def upload_file(self, url, mp_file, dryrun=False, owner=None): """ Upload the given mp_file on the given Connect URL.""" cmd = "curl -i -n -F package=@%s %s%s" % ( mp_file, url, "/site/marketplace/upload?batch=true") if owner: cmd += "&owner=%s" % (owner, ) return system(cmd, failonerror=False, run=(not dryrun))
def main(): global namespaces assert_git_config() namespaces = {"pom": ""} etree.register_namespace('pom', '') try: if not os.path.isdir(".git"): raise ExitException(1, "That script must be ran from root of a Git" + " repository") usage = ("usage: %prog [options] <command>\n\nCommands:\n" " prepare: Prepare the release (build, change versions, tag " "and package source and distributions). The release " "parameters are stored in a release.log file.\n" " perform: Perform the release (push sources, deploy " "artifacts and upload packages). If no parameter is given, " "they are read from the release.log file.\n" " package: Package distributions and source code in the " "archives directory.") parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage, description="""Release Nuxeo from a given branch, tag the release, then set the next SNAPSHOT version. If a maintenance version was provided, then a maintenance branch is kept, else it is deleted after release.""") parser.add_option('-r', action="store", type="string", dest='remote_alias', default='origin', help="""the Git alias of remote URL (default: %default)""") parser.add_option('-f', '--final', action="store_true", dest='is_final', default=False, help='is it a final release? (default: %default)') parser.add_option("-b", "--branch", action="store", type="string", help='branch to release (default: current branch)', dest="branch", default="auto") parser.add_option("-t", "--tag", action="store", type="string", dest="tag", default="auto", help="""if final option is True, then the default tag is the current version minus '-SNAPSHOT', else the 'SNAPSHOT' keyword is replaced with a date (aka 'date-based release')""") parser.add_option("-n", "--next", action="store", type="string", dest="next_snapshot", default="auto", help="""next snapshot. If final option is True, then the next snapshot is the current one increased, else it is equal to the current """) parser.add_option('-m', '--maintenance', action="store", dest='maintenance', default="auto", help="""maintenance version (by default, the maintenance branch is deleted after release)""") parser.add_option('-i', '--interactive', action="store_true", dest='interactive', default=False, help="""Not implemented (TODO NXP-8573). Interactive mode.""") parser.add_option('-d', '--deploy', action="store_true", dest='deploy', default=False, help="""deploy artifacts to nightly repository""") parser.add_option('--skipTests', action="store_true", dest='skipTests', default=False, help="""skip tests execution (but compile them)""") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) == 1: command = args[0] elif len(args) > 1: raise ExitException(1, "'command' must be a single argument. " "See usage with '-h'.") release_log = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.pardir, "release.log")) if ("command" in locals() and command == "perform" and os.path.isfile(release_log) and options == parser.get_default_values()): log("Reading parameters from %s ..." % release_log) with open(release_log, "rb") as f: options.remote_alias = f.readline().split("=")[1].strip() options.branch = f.readline().split("=")[1].strip() options.tag = f.readline().split("=")[1].strip() options.next_snapshot = f.readline().split("=")[1].strip() options.maintenance = f.readline().split("=")[1].strip() options.is_final = f.readline().split("=")[1].strip() == "True" options.skipTests = f.readline().split("=")[1].strip() == "True" repo = Repository(os.getcwd(), options.remote_alias) if options.branch == "auto": options.branch = repo.get_current_version() system("git fetch %s" % (options.remote_alias)) repo.git_update(options.branch) release = Release(repo, options.branch, options.tag, options.next_snapshot, options.maintenance, options.is_final, options.skipTests) release.log_summary("command" in locals() and command != "perform") if "command" not in locals(): raise ExitException(1, "Missing command. See usage with '-h'.") elif command == "prepare": release.prepare(options.deploy) elif command == "perform": release.perform() elif command == "package": repo.clone() # workaround for NXBT-121: use install instead of package repo.mvn("clean install", skip_tests=options.skipTests, profiles="qa") release.package_all(release.snapshot) elif command == "test": release.test() else: raise ExitException(1, "Unknown command! See usage with '-h'.") except ExitException, e: if e.message is not None: log("[ERROR] %s" % e.message, sys.stderr) sys.exit(e.return_code)
def upload(self, url, mp_file, dryrun=False): """ Upload the given mp_file on the given Connect URL.""" cmd = ("curl -i -n -F package=@%s %s%s" % (mp_file, url, "/site/marketplace/upload?batch=true")) system(cmd, run=(not dryrun))
def upload_file(self, url, mp_file, dryrun=False): """ Upload the given mp_file on the given Connect URL.""" cmd = "curl -i -n -F package=@%s %s%s" % (mp_file, url, "/site/marketplace/upload?batch=true") return system(cmd, failonerror=False, run=(not dryrun))
def upload(self, url, mp_file): """ Upload the given mp_file on the given Connect URL.""" cmd = ("curl -i -n -F package=@%s %s%s" % (mp_file, url, "/site/marketplace/upload?batch=true")) system(cmd)