Exemplo n.º 1
    def extract(self, **args):

        area = args['area']
        variable = args['variable']
        inputLat = args['lat']
        inputLon = args['lon']

#        lat_min = regionConfig.regions[area][1]['llcrnrlat']
#        lat_max = regionConfig.regions[area][1]['urcrnrlat']
#        lon_min = regionConfig.regions[area][1]['llcrnrlon']
#        lon_max = regionConfig.regions[area][1]['urcrnrlon']
#        grid = self.get_grid(params=args,
#                             lonrange=(lon_min, lon_max),
#                             latrange=(lat_min, lat_max))

        grid = self.get_grid(params=args)

        #extract lat/lon and value
        (lat, lon), (latIndex, lonIndex) = Extractor.getGridPoint(inputLat, inputLon, grid.lats, grid.lons,
        value = grid.data[latIndex, lonIndex]
        value = value * 1000
        if value is ma.masked:
            raise LandError()
        #return extracted values
        return (lat, lon), value
Exemplo n.º 2
    def extract(self, **args):

        area = args['area']
        variable = args['variable']
        inputLat = args['lat']
        inputLon = args['lon']
        step = args['step']

        #        lat_min = regionConfig.regions[area][1]['llcrnrlat']
        #        lat_max = regionConfig.regions[area][1]['urcrnrlat']
        #        lon_min = regionConfig.regions[area][1]['llcrnrlon']
        #        lon_max = regionConfig.regions[area][1]['urcrnrlon']

        latestFilePath = serverCfg['dataDir'][
            'currents'] + 'daily/latest_HYCOM_currents.nc'
        grid = currentforecastGrid(latestFilePath, latestFilePath, ('u', 'v'),
                                   (-90, 90), (105, 295), (0, FORECAST_STEPS))

        #extract lat/lon and value
        step = int(step)
        u = grid.data[0][step]
        v = grid.data[1][step]
        mag = np.sqrt(u**2 + v**2)
        (lat, lon), (latIndex, lonIndex) = Extractor.getGridPoint(
            inputLat, inputLon, grid.lats, grid.lons, mag)
        value = mag[latIndex, lonIndex]

        if value is ma.masked:
            raise LandError()

        #return extracted values
        return (lat, lon), value
Exemplo n.º 3
    def extract(self, **args):
        response = {}
        area = args['area']
        variable = args['variable']
        period = args['period']
        inputLat = args['lat']
        inputLon = args['lon']

        monthNoStr = args['date'].strftime('%m')
        yearStr = args['date'].strftime('%Y')
        dateStr = args['date'].strftime('%d')
        step = int(args['step'])

        if period == 'hourly':
                variable = self.VARIABLE_MAP[variable]
            except KeyError:
                response['error'] = "The variable %s is not found. " % variable
                return response

            fileName = 'ww3.glob_24m.' + yearStr + monthNoStr + '.nc4'   #ww3.glob_24m.197901.nc4
            filePath = os.path.join(serverCfg['dataDir']['ww3'], period, fileName)

            lat_min = regionConfig.regions[area][1]['llcrnrlat']
            lat_max = regionConfig.regions[area][1]['urcrnrlat']
            lon_min = regionConfig.regions[area][1]['llcrnrlon']
            lon_max = regionConfig.regions[area][1]['urcrnrlon']

            # Get grid from the file
#            grid = ww3Grid(filePath, filePath, variable, (lat_min, lat_max), (lon_min, lon_max), (0, FORECAST_STEPS), params= args)
            grid = ww3Grid(filePath, filePath, variable, (-90, 90), (0, 360), (0, FORECAST_STEPS), params= args)

            #extract lat/lon and value
            (lat, lon), (latIndex, lonIndex) = Extractor.getGridPoint(inputLat, inputLon, grid.lats, grid.lons,
            value = grid.data[step][latIndex, lonIndex]
            if value is ma.masked:
                raise LandError()
            response['value'] = float(value)
            response['error'] = "Only hourly data is available. Please choose hourly period."

        return response
Exemplo n.º 4
    def extract(self, **args):

        area = args['area']
        variable = args['variable']
        inputLat = args['lat']
        inputLon = args['lon']
        step = args['step']

        #        lat_min = regionConfig.regions[area][1]['llcrnrlat']
        #        lat_max = regionConfig.regions[area][1]['urcrnrlat']
        #        lon_min = regionConfig.regions[area][1]['llcrnrlon']
        #        lon_max = regionConfig.regions[area][1]['urcrnrlon']

        fileName = serverCfg['dataDir']['ww3forecast'] + 'ww3_????????_??.nc'
        latestFilePath = max(glob.iglob(fileName), key=os.path.getctime)

        #        grid = ww3forecastGrid(latestFilePath, latestFilePath, variable,
        #                                    latrange=(lat_min, lat_max),
        #                                    lonrange=(lon_min, lon_max),
        #                                    depthrange=(0, FORECAST_STEPS))

        grid = ww3forecastGrid(latestFilePath,
                               latrange=(-90, 90),
                               lonrange=(0, 360),
                               depthrange=(0, FORECAST_STEPS))

        if variable == 'wnd_spd':
            grid.data = grid.data * 1.94384449

        #extract lat/lon and value
        step = int(step)
        (lat, lon), (latIndex, lonIndex) = Extractor.getGridPoint(
            inputLat, inputLon, grid.lats, grid.lons, grid.data[step])
        value = grid.data[step][latIndex, lonIndex]

        if value is ma.masked:
            raise LandError()

        #return extracted values
        return (lat, lon), value
Exemplo n.º 5

        return (latidx, latidx + 1), (lonidx, lonidx + 1), (0, 0)

    def load_data(self, variable):
        return variable

    def clip_data(self, variable, (lat_idx1, lat_idx2), (lon_idx1, lon_idx2),
                  (depth_idx1, depth_idx2)):

        data = variable[:, lat_idx1, lon_idx1]

        if data[0] is ma.masked:
            raise LandError()

        return data

class SeaLevelSurfacePlotter(SurfacePlotter):
    DATASET = 'sealevel'

    #    PRODUCT_NAME = """
    #IB not removed; seasonal not removed; global trend not removed; GIA removed
    #Data from CSIRO CMAR"""

    def __init__(self, variable):
        super(SeaLevelSurfacePlotter, self).__init__()
        if variable == "rec":
            self.PRODUCT_NAME = """
Exemplo n.º 6
def extract(**args):
    area = args['area']
    variable = args['variable']
    inputLat = args['lat']
    inputLon = np.mod(args['lon'], 360.0)
    area = args['area']
    period = args['period']
    inputDate = args["date"]
    date = inputDate.strftime('%Y%m%d')
    yearStr = '%04i' % inputDate.year
    monthStr = '%02i' % inputDate.month
    yearMonthStr = yearStr + monthStr

#    if variable == 'uv':
#        variable = 'u'
#    elif variable == 'uveta':
#        variable = 'eta'

#    lat_min = regionConfig.regions[area][1]['llcrnrlat']
#    lat_max = regionConfig.regions[area][1]['urcrnrlat']
#    lon_min = regionConfig.regions[area][1]['llcrnrlon']
#    lon_max = regionConfig.regions[area][1]['urcrnrlon']

    lat_min = -999.0 
    lat_max = 999.0 
    lon_min = -999.0 
    lon_max = 999.0 
    # Load surface data
    if variable == 'uv':
        if period == 'monthly':    
            input_data_file = os.path.join(server_config['dataDir']['bran'],
                                           period, 'u',
                                           'u_%s_%s.nc4' % (yearStr, monthStr))
            lats, lons, zlevels, u = \
                branPlotterNew.load_BRAN_data(input_data_file, 'u',
                                                  lat_min, lat_max,
                                                  lon_min, lon_max)
            input_data_file = os.path.join(server_config['dataDir']['bran'],
                                           period, 'v',
                                           'v_%s_%s.nc4' % (yearStr, monthStr))
            lats, lons, zlevels, v = \
                branPlotterNew.load_BRAN_data(input_data_file, 'v',
                                              lat_min, lat_max,
                                              lon_min, lon_max)
            input_data_file = os.path.join(server_config['dataDir']['bran'],
                                               'averages', period, 'u',
                                               BRAN_VERSION + '_%smthavg_%s_%s.nc4' % (monthInt, months[0].strftime('%Y%m'), months[-1].strftime('%Y%m')))
            lats, lons, zlevels, u = \
                branPlotterNew.load_BRAN_data(input_data_file, 'u',
                                              lat_min, lat_max,
                                              lon_min, lon_max)
            input_data_file = os.path.join(server_config['dataDir']['bran'],
                                               'averages', period, 'v',
                                               BRAN_VERSION + '_%smthavg_%s_%s.nc4' % (monthInt, months[0].strftime('%Y%m'), months[-1].strftime('%Y%m')))
            lats, lons, zlevels, v = \
                branPlotterNew.load_BRAN_data(input_data_file, 'v',
                                              lat_min, lat_max,
                                              lon_min, lon_max)
        data = np.sqrt(u**2 + v**2)  
        if period == 'monthly':
            input_data_file = os.path.join(server_config['dataDir']['bran'],
                                          period, variable,
                                         '%s_%s_%s.nc4' % (variable,
            monthInt = int(''.join(i for i in period if i.isdigit()))
            months = dateRange.getMonths(date, monthInt)
            input_data_file = os.path.join(server_config['dataDir']['bran'],
                                          'averages', period, variable,
                                          BRAN_VERSION + '_%smthavg_%s_%s.nc4' % (monthInt, months[0].strftime('%Y%m'), months[-1].strftime('%Y%m')))

        lats, lons, zlevels, data = \
            branPlotterNew.load_BRAN_data(input_data_file, variable,
                                          lat_min, lat_max,
                                          lon_min, lon_max)

    #extract lat/lon and value
    (lat, lon), (latIndex, lonIndex) = Extractor.getGridPoint(inputLat, inputLon, lats, lons,
    value = data[latIndex, lonIndex]
    if value is ma.masked:
        raise LandError()
    #return extracted values
    return (lat, lon), value
Exemplo n.º 7
def RosePlot(opath, wdir, units, lat, lon, ilat, ilon, xstr, title, var, binwd):

    '''Plots a windrose of angular values in wdir, with annotations

       wdir -- an array of angles in the range (0,360). (NumPy Array)
       units -- measurements units for wdir variable. (float)
       lat -- latitude of point. (float)
       lon -- longitude of point. (float)
       xstr -- x-axis label. (string)
       title -- plot title. (string)
       var -- the variable that is measured by wdir. (string)
       binwd -- width of histogram bins. (float)

       rosefig -- An annotated windrose of wdir values.

    #set number of bins and max bin value.
    N,wdnbin,wdmax = 8,8,2*np.pi
    degree = ur'\u00b0'
    if wdir[0] == -999.0:
       raise LandError()
    #flip directions as WWIII direction are given in meteorological convention.
    if var == "Dm":
        wdir = conv.dirflip(wdir)
        wdir = conv.dirshift(wdir)
        wdir = conv.dirshift(wdir)
    #make a basic histogram of wave directions over the range (-22.5,337.5).
        whist = np.histogram(wdir, wdnbin, (-22.5,337.5), density=False)
    except TypeError:
        # support older numpy
        whist = np.histogram(wdir, wdnbin, (-22.5,337.5), normed=False)

    #calculate mean bearing
    meanb = meanbearing(wdir)
    #force square figure and square axes looks better for polar
    rosefig = figure(figsize=(10,7.5))
    ax = rosefig.add_axes([0.075, 0.1, 0.6, 0.725], polar=True)
    #plot radial gridlines at seperations of 45 degrees
    plt.thetagrids((0,45,90,135,180,225,270,315),('N', '45' + degree, 'E', '135' + degree, 'S', '215' + degree, 'W', '315' + degree),frac = 1.1)
    #rotate axis to zero at North and set direction of increasing angle clockwise.
    plt.rgrids((0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9), angle=0)
        # hack around older matplotlib

    #lines, labels = plt.rgrids()
    #set Nmax
    Nmax = 1
    #initialize prob and perc arrays
    prob = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
    perc = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
    #variable to normalize bins so that they sum to 1 (probability)
    normalizer = 1/float(len(wdir))
    #normalize histogram to calculate probabilities and percentages
    for i in range(0,N):
        prob[i] = float(whist[0][i])*normalizer
        perc[i] = round(100*prob[i],2)

    units = '%'
    theta = np.linspace(-2*np.pi/(2*N), 2*np.pi-2*np.pi/(2*N), N, endpoint=False)
    #some basic settings for graphics
    width = 2*np.pi/N
    length = np.size(wdir)
    #rounded mean bearing for labelling purposes
    meanbr = round((meanb*180)/(np.pi),1)
    #set up bar chart properties
    bars = ax.bar(theta, prob, width, bottom=0.0)
    my_cmap = hc.decile_rose()
    #plot a line to indicate mean bearing
    ax.arrow(0, 0, meanb, 1.0, edgecolor = 'r', facecolor = 'r', lw='3')
    #plot bar chart of histogram in theta space
    for r,bar in zip(prob, bars):
    formilat,formilon =  NESWformat(ilat,ilon)
    formlat,formlon = NESWformat(lat,lon)
    #various annotations to plot
    plt.figtext(0.76, 0.82,'Probabilities:', fontsize = 10, weight = 550)
    plt.figtext(0.76, 0.575,'Location & Plot Data:', fontsize=10, weight = 550)

    plt.figtext(0.76, 0.51, 'Input Lat/Lon:\n %s %s' % (formilat,formilon), fontsize=10)
    plt.figtext(0.76, 0.46, 'Grid Lat/Lon:\n %s %s' % (formlat, formlon), fontsize=10)

    plt.figtext(0.76, 0.425, 'Data points: %s' % length, fontsize=10)
    plt.figtext(0.76, 0.4, 'Bins: %s' % int(N), fontsize=10)
    plt.figtext(0.76, 0.375, 'Bin Width: %s %s' % (binwd, degree), fontsize=10)

    plt.figtext(0.76, 0.275, 'Mean Bearing: %s%s %s' % (meanbr, degree,'T'), color='r', fontsize=10)
    #display wave direction percentages for 8 primary compass points in the windrose
    plt.figtext(0.76, 0.325, 'Directional Statistics:', fontsize=10, weight=550)
    plt.figtext(0.76, 0.25, 'North: %s %s' % (perc[0], units), fontsize=10)
    plt.figtext(0.76, 0.225, 'North East: %s %s' % (perc[1], units), fontsize=10)
    plt.figtext(0.76, 0.2, 'East: %s %s' % (perc[2], units), fontsize=10)
    plt.figtext(0.76, 0.175, 'South East: %s %s' % (perc[3], units), fontsize=10)
    plt.figtext(0.76, 0.15, 'South: %s %s' % (perc[4], units), fontsize=10)
    plt.figtext(0.76, 0.125, 'South West: %s %s' % (perc[5], units), fontsize=10)
    plt.figtext(0.76, 0.1, 'West: %s %s' % (perc[6], units), fontsize=10)
    plt.figtext(0.76, 0.075, 'North West: %s %s' % (perc[7], units), fontsize=10)
    #Bureau of Meteorology Copyright
    plt.figtext(0.58, 0.03, u'WAVEWATCH III$^{\u24C7}$', fontsize=10)
    plt.figtext(0.02, 0.02, getCopyright(), fontsize=8)
    #define image name
    imgname = opath + '.png'
     #write image file


Exemplo n.º 8
def HistPlot(opath, wheight, units, lat, lon, ilat, ilon, xstr, title, var, binwd):
    '''Returns a normalized, annotated histogram for values of wheight

       wheight -- an array of positive doubles. (NumPy Array)
       units -- units associated with wheight. (string)
       lat -- latitude of the point. (float)
       lon -- longitude of the point. (float)
       xstr -- x-axis label. (string)
       title -- title of the plot. (string)
       var -- variable associated with the values in wheight. (string)
       binwd -- width of histogram bins. (float)

       histfig -- An annotated histogram of wheight values.
    #calculate the values of some pertinent statistical quantities
    wavg = np.average(wheight)
    wavgr = round(wavg,2)
    maxwave = round(np.max(wheight),2)
    minwave = round(np.min(wheight),2)
    imaxwave = int(maxwave)+ 1
    iminwave = int(minwave)- 1
    Nmax = imaxwave
    Nmin = iminwave
    length = np.size(wheight)
    debug = False
    #calculate range of data
    #binthresh = maxwave - minwave
    #Error message if selected coordinates are out of range or on land
    if maxwave == -999.0:
       raise LandError()
    #alter bin width depending on range of data
    #if binthresh < 10:
     #  binwd = 0.1
    #elif binthresh > 10:
      # binwd = 0.2
      # print "Error"
    #bins per unit and total number of bins
    binperunit = float(1/binwd)
    binnum = (Nmax - Nmin)*binperunit
    initial = round(0.001,3)
    final = round(Nmax+0.001,3)

    #histogram of selected variable
        whist,wbins = np.histogram(wheight, Nmax * binperunit,
                                   (initial, final), density=True)
    except TypeError:
        # support older numpy
        whist,wbins = np.histogram(wheight, Nmax * binperunit,
                                   (initial, final), normed=True)

    #print wbins
    #calculate max and mins of histogram
    maxy = np.max(whist*binwd)
    maxx = np.max(wheight)
    minx = np.min(wheight)
    #do some basic statistics on histogram, std. deviation and quartiles.
    q1 = round(sci.stats.scoreatpercentile(wheight,25),1)
    q3 = round(sci.stats.scoreatpercentile(wheight,75),1)
    #set up figure
    histfig=plt.figure(figsize = (10,7.5))
    whistnorm = whist*binwd
    #np.hist(wheight,100,(0,Nmax),color='b',normed=True, histtype = 'stepfille)
    #set up bar chart properties
    if debug == True:

        FILE = open('/home/jsmith/Test/verification/WW3' + '_' + str(lat) + '_' + str(lon) + '_' + var + '_array.txt', "w")
        FILE.writelines(list( "%s \n" % i for i in whist))

    my_cmap = hc.quartile_colors(wheight,wavg,Nmax,binwd)

    #bar chart of histogram
    for r,bar in zip(wbins[:-1], bars):

    #specify plot properties and plot guassian kde and average line
    #histax.plot(x, approximate_pdf(x), color = 'black', linewidth=3, alpha=1)
    histax.axvline(wavg, color='r', lw='3')
    #choose which legend to display based on variable
    if var == 'Hs':
    #plt.figtext(0.79,0.175, 'Rogue Wave Height: %s %s' % (2*wavgr,units), fontsize = 10, color = 'm')
    elif var == 'Tm':
    formilat, formilon = NESWformat(ilat,ilon)
    formlat, formlon = NESWformat(lat,lon)
    #specify graph grid properties
    xticks = [10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100]
    plt.xticks = xticks, [('%s' % str(x/10))]
    #x,y axis labels
    plt.xlabel('%s (%s)' % (xstr,units), fontsize=12)
    plt.ylabel('Frequency', fontsize=12)
    #various annotations for graphics
    plt.figtext(0.79, 0.775, 'Distribution:', fontsize=10, weight=550)
    plt.figtext(0.79, 0.615, 'Location & Plot Data:',fontsize = 10, weight = 550)
    plt.figtext(0.79, 0.55, 'Input Lat/Lon:\n %s %s' % (formilat,formilon), fontsize=10)
    plt.figtext(0.79, 0.50, 'Grid Lat/Lon:\n %s %s' % (formlat,formlon), fontsize=10)

    plt.figtext(0.79, 0.465, 'Data points: %s' % length ,fontsize=10)
    plt.figtext(0.79, 0.44, 'Bins: %s'  % int(binnum), fontsize=10)
    plt.figtext(0.79, 0.415, 'Bin Width: %s %s' % (binwd,units), fontsize=10)
    plt.figtext(0.79, 0.365, 'Statistical Information:', fontsize=10, weight=550)

    plt.figtext(0.79, 0.265, 'Mean: %s %s' % (round(wavgr,1), units), color='r', fontsize=10)
    plt.figtext(0.79, 0.315, 'Max: %s %s' % (round(maxwave,1), units), fontsize=10)
    plt.figtext(0.79, 0.215, 'Min: %s %s' % (round(minwave,1), units), fontsize=10)

    plt.figtext(0.79, 0.24,'25th Percentile: %s %s' % (round(q1,1),units), fontsize=10)
    plt.figtext(0.79, 0.29,'75th Percentile: %s %s' % (round(q3,1),units), fontsize=10)
    #Bureau of Meteorology Copyright
    plt.figtext(0.68, 0.03, u'WAVEWATCH III$^{\u24C7}$', fontsize=10)
    plt.figtext(0.02, 0.02, getCopyright(), fontsize=8)
     #define image name
    imgname = opath + '.png'
     #write image file

