def time_mash(stamp, lang=None): day = 0 text = '' if lang is None: lang = {'day': 'д. ', 'hour': 'ч. ', 'min': ' мин.'} seconds = stamp - time_now() hours = int(seconds / (60 * 60)) if hours > 24: day = int(hours / 24) hours -= day * 24 text += str(day) + lang['day'] + str(hours) + lang['hour'] elif hours > 0: text += str(hours) + lang['hour'] elif hours < 0: hours = 0 minutes = int((seconds / 60) - (day * 24 * 60) - (hours * 60)) response = objects.log_time(stamp, tag=objects.italic, form='au_normal') if minutes >= 0: response += '\nОсталось:' + objects.italic(' ~ ' + text + str(minutes) + lang['min']) return response
def former(growing, pub_link, background_coefficient): text = '' money = None keys = post_keys(e_post) if growing['title'] != 'none': text_to_image = re.sub('/', ' / ', growing['title']) text_to_image = re.sub(r'\(.*?\)|[—.,]|г\.', '', text_to_image) text_to_image = re.sub('e-mail', 'email', re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', text_to_image)) if growing['money'] != 'none': more = '' if growing['money'][1] != 'none': more += '+' money = numeric_replace(int(growing['money'][0])) + more if growing['money'][2] == ' евро.': money += u' \u20AC ' elif growing['money'][2] == ' бел. руб.': money += ' бел. руб. ' elif growing['money'][2] == ' долларов.': money += u' \u0024 ' else: money += u' \u20BD ' growing['tag_picture'] = image(re.sub(r'[—\s-]', ' ', text_to_image.strip()), money, background_coefficient) text = growing['tag_picture'] + '👨🏻💻 ' + bold(growing['title']) + '\n' if growing['experience'] != 'none': text += '🏅 Опыт работы ➡ ' + growing['experience'].capitalize() + '\n' if growing['education'] != 'none': text += '👨🎓 Образование ➡ ' + growing['education'].capitalize() + '\n' if money: text += '💸 ' + bold('З/П ') + str(money) + '\n' if growing['description'] != 'none': text += '{}\n' text += bold('📔 Контакты\n') if growing['org_name'] != 'none': text += growing['org_name'] + '\n' if growing['contact'] != 'none': text += growing['contact'] + '\n' if growing['numbers'] != 'none': text += growing['numbers'] + '\n' if growing['email'] != 'none': text += growing['email'] + ' ➡ Резюме\n' if growing['metro'] != 'none': text += '🚇 ' + growing['metro'] + '\n' if growing['geo'].lower() != 'none': text += '\n📍' + growing['geo'] + '\n' text += '\n🔎 ' + pub_link + '\n' if growing['tags'] != 'none': text += objects.italic('\n💼ТЕГИ: ') for i in growing['tags']: text += '#' + i + ' ' text = text[:-1] + '\n' if growing['description'] != 'none': len_text = 4094 - len(text) if len_text - len(growing['description']) >= 0: text = text.format(growing['description']) else: text = text.format(growing['description'][:len_text]) text += '————\nРазместить вакансию @Superworksbot' text += instagram_image(instagram_former(growing), background_coefficient) if growing['short_place'] == 'none' or growing['money'] == 'none' or growing['title'] == 'none': text = pub_link return [text, keys, pub_link, growing]
def checker(): from timer import timer global main_post_id, mini_post_id, last_date while True: try: sleep(0.1) printer_text = main_address + str(main_post_id) soup = BeautifulSoup( requests.get(printer_text + '?embed=1').text, 'html.parser') is_post_not_exist = soup.find('div', class_='tgme_widget_message_error') if is_post_not_exist is None: is_post_id_exist = soup.find('div', class_='tgme_widget_message_link') raw = str( soup.find('div', class_='tgme_widget_message_text js-message_text' )).replace('<br/>', '\n') if is_post_id_exist: soup = BeautifulSoup(raw, 'html.parser').get_text() time_search = r'(\d\d) (.*) 10(..)\nРезультаты сражений:', soup) if time_search: reports = {} soup = re.sub('.*\nРезультаты сражений:\n|️', '', soup) trophy_search = 'По итогам сражений замкам начислено:(.*)', soup, flags=re.DOTALL) for row in soup.split('\n\n'): row = re.sub( 'По итогам сражений замкам начислено:.+', '', row, flags=re.DOTALL) search_castle =, row) if search_castle: money_search = '(на|отобрали) (.*) золотых монет', row) box_search = 'потеряно (.*) складских ячеек', row) castle = reports[castle] = ': ' if e_trident in row: reports[castle] += e_trident for battle in battle_emoji: if battle in row: reports[castle] += battle_emoji.get( battle) break if money_search: if == 'на': reports[castle] += ' -' elif == 'отобрали': reports[castle] += ' +' reports[castle] += 2) + '💰' if box_search: if != '0': reports[ castle] += ' -' + 1) + '📦' if trophy_search: letter = title trophy_list ='\n') date = objects.log_time(timer(time_search), form='b_channel') for row in trophy_list: search = castles + r'.+ \+(\d+) 🏆 очков', row) if search: castle, trophy = search.groups() letter += italic(castle + str(reports.get(castle)) + ' +' + trophy + '🏆') + '\n' if stamper(date, '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M') > stamper( last_date, '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M'): letter += html_link( printer_text, 'Битва') + ' ' + italic(date) sender(letter, date, 'main') else: printer('пост ' + printer_text + ' уже был, пропускаю') main_post_id += 1 else: printer('пост ' + printer_text + ' не относится к дайджесту, пропускаю') main_post_id += 1 else: printer_text = mini_address + str(mini_post_id) soup = BeautifulSoup( requests.get(printer_text + '?embed=1').text, 'html.parser') is_post_not_exist = soup.find( 'div', class_='tgme_widget_message_error') if is_post_not_exist is None: is_post_id_exist = soup.find( 'div', class_='tgme_widget_message_link') raw = soup.find( 'div', class_='tgme_widget_message_text js-message_text') raw = re.sub('️', '', re.sub('<br/>', '\n', str(raw))) if is_post_id_exist: is_post_battle = None soup = BeautifulSoup(raw, 'html.parser').get_text() for row in soup.split('\n'): is_post_battle = r'Battle (\d{2}) (.*?) 10(\d{2})', row) if is_post_battle: break if is_post_battle: points = None digest = None date = objects.log_time(timer(is_post_battle), form='b_channel') for part in soup.split('\n\n'): points_search ='🏆Очки:\n(.*)', part, flags=re.DOTALL) digest_search = '⛳Сводки с полей:\n(.*)', part, flags=re.DOTALL) if digest_search: digest ='\n') elif points_search: points ='\n') if stamper(date, '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M') > stamper( last_date, '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M'): list_tags_a = BeautifulSoup( raw, 'html.parser').find_all('a') battle_links = [] for tag_a in list_tags_a: if tag_a.get_text() == 'Battle': battle_links.append(tag_a.get('href')) if len(battle_links) == 1: search_post = main_address, battle_links[0]) if search_post: raw_post = re.sub( r'\D', '', re.sub(main_address, '', battle_links[0])) main_post_id = int(raw_post) + 1 if points and digest: print(points) letter = title for row in digest: castle_row = '(.*?): .*', row) points_text = '' if castle_row: for point in points: conform = + r'.*: \+(\d+)', point) if conform: points_text += ' +' + 1) + '🏆' letter += italic( row + points_text) + '\n' letter += html_link( battle_links[0], 'Битва') + ' ' + italic(date) sender(letter, date, 'mini') else: printer('пост ' + printer_text + ' уже был, пропускаю') mini_post_id += 1 else: printer('пост ' + printer_text + ' не относится к дайджесту, пропускаю') mini_post_id += 1 else: sleep(0.02) except IndexError and Exception: executive()
async def oldest(server): old = 0 old_values = [] temp_worksheet = None spreadsheet_files = [] client = gspread.service_account(server['json1']) for s in client.list_spreadsheet_files(): if s['name'] in [i + server['storage'] for i in ['', temp_prefix]]: spreadsheet =['name']) last_worksheet = None last_worksheet_id = 1 for worksheet in spreadsheet.worksheets(): title = worksheet.title if number_secure(title): title = number_secure(title) if int(title) > last_worksheet_id: last_worksheet_id = int(title) last_worksheet = worksheet elif title == 'old': last_worksheet = worksheet if s['name'] not in spreadsheet_files: spreadsheet_files.append(s['name']) if last_worksheet: values = last_worksheet.col_values(1) if s['name'] == temp_prefix + server['storage']: temp_worksheet = last_worksheet old_values = values for value in values: value = number_secure(value.split('/')[0]) if value: if int(value) > old: old = int(value) if old and spreadsheet_files: old += 1 if temp_prefix + server['storage'] not in spreadsheet_files: create_temp_spreadsheet(client, server['storage']) while True: try: print_text = server['channel'] + str(old) text = requests.get(print_text + '?embed=1') response = former(text.text) if response.startswith('False'): await asyncio.sleep(8) else: try: temp_worksheet.update_cell( len(old_values) + 1, 1, response) old_values.append(response) except IndexError and Exception as error: storage_name = server['storage'] search_exceed ='exceeds grid limits', str(error)) if search_exceed: worksheet_number = 0 await asyncio.sleep(100) client = gspread.service_account(server['json1']) temp_spreadsheet = + storage_name) temp_values = temp_spreadsheet.worksheet( 'old').col_values(1) dev = Auth.send_dev_message('Устраняем таблицу', tag=italic) main_spreadsheet = for w in main_spreadsheet.worksheets(): if number_secure(w.title): title = number_secure(w.title) if int(title) > worksheet_number: worksheet_number = int(title) main_worksheet = main_spreadsheet.add_worksheet( str(worksheet_number + 1), limit, 1) main_spreadsheet.batch_update( objects.properties_json(, limit, temp_values)) dev_edited = Auth.edit_dev_message( dev, italic('\n— Новая: ' + storage_name + '/' + str(worksheet_number + 1))) create_temp_spreadsheet(client, storage_name, [response]) client.del_spreadsheet( Auth.edit_dev_message(dev_edited, italic('\n— Успешно')) old_values = [response] await asyncio.sleep(30) else: client = gspread.service_account(server['json1']) temp_worksheet = temp_prefix + storage_name).worksheet('old') temp_worksheet.update_cell( len(old_values) + 1, 1, response) old_values.append(response) old += 1 await asyncio.sleep(1.2) objects.printer(print_text + ' Добавил в google старый лот') except IndexError and Exception: await Auth.async_exec() else: s_name = 'Undefined' for name in server_dict: if server_dict[name] == server: s_name = name Auth.send_dev_message( 'Нет подключения к google.\nНе запущен CW-Notify-Storage-Oldest(' + s_name + ')')
def former(growing, kind, pub_link): text = '' if growing['title'] != 'none': text_to_image = re.sub('/', ' / ', growing['title']) text_to_image = re.sub(r'\(.*?\)|[+.,]|г\.', '', text_to_image) text_to_image = re.sub('e-mail', 'email', re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', text_to_image)) growing['tag_picture'] = image( re.sub(r'[\s-]', ' ', text_to_image.strip())) text = growing['tag_picture'] + '👨🏻💻 ' + bold(growing['title']) + '\n' if growing['short_place'] != 'none': text += '🏙 ' + growing['short_place'] + '\n' if growing['experience'] != 'none': text += '🏅 Опыт работы ➡ ' + growing['experience'].capitalize() + '\n' if growing['education'] != 'none': text += '👨🎓 Образование ➡ ' + growing['education'].capitalize() + '\n' if growing['money'] != 'none': more = '' if growing['money'][1] != 'none': more += '+' text += '💸 ' + bold( 'З/П ') + growing['money'][0] + more + ' руб.' + '\n' text += bold('\n📔 Контакты\n') if growing['org_name'] != 'none': text += growing['org_name'] + '\n' if growing['contact'] != 'none': text += growing['contact'] + '\n' if growing['numbers'] != 'none': text += growing['numbers'] + '\n' if growing['email'] != 'none': text += growing['email'] + ' ➡ Резюме\n' if growing['place'] != 'none': text += bold('\n🏘 Адрес\n') + growing['place'] + '\n' if growing['metro'] != 'none': text += '🚇 ' + growing['metro'] + '\n' if kind == 'MainChannel': keys = None if growing['geo'].lower() != 'none': text += '\n📍 <a href="' + growing[ 'geo'] + '">На карте</a>\n' text += '\n🔎 <a href="' + pub_link + '">Источник</a>\n' else: keys = keyboard text += code('-------------------\n') if growing['geo'].lower() != 'none': text += '📍' + growing['geo'] + '\n' text += '🔎' + pub_link + '🔎\n' text += code('-------------------\n') if growing['tags'] != 'none': text += objects.italic('\n💼ТЕГИ: ') for i in growing['tags']: text += '#' + re.sub('_+', '_', i) + ' ' text = text[:-1] + '\n' if growing['short_place'] == 'none' or growing[ 'money'] == 'none' or growing['title'] == 'none': text = pub_link if growing['title'] != 'none': search_restricted ='водитель|яндекс|такси|уборщи', growing['title'].lower()) if search_restricted: text = pub_link if growing['org_name'] != 'none': search_restricted ='доброном', growing['org_name'].lower()) if search_restricted: text = pub_link if growing['experience'] != 'none': search_restricted ='6', growing['experience'].capitalize()) if search_restricted: text = pub_link return [text, keys, pub_link, growing]