Exemplo n.º 1
def mlogit_warp_grad(alpha, nu, q, y, max_itr=8000, tol=1e-4,
                     deltaO=0.008, deltag=0.008, display=0):
    calculates optimal warping for functional multinomial logistic regression

    :param alpha: scalar
    :param nu: numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of M functions with N samples
    :param q: numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of M functions with N samples
    :param y: numpy ndarray of shape (1,N) of M functions with N samples
    :param max_itr: maximum number of iterations (Default=8000)
    :param tol: stopping tolerance (Default=1e-10)
    :param deltaO: gradient step size for rotation (Default=0.008)
    :param deltag: gradient step size for warping (Default=0.008)
    :param display: display iterations (Default=0)

    :rtype: tuple of numpy array
    :return gam_old: warping function


    alpha = alpha/norm(alpha)
    q, scale = cf.scale_curve(q)  # q/norm(q)
    for ii in range(0, nu.shape[2]):
        nu[:, :, ii], scale = cf.scale_curve(nu[:, :, ii])  # nu/norm(nu)

    gam_old, O_old = mw.ocmlogit_warp(np.ascontiguousarray(alpha),
                                      np.ascontiguousarray(y, dtype=np.int32),
                                      max_itr, tol, deltaO, deltag, display)

    return (gam_old, O_old)
Exemplo n.º 2
import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import norm
import fdasrsf as fs
import ocmlogit_warp as mw
import h5py

fun = h5py.File('/home/dtucker/fdasrsf/debug_data_oc_mlogit.h5')
q = fun['q'][:]
y = fun['y'][:]
alpha = fun['alpha'][:]
nu = fun['nu'][:]

max_itr = 8000  # 4000
tol = 1e-4
deltag = .05
deltaO = .08
display = 1

alpha = alpha / norm(alpha)
q, scale = fs.scale_curve(q)  # q/norm(q)
for ii in range(0, nu.shape[2]):
    nu[:, :, ii], scale = fs.scale_curve(nu[:, :, ii])  # nu/norm(nu)

gam_old, O_old = mw.ocmlogit_warp(np.ascontiguousarray(alpha),
                                  np.ascontiguousarray(y, dtype=np.int32),
                                  max_itr, tol, deltaO, deltag, display)
Exemplo n.º 3
import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import norm
import fdasrsf as fs
import ocmlogit_warp as mw
import h5py

fun = h5py.File('/home/dtucker/fdasrsf/debug_data_oc_mlogit.h5')
q = fun['q'][:]
y = fun['y'][:]
alpha = fun['alpha'][:]
nu = fun['nu'][:]

max_itr = 8000  # 4000
tol = 1e-4
deltag = .05
deltaO = .08
display = 1

alpha = alpha/norm(alpha)
q, scale = fs.scale_curve(q)  # q/norm(q)
for ii in range(0, nu.shape[2]):
    nu[:, :, ii], scale = fs.scale_curve(nu[:, :, ii])  # nu/norm(nu)

gam_old, O_old = mw.ocmlogit_warp(np.ascontiguousarray(alpha),
                           np.ascontiguousarray(y, dtype=np.int32), max_itr,
                           tol, deltaO, deltag, display)