Exemplo n.º 1
 def get_formula_dict( self):
   """returns formula as dictionary that can
   be passed to functions in periodic_table"""
   if self.group_type == "builtin":
     return PT.formula_dict( GT.groups_table[ self.symbol.lower()]['composition'])
   elif self.group_graph:
     form = self.group_graph.get_formula_dict()
     if 'H' in form:
       if form['H'] > self.occupied_valency:
         form['H'] -= self.occupied_valency
         del form['H']
     return form
     return PT.formula_dict( self.symbol)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def set_name( self, name, interpret=1, occupied_valency=None):
   if occupied_valency == None:
     occupied_valency = self.occupied_valency
   if occupied_valency == 1 and (name.lower() in GT.groups_table):
     # name is a known group
     self.symbol = GT.groups_table[ name.lower()]['name']
     self.group_type = "builtin"
     return True
   # try interpret the formula
   lf = oasa.linear_formula.linear_formula( name, start_valency=occupied_valency)
   if not lf.molecule:
     # it is possible the text goes the other way
     lf = oasa.linear_formula.linear_formula( name, end_valency=occupied_valency)
   if lf.molecule:
     self.group_graph = lf.molecule
     if lf.first_atom:
       self.connecting_atom = lf.first_atom
     elif lf.last_atom:
       self.connecting_atom = lf.last_atom
       self.connecting_atom = lf.molecule.vertices[0]
     self.symbol = name
     self.group_type = "implicit"
     self.group_graph.paper = self.paper
     return True
   # try chain
   if re.compile( "^[cC][0-9]*[hH][0-9]*$").match( name):
     form = PT.formula_dict( name.upper())
     if occupied_valency == 1 and form.is_saturated_alkyl_chain():
       self.symbol = str( form)
       self.group_type = "chain"
       return True
   return False
Exemplo n.º 3
 def get_formula_dict(self):
     """returns formula as dictionary that can
 be passed to functions in periodic_table"""
     if self.group_type == "builtin":
         return PT.formula_dict(
     elif self.group_graph:
         form = self.group_graph.get_formula_dict()
         if 'H' in form:
             if form['H'] > self.occupied_valency:
                 form['H'] -= self.occupied_valency
                 del form['H']
         return form
         return PT.formula_dict(self.symbol)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def get_formula_dict( self):
   """returns formula as dictionary that can
   be passed to functions in periodic_table"""
   ret = PT.formula_dict( self.symbol)
   if self.free_valency > 0:
     ret['H'] = self.free_valency
   return ret
Exemplo n.º 5
 def set_name(self, name, interpret=1, occupied_valency=None):
     if occupied_valency is None:
         occupied_valency = self.occupied_valency
     if occupied_valency == 1 and (name.lower() in GT.groups_table):
         # name is a known group
         self.symbol = GT.groups_table[name.lower()]['name']
         self.group_type = "builtin"
         return True
     # try interpret the formula
     lf = oasa.linear_formula.linear_formula(name,
     if not lf.molecule:
         # it is possible the text goes the other way
         lf = oasa.linear_formula.linear_formula(
             name, end_valency=occupied_valency)
     if lf.molecule:
         self.group_graph = lf.molecule
         if lf.first_atom:
             self.connecting_atom = lf.first_atom
         elif lf.last_atom:
             self.connecting_atom = lf.last_atom
             self.connecting_atom = lf.molecule.vertices[0]
         self.symbol = name
         self.group_type = "implicit"
         self.group_graph.paper = self.paper
         return True
     # try chain
     if re.compile("^[cC][0-9]*[hH][0-9]*$").match(name):
         form = PT.formula_dict(name.upper())
         if occupied_valency == 1 and form.is_saturated_alkyl_chain():
             self.symbol = str(form)
             self.group_type = "chain"
             return True
     return False
Exemplo n.º 6
  def expand( self):
    """expands the group and returns list of atoms that new drawing afterwords"""
    if self.group_type == "builtin":
      names = Store.gm.get_template_names()
      if self.symbol in names:
        a2 = self.neighbors[0]
        x1, y1 = a2.get_xy()
        x2, y2 = self.get_xy()
        self.group_graph = Store.gm.get_transformed_template( names.index( self.symbol), (x1,y1,x2,y2), type='atom1')
        replacement = self.group_graph.next_to_t_atom
        print "unknown group %s" % a.symbol
        return None

    elif self.group_type == "chain":
      self.group_graph = self.molecule.create_graph()
      p = PT.formula_dict( self.symbol)
      n = p['C']
      last = None
      for i in range( n):
        v = self.group_graph.add_vertex()
        v.x, v.y = None, None
        if last:
          self.group_graph.add_edge( last, v)
        last = v
      replacement = self.group_graph.vertices[0]
      replacement.x = self.x
      replacement.y = self.y

    elif self.group_type == "implicit":
      if not self.group_graph:
        self.set_name( self.symbol, occupied_valency=self.occupied_valency)
      for v in self.group_graph.vertices:
        v.x, v.y = None, None
        v.show = v.symbol != 'C'
      assert self.connecting_atom != None
      replacement = self.connecting_atom
      replacement.x = self.x
      replacement.y = self.y
    self.molecule.eat_molecule( self.group_graph)
    self.molecule.move_bonds_between_atoms( self, replacement)
    self.molecule.delete_vertex( self)
    if self.occupied_valency:
      oasa.coords_generator.calculate_coords( self.molecule, bond_length=-1)
      # if the group is the only vertex of the molecule we must set the bond_length explicitly
      # and the move the whole molecule
      replacement.x = None
      replacement.y = None
      x, y = self.x, self.y
      oasa.coords_generator.calculate_coords( self.molecule, bond_length=Screen.any_to_px( self.paper.standard.bond_length))
      dx = x - replacement.x
      dy = y - replacement.y
      [a.move( dx, dy) for a in self.group_graph.vertices]
    return self.group_graph.vertices
Exemplo n.º 7
from oasa.periodic_table import formula_dict

mols, unique = App.paper.selected_to_unique_top_levels()

colors = ["#cc0000","#00ff00","#0000ff","#ff00ff","#00ffff","#ff5500"]

for mol in mols:
    if mol.object_type == "molecule":
        current_selected_bonds = set(mol.bonds) & set(App.paper.selected_bonds)
        if current_selected_bonds:
            for b in current_selected_bonds:
            fragments = list(mol.get_connected_components())
            for i, fragment in enumerate(fragments):
                color = colors[i%len(colors)]
                frag_bonds = mol.vertex_subgraph_to_edge_subgraph(fragment) - current_selected_bonds
                for x in fragment | frag_bonds:
                    x.line_color = color
                formula = sum([atom.get_formula_dict() for atom in fragment], formula_dict())
                text = "%s: %.8f" % (formula.get_html_repr_as_string(), formula.get_exact_molecular_mass())
                text_obj = App.paper.new_text(0, 0, text)
                text_obj.line_color = color
                App.paper.place_next_to_bbox("b", "r", 10+20*i, text_obj, mol.bbox())

Exemplo n.º 8
 def get_formula_dict(self):
     """returns a formula dict as defined in the periodic_table.py::formula_dict"""
     comp = PT.formula_dict()
     for a in self.atoms:
         comp += a.get_formula_dict()
     return comp
Exemplo n.º 9
 def get_formula_dict( self):
   """returns a formula dict as defined in the periodic_table.py::formula_dict"""
   comp = PT.formula_dict()
   for a in self.atoms:
     comp += a.get_formula_dict()
   return comp
Exemplo n.º 10
 def get_formula_dict( self):
   """returns formula as dictionary that can
   be passed to functions in periodic_table"""
   return PT.formula_dict()
Exemplo n.º 11
 def get_formula_dict( self):
   """returns formula as dictionary that can
   be passed to functions in periodic_table"""
   return PT.formula_dict()
Exemplo n.º 12
    def expand(self):
        """expands the group and returns list of atoms that new drawing afterwords"""
        if self.group_type == "builtin":
            names = Store.gm.get_template_names()
            if self.symbol in names:
                a2 = self.neighbors[0]
                x1, y1 = a2.get_xy()
                x2, y2 = self.get_xy()
                self.group_graph = Store.gm.get_transformed_template(
                    names.index(self.symbol), (x1, y1, x2, y2), type='atom1')
                replacement = self.group_graph.next_to_t_atom
                print("unknown group %s" % a.symbol)
                return None

        elif self.group_type == "chain":
            self.group_graph = self.molecule.create_graph()
            p = PT.formula_dict(self.symbol)
            n = p['C']
            last = None
            for i in range(n):
                v = self.group_graph.add_vertex()
                v.x, v.y = None, None
                if last:
                    self.group_graph.add_edge(last, v)
                last = v
            replacement = self.group_graph.vertices[0]
            replacement.x = self.x
            replacement.y = self.y

        elif self.group_type == "implicit":
            if not self.group_graph:
            for v in self.group_graph.vertices:
                v.x, v.y = None, None
                v.show = v.symbol != 'C'
            assert self.connecting_atom is not None
            replacement = self.connecting_atom
            replacement.x = self.x
            replacement.y = self.y

        self.molecule.move_bonds_between_atoms(self, replacement)
        if self.occupied_valency:
            # if the group is the only vertex of the molecule we must set the bond_length explicitly
            # and the move the whole molecule
            replacement.x = None
            replacement.y = None
            x, y = self.x, self.y
            dx = x - replacement.x
            dy = y - replacement.y
            [a.move(dx, dy) for a in self.group_graph.vertices]
        return self.group_graph.vertices