def ocr_api(): image = request.files['img']['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], "down.jpg")) img = cv2.imread('down.jpg') text = run_ocr(img) # pos = text.find('EXP') # target = text[pos: pos+10] # pos = target.find("/") # date = target[pos-2: pos] + target[pos+1: pos+3] print(text) date = "" try: date ='[0-9]+/[0-9]+', text).group() text2 = text[text.find(date) + 3:] try: date ='[0-9]+/[0-9]+', text2).group() except: pass except: return json.dumps("sorry can't read date please retake image") return json.dumps(date)
def creator(files, printer): printer.sprint('Initializing OCR...', 0, 0) if threading.currentThread().getName() != 'MainThread': pythoncom.CoInitialize() #socket.emit() docs = [ 'Bank Statement', 'Bill Statement', 'Loan Repayment Schedule', 'CAT Template' ] template_loc = "static/template" temp_loc = "static/temp" output_loc = "static/output" upload_loc = "static/uploads" wd = os.getcwd().replace("\\", "/") + "/" template = template_loc + '/template.xlsm' output = output_loc + '/output.xlsm' shutil.copy(template, output) def adder(file_path): xl = win32.gencache.EnsureDispatch('Excel.Application') xl.Visible = False # change to False after development xl.DisplayAlerts = False xl.AskToUpdateLinks = False output_xl = xl.Workbooks.Open(wd + output_loc + '/output.xlsm') file_xl = xl.Workbooks.Open(file_path) file_xl.Sheets(1).Activate() for j in xl.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets: xl.DisplayAlerts = False j.Copy(After=output_xl.Sheets(output_xl.Sheets.Count)) xl.DisplayAlerts = False file_xl.Close(SaveChanges=False) output_xl.Sheets(1).Activate() for k in xl.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets: if k.Name not in ["Introduction", "Summary", "User Metric"]: k.Activate() k.Visible = False output_xl.Save() # def adder(file_path): # xl = win32.gencache.EnsureDispatch('Excel.Application') # xl.Visible = False # change to False after development # xl.DisplayAlerts = False # output_xl = xl.Workbooks.Open(wd + output_loc + '/output.xlsm') # file_xl = xl.Workbooks.Open(file_path) # file_xl.Sheets(1).Activate() # # for j in xl.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets: # j.Activate() # j.Visible = 1 # j.Copy(After=output_xl.Sheets(output_xl.Sheets.Count)) # file_xl.Close() # # output_xl.Sheets(1).Activate() # for k in xl.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets: # if k.Name != "Introduction": # k.Activate() # k.Visible = False # # output_xl.Save() # xl.Quit() # def adder(file_path): # xl = win32.gencache.EnsureDispatch('Excel.Application') # xl.Visible = False # change to False after development # xl.DisplayAlerts = False # xl.AskToUpdateLinks = False # output_xl = xl.Workbooks.Open(wd + output_loc + '/output.xlsm', UpdateLinks=False) # file_xl = xl.Workbooks.Open(file_path, UpdateLinks=False) # file_xl.Sheets(1).Activate() # # for j in xl.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets: # j.Activate() # j.Visible = 1 # j.Copy(After=output_xl.Sheets(output_xl.Sheets.Count)) # file_xl.Close() # # output_xl.Sheets(1).Activate() # for k in xl.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets: # if k.Name != "Introduction": # k.Activate() # k.Visible = False # # output_xl.Save() # xl.Quit() def identifier(file): if 'bank' in file.lower(): return 'BaS', docs[0] elif 'bill' in file.lower(): return 'BiS', docs[1] elif 'facility' in file.lower(): return 'LR', docs[2] elif 'cat' in file.lower(): return 'CAT', docs[3] else: return "Not a compatible document type." printer.sprint('Identifying documents...', 4, 0) #frames = {'BiS': None, 'LR': None, 'BaS': None, 'CAT': None} frames = {} for file in files: doc_type, doc_name = identifier(file) if doc_type == 'CAT': printer.sprint('Reading CAT Template...', 7, 0) adder(file) continue data, coor, conf = run_ocr(file, doc_type, printer).multi_page_reader() frames[doc_type] = { 'filename': file, 'docname': doc_name, 'data': data, 'coor': coor, 'conf': conf } printer.sprint('Storing Data...', 11, 0) with pd.ExcelWriter(temp_loc + '/temp.xlsx') as writer: for doc_type in frames: if doc_type == 'CAT': continue doc_name = frames[doc_type]['docname'] coor = '_coor' + doc_type conf = '_conf' + doc_type frames[doc_type]['data'].to_excel(writer, sheet_name=doc_name) frames[doc_type]['coor'].to_excel(writer, sheet_name=coor) frames[doc_type]['conf'].to_excel(writer, sheet_name=conf) frames[doc_type]['sheets'] = [doc_name, coor, conf] adder(wd + temp_loc + '/temp.xlsx') xl = win32.gencache.EnsureDispatch('Excel.Application') xl.Visible = False # change to False after development xl.DisplayAlerts = False xl.AskToUpdateLinks = False output_xl = xl.Workbooks.Open(wd + output_loc + '/output.xlsm', UpdateLinks=False) #output_xl.Sheets("Sheet1").Delete() output_xl.Sheets(1).Activate() output_xl.VBProject.VBComponents('Sheet1').CodeModule.AddFromString( 'Option Explicit') # try: # xl.Application.Run("output.xlsm!Module3.InsertPivotTable") # except: # pass _sheets = {} for i, j in enumerate(xl.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets): j.Activate() _sheets[j.Name] = [i + 1, j.CodeName] printer.sprint('Creating Excel file...', 10, 0) for i in frames: if i == "CAT": continue data_sheet, coor_sheet, conf_sheet = frames[i]['sheets'] print(data_sheet, coor_sheet, conf_sheet) # output_xl.Sheets(data_sheet).Visible = False # output_xl.Sheets(coor_sheet).Visible = False # output_xl.Sheets(conf_sheet).Visible = False # output_xl.Sheets(data_sheet).Activate() data_ws = output_xl.Sheets(data_sheet) data_ws.Visible = True data_ws.Activate() data = data_ws.Range("B:Z") data.Select() data.FormatConditions.Add( 2, Formula1='=if({0}!B1 <> "", {0}!B1<85, False)'.format(conf_sheet)) #data.FormatConditions(data.FormatConditions.Count).SetFirstPriority() data.FormatConditions( data.FormatConditions.Count).Interior.ColorIndex = 22 output_xl.Save() pagecol = frames[i]['coor'].columns.get_loc("Page Number") col = chr(pagecol + 98).capitalize() maxpg = frames[i]['coor']["Page Number"].max() pagels = {} pageurl = {} for j in range(int(maxpg)): name = wd + 'sample{}/{}.jpg'.format(i, j + 1) img = cv2.imread(name, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) pagels[j + 1] = img.shape pageurl[j + 1] = name w_factor = 600 / pagels[1][1] selector_code = '''Option Explicit Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) On Error Resume Next 'Dim words As Collection 'Set words = CollectionCreator() Dim Range As Range Dim rCell As Range If Selection.Count > 0 And Selection.Count < 3 Then On Error Resume Next Call DeleteAllShapes For Each rCell In Target.Cells Dim rng As String Dim val As String Dim i As Integer Dim msgString As String Dim coordinates() As String rng = rCell.Address(RowAbsolute:=False, ColumnAbsolute:=False) val = Worksheets("{0}").Range(rng).Value If Not val = "" Then coordinates = Split(val, " ") Dim vArr() As String Dim row_num As String Dim pn_address As String Dim pn As String Dim name As String Dim top As Double Dim shp as Object vArr = Split(rCell.Address(True, False), "$") row_num = vArr(1) pn_address = "{1}" & row_num pn = Worksheets("{0}").Range(pn_address).Value name = "page" & pn ActiveSheet.Shapes(name).Visible = True ActiveSheet.Shapes(name).Width = 600 top = ActiveSheet.Shapes(name).top For Each shp In ActiveSheet.Shapes If <> name Then shp.Visible = False Next shp 'If Exists(words, range) Then Dim x As Double: x = coordinates(0)*{2} Dim y As Double: y = coordinates(1)*{2} + top Dim w As Double: w = coordinates(2)*{2} Dim h As Double: h = coordinates(3)*{2} 'Dim name As String: name = coordinates(4) Call BoxCreator(x, y, w, h) 'Else 'Call DeleteAllShapes End If Next rCell End If End Sub'''.format(coor_sheet, col, w_factor) # print(_sheets) # for i in output_xl.VBProject.VBComponents: # print(i) # print(i.Name) # print(i.Properties) output_xl.VBProject.VBComponents(str( _sheets[data_sheet][1])).CodeModule.AddFromString(selector_code) data_ws.Visible = True data_ws.Activate() xl.Range("B1").Select() # add the () at the end here xl.ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True data_ws.Columns("A").ColumnWidth = 106 data_ws.Columns("A").Font.ColorIndex = 2 #xl.Selection.ClearContents() # print(pageurl) for l in pageurl: # data_ws.Activate() entry_index = frames[i]['coor'].index[ frames[i]['coor']["Page Number"] == l].tolist()[0] + 1 top = xl.Range("A" + str(entry_index)).Top link = pageurl[l].replace("/", "\\") pic = data_ws.Shapes.AddPicture(link, LinkToFile=False, SaveWithDocument=True, Left=0, Top=0, Width=-1, Height=-1) pic.Name = 'page' + str(l) pic.Left = 0 pic.Top = top pic.Width = 600 if l == 1: pic.Visible = True else: pic.Visible = False output_xl.Sheets(1).Activate() xl.DisplayAlerts = False output_xl.Save() xl.Quit()
from model import ProductClassifier from ocr import run_ocr from config import * import argparse import time PC = ProductClassifier() PC.load(MODEL_PATH) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Process images.') parser.add_argument('-i', '--image', type=str, help='images of products to identify') args = parser.parse_args() output = list() start = time.time() ocr_result = run_ocr(args.image) print('Ocr time: {0} sec.'.format(round(time.time() - start, 2))) product_name, class_probabilities = PC.predict(ocr_result) print('Full time: {0} sec.'.format(round(time.time() - start, 2))) print(product_name, class_probabilities.max())
from ocr import run_ocr from excel import excel_coor import pandas as pd #data, coor, conf = run_ocr('Obligor_5_Facility_Letter_Dah_Sing.pdf', 'LR').multi_page_reader() data, coor, conf = run_ocr('Obligor_3_DBS_Bills_Statements_Apr.pdf', 'BiS').multi_page_reader() data.to_excel("static/temp/output_info.xlsx") coor.to_excel("static/temp/cor_info.xlsx") excel_coor()
capture = cv2.VideoCapture( f'http://{creds.username}:{creds.password}@{creds.ip}/video') # .jpg image file name image_file = r'outfiles\image.jpg' while True: ret, frame = img = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # grayscaling the image _, th = cv2.threshold(img, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY + cv2.THRESH_OTSU) # applying otsu binarization cv2.imshow('frame', th) k = cv2.waitKey(1) if k == 32: # RETURN Key is pressed r = requests.get(url_af) with open(image_file, 'wb') as f: f.write(r.content) ocr.filter_image(image_file, False) text = ocr.run_ocr(image_file) print(text) with open(r'outfiles\infile.txt', 'w') as f: f.write(text) if k == 27: # ESC Key is pressed break
help="path to input images to be OCR'd", default="images") ap.add_argument("-p", "--preprocess", type=str, help="type of preprocessing to be done", default="thresh") ap.add_argument("--framepath", help="path to OCR output of frames", default="output") args = vars(ap.parse_args()) start = time.perf_counter() frame_extractor.extract_frames(args["video"]) frame_extract_time = time.perf_counter() - start start = time.perf_counter() ocr.run_ocr(args["image_path"], args["preprocess"]) ocr_time = time.perf_counter() - start start = time.perf_counter() match_code.match(args["codefile"], args["framepath"]) code_match_time = time.perf_counter() - start print("\n") print("Frame extraction completed in : ", frame_extract_time) print("\n") print("OCR completed in : ", ocr_time) print("\n") print("Code matching completed in : ", code_match_time)