Exemplo n.º 1
def read_vmd(vmd_filename: str, moreinfo=False) -> vmdstruct.Vmd:
    vmd_filename_clean = core.get_clean_basename(vmd_filename) + ".vmd"
    # creates object 	(header, boneframe_list, morphframe_list, camframe_list, lightframe_list, shadowframe_list, ikdispframe_list)
    # assumes the calling function already verified correct file extension
    core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("Begin reading VMD file '%s'" % vmd_filename_clean)
    vmd_bytes = core.read_binfile_to_bytes(vmd_filename)
    core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("...total size   = %sKB" % round(len(vmd_bytes) / 1024))
    core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("Begin parsing VMD file '%s'" % vmd_filename_clean)

    # !!!! this does eliminate all the garbage data MMD used to pack strings so this isnt 100% reversable !!!
    # read the bytes object and return all the data from teh VMD broken up into a list of lists
    # also convert things from packed formats to human-readable scales
    # (quaternion to euler, radians to degrees, floats to ints, etc)
    # also generate the bonedict and morphdict

    A = parse_vmd_header(vmd_bytes, moreinfo)
    B = parse_vmd_boneframe(vmd_bytes, moreinfo)
    C = parse_vmd_morphframe(vmd_bytes, moreinfo)
    D = parse_vmd_camframe(vmd_bytes, moreinfo)
    E = parse_vmd_lightframe(vmd_bytes, moreinfo)
    F = parse_vmd_shadowframe(vmd_bytes, moreinfo)
    G = parse_vmd_ikdispframe(vmd_bytes, moreinfo)
    if moreinfo: core.print_failed_decodes()

    bytes_remain = len(vmd_bytes) - core.get_readfrom_byte()
    if bytes_remain != 0:
        # padding with my SIGNATURE is acceptable, anything else is strange
        leftover = vmd_bytes[core.get_readfrom_byte():]
        if leftover == bytes(SIGNATURE, encoding="shift_jis"):
                "...note: this VMD file was previously modified with this tool!"
                "Warning: finished parsing but %d bytes are left over at the tail!"
                % bytes_remain)
                "The file may be corrupt or maybe it contains unknown/unsupported data formats"

    core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("Done parsing VMD file '%s'" % vmd_filename_clean)

    vmd = vmdstruct.Vmd(A, B, C, D, E, F, G)
    # this is where sorting happens, if it happens
        # bones & morphs: primarily sorted by NAME, with FRAME# as tiebreaker. the second sort is the primary one.
        vmd.boneframes.sort(key=lambda x: x.f)  # frame#
        vmd.boneframes.sort(key=lambda x: x.name)  # name
        vmd.morphframes.sort(key=lambda x: x.f)
        vmd.morphframes.sort(key=lambda x: x.name)
        # all of these only sort by frame number.
        vmd.camframes.sort(key=lambda x: x.f)  # frame#
        vmd.lightframes.sort(key=lambda x: x.f)
        vmd.shadowframes.sort(key=lambda x: x.f)
        vmd.ikdispframes.sort(key=lambda x: x.f)
    return vmd
Exemplo n.º 2
def encode_vmd_camframe(nice: List[vmdstruct.VmdCamFrame],
                        moreinfo: bool) -> bytearray:
    output = bytearray()
    # cam frames
    # first, the number of frames
    if moreinfo:
        core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("...# of camframes           = %d" % len(nice))
    output += core.my_pack(fmt_number, len(nice))
    # then, all the actual frames
    for i, frame in enumerate(nice):
        xyz_rads = [math.radians(j) for j in frame.rot]  # degrees to radians
            packme = [
                frame.f, frame.dist, *frame.pos, *xyz_rads, *frame.interp,
                frame.fov, frame.perspective
            output += core.my_pack(fmt_camframe, packme)
        except Exception as e:
            core.MY_PRINT_FUNC(e.__class__.__name__, e)
            core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("line=", i)
                "Err: something went wrong while synthesizing binary output, probably the wrong type/order of values on a line"
            raise RuntimeError()

        # progress thing just because
        core.print_progress_oneline(i / len(nice))
    return output
Exemplo n.º 3
def encode_vmd_morphframe(nice: List[vmdstruct.VmdMorphFrame],
                          moreinfo: bool) -> bytearray:
    output = bytearray()
    # morph frames
    # first, the number of frames
    if moreinfo:
        core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("...# of morphframes         = %d" % len(nice))
    output += core.my_pack(fmt_number, len(nice))
    # then, all the actual frames
    for i, frame in enumerate(nice):
            output += core.my_pack(fmt_morphframe,
                                   [frame.name, frame.f, frame.val])
        except Exception as e:
            core.MY_PRINT_FUNC(e.__class__.__name__, e)
            core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("line=", i)
                "Err: something went wrong while synthesizing binary output, probably the wrong type/order of values on a line"
            raise RuntimeError()

        # print a progress update every so often just because
        core.print_progress_oneline(ENCODE_PERCENT_BONE +
                                    (ENCODE_PERCENT_MORPH * i / len(nice)))
    return output
Exemplo n.º 4
def parse_vmd_morphframe(raw:bytearray, moreinfo:bool) -> List[vmdstruct.VmdMorphFrame]:
	# get all the morph-frames, store in a list of lists
	morphframe_list = []
	# is there enough file left to read a single number?
	if (len(raw) - core.get_readfrom_byte()) < struct.calcsize(fmt_number):
		core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("Warning: expected morphframe_ct field but file ended unexpectedly! Assuming 0 morphframes and continuing...")
		return morphframe_list
	# get the number of morph frames
	morphframe_ct = core.my_unpack(fmt_number, raw)
	if moreinfo: core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("...# of morphframes         = %d" % morphframe_ct)
	for z in range(morphframe_ct):
			# unpack the morphframe
			(mname_str, f, v) = core.my_unpack(fmt_morphframe, raw)
			morphframe_list.append(vmdstruct.VmdMorphFrame(name=mname_str, f=f, val=v))
			# display progress printouts
			core.print_progress_oneline(core.get_readfrom_byte() / len(raw))
		except Exception as e:
			core.MY_PRINT_FUNC(e.__class__.__name__, e)
			core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("frame=", z)
			core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("totalframes=", morphframe_ct)
			core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("Err: something went wrong while parsing, file is probably corrupt/malformed")
			raise RuntimeError()
	return morphframe_list
Exemplo n.º 5
def write_vmd(vmd_filename: str, vmd: vmdstruct.Vmd, moreinfo=False):
	vmd_filename_clean = core.get_clean_basename(vmd_filename) + ".vmd"
	# recives object 	(header, boneframe_list, morphframe_list, camframe_list, lightframe_list, shadowframe_list, ikdispframe_list)
	# first, verify that the data is valid before trying to write
	# assumes the calling function already verified correct file extension
	core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("Begin encoding VMD file '%s'" % vmd_filename_clean)
	# this is where sorting happens, if it happens
		# bones & morphs: primarily sorted by NAME, with FRAME# as tiebreaker. the second sort is the primary one.
		vmd.boneframes.sort(key=lambda x: x.f)  # frame#
		vmd.boneframes.sort(key=lambda x: x.name)  # name
		vmd.morphframes.sort(key=lambda x: x.f)
		vmd.morphframes.sort(key=lambda x: x.name)
		# all of these only sort by frame number.
		vmd.camframes.sort(key=lambda x: x.f)  # frame#
		vmd.lightframes.sort(key=lambda x: x.f)
		vmd.shadowframes.sort(key=lambda x: x.f)
		vmd.ikdispframes.sort(key=lambda x: x.f)
	# cam is not included cuz a file contains only bone+morph OR cam
	total_bone = len(vmd.boneframes) * ENCODE_FACTOR_BONE
	total_morph = len(vmd.morphframes) * ENCODE_FACTOR_MORPH
	ALLENCODE = total_bone + total_morph
	if ALLENCODE == 0: ALLENCODE = 1  # just a bandaid to avoid zero-div error when writing empty VMD
	# arg "vmd" is the same structure created by "parse_vmd()"
	# assume the object is perfect, no sanity-checking needed, it will all be done when parsing the text input
	output_bytes = bytearray()
	output_bytes += encode_vmd_header(vmd.header, moreinfo)
	output_bytes += encode_vmd_boneframe(vmd.boneframes, moreinfo)
	output_bytes += encode_vmd_morphframe(vmd.morphframes, moreinfo)
	output_bytes += encode_vmd_camframe(vmd.camframes, moreinfo)
	output_bytes += encode_vmd_lightframe(vmd.lightframes, moreinfo)
	output_bytes += encode_vmd_shadowframe(vmd.shadowframes, moreinfo)
	output_bytes += encode_vmd_ikdispframe(vmd.ikdispframes, moreinfo)
	# done encoding!!
	# add a cheeky little binary stamp just to prove that people actually used my tool :)
		# signature to prove that this file was created with this tool
		output_bytes += bytes(SIGNATURE, encoding="shift_jis")
	core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("Begin writing VMD file '%s'" % vmd_filename_clean)
	core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("...total size   = %s" % core.prettyprint_file_size(len(output_bytes)))
	core.write_bytes_to_binfile(vmd_filename, output_bytes)
	core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("Done writing VMD file '%s'" % vmd_filename_clean)
	# done with everything!
Exemplo n.º 6
def read_vmdtext_camframe(rawlist_text: List[list]) -> List[vmdstruct.VmdCamFrame]:
	# cam frames
	global readfrom_line
	cam_list = []
	check2_match_first_item(rawlist_text, keystr_camframect)

	camframe_ct = rawlist_text[readfrom_line][1]
	core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("...# of camframes           = %d" % camframe_ct)
	readfrom_line += 1
	if camframe_ct > 0:
		# ensure the key-line is where i think it is
		check3_match_keystr(rawlist_text, keystr_camframekey)
		# if it is indeed here, then inc the readpointer
		readfrom_line += 1
		for i in range(camframe_ct):
			# ensure it has the right # of items on the line
			check1_match_len(rawlist_text, len(keystr_camframekey))
			r = rawlist_text[readfrom_line]
			newframe = vmdstruct.VmdCamFrame(f=r[0], dist=r[1], pos=r[2:5], rot=r[5:8], interp=r[8:32], fov=r[32], perspective=r[33])
			# increment the readfrom_line pointer
			readfrom_line += 1
			# progress tracker just because
			core.print_progress_oneline(i / camframe_ct)
	return cam_list
Exemplo n.º 7
def read_vmdtext_morphframe(rawlist_text: List[list]) -> List[vmdstruct.VmdMorphFrame]:
	# morph frames
	global readfrom_line
	morph_list = []
	# first check for bad format
	check2_match_first_item(rawlist_text, keystr_morphframect)

	morphframe_ct = rawlist_text[readfrom_line][1]
	core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("...# of morphframes         = %d" % morphframe_ct)
	readfrom_line += 1
	if morphframe_ct > 0:
		# ensure the key-line is where i think it is
		check3_match_keystr(rawlist_text, keystr_morphframekey)
		# if it is indeed here, then inc the readpointer
		readfrom_line += 1
		for i in range(morphframe_ct):
			# ensure it has the right # of items on the line
			check1_match_len(rawlist_text, len(keystr_morphframekey))
			r = rawlist_text[readfrom_line]
			newframe = vmdstruct.VmdMorphFrame(name=r[0], f=r[1], val=r[2])
			# increment the readfrom_line pointer
			readfrom_line += 1
			# progress tracker just because
			core.print_progress_oneline(i / morphframe_ct)
	return morph_list
Exemplo n.º 8
def read_vmdtext_boneframe(rawlist_text: List[list]) -> List[vmdstruct.VmdBoneFrame]:
	# bone frames
	global readfrom_line
	bone_list = []
	# first, check for bad format
	check2_match_first_item(rawlist_text, keystr_boneframect)

	boneframe_ct = rawlist_text[readfrom_line][1]
	readfrom_line += 1
	core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("...# of boneframes          = %d" % boneframe_ct)
	if boneframe_ct > 0:
		# ensure the key-line is where i think it is
		check3_match_keystr(rawlist_text, keystr_boneframekey)
		# if it is indeed here, then inc the readpointer
		readfrom_line += 1
		for i in range(boneframe_ct):
			# ensure it has the right # of items on the line
			check1_match_len(rawlist_text, len(keystr_boneframekey))
			# the nicelist has angles in euler format, don't convert the values here
			r = rawlist_text[readfrom_line]
			newframe = vmdstruct.VmdBoneFrame(name=r[0], f=r[1], pos=r[2:5], rot=r[5:8], phys_off=r[8], interp=r[9:])
			# increment the readfrom_line pointer
			readfrom_line += 1
			# progress tracker just because
			core.print_progress_oneline(i / boneframe_ct)
	return bone_list
Exemplo n.º 9
def parse_vmd_boneframe(raw:bytearray, moreinfo:bool) -> List[vmdstruct.VmdBoneFrame]:
	# get all the bone-frames, store in a list of lists
	boneframe_list = []
	# verify that there is enough file left to read a single number
	if (len(raw) - core.get_readfrom_byte()) < struct.calcsize(fmt_number):
		core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("Warning: expected boneframe_ct field but file ended unexpectedly! Assuming 0 boneframes and continuing...")
		return boneframe_list

	# get the number of bone-frames
	boneframe_ct = core.my_unpack(fmt_number, raw)
	if moreinfo: core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("...# of boneframes          = %d" % boneframe_ct)
	for z in range(boneframe_ct):
			# unpack the bone-frame into variables
			(bname_str, f, xp, yp, zp, xrot_q, yrot_q, zrot_q, wrot_q) = core.my_unpack(fmt_boneframe_no_interpcurve, raw)
			# break inter_curve into its individual pieces, knowing that the 3rd and 4th bytes in line1 are overwritten with phys
			# therefore we need to get their data from line2 which is left-shifted by 1 byte, but otherwise a copy
			(x_ax, y_ax, phys1, phys2, x_ay, y_ay, z_ay, r_ay, x_bx, y_bx, z_bx, r_bx, x_by, y_by, z_by, r_by,
			 z_ax, r_ax) = core.my_unpack(fmt_boneframe_interpcurve, raw)
			# convert the quaternion angles to euler angles
			(xrot, yrot, zrot) = core.quaternion_to_euler([wrot_q, xrot_q, yrot_q, zrot_q])
			# interpret the physics enable/disable bytes
			if (phys1, phys2) == (z_ax, r_ax):
				# if they match the values they should be, they were never overwritten in the first place???
				phys_off = False
			elif (phys1, phys2) == (0, 0):
				# phys stays on
				phys_off = False
			elif (phys1, phys2) == (99, 15):
				# phys turns off
				phys_off = True
				core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("Warning: found unusual values where I expected to find physics enable/disable! Assuming this means physics off")
				core.MY_PRINT_FUNC(bname_str, "f=", str(f), "(phys1,phys2)=", str((phys1, phys2)))
				phys_off = True
			# store them all on the list
			# create a list to hold all the boneframe data, then append it onto the return-list
			interp_list = [x_ax, y_ax, z_ax, r_ax, x_ay, y_ay, z_ay, r_ay, x_bx, y_bx, z_bx, r_bx, x_by, y_by, z_by, r_by]
			this_boneframe = vmdstruct.VmdBoneFrame(
				name=bname_str, f=f, pos=[xp,yp,zp], rot=[xrot,yrot,zrot], phys_off=phys_off, interp=interp_list
			# display progress printouts
			core.print_progress_oneline(core.get_readfrom_byte() / len(raw))
		except Exception as e:
			core.MY_PRINT_FUNC(e.__class__.__name__, e)
			core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("frame=", z)
			core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("totalframes=", boneframe_ct)
			core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("Err: something went wrong while parsing, file is probably corrupt/malformed")
			raise RuntimeError()
	return boneframe_list
Exemplo n.º 10
def parse_vmd_camframe(raw: bytearray,
                       moreinfo: bool) -> List[vmdstruct.VmdCamFrame]:
    camframe_list = []
    # is there enough file left to read a single number?
    if (len(raw) - core.get_readfrom_byte()) < struct.calcsize(fmt_number):
            "Warning: expected camframe_ct field but file ended unexpectedly! Assuming 0 camframes and continuing..."
        return camframe_list
    # get the number of cam frames
    camframe_ct = core.my_unpack(fmt_number, raw)
    if moreinfo:
        core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("...# of camframes           = %d" % camframe_ct)
    for z in range(camframe_ct):
            # unpack into variables
            (f, d, xp, yp, zp, xr, yr, zr, x_ax, x_bx, x_ay, x_by, y_ax, y_bx,
             y_ay, y_by, z_ax, z_bx, z_ay, z_by, r_ax, r_bx, r_ay, r_by,
             dist_ax, dist_bx, dist_ay, dist_by, ang_ax, ang_bx, ang_ay,
             ang_by, fov, per) = core.my_unpack(fmt_camframe, raw)

            interp_list = [
                x_ax, x_bx, x_ay, x_by, y_ax, y_bx, y_ay, y_by, z_ax, z_bx,
                z_ay, z_by, r_ax, r_bx, r_ay, r_by, dist_ax, dist_bx, dist_ay,
                dist_by, ang_ax, ang_bx, ang_ay, ang_by
            this_camframe = vmdstruct.VmdCamFrame(
                pos=[xp, yp, zp],
                    math.degrees(j) for j in (xr, yr, zr)
                ],  # angle comes in as radians, convert radians to degrees
            # display progress printouts
            core.print_progress_oneline(core.get_readfrom_byte() / len(raw))
        except Exception as e:
            core.MY_PRINT_FUNC(e.__class__.__name__, e)
            core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("frame=", z)
            core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("totalframes=", camframe_ct)
                "Err: something went wrong while parsing, file is probably corrupt/malformed"
            raise RuntimeError()

    return camframe_list
Exemplo n.º 11
def encode_vmd_boneframe(nice: List[vmdstruct.VmdBoneFrame],
                         moreinfo: bool) -> bytearray:
    output = bytearray()
    # bone frames
    # first, the number of frames
    if moreinfo:
        core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("...# of boneframes          = %d" % len(nice))
    output += core.my_pack(fmt_number, len(nice))
    # then, all the actual frames
    for i, frame in enumerate(nice):
        # assemble the boneframe
        # first, gotta convert from euler to quaternion!
        euler = frame.rot  # x y z
        (w, x, y, z) = core.euler_to_quaternion(euler)  # w x y z
        quat = [x, y, z, w]  # x y z w
        # then, do the part that isn't the interpolation curve (first 9 values in binary, 8 things in frame), save as frame
            # now encode/pack/append the non-interp, non-phys portion
            packme = [frame.name, frame.f, *frame.pos, *quat]
            # packme.extend(frame.pos)
            # packme.extend(quat)
            output += core.my_pack(fmt_boneframe_no_interpcurve, packme)
            # then, create one line of the interpolation curve (last 16 values of frame obj)
            interp = core.my_pack(fmt_boneframe_interpcurve_oneline,
        except Exception as e:
            core.MY_PRINT_FUNC(e.__class__.__name__, e)
            core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("line=", i)
                "Err: something went wrong while synthesizing binary output, probably the wrong type/order of values on a line"
            raise RuntimeError()
        # do the dumb copy-and-shift thing to rebuild the original 4-line structure of redundant bytes
        interp += interp[1:] + bytes(1) + interp[2:] + bytes(
            2) + interp[3:] + bytes(3)
        # now overwrite the odd missing bytes with physics enable/disable data
        if frame.phys_off is True:
            interp[2] = 99
            interp[3] = 15
            interp[2] = 0
            interp[3] = 0
        # append the interpolation data onto the real output
        output += interp
        # progress thing just because
        core.print_progress_oneline(ENCODE_PERCENT_BONE * i / len(nice))

    return output
Exemplo n.º 12
def main(moreinfo=True):
    # prompt PMX name
    core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("Please enter name of PMX input file:")
    input_filename_pmx = core.MY_FILEPROMPT_FUNC(".pmx")
    pmx = pmxlib.read_pmx(input_filename_pmx, moreinfo=moreinfo)
    # get bones
    realbones = pmx.bones
    # then, make 2 lists: one starting from jp_righttoe, one starting from jp_lefttoe
    # start from each "toe" bone (names are known), go parent-find-parent-find until reaching no-parent
    bonechain_r = build_bonechain(realbones, jp_righttoe)
    bonechain_l = build_bonechain(realbones, jp_lefttoe)

    # assert that the bones were found, have correct names, and are in the correct positions
    # also verifies that they are direct parent-child with nothing in between
        assert bonechain_r[-1].name == jp_righttoe
        assert bonechain_r[-2].name == jp_rightfoot
        assert bonechain_l[-1].name == jp_lefttoe
        assert bonechain_l[-2].name == jp_leftfoot
    except AssertionError:
            "ERROR: unexpected structure found for foot/toe bones, verify semistandard names and structure"
        raise RuntimeError()

    # then walk down these 2 lists, add each name to a set: build union of all relevant bones
    relevant_bones = set()
    for b in bonechain_r + bonechain_l:

    # check if waist-cancellation bones are in "relevant_bones", print a warning if they are
    if jp_left_waistcancel in relevant_bones or jp_right_waistcancel in relevant_bones:
        # TODO LOW: i probably could figure out how to support them but this whole script is useless so idgaf
            "Warning: waist-cancellation bones found in the model! These are not supported, tool may produce bad results! Attempting to continue..."

    # also need to find initial positions of ik bones (names are known)
    # build a full parentage-chain for each leg
    bonechain_ikr = build_bonechain(realbones, jp_righttoe_ik)
    bonechain_ikl = build_bonechain(realbones, jp_lefttoe_ik)

    # verify that the ik bones were found, have correct names, and are in the correct positions
        assert bonechain_ikr[-1].name == jp_righttoe_ik
        assert bonechain_ikr[-2].name == jp_rightfoot_ik
        assert bonechain_ikl[-1].name == jp_lefttoe_ik
        assert bonechain_ikl[-2].name == jp_leftfoot_ik
    except AssertionError:
            "ERROR: unexpected structure found for foot/toe IK bones, verify semistandard names and structure"
        raise RuntimeError()

    # verify that the bonechains are symmetric in length
        assert len(bonechain_l) == len(bonechain_r)
        assert len(bonechain_ikl) == len(bonechain_ikr)
    except AssertionError:
            "ERROR: unexpected structure found, model is not left-right symmetric"
        raise RuntimeError()

    # determine how many levels of parentage, this value "t" should hold the first level where they are no longer shared
    t = 0
    while bonechain_l[t].name == bonechain_ikl[t].name:
        t += 1
    # back off one level
    lowest_shared_parent = t - 1

    # now i am completely done with the bones CSV, all the relevant info has been distilled down to:
    # !!! bonechain_r, bonechain_l, bonechain_ikr, bonechain_ikl, relevant_bones
    core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("...identified " + str(len(bonechain_l)) +
                       " bones per leg-chain, " + str(len(relevant_bones)) +
                       " relevant bones total")
    core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("...identified " + str(len(bonechain_ikl)) +
                       " bones per IK leg-chain")

    # prompt VMD file name
    core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("Please enter name of VMD dance input file:")
    input_filename_vmd = core.MY_FILEPROMPT_FUNC(".vmd")
    nicelist_in = vmdlib.read_vmd(input_filename_vmd, moreinfo=moreinfo)

    # check if this VMD uses IK or not, print a warning if it does
    any_ik_on = False
    for ikdispframe in nicelist_in.ikdispframes:
        for ik_bone in ikdispframe.ikbones:
            if ik_bone.enable is True:
                any_ik_on = True
    if any_ik_on:
            "Warning: the input VMD already has IK enabled, there is no point in running this script. Attempting to continue..."

    # reduce down to only the boneframes for the relevant bones
    # also build a list of each framenumber with a frame for a bone we care about
    relevant_framenums = set()
    boneframe_list = []
    for boneframe in nicelist_in.boneframes:
        if boneframe.name in relevant_bones:
    # sort the boneframes by frame number
    boneframe_list.sort(key=lambda x: x.f)
    # make the relevant framenumbers also an ascending list
    relevant_framenums = sorted(list(relevant_framenums))

    boneframe_dict = dict()
    # now restructure the data from a list to a dictionary, keyed by bone name. also discard excess data when i do
    for b in boneframe_list:
        if b.name not in boneframe_dict:
            boneframe_dict[b.name] = []
        # only storing the frame#(1) + position(234) + rotation values(567)
        saveme = [b.f, *b.pos, *b.rot]

        "...running interpolation to rectangularize the frames...")

    has_warned = False
    # now fill in the blanks by using interpolation, if needed
    for key, bone in boneframe_dict.items():  # for each bone,
        # start a list of frames generated by interpolation
        interpframe_list = []
        i = 0
        j = 0
        while j < len(relevant_framenums):  # for each frame it should have,
            if i == len(bone):
                # if i is beyond end of bone, then copy the values from the last frame and use as a new frame
                newframe = [relevant_framenums[j]] + bone[-1][1:7]
                j += 1
            elif bone[i][0] == relevant_framenums[j]:  # does it have it?
                i += 1
                j += 1
                # TODO LOW: i could modify this to include my interpolation curve math now that I understand it, but i dont care
                if not has_warned:
                        "Warning: interpolation is needed but interpolation curves are not fully tested! Assuming linear interpolation..."
                    has_warned = True
                # if there is a mismatch then the target framenum is less than the boneframe framenum
                # build a frame that has frame# + position(123) + rotation values(456)
                newframe = [relevant_framenums[j]]
                # if target is less than the current boneframe, interp between here and prev boneframe
                for p in range(1, 4):
                    # interpolate for each position offset
                        core.linear_map(bone[i][0], bone[i][p], bone[i - 1][0],
                                        bone[i - 1][p], relevant_framenums[j]))
                # rotation interpolation must happen in the quaternion-space
                quat1 = core.euler_to_quaternion(bone[i - 1][4:7])
                quat2 = core.euler_to_quaternion(bone[i][4:7])
                # desired frame is relevant_framenums[j] = d
                # available frames are bone[i-1][0] = s and bone[i][0] = e
                # percentage = (d - s) / (e - s)
                percentage = (relevant_framenums[j] -
                              bone[i - 1][0]) / (bone[i][0] - bone[i - 1][0])
                quat_slerp = core.my_slerp(quat1, quat2, percentage)
                euler_slerp = core.quaternion_to_euler(quat_slerp)
                newframe += euler_slerp
                j += 1
        bone += interpframe_list

    # the dictionary should be fully filled out and rectangular now
    for bone in boneframe_dict:
        assert len(boneframe_dict[bone]) == len(relevant_framenums)

    # now i am completely done reading the VMD file and parsing its data! everything has been distilled down to:
    # relevant_framenums, boneframe_dict

    # begin the actual calculations
    core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("...beginning forward kinematics computation for " +
                       str(len(relevant_framenums)) + " frames...")

    # output array
    ikframe_list = []

    # have list of bones, parentage, initial pos
    # have list of frames
    # now i "run the dance" and build the ik frames
    # for each relevant frame,
    for I in range(len(relevant_framenums)):
        # for each side,
        for (thisik, this_chain) in zip([bonechain_ikr, bonechain_ikl],
                                        [bonechain_r, bonechain_l]):
            # for each bone in this_chain (ordered, start with root!),
            for J in range(len(this_chain)):
                # reset the current to be the inital position again
            # for each bone in this_chain (ordered, start with toe! do children before parents!)
            # also, don't read/use root! because the IK are also children of root, they inherit the same root transformations
            # count backwards from end to lowest_shared_parent, not including lowest_shared_parent
            for J in range(len(this_chain) - 1, lowest_shared_parent, -1):
                # get bone J within this_chain, translate to name
                name = this_chain[J].name
                # get bone [name] at index I: position & rotation
                    xpos, ypos, zpos, xrot, yrot, zrot = boneframe_dict[name][
                except KeyError:
                # apply position offset to self & children
                # also resets the currposition when changing frames
                for K in range(J, len(this_chain)):
                    # set this_chain[K].current456 = current456 + position
                    this_chain[K].xcurr += xpos
                    this_chain[K].ycurr += ypos
                    this_chain[K].zcurr += zpos
                # apply rotation offset to all children, but not self
                _origin = [
                    this_chain[J].xcurr, this_chain[J].ycurr,
                _angle = [xrot, yrot, zrot]
                _angle_quat = core.euler_to_quaternion(_angle)
                for K in range(J, len(this_chain)):
                    # set this_chain[K].current456 = current rotated around this_chain[J].current456
                    _point = [
                        this_chain[K].xcurr, this_chain[K].ycurr,
                    _newpoint = rotate3d(_origin, _angle_quat, _point)
                    (this_chain[K].xcurr, this_chain[K].ycurr,
                     this_chain[K].zcurr) = _newpoint

                    # also rotate the angle of this bone
                    curr_angle_euler = [
                        this_chain[K].xrot, this_chain[K].yrot,
                    curr_angle_quat = core.euler_to_quaternion(
                    new_angle_quat = core.hamilton_product(
                        _angle_quat, curr_angle_quat)
                    new_angle_euler = core.quaternion_to_euler(new_angle_quat)
                    (this_chain[K].xrot, this_chain[K].yrot,
                     this_chain[K].zrot) = new_angle_euler
            # now i have cascaded this frame's pose data down the this_chain
            # grab foot/toe (-2 and -1) current position and calculate IK offset from that

            # first, foot:
            # footikend - footikinit = footikoffset
            xfoot = this_chain[-2].xcurr - thisik[-2].xinit
            yfoot = this_chain[-2].ycurr - thisik[-2].yinit
            zfoot = this_chain[-2].zcurr - thisik[-2].zinit
            # save as boneframe to be ultimately formatted for VMD:
            # 	need bonename = (known)
            # 	need frame# = relevantframe#s[I]
            # 	position = calculated
            # 	rotation = 0
            # 	phys = not disabled
            # 	interp = default (20/107)
            # # then, foot-angle: just copy the angle that the foot has
            if STORE_IK_AS_FOOT_ONLY:
                ikframe = [
                    thisik[-2].name, relevant_framenums[I], xfoot, yfoot,
                    zfoot, this_chain[-2].xrot, this_chain[-2].yrot,
                    this_chain[-2].zrot, False
                ikframe = [
                    thisik[-2].name, relevant_framenums[I], xfoot, yfoot,
                    zfoot, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, False
            ikframe += [20] * 8
            ikframe += [107] * 8
            # append the freshly-built frame
            if not STORE_IK_AS_FOOT_ONLY:
                # then, toe:
                # toeikend - toeikinit - footikoffset = toeikoffset
                xtoe = this_chain[-1].xcurr - thisik[-1].xinit - xfoot
                ytoe = this_chain[-1].ycurr - thisik[-1].yinit - yfoot
                ztoe = this_chain[-1].zcurr - thisik[-1].zinit - zfoot
                ikframe = [
                    thisik[-1].name, relevant_framenums[I], xtoe, ytoe, ztoe,
                    0.0, 0.0, 0.0, False
                ikframe += [20] * 8
                ikframe += [107] * 8
                # append the freshly-built frame
        # now done with a timeframe for all bones on both sides
        # print progress updates
        core.print_progress_oneline(I / len(relevant_framenums))

        "...done with forward kinematics computation, now writing output...")

        # create a single ikdispframe that enables the ik bones at frame 0
        ikbones = [
            vmdstruct.VmdIkbone(name=jp_rightfoot_ik, enable=True),
            vmdstruct.VmdIkbone(name=jp_righttoe_ik, enable=True),
            vmdstruct.VmdIkbone(name=jp_leftfoot_ik, enable=True),
            vmdstruct.VmdIkbone(name=jp_lefttoe_ik, enable=True)
        ikdispframe_list = [
            vmdstruct.VmdIkdispFrame(f=0, disp=True, ikbones=ikbones)
        ikdispframe_list = []
            "Warning: IK following will NOT be enabled when this VMD is loaded, you will need enable it manually!"

    # convert old-style bonelist ikframe_list to new object format
    ikframe_list = [
                               interp=r[9:]) for r in ikframe_list
    # build actual VMD object
    nicelist_out = vmdstruct.Vmd(
        vmdstruct.VmdHeader(2, "SEMISTANDARD-IK-BONES--------"),
        ikframe_list,  # bone
        [],  # morph
        [],  # cam
        [],  # light
        [],  # shadow
        ikdispframe_list  # ikdisp

    # write out
    output_filename_vmd = "%s_ik_from_%s.vmd" % \
           (input_filename_vmd[0:-4], core.get_clean_basename(input_filename_pmx))
    output_filename_vmd = core.get_unused_file_name(output_filename_vmd)
    vmdlib.write_vmd(output_filename_vmd, nicelist_out, moreinfo=moreinfo)

    return None
Exemplo n.º 13
def repair_invalid_normals(pmx: pmxstruct.Pmx, normbad: List[int]) -> int:
	Repair all 0,0,0 normals in the model by averaging the normal vector for each face that vertex is a member of.
	It is theoretically possible for a vertex to be a member in two faces with exactly opposite normals, and therefore
	the average would be zero; in this case one of the faces is arbitrarily chosen and its normal is used. Therefore,
	after this function all invalid normals are guaranteed to be fixed.
	Returns the number of times this fallback method was used.
	:param pmx: PMX list-of-lists object
	:param normbad: list of vertex indices so I don't need to walk all vertices again
	:return: # times fallback method was used
    normbad_err = 0
    # create a list in parallel with the faces list for holding the perpendicular normal to each face
    facenorm_list = [list() for i in pmx.faces]
    # create a list in paralle with normbad for holding the set of faces connected to each bad-norm vert
    normbad_linked_faces = [list() for i in normbad]

    # goal: build the sets of faces that are associated with each bad vertex

    # first, flatten the list of face-vertices, probably faster to search that way
    flatlist = [item for sublist in pmx.faces for item in sublist]

    # second, for each face-vertex, check if it is a bad vertex
    # (this takes 70% of time)
    for d, facevert in enumerate(flatlist):
        core.print_progress_oneline(.7 * d / len(flatlist))
        # bad vertices are unique and in sorted order, can use binary search to further optimize
        whereinlist = core.binary_search_wherein(facevert, normbad)
        if whereinlist != -1:
            # if it is a bad vertex, int div by 3 to get face ID
            (normbad_linked_faces[whereinlist]).append(d // 3)

    # for each bad vert:
    # (this takes 30% of time)
    for d, (badvert_idx,
            badvert_faces) in enumerate(zip(normbad, normbad_linked_faces)):
        newnorm = [0, 0, 0]  # default value in case something goes wrong
        core.print_progress_oneline(.7 + (.3 * d / len(normbad)))
        # iterate over the faces it is connected to
        for face_id in badvert_faces:
            # for each face, does the perpendicular normal already exist in the parallel list? if not, calculate and save it for reuse
            facenorm = facenorm_list[face_id]
            if not facenorm:
                # need to calculate it! use cross product or whatever
                # q,r,s order of vertices is important!
                q = pmx.verts[pmx.faces[face_id][0]].pos
                r = pmx.verts[pmx.faces[face_id][1]].pos
                s = pmx.verts[pmx.faces[face_id][2]].pos
                # qr, qs order of vertices is critically important!
                qr = [r[i] - q[i] for i in range(3)]
                qs = [s[i] - q[i] for i in range(3)]
                facenorm = core.my_cross_product(qr, qs)
                # then normalize the fresh normal
                norm_L = core.my_euclidian_distance(facenorm)
                    facenorm = [n / norm_L for n in facenorm]
                except ZeroDivisionError:
                    # this should never happen in normal cases
                    # however it can happen when the verts are at the same position and therefore their face has zero surface area
                    facenorm = [0, 1, 0]
                # then save the result so I don't have to do this again
                facenorm_list[face_id] = facenorm
            # once I have the perpendicular normal for this face, then accumulate it (will divide later to get avg)
            for i in range(3):
                newnorm[i] += facenorm[i]
        # error case check, theoretically possible for this to happen if there are no connected faces or their normals exactly cancel out
        if newnorm == [0, 0, 0]:
            if len(badvert_faces) == 0:
                # if there are no connected faces, set the normal to 0,1,0 (same handling as PMXE)
                pmx.verts[badvert_idx].norm = [0, 1, 0]
                # if there are faces that just so happened to perfectly cancel, choose the first face and use its normal
                pmx.verts[badvert_idx].norm = facenorm_list[badvert_faces[0]]
            normbad_err += 1
        # when done accumulating, divide by # to make an average
        # zerodiv err not possible: if there are no connected faces then it will hit [0,0,0] branch above
        newnorm = [n / len(badvert_faces) for n in newnorm]
        # then normalize this, again
        norm_L = core.my_euclidian_distance(newnorm)
        newnorm = [n / norm_L for n in newnorm]
        # finally, apply this new normal
        pmx.verts[badvert_idx].norm = newnorm
    return normbad_err
def apply_bone_remapping(pmx: pmxstruct.Pmx, bone_dellist: List[int],
                         bone_shiftmap: Tuple[List[int], List[int]]):
	Given a list of bones to delete, delete them, and update the indices for all references to all remaining bones.
	PMX is modified in-place. Behavior is undefined if the dellist bones are still in use somewhere!
	References include: vertex weight, bone morph, display frame, rigidbody anchor, bone tail, bone partial inherit,
	bone IK target, bone IK link.
	:param pmx: PMX object
	:param bone_dellist: list of bone indices to delete
	:param bone_shiftmap: created by delme_list_to_rangemap() before calling

    core.print_progress_oneline(0 / 5)
    # just remap the bones that have weight
    # any references to bones being deleted will definitely have 0 weight, and therefore it doesn't matter what they reference afterwards
    for d, vert in enumerate(pmx.verts):
        for pair in vert.weight:
            pair[0] = newval_from_range_map(int(pair[0]), bone_shiftmap)
    # done with verts

    core.print_progress_oneline(1 / 5)
    # MORPHS:
    for d, morph in enumerate(pmx.morphs):
        # only operate on bone morphs
        if morph.morphtype != pmxstruct.MorphType.BONE: continue
        # first, it is plausible that bone morphs could reference otherwise unused bones, so I should check for and delete those
        i = 0
        while i < len(morph.items):
            it = morph.items[i]
            it: pmxstruct.PmxMorphItemBone
            # if the bone being manipulated is in the list of bones being deleted, delete it here too. otherwise remap.
            if core.binary_search_isin(it.bone_idx, bone_dellist):
                it.bone_idx = newval_from_range_map(it.bone_idx, bone_shiftmap)
                i += 1
    # done with morphs

    core.print_progress_oneline(2 / 5)
    for d, frame in enumerate(pmx.frames):
        i = 0
        while i < len(frame.items):
            item = frame.items[i]
            # if this item is a morph, skip it
            if item.is_morph:
                i += 1
                # if this is one of the bones being deleted, delete it here too. otherwise remap.
                if core.binary_search_isin(item.idx, bone_dellist):
                    item.idx = newval_from_range_map(item.idx, bone_shiftmap)
                    i += 1
    # done with frames

    core.print_progress_oneline(3 / 5)
    for d, body in enumerate(pmx.rigidbodies):
        # only remap, no possibility of one of these bones being deleted
        body.bone_idx = newval_from_range_map(body.bone_idx, bone_shiftmap)
    # done with bodies

    core.print_progress_oneline(4 / 5)
    # BONES: point-at target, true parent, external parent, partial append, ik stuff
    for d, bone in enumerate(pmx.bones):
        # point-at link:
        if bone.tail_usebonelink:
            if core.binary_search_isin(bone.tail, bone_dellist):
                # if pointing at a bone that will be deleted, instead change to offset with offset 0,0,0
                bone.tail_usebonelink = False
                bone.tail = [0, 0, 0]
                # otherwise, remap
                bone.tail = newval_from_range_map(bone.tail, bone_shiftmap)
        # other 4 categories only need remapping
        # true parent:
        bone.parent_idx = newval_from_range_map(bone.parent_idx, bone_shiftmap)
        # partial append:
        if (bone.inherit_rot
                or bone.inherit_trans) and bone.inherit_parent_idx != -1:
            if core.binary_search_isin(bone.inherit_parent_idx, bone_dellist):
                # if a bone is getting partial append from a bone getting deleted, break that relationship
                # shouldn't be possible but whatever i'll support the case
                bone.inherit_rot = False
                bone.inherit_trans = False
                bone.inherit_parent_idx = -1
                bone.inherit_parent_idx = newval_from_range_map(
                    bone.inherit_parent_idx, bone_shiftmap)
        # ik stuff:
        if bone.has_ik:
            bone.ik_target_idx = newval_from_range_map(bone.ik_target_idx,
            for link in bone.ik_links:
                link.idx = newval_from_range_map(link.idx, bone_shiftmap)
    # done with bones
Exemplo n.º 15
def prune_unused_vertices(pmx: pmxstruct.Pmx, moreinfo=False):
    # ready for logic

    # vertices are referenced in faces, morphs (uv and vertex morphs), and soft bodies (should be handled just for completeness' sake)

    # find individual vertices to delete
    #		build set of vertices used in faces
    #		build set of all vertices (just a range)
    #		subtract
    #		convert to sorted list
    # convert to list of [begin, length]
    #		iterate over delvertlist, identify contiguous blocks
    # convert to list of [begin, cumulative size]

    # build set of USED vertices
    used_verts = set()
    for face in pmx.faces:
    # build set of ALL vertices
    all_verts = set(list(range(len(pmx.verts))))
    # derive set of UNUSED vertices
    unused_verts = all_verts.difference(used_verts)
    # convert to ordered list
    delme_verts = sorted(list(unused_verts))

    numdeleted = len(delme_verts)
    prevtotal = len(pmx.verts)
    if numdeleted == 0:
        core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("No changes are required")
        return pmx, False

    delme_range = delme_list_to_rangemap(delme_verts)

    if moreinfo:
            "Detected %d orphan vertices arranged in %d contiguous blocks" %
            (len(delme_verts), len(delme_range[0])))

    # need to update places that reference vertices: faces, morphs, softbody
    # first get the total # of iterations I need to do, for progress purposes: #faces + sum of len of all UV and vert morphs
    totalwork = len(pmx.faces) + sum([
        len(m.items) for m in pmx.morphs if (m.morphtype in (1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7))

    # faces:
    d = 0
    for d, face in enumerate(pmx.faces):
        # vertices in a face are not guaranteed sorted, and sorting them is a Very Bad Idea
        # therefore they must be remapped individually
        face[0] = newval_from_range_map(face[0], delme_range)
        face[1] = newval_from_range_map(face[1], delme_range)
        face[2] = newval_from_range_map(face[2], delme_range)
        # display progress printouts
        core.print_progress_oneline(d / totalwork)

    # core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("Done updating vertex references in faces")

    # morphs:
    orphan_vertex_references = 0
    for morph in pmx.morphs:
        # if not a vertex morph or UV morph, skip it
        if not morph.morphtype in (1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7): continue
        lenbefore = len(morph.items)
        # it is plausible that vertex/uv morphs could reference orphan vertices, so I should check for and delete those
        i = 0
        while i < len(morph.items):
            # if the vertex being manipulated is in the list of verts being deleted,
            if core.binary_search_isin(morph.items[i].vert_idx, delme_verts):
                # delete it here too
                orphan_vertex_references += 1
                # otherwise, remap it
                # but don't remap it here, wait until I'm done deleting vertices and then tackle them all at once
                i += 1

        # morphs usually contain vertexes in sorted order, but not guaranteed!!! MAKE it sorted, nobody will mind
        morph.items.sort(key=lambda x: x.vert_idx)

        # separate the vertices from the morph entries into a list of their own, for more efficient remapping
        vertlist = [x.vert_idx for x in morph.items]
        # remap
        remappedlist = newval_from_range_map(vertlist, delme_range)
        # write the remapped values back into where they came from
        for x, newval in zip(morph.items, remappedlist):
            x.vert_idx = newval
        # display progress printouts
        d += lenbefore
        core.print_progress_oneline(d / totalwork)

    # core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("Done updating vertex references in morphs")

    # softbody: probably not relevant but eh
    for soft in pmx.softbodies:
        # anchors
        # first, delete any references to delme verts in the anchors
        i = 0
        while i < len(soft.anchors_list):
            # if the vertex referenced is in the list of verts being deleted,
            if core.binary_search_isin(soft.anchors_list[i][1], delme_verts):
                # delete it here too
                # otherwise, remap it
                # but don't remap it here, wait until I'm done deleting vertices and then tackle them all at once
                i += 1

        #  MAKE it sorted, nobody will mind
        soft.anchors_list.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
        # extract the vert indices into a list of their town
        anchorlist = [x[1] for x in soft.anchors_list]
        # remap
        newanchorlist = newval_from_range_map(anchorlist, delme_range)
        # write the remapped values back into where they came from
        for x, newval in zip(soft.anchors_list, newanchorlist):
            x[1] = newval

        # vertex pins
        # first, delete any references to delme verts
        i = 0
        while i < len(soft.vertex_pin_list):
            # if the vertex referenced is in the list of verts being deleted,
            if core.binary_search_isin(soft.vertex_pin_list[i], delme_verts):
                # delete it here too
                # otherwise, remap it
                # but don't remap it here, wait until I'm done deleting vertices and then tackle them all at once
                i += 1
        #  MAKE it sorted, nobody will mind
        # remap
        soft.vertex_pin_list = newval_from_range_map(soft.vertex_pin_list,
        # done with softbodies!

    # now, finally, actually delete the vertices from the vertex list
    for f in delme_verts:

        "Identified and deleted {} / {} = {:.1%} vertices for being unused".
        format(numdeleted, prevtotal, numdeleted / prevtotal))

    return pmx, True
def main(moreinfo=True):
	# the goal: extract rotation around the "arm" bone local X? axis and transfer it to rotation around the "armtwist" bone local axis
	# prompt PMX name
	core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("Please enter name of PMX input file:")
	input_filename_pmx = core.MY_FILEPROMPT_FUNC(".pmx")
	pmx = pmxlib.read_pmx(input_filename_pmx, moreinfo=moreinfo)
	# get bones
	realbones = pmx.bones
	twistbone_axes = []
	# then, grab the "twist" bones & save their fixed-rotate axes, if they have them
	# fallback plan: find the arm-to-elbow and elbow-to-wrist unit vectors and use those
	for i in range(len(jp_twistbones)):
		r = core.my_list_search(realbones, lambda x: x.name_jp == jp_twistbones[i], getitem=True)
		if r is None:
			core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("ERROR1: twist bone '{}'({}) cannot be found model, unable to continue. Ensure they use the correct semistandard names, or edit the script to change the JP names it is looking for.".format(jp_twistbones[i], eng_twistbones[i]))
			raise RuntimeError()
		if r.has_fixedaxis:
			# this bone DOES have fixed-axis enabled! use the unit vector in r[18]
			# i can infer local axis by angle from arm-to-elbow or elbow-to-wrist
			start = core.my_list_search(realbones, lambda x: x.name_jp == jp_sourcebones[i], getitem=True)
			if start is None:
				core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("ERROR2: semistandard bone '%s' is missing from the model, unable to infer axis of rotation" % jp_sourcebones[i])
				raise RuntimeError()
			end = core.my_list_search(realbones, lambda x: x.name_jp == jp_pointat_bones[i], getitem=True)
			if end is None:
				core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("ERROR3: semistandard bone '%s' is missing from the model, unable to infer axis of rotation" % jp_pointat_bones[i])
				raise RuntimeError()
			start_pos = start.pos
			end_pos = end.pos
			# now have both startpoint and endpoint! find the delta!
			delta = [b - a for a,b in zip(start_pos, end_pos)]
			# normalize to length of 1
			length = core.my_euclidian_distance(delta)
			unit = [t / length for t in delta]
	# done extracting axes limits from bone CSV, in list "twistbone_axes"
	core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("...done extracting axis limits from PMX...")
	# prompt VMD file name
	core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("Please enter name of VMD dance input file:")
	input_filename_vmd = core.MY_FILEPROMPT_FUNC(".vmd")
	# next, read/use/prune the dance vmd
	nicelist_in = vmdlib.read_vmd(input_filename_vmd, moreinfo=moreinfo)
	# sort boneframes into individual lists: one for each [Larm + Lelbow + Rarm + Relbow] and remove them from the master boneframelist
	# frames for all other bones stay in the master boneframelist
	all_sourcebone_frames = []
	for sourcebone in jp_sourcebones:
		# partition & writeback
		temp, nicelist_in.boneframes = core.my_list_partition(nicelist_in.boneframes, lambda x: x.name == sourcebone)
		# all frames for "sourcebone" get their own sublist here
	# verify that there is actually arm/elbow frames to process
	sourcenumframes = sum([len(x) for x in all_sourcebone_frames])
	if sourcenumframes == 0:
		core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("No arm/elbow bone frames are found in the VMD, nothing for me to do!")
		core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("Aborting: no files were changed")
		return None
		core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("...source contains " + str(sourcenumframes) + " arm/elbow bone frames to decompose...")
		# to fix the path that the arms take during interpolation we need to overkey the frames
		# i.e. create intermediate frames that they should have been passing through already, to FORCE it to take the right path
		# i'm replacing the interpolation curves with actual frames
		for sublist in all_sourcebone_frames:
			newframelist = []
			sublist.sort(key=lambda x: x.f) # ensure they are sorted by frame number
			# for each frame
			for i in range(1, len(sublist)):
				this = sublist[i]
				prev = sublist[i-1]
				# use interpolation curve i to interpolate from i-1 to i
				# first: do i need to do anything or are they already close on the timeline?
				thisframenum = this.f
				prevframenum = prev.f
				if (thisframenum - prevframenum) <= OVERKEY_FRAME_SPACING:
				# if they are far enough apart that i need to do something,
				thisframequat = core.euler_to_quaternion(this.rot)
				prevframequat = core.euler_to_quaternion(prev.rot)
				# 3, 7, 11, 15 = r_ax, r_ay, r_bx, r_by
				bez = core.MyBezier((this.interp[3], this.interp[7]), (this.interp[11], this.interp[15]), resolution=50)
				# create new frames at these frame numbers, spacing is OVERKEY_FRAME_SPACING
				for interp_framenum in range(prevframenum + OVERKEY_FRAME_SPACING, thisframenum, OVERKEY_FRAME_SPACING):
					# calculate the x time percentage from prev frame to this frame
					x = (interp_framenum - prevframenum) / (thisframenum - prevframenum)
					# apply the interpolation curve to translate X to Y
					y = bez.approximate(x)
					# interpolate from prev to this by amount Y
					interp_quat = core.my_slerp(prevframequat, thisframequat, y)
					# begin building the new frame
					newframe = vmdstruct.VmdBoneFrame(
						name=this.name,  # same name
						f=interp_framenum,  # overwrite frame num
						pos=list(this.pos),  # same pos (but make a copy)
						rot=list(core.quaternion_to_euler(interp_quat)),  # overwrite euler angles
						phys_off=this.phys_off,  # same phys_off
						interp=list(core.bone_interpolation_default_linear)  # overwrite interpolation
				# overwrite thisframe interp curve with default too
				this.interp = list(core.bone_interpolation_default_linear) # overwrite custom interpolation
			# concat the new frames onto the existing frames for this sublist
			sublist += newframelist
	# re-count the number of frames for printing purposes
	totalnumframes = sum([len(x) for x in all_sourcebone_frames])
	overkeyframes = totalnumframes - sourcenumframes
	if overkeyframes != 0:
		core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("...overkeying added " + str(overkeyframes) + " arm/elbow bone frames...")
	core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("...beginning decomposition of " + str(totalnumframes) + " arm/elbow bone frames...")
	# now i am completely done reading the VMD file and parsing its data! everything has been distilled down to:
	# all_sourcebone_frames = [Larm, Lelbow, Rarm, Relbow] plus nicelist_in[1]
	# begin the actual calculations
	# output array
	new_twistbone_frames = []
	# progress tracker
	curr_progress = 0
	# for each sourcebone & corresponding twistbone,
	for (twistbone, axis_orig, sourcebone_frames) in zip(jp_twistbones, twistbone_axes, all_sourcebone_frames):
		# for each frame of the sourcebone,
		for frame in sourcebone_frames:
			# XYZrot = 567 euler
			quat_in = core.euler_to_quaternion(frame.rot)
			axis = list(axis_orig)	# make a copy to be safe
			# "swing twist decomposition"
			# swing = "local" x rotation and nothing else
			# swing = sourcebone, twist = twistbone
			(swing, twist) = swing_twist_decompose(quat_in, axis)
			# modify "frame" in-place
			# only modify the XYZrot to use new values
			new_sourcebone_euler = core.quaternion_to_euler(swing)
			frame.rot = list(new_sourcebone_euler)
			# create & store new twistbone frame
			# name=twistbone, framenum=copy, XYZpos=copy, XYZrot=new, phys=copy, interp16=copy
			new_twistbone_euler = core.quaternion_to_euler(twist)
			newframe = vmdstruct.VmdBoneFrame(
			# print progress updates
			curr_progress += 1
			core.print_progress_oneline(curr_progress / totalnumframes)
	# done with calculations!
	core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("...done with decomposition, now reassembling output...")
	# attach the list of newly created boneframes, modify the original input
	for sublist in all_sourcebone_frames:
		nicelist_in.boneframes += sublist
	nicelist_in.boneframes += new_twistbone_frames
	# write out the VMD
	output_filename_vmd = "%s_twistbones_for_%s.vmd" % \
						   (input_filename_vmd[0:-4], core.get_clean_basename(input_filename_pmx))
	output_filename_vmd = core.get_unused_file_name(output_filename_vmd)
	vmdlib.write_vmd(output_filename_vmd, nicelist_in, moreinfo=moreinfo)
	return None
Exemplo n.º 17
def google_translate(in_list: STR_OR_STRLIST, strategy=1) -> STR_OR_STRLIST:
	Take a list of strings & get them all translated by asking Google. Can use per-line strategy or new 'chunkwise' strategy.
	:param in_list: list of JP or partially JP strings
	:param strategy: 0=old per-line strategy, 1=new chunkwise strategy, 2=auto choose whichever needs less Google traffic
	:return: list of strings probably pure EN, but sometimes odd unicode symbols show up
    input_is_str = isinstance(in_list, str)
    if input_is_str:
        in_list = [
        ]  # force it to be a list anyway so I don't have to change my structure

    use_chunk_strat = True if strategy == 1 else False

    # in_list -> pretrans -> jp_chunks_set -> jp_chunks -> jp_chunks_packets -> results_packets -> results
    # jp_chunks + results -> google_dict
    # pretrans + google_dict -> outlist

    # 1. pre-translate to take care of common tasks
    indents, bodies, suffixes = translation_tools.pre_translate(in_list)

    # 2. identify chunks
    jp_chunks_set = set()
    # idea: walk & look for transition from en to jp?
    for s in bodies:  # for every string to translate,
        rstart = 0
        prev_islatin = True
        is_latin = True
        for i in range(len(s)):  # walk along its length one char at a time,
            # use "is_jp" here and not "is_latin" so chunks are defined to be only actual JP stuff and not unicode whatevers
            is_latin = not translation_tools.is_jp(s[i])
            # if char WAS latin but now is NOT latin, then this is the start of a range.
            if prev_islatin and not is_latin:
                rstart = i
            # if it was jp and is now latin, then this is the end of a range (not including here). save it!
            elif is_latin and not prev_islatin:
            prev_islatin = is_latin
        # now outside the loop... if i ended with a non-latin char, grab the final range & add that too
        if not is_latin:

    # 3. remove chunks I can already solve
    # maybe localtrans can solve one chunk but not the whole string?
    # chunks are guaranteed to not be PART OF compound words. but they are probably compound words themselves.
    # run local trans on each chunk individually, and if it succeeds, then DON'T send it to google.
    localtrans_dict = dict()
    jp_chunks = []
    for chunk in list(jp_chunks_set):
        trans = translation_tools.piecewise_translate(
            chunk, translation_tools.words_dict)
        if translation_tools.is_jp(trans):
            # if the localtrans failed, then the chunk needs to be sent to google later
            # if it passed, no need to ask google what they mean cuz I already have a good translation for this chunk
            # this will be added to the dict way later
            localtrans_dict[chunk] = trans

    # 4. packetize them into fewer requests (and if auto, choose whether to use chunks or not)
    jp_chunks_packets = packetize_translate_requests(jp_chunks)
    jp_bodies_packets = packetize_translate_requests(bodies)
    if strategy == 2:
        use_chunk_strat = (len(jp_chunks_packets) < len(jp_bodies_packets))

    # 5. check the translate budget to see if I can afford this
    if use_chunk_strat: num_calls = len(jp_chunks_packets)
    else: num_calls = len(jp_bodies_packets)

    if check_translate_budget(num_calls) and not _DISABLE_INTERNET_TRANSLATE:
            "... making %d requests to Google Translate web API..." %
        # no need to print failing statement, the function already does
        # don't quit early, run thru the same full structure & eventually return a copy of the JP names
            "Just copying JP -> EN while Google Translate is disabled")

    # 6. send chunks to Google
    results_packets = []
    if use_chunk_strat:
        for d, packet in enumerate(jp_chunks_packets):
            core.print_progress_oneline(d / len(jp_chunks_packets))
            r = _single_google_translate(packet)

        # 7. assemble Google responses & re-associate with the chunks
        # order of inputs "jp_chunks" matches order of outputs "results"
        results = unpacketize_translate_requests(results_packets)  # unpack
        google_dict = dict(zip(jp_chunks, results))  # build dict

        print("#items=", len(in_list), "#chunks=", len(jp_chunks),
              "#requests=", len(jp_chunks_packets))

        )  # add dict entries from things that succeeded localtrans
        )  # add the full-blown words dict to the chunk-translate results
        # dict->list->sort->dict: sort the longest chunks first, VERY CRITICAL so things don't get undershadowed!!!
        google_dict = dict(
                   key=lambda x: len(x[0])))

        # 8. piecewise translate using newly created dict
        outlist = translation_tools.piecewise_translate(bodies, google_dict)
        # old style: just translate the strings directly and return their results
        for d, packet in enumerate(jp_bodies_packets):
            core.print_progress_oneline(d / len(jp_bodies_packets))
            r = _single_google_translate(packet)
        outlist = unpacketize_translate_requests(results_packets)

    # last, reattach the indents and suffixes
    outlist_final = [i + b + s for i, b, s in zip(indents, outlist, suffixes)]

        # if i did use internet translate, print this line when done
        core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("... done!")

    # return
    if input_is_str:
        return outlist_final[
            0]  # if original input was a single string, then de-listify
        return outlist_final  # otherwise return as a list