVI0 = evi(path_to_folder_BSCL2)
                    EVI0[BSCL2 == 9999] = np.nan  # masking EVI inital image

                    #mask_BSCL = BSCL2 - BSCL1
                    #BSCL2[mask_BSCL == -9999] = 9999 # use BSCL2 as reference

                    # create polygons
                    actual_open = rasterio.open(class_path + '/' + zip_name +
                    old_open = rasterio.open(class_path + '/' + name_file +

                    actual = actual_open.read()
                    old = old_open.read()

                    difference = old - actual

                    difference[difference ==
                               255] = 1  # deforestation (polygon is generated)
                        difference ==
                        -255] = 0  # forest growth (polygon is not generated)

                    # insert masks that represents clouds
                        BSCL2 ==
                        9999] = 0  # where there is clouds, the polygon is not generated
                    difference[BSCL1 == 9999] = 0

                    # opening clouds masks from UNet
                    clouds_actual = rasterio.open(class_clouds + '/' +
                                                  zip_name + '_predicted.tif')
                    clouds_old = rasterio.open(class_clouds + '/' + name_file +

                    clouds_actual_raster = clouds_actual.read()
                    clouds_old_raster = clouds_old.read()

                        clouds_actual_raster ==
                        255] = 0  # where there is clouds, the polygon is not generated
                    difference[clouds_old_raster == 255] = 0

                    # calling growth_rate() function
                    dt = d1 - d2
                    dt = dt.days  # getting time interval between the two images in days

                    print('Applying growth rate function')
                    r_matrix, r_mask = growth_rate(EVI0[0, :, :],
                                                   EVI1[0, :, :], dt, 1)

                    arr_diff = difference[0, :, :]
                    arr_old = old[0, :, :]

                    r_mask[(arr_diff == 0)
                           & (arr_old == 0
                              )] = 0  # not forested areas in both comparisions
                        arr_diff ==
                        -255] = 0  # areas where there weren't forests but now there are

                    # excluding noisy pixels
                    img_r = copy.copy(r_mask)
                    kernel = np.ones((2, 2), np.uint8)
                    erosion_r = cv2.erode(img_r, kernel, iterations=1)

                    erosion_r = np.int8(erosion_r)

                    erosion_r = np.expand_dims(
                        erosion_r, axis=0)  # expanding channels to: [:,:,:]

                    print('Applying clouds correction')
                    # Applying clouds corrections
                    clouds_defor = clouds_actual_raster + clouds_old_raster + difference
                    clouds_defor[clouds_defor > 0] = 1
                    clouds_sum = clouds_actual_raster + clouds_old_raster
                    clouds_sum[clouds_sum > 1] = 1

                    lw, num = measurements.label(clouds_defor[0, :, :])

                    sum_all = clouds_sum[0, :, :] + lw  # lw is the groups

                    clouds_inter = np.zeros(
                        (lw.shape[0], lw.shape[1]
                         ))  # tem as nuvens e o raster de deforestation

                    clouds_inter = np.where((lw != sum_all), lw, 0)

                    clouds_inter[clouds_inter != 0]
                    uniques = np.unique(clouds_inter)

                    teste_list = np.array(
                        uniques).tolist()  # 23690 classes em forma de lista
                    teste_list[0] = 1  # tirar o 0 como grupo

                    lw_list = np.array(lw).tolist(
                    )  # mapa com todas as classes em forma de lista

                    values = np.ones((len(teste_list))).tolist()
                    keys = teste_list  # 23690 classes em forma de lista

                    # Changing the values that have clouds interference
                    arr = np.concatenate(lw_list)
                    idx = npi.indices(keys, arr, missing='mask')
                    remap = np.logical_not(idx.mask)
                    arr[remap] = np.array(values)[idx[remap]]
                    replaced = np.array_split(
                        arr, np.cumsum([len(a) for a in lw_list][:-1]))

                    final = np.array(replaced)

                    final[final !=
                          1] = 0  # o que nao foram substituidos recebem 0

                    # mask in defor variable (onde final for 1, defor recebe 0)
                    difference = difference[0, :, :]
                    difference[final == 1] = 0

                    # excluding noisy pixels
                    img = copy.copy(difference)
                    kernel = np.ones((5, 5), np.uint8)
                    erosion = cv2.erode(img, kernel, iterations=1)

                    erosion = np.expand_dims(
                        erosion, axis=0)  # expanding channels to: [:,:,:]

                    # selecting the polygons which have some pixel with negative growth
                    print('Evaluating falses positives')
                    lw, num = measurements.label(
                        erosion[0, :, :])  #group pixels zones

                    sum_all = erosion_r + lw

                    defor_mask = np.zeros((lw.shape[0], lw.shape[1]))

                    defor_mask = np.where((lw != sum_all), lw, 0)

                    defor_mask[defor_mask != 0]
                    uniques = np.unique(defor_mask)

                    teste_list = np.array(uniques).tolist()
                    teste_list[0] = 1  # tirar o 0 como grupo

                    lw_list = np.array(lw).tolist(
                    )  # mapa com todas as classes em forma de lista
                    values = np.ones((len(teste_list))).tolist()
                    keys = teste_list
                    dictionary = dict(zip(keys, values))

                    arr = np.concatenate(lw_list)
                    idx = npi.indices(keys, arr, missing='mask')
                    remap = np.logical_not(idx.mask)
                    arr[remap] = np.array(values)[idx[remap]]
                    replaced = np.array_split(
                        arr, np.cumsum([len(a) for a in lw_list][:-1]))

                    final = np.array(replaced)

                    final[final !=
                          1] = 0  # o que nao foram substituidos recebem 0


                    final = np.expand_dims(final, axis=0)

                    erosion[final == 0] = 0
                    # remove groups of pixels with an area smaller than 10 pixels
                    lw, num = measurements.label(
                        erosion[0, :, :])  # grouping pixels clusters
                    area = measurements.sum(erosion[0, :, :],
                                            index=arange(lw.max() + 1))
                    areaImg = area[lw]

                    areaImg = np.expand_dims(areaImg, axis=0)

                        areaImg <

                    # crs from a satellite image band - to save image metadata
                    listOfFiles = list()

                    for (dirpath, dirnames,
                         filenames) in os.walk(path_to_folder):
                        listOfFiles += [
                            os.path.join(dirpath, file) for file in filenames

                    for bandname in listOfFiles:
                        if (bandname.endswith("B02_10m.jp2")):
                            # read metadata information
                            b2 = rasterio.open(bandname)

                    print('Creating shapefile')
                    # creating vectors of deforestation raster (erosion)

                    shapes = rasterio.features.shapes(erosion,

                    records = [{
                        "geometry": geometry,
                        "properties": {
                            "value": value
                    } for (geometry, value) in shapes if value == 1]

                    schema = {
                        "geometry": "Polygon",
                        "properties": {
                            "value": "int"

                    with fiona.open(path_shapes + '/' + str(year_img) +
                                    str(month_img) + str(day_img) + '_' +
                                    str(year_test) + str(month_test) +
                                    str(day_test) + str(grid_img) + '.shp',
                                    "ESRI Shapefile",
                                    schema=schema) as out_file:


                    print('Saving results')
                    with rasterio.open(poly_path + '/' + str(year_img) +
                                       str(month_img) + str(day_img) + '_' +
                                       str(year_test) + str(month_test) +
                                       str(day_test) + str(grid_img) +
                                       dtype='uint8') as deforestation:

                    with rasterio.open(poly_path + '/' + str(year_img) +
                                       str(month_img) + str(day_img) + '_' +
                                       str(year_test) + str(month_test) +
                                       str(day_test) + str(grid_img) +
                                       dtype='int8') as rmask:

                        break  # sai do laço for?
Exemplo n.º 22
def main():
    indices = [0, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 4000]

    # Perform coarse-scale simulation with constant k.
    unc_Ts_constk = np.zeros((config.Nt_coarse, config.N_coarse + 2))
    unc_Ts_constk[0] = config.get_T0(config.nodes_coarse)
    for i in range(1, config.Nt_coarse):
        unc_Ts_constk[i] = physics.simulate(
            config.nodes_coarse, config.faces_coarse, unc_Ts_constk[i - 1],
            config.T_a, config.T_b, lambda x: np.ones_like(x) * config.k_ref,
            config.get_cV, config.rho, config.A, config.get_q_hat,
            np.zeros_like(config.nodes_coarse[1:-1]), config.dt_coarse,
            config.dt_coarse * (i - 1), config.dt_coarse * i, False)

    # Perform coarse-scale simulation.
    unc_Ts = np.zeros((config.Nt_coarse, config.N_coarse + 2))
    unc_Ts[0] = config.get_T0(config.nodes_coarse)
    for i in range(1, config.Nt_coarse):
        unc_Ts[i] = physics.simulate(config.nodes_coarse, config.faces_coarse,
                                     unc_Ts[i - 1], config.T_a, config.T_b,
                                     config.get_k, config.get_cV, config.rho,
                                     config.A, config.get_q_hat,
                                     config.dt_coarse * (i - 1),
                                     config.dt_coarse * i, False)

    for index in indices:
        plt.plot(config.nodes_coarse, unc_Ts[index], label=index)
    plt.savefig(os.path.join(config.results_dir, 'debug_t/unc.pdf'),

    for index in indices:
        plt.plot(config.nodes_coarse, unc_Ts_constk[index], label=index)
    plt.savefig(os.path.join(config.results_dir, 'debug_t/unc_const.pdf'),

    # Perform fine-scale simulation.
    ref_Ts = np.zeros((config.Nt_fine, config.N_fine + 2))
    ref_Ts[0] = config.get_T0(config.nodes_fine)
    for i in range(1, config.Nt_fine):
        ref_Ts[i] = physics.simulate(config.nodes_fine, config.faces_fine,
                                     ref_Ts[i - 1], config.T_a, config.T_b,
                                     config.get_k, config.get_cV, config.rho,
                                     config.A, config.get_q_hat,
                                     config.dt_fine, config.dt_fine * (i - 1),
                                     config.dt_fine * i, False)

    ref_Ts_downsampled = np.zeros((config.Nt_coarse, config.N_coarse + 2))
    counter = 0
    for time_level in range(0, config.Nt_fine,
                            int(config.dt_coarse / config.dt_fine)):
        idx = npi.indices(np.around(config.nodes_fine, decimals=5),
                          np.around(config.nodes_coarse, decimals=5))
        for i in range(config.N_coarse + 2):
            ref_Ts_downsampled[counter][i] = ref_Ts[time_level][idx[i]]
        counter += 1

    error = unc_Ts - ref_Ts_downsampled
    error_constk = unc_Ts_constk - ref_Ts_downsampled

    for index in indices:
        plt.plot(config.nodes_coarse, ref_Ts_downsampled[index], label=index)
    plt.savefig(os.path.join(config.results_dir, 'debug_t/ref.pdf'),

    for index in indices:
        plt.plot(config.nodes_coarse, error[index], label=index)
    plt.savefig(os.path.join(config.results_dir, 'debug_t/err.pdf'),

    for index in indices:
        plt.plot(config.nodes_coarse, error_constk[index], label=index)
    plt.savefig(os.path.join(config.results_dir, 'debug_t/err_const.pdf'),
Exemplo n.º 23
def facetsplit_mesh(mesh,
	Create splits in the mesh 
	according to the image intensities
	in imdata where the scars are marked
	by the scar_markers in seg.

    #Make sure elements are int
    mesh.elems = mesh.elems.astype(int)

    regist = ImageMeshLgeRegistration(mesh, imdata, seg, scar_marker,
                                      transpose, unit_conversion)

    facets = mesh.get_facets()
    facet_midpoints = np.mean(mesh.verts[facets], axis=1)
    elem_midpoints = np.mean(mesh.verts[mesh.elems], axis=1)
    facet_intensities = regist.register(facet_midpoints)
    elem_intensities = regist.register(elem_midpoints)

    assert (facet_intensities != 0).any()
    assert (elem_intensities != 0).any()

    lge_facets, lge_facet_elems = get_lge_facet_elements(mesh, scar_marker)

    local_global_facetmap = npi.indices(facets, lge_facets)

    #Map intesity data into facets
    lge_facet_intense = facet_intensities[local_global_facetmap]
    lge_facet_intense = relative_intensity(lge_facet_intense,
    lge_facet_fibres = mean_direction(mesh.fibres[lge_facet_elems])

    if mesh.edim == 3:
        #Cosine between fibre and edge
        costheta = get_fibre_edge_cosine(mesh.verts[lge_facets],
                                         lge_facet_fibres[:, :2])

    elif mesh.edim == 4:
        #Cosine between sheet normal and facet normal
        lge_facet_fibre_sheets = mean_direction(
        lge_facet_sheet_normals = np.cross(lge_facet_fibres,

        facet_normals = np.cross(
            mesh.verts[lge_facets][:, 0] - mesh.verts[lge_facets][:, 1],
            mesh.verts[lge_facets][:, 0] - mesh.verts[lge_facets][:, 2])

        facet_normals /= np.linalg.norm(facet_normals, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
        costheta = np.abs(
            np.sum(lge_facet_sheet_normals * facet_normals, axis=1))

    #The probability formula for the edge splitting
    p = maxden * (costheta**anisotropy) * lge_facet_intense

    assert not np.isnan(p).any()

    #Determine which facets are to be split
    is_split_facet = p >= np.random.rand(len(p))
    #from IPython import embed; embed()
    split_facets = lge_facets[is_split_facet]
    return split_mesh_along_facets(mesh, split_facets)
Exemplo n.º 24
    def __init__(self, start_time, start_store, customerFile, storeFile):
        Initiates an instance of the VRP problem
        :param start_time: time at which the problem instance starts ('2014-03-13 15:00:00')
        :param start_store: store # 49
        :param customerFile: location of the file containing the delivery/customer data
        :param storeFile: location of the file containing the stores data
        :return: creates attributes of the problem instance : (graph/network , customers, stores, nodes)

        # ** Use pandas to read data-sets:
        start_time = pd.to_datetime('2014-03-13 15:00:00')
            dt = pd.read_table(customerFile, sep='\t')
            stores = pd.read_table(storeFile, sep='\t')
        except FileNotFoundError as e:

        # **** Instantiating Delivery/Store(Node) Objects  ****:
        nodes = []
        # ** Delivery/Customer Nodes:
        for i in range(dt.shape[0]):
                Node(dt.delivery_id[i], dt.latitude[i], dt.longitude[i], 1))

        # ** Store Nodes:
        store_list = []  # List of nodes containing stores
        for i in range(stores.shape[0]):
                Node(stores.store_id[i], stores.latitude[i],
                     stores.longitude[i], 0))
                Node(stores.store_id[i], stores.latitude[i],
                     stores.longitude[i], 0))

        # **** Converting due_dates to pandas datetime
        # **** this code sets the start date/time as ZERO and transforms other due dates as
        # **** minutes elapsed from start-time
        dt['Time'] = pd.to_datetime(dt.due_at)
        tm = dt['Time'] - start_time
        tmd = (tm / np.timedelta64(1, 's')) / 60.0
        dt['Time'] = tmd

        # ** Customer List and instantiating all the Customer/Delivery objects:
        customers = []
        for i in range(dt.shape[0]):

        # ***** Generating Vertex-List and Edge-List to create Graph object for a problem instance:
        # ***** The underlying graph is a complete-graph having connections between every pair of nodes.
        ver_lat = np.r_[dt.latitude, stores.latitude]
        ver_lon = np.r_[dt.longitude, stores.longitude]
        vertices = np.c_[ver_num[:, 0], ver_lat, ver_lon, ver_num[:, 1]]

        ed = np.array(list(combinations(
            vertices[:, 0], 2)))  #creating connections between every pair

        ind0 = npi.indices(vertices[:, 0], ed[:, 0])
        ind1 = npi.indices(vertices[:, 0], ed[:, 1])
        lat0 = vertices[ind0, 1]
        lon0 = vertices[ind0, 2]
        lat1 = vertices[ind1, 1]
        lon1 = vertices[ind1, 2]
        tmp1 = np.c_[lat0, lon0]
        tmp2 = np.c_[lat1, lon1]
        tmp3 = np.c_[tmp1, tmp2]
        edge = np.c_[ed, tmp3]
        dist = np.apply_along_axis(VRPTW.haversine, 1, edge[:, 2:6])
        drive_time = 5 * dist
        edges_tmp = np.c_[edge[:, 0:2], drive_time]
        edges_tmp_2 = np.c_[edges_tmp[:, 1], edges_tmp[:, 0], edges_tmp[:, 2]]
        edges = np.r_[edges_tmp, edges_tmp_2]

        #clearup the memory:
        del (tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, ind0, ind1, lat0, lat1, lon1, lon0, edge, dist,
             drive_time, edges_tmp, edges_tmp_2)

        self.graph = Graph(vertices, edges)
        self.customers = customers
        self.stores = store_list
        self.nodes = nodes
Exemplo n.º 25
def split_mesh_along_facets(mesh,
	A caveat for the disconnected elems. The algorithm removes elements
	that are edge-disconnected from the network. Some elements may be accessible
	via a single node and should be included.

    assert len(split_facets) > 0

    t0_total = time.time()

    edim = mesh.elems.shape[1]
    split_facets = np.sort(split_facets, axis=1)

    C_elems = get_elem_connectivity(mesh.elems, split_facets)

    if remove_disconnected_elems:
        mesh, split_facets, C_elems = remove_disconnected_elems_from_mesh(
            mesh, split_facets, C_elems)
#Create edge markers to indicate
    facets = mesh.get_facets()
    facet_markers = np.zeros(len(facets))
    facet_markers[npi.indices(facets, split_facets)] = 1
    mesh.facets = facets
    mesh.facet_markers = facet_markers

    #Make vertex-element data structure
    split_verticies = np.unique(split_facets)

    v_elem = pd.DataFrame(np.vstack(
         np.arange(len(mesh.elems) * edim) / edim)).transpose(),
                          columns=["vnum", "elemnum"])

    v_elem = v_elem[npi.in_(v_elem["vnum"], split_verticies)]

    if edim == 3:
        connectivity_calc = ConnectivityCalculator2d(mesh, C_elems,
    elif edim == 4:
        connectivity_calc = ConnectivityCalculator3d(mesh, C_elems,

        raise Exception("Cannot handle {}D mesh".format(edim - 1))

#Loop over every vertex that is to be split
    t0_facets = time.time()

    for vnum, vgroup in v_elem.groupby("vnum"):
        local_components = connectivity_calc.get_local_components(vgroup)

        for group in local_components[1:]:
            #Add a new vertex for every connected element group after the first
            mesh.verts = np.vstack((mesh.verts, [mesh.verts[vnum]]))
            new_vnum = len(mesh.verts) - 1

            #Update the group elements with the new vertex
            new_elems = mesh.elems[group]
            new_elems[new_elems == vnum] = new_vnum

            mesh.elems[group] = new_elems

    print "Finished edgesplitting mesh"
    print "Total time = {:.3f}".format(time.time() - t0_total)
    print "Facet growing time ={:.3f}".format((time.time() - t0_facets))
    return mesh
Exemplo n.º 26
 def put_points(self, points, asiter=False):
     it = ((self.push(p) if i < 0 else i) for (
         i) in zip(points, npi.indices(self[:self._length], points, 0, -1)))
     return it if asiter else list(it)
Exemplo n.º 27
 def indices(self, points):
     return npi.indices(self, points, 0)
Exemplo n.º 28
 def index(self, point):
     if self._length > 0:
         return npi.indices(self[:self._length], [point], 0)[0]
     raise KeyError('Not all keys in `that` are present in `this`')
Exemplo n.º 29
    def generate_trips(self,

        :param customers: list of customers
        :param stores: list of stores
        :param graph: underlying network
        :param trip_size: trips of size 1,2,3
        :param customer_pick: method of picking the customers to visiti, either 'best' (closest in terms of due date)
                              or 'randomize' pick among the best 20
        :return: returns top ten {or less if less than 10 unvisited customers remain} based on the best time criteria

        curr_loc = self.get_current_location()
        stores = np.array(stores)
        # cust_data = Customer.due_date_list(customers) # An np array  [id , due , items]

        cust_dt = np.array([[
        ] for c in customers])
        cust_data = cust_dt[cust_dt[:, 3] ==
                            0]  #** Select unvisited customers (visit_time = 0)

        # Check whether current location is a Store, if not, send the shopper to a nearby store.
        if np.sum(np.isin(stores, curr_loc)) == 0:
            # Randomly choose a method of sending the shopper to a nearby store:
            p = np.random.uniform(0, 1, 1)
            if p <= 0.5:
                self.go_to_store(stores, graph, distance='randomize')
                self.go_to_store(stores, graph, distance='shortest')
            curr_loc = self.get_current_location()
        visited_customers = Customer.find_visited_customers(customers)
        if visited_customers.size == len(customers):
            print("All Customers have been visited")
            return customers
        if visited_customers.size > len(customers) - trip_size:
            trip_size = len(customers) - visited_customers.size
        # -----------------------------------------
        e = graph.get_edges()  # graph edges

        potentials = e[(e[:, 0] == curr_loc) & (~np.isin(e[:, 1], stores)) &
                       (~np.isin(e[:, 1], visited_customers)), :]
        potential_cust = potentials[:, 1]

        # ************ Using Due Times Method to build the trips **************
        id = npi.indices(potential_cust, cust_data[:, 0], missing='ignore')
        idx = np.array(list(set(id)))
        potentials = cust_data[idx, :]
        # Adjust the due dates by the current shoppers' time
        potentials[:, 1] -= self.get_current_time()
        potentials[:, 1] = abs(
            potentials[:, 1]
        )  # ** Absolute difference between current time & due times
        customer_count = potentials.shape[0]

        if customer_pick == 'best':
            if customer_count >= 10:
                top_ten = potentials[np.argsort(potentials[:, 1]),
                                     0][0:10]  # ** top 10 closest due dates
            elif customer_count < 10 and customer_count >= trip_size:
                top_ten = potentials[np.argsort(potentials[:, 1]), 0][
                    0:customer_count]  # ** top closest due dates
            elif customer_count < trip_size and customer_count > 0:
                top_ten = potentials[np.argsort(potentials[:, 1]),
                                     0][0:customer_count]  #
                    "******* ZERO CUSTOMERS LEFT ; SOMETHING WENT WRONG *******"
                print("SIZE OF POTENTIALS = ", potentials.shape[0])
        elif customer_pick == 'randomize':
            if customer_count >= 20:
                picks = random.sample(range(0, 20),
                                      10)  #** 10 random numbers 0 - 19
                top_ten = potentials[np.argsort(potentials[:, 1]), 0][picks]  #
            elif customer_count < 20 and customer_count >= 10:
                picks = random.sample(range(0, customer_count),
                                      10)  #** 10 random numbers 1 - 20
                top_ten = potentials[np.argsort(potentials[:, 1]), 0][picks]  #
            elif customer_count < 10 and customer_count >= trip_size:
                top_ten = potentials[np.argsort(potentials[:, 1]),
                                     0][0:customer_count]  #
            elif customer_count < trip_size and customer_count > 0:
                top_ten = potentials[np.argsort(potentials[:, 1]),
                                     0][0:customer_count]  #
                print("$$$$$$ ZERO CUSTOMERS LEFT $$$$$$")
            print("customer_pick must be either 'best' or 'randomize' ")
        return top_ten
Exemplo n.º 30
def create_datasets(cfg):
    Purpose: Create datasets for supervised learning of data-driven correction models for the 1D heat equation.
    :return: dataset_train, dataset_val, dataset_test

    # Data config.
    datasets_location = cfg.datasets_dir
    data_tag = cfg.data_tag

    # Load pickled simulation data, or create and pickle new data if none exists already.
    save_filepath = os.path.join(datasets_location, data_tag + ".sav")
    if os.path.exists(save_filepath) and False:
        simulation_data = joblib.load(save_filepath)
        unc_Ts = np.zeros((cfg.Nt_coarse, cfg.N_coarse + 2))
        unc_Ts[0] = cfg.get_T0(cfg.nodes_coarse)
        ref_Ts = np.zeros((cfg.Nt_coarse, cfg.N_coarse + 2))
        ref_Ts[0] = cfg.get_T0(cfg.nodes_coarse)
        IC_Ts = np.zeros((cfg.Nt_coarse, cfg.N_coarse + 2))
        IC_Ts[0] = cfg.get_T0(cfg.nodes_coarse)
        ref_Ts_full = np.zeros((cfg.Nt_coarse, cfg.N_fine + 2))
        ref_Ts_full[0] = cfg.get_T0(cfg.nodes_fine)
        idx = npi.indices(np.around(cfg.nodes_fine, decimals=10),
                          np.around(cfg.nodes_coarse, decimals=10))
        for i in range(1, cfg.Nt_coarse):
            old_time = np.around(cfg.dt_coarse * (i - 1), decimals=10)
            new_time = np.around(cfg.dt_coarse * i, decimals=10)
            if i <= cfg.Nt_coarse * (cfg.N_train_examples + cfg.N_val_examples
                                     ) or (not cfg.do_simulation_test):
                unc_IC = ref_Ts[i - 1]
                unc_IC = unc_Ts[i - 1]
            IC_Ts[i] = unc_IC
            unc_Ts[i] = physics.simulate(cfg.nodes_coarse, cfg.faces_coarse,
                                         unc_IC, cfg.get_T_a, cfg.get_T_b,
                                         cfg.get_k_approx, cfg.get_cV, cfg.rho,
                                         cfg.A, cfg.get_q_hat_approx,
                                         cfg.dt_coarse, old_time, new_time,
            if cfg.exact_solution_available:
                ref_Ts[i] = cfg.get_T_exact(cfg.nodes_coarse, new_time)
                ref_Ts_full[i] = physics.simulate(
                    cfg.nodes_fine, cfg.faces_fine, ref_Ts_full[i - 1],
                    cfg.get_T_a, cfg.get_T_b, cfg.get_k, cfg.get_cV,
                    cfg.rho, cfg.A, cfg.get_q_hat,
                    np.zeros_like(cfg.nodes_fine[1:-1]), cfg.dt_fine, old_time,
                    new_time, False)
                for j in range(cfg.N_coarse + 2):
                    ref_Ts[i][j] = ref_Ts_full[i][idx[j]]

        # Calculate correction source terms.
        sources = np.zeros((cfg.Nt_coarse, cfg.N_coarse))
        for i in range(1, cfg.Nt_coarse
                       ):  # Intentionally leaves the first entry all-zeros.
            old_time = np.around(cfg.dt_coarse * (i - 1), decimals=10)
            new_time = np.around(cfg.dt_coarse * i, decimals=10)
            sources[i] = physics.get_corrective_src_term(
                cfg.nodes_coarse, cfg.faces_coarse, ref_Ts[i], ref_Ts[i - 1],
                cfg.get_T_a, cfg.get_T_b, cfg.get_k_approx, cfg.get_cV,
                cfg.rho, cfg.A, cfg.get_q_hat_approx, cfg.dt_coarse, old_time,
            corrected = physics.simulate(
                cfg.nodes_coarse, cfg.faces_coarse, ref_Ts[i - 1], cfg.get_T_a,
                cfg.get_T_b, cfg.get_k_approx, cfg.get_cV, cfg.rho, cfg.A,
                cfg.get_q_hat_approx, sources[i], cfg.dt_coarse, old_time,
                new_time, False)
        print("Correction source terms generated and verified.")

        # Store data
        simulation_data = {
            'x': cfg.nodes_coarse,
            'ICs': IC_Ts,
            'unc': unc_Ts,
            'ref': ref_Ts,
            'src': sources
        joblib.dump(simulation_data, save_filepath)

    # Remove data for t=0 from datasets.
    ICs = simulation_data['ICs'][1:, :]
    unc = simulation_data['unc'][1:, :]
    ref = simulation_data['ref'][1:, :]
    src = simulation_data['src'][1:, :]  # The entry removed here is all-zeros.
    times = np.linspace(cfg.dt_coarse,
                        cfg.Nt_coarse - 1,
    assert times[1] == 2 * cfg.dt_coarse

    # Shuffle data.
    assert ICs.shape[0] == unc.shape[0] == ref.shape[0] == src.shape[
        0] == times.shape[0]
    permutation = np.random.permutation(ICs.shape[0])
    ICs = ICs[permutation]
    unc = unc[permutation]
    ref = ref[permutation]
    src = src[permutation]
    times = times[permutation]

    # Split data into training, validation and test set.
    train_ICs = ICs[:cfg.N_train_examples, :]
    train_unc = unc[:cfg.N_train_examples, :]
    train_ref = ref[:cfg.N_train_examples, :]
    train_src = src[:cfg.N_train_examples, :]
    train_times = times[:cfg.N_train_examples]

    val_ICs = ICs[cfg.N_train_examples:cfg.N_train_examples +
                  cfg.N_val_examples, :]
    val_unc = unc[cfg.N_train_examples:cfg.N_train_examples +
                  cfg.N_val_examples, :]
    val_ref = ref[cfg.N_train_examples:cfg.N_train_examples +
                  cfg.N_val_examples, :]
    val_src = src[cfg.N_train_examples:cfg.N_train_examples +
                  cfg.N_val_examples, :]
    val_times = times[cfg.N_train_examples:cfg.N_train_examples +

    test_ICs = ICs[cfg.N_train_examples + cfg.N_val_examples:, :]
    test_unc = unc[cfg.N_train_examples + cfg.N_val_examples:, :]
    test_ref = ref[cfg.N_train_examples + cfg.N_val_examples:, :]
    test_src = src[cfg.N_train_examples + cfg.N_val_examples:, :]
    test_times = times[cfg.N_train_examples + cfg.N_val_examples:]

    assert train_ICs.shape[0] == cfg.N_train_examples
    assert train_unc.shape[0] == cfg.N_train_examples
    assert train_ref.shape[0] == cfg.N_train_examples
    assert train_src.shape[0] == cfg.N_train_examples
    assert train_times.shape[0] == cfg.N_train_examples

    assert val_ICs.shape[0] == cfg.N_val_examples
    assert val_unc.shape[0] == cfg.N_val_examples
    assert val_ref.shape[0] == cfg.N_val_examples
    assert val_src.shape[0] == cfg.N_val_examples
    assert val_times.shape[0] == cfg.N_val_examples

    assert test_ICs.shape[0] == cfg.N_test_examples
    assert test_unc.shape[0] == cfg.N_test_examples
    assert test_ref.shape[0] == cfg.N_test_examples
    assert test_src.shape[0] == cfg.N_test_examples
    assert test_times.shape[0] == cfg.N_test_examples

    # Augment training data.
    if cfg.augment_training_data:
        # Shift augmentation.

        train_ICs_orig = train_ICs.copy()
        train_unc_orig = train_unc.copy()
        train_ref_orig = train_ref.copy()
        train_src_orig = train_src.copy()
        train_times_orig = train_times.copy()
        for i in range(cfg.N_shift_steps):
            # IC temperature
            train_ICs_aug = train_ICs_orig + (i + 1) * cfg.shift_step_size
            train_ICs = np.concatenate((train_ICs, train_ICs_aug), axis=0)

            # Uncorrected temperature
            train_unc_aug = train_unc_orig + (i + 1) * cfg.shift_step_size
            train_unc = np.concatenate((train_unc, train_unc_aug), axis=0)

            # Reference temperature
            train_ref_aug = train_ref_orig + (i + 1) * cfg.shift_step_size
            train_ref = np.concatenate((train_ref, train_ref_aug), axis=0)

            # Correction source term
            train_src = np.concatenate((train_src, train_src_orig), axis=0)

            # Time levels
            train_times = np.concatenate((train_times, train_times_orig),

        # Mirror augmentation.

        # IC temperature
        train_ICs_mirror = np.flip(train_ICs, axis=1).copy()
        train_ICs = np.concatenate((train_ICs, train_ICs_mirror), axis=0)

        # Uncorrected temperature
        train_unc_mirror = np.flip(train_unc, axis=1).copy()
        train_unc = np.concatenate((train_unc, train_unc_mirror), axis=0)

        # Reference temperature
        train_ref_mirror = np.flip(train_ref, axis=1).copy()
        train_ref = np.concatenate((train_ref, train_ref_mirror), axis=0)

        # Correction source term
        train_src_mirror = np.flip(train_src, axis=1).copy()
        train_src = np.concatenate((train_src, train_src_mirror), axis=0)

        # Time levels
        train_times = np.concatenate((train_times, train_times), axis=0)

    # Calculate statistical properties of training data.
    train_unc_mean = np.mean(train_unc)
    train_ref_mean = np.mean(train_ref)
    train_src_mean = np.mean(train_src)

    train_unc_std = np.std(train_unc)
    train_ref_std = np.std(train_ref)
    train_src_std = np.std(train_src)

    # z_normalize data.
    train_unc_normalized = util.z_normalize(train_unc, train_unc_mean,
    val_unc_normalized = util.z_normalize(val_unc, train_unc_mean,
    test_unc_normalized = util.z_normalize(test_unc, train_unc_mean,

    train_ref_normalized = util.z_normalize(train_ref, train_ref_mean,
    val_ref_normalized = util.z_normalize(val_ref, train_ref_mean,
    test_ref_normalized = util.z_normalize(test_ref, train_ref_mean,

    train_src_normalized = util.z_normalize(train_src, train_src_mean,
    val_src_normalized = util.z_normalize(val_src, train_src_mean,
    test_src_normalized = util.z_normalize(test_src, train_src_mean,

    # Note that the ICs are not to be used in conjunction with the NN directly,
    # so there is no need to normalize them. Same goes for time levels.

    # Convert data from Numpy array to Torch tensor.
    train_ICs_tensor = torch.from_numpy(train_ICs)
    train_unc_tensor = torch.from_numpy(train_unc_normalized)
    train_ref_tensor = torch.from_numpy(train_ref_normalized)
    train_src_tensor = torch.from_numpy(train_src_normalized)
    train_times_tensor = torch.from_numpy(train_times)

    val_ICs_tensor = torch.from_numpy(val_ICs)
    val_unc_tensor = torch.from_numpy(val_unc_normalized)
    val_ref_tensor = torch.from_numpy(val_ref_normalized)
    val_src_tensor = torch.from_numpy(val_src_normalized)
    val_times_tensor = torch.from_numpy(val_times)

    test_ICs_tensor = torch.from_numpy(test_ICs)
    test_unc_tensor = torch.from_numpy(test_unc_normalized)
    test_ref_tensor = torch.from_numpy(test_ref_normalized)
    test_src_tensor = torch.from_numpy(test_src_normalized)
    test_times_tensor = torch.from_numpy(test_times)

    # Create array to store stats used for normalization.
    stats = np.asarray([
        train_unc_mean, train_ref_mean, train_src_mean, train_unc_std,
        train_ref_std, train_src_std

    # Pad with zeros to satisfy requirements of Torch's TensorDataset.
    # (Assumes that all datasets contain 6 or more data examples.)
    assert train_unc.shape[0] >= 6 and val_unc.shape[
        0] >= 6 and test_unc.shape[0] >= 6
    stats_train = np.zeros(train_unc.shape[0])
    stats_val = np.zeros(val_unc.shape[0])
    stats_test = np.zeros(test_unc.shape[0])
    stats_train[:6] = stats
    stats_val[:6] = stats
    stats_test[:6] = stats

    # Convert stats arrays to tensors
    stats_train_tensor = torch.from_numpy(stats_train)
    stats_val_tensor = torch.from_numpy(stats_val)
    stats_test_tensor = torch.from_numpy(stats_test)

    # Create datasets.
    dataset_train = torch.utils.data.TensorDataset(
        train_unc_tensor, train_ref_tensor, train_src_tensor,
        stats_train_tensor, train_ICs_tensor, train_times_tensor)
    dataset_val = torch.utils.data.TensorDataset(
        val_unc_tensor, val_ref_tensor, val_src_tensor, stats_val_tensor,
        val_ICs_tensor, val_times_tensor)
    dataset_test = torch.utils.data.TensorDataset(
        test_unc_tensor, test_ref_tensor, test_src_tensor, stats_test_tensor,
        test_ICs_tensor, test_times_tensor)

    return dataset_train, dataset_val, dataset_test
Exemplo n.º 31
 def transform(self, y):
     return npi.indices(self.mapping, y)