Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_issue193(self):
     Test for issue #193: if non-contiguous array is written correctly.
     warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "Detected non contiguous data")
     # test all plugins with both read and write method
     formats_write = \
         set(_get_entry_points('obspy.plugin.waveform', 'writeFormat'))
     formats_read = \
         set(_get_entry_points('obspy.plugin.waveform', 'readFormat'))
     formats = set.intersection(formats_write, formats_read)
     # mseed will raise exception for int64 data, thus use int32 only
     data = np.arange(10, dtype=np.int32)
     # make array non-contiguous
     data = data[::2]
     tr = Trace(data=data)
     for format in formats:
         # XXX: skip SEGY and SU formats for now as they need some special
         # headers.
         if format in ['SEGY', 'SU', 'SEG2']:
         with NamedTemporaryFile() as tf:
             tempfile = tf.name
             tr.write(tempfile, format)
             if format == "Q":
                 tempfile = tempfile + ".QHD"
             tr_test = read(tempfile, format)[0]
             if format == 'Q':
                 os.remove(tempfile[:-4] + '.QBN')
                 os.remove(tempfile[:-4] + '.QHD')
         np.testing.assert_array_equal(tr.data, tr_test.data)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_issue193(self):
     Test for issue #193: if non-contiguous array is written correctly.
     warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "Detected non contiguous data")
     # test all plugins with both read and write method
     formats_write = \
         set(_get_entry_points('obspy.plugin.waveform', 'writeFormat'))
     formats_read = \
         set(_get_entry_points('obspy.plugin.waveform', 'readFormat'))
     formats = set.intersection(formats_write, formats_read)
     # mseed will raise exception for int64 data, thus use int32 only
     data = np.arange(10, dtype=np.int32)
     # make array non-contiguous
     data = data[::2]
     tr = Trace(data=data)
     for format in formats:
         # XXX: skip SEGY and SU formats for now as they need some special
         # headers.
         if format in ['SEGY', 'SU', 'SEG2']:
         with NamedTemporaryFile() as tf:
             tempfile = tf.name
             tr.write(tempfile, format)
             if format == "Q":
                 tempfile = tempfile + ".QHD"
             tr_test = read(tempfile, format)[0]
             if format == 'Q':
                 os.remove(tempfile[:-4] + '.QBN')
                 os.remove(tempfile[:-4] + '.QHD')
         np.testing.assert_array_equal(tr.data, tr_test.data)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_read_invalid_filename(self):
        Tests that we get a sane error message when calling read_events()
        with a filename that doesn't exist
        doesnt_exist = 'dsfhjkfs'
        for i in range(10):
            if os.path.exists(doesnt_exist):
                doesnt_exist += doesnt_exist
            self.fail('unable to get invalid file path')
        doesnt_exist = native_str(doesnt_exist)

        if PY2:
            exception_type = getattr(builtins, 'IOError')
            exception_type = getattr(builtins, 'FileNotFoundError')
        exception_msg = "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '{}'"

        formats = _get_entry_points(
            'obspy.plugin.catalog', 'readFormat').keys()
        # try read_inventory() with invalid filename for all registered read
        # plugins and also for filetype autodiscovery
        formats = [None] + list(formats)
        for format in formats:
            with self.assertRaises(exception_type) as e:
                read_events(doesnt_exist, format=format)
                str(e.exception), exception_msg.format(doesnt_exist))
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_read_invalid_filename(self):
        Tests that we get a sane error message when calling read_inventory()
        with a filename that doesn't exist
        doesnt_exist = 'dsfhjkfs'
        for i in range(10):
            if os.path.exists(doesnt_exist):
                doesnt_exist += doesnt_exist
            self.fail('unable to get invalid file path')

        exception_msg = "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '{}'"

        formats = _get_entry_points('obspy.plugin.inventory',
        # try read_inventory() with invalid filename for all registered read
        # plugins and also for filetype autodiscovery
        formats = [None] + list(formats)
        expected_error_message = re.escape(exception_msg.format(doesnt_exist))
        for format in formats[:1]:
            with pytest.raises(IOError, match=expected_error_message):
                read_inventory(doesnt_exist, format=format)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_read_invalid_filename(self):
        Tests that we get a sane error message when calling read_inventory()
        with a filename that doesn't exist
        doesnt_exist = 'dsfhjkfs'
        for i in range(10):
            if os.path.exists(doesnt_exist):
                doesnt_exist += doesnt_exist
            self.fail('unable to get invalid file path')
        doesnt_exist = native_str(doesnt_exist)

        if PY2:
            exception_type = getattr(builtins, 'IOError')
            exception_type = getattr(builtins, 'FileNotFoundError')
        exception_msg = "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '{}'"

        formats = _get_entry_points('obspy.plugin.inventory',
        # try read_inventory() with invalid filename for all registered read
        # plugins and also for filetype autodiscovery
        formats = [None] + list(formats)
        for format in formats[:1]:
            with self.assertRaises(exception_type) as e:
                read_inventory(doesnt_exist, format=format)
Exemplo n.º 6
def _get_default_eps(group, subgroup=None):
    eps = _get_entry_points(group, subgroup=subgroup)
    eps = {
        ep: f
        for ep, f in eps.items()
        if any(m in f.module_name for m in DEFAULT_MODULES)
    return eps
Exemplo n.º 7
 def test_isFormat(self):
     Tests all isFormat methods against all data test files from the other
     modules for false positives.
     KNOWN_FALSE = [
         os.path.join('seisan', 'tests', 'data', 'SEISAN_Bug',
         os.path.join('core', 'tests', 'data',
     formats_ep = _get_entry_points('obspy.plugin.waveform', 'isFormat')
     formats = list(formats_ep.values())
     # Collect all false positives.
     false_positives = []
     # Big loop over every format.
     for format in formats:
         # search isFormat for given entry point
         is_format = load_entry_point(
             format.dist.key, 'obspy.plugin.waveform.' + format.name,
         # get all the test directories.
         paths = [os.path.join(f.dist.location, 'obspy',
                               f.module_name.split('.')[1], 'tests', 'data')
                  for f in formats
                  if f.module_name.split('.')[1] !=
         # Remove double paths because some modules can have two file
         # formats.
         paths = set(paths)
         # Remove path if one module defines two file formats.
         for path in paths:
             # Collect all files found.
             filelist = []
             # Walk every path.
             for directory, _, files in os.walk(path):
                 filelist.extend([os.path.join(directory, _i) for _i in
             for file in filelist:
                 if any([n in file for n in KNOWN_FALSE]):
                 if is_format(file) is True:  # pragma: no cover
                     false_positives.append((format.name, file))
     # Use try except to produce a meaningful error message.
         self.assertEqual(len(false_positives), 0)
     except:  # pragma: no cover
         msg = 'False positives for isFormat:\n'
         msg += '\n'.join(['\tFormat %s: %s' % (_i[0], _i[1]) for _i in
         raise Exception(msg)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def test_deepcopy(self):
     Test for issue #689: deepcopy did not work for segy. In order to
     avoid complicated code to find test data for each waveform pluging,
     which read OK and have no errors we simply test by first writing
     the waveform and then reading it in. Thus test is limited to
     formats which we can also write.
     # find all plugins with both read and write method
     formats_write = \
         set(_get_entry_points('obspy.plugin.waveform', 'writeFormat'))
     formats_read = \
         set(_get_entry_points('obspy.plugin.waveform', 'readFormat'))
     formats = set.intersection(formats_write, formats_read)
     stream_orig = read()
     for format in formats:
         # TODO: these formats error in read and writing, not in
         # deepcopy
         if format in ('SAC', 'SACXY', 'SEG2', 'Q', 'WAV'):
         stream = deepcopy(stream_orig)
         # set some data
         dt = np.float32
         if format in ('GSE2', 'MSEED'):
             dt = np.int32
         for tr in stream:
             tr.data = np.arange(tr.stats.npts).astype(dt)
         with NamedTemporaryFile() as tf:
             tmpfile = tf.name
             with warnings.catch_warnings():
                 stream.write(format=format, filename=tmpfile)
             st = read(tmpfile, format=format)
         st_deepcopy = deepcopy(st)
         msg = "Error in wavform format=%s" % format
         self.assertEqual(str(st), str(st_deepcopy), msg=msg)
Exemplo n.º 9
 def test_deepcopy(self):
     Test for issue #689: deepcopy did not work for segy. In order to
     avoid complicated code to find test data for each waveform pluging,
     which read OK and have no errors we simply test by first writing
     the waveform and then reading it in. Thus test is limited to
     formats which we can also write.
     # find all plugins with both read and write method
     formats_write = \
         set(_get_entry_points('obspy.plugin.waveform', 'writeFormat'))
     formats_read = \
         set(_get_entry_points('obspy.plugin.waveform', 'readFormat'))
     formats = set.intersection(formats_write, formats_read)
     stream_orig = read()
     for format in formats:
         # TODO: these formats error in read and writing, not in
         # deepcopy
         if format in ('SAC', 'SACXY', 'SEG2', 'Q', 'WAV'):
         stream = deepcopy(stream_orig)
         # set some data
         dt = np.float32
         if format in ('GSE2', 'MSEED'):
             dt = np.int32
         for tr in stream:
             tr.data = np.arange(tr.stats.npts).astype(dt)
         with NamedTemporaryFile() as tf:
             tmpfile = tf.name
             with warnings.catch_warnings():
                 stream.write(format=format, filename=tmpfile)
             st = read(tmpfile, format=format)
         st_deepcopy = deepcopy(st)
         msg = "Error in wavform format=%s" % format
         self.assertEqual(str(st), str(st_deepcopy), msg=msg)
Exemplo n.º 10
 def test_raiseOnEmptyFile(self):
     Test case ensures that empty files do raise warnings.
     with NamedTemporaryFile() as tf:
         tmpfile = tf.name
         # create empty file
         open(tmpfile, 'wb').close()
         formats_ep = _get_entry_points('obspy.plugin.waveform',
         # using format keyword
         for ep in formats_ep.values():
             is_format = load_entry_point(
                 ep.dist.key, 'obspy.plugin.waveform.' + ep.name,
             self.assertFalse(False, is_format(tmpfile))
Exemplo n.º 11
 def test_raiseOnEmptyFile(self):
     Test case ensures that empty files do raise warnings.
     with NamedTemporaryFile() as tf:
         tmpfile = tf.name
         # create empty file
         open(tmpfile, 'wb').close()
         formats_ep = _get_entry_points('obspy.plugin.waveform',
         # using format keyword
         for ep in formats_ep.values():
             is_format = load_entry_point(
                 ep.dist.key, 'obspy.plugin.waveform.' + ep.name,
             self.assertFalse(False, is_format(tmpfile))
Exemplo n.º 12
def _get_default_eps(group, subgroup=None):
    eps = _get_entry_points(group, subgroup=subgroup)
    eps = {ep: f for ep, f in eps.items()
           if any(m in f.module_name for m in DEFAULT_MODULES)}
    return eps
Exemplo n.º 13
# from obspy.core.util.base import *
from subprocess import call

from obspy.core.util.base import ENTRY_POINTS, _get_entry_points

# appending elements to the obspy ENTRY_POINTS
ENTRY_POINTS['grid'] = _get_entry_points('uquake.io.grid', 'readFormat')
ENTRY_POINTS['grid_write'] = _get_entry_points('uquake.io.grid', 'writeFormat')

gfr_entry_points = _get_entry_points('uquake.io.waveform', 'readFormat')
gfw_entry_points = _get_entry_points('uquake.io.waveform', 'writeformat')

wf_entry_points = _get_entry_points('uquake.io.waveform', 'readFormat')

for key in wf_entry_points.keys():
    ENTRY_POINTS['waveform'][key] = wf_entry_points[key]

wfw_entry_points = _get_entry_points('uquake.io.waveform', 'writeFormat')

for key in wfw_entry_points.keys():
    ENTRY_POINTS['waveform_write'][key] = wfw_entry_points[key]

evt_entry_points = _get_entry_points('uquake.io.event', 'readFormat')

for key in evt_entry_points.keys():
    ENTRY_POINTS['event'][key] = evt_entry_points[key]

def proc(cmd, cwd='.', silent=True):
    from ..logging import logger
Exemplo n.º 14
def worker(_i, input_queue, work_queue, output_queue, log_queue, mappings={}):
        # fetch and initialize all possible waveform feature plug-ins
        all_features = {}
        for (key, ep) in _get_entry_points('obspy.db.feature').items():
                # load plug-in
                cls = ep.load()
                # initialize class
                func = cls().process
            except Exception as e:
                msg = 'Could not initialize feature %s. (%s)'
                log_queue.append(msg % (key, str(e)))
            all_features[key] = {}
            all_features[key]['run'] = func
                all_features[key]['indexer_kwargs'] = cls['indexer_kwargs']
            except Exception:
                all_features[key]['indexer_kwargs'] = {}
        # loop through input queue
        while True:
            # fetch a unprocessed item
                filepath, (path, file, features) = input_queue.popitem()
            except Exception:
            # skip item if already in work queue
            if filepath in work_queue:
            # get additional kwargs for read method from waveform plug-ins
            kwargs = {'verify_chksum': False}
            for feature in features:
                if feature not in all_features:
                    log_queue.append('%s: Unknown feature %s' % (filepath,
            # read file and get file stats
                stats = os.stat(filepath)
                stream = read(filepath, **kwargs)
                # get gap and overlap information
                gap_list = stream.get_gaps()
                # merge channels and replace gaps/overlaps with 0 to prevent
                # generation of masked arrays
            except Exception as e:
                msg = '[Reading stream] %s: %s'
                log_queue.append(msg % (filepath, e))
                except Exception:
            # build up dictionary of gaps and overlaps for easier lookup
            gap_dict = {}
            for gap in gap_list:
                id = '.'.join(gap[0:4])
                temp = {
                    'gap': gap[6] >= 0,
                    'starttime': gap[4].datetime,
                    'endtime': gap[5].datetime,
                    'samples': abs(gap[7])
                gap_dict.setdefault(id, []).append(temp)
            # loop through traces
            dataset = []
            for trace in stream:
                result = {}
                # general file information
                result['mtime'] = int(stats.st_mtime)
                result['size'] = stats.st_size
                result['path'] = path
                result['file'] = file
                result['filepath'] = filepath
                # trace information
                result['format'] = trace.stats._format
                result['station'] = trace.stats.station
                result['location'] = trace.stats.location
                result['channel'] = trace.stats.channel
                result['network'] = trace.stats.network
                result['starttime'] = trace.stats.starttime.datetime
                result['endtime'] = trace.stats.endtime.datetime
                result['calib'] = trace.stats.calib
                result['npts'] = trace.stats.npts
                result['sampling_rate'] = trace.stats.sampling_rate
                # check for any id mappings
                if trace.id in mappings:
                    old_id = trace.id
                    for mapping in mappings[old_id]:
                        if trace.stats.starttime and \
                           trace.stats.starttime > mapping['endtime']:
                        if trace.stats.endtime and \
                           trace.stats.endtime < mapping['starttime']:
                        result['network'] = mapping['network']
                        result['station'] = mapping['station']
                        result['location'] = mapping['location']
                        result['channel'] = mapping['channel']
                        msg = "Mapping '%s' to '%s.%s.%s.%s'" % \
                            (old_id, mapping['network'], mapping['station'],
                             mapping['location'], mapping['channel'])
                # gaps/overlaps for current trace
                result['gaps'] = gap_dict.get(trace.id, [])
                # apply feature functions
                result['features'] = []
                for key in features:
                    if key not in all_features:
                        # run plug-in and update results
                        temp = all_features[key]['run'](trace)
                        for key, value in temp.items():
                            result['features'].append({'key': key,
                                                       'value': value})
                    except Exception as e:
                        msg = '[Processing feature] %s: %s'
                        log_queue.append(msg % (filepath, e))
                # generate preview of trace
                result['preview'] = None
                if '.LOG.L.' not in file or trace.stats.channel != 'LOG':
                    # create previews only for non-log files (see issue #400)
                        trace = create_preview(trace, 30)
                        result['preview'] = trace.data.dumps()
                    except ValueError:
                    except Exception as e:
                        msg = '[Creating preview] %s: %s'
                        log_queue.append(msg % (filepath, e))
                # update dataset
            del stream
            # return results to main loop
            except Exception:
            except Exception:
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
Exemplo n.º 15
def worker(_i, input_queue, work_queue, output_queue, log_queue, mappings={}):
        # fetch and initialize all possible waveform feature plug-ins
        all_features = {}
        for (key, ep) in _get_entry_points('obspy.db.feature').items():
                # load plug-in
                cls = ep.load()
                # initialize class
                func = cls().process
            except Exception as e:
                msg = 'Could not initialize feature %s. (%s)'
                log_queue.append(msg % (key, str(e)))
            all_features[key] = {}
            all_features[key]['run'] = func
                all_features[key]['indexer_kwargs'] = cls['indexer_kwargs']
            except Exception:
                all_features[key]['indexer_kwargs'] = {}
        # loop through input queue
        while True:
            # fetch a unprocessed item
                filepath, (path, file, features) = input_queue.popitem()
            except Exception:
            # skip item if already in work queue
            if filepath in work_queue:
            # get additional kwargs for read method from waveform plug-ins
            kwargs = {'verify_chksum': False}
            for feature in features:
                if feature not in all_features:
                    log_queue.append('%s: Unknown feature %s' %
                                     (filepath, feature))
            # read file and get file stats
                stats = os.stat(filepath)
                stream = read(filepath, **kwargs)
                # get gap and overlap information
                gap_list = stream.get_gaps()
                # merge channels and replace gaps/overlaps with 0 to prevent
                # generation of masked arrays
            except Exception as e:
                msg = '[Reading stream] %s: %s'
                log_queue.append(msg % (filepath, e))
                except Exception:
            # build up dictionary of gaps and overlaps for easier lookup
            gap_dict = {}
            for gap in gap_list:
                id = '.'.join(gap[0:4])
                temp = {
                    'gap': gap[6] >= 0,
                    'starttime': gap[4].datetime,
                    'endtime': gap[5].datetime,
                    'samples': abs(gap[7])
                gap_dict.setdefault(id, []).append(temp)
            # loop through traces
            dataset = []
            for trace in stream:
                result = {}
                # general file information
                result['mtime'] = int(stats.st_mtime)
                result['size'] = stats.st_size
                result['path'] = path
                result['file'] = file
                result['filepath'] = filepath
                # trace information
                result['format'] = trace.stats._format
                result['station'] = trace.stats.station
                result['location'] = trace.stats.location
                result['channel'] = trace.stats.channel
                result['network'] = trace.stats.network
                result['starttime'] = trace.stats.starttime.datetime
                result['endtime'] = trace.stats.endtime.datetime
                result['calib'] = trace.stats.calib
                result['npts'] = trace.stats.npts
                result['sampling_rate'] = trace.stats.sampling_rate
                # check for any id mappings
                if trace.id in mappings:
                    old_id = trace.id
                    for mapping in mappings[old_id]:
                        if trace.stats.starttime and \
                           trace.stats.starttime > mapping['endtime']:
                        if trace.stats.endtime and \
                           trace.stats.endtime < mapping['starttime']:
                        result['network'] = mapping['network']
                        result['station'] = mapping['station']
                        result['location'] = mapping['location']
                        result['channel'] = mapping['channel']
                        msg = "Mapping '%s' to '%s.%s.%s.%s'" % \
                            (old_id, mapping['network'], mapping['station'],
                             mapping['location'], mapping['channel'])
                # gaps/overlaps for current trace
                result['gaps'] = gap_dict.get(trace.id, [])
                # apply feature functions
                result['features'] = []
                for key in features:
                    if key not in all_features:
                        # run plug-in and update results
                        temp = all_features[key]['run'](trace)
                        for key, value in temp.items():
                                'key': key,
                                'value': value
                    except Exception as e:
                        msg = '[Processing feature] %s: %s'
                        log_queue.append(msg % (filepath, e))
                # generate preview of trace
                result['preview'] = None
                if '.LOG.L.' not in file or trace.stats.channel != 'LOG':
                    # create previews only for non-log files (see issue #400)
                        trace = create_preview(trace, 30)
                        result['preview'] = trace.data.dumps()
                    except ValueError:
                    except Exception as e:
                        msg = '[Creating preview] %s: %s'
                        log_queue.append(msg % (filepath, e))
                # update dataset
            del stream
            # return results to main loop
            except Exception:
            except Exception:
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
Exemplo n.º 16
 def test_readAndWrite(self):
     Tests read and write methods for all waveform plug-ins.
     data = np.arange(0, 2000)
     start = UTCDateTime(2009, 1, 13, 12, 1, 2, 999000)
     formats = _get_entry_points('obspy.plugin.waveform', 'writeFormat')
     for format in formats:
         # XXX: skip SEGY and SU formats for now as they need some special
         # headers.
         if format in ['SEGY', 'SU', 'SEG2']:
         for native_byteorder in ['<', '>']:
             for byteorder in ['<', '>', '=']:
                 if format == 'SAC' and byteorder == '=':
                     # SAC file format enforces '<' or '>'
                     # byteorder on writing
                 # new trace object in native byte order
                 dt = np.dtype(np.int_).newbyteorder(native_byteorder)
                 if format in ('MSEED', 'GSE2'):
                     # MiniSEED and GSE2 cannot write int64, enforce type
                     dt = np.int32
                 tr = Trace(data=data.astype(dt))
                 tr.stats.network = "BW"
                 tr.stats.station = "MANZ1"
                 tr.stats.location = "00"
                 tr.stats.channel = "EHE"
                 tr.stats.calib = 0.199999
                 tr.stats.delta = 0.005
                 tr.stats.starttime = start
                 # create waveform file with given format and byte order
                 with NamedTemporaryFile() as tf:
                     outfile = tf.name
                     tr.write(outfile, format=format, byteorder=byteorder)
                     if format == 'Q':
                         outfile += '.QHD'
                     # read in again using auto detection
                     st = read(outfile)
                     self.assertEqual(len(st), 1)
                     self.assertEqual(st[0].stats._format, format)
                     # read in using format argument
                     st = read(outfile, format=format)
                     self.assertEqual(len(st), 1)
                     self.assertEqual(st[0].stats._format, format)
                     # read in using a BytesIO instances, skip Q files as
                     # it needs multiple files
                     if format not in ['Q']:
                         # file handler without format
                         with open(outfile, 'rb') as fp:
                             st = read(fp)
                         self.assertEqual(len(st), 1)
                         self.assertEqual(st[0].stats._format, format)
                         # file handler with format
                         with open(outfile, 'rb') as fp:
                             st = read(fp, format=format)
                         self.assertEqual(len(st), 1)
                         self.assertEqual(st[0].stats._format, format)
                         # BytesIO without format
                         with open(outfile, 'rb') as fp:
                             temp = io.BytesIO(fp.read())
                         st = read(temp)
                         self.assertEqual(len(st), 1)
                         self.assertEqual(st[0].stats._format, format)
                         # BytesIO with format
                         with open(outfile, 'rb') as fp:
                             temp = io.BytesIO(fp.read())
                         st = read(temp, format=format)
                         self.assertEqual(len(st), 1)
                         self.assertEqual(st[0].stats._format, format)
                     # Q files consist of two files - deleting additional
                     # file
                     if format == 'Q':
                         os.remove(outfile[:-4] + '.QBN')
                         os.remove(outfile[:-4] + '.QHD')
                 # check byte order
                 if format == 'SAC':
                     # SAC format preserves byteorder on writing
                                     in ('=', byteorder))
                     self.assertEqual(st[0].data.dtype.byteorder, '=')
                 # check meta data
                 # some formats do not contain a calibration factor
                 if format not in ['MSEED', 'WAV', 'TSPAIR', 'SLIST']:
                     self.assertAlmostEqual(st[0].stats.calib, 0.199999, 5)
                     self.assertEqual(st[0].stats.calib, 1.0)
                 if format not in ['WAV']:
                     self.assertEqual(st[0].stats.starttime, start)
                     self.assertEqual(st[0].stats.endtime, start + 9.995)
                     self.assertEqual(st[0].stats.delta, 0.005)
                     self.assertEqual(st[0].stats.sampling_rate, 200.0)
                 # network/station/location/channel codes
                 if format in ['Q', 'SH_ASC', 'GSE2']:
                     # no network or location code in Q, SH_ASC, GSE2
                     self.assertEqual(st[0].id, ".MANZ1..EHE")
                 elif format not in ['WAV']:
                     self.assertEqual(st[0].id, "BW.MANZ1.00.EHE")
Exemplo n.º 17
    def test_readThreadSafe(self):
        Tests for race conditions. Reading n_threads (currently 30) times
        the same waveform file in parallel and compare the results which must
        be all the same.
        data = np.arange(0, 500)
        start = UTCDateTime(2009, 1, 13, 12, 1, 2, 999000)
        formats = _get_entry_points('obspy.plugin.waveform', 'writeFormat')
        for format in formats:
            # XXX: skip SEGY and SU formats for now as they need some special
            # headers.
            if format in ['SEGY', 'SU', 'SEG2']:

            dt = np.int_
            if format in ('MSEED', 'GSE2'):
                dt = np.int32
            tr = Trace(data=data.astype(dt))
            tr.stats.network = "BW"
            tr.stats.station = "MANZ1"
            tr.stats.location = "00"
            tr.stats.channel = "EHE"
            tr.stats.calib = 0.999999
            tr.stats.delta = 0.005
            tr.stats.starttime = start
            # create waveform file with given format and byte order
            with NamedTemporaryFile() as tf:
                outfile = tf.name
                tr.write(outfile, format=format)
                if format == 'Q':
                    outfile += '.QHD'
                n_threads = 30
                streams = []
                timeout = 120
                if 'TRAVIS' in os.environ:
                    timeout = 570  # 30 seconds under Travis' limit
                cond = threading.Condition()

                def testFunction(streams, cond):
                    st = read(outfile, format=format)
                    with cond:
                # Read the ten files at one and save the output in the just
                # created class.
                our_threads = []
                for _i in range(n_threads):
                    thread = threading.Thread(target=testFunction,
                                              args=(streams, cond))
                our_threads = set(our_threads)
                # Loop until all threads are finished.
                start = time.time()
                while True:
                    with cond:
                    remaining_threads = set(threading.enumerate())
                    if len(remaining_threads & our_threads) == 0:
                    # Avoid infinite loop and leave after some time; such a
                    # long time is needed for debugging with valgrind or Travis
                    elif time.time() - start >= timeout:  # pragma: no cover
                        msg = 'Not all threads finished after %d seconds!' % (
                        raise Warning(msg)
                # Compare all values which should be identical and clean up
                # files
                for st in streams:
                    np.testing.assert_array_equal(st[0].data, tr.data)
                if format == 'Q':
                    os.remove(outfile[:-4] + '.QBN')
                    os.remove(outfile[:-4] + '.QHD')
Exemplo n.º 18
 def test_readAndWrite(self):
     Tests read and write methods for all waveform plug-ins.
     data = np.arange(0, 2000)
     start = UTCDateTime(2009, 1, 13, 12, 1, 2, 999000)
     formats = _get_entry_points('obspy.plugin.waveform', 'writeFormat')
     for format in formats:
         # XXX: skip SEGY and SU formats for now as they need some special
         # headers.
         if format in ['SEGY', 'SU', 'SEG2']:
         for native_byteorder in ['<', '>']:
             for byteorder in ['<', '>', '=']:
                 if format == 'SAC' and byteorder == '=':
                     # SAC file format enforces '<' or '>'
                     # byteorder on writing
                 # new trace object in native byte order
                 dt = np.dtype(np.int_).newbyteorder(native_byteorder)
                 if format in ('MSEED', 'GSE2'):
                     # MiniSEED and GSE2 cannot write int64, enforce type
                     dt = np.int32
                 tr = Trace(data=data.astype(dt))
                 tr.stats.network = "BW"
                 tr.stats.station = "MANZ1"
                 tr.stats.location = "00"
                 tr.stats.channel = "EHE"
                 tr.stats.calib = 0.199999
                 tr.stats.delta = 0.005
                 tr.stats.starttime = start
                 # create waveform file with given format and byte order
                 with NamedTemporaryFile() as tf:
                     outfile = tf.name
                     tr.write(outfile, format=format, byteorder=byteorder)
                     if format == 'Q':
                         outfile += '.QHD'
                     # read in again using auto detection
                     st = read(outfile)
                     self.assertEqual(len(st), 1)
                     self.assertEqual(st[0].stats._format, format)
                     # read in using format argument
                     st = read(outfile, format=format)
                     self.assertEqual(len(st), 1)
                     self.assertEqual(st[0].stats._format, format)
                     # read in using a BytesIO instances, skip Q files as
                     # it needs multiple files
                     if format not in ['Q']:
                         # file handler without format
                         with open(outfile, 'rb') as fp:
                             st = read(fp)
                         self.assertEqual(len(st), 1)
                         self.assertEqual(st[0].stats._format, format)
                         # file handler with format
                         with open(outfile, 'rb') as fp:
                             st = read(fp, format=format)
                         self.assertEqual(len(st), 1)
                         self.assertEqual(st[0].stats._format, format)
                         # BytesIO without format
                         with open(outfile, 'rb') as fp:
                             temp = io.BytesIO(fp.read())
                         st = read(temp)
                         self.assertEqual(len(st), 1)
                         self.assertEqual(st[0].stats._format, format)
                         # BytesIO with format
                         with open(outfile, 'rb') as fp:
                             temp = io.BytesIO(fp.read())
                         st = read(temp, format=format)
                         self.assertEqual(len(st), 1)
                         self.assertEqual(st[0].stats._format, format)
                     # Q files consist of two files - deleting additional
                     # file
                     if format == 'Q':
                         os.remove(outfile[:-4] + '.QBN')
                         os.remove(outfile[:-4] + '.QHD')
                 # check byte order
                 if format == 'SAC':
                     # SAC format preserves byteorder on writing
                                     in ('=', byteorder))
                     self.assertEqual(st[0].data.dtype.byteorder, '=')
                 # check meta data
                 # some formats do not contain a calibration factor
                 if format not in ['MSEED', 'WAV', 'TSPAIR', 'SLIST']:
                     self.assertAlmostEqual(st[0].stats.calib, 0.199999, 5)
                     self.assertEqual(st[0].stats.calib, 1.0)
                 if format not in ['WAV']:
                     self.assertEqual(st[0].stats.starttime, start)
                     self.assertEqual(st[0].stats.endtime, start + 9.995)
                     self.assertEqual(st[0].stats.delta, 0.005)
                     self.assertEqual(st[0].stats.sampling_rate, 200.0)
                 # network/station/location/channel codes
                 if format in ['Q', 'SH_ASC', 'GSE2']:
                     # no network or location code in Q, SH_ASC, GSE2
                     self.assertEqual(st[0].id, ".MANZ1..EHE")
                 elif format not in ['WAV']:
                     self.assertEqual(st[0].id, "BW.MANZ1.00.EHE")
Exemplo n.º 19
    def test_readThreadSafe(self):
        Tests for race conditions. Reading n_threads (currently 30) times
        the same waveform file in parallel and compare the results which must
        be all the same.
        data = np.arange(0, 500)
        start = UTCDateTime(2009, 1, 13, 12, 1, 2, 999000)
        formats = _get_entry_points('obspy.plugin.waveform', 'writeFormat')
        for format in formats:
            # XXX: skip SEGY and SU formats for now as they need some special
            # headers.
            if format in ['SEGY', 'SU', 'SEG2']:

            dt = np.int_
            if format in ('MSEED', 'GSE2'):
                dt = np.int32
            tr = Trace(data=data.astype(dt))
            tr.stats.network = "BW"
            tr.stats.station = "MANZ1"
            tr.stats.location = "00"
            tr.stats.channel = "EHE"
            tr.stats.calib = 0.999999
            tr.stats.delta = 0.005
            tr.stats.starttime = start
            # create waveform file with given format and byte order
            with NamedTemporaryFile() as tf:
                outfile = tf.name
                tr.write(outfile, format=format)
                if format == 'Q':
                    outfile += '.QHD'
                n_threads = 30
                streams = []
                timeout = 120
                if 'TRAVIS' in os.environ:
                    timeout = 570  # 30 seconds under Travis' limit
                cond = threading.Condition()

                def testFunction(streams, cond):
                    st = read(outfile, format=format)
                    with cond:
                # Read the ten files at one and save the output in the just
                # created class.
                our_threads = []
                for _i in range(n_threads):
                    thread = threading.Thread(target=testFunction,
                                              args=(streams, cond))
                our_threads = set(our_threads)
                # Loop until all threads are finished.
                start = time.time()
                while True:
                    with cond:
                    remaining_threads = set(threading.enumerate())
                    if len(remaining_threads & our_threads) == 0:
                    # Avoid infinite loop and leave after some time; such a
                    # long time is needed for debugging with valgrind or Travis
                    elif time.time() - start >= timeout:  # pragma: no cover
                        msg = 'Not all threads finished after %d seconds!' % (
                        raise Warning(msg)
                # Compare all values which should be identical and clean up
                # files
                for st in streams:
                    np.testing.assert_array_equal(st[0].data, tr.data)
                if format == 'Q':
                    os.remove(outfile[:-4] + '.QBN')
                    os.remove(outfile[:-4] + '.QHD')