Exemplo n.º 1
def stack(st, stats=None, kw_stack={}, kw_snr={}):
    Stack traces in stream.
    if st.count() == 0:
        logger.error('No traces!')
        return st
    elif st.count() == 1:
        return st

    # Find lap
    if kw_stack.get('sort', False):

    sk = Trace()
    data = _data_stack(st, **kw_stack, **kw_snr)
    if data is None:
        sk.data = data
        sk.stats = _hdr_stack(st, stats, **kw_stack, **kw_snr)

        key_snr = kw_stack.get('snr', 'user2')
        weight = kw_stack.get('weight', 'None').lower()
        if 'none' not in weight:
            sk.stats.sac[key_snr] = snr(sk, **kw_snr)

        return sk
Exemplo n.º 2
def readgeonet(geonetfile):
    Read strong motion data from a GeoNet data file
    @param geonetfile: Path to a valid GeoNet data file.
    @return: List of ObsPy Trace objects, containing accelerometer data in m/s.
    f = open(geonetfile, 'rt')
    tracelist = []
    headerlist = []
        hdrlines = readheaderlines(f)
    while len(hdrlines[-1]):
        hdrdict = readheader(hdrlines)
        numlines = int(np.ceil(hdrdict['npts'] / 10.0))
        data = []
        for i in range(0, numlines):
            line = f.readline()
            parts = line.strip().split()
            mdata = [float(p) for p in parts]
            data = data + mdata
        data = np.array(data)
        header = hdrdict.copy()
        stats = Stats(hdrdict)
        trace = Trace(data, header=stats)
        #apply the calibration and convert from mm/s^2 to m/s^2
        trace.data = trace.data * trace.stats[
            'calib'] * 0.001  #convert to m/s^2
        hdrlines = readheaderlines(f)

    return (tracelist, headerlist)
Exemplo n.º 3
def readgeonet(geonetfile):
    Read strong motion data from a GeoNet data file
    @param geonetfile: Path to a valid GeoNet data file.
    @return: List of ObsPy Trace objects, containing accelerometer data in m/s.
    f = open(geonetfile,'rt')
    tracelist = []
    headerlist = []
        hdrlines = readheaderlines(f)
    while len(hdrlines[-1]):
        hdrdict = readheader(hdrlines)
        numlines = int(np.ceil(hdrdict['npts']/10.0))
        data = []
        for i in range(0,numlines):
            line = f.readline()
            parts = line.strip().split()
            mdata = [float(p) for p in parts]
            data = data + mdata
        data = np.array(data)
        header = hdrdict.copy()
        stats = Stats(hdrdict)
        trace = Trace(data,header=stats)
        #apply the calibration and convert from mm/s^2 to m/s^2
        trace.data = trace.data * trace.stats['calib'] * 0.001 #convert to m/s^2
        hdrlines = readheaderlines(f)

    return (tracelist,headerlist)
Exemplo n.º 4
def rand_stack(st, stats=None, kw_stack={}, kw_snr={}):
    nsub = kw_stack.get('nsub', 4)
    key_nsrc = kw_stack.get('key_nsrc', 'user0')

    ntr = st.count()
    if ntr < 2:
        return st

    sk = Trace()
    sk.stats = _hdr_stack(st, stats, **kw_stack, **kw_snr)

    if ntr <= nsub:
        for tr in st:
            yield tr
        ind = np.arange(ntr)
        for sub in np.array_split(ind, nsub):
            data = 0
            for i in sub:
                data += st[i].data
            n = sub.size
            data /= n
            sk.stats.sac[key_nsrc] = n
            sk.data = data
            yield sk

Exemplo n.º 5
def readiran(iranfile, doRotation=True):
    Read strong motion data from a Iran data file
    @param iranfile: Path to a valid Iran data file.
    @keyword doRotation: Apply back-azimuth rotation of L & T channels to NS and EW.
    @return: List of ObsPy Trace objects, containing accelerometer data in m/s.
    f = open(iranfile, 'rt')
    tracelist = []
    headerlist = []
        hdrlines = readheaderlines(f)
    while len(hdrlines[-1]):
        hdrdict = readheader(hdrlines)
        numlines = int(np.ceil(hdrdict['npts'] / 10.0))
        data = []
        for i in range(0, numlines):
            line = f.readline()
            parts = line.strip().split()
            mdata = [float(p) for p in parts]
            data = data + mdata
        data = np.array(data)
        header = hdrdict.copy()
        stats = Stats(hdrdict)
        trace = Trace(data, header=stats)
        #apply the calibration and convert from mm/s^2 to m/s^2
        trace.data = trace.data * trace.stats[
            'calib'] * 0.98  #convert to m/s^2 from g/10
        endblock = f.readline()
        hdrlines = readheaderlines(f)


    #data from Iran may be rotated so that one channel is aligned in the direction between the earthquake
    #epicenter and the station.  We want to rotate the data back so that we have what are presumably the
    #original NS and EW channels.  We presume that the "L" channel will rotate back to become NS, and
    #"T" will become EW.
    #First, find the channel called L*
    if doRotation:
        channels = [h['channel'][0:1] for h in headerlist]
        lidx = channels.index('L')
        tidx = channels.index('T')
        ldata = tracelist[lidx].data
        tdata = tracelist[tidx].data
        backaz = headerlist[0]['rotation']['L']
        ndata, edata = rotate.rotate_RT_NE(ldata, tdata, backaz)
        tracelist[lidx].data = ndata.copy()
            'channel'] = 'H1'  #most probably NS, but we're being cautious
        tracelist[tidx].data = edata.copy()
            'channel'] = 'H2'  #most probably EW, but we're being cautious

    return (tracelist, headerlist)
Exemplo n.º 6
def readiran(iranfile,doRotation=True):
    Read strong motion data from a Iran data file
    @param iranfile: Path to a valid Iran data file.
    @keyword doRotation: Apply back-azimuth rotation of L & T channels to NS and EW.
    @return: List of ObsPy Trace objects, containing accelerometer data in m/s.
    f = open(iranfile,'rt')
    tracelist = []
    headerlist = []
        hdrlines = readheaderlines(f)
    while len(hdrlines[-1]):
        hdrdict = readheader(hdrlines)
        numlines = int(np.ceil(hdrdict['npts']/10.0))
        data = []
        for i in range(0,numlines):
            line = f.readline()
            parts = line.strip().split()
            mdata = [float(p) for p in parts]
            data = data + mdata
        data = np.array(data)
        header = hdrdict.copy()
        stats = Stats(hdrdict)
        trace = Trace(data,header=stats)
        #apply the calibration and convert from mm/s^2 to m/s^2
        trace.data = trace.data * trace.stats['calib'] * 0.98 #convert to m/s^2 from g/10
        endblock = f.readline()
        hdrlines = readheaderlines(f)

    #data from Iran may be rotated so that one channel is aligned in the direction between the earthquake
    #epicenter and the station.  We want to rotate the data back so that we have what are presumably the 
    #original NS and EW channels.  We presume that the "L" channel will rotate back to become NS, and
    #"T" will become EW.
    #First, find the channel called L*
    if doRotation:
        channels = [h['channel'][0:1] for h in headerlist]
        lidx = channels.index('L')
        tidx = channels.index('T')
        ldata = tracelist[lidx].data
        tdata = tracelist[tidx].data
        backaz = headerlist[0]['rotation']['L']
        ndata,edata = rotate.rotate_RT_NE(ldata,tdata,backaz)
        tracelist[lidx].data = ndata.copy()
        tracelist[lidx].stats['channel'] = 'H1' #most probably NS, but we're being cautious
        tracelist[tidx].data = edata.copy()
        tracelist[tidx].stats['channel'] = 'H2' #most probably EW, but we're being cautious
    return (tracelist,headerlist)
Exemplo n.º 7
def create_trace(sta, T1, T2):
    from obspy import Trace
    from numpy import zeros
    from numpy import empty, nan
    tr = Trace()
    tr.stats['station'] = sta.split('.')[0]
    tr.stats['channel'] = sta.split('.')[1]
    tr.stats['network'] = sta.split('.')[2]
    tr.stats['location'] = sta.split('.')[3]
    tr.stats['sampling_rate'] = 100
    tr.stats['starttime'] = T1
    tr.data = empty(int((T2 - T1) * tr.stats['sampling_rate']))
    tr.data[:] = nan
    return tr
Exemplo n.º 8
def sym_xc(xc, noeven=False):
    Symmetrize a cross-correlation.
    pair = f'{xc.stats.sac.kevnm.split()[0]}-{xc.stats.station}'
    if not _is_sym(xc):
        logger.debug(f'Asymmetric {pair}')
        end = min(abs(xc.stats.sac.b), xc.stats.sac.e)
        xc = sliced(xc, -end, end)
    if _even_npts(xc) and noeven:
        logger.error(f'Even npts to symmexcize {pair}')
        sym = Trace()
        sym.data = _data_sym(xc.data)
        sym.stats = _hd_sym(xc.stats, npts=sym.data.size)
        return sym
Exemplo n.º 9
    def get_stream(self,
        # Check if an interpolated station location exists
        if self.station_loc is None and not force_without_loc:

        # Save data into a Stream object
        trace = Trace()
        trace.stats = self.obspy_trace_stats
        trace.data = self.processed_data

        stream = Stream(traces=[trace])

        return stream
Exemplo n.º 10
def readknet(knetfilename):
    Read a KNet ASCII file, and return an ObsPy Trace object, plus a dictionary of header values.

    @param knetfilename: String path to valid KNet ASCII file, as described here: http://www.kyoshin.bosai.go.jp/kyoshin/man/knetform_en.html
    @return: ObsPy Trace object, and a dictionary of some of the header values found in the input file.
    data = []
    hdrdict = {}
    f = open(knetfilename,'rt')
    dataOn = False
    headerlines = []
    for line in f.readlines():
        if line.startswith('Memo'):
            hdrdict = readheader(headerlines)
            dataOn = True
        if not dataOn:
        if dataOn:
            parts = line.strip().split()
            mdata = [float(p) for p in parts]
            data = data + mdata

    #fill in the values usually expected in Stats as best we can
    hdrdict['npts'] = len(data)
    elapsed = float(hdrdict['npts'])/float(hdrdict['sampling_rate'])
    hdrdict['endtime'] = hdrdict['starttime'] + elapsed
    hdrdict['network'] = 'NIED'
    hdrdict['location'] = ''

    #The Stats constructor appears to modify the fields in the input dictionary - let's save
    #a copy
    header = hdrdict.copy()
    data = np.array(data)
    stats = Stats(hdrdict)
    trace = Trace(data,header=stats)

    #apply the calibration and convert to m/s^2
    trace.data = trace.data * trace.stats['calib'] * 0.01 #convert to m/s^2
    return (trace,header)
Exemplo n.º 11
def readknet(knetfilename):
    Read a KNet ASCII file, and return an ObsPy Trace object, plus a dictionary of header values.

    @param knetfilename: String path to valid KNet ASCII file, as described here: http://www.kyoshin.bosai.go.jp/kyoshin/man/knetform_en.html
    @return: ObsPy Trace object, and a dictionary of some of the header values found in the input file.
    data = []
    hdrdict = {}
    f = open(knetfilename,'rt')
    dataOn = False
    headerlines = []
    for line in f.readlines():
        if line.startswith('Memo'):
            hdrdict = readheader(headerlines)
            dataOn = True
        if not dataOn:
        if dataOn:
            parts = line.strip().split()
            mdata = [float(p) for p in parts]
            data = data + mdata

    #fill in the values usually expected in Stats as best we can
    hdrdict['npts'] = len(data)
    elapsed = float(hdrdict['npts'])/float(hdrdict['sampling_rate'])
    hdrdict['endtime'] = hdrdict['starttime'] + elapsed
    hdrdict['network'] = 'NIED'
    hdrdict['location'] = ''

    #The Stats constructor appears to modify the fields in the input dictionary - let's save
    #a copy
    header = hdrdict.copy()
    data = np.array(data)
    stats = Stats(hdrdict)
    trace = Trace(data,header=stats)

    #apply the calibration and convert to m/s^2
    trace.data = trace.data * trace.stats['calib'] * 0.01 #convert to m/s^2
    return (trace,header)
Exemplo n.º 12
def readgeonet(geonetfile):
    Read strong motion data from a GeoNet data file
    @param geonetfile: Path to a valid GeoNet data file.
    @return: List of ObsPy Trace objects, containing accelerometer data in m/s.
    #notes on implementation:
    # originally I had written code to read each line of data manually, just
    # as I was reading the header lines.  However, this became VERY slow for large
    # files.  I discovered that numpy's genfromtxt function was much faster.  However,
    # I could not get that function to work when I passed it a file object instead of a file name.
    # Consequently, the only way I could keep the genfromtxt() method and file pointer in sync was
    # to read and discard all of the lines of data that genfromtxt() parsed.  While annoying, the combination
    # of these two seems to still be at least an order of magnitude faster than manually reading the file.
    f = open(geonetfile,'rt')
    tracelist = []
    headerlist = []
    totlines = 0
    hdrlines = readheaderlines(f)
    while len(hdrlines[-1]):
        totlines += len(hdrlines)
        hdrdict = readheader(hdrlines)
        numlines = int(np.ceil(hdrdict['npts']/10.0))
        data = np.genfromtxt(geonetfile,skip_header=totlines,max_rows=numlines)
        totlines += numlines
        #now we need to set the file position to where we just ended
        for i in range(0,numlines):
        data = data.flatten()
        header = hdrdict.copy()
        stats = Stats(hdrdict)
        trace = Trace(data,header=stats)
        #apply the calibration and convert from mm/s^2 to m/s^2
        trace.data = trace.data * trace.stats['calib'] * 0.001 #convert to m/s^2
        hdrlines = readheaderlines(f)

    return (tracelist,headerlist)
Exemplo n.º 13
    def to_sac_and_mseed(self, export_path, station_number, force_without_loc):
        # Check if file exist
        export_path_sac = export_path + self.get_export_file_name() + ".sac"
        export_path_msd = export_path + self.get_export_file_name() + ".mseed"
        #export_path_wav = export_path + self.get_export_file_name() + ".wav"
        if os.path.exists(export_path_sac) and os.path.exists(export_path_msd):

        # Check if the station location have been calculated
        if self.station_loc is None and not force_without_loc:
            print self.get_export_file_name() + ": Skip sac/mseed generation, wait the next ascent to compute location"

        # Fill header info
        stats = Stats()
        stats.sampling_rate = self.decimated_fs
        stats.network = "MH"
        stats.station = station_number
        stats.starttime = self.date

        stats.sac = dict()
        if not force_without_loc:
            stats.sac["stla"] = self.station_loc.latitude
            stats.sac["stlo"] = self.station_loc.longitude
        stats.sac["stdp"] = self.depth
        stats.sac["user0"] = self.snr
        stats.sac["user1"] = self.criterion
        stats.sac["iztype"] = 9  # 9 == IB in sac format

        # Save data into a Stream object
        trace = Trace()
        trace.stats = stats
        trace.data = self.data
        stream = Stream(traces=[trace])

        # Save stream object
        print export_path_sac
        stream.write(export_path_sac, format='SAC')
        print export_path_msd
        stream.write(export_path_msd, format='MSEED')
Exemplo n.º 14
def readitaly(datafile):
    f = open(datafile, 'rt')
    #header needs: station,channel,location,npts,starttime,sampling_rate,delta,calib,lat,lon,height,duration,endtime,maxacc,network
    data = []
    hdrdict = {}
    for line in f.readlines():
        if not len(line.strip()):
        if not line.find(':') > -1:

        key, value = line.split(':')
        key = key.strip()
        value = value.strip()
        if key not in list(HEADERS.keys()):
        hdrkey = HEADERS[key]
        if hdrkey == 'starttime':
            value = UTCDateTime(datetime.datetime.strptime(value, TIMEFMT))
        elif hdrkey not in ['station', 'channel', 'location', 'network']:
            value = float(value)
        hdrdict[hdrkey] = value
    hdrdict['sampling_rate'] = 1 / hdrdict['delta']
    hdrdict['endtime'] = hdrdict['starttime'] + hdrdict['duration']
    hdrdict['npts'] = int(hdrdict['npts'])
    hdrdict['calib'] = 1.0
    hdrdict['units'] = 'acc'
    data = np.array(data)
    header = hdrdict.copy()
    stats = Stats(hdrdict)
    trace = Trace(data, header=stats)
    #apply the calibration and convert from mm/s^2 to m/s^2
    trace.data = trace.data * trace.stats['calib'] * 0.01  #convert to m/s^2
    return trace
Exemplo n.º 15
def readitaly(datafile):
    f = open(datafile,'rt')
    #header needs: station,channel,location,npts,starttime,sampling_rate,delta,calib,lat,lon,height,duration,endtime,maxacc,network
    data = []
    hdrdict = {}
    for line in f.readlines():
        if not len(line.strip()):
        if not line.find(':') > -1:

        key,value = line.split(':')
        key = key.strip()
        value = value.strip()
        if key not in list(HEADERS.keys()):
        hdrkey = HEADERS[key]
        if hdrkey == 'starttime':
            value = UTCDateTime(datetime.datetime.strptime(value,TIMEFMT))
        elif hdrkey not in ['station','channel','location','network']:
            value = float(value)
        hdrdict[hdrkey] = value
    hdrdict['sampling_rate'] = 1/hdrdict['delta']
    hdrdict['endtime'] = hdrdict['starttime'] + hdrdict['duration']
    hdrdict['npts'] = int(hdrdict['npts'])
    hdrdict['calib'] = 1.0
    hdrdict['units'] = 'acc'
    data = np.array(data)
    header = hdrdict.copy()
    stats = Stats(hdrdict)
    trace = Trace(data,header=stats)
    #apply the calibration and convert from mm/s^2 to m/s^2
    trace.data = trace.data * trace.stats['calib'] * 0.01 #convert to m/s^2
    return trace
Exemplo n.º 16
def readturkey(turkeyfile):
    Read strong motion data from a Turkey data file
    @param geonetfile: Path to a valid Turkey data file.
    @return: List of ObsPy Trace objects, containing accelerometer data in m/s.
    f = open(turkeyfile,'rt')
    dataOn = False
    header = {}
    nschannel = []
    ewchannel = []
    udchannel = []
    for line in f.readlines():
        if line.strip().startswith('STATION ID'):
            parts = line.strip().split(':')
            header['station'] = parts[1].strip()
        if line.strip().startswith('STATION COORD'):
            parts = line.strip().split(':')
            cstr = parts[1].strip()
            parts = cstr.split('-')
            header['lat'] = float(parts[0][0:-1])
            header['lon'] = float(parts[1][0:-1])
        if line.strip().startswith('STATION ALT'):
            parts = line.strip().split(':')
                header['height'] = float(parts[1])
                header['height'] = 0.0
        if line.strip().startswith('RECORD TIME'):
            parts = line.strip().split(':')
            timestr = ':'.join(parts[1:])
            timestr = timestr.strip().replace('(GMT)','').strip()
            dt = datetime.strptime(timestr[0:19],'%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S')
            dt = dt.replace(microsecond=int(timestr[20:]))
            header['starttime'] = UTCDateTime(dt)
        if line.strip().startswith('NUMBER OF DATA'):
            parts = line.strip().split(':')
            header['npts'] = int(parts[1])
        if line.strip().startswith('SAMPLING INTERVAL'):
            parts = line.strip().split(':')
            header['delta'] = float(parts[1])
            header['sampling_rate'] = 1.0/header['delta']
        if line.strip().startswith('N-S'):
            dataOn = True
        if dataOn:
            parts = line.strip().split()
    nschannel = np.array(nschannel)
    ewchannel = np.array(ewchannel)
    udchannel = np.array(udchannel)
    header['network'] = 'TR'
    header['units'] = 'acc'
    nsheader = header.copy()
    nsheader['channel'] = 'NS'
    ewheader = header.copy()
    ewheader['channel'] = 'EW'
    udheader = header.copy()
    udheader['channel'] = 'UD'
    nsstats = Stats(nsheader)
    nstrace = Trace(nschannel,header=nsstats)
    ewstats = Stats(ewheader)
    ewtrace = Trace(ewchannel,header=ewstats)
    udstats = Stats(udheader)
    udtrace = Trace(udchannel,header=udstats)
    nstrace.data = nstrace.data * 0.01 #convert to m/s^2
    ewtrace.data = ewtrace.data * 0.01 #convert to m/s^2
    udtrace.data = udtrace.data * 0.01 #convert to m/s^2
    tracelist = [nstrace,ewtrace,udtrace]
    hdrlist = [nsheader,ewheader,udheader]
    return (tracelist,hdrlist)
Exemplo n.º 17
tsum = 0
for i in range(niter):
    trace.set_data(a + 1)
    start = time.time()
    tsum = tsum + time.time() - start
avgEnvelope = tsum / niter

print("ObsPy test...")
from obspy.core.trace import Trace
from obspy.signal.filter import envelope
traceObspy = Trace(data=a)
tsum = 0
for i in range(niter):
    traceObspy.data = a + 1
    start = time.time()
    tsum = tsum + time.time() - start
    y = traceObspy.data
avgDemeanObspy = tsum / niter
#print("Obspy average time for demean  %e (s)"%(avgDemeanObspy))
tsum = 0
for i in range(niter):
    traceObspy.data = a + 1
    start = time.time()
    tsum = tsum + time.time() - start
    y = traceObspy.data
avgDetrendObspy = tsum / niter
Exemplo n.º 18
def readturkey(turkeyfile):
    Read strong motion data from a Turkey data file
    @param geonetfile: Path to a valid Turkey data file.
    @return: List of ObsPy Trace objects, containing accelerometer data in m/s.
    f = open(turkeyfile, 'rt')
    dataOn = False
    header = {}
    nschannel = []
    ewchannel = []
    udchannel = []
    for line in f.readlines():
        if line.strip().startswith('STATION ID'):
            parts = line.strip().split(':')
            header['station'] = parts[1].strip()
        if line.strip().startswith('STATION COORD'):
            parts = line.strip().split(':')
            cstr = parts[1].strip()
            parts = cstr.split('-')
            header['lat'] = float(parts[0][0:-1])
            header['lon'] = float(parts[1][0:-1])
        if line.strip().startswith('STATION ALT'):
            parts = line.strip().split(':')
                header['height'] = float(parts[1])
                header['height'] = 0.0
        if line.strip().startswith('RECORD TIME'):
            parts = line.strip().split(':')
            timestr = ':'.join(parts[1:])
            timestr = timestr.strip().replace('(GMT)', '').strip()
            dt = datetime.strptime(timestr[0:19], '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S')
            dt = dt.replace(microsecond=int(timestr[20:]))
            header['starttime'] = UTCDateTime(dt)
        if line.strip().startswith('NUMBER OF DATA'):
            parts = line.strip().split(':')
            header['npts'] = int(parts[1])
        if line.strip().startswith('SAMPLING INTERVAL'):
            parts = line.strip().split(':')
            header['delta'] = float(parts[1])
            header['sampling_rate'] = 1.0 / header['delta']
        if line.strip().startswith('N-S'):
            dataOn = True
        if dataOn:
            parts = line.strip().split()
    nschannel = np.array(nschannel)
    ewchannel = np.array(ewchannel)
    udchannel = np.array(udchannel)
    header['network'] = 'TR'
    header['units'] = 'acc'
    nsheader = header.copy()
    nsheader['channel'] = 'NS'
    ewheader = header.copy()
    ewheader['channel'] = 'EW'
    udheader = header.copy()
    udheader['channel'] = 'UD'
    nsstats = Stats(nsheader)
    nstrace = Trace(nschannel, header=nsstats)
    ewstats = Stats(ewheader)
    ewtrace = Trace(ewchannel, header=ewstats)
    udstats = Stats(udheader)
    udtrace = Trace(udchannel, header=udstats)
    nstrace.data = nstrace.data * 0.01  #convert to m/s^2
    ewtrace.data = ewtrace.data * 0.01  #convert to m/s^2
    udtrace.data = udtrace.data * 0.01  #convert to m/s^2
    tracelist = [nstrace, ewtrace, udtrace]
    hdrlist = [nsheader, ewheader, udheader]
    return (tracelist, hdrlist)
Exemplo n.º 19
    def detect_stalta(self):

        STA_len = self.params["STA_len"]
        LTA_len = self.params["LTA_len"]
        STALTA_thresh = self.params["STALTA_thresh"]
        det_off_win = self.params["no_det_win"]

            devices = self.traces.data["device_id"].unique()
        except Exception as exception:
            devices = []

        for device in devices:

            for channel in ["x", "y", "z"]:

                trace = self.traces.data[self.traces.data["device_id"] ==
                time = self.traces.data[self.traces.data["device_id"] ==
                sr = self.traces.data[self.traces.data["device_id"] ==

                if len(trace) > int(np.ceil(sr * (STA_len + LTA_len))):

                    # set new trace
                    tr = Trace()
                    tr.data = trace
                    tr.stats.delta = 1 / sr
                    tr.stats.channel = channel
                    tr.stats.station = device

                    # tr.filter("highpass", freq=0.2)

                    tr_orig = tr.copy()
                    std = np.std(tr_orig.data[:int(STA_len * sr)])


                    (ind, ) = np.where(tr.data > STALTA_thresh)

                    if len(ind) > 0:

                        det_time = time.iloc[ind[0]]

                        past_detections = self.detections.data[
                            (self.detections.data["device_id"] == device)
                            & (self.detections.data["cloud_t"] - det_time +
                               det_off_win) > 0]

                        if (past_detections.shape[0]
                                == 0) & (std <= self.params["max_std"]):

                            # Get event ID
                            # timestamp
                            timestamp = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(det_time)
                            year = str(timestamp.year - 2000).zfill(2)
                            month = str(timestamp.month).zfill(2)
                            day = str(timestamp.day).zfill(2)
                            hour = str(timestamp.hour).zfill(2)
                            minute = str(timestamp.minute).zfill(2)
                            detection_id = "D_" + year + month + day + hour + minute

                            new_detection = pd.DataFrame(
                                    "detection_id": detection_id,
                                    "device_id": device,
                                    "cloud_t": det_time,
                                    "mag1": None,
                                    "mag2": None,
                                    "mag3": None,
                                    "mag4": None,
                                    "mag5": None,
                                    "mag6": None,
                                    "mag7": None,
                                    "mag8": None,
                                    "mag9": None,
                                    "event_id": None,

                            # plot all detections and save in obj/detections folder
                            if self.params["plot_detection"]:
                                self.plot_detection(tr_orig, tr, device,
                                                    detection_id, std)

Exemplo n.º 20
def invert_raw():
    # Binary
    if mode == "Binary":
        catch_files = []
        files = glob.glob(file_path + "*")
        for file in files:
            catch = re.findall(
            if len(catch) > 0:

        # Freq file
        freq_file = glob.glob(file_path + "*_freq")
        if len(freq_file) > 1:
            print "warning : more than one freq file in folder"
        if len(freq_file) == 0:
            print "warning no freq file discovered use :" + str(sampling_freq)
            content = "40.000000"
            with open(freq_file[0], "r") as f:
                content = f.read()
            sampling_freq = float(content)
            print "Sampling used : " + str(sampling_freq)
        files_nb = len(catch_files)
        file_offset = 1
        for catch_file in catch_files:
            print catch_file
            print "File nb : " + str(file_offset) + "/" + str(files_nb)
            date = UTCDateTime(
            rawdata = numpy.fromfile(catch_file, numpy.int32)
            # Plot plotly file
            # Add acoustic values to the graph
            #data_line = graph.Scattergl(x=[date + i/sampling_freq for i in range(0,len(rawdata))],
            #                          y=rawdata,
            #                          name="counts",
            #                          line=dict(color='blue', width=2),
            #                          mode='lines')

            #plotlydata = [data_line]

            #layout = graph.Layout(title="Plot",
            #                      xaxis=dict(title='Date', titlefont=dict(size=18)),
            #                      yaxis=dict(title='Counts', titlefont=dict(size=18)),
            #                      hovermode='closest'
            #                      )

            #plotly.plot({'data': plotlydata, 'layout': layout},
            #            filename=catch_file + ".html",
            #            auto_open=False)

            # Create SAC file

            # Fill header info
            stats = Stats()
            stats.sampling_rate = sampling_freq
            stats.network = "test"
            stats.station = 0
            stats.starttime = date
            stats.sac = dict()

            # Save data into a Stream object
            trace = Trace()
            trace.stats = stats
            trace.data = rawdata
            stream = Stream(traces=[trace])

            # Save stream object
            stream.write(catch_file + ".sac", format='SAC')
            stream.write(catch_file + ".mseed", format='MSEED')
            file_offset = file_offset + 1
        # Text
        #filename = "tool_invert_raw/1553771378.490936"
        #date = UTCDateTime(1553771378.490936)
        # text
        #f = open(filename, 'r')
        #rawdata = numpy.array(f.read().rstrip('\n').split('\n'))
        # binary
        # Plot plotly file

        # Add acoustic values to the graph
        data_line = graph.Scattergl(
            x=[date + i / sampling_freq for i in range(0, len(rawdata))],
            line=dict(color='blue', width=2),

        plotlydata = [data_line]

        layout = graph.Layout(title="Plot",

            'data': plotlydata,
            'layout': layout
                    filename=filename + ".html",

        # Create SAC file

        # Fill header info
        stats = Stats()
        stats.sampling_rate = sampling_freq
        stats.network = "test"
        stats.station = 0
        stats.starttime = date
        stats.sac = dict()

        # Save data into a Stream object
        trace = Trace()
        trace.stats = stats
        trace.data = rawdata
        stream = Stream(traces=[trace])

        # Save stream object
        stream.write(filename + ".sac", format='SAC')
Exemplo n.º 21
Arquivo: core.py Projeto: petrrr/obspy
def _read_y(filename, headonly=False, **kwargs):  # @UnusedVariable
    Reads a Nanometrics Y file and returns an ObsPy Stream object.

    .. warning::
        This function should NOT be called directly, it registers via the
        ObsPy :func:`~obspy.core.stream.read` function, call this instead.

    :type filename: str
    :param filename: Nanometrics Y file to be read.
    :type headonly: bool, optional
    :param headonly: If set to True, read only the head. This is most useful
        for scanning available data in huge (temporary) data sets.
    :rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.stream.Stream`
    :return: A ObsPy Stream object.

    .. rubric:: Example

    >>> from obspy import read
    >>> st = read("/path/to/YAYT_BHZ_20021223.124800")
    >>> st  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    <obspy.core.stream.Stream object at 0x...>
    >>> print(st)  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    1 Trace(s) in Stream:
    .AYT..BHZ | 2002-12-23T12:48:00.000100Z - ... | 100.0 Hz, 18000 samples
    # The first tag in a Y-file must be the TAG_Y_FILE (0) tag. This must be
    # followed by the following tags, in any order:
    #   TAG_STATION_INFO (1)
    #   TAG_SERIES_INFO (5)
    # The following tag is optional:
    # The last tag in the file must be a TAG_DATA_INT32 (7) tag. This tag must
    # be followed by an array of LONG's. The number of entries in the array
    # must agree with what was described in the TAG_SERIES_INFO data.
    with open(filename, "rb") as fh:
        trace = Trace()
        trace.stats.y = AttribDict()
        count = -1
        while True:
            endian, tag_type, next_tag, _next_same = __parse_tag(fh)
            if tag_type == 1:
                # TAG_STATION_INFO
                # UCHAR Update[8]
                #   This field is only used internally for administrative
                #   purposes.  It should always be set to zeroes.
                # UCHAR Station[5] (BLANKPAD)
                #   Station is the five letter SEED format station
                #   identification.
                # UCHAR Location[2] (BLANKPAD)
                #   Location Location is the two letter SEED format location
                #   identification.
                # UCHAR Channel[3] (BLANKPAD)
                #   Channel Channel is the three letter SEED format channel
                #   identification.
                # UCHAR NetworkID[51] (ASCIIZ)
                #   This is some descriptive text identifying the network.
                # UCHAR SiteName[61] (ASCIIZ)
                #   SiteName is some text identifying the site.
                # UCHAR Comment[31] (ASCIIZ)
                #   Comment is any comment for this station.
                # UCHAR SensorType[51] (ASCIIZ)
                #   SensorType is some text describing the type of sensor used
                #   at the station.
                # UCHAR DataFormat[7] (ASCIIZ)
                #   DataFormat is some text describing the data format recorded
                #   at the station.
                data = fh.read(next_tag)
                parts = _unpack_with_asciiz_and_decode(b"5s2s3s51z61z31z51z7z", data[8:])
                trace.stats.station = parts[0]
                trace.stats.location = parts[1]
                trace.stats.channel = parts[2]
                # extra
                params = AttribDict()
                params.network_id = parts[3]
                params.side_name = parts[4]
                params.comment = parts[5]
                params.sensor_type = parts[6]
                params.data_format = parts[7]
                trace.stats.y.tag_station_info = params
            elif tag_type == 2:
                # TAG_STATION_LOCATION
                # UCHAR Update[8]
                #   This field is only used internally for administrative
                #   purposes.  It should always be set to zeroes.
                # FLOAT Latitude
                #   Latitude in degrees of the location of the station. The
                #   latitude should be between -90 (South) and +90 (North).
                # FLOAT Longitude
                #   Longitude in degrees of the location of the station. The
                #   longitude should be between -180 (West) and +180 (East).
                # FLOAT Elevation
                #   Elevation in meters above sea level of the station.
                # FLOAT Depth
                #   Depth is the depth in meters of the sensor.
                # FLOAT Azimuth
                #   Azimuth of the sensor in degrees clockwise.
                # FLOAT Dip
                #   Dip is the dip of the sensor. 90 degrees is defined as
                #   vertical right way up.
                data = fh.read(next_tag)
                parts = _unpack_with_asciiz_and_decode(endian + b"ffffff", data[8:])
                params = AttribDict()
                params.latitude = parts[0]
                params.longitude = parts[1]
                params.elevation = parts[2]
                params.depth = parts[3]
                params.azimuth = parts[4]
                params.dip = parts[5]
                trace.stats.y.tag_station_location = params
            elif tag_type == 3:
                # TAG_STATION_PARAMETERS
                # UCHAR Update[16]
                #   This field is only used internally for administrative
                #   purposes.  It should always be set to zeroes.
                # REALTIME StartValidTime
                #   Time that the information in these records became valid.
                # REALTIME EndValidTime
                #   Time that the information in these records became invalid.
                # FLOAT Sensitivity
                #   Sensitivity of the sensor in nanometers per bit.
                # FLOAT SensFreq
                #   Frequency at which the sensitivity was measured.
                # FLOAT SampleRate
                #   This is the number of samples per second. This value can be
                #   less than 1.0. (i.e. 0.1)
                # FLOAT MaxClkDrift
                #   Maximum drift rate of the clock in seconds per sample.
                # UCHAR SensUnits[24] (ASCIIZ)
                #   Some text indicating the units in which the sensitivity was
                #   measured.
                # UCHAR CalibUnits[24] (ASCIIZ)
                #   Some text indicating the units in which calibration input
                #   was measured.
                # UCHAR ChanFlags[27] (BLANKPAD)
                #   Text indicating the channel flags according to the SEED
                #   definition.
                # UCHAR UpdateFlag
                #   This flag must be “N” or “U” according to the SEED
                #   definition.
                # UCHAR Filler[4]
                #   Filler Pads out the record to satisfy the alignment
                #   restrictions for reading data on a SPARC processor.
                data = fh.read(next_tag)
                parts = _unpack_with_asciiz_and_decode(endian + b"ddffff24z24z27sc4s", data[16:])
                trace.stats.sampling_rate = parts[4]
                # extra
                params = AttribDict()
                params.start_valid_time = parts[0]
                params.end_valid_time = parts[1]
                params.sensitivity = parts[2]
                params.sens_freq = parts[3]
                params.sample_rate = parts[4]
                params.max_clk_drift = parts[5]
                params.sens_units = parts[6]
                params.calib_units = parts[7]
                params.chan_flags = parts[8]
                params.update_flag = parts[9]
                trace.stats.y.tag_station_parameters = params
            elif tag_type == 4:
                # TAG_STATION_DATABASE
                # UCHAR Update[8]
                #   This field is only used internally for administrative
                #   purposes.  It should always be set to zeroes.
                # REALTIME LoadDate
                #   Date the information was loaded into the database.
                # UCHAR Key[16]
                #   Unique key that identifies this record in the database.
                data = fh.read(next_tag)
                parts = _unpack_with_asciiz_and_decode(endian + b"d16s", data[8:])
                params = AttribDict()
                params.load_date = parts[0]
                params.key = parts[1]
                trace.stats.y.tag_station_database = params
            elif tag_type == 5:
                # TAG_SERIES_INFO
                # UCHAR Update[16]
                #   This field is only used internally for administrative
                #   purposes.  It should always be set to zeroes.
                # REALTIME StartTime
                #   This is start time of the data in this series.
                # REALTIME EndTime
                #   This is end time of the data in this series.
                # ULONG NumSamples
                #   This is the number of samples of data in this series.
                # LONG DCOffset
                #   DCOffset is the DC offset of the data.
                # LONG MaxAmplitude
                #   MaxAmplitude is the maximum amplitude of the data.
                # LONG MinAmplitude
                #   MinAmplitude is the minimum amplitude of the data.
                # UCHAR Format[8] (ASCIIZ)
                #   This is the format of the data. This should always be
                #   “YFILE”.
                # UCHAR FormatVersion[8] (ASCIIZ)
                #   FormatVersion is the version of the format of the data.
                #   This should always be “5.0”
                data = fh.read(next_tag)
                parts = _unpack_with_asciiz_and_decode(endian + b"ddLlll8z8z", data[16:])
                trace.stats.starttime = UTCDateTime(parts[0])
                count = parts[2]
                # extra
                params = AttribDict()
                params.endtime = UTCDateTime(parts[1])
                params.num_samples = parts[2]
                params.dc_offset = parts[3]
                params.max_amplitude = parts[4]
                params.min_amplitude = parts[5]
                params.format = parts[6]
                params.format_version = parts[7]
                trace.stats.y.tag_series_info = params
            elif tag_type == 6:
                # TAG_SERIES_DATABASE
                # UCHAR Update[8]
                #   This field is only used internally for administrative
                #   purposes.  It should always be set to zeroes.
                # REALTIME LoadDate
                #   Date the information was loaded into the database.
                # UCHAR Key[16]
                #   Unique key that identifies this record in the database.
                data = fh.read(next_tag)
                parts = _unpack_with_asciiz_and_decode(endian + b"d16s", data[8:])
                params = AttribDict()
                params.load_date = parts[0]
                params.key = parts[1]
                trace.stats.y.tag_series_database = params
            elif tag_type == 26:
                # TAG_STATION_RESPONSE
                # UCHAR Update[8]
                #   This field is only used internally for administrative
                #   purposes.  It should always be set to zeroes.
                # UCHAR PathName[260]
                #  PathName is the full name of the file which contains the
                #  response information for this station.
                data = fh.read(next_tag)
                parts = _unpack_with_asciiz_and_decode(b"260s", data[8:])
                params = AttribDict()
                params.path_name = parts[0]
                trace.stats.y.tag_station_response = params
            elif tag_type == 7:
                # TAG_DATA_INT32
                trace.data = from_buffer(fh.read(np.dtype(np.int32).itemsize * count), dtype=np.int32)
                # break loop as TAG_DATA_INT32 should be the last tag in file
                fh.seek(next_tag, 1)
    return Stream([trace])
Exemplo n.º 22
def _read_y(filename, headonly=False, **kwargs):  # @UnusedVariable
    Reads a Nanometrics Y file and returns an ObsPy Stream object.

    .. warning::
        This function should NOT be called directly, it registers via the
        ObsPy :func:`~obspy.core.stream.read` function, call this instead.

    :type filename: str
    :param filename: Nanometrics Y file to be read.
    :type headonly: bool, optional
    :param headonly: If set to True, read only the head. This is most useful
        for scanning available data in huge (temporary) data sets.
    :rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.stream.Stream`
    :return: A ObsPy Stream object.

    .. rubric:: Example

    >>> from obspy import read
    >>> st = read("/path/to/YAYT_BHZ_20021223.124800")
    >>> st  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    <obspy.core.stream.Stream object at 0x...>
    >>> print(st)  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    1 Trace(s) in Stream:
    .AYT..BHZ | 2002-12-23T12:48:00.000100Z - ... | 100.0 Hz, 18000 samples
    # The first tag in a Y-file must be the TAG_Y_FILE (0) tag. This must be
    # followed by the following tags, in any order:
    #   TAG_STATION_INFO (1)
    #   TAG_SERIES_INFO (5)
    # The following tag is optional:
    # The last tag in the file must be a TAG_DATA_INT32 (7) tag. This tag must
    # be followed by an array of LONG's. The number of entries in the array
    # must agree with what was described in the TAG_SERIES_INFO data.
    with open(filename, 'rb') as fh:
        trace = Trace()
        trace.stats.y = AttribDict()
        count = -1
        while True:
            endian, tag_type, next_tag, _next_same = _parse_tag(fh)
            if tag_type == 1:
                # TAG_STATION_INFO
                # UCHAR Update[8]
                #   This field is only used internally for administrative
                #   purposes.  It should always be set to zeroes.
                # UCHAR Station[5] (BLANKPAD)
                #   Station is the five letter SEED format station
                #   identification.
                # UCHAR Location[2] (BLANKPAD)
                #   Location Location is the two letter SEED format location
                #   identification.
                # UCHAR Channel[3] (BLANKPAD)
                #   Channel Channel is the three letter SEED format channel
                #   identification.
                # UCHAR NetworkID[51] (ASCIIZ)
                #   This is some descriptive text identifying the network.
                # UCHAR SiteName[61] (ASCIIZ)
                #   SiteName is some text identifying the site.
                # UCHAR Comment[31] (ASCIIZ)
                #   Comment is any comment for this station.
                # UCHAR SensorType[51] (ASCIIZ)
                #   SensorType is some text describing the type of sensor used
                #   at the station.
                # UCHAR DataFormat[7] (ASCIIZ)
                #   DataFormat is some text describing the data format recorded
                #   at the station.
                data = fh.read(next_tag)
                parts = _unpack_with_asciiz_and_decode(b'5s2s3s51z61z31z51z7z',
                trace.stats.station = parts[0]
                trace.stats.location = parts[1]
                trace.stats.channel = parts[2]
                # extra
                params = AttribDict()
                params.network_id = parts[3]
                params.site_name = parts[4]
                params.comment = parts[5]
                params.sensor_type = parts[6]
                params.data_format = parts[7]
                trace.stats.y.tag_station_info = params
            elif tag_type == 2:
                # TAG_STATION_LOCATION
                # UCHAR Update[8]
                #   This field is only used internally for administrative
                #   purposes.  It should always be set to zeroes.
                # FLOAT Latitude
                #   Latitude in degrees of the location of the station. The
                #   latitude should be between -90 (South) and +90 (North).
                # FLOAT Longitude
                #   Longitude in degrees of the location of the station. The
                #   longitude should be between -180 (West) and +180 (East).
                # FLOAT Elevation
                #   Elevation in meters above sea level of the station.
                # FLOAT Depth
                #   Depth is the depth in meters of the sensor.
                # FLOAT Azimuth
                #   Azimuth of the sensor in degrees clockwise.
                # FLOAT Dip
                #   Dip is the dip of the sensor. 90 degrees is defined as
                #   vertical right way up.
                data = fh.read(next_tag)
                parts = _unpack_with_asciiz_and_decode(endian + b'ffffff',
                params = AttribDict()
                params.latitude = parts[0]
                params.longitude = parts[1]
                params.elevation = parts[2]
                params.depth = parts[3]
                params.azimuth = parts[4]
                params.dip = parts[5]
                trace.stats.y.tag_station_location = params
            elif tag_type == 3:
                # TAG_STATION_PARAMETERS
                # UCHAR Update[16]
                #   This field is only used internally for administrative
                #   purposes.  It should always be set to zeroes.
                # REALTIME StartValidTime
                #   Time that the information in these records became valid.
                # REALTIME EndValidTime
                #   Time that the information in these records became invalid.
                # FLOAT Sensitivity
                #   Sensitivity of the sensor in nanometers per bit.
                # FLOAT SensFreq
                #   Frequency at which the sensitivity was measured.
                # FLOAT SampleRate
                #   This is the number of samples per second. This value can be
                #   less than 1.0. (i.e. 0.1)
                # FLOAT MaxClkDrift
                #   Maximum drift rate of the clock in seconds per sample.
                # UCHAR SensUnits[24] (ASCIIZ)
                #   Some text indicating the units in which the sensitivity was
                #   measured.
                # UCHAR CalibUnits[24] (ASCIIZ)
                #   Some text indicating the units in which calibration input
                #   was measured.
                # UCHAR ChanFlags[27] (BLANKPAD)
                #   Text indicating the channel flags according to the SEED
                #   definition.
                # UCHAR UpdateFlag
                #   This flag must be “N” or “U” according to the SEED
                #   definition.
                # UCHAR Filler[4]
                #   Filler Pads out the record to satisfy the alignment
                #   restrictions for reading data on a SPARC processor.
                data = fh.read(next_tag)
                parts = _unpack_with_asciiz_and_decode(
                    endian + b'ddffff24z24z27sc4s', data[16:])
                trace.stats.sampling_rate = parts[4]
                # extra
                params = AttribDict()
                params.start_valid_time = parts[0]
                params.end_valid_time = parts[1]
                params.sensitivity = parts[2]
                params.sens_freq = parts[3]
                params.sample_rate = parts[4]
                params.max_clk_drift = parts[5]
                params.sens_units = parts[6]
                params.calib_units = parts[7]
                params.chan_flags = parts[8]
                params.update_flag = parts[9]
                trace.stats.y.tag_station_parameters = params
            elif tag_type == 4:
                # TAG_STATION_DATABASE
                # UCHAR Update[8]
                #   This field is only used internally for administrative
                #   purposes.  It should always be set to zeroes.
                # REALTIME LoadDate
                #   Date the information was loaded into the database.
                # UCHAR Key[16]
                #   Unique key that identifies this record in the database.
                data = fh.read(next_tag)
                parts = _unpack_with_asciiz_and_decode(endian + b'd16s',
                params = AttribDict()
                params.load_date = parts[0]
                params.key = parts[1]
                trace.stats.y.tag_station_database = params
            elif tag_type == 5:
                # TAG_SERIES_INFO
                # UCHAR Update[16]
                #   This field is only used internally for administrative
                #   purposes.  It should always be set to zeroes.
                # REALTIME StartTime
                #   This is start time of the data in this series.
                # REALTIME EndTime
                #   This is end time of the data in this series.
                # ULONG NumSamples
                #   This is the number of samples of data in this series.
                # LONG DCOffset
                #   DCOffset is the DC offset of the data.
                # LONG MaxAmplitude
                #   MaxAmplitude is the maximum amplitude of the data.
                # LONG MinAmplitude
                #   MinAmplitude is the minimum amplitude of the data.
                # UCHAR Format[8] (ASCIIZ)
                #   This is the format of the data. This should always be
                #   “YFILE”.
                # UCHAR FormatVersion[8] (ASCIIZ)
                #   FormatVersion is the version of the format of the data.
                #   This should always be “5.0”
                data = fh.read(next_tag)
                parts = _unpack_with_asciiz_and_decode(endian + b'ddLlll8z8z',
                trace.stats.starttime = UTCDateTime(parts[0])
                count = parts[2]
                # extra
                params = AttribDict()
                params.endtime = UTCDateTime(parts[1])
                params.num_samples = parts[2]
                params.dc_offset = parts[3]
                params.max_amplitude = parts[4]
                params.min_amplitude = parts[5]
                params.format = parts[6]
                params.format_version = parts[7]
                trace.stats.y.tag_series_info = params
            elif tag_type == 6:
                # TAG_SERIES_DATABASE
                # UCHAR Update[8]
                #   This field is only used internally for administrative
                #   purposes.  It should always be set to zeroes.
                # REALTIME LoadDate
                #   Date the information was loaded into the database.
                # UCHAR Key[16]
                #   Unique key that identifies this record in the database.
                data = fh.read(next_tag)
                parts = _unpack_with_asciiz_and_decode(endian + b'd16s',
                params = AttribDict()
                params.load_date = parts[0]
                params.key = parts[1]
                trace.stats.y.tag_series_database = params
            elif tag_type == 26:
                # TAG_STATION_RESPONSE
                # UCHAR Update[8]
                #   This field is only used internally for administrative
                #   purposes.  It should always be set to zeroes.
                # UCHAR PathName[260]
                #  PathName is the full name of the file which contains the
                #  response information for this station.
                data = fh.read(next_tag)
                parts = _unpack_with_asciiz_and_decode(b'260s', data[8:])
                params = AttribDict()
                params.path_name = parts[0]
                trace.stats.y.tag_station_response = params
            elif tag_type == 7:
                # TAG_DATA_INT32
                trace.data = from_buffer(fh.read(
                    np.dtype(np.int32).itemsize * count),
                # break loop as TAG_DATA_INT32 should be the last tag in file
                fh.seek(next_tag, 1)
    return Stream([trace])