Exemplo n.º 1
    def _fetch(self, service, data=None, headers={}, param_list=[], **params):
        Send a HTTP request via urllib2.

        :type service: str
        :param service: Name of service
        :type data: str
        :param data: Channel list as returned by `availability` Web service
        :type headers: dict, optional
        :param headers: Additional header information for request
        headers['User-Agent'] = self.user_agent
        # replace special characters
        remoteaddr = "/".join([self.base_url.rstrip("/"), service,
                               str(self.major_versions[service]), "query"])
        options = '&'.join(param_list)
        if params:
            if options:
                options += '&'
            options += compatibility.urlencode(params)
        if options:
            remoteaddr = "%s?%s" % (remoteaddr, options)
        if self.debug:
            print(('\nRequesting %s' % (remoteaddr)))
        req = compatibility.Request(url=remoteaddr, data=data, headers=headers)
        response = compatibility.urlopen(req, timeout=self.timeout)
        doc = response.read()
        return doc
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _fetch(self, service, data=None, headers={}, param_list=[], **params):
        Send a HTTP request via urllib2.

        :type service: str
        :param service: Name of service
        :type data: str
        :param data: Channel list as returned by `availability` Web service
        :type headers: dict, optional
        :param headers: Additional header information for request
        headers['User-Agent'] = self.user_agent
        # replace special characters
        remoteaddr = "/".join([self.base_url.rstrip("/"), service,
                               str(self.major_versions[service]), "query"])
        options = '&'.join(param_list)
        if params:
            if options:
                options += '&'
            options += compatibility.urlencode(params)
        if options:
            remoteaddr = "%s?%s" % (remoteaddr, options)
        if self.debug:
            print(('\nRequesting %s' % (remoteaddr)))
        req = compatibility.Request(url=remoteaddr, data=data, headers=headers)
        response = compatibility.urlopen(req, timeout=self.timeout)
        doc = response.read()
        return doc
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _fetch(self, url, headers={}, **params):
        Send a HTTP request via urllib2.

        :type url: str
        :param url: Complete URL of resource
        :type headers: dict
        :param headers: Additional header information for request
        headers['User-Agent'] = self.user_agent
        # replace special characters
        remoteaddr = self.base_url + url + '?' + \
        if self.debug:
            print(('\nRequesting %s' % (remoteaddr)))
        response = compatibility.urlopen(remoteaddr, timeout=self.timeout)
        doc = response.read()
        return doc
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _fetch(self, url, headers={}, **params):
        Send a HTTP request via urllib2.

        :type url: str
        :param url: Complete URL of resource
        :type headers: dict
        :param headers: Additional header information for request
        headers['User-Agent'] = self.user_agent
        # replace special characters
        remoteaddr = self.base_url + url + '?' + \
        if self.debug:
            print(('\nRequesting %s' % (remoteaddr)))
        response = compatibility.urlopen(remoteaddr, timeout=self.timeout)
        doc = response.read()
        return doc
Exemplo n.º 5
 def _fetch(self, url, *args, **kwargs):  # @UnusedVariable
     params = {}
     # map keywords
     for key, value in KEYWORDS.items():
         if key in list(kwargs.keys()):
             kwargs[value] = kwargs[key]
             del kwargs[key]
     # check for ranges and empty values
     for key, value in kwargs.items():
         if not value and value != 0:
         if isinstance(value, tuple) and len(value) == 2:
             params['min_' + str(key)] = str(value[0])
             params['max_' + str(key)] = str(value[1])
         elif isinstance(value, list) and len(value) == 2:
             params['min_' + str(key)] = str(value[0])
             params['max_' + str(key)] = str(value[1])
             params[str(key)] = str(value)
     # replace special characters
     remoteaddr = self.base_url + url + '?' + urlencode(params)
     if self.debug:
         print(('\nRequesting %s' % (remoteaddr)))
     # certain requests randomly fail on rare occasions, retry
     for _i in range(self.retries):
             response = urlopen(remoteaddr, timeout=self.timeout)
             doc = response.read()
             return doc
         # XXX currently there are random problems with SeisHub's internal
         # XXX sql database access ("cannot operate on a closed database").
         # XXX this can be circumvented by issuing the same request again..
         except Exception:
     response = urlopen(remoteaddr, timeout=self.timeout)
     doc = response.read()
     return doc
Exemplo n.º 6
 def _fetch(self, url, *args, **kwargs):  # @UnusedVariable
     params = {}
     # map keywords
     for key, value in KEYWORDS.items():
         if key in list(kwargs.keys()):
             kwargs[value] = kwargs[key]
             del kwargs[key]
     # check for ranges and empty values
     for key, value in kwargs.items():
         if not value and value != 0:
         if isinstance(value, tuple) and len(value) == 2:
             params['min_' + str(key)] = str(value[0])
             params['max_' + str(key)] = str(value[1])
         elif isinstance(value, list) and len(value) == 2:
             params['min_' + str(key)] = str(value[0])
             params['max_' + str(key)] = str(value[1])
             params[str(key)] = str(value)
     # replace special characters
     remoteaddr = self.base_url + url + '?' + urlencode(params)
     if self.debug:
         print(('\nRequesting %s' % (remoteaddr)))
     # certain requests randomly fail on rare occasions, retry
     for _i in range(self.retries):
             response = urlopen(remoteaddr, timeout=self.timeout)
             doc = response.read()
             return doc
         # XXX currently there are random problems with SeisHub's internal
         # XXX sql database access ("cannot operate on a closed database").
         # XXX this can be circumvented by issuing the same request again..
         except Exception:
     response = urlopen(remoteaddr, timeout=self.timeout)
     doc = response.read()
     return doc
Exemplo n.º 7
def _createReport(ttrs, timetaken, log, server, hostname):
    # import additional libraries here to speed up normal tests
    from obspy.core import compatibility
    from xml.sax.saxutils import escape
    import codecs
    from xml.etree import ElementTree as etree
    timestamp = int(time.time())
    result = {'timestamp': timestamp}
    result['timetaken'] = timetaken
    if log:
            data = codecs.open(log, 'r', encoding='UTF-8').read()
            result['install_log'] = escape(data)
            print(("Cannot open log file %s" % log))
    # get ObsPy module versions
    result['obspy'] = {}
    tests = 0
    errors = 0
    failures = 0
    skipped = 0
        installed = get_git_version()
        installed = ''
    result['obspy']['installed'] = installed
    for module in sorted(ALL_MODULES):
        result['obspy'][module] = {}
        if module not in ttrs:
        result['obspy'][module]['installed'] = installed
        # test results
        ttr = ttrs[module]
        result['obspy'][module]['timetaken'] = ttr.__dict__['timetaken']
        result['obspy'][module]['tested'] = True
        result['obspy'][module]['tests'] = ttr.testsRun
        # skipped is not supported for Python < 2.7
            skipped += len(ttr.skipped)
            result['obspy'][module]['skipped'] = len(ttr.skipped)
        except AttributeError:
            skipped = ''
            result['obspy'][module]['skipped'] = ''
        tests += ttr.testsRun
        # depending on module type either use failure (network related modules)
        # or errors (all others)
        result['obspy'][module]['errors'] = {}
        result['obspy'][module]['failures'] = {}
        if module in NETWORK_MODULES:
            for _, text in ttr.errors:
                result['obspy'][module]['failures']['f%s' % (failures)] = text
                failures += 1
            for _, text in ttr.failures:
                result['obspy'][module]['failures']['f%s' % (failures)] = text
                failures += 1
            for _, text in ttr.errors:
                result['obspy'][module]['errors']['f%s' % (errors)] = text
                errors += 1
            for _, text in ttr.failures:
                result['obspy'][module]['errors']['f%s' % (errors)] = text
                errors += 1
    # get dependencies
    result['dependencies'] = {}
    for module in DEPENDENCIES:
        temp = module.split('.')
            mod = __import__(module,
            if module == '_omnipy':
                result['dependencies'][module] = mod.coreVersion()
                result['dependencies'][module] = mod.__version__
        except ImportError:
            result['dependencies'][module] = ''
    # get system / environment settings
    result['platform'] = {}
    for func in ['system', 'release', 'version', 'machine',
                 'processor', 'python_version', 'python_implementation',
                 'python_compiler', 'architecture']:
            temp = getattr(platform, func)()
            if isinstance(temp, tuple):
                temp = temp[0]
            result['platform'][func] = temp
            result['platform'][func] = ''
    # set node name to hostname if set
    result['platform']['node'] = hostname
    # post only the first part of the node name (only applies to MacOS X)
        result['platform']['node'] = result['platform']['node'].split('.')[0]
    # test results
    result['tests'] = tests
    result['errors'] = errors
    result['failures'] = failures
    result['skipped'] = skipped

    # generate XML document
    def _dict2xml(doc, result):
        for key, value in result.items():
            key = key.split('(')[0].strip()
            if isinstance(value, dict):
                child = etree.SubElement(doc, key)
                _dict2xml(child, value)
            elif value is not None:
                if isinstance(value, (str, native_str)):
                    etree.SubElement(doc, key).text = value
                elif isinstance(value, (str, native_str)):
                    etree.SubElement(doc, key).text = str(value, 'utf-8')
                    etree.SubElement(doc, key).text = str(value)
                etree.SubElement(doc, key)
    root = etree.Element("report")
    _dict2xml(root, result)
    xml_doc = etree.tostring(root)
    # send result to report server
    params = compatibility.urlencode({
        'timestamp': timestamp,
        'system': result['platform']['system'],
        'python_version': result['platform']['python_version'],
        'architecture': result['platform']['architecture'],
        'tests': tests,
        'failures': failures,
        'errors': errors,
        'modules': len(ttrs),
        'xml': xml_doc
    headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
               "Accept": "text/plain"}
    conn = compatibility.HTTPConnection(server)
    conn.request("POST", "/", params, headers)
    # get the response
    response = conn.getresponse()
    # handle redirect
    if response.status == 301:
        o = compatibility.urlparse(response.msg['location'])
        conn = compatibility.HTTPConnection(o.netloc)
        conn.request("POST", o.path, params, headers)
        # get the response
        response = conn.getresponse()
    # handle errors
    if response.status == 200:
        print(("Test report has been sent to %s. Thank you!" % (server)))
        print(("Error: Could not sent a test report to %s." % (server)))