class Asteroids( Game ): """ Asteroids extends the base class Game to provide logic for the specifics of the game """ def __init__(self, name, width, height): super().__init__( name, width, height ) self.ship = Ship() # Creates a ship self.asteroids=[] # A list of all asteroids for i in range(4): # Change for different amount of Asteroids self.asteroids.append(Asteroid(random.randrange(0, 1280, 5),random.randrange(0, 720, 5))) self.stars=[] # A list of all background stars for i in range(50): # Change for different amount of background Stars self.stars.append(Star()) self.bullets = [] # A list of all bullets def handle_input(self): super().handle_input() keys_pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed() if keys_pressed[K_LEFT] and self.ship: self.ship.rotate(-1) if keys_pressed[K_RIGHT] and self.ship: self.ship.rotate(1) if keys_pressed[K_UP] and self.ship: self.ship.accelerate(0.05) if keys_pressed[K_DOWN] and self.ship: self.ship.accelerate(0) #TODO: Set to (0) to stop the ship instantly with down-key AKA EASYMODE. if keys_pressed[K_SPACE] and self.ship: if len(self.bullets) == 0: self.bullets.append(Bullet(self.ship.position, self.ship.rotation, self.frame)) else: if self.bullets[len(self.bullets)-1].ttl > 50: self.bullets.append(Bullet(self.ship.position, self.ship.rotation, self.frame)) # Försöker få delay i bullet interval if len(self.bullets) >= 10: del self.bullets[0] self.bullets.append(Bullet(self.ship.position, self.ship.rotation, self.frame)) def update_simulation(self): """ update_simulation() causes all objects in the game to update themselves """ super().update_simulation() if self.ship: self.ship.update( self.width, self.height ) for asteroid in self.asteroids: asteroid.update( self.width, self.height ) for star in self.stars: star.update( self.width, self.height ) for bullet in self.bullets: bullet.update( self.width, self.height) if bullet.ttl + 100 < self.frame: self.bullets.pop(self.bullets.index(bullet)) self.handle_collisions() def render_objects(self): """ render_objects() causes all objects in the game to draw themselves onto the screen """ super().render_objects() # Render the ship: if self.ship: self.ship.draw( self.screen ) # Render all the stars, if any: for star in self.stars: star.draw( self.screen ) # Render all the asteroids, if any: for asteroid in self.asteroids: asteroid.draw( self.screen ) # Render all the bullet, if any: for bullet in self.bullets: bullet.draw( self.screen ) def handle_collisions(self): if self.ship: for asteroid in self.asteroids: if asteroid.collide(self.ship): self.running = False for bullet in self.bullets: if asteroid.contains(bullet.position): self.bullets.pop(self.bullets.index(bullet)) self.asteroids.pop(self.asteroids.index(asteroid)) if >= 2: self.asteroids.append(Debris(asteroid.position)) self.asteroids.append(Debris(asteroid.position)) self.asteroids.append(Debris(asteroid.position)) self.asteroids.append(Debris(asteroid.position)) break
class Asteroids(Game): def __init__(self, name, width, height): super().__init__( name, width, height ) self.ship = Ship() # Creates a ship self.asteroids=[] # A list of all asteroids for i in range(5): # Change for different amount of Asteroids self.asteroids.append(Asteroid(random.randrange(0, width, 5),random.randrange(0, height, 5))) self.stars=[] # A list of all background stars for i in range(25): # Change for different amount of background Stars self.stars.append(Star()) self.bullets = [] # A list of all bullets self.score = 0 # Possible score variable def handle_input(self): super().handle_input() pygame.key.set_repeat() keys_pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed() if keys_pressed[K_LEFT] and self.ship: self.ship.rotate(-1) if keys_pressed[K_RIGHT] and self.ship: self.ship.rotate(1) if keys_pressed[K_UP] and self.ship: self.ship.accelerate(0.05) if keys_pressed[K_DOWN] and self.ship: self.ship.accelerate(0) #TODO: Set to (0) to stop the ship instantly with down-key AKA EASYMODE. if keys_pressed[K_SPACE] and self.ship: if len(self.bullets) >= 15: del self.bullets[0] self.bullets.append(Bullet(self.ship.position, self.ship.rotation, self.frame)) else: self.bullets.append(Bullet(self.ship.position, self.ship.rotation, self.frame)) """ if len(self.bullets) == 0: self.bullets.append(Bullet(self.ship.position, self.ship.rotation, self.frame)) else: if self.bullets[len(self.bullets)-1].ttl > 50: self.bullets.append(Bullet(self.ship.position, self.ship.rotation, self.frame)) # Försöker få delay i bullet interval """ def update_simulation(self): """ update_simulation() causes all objects in the game to update themselves """ super().update_simulation() if self.ship: self.ship.update( self.width, self.height ) for asteroid in self.asteroids: asteroid.update( self.width, self.height ) for star in self.stars: star.update( self.width, self.height ) for bullet in self.bullets: bullet.update( self.width, self.height ) if bullet.ttl + 30 < self.frame: self.bullets.pop(self.bullets.index(bullet)) self.handle_collisions() def render_objects(self): """ render_objects() causes all objects in the game to draw themselves onto the screen """ super().render_objects() # Render the ship: if self.ship: self.ship.draw( self.screen ) # Render all the stars, if any: for star in self.stars: star.draw( self.screen ) # Render all the asteroids, if any: for asteroid in self.asteroids: asteroid.draw( self.screen ) # Render all the bullet, if any: for bullet in self.bullets: bullet.draw( self.screen ) def handle_collisions(self): if self.ship: for asteroid in self.asteroids: if asteroid.collide(self.ship): self.death_screen() for bullet in self.bullets: if asteroid.contains(bullet.position): self.score += 10 self.bullets.pop(self.bullets.index(bullet)) self.asteroids.pop(self.asteroids.index(asteroid)) if >= 2: self.asteroids.append(Debris(asteroid.position)) self.asteroids.append(Debris(asteroid.position)) self.asteroids.append(Debris(asteroid.position)) self.asteroids.append(Debris(asteroid.position)) def death_screen(self): game = Asteroids("Asteroids", 640, 480) label = self.myfont.render("Bitch Please!", 1, (8, 8, 8)) label2 = self.myfont.render("You Died!", 1, (255, 255, 255)) score = self.smallfont.render("Score:" + str(self.score), 1, (255, 255, 255)) self.screen.blit(label, (self.width * 0.30, self.height * 0.35)) self.screen.blit(label2, (self.width * 0.35, self.height * 0.40)) self.screen.blit(score, (self.width * 0.4, self.height * 0.5)) pygame.display.update() pygame.time.wait(2000) pygame.time.wait(500) game.runGame()
class Asteroids(Game): """ Asteroids extends the base class Game to provide logic for the specifics of the game """ def __init__(self, name, width, height): super().__init__(name, width, height) # TODO: should create a Ship object here self.ship = Ship() # None # TODO: should create asteroids self.asteroids = [] for i in range(8): # Change for different amount of Asteroids self.asteroids.append(Asteroid()) self.stars = [] for i in range(250): # Change for different amount of background Stars self.stars.append(Star()) # TODO: should create bullets self.bullets = [] def handle_input(self): super().handle_input() keys_pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed() if keys_pressed[K_LEFT] and self.ship: self.ship.rotate(-0.5) if keys_pressed[K_RIGHT] and self.ship: self.ship.rotate(0.5) if keys_pressed[K_UP] and self.ship: self.ship.accelerate(0.005) if keys_pressed[K_DOWN] and self.ship: self.ship.accelerate( 0 ) #TODO: Set to (0) to stop the ship instantly with down-key AKA EASYMODE. pass if keys_pressed[K_SPACE] and self.ship: if len(self.bullets) < 10: self.bullets.append( Bullet(self.ship.position, self.ship.rotation)) elif len(self.bullets) >= 10: del self.bullets[0] self.bullets.append( Bullet(self.ship.position, self.ship.rotation)) # TODO: should create a bullet when the user fires def update_simulation(self): """ update_simulation() causes all objects in the game to update themselves """ super().update_simulation() if self.ship: self.ship.update(self.width, self.height) for asteroid in self.asteroids: asteroid.update(self.width, self.height) for star in self.stars: star.update(self.width, self.height) for bullets in self.bullets: bullets.update(self.width, self.height) # TODO: should probably work out how to remove a bullet when it gets old self.handle_collisions() def render_objects(self): """ render_objects() causes all objects in the game to draw themselves onto the screen """ super().render_objects() # Render the ship: if self.ship: self.ship.draw(self.screen) # Render all the stars, if any: for star in self.stars: star.draw(self.screen) # Render all the asteroids, if any: for asteroid in self.asteroids: asteroid.draw(self.screen) # Render all the bullet, if any: for bullet in self.bullets: bullet.draw(self.screen) def handle_collisions(self): if self.ship: for asteroid in self.asteroids: if asteroid.collide(self.ship): self.running = False for bullet in self.bullets: if asteroid.contains(bullet.position): self.bullets.pop(self.bullets.index(bullet)) self.asteroids.pop(self.asteroids.index(asteroid))
class Asteroids(Game): def __init__(self, name, width, height): super().__init__(name, width, height) self.width = width self.height = height self.ship = Ship() # Creates a ship self.asteroids = [] # A list of all asteroids for i in range(5): # Change for different amount of Asteroids self.asteroids.append( Asteroid(random.randrange(0, width, 5), random.randrange(0, height, 5))) self.stars = [] # A list of all background stars for i in range(25): # Change for different amount of background Stars self.stars.append(Star()) self.bullets = [] # A list of all bullets self.score = 0 # Possible score variable def handle_input(self): super().handle_input() pygame.key.set_repeat(0, 100) keys_pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed() if keys_pressed[K_LEFT] and self.ship: self.ship.rotate(-3) if keys_pressed[K_RIGHT] and self.ship: self.ship.rotate(3) if keys_pressed[K_UP] and self.ship: self.ship.accelerate(0.05) if keys_pressed[K_DOWN] and self.ship: self.ship.accelerate( 0 ) #TODO: Set to (0) to stop the ship instantly with down-key AKA EASYMODE. if keys_pressed[K_SPACE] and self.ship: if time.time( ) - self.ship.shot_timer > self.ship.shot_delay: #Limits the rate of fire. Cannot fire more often than shot_delay value self.ship.shot_timer = time.time( ) #if it shoots, saves last fired timestamp self.ship.spawnProtection = False #removes Spawn protection if bullet is fired if len( self.bullets ) >= 15: #Does not allow more than 15 bullets in total. deletes the oldest if more than 15. del self.bullets[0] self.bullets.append( Bullet(self.ship.position.copy(), self.ship.rotation, self.ship.shot_timer) ) #Spawns a bullet with ships location. rotation and timestamp when fired. else: self.bullets.append( Bullet(self.ship.position.copy(), self.ship.rotation, self.ship.shot_timer)) if keys_pressed[K_f] and self.ship: self.asteroids.append( Asteroid( random.randrange(0, self.width, 5), random.randrange(0, self.height, 5))) #Command for spawning more asteroids if keys_pressed[K_t] and self.ship: if time.time( ) - self.ship.jump_timer > self.ship.jump_delay: #Checks if jumpdrive is on cooldown self.ship.jump_timer = time.time() #Saves timestamp for jump self.ship.jumpDrive() #Jumps the ship def update_simulation(self): """ update_simulation() causes all objects in the game to update themselves """ super().update_simulation() currentTime = time.time() #Saves current timestamp for the update if self.ship: self.ship.update(self.width, self.height, self.dt) for asteroid in self.asteroids: asteroid.update(self.width, self.height, self.dt) for star in self.stars: star.update(self.width, self.height, self.dt) for bullet in self.bullets: bullet.update(self.width, self.height, self.dt) if bullet.time + 2 < currentTime: #Deletes bullets that is older than 2 seconds self.bullets.pop(self.bullets.index(bullet)) if self.ship.jump_timer + self.ship.jumpProtectionDuration < currentTime: #Checks if jump protection is still active. if not, remove it self.ship.jumpProtection = False if self.ship.spawnProtectionTime + self.ship.spawnProtectionDuration < currentTime: self.ship.spawnProtection = False #Checks if spawn protection is still active. if not, remove it self.handle_collisions() def render_objects(self): """ render_objects() causes all objects in the game to draw themselves onto the screen """ super().render_objects() # Render the ship: if self.ship: self.ship.draw(self.screen) # Render all the stars, if any: for star in self.stars: star.draw(self.screen) # Render all the asteroids, if any: for asteroid in self.asteroids: asteroid.draw(self.screen) # Render all the bullet, if any: for bullet in self.bullets: bullet.draw(self.screen) def handle_collisions(self): if self.ship: for asteroid in self.asteroids: if asteroid.collide( self.ship ) and self.ship.spawnProtection == False and self.ship.jumpProtection == False: #Checks if player is protected when colliding self.ship.lives = -1 #NOT WORKING YET, Player has 3 lives. Plan is to do remove a life and gain 2-3 seconds immunity when losing a life. if self.ship.lives < 0: #If no more lives yet, > player dead self.death_screen() elif self.ship.lives > 1: self.ship.spawnProtection = True self.ship.spawnProtectionTime = time.time() for bullet in self.bullets: if asteroid.contains(bullet.position): self.score += 10 self.bullets.pop(self.bullets.index(bullet)) self.asteroids.pop(self.asteroids.index(asteroid)) if >= 2: self.asteroids.append( Debris(asteroid.position.copy())) self.asteroids.append( Debris(asteroid.position.copy())) self.asteroids.append( Debris(asteroid.position.copy())) self.asteroids.append( Debris(asteroid.position.copy())) #if asteroid.collide(self.asteroids): def death_screen(self): game = Asteroids("Asteroids", 1280, 720) label = self.myfont.render("Lives:" + str(self.ship.lives), 1, (255, 255, 255)) label2 = self.myfont.render("You Died!", 1, (255, 255, 255)) score = self.smallfont.render("Score:" + str(self.score), 1, (255, 255, 255)) self.screen.blit(label, (self.width * 0.30, self.height * 0.35)) self.screen.blit(label2, (self.width * 0.35, self.height * 0.40)) self.screen.blit(score, (self.width * 0.4, self.height * 0.5)) pygame.display.update() pygame.time.wait(2000) pygame.time.wait(500) for asteroids in self.asteroids: self.asteroids.pop(self.asteroids.index(asteroids)) for bullet in self.bullets: self.bullets.pop(self.bullets.index(bullet)) game.runGame()
class Asteroids(Game): """ Asteroids extends the base class Game to provide logic for the specifics of the game """ def __init__(self, name, width, height): super().__init__(name, width, height) self.ship = Ship() # None # TODO: should create a Ship object here # TODO: should create asteroids self.asteroids = [] # TODO: should create stars self.stars = [] self.bullets = [] def handle_input(self): super().handle_input() keys_pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed() if keys_pressed[K_LEFT] and self.ship: self.ship.rotate(-0.1) if keys_pressed[K_RIGHT] and self.ship: self.ship.rotate(0.1) if keys_pressed[K_UP] and self.ship: self.ship.accelerate(0.0001) if keys_pressed[K_DOWN] and self.ship: self.ship.accelerate(0) if keys_pressed[K_SPACE] and self.ship: #self.bullet TODO: should create a bullet when the user fires pass def update_simulation(self): """ update_simulation() causes all objects in the game to update themselves """ super().update_simulation() if self.ship: self.ship.update(self.width, self.height) for asteroid in self.asteroids: asteroid.update(self.width, self.height) for star in self.stars: star.update(self.width, self.height) # TODO: should probably call update on our bullet/bullets here # TODO: should probably work out how to remove a bullet when it gets old self.handle_collisions() def render_objects(self): """ render_objects() causes all objects in the game to draw themselves onto the screen """ super().render_objects() # Render the ship: if self.ship: self.ship.draw(self.screen) # Render all the stars, if any: for star in self.stars: star.draw(self.screen) # Render all the asteroids, if any: for asteroid in self.asteroids: asteroid.draw(self.screen) # Render all the bullet, if any: for bullet in self.bullets: bullet.draw(self.screen) def handle_collisions(self): """ handle_collisions() should check: - if our ship has crashed into an asteroid (the ship gets destroyed - game over!) - if a bullet has hit an asteroid (the asteroid gets destroyed) :return: """ # TODO: implement collission detection, # using the collission detection methods in all of the shapes pass
keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() if keys[pygame.K_LEFT]: ship.move(-1) if keys[pygame.K_RIGHT]: ship.move(1) if keys[pygame.K_UP] and bullet_time/250 >= 1: bullet_time = 0 bullets.append(Bullet(ship.x+ship.width/2, ship.y, 10, 26, -8, bullet_image_up)) if ship.x+ship.width >= screen_width: ship.x = screen_width - ship.width if ship.x <= 0: ship.x = 0 ship.draw(window) for bullet in bullets: if bullet.surface.get_rect(x=bullet.x, y=bullet.y).colliderect(ship.surface.get_rect(x=ship.x, y=ship.y)) and bullet.velocity > 0: bullets.pop(bullets.index(bullet)) restart_game('Przegrałeś!', (255, 0, 0)) continue for enemies_col in ship_enemies: if not enemies_col: ship_enemies.pop(ship_enemies.index(enemies_col)) for ship_enemy in enemies_col: if bullet.surface.get_rect(x=bullet.x, y=bullet.y).colliderect(ship_enemy.surface.get_rect(x=ship_enemy.x, y=ship_enemy.y)) and bullet.velocity < 0: try: bullets.pop(bullets.index(bullet)) enemies_col.pop(enemies_col.index(ship_enemy)) except: