Exemplo n.º 1
def test_simple_multi_fft_1_D():
    shift = 1
    dt = 'D'
    c = np.outer(np.ones(64), ref_1D_32hz(shift, dt))
    c2 = c.copy()
    ct = c.copy().T
    ct2 = c.copy().T
    _fftn(c, axes=(-1,), inplace=True, shift=shift)
    _fftn(ct, axes=(0,), inplace=True, shift=shift)
    c_np = reference_fftn(c2, axes=(-1,), shift=shift)
    ct_np = reference_fftn(ct2, axes=(0,), shift=shift)
    yield sum_of_sqr_comp(c, c_np, 'total energy not equal')
    yield sum_of_sqr_comp(ct, ct_np, 'total energy not equal')
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_strided_1d_fft_1_D():
    shift = 1
    dt = 'D'
    rand_3d = (np.random.randn(40, 50, 60) + \
               1j*np.random.randn(40, 50, 60)).astype(dt)
    r1 = rand_3d.copy().transpose(0,2,1)
    r1_2 = rand_3d.copy().transpose(0,2,1)
    r2 = rand_3d.copy().transpose(1,0,2)
    r2_2 = rand_3d.copy().transpose(1,0,2)

    _fftn(r1, axes=(0,), inplace=True, shift=shift)
    _fftn(r2, axes=(1,), inplace=True, shift=shift)
    r1_np = reference_fftn(r1_2, axes=(0,), shift=shift)
    r2_np = reference_fftn(r2_2, axes=(1,), shift=shift)

    yield sum_of_sqr_comp(r1, r1_np, 'axis0 dtype='+dt)
    yield sum_of_sqr_comp(r2, r2_np, 'axis1 dtype='+dt)
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_roundtrip_inplace_1_D():
    shift = 1
    dt = 'D'
    grid = np.arange(128)
    mu = 43.
    stdv = 3.
    g = (np.exp(-(grid-mu)**2 / (2*stdv**2)) / (2*np.pi*stdv**2)).astype(dt)
    g2 = g.copy()
    g_bkp = g.copy()
    _fftn(g, inplace=True, shift=shift)
    gw_np = reference_fftn(g2, shift=shift, axes=(0,))
    yield npt.assert_array_almost_equal(
        g, gw_np, err_msg='differs from numpy fft ref, shift=%d'%shift
    yield sum_of_sqr_comp(g, gw_np)

    _ifftn(g, inplace=True, shift=shift)
    yield npt.assert_array_almost_equal(
        g_bkp, g, err_msg='roundtrip transforms diverge, shift=%d'%shift
    yield sum_of_sqr_comp(g_bkp, g)
Exemplo n.º 4
def gaussian_smooth(a, fwhm=5.0, axes=(-1,), inplace=True):
    """Smooth an array by convolving with a Guassian kernel.

    a : ndarray
        Array to smooth
    fwhm : float or iterable (optional)
        The FWHM kernel size, or sizes for each dimension to smooth (pix units)
    axes : iterable (optional)
        The axes over which to convolve
    inplace : bool (optional)
        Modify the array inplace, or return a new, smoothed array

    a smoothed array, if inplace==False
    if hasattr(fwhm, '__iter__'):
        if len(fwhm) != len(axes):
            raise ValueError('Number of smoothing kernel sizes does not match the number of smoothing dimensions')

        fwhm = [fwhm]*len(axes)

    sigma = np.array(map(lambda x: x / np.sqrt(8 * np.log(2)), fwhm))

    a_real = a.dtype.char not in ['F', 'D']
    if a_real:
        if inplace:
            warnings.warn('inplace=True not really an option yet for real types')
        a = a.astype('D')
        # but now let's work inplace on the temporary casted array
        inplace = True

    if inplace:
        _fftn(a, axes=axes, inplace=True, shift=False)
        # name-only assignment
        b = a 
        # new array assignment
        b = _fftn(a, axes=axes, inplace=False, shift=False)
    null_slices = [np.newaxis] * len(a.shape)
    all_slices = [slice(None)] * len(a.shape)
    for n, s in enumerate(sigma):        
        d = 2 * (a.shape[axes[n]]/2)
        g = __kernel_cache.get((d,s), None)
        if g is None:
            print 'making new kernel for', d,s
            x = np.linspace(-d/2, d/2-1, d)
            x = np.r_[x[-d/2:], x[:d/2]]
            g = np.exp(-(x**2)/(2*s**2)).astype('D')
            fft1(g, shift=False, inplace=True)
            __kernel_cache[(d,s)] = g
        ax_slice = null_slices[:]
        ax_slice[axes[n]] = slice(None)
        safe_b_slice = all_slices[:]
        safe_b_slice[axes[n]] = slice(0,d)
        b[safe_b_slice] *= g[ax_slice].real
    n = len(sigma)
    b /= np.sqrt((2*np.pi)**n * np.prod(sigma**2))
    _ifftn(b, axes=axes, inplace=True, shift=False)

    if a_real:
        br = b.real
        del b
        return br
    if not inplace:
        return b
Exemplo n.º 5
def _get_2D_fft(shift, dt):
    c = ref_2D_grating(shift, dt)
    c2 = c.copy()
    _fftn(c, axes=(0,1), shift=shift, inplace=True)
    c_np = reference_fftn(c2, axes=(0,1), shift=shift)
    return c, c_np
Exemplo n.º 6
def _get_1D_fft(shift, dt):
    c = ref_1D_32hz(shift, dt)
    c2 = c.copy()
    _fftn(c, axes=(0,), shift=shift, inplace=True)
    c_np = reference_fftn(c2, axes=(0,), shift=shift)
    return c, c_np