def get_element_from_OR(self,OR_name):
     locator = OR.get(OR_name.lower())
     if locator:
         logger.warn("Found an overwrite in the OR for name %s with locator %s. Not using dummy classes" % (OR_name, locator))
         element = self._element_find(locator,True,True)
         #try to slow things down a little bit here
         return element
     raise RuntimeError("Trying to lookup %s in OR but item not found" % (OR_name))
    def euh_click_tab(self,sub_module_name,tab_name):
        '''used to click a tab only if the tab is currently showing on the screen.. i.e.this
        function does not click on module / submodule buttons first'''
        if not tab_name: return
        tab = self._get_euh_tab(tab_name)

        #extra step to wait for element to appear on the screen because chrome doesn't always
        #honor the implicit wait setting so we do it explicitly here if it is setup in OR
        tab_wait_for = OR.get("tab_wait_for_%s_%s" %(sub_module_name.lower(),tab_name.lower()))
        if not tab_wait_for:
            logger.warn("There is not a tab_wait_for in OR for tab %s_%s this may cause tests not to work."  % (sub_module_name,tab_name))
            loaded = self._with_timeout(self._is_element_visible_and_page_not_loading, tab_wait_for)
            if not loaded:
                logger.warn("Tab %s may not have loaded correctly, trying to continue anyways" % 