Exemplo n.º 1
    def getPAZ(self, seed_id, datetime):
        Get PAZ for a station at given time span. Gain is the A0 normalization
        constant for the poles and zeros.

        :type seed_id: str
        :param seed_id: SEED or channel id, e.g. ``"BW.RJOB..EHZ"`` or
        :type datetime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime`
        :param datetime: Time for which the PAZ is requested,
            e.g. ``'2010-01-01 12:00:00'``.
        :rtype: dict
        :return: Dictionary containing zeros, poles, gain and sensitivity.

        .. rubric:: Example

        >>> c = Client()
        >>> paz = c.station.getPAZ('BW.MANZ..EHZ', '20090707')
        >>> paz['zeros']
        [0j, 0j]
        >>> len(paz['poles'])
        >>> print(paz['poles'][0])
        >>> paz['gain']
        >>> paz['sensitivity']
        network, station, location, channel = seed_id.split(".")
        # request station information
        station_list = self.getList(network=network, station=station,
        if not station_list:
            return {}
        # don't allow wild cards
        for wildcard in ['*', '?']:
            if wildcard in seed_id:
                msg = "Wildcards in seed_id are not allowed."
                raise ValueError(msg)

        if len(station_list) > 1:
            warnings.warn("Received more than one XSEED file. Using first.")

        xml_doc = station_list[0]
        res = self.client.station.getResource(xml_doc['resource_name'])
        parser = Parser(res)
        paz = parser.getPAZ(seed_id=seed_id, datetime=UTCDateTime(datetime))
        return paz
Exemplo n.º 2
from obspy.core import read
from obspy.core.util.geodetics import gps2DistAzimuth
from obspy.xseed import Parser
from math import log10

st = read("../data/LKBD.MSEED")

paz_wa = {
    'sensitivity': 2800,
    'zeros': [0j],
    'gain': 1,
    'poles': [-6.2832 - 4.7124j, -6.2832 + 4.7124j]

parser = Parser("../data/LKBD.dataless")
paz_le3d5s = parser.getPAZ("CH.LKBD..EHZ")

st.simulate(paz_remove=paz_le3d5s, paz_simulate=paz_wa, water_level=10)

t = UTCDateTime("2012-04-03T02:45:03")
st.trim(t, t + 50)

tr_n = st.select(component="N")[0]
ampl_n = max(abs(tr_n.data))
tr_e = st.select(component="E")[0]
ampl_e = max(abs(tr_e.data))
ampl = max(ampl_n, ampl_e)

sta_lat = 46.38703
sta_lon = 7.62714
event_lat = 46.218
Exemplo n.º 3
def preprocess(db, stations, comps, goal_day, params, tramef_Z, tramef_E = np.array([]), tramef_N = np.array([])):
    datafilesZ = {}
    datafilesE = {}
    datafilesN = {}

    for station in stations:
        datafilesZ[station] = []
        datafilesE[station] = []
        datafilesN[station] = []
        net, sta = station.split('.')
        gd = datetime.datetime.strptime(goal_day, '%Y-%m-%d')
        files = get_data_availability(
            db, net=net, sta=sta, starttime=gd, endtime=gd)
        for file in files:
            comp = file.comp
            fullpath = os.path.join(file.path, file.file)
            if comp[-1] == 'Z':
            elif comp[-1] == 'E':
            elif comp[-1] == 'N':

    j = 0
    for istation, station in enumerate(stations):
        for comp in comps:
            files = eval("datafiles%s['%s']" % (comp, station))
            if len(files) != 0:
                logging.debug("%s.%s Reading %i Files" %
                              (station, comp, len(files)))
                stream = Stream()
                for file in sorted(files):
                    st = read(file, dytpe=np.float,
                    for tr in st:
                        tr.data = tr.data.astype(np.float)
                    stream += st
                    del st

                logging.debug("Checking sample alignment")
                for i, trace in enumerate(stream):
                    stream[i] = check_and_phase_shift(trace)

                logging.debug("Checking Gaps")
                if len(getGaps(stream)) > 0:
                    max_gap = 10
                    while getGaps(stream) and not only_too_long:
                        too_long = 0
                        gaps = getGaps(stream)
                        for gap in gaps:
                            if int(gap[-1]) <= max_gap:
                                stream[gap[0]] = stream[gap[0]].__add__(stream[gap[1]], method=0, fill_value="interpolate")
                                too_long += 1
                        if too_long == len(gaps):
                            only_too_long = True

                taper_length = 20.0 #seconds
                for trace in stream:
                    if trace.stats.npts < 4 * taper_length*trace.stats.sampling_rate:
                        trace.data = np.zeros(trace.stats.npts)
                        taper_1s = taper_length * float(trace.stats.sampling_rate) / trace.stats.npts
                        cp = cosTaper(trace.stats.npts, taper_1s)
                        trace.data *= cp
                    stream.merge(method=0, fill_value=0.0)

                logging.debug("%s.%s Slicing Stream to %s:%s" % (station, comp, utcdatetime.UTCDateTime(
                    goal_day.replace('-', '')), utcdatetime.UTCDateTime(goal_day.replace('-', '')) + params.goal_duration - stream[0].stats.delta))
                stream[0].trim(utcdatetime.UTCDateTime(goal_day.replace('-', '')), utcdatetime.UTCDateTime(
                    goal_day.replace('-', '')) + params.goal_duration - stream[0].stats.delta, pad=True, fill_value=0.0,

                if get_config(db, 'remove_response', isbool=True):
                    logging.debug('Removing instrument response')
                    response_format = get_config(db, 'response_format')
                    response_prefilt = eval(get_config(db, 'response_prefilt'))
                    files = glob.glob(os.path.join(get_config(db,
                    if response_format == "inventory":
                        firstinv = False
                        inventory = None
                        for file in files:
                                inv = read_inventory(file)
                                if firstinv:
                                    inventory = inv
                                    firstinv = False
                                    inventory += inv
                    elif response_format == "dataless":
                        for file in files:
                            p = Parser(file)
                                del p
                        stream.simulate(seedresp={'filename': p, "units":"VEL"},
                    elif response_format == "paz":
                        msg = "Unexpected type for `response_format`: %s" % \
                        raise TypeError(msg)
                    elif response_format == "resp":
                        msg = "Unexpected type for `response_format`: %s" % \
                        raise TypeError(msg)
                        msg = "Unexpected type for `response_format`: %s" % \
                        raise TypeError(msg)
                trace = stream[0]

                    "%s.%s Highpass at %.2f Hz" % (station, comp, params.preprocess_highpass))
                trace.filter("highpass", freq=params.preprocess_highpass, zerophase=True)
                if trace.stats.sampling_rate != params.goal_sampling_rate:
                        "%s.%s Lowpass at %.2f Hz" % (station, comp, params.preprocess_lowpass))
                    trace.filter("lowpass", freq=params.preprocess_lowpass, zerophase=True)


                    if params.resampling_method == "Resample":
                        logging.debug("%s.%s Downsample to %.1f Hz" %
                                      (station, comp, params.goal_sampling_rate))
                        trace.data = resample(
                            trace.data, params.goal_sampling_rate / trace.stats.sampling_rate, 'sinc_fastest')

                    elif params.resampling_method == "Decimate":
                        logging.debug("%s.%s Decimate by a factor of %i" %
                                      (station, comp, params.decimation_factor))
                        trace.data = trace.data[::params.decimation_factor]
                    trace.stats.sampling_rate = params.goal_sampling_rate

                year, month, day, hourf, minf, secf, wday, yday, isdst = trace.stats.starttime.utctimetuple()

                if j == 0:
                    t = time.strptime("%04i:%02i:%02i:%02i:%02i:%02i" %
                                      (year, month, day, hourf, minf, secf), "%Y:%m:%d:%H:%M:%S")
                    basetime = calendar.timegm(t)

                if len(trace.data) % 2 != 0:
                    trace.data = np.append(trace.data, 0.)

                if comp == "Z":
                    tramef_Z[istation] = trace.data
                elif comp == "E":
                    tramef_E[istation] = trace.data
                elif comp == "N":
                    tramef_N[istation] = trace.data

                del trace, stream
    if len(tramef_E) != 0:
        return basetime, tramef_Z, tramef_E, tramef_N
        return basetime, tramef_Z
Exemplo n.º 4
from obspy.core import read
from obspy.xseed import Parser
from obspy.signal import PPSD

st = read("http://examples.obspy.org/BW.KW1..EHZ.D.2011.037")
tr = st.select(id="BW.KW1..EHZ")[0]
parser = Parser("http://examples.obspy.org/dataless.seed.BW_KW1")
paz = parser.getPAZ(tr.id)
ppsd = PPSD(tr.stats, paz)

st = read("http://examples.obspy.org/BW.KW1..EHZ.D.2011.038")

Exemplo n.º 5
from obspy.signal.psd import PPSD
from cpsd import PPSD
from obspy.core import *
from obspy.xseed import Parser

st = read("BW.KW1..EHZ.D.2011.090")
tr = st[0]
p = Parser("dataless.seed.BW_KW1")
paz = p.getPAZ("BW.KW1..EHZ")
ppsd = PPSD(tr.stats, paz)
Exemplo n.º 6
from obspy.core import read
from obspy.core.util.geodetics import gps2DistAzimuth
from obspy.xseed import Parser
from math import log10

st = read("../data/LKBD.MSEED")

paz_wa = {'sensitivity': 2800, 'zeros': [0j], 'gain': 1,
          'poles': [-6.2832-4.7124j, -6.2832+4.7124j]}

parser = Parser("../data/LKBD.dataless")
paz_le3d5s = parser.getPAZ("CH.LKBD..EHZ")

st.simulate(paz_remove=paz_le3d5s, paz_simulate=paz_wa, water_level=10)

t = UTCDateTime("2012-04-03T02:45:03")
st.trim(t, t + 50)

tr_n = st.select(component="N")[0]
ampl_n = max(abs(tr_n.data))
tr_e = st.select(component="E")[0]
ampl_e = max(abs(tr_e.data))
ampl = max(ampl_n, ampl_e)

sta_lat = 46.38703
sta_lon = 7.62714
event_lat = 46.218
event_lon = 7.706

epi_dist, az, baz = gps2DistAzimuth(event_lat, event_lon, sta_lat, sta_lon)
epi_dist = epi_dist / 1000
Exemplo n.º 7
for dlessfile in glob('dataless.*'):
        sp = Parser(dlessfile)
    except IOError:
        print 'Error reading file:', dlessfile

    blk = sp.blockettes
    net = blk[50][0].network_code
    sta = blk[50][0].station_call_letters

    startdates = [b.start_date for b in blk[52]]
    #enddates = [b.end_date for b in blk[52]]
    chans = [b.channel_identifier for b in blk[52]]
    locs = [b.location_identifier for b in blk[52]]

    for i in range(0, len(startdates)):
        channel_id = net + '.' + sta + '.' + locs[i] + '.' + chans[i]
        # If we do not add at least 7 minutes to the start_time, ObsPy says:
        # "None or more than one channel with the given description"
        # why????
        t = timedelta(minutes=7)
        time = startdates[i]  #+ t
            PAZ = sp.getPAZ(channel_id, time)
            #print PAZ
            #coords = sp.getCoordinates(channel_id, time)
            #print coords['longitude'], coords['latitude'], channel_id.split('.')[1]
        except Exception, error:
            print dlessfile, time, channel_id, error
Exemplo n.º 8
    file = sys.argv[1]
    print __doc__

# parse DataLess part
sp = Parser(file)

# parse DataOnly/MiniSEED part
stream = read(file)

for tr in stream:
    # get poles, zeros, sensitivity and gain
    paz = sp.getPAZ(tr.stats.channel)
    # Uncomment the following for:
    # Integrate by adding a zero at the position zero
    # As for the simulation the poles and zeros are inverted and convolved
    # in the frequency domain this is basically mutliplying by 1/jw which
    # is an integration in the frequency domain
    # See "Of Poles and Zeros", Frank Scherbaum, Springer 2007
    # preprocessing
    tr.data = tr.data.astype('float64')     #convert data to float
    tr.data = detrend(tr.data, 'linear')    #detrend
    tr.data *= cosTaper(tr.stats.npts, 0.10) #costaper 5% at start and end
    # correct for instrument, play with water_level
    # this will results to unit of XSEEDs tag stage_signal_output_units
    # most common for seed is m/s, write xseed by sp.writeXSEED('xs.txt')
    tr.data = seisSim(tr.data, tr.stats.sampling_rate, paz, inst_sim=None, 
Exemplo n.º 9
def preprocessing_function(processing_info, iteration):  # NOQA
    Function to perform the actual preprocessing for one individual seismogram.
    This is part of the project so it can change depending on the project.

    Please keep in mind that you will have to manually update this file to a
    new version if LASIF is ever updated.

    You can do whatever you want in this function as long as the function
    signature is honored. The file is read from ``"input_filename"`` and
    written to ``"output_filename"``.

    One goal of this function is to make sure that the data is available at the
    same time steps as the synthetics. The first time sample of the synthetics
    will always be the origin time of the event.

    Furthermore the data has to be converted to m/s.

    :param processing_info: A dictionary containing information about the
        file to be processed. It will have the following structure.
    :type processing_info: dict

    .. code-block:: python

        {'event_information': {
            'depth_in_km': 22.0,
            'event_name': 'GCMT_event_VANCOUVER_ISLAND...',
            'filename': '/.../GCMT_event_VANCOUVER_ISLAND....xml',
            'latitude': 49.53,
            'longitude': -126.89,
            'm_pp': 2.22e+18,
            'm_rp': -2.78e+18,
            'm_rr': -6.15e+17,
            'm_rt': 1.98e+17,
            'm_tp': 5.14e+18,
            'm_tt': -1.61e+18,
            'magnitude': 6.5,
            'magnitude_type': 'Mwc',
            'origin_time': UTCDateTime(2011, 9, 9, 19, 41, 34, 200000),
            'region': u'VANCOUVER ISLAND, CANADA REGION'},
         'input_filename': u'/.../raw/7D.FN01A..HHZ.mseed',
         'output_filename': u'/.../processed_.../7D.FN01A..HHZ.mseed',
         'process_params': {
            'dt': 0.75,
            'highpass': 0.007142857142857143,
            'lowpass': 0.0125,
            'npts': 2000},
         'station_coordinates': {
            'elevation_in_m': -54.0,
            'latitude': 46.882,
            'local_depth_in_m': None,
            'longitude': -124.3337},
         'station_filename': u'/.../STATIONS/RESP/RESP.7D.FN01A..HH*'}

    Please note that you also got the iteration object here, so if you
    want some parameters to change depending on the iteration, just use
    if/else on the iteration objects.

    >>> iteration.name  # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> iteration.get_process_params()  # doctest: +SKIP
    {'dt': 0.75,
     'highpass': 0.01,
     'lowpass': 0.02,
     'npts': 500}

    Use ``$ lasif shell`` to play around and figure out what the iteration
    objects can do.

    def zerophase_chebychev_lowpass_filter(trace, freqmax):
        Custom Chebychev type two zerophase lowpass filter useful for
        decimation filtering.

        This filter is stable up to a reduction in frequency with a factor of
        10. If more reduction is desired, simply decimate in steps.

        Partly based on a filter in ObsPy.

        :param trace: The trace to be filtered.
        :param freqmax: The desired lowpass frequency.

        Will be replaced once ObsPy has a proper decimation filter.
        # rp - maximum ripple of passband, rs - attenuation of stopband
        rp, rs, order = 1, 96, 1e99
        ws = freqmax / (trace.stats.sampling_rate * 0.5)  # stop band frequency
        wp = ws  # pass band frequency

        while True:
            if order <= 12:
            wp *= 0.99
            order, wn = signal.cheb2ord(wp, ws, rp, rs, analog=0)

        b, a = signal.cheby2(order, rs, wn, btype="low", analog=0, output="ba")

        # Apply twice to get rid of the phase distortion.
        trace.data = signal.filtfilt(b, a, trace.data)

    # =========================================================================
    # Read seismograms and gather basic information.
    # =========================================================================
    starttime = processing_info["event_information"]["origin_time"]
    endtime = starttime + processing_info["process_params"]["dt"] * \
        (processing_info["process_params"]["npts"] - 1)
    duration = endtime - starttime

    st = obspy.read(processing_info["input_filename"])

    if len(st) != 1:
        warnings.warn("The file '%s' has %i traces and not 1. "
                      "Skip all but the first" % (
                          processing_info["input_filename"], len(st)))
    tr = st[0]

    # Trim with a short buffer in an attempt to avoid boundary effects.
    # starttime is the origin time of the event
    # endtime is the origin time plus the length of the synthetics
    tr.trim(starttime - 0.2 * duration, endtime + 0.2 * duration)

    # =========================================================================
    # Some basic checks on the data.
    # =========================================================================
    # Non-zero length
    if not len(tr):
        msg = "No data found in time window around the event. File skipped."
        raise LASIFError(msg)

    # No nans or infinity values allowed.
    if not np.isfinite(tr.data).all():
        msg = "Data contains NaNs or Infs. File skipped"
        raise LASIFError(msg)

    # =========================================================================
    # Step 1: Decimation
    # Decimate with the factor closest to the sampling rate of the synthetics.
    # The data is still oversampled by a large amount so there should be no
    # problems. This has to be done here so that the instrument correction is
    # reasonably fast even for input data with a large sampling rate.
    # =========================================================================
    while True:
        decimation_factor = int(processing_info["process_params"]["dt"] /
        # Decimate in steps for large sample rate reductions.
        if decimation_factor > 8:
            decimation_factor = 8
        if decimation_factor > 1:
            new_nyquist = tr.stats.sampling_rate / 2.0 / float(
            zerophase_chebychev_lowpass_filter(tr, new_nyquist)
            tr.decimate(factor=decimation_factor, no_filter=True)

    # =========================================================================
    # Step 2: Detrend and taper.
    # =========================================================================
    tr.taper(max_percentage=0.05, type="hann")

    # =========================================================================
    # Step 3: Instrument correction
    # Correct seismograms to velocity in m/s.
    # =========================================================================
    station_file = processing_info["station_filename"]

    # check if the station file actually exists ==============================
    if not processing_info["station_filename"]:
        msg = "No station file found for the relevant time span. File skipped"
        raise LASIFError(msg)

    # This is really necessary as other filters are just not sharp enough
    # and lots of energy from other frequency bands leaks into the frequency
    # band of interest
    freqmin = processing_info["process_params"]["highpass"]
    freqmax = processing_info["process_params"]["lowpass"]

    f2 = 0.9 * freqmin
    f3 = 1.1 * freqmax
    f1 = 0.8 * f2
    f4 = 1.3 * f3
    pre_filt = (f1, f2, f3, f4)

    # processing for seed files ==============================================
    if "/SEED/" in station_file:
        # XXX: Check if this is m/s. In all cases encountered so far it
        # always is, but SEED is in theory also able to specify corrections
        # to other units...
        parser = Parser(station_file)
            # The simulate might fail but might still modify the data. The
            # backup is needed for the backup plan to only correct using
            # poles and zeros.
            backup_tr = tr.copy()
                tr.simulate(seedresp={"filename": parser, "units": "VEL",
                                      "date": tr.stats.starttime},
                            pre_filt=pre_filt, zero_mean=False, taper=False)
            except ValueError:
                warnings.warn("Evalresp failed, will only use the Poles and "
                              "Zeros stage")
                tr = backup_tr
                paz = parser.getPAZ(tr.id, tr.stats.starttime)
                if paz["sensitivity"] == 0:
                    warnings.warn("Sensitivity is 0 in SEED file and will "
                                  "not be taken into account!")
                    tr.simulate(paz_remove=paz, remove_sensitivity=False,
                                pre_filt=pre_filt, zero_mean=False,
                    tr.simulate(paz_remove=paz, pre_filt=pre_filt,
                                zero_mean=False, taper=False)
        except Exception:
            msg = ("File  could not be corrected with the help of the "
                   "SEED file '%s'. Will be skipped.") \
                % processing_info["station_filename"]
            raise LASIFError(msg)
    # processing with RESP files =============================================
    elif "/RESP/" in station_file:
            tr.simulate(seedresp={"filename": station_file, "units": "VEL",
                                  "date": tr.stats.starttime},
                        pre_file=pre_filt, zero_mean=False, taper=False)
        except ValueError as e:
            msg = ("File  could not be corrected with the help of the "
                   "RESP file '%s'. Will be skipped. Due to: %s") \
                % (processing_info["station_filename"], str(e))
            raise LASIFError(msg)
    elif "/StationXML/" in station_file:
            inv = obspy.read_inventory(station_file, format="stationxml")
        except Exception as e:
            msg = ("Could not open StationXML file '%s'. Due to: %s. Will be "
                   "skipped." % (station_file, str(e)))
            raise LASIFError(msg)
            tr.remove_response(output="VEL", pre_filt=pre_filt,
                               zero_mean=False, taper=False)
        except Exception as e:
            msg = ("File  could not be corrected with the help of the "
                   "StationXML file '%s'. Due to: '%s'  Will be skipped.") \
                % (processing_info["station_filename"], e.__repr__()),
            raise LASIFError(msg)
        raise NotImplementedError

    # =========================================================================
    # Step 4: Bandpass filtering
    # This has to be exactly the same filter as in the source time function
    # in the case of SES3D.
    # =========================================================================
    tr.taper(0.05, type="cosine")
    tr.filter("bandpass", freqmin=freqmin, freqmax=freqmax, corners=3,
    tr.taper(0.05, type="cosine")
    tr.filter("bandpass", freqmin=freqmin, freqmax=freqmax, corners=3,

    # =========================================================================
    # Step 5: Interpolation
    # =========================================================================
    # Make sure that the data array is at least as long as the
    # synthetics array. Also add some buffer sample for the
    # spline interpolation to work in any case.
    buf = processing_info["process_params"]["dt"] * 5
    if starttime < (tr.stats.starttime + buf):
        tr.trim(starttime=starttime - buf, pad=True, fill_value=0.0)
    if endtime > (tr.stats.endtime - buf):
        tr.trim(endtime=endtime + buf, pad=True, fill_value=0.0)
        sampling_rate=1.0 / processing_info["process_params"]["dt"],
        method="weighted_average_slopes", starttime=starttime,

    # =========================================================================
    # Save processed data and clean up.
    # =========================================================================
    # Convert to single precision to save some space.
    tr.data = np.require(tr.data, dtype="float32", requirements="C")
    if hasattr(tr.stats, "mseed"):
        tr.stats.mseed.encoding = "FLOAT32"

    tr.write(processing_info["output_filename"], format=tr.stats._format)