Exemplo n.º 1
def import_qts_from_zip(data, topic_id):
    """ Open the given OAQ file and import any qtemplates found.
        Return False if it's not valid
        Return 0 if it's valid but has no qtemplates
        Return NUM of templates imported.

    # TODO: How do we protect against malicious uploads?
    # At the moment they're allowed for trusted people only,
    # but we'll eventually want this in the UI for end users.

    # eg.    unzip to huge size
    # add digital signatures?

    sdata = StringIO(data)
    tmpd = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="oa")
    qdir = os.path.join(tmpd, "oasisqe")
    num = 0
        with zipfile.ZipFile(sdata, "r") as zfile:

            data = open("%s/info.json" % qdir, "r").read()
            info = json.loads(data)
            qtids = info['qtemplates'].keys()
            for qtid in qtids:
                qtemplate = info['qtemplates'][qtid]['qtemplate']
                attachments = info['qtemplates'][qtid]['attachments']
                if 'position' in info['qtemplates'][qtid]:
                    position = info['qtemplates'][qtid]['position']
                    position = 0
                newid = DB.create_qt(owner=1,   # ownerid

                DB.update_qt_practice_pos(newid, position)
                num += 1

    #            print "%s attachments" % len(attachments)
                for att in attachments:
                    (att_name, att_type, att_size) = att
                    data = open("%s/%s/attach/%s" % (qdir, qtemplate['id'], att_name)).read()
                    DB.create_qt_att(newid, att_name, att_type, data, 1)
                    if att_name == "datfile.txt" or att_name == "datfile.dat" or att_name == "datfile" or att_name == "_datfile" or att_name == "__datfile":
                        qvars = QEditor.parse_datfile(data)
                        for row in range(0, len(qvars)):
                            DB.add_qt_variation(newid, row + 1, qvars[row], 1)
    except zipfile.BadZipfile:
        return False
    return num
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_topic_nextprev(self):
        """ Do the "next/previous" options in practice work?

        course_id = Courses.create("TEST101", "Test topic next/prev logic", 1, 1)
        topic1_id = Topics.create(course_id, "TESTTOPIC1", 1, 2)

        qt1_id = DB.create_qt(1, "TESTQ1", "Test question 1", 0, 5.0, 1)
        qt2_id = DB.create_qt(1, "TESTQ2", "Test question 2", 0, 4.1, 2)
        qt3_id = DB.create_qt(1, "TESTQ3", "Test question 3", 0, 0.0, 2)
        qt4_id = DB.create_qt(1, "TESTQ4", "Test question 4", 0, 2.0, 2)

        DB.move_qt_to_topic(qt1_id, topic1_id)
        DB.move_qt_to_topic(qt2_id, topic1_id)
        DB.move_qt_to_topic(qt3_id, topic1_id)
        DB.move_qt_to_topic(qt4_id, topic1_id)

        DB.update_qt_practice_pos(qt1_id, 1)
        DB.update_qt_practice_pos(qt2_id, 2)
        DB.update_qt_practice_pos(qt3_id, 3)
        DB.update_qt_practice_pos(qt4_id, 4)

        qts = Topics.get_qts(topic1_id)
        self.assertIn(qt1_id, qts)
        self.assertIn(qt2_id, qts)
        self.assertIn(qt3_id, qts)
        self.assertIn(qt4_id, qts)
        self.assertEqual(len(qts), 4)

        self.assertTupleEqual(Practice.get_next_prev_pos(qt1_id, topic1_id), (None, 2))
        self.assertTupleEqual(Practice.get_next_prev_pos(qt2_id, topic1_id), (1, 3))
        self.assertTupleEqual(Practice.get_next_prev_pos(qt3_id, topic1_id), (2, 4))
        self.assertTupleEqual(Practice.get_next_prev_pos(qt4_id, topic1_id), (3, None))

        DB.update_qt_practice_pos(qt2_id, 3)

        self.assertEqual(DB.get_qtemplate_practice_pos(qt1_id), 1)
        self.assertEqual(DB.get_qtemplate_practice_pos(qt2_id), 3)
        self.assertEqual(DB.get_qtemplate_practice_pos(qt3_id), 3)
        self.assertEqual(DB.get_qtemplate_practice_pos(qt4_id), 4)

        self.assertTupleEqual(Practice.get_next_prev_pos(qt1_id, topic1_id), (None, 3))
        self.assertTupleEqual(Practice.get_next_prev_pos(qt2_id, topic1_id), (1, 4))
        self.assertTupleEqual(Practice.get_next_prev_pos(qt3_id, topic1_id), (1, 4))
        self.assertTupleEqual(Practice.get_next_prev_pos(qt4_id, topic1_id), (3, None))

        self.assertTupleEqual(Practice.get_next_prev_pos(qt4_id, None), (None, None))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_topic_position(self):
        """ Test putting qtemplates into topics and moving them around

        course_id = Courses.create("TEST101", "Test topic position logic", 1, 1)
        topic1_id = Topics.create(course_id, "TESTTOPIC1", 1, 2)
        topic2_id = Topics.create(course_id, "TESTTOPIC2", 3, 3)
        qt1_id = DB.create_qt(1, "TESTQ1", "Test question 1", 0, 5.0, 1)
        qt2_id = DB.create_qt(1, "TESTQ2", "Test question 2", 0, 4.1, 2, topic1_id)

        DB.move_qt_to_topic(qt1_id, topic1_id)

        self.assertEqual(DB.get_qtemplate_practice_pos(qt1_id), 0)
        self.assertEqual(DB.get_qtemplate_practice_pos(qt2_id), 0)

        self.assertEqual(DB.get_topic_for_qtemplate(qt1_id), topic1_id)
        self.assertEqual(DB.get_topic_for_qtemplate(qt2_id), topic1_id)

        DB.update_qt_practice_pos(qt1_id, 3)
        DB.update_qt_practice_pos(qt2_id, 2)

        self.assertEqual(DB.get_qtemplate_practice_pos(qt1_id), 3)
        self.assertEqual(DB.get_qtemplate_practice_pos(qt2_id), 2)

        self.assertEqual(DB.get_qtemplate_practice_pos(qt1_id), 3, "Broken cache?")
        self.assertEqual(DB.get_qtemplate_practice_pos(qt2_id), 2, "Broken cache?")

        DB.update_qt_practice_pos(qt1_id, 0)
        DB.update_qt_practice_pos(qt2_id, -1)

        self.assertEqual(DB.get_qtemplate_practice_pos(qt1_id), 0)
        self.assertEqual(DB.get_qtemplate_practice_pos(qt2_id), -1)

        self.assertEqual(DB.get_qtemplate_practice_pos(qt1_id), 0, "Broken cache?")
        self.assertEqual(DB.get_qtemplate_practice_pos(qt2_id), -1, "Broken cache?")

        qts = Topics.get_qts(topic1_id)

        self.assertIn(qt1_id, qts)
        self.assertIn(qt2_id, qts)
        self.assertEqual(len(qts), 2)

        DB.move_qt_to_topic(qt1_id, topic2_id)
        qts = Topics.get_qts(topic1_id)

        self.assertNotIn(qt1_id, qts)
        self.assertIn(qt2_id, qts)
        self.assertEqual(len(qts), 1)
Exemplo n.º 4
def do_topic_page_commands(request, topic_id, user_id):
    """We've been asked to perform some operations on the Topic page.

        Expecting form fields:


        where QTID is a question template id. May receive many.


            select_cmd = 'copy' | 'move'
            select_target = TOPICID of target topic


    form = request.form
    files = request.files

    mesg = []

    # Make a list of all the commands to run
    cmdlist = []
    for command in request.form.keys():
        if '_' in command:
            (cmd, data) = command.split('_', 2)
            value = form[command]
            if not value == "none":
                cmdlist += [{'cmd': cmd, 'data': data, 'value': value}]

    # Now run them:
    # Titles first
    for command in [cmd for cmd in cmdlist if cmd['cmd'] == 'name']:
        qid = int(command['data'])
        title = command['value']
        DB.update_qt_title(qid, title)

    # Then positions
    for command in [cmd for cmd in cmdlist if cmd['cmd'] == 'position']:
        qtid = int(command['data'])
            position = int(command['value'])
        except ValueError:
            position = 0
        DB.update_qt_practice_pos(qtid, position)

    # Then commands on selected questions
    target_cmd = form.get('target_cmd', None)
    if target_cmd:
        qtids = [int(cmd['data']) for cmd in cmdlist if cmd['cmd'] == 'select']
            target_topic = int(form.get('target_topic', 0))
        except ValueError:
            target_topic = None

        if target_cmd == 'move':
            if target_topic:
                for qtid in qtids:
                    qt_title = DB.get_qt_name(qtid)
                    topic_title = Topics.get_name(target_topic)
                    flash("Moving %s to %s" % (qt_title, topic_title))
                    DB.move_qt_to_topic(qtid, target_topic)
        if target_cmd == 'copy':
            if target_topic:
                for qtid in qtids:
                    qt_title = DB.get_qt_name(qtid)
                    topic_title = Topics.get_name(target_topic)
                    flash("Copying %s to %s" % (qt_title, topic_title))
                    position = DB.get_qtemplate_practice_pos(qtid)
                    newid = DB.copy_qt_all(qtid)
                    DB.move_qt_to_topic(newid, target_topic, position)

        if target_cmd == 'hide':
            for qtid in qtids:
                position = DB.get_qtemplate_practice_pos(qtid)
                if position > 0:  # If visible, make it hidden
                    DB.update_qt_practice_pos(qtid, -position)
                    title = DB.get_qt_name(qtid)
                    flash("Made '%s' Hidden" % title)

        if target_cmd == 'show':
            for qtid in qtids:
                position = DB.get_qtemplate_practice_pos(qtid)
                if position == 0:  # If hidden, make it visible
                    newpos = DB.get_qt_max_pos_in_topic(topic_id)
                    DB.update_qt_practice_pos(qtid, newpos + 1)
                    title = DB.get_qt_name(qtid)
                    flash("Made '%s' Visible" % title)
                if position < 0:  # If hidden, make it visible
                    DB.update_qt_practice_pos(qtid, -position)
                    title = DB.get_qt_name(qtid)
                    flash("Made '%s' Visible" % title)
        if target_cmd == "export":
            if len(qtids) < 1:
                flash("No questions selected to export")
                data = External.qts_to_zip(qtids)
                if not data:

                sio = StringIO.StringIO(data)
                return 2, send_file(sio, "application/oasisqe", as_attachment=True, attachment_filename="oa_export.zip")

    # Then new questions
    new_title = form.get('new_title', None)
    if new_title:
        if not (new_title == "[New Question]" or new_title == ""):
            new_position = form.get('new_position', 0)
                new_position = int(new_position)
            except ValueError:
                new_position = 0
            new_qtype = form.get('new_qtype', 'raw')
                new_max_score = float(form.get('new_maxscore', 0))
            except ValueError:
                new_max_score = 0
            new_id = DB.create_qt(owner=user_id,
                                  desc="No Description",
            if new_id:
                mesg.append("Created new question, id %s" % new_id)
                if new_position and new_position >= 1:
                    DB.update_qt_practice_pos(new_id, new_position)

                if new_qtype == "qe2":
                    mesg.append("Creating new question, id %s as QE2" % new_id)
                    QEditor2.create_new(new_id, new_title)

                if new_qtype == "raw":
                    mesg.append("Creating new question, id %s as RAW (%s)" %
                                (new_id, new_qtype))
                    QEditor.create_new(new_id, new_title)

                mesg.append("Error creating new question, id %s" % new_id)
                L.error("Unable to create new question (%s) (%s)" %
                        (new_title, new_position))

    L.info("request.files = %s" % (repr(request.files.keys())))
    # Did they upload a file to import?
    if 'import_file' in request.files:
        L.info("File upload to topic %s by user %s" % (topic_id, user_id))
        data = files['import_file'].read()
        if len(data) > 1:
            for msg in _import_questions_from_file(data, topic_id):


    return 1, {'mesg': mesg}