Exemplo n.º 1
def uploadGcodeFile(target):
	input_name = "file"
	input_upload_name = input_name + "." + settings().get(["server", "uploads", "nameSuffix"])
	input_upload_path = input_name + "." + settings().get(["server", "uploads", "pathSuffix"])
	if input_upload_name in request.values and input_upload_path in request.values:
		if not target in [FileDestinations.LOCAL, FileDestinations.SDCARD]:
			return make_response("Unknown target: %s" % target, 404)

		upload = octoprint.filemanager.util.DiskFileWrapper(request.values[input_upload_name], request.values[input_upload_path])

		# Store any additional user data the caller may have passed.
		userdata = None
		if "userdata" in request.values:
			import json
				userdata = json.loads(request.values["userdata"])
				return make_response("userdata contains invalid JSON", 400)

		if target == FileDestinations.SDCARD and not settings().getBoolean(["feature", "sdSupport"]):
			return make_response("SD card support is disabled", 404)

		sd = target == FileDestinations.SDCARD
		selectAfterUpload = "select" in request.values.keys() and request.values["select"] in valid_boolean_trues
		printAfterSelect = "print" in request.values.keys() and request.values["print"] in valid_boolean_trues

		if sd:
			# validate that all preconditions for SD upload are met before attempting it
			if not (printer.is_operational() and not (printer.is_printing() or printer.is_paused())):
				return make_response("Can not upload to SD card, printer is either not operational or already busy", 409)
			if not printer.is_sd_ready():
				return make_response("Can not upload to SD card, not yet initialized", 409)

		# determine future filename of file to be uploaded, abort if it can't be uploaded
			# FileDestinations.LOCAL = should normally be target, but can't because SDCard handling isn't implemented yet
			futurePath, futureFilename = fileManager.sanitize(FileDestinations.LOCAL, upload.filename)
			futurePath = None
			futureFilename = None

		if futureFilename is None:
			return make_response("Can not upload file %s, wrong format?" % upload.filename, 415)

		if "path" in request.values and request.values["path"]:
			# we currently only support uploads to sdcard via local, so first target is local instead of "target"
			futurePath = fileManager.sanitize_path(FileDestinations.LOCAL, request.values["path"])

		# prohibit overwriting currently selected file while it's being printed
		futureFullPath = fileManager.join_path(FileDestinations.LOCAL, futurePath, futureFilename)
		futureFullPathInStorage = fileManager.path_in_storage(FileDestinations.LOCAL, futureFullPath)

		if not printer.can_modify_file(futureFullPathInStorage, sd):
			return make_response("Trying to overwrite file that is currently being printed: %s" % futureFullPath, 409)

		reselect = printer.is_current_file(futureFullPathInStorage, sd)

		def fileProcessingFinished(filename, absFilename, destination):
			Callback for when the file processing (upload, optional slicing, addition to analysis queue) has

			Depending on the file's destination triggers either streaming to SD card or directly calls selectAndOrPrint.

			if destination == FileDestinations.SDCARD and octoprint.filemanager.valid_file_type(filename, "gcode"):
				return filename, printer.add_sd_file(filename, absFilename, selectAndOrPrint)
				selectAndOrPrint(filename, absFilename, destination)
				return filename

		def selectAndOrPrint(filename, absFilename, destination):
			Callback for when the file is ready to be selected and optionally printed. For SD file uploads this is only
			the case after they have finished streaming to the printer, which is why this callback is also used
			for the corresponding call to addSdFile.

			Selects the just uploaded file if either selectAfterUpload or printAfterSelect are True, or if the
			exact file is already selected, such reloading it.
			if octoprint.filemanager.valid_file_type(added_file, "gcode") and (selectAfterUpload or printAfterSelect or reselect):
				printer.select_file(absFilename, destination == FileDestinations.SDCARD, printAfterSelect)

			added_file = fileManager.add_file(FileDestinations.LOCAL, futureFullPathInStorage, upload, allow_overwrite=True)
		except octoprint.filemanager.storage.StorageError as e:
			if e.code == octoprint.filemanager.storage.StorageError.INVALID_FILE:
				return make_response("Could not upload the file \"{}\", invalid type".format(upload.filename), 400)
				return make_response("Could not upload the file \"{}\"".format(upload.filename), 500)

		if octoprint.filemanager.valid_file_type(added_file, "stl"):
			filename = added_file
			done = True
			filename = fileProcessingFinished(added_file, fileManager.path_on_disk(FileDestinations.LOCAL, added_file), target)
			done = not sd

		if userdata is not None:
			# upload included userdata, add this now to the metadata
			fileManager.set_additional_metadata(FileDestinations.LOCAL, added_file, "userdata", userdata)

		sdFilename = None
		if isinstance(filename, tuple):
			filename, sdFilename = filename

		eventManager.fire(Events.UPLOAD, {"name": futureFilename,
		                                  "path": filename,
		                                  "target": target,

		                                  # TODO deprecated, remove in 1.4.0
		                                  "file": filename})

		files = {}
		location = url_for(".readGcodeFile", target=FileDestinations.LOCAL, filename=filename, _external=True)
			FileDestinations.LOCAL: {
				"name": futureFilename,
				"path": filename,
				"origin": FileDestinations.LOCAL,
				"refs": {
					"resource": location,
					"download": url_for("index", _external=True) + "downloads/files/" + FileDestinations.LOCAL + "/" + filename

		if sd and sdFilename:
			location = url_for(".readGcodeFile", target=FileDestinations.SDCARD, filename=sdFilename, _external=True)
				FileDestinations.SDCARD: {
					"name": sdFilename,
					"path": sdFilename,
					"origin": FileDestinations.SDCARD,
					"refs": {
						"resource": location

		r = make_response(jsonify(files=files, done=done), 201)
		r.headers["Location"] = location
		return r

	elif "foldername" in request.values:
		foldername = request.values["foldername"]

		if not target in [FileDestinations.LOCAL]:
			return make_response("Unknown target: %s" % target, 400)

		futurePath, futureName = fileManager.sanitize(target, foldername)
		if not futureName or not futurePath:
			return make_response("Can't create a folder with an empty name", 400)

		if "path" in request.values and request.values["path"]:
			futurePath = fileManager.sanitize_path(FileDestinations.LOCAL,

		futureFullPath = fileManager.join_path(target, futurePath, futureName)
		if octoprint.filemanager.valid_file_type(futureName):
			return make_response("Can't create a folder named %s, please try another name" % futureName, 409)

			added_folder = fileManager.add_folder(target, futureFullPath)
		except octoprint.filemanager.storage.StorageError as e:
			if e.code == octoprint.filemanager.storage.StorageError.INVALID_DIRECTORY:
				return make_response("Could not create folder {}, invalid directory".format(futureName))
				return make_response("Could not create folder {}".format(futureName))

		location = url_for(".readGcodeFile",
		folder = dict(name=futureName,

		r = make_response(jsonify(folder=folder, done=True), 201)
		r.headers["Location"] = location
		return r

		return make_response("No file to upload and no folder to create", 400)
Exemplo n.º 2
def uploadGcodeFile(target):
	if not target in [FileDestinations.LOCAL, FileDestinations.SDCARD]:
		return make_response("Unknown target: %s" % target, 404)

	input_name = "file"
	input_upload_name = input_name + "." + settings().get(["server", "uploads", "nameSuffix"])
	input_upload_path = input_name + "." + settings().get(["server", "uploads", "pathSuffix"])
	if input_upload_name in request.values and input_upload_path in request.values:
		upload = octoprint.filemanager.util.DiskFileWrapper(request.values[input_upload_name], request.values[input_upload_path])
		return make_response("No file included", 400)

	# Store any additional user data the caller may have passed.
	userdata = None
	if "userdata" in request.values:
		import json
			userdata = json.loads(request.values["userdata"])
			return make_response("userdata contains invalid JSON", 400)

	if target == FileDestinations.SDCARD and not settings().getBoolean(["feature", "sdSupport"]):
		return make_response("SD card support is disabled", 404)

	sd = target == FileDestinations.SDCARD
	selectAfterUpload = "select" in request.values.keys() and request.values["select"] in valid_boolean_trues
	printAfterSelect = "print" in request.values.keys() and request.values["print"] in valid_boolean_trues

	if sd:
		# validate that all preconditions for SD upload are met before attempting it
		if not (printer.is_operational() and not (printer.is_printing() or printer.is_paused())):
			return make_response("Can not upload to SD card, printer is either not operational or already busy", 409)
		if not printer.is_sd_ready():
			return make_response("Can not upload to SD card, not yet initialized", 409)

	# determine current job
	currentFilename = None
	currentOrigin = None
	currentJob = printer.get_current_job()
	if currentJob is not None and "file" in currentJob.keys():
		currentJobFile = currentJob["file"]
		if "name" in currentJobFile.keys() and "origin" in currentJobFile.keys():
			currentFilename = currentJobFile["name"]
			currentOrigin = currentJobFile["origin"]

	# determine future filename of file to be uploaded, abort if it can't be uploaded
		futureFilename = fileManager.sanitize_name(FileDestinations.LOCAL, upload.filename)
		futureFilename = None
	if futureFilename is None:
		return make_response("Can not upload file %s, wrong format?" % upload.filename, 415)

	# prohibit overwriting currently selected file while it's being printed
	if futureFilename == currentFilename and target == currentOrigin and printer.is_printing() or printer.is_paused():
		return make_response("Trying to overwrite file that is currently being printed: %s" % currentFilename, 409)

	def fileProcessingFinished(filename, absFilename, destination):
		Callback for when the file processing (upload, optional slicing, addition to analysis queue) has

		Depending on the file's destination triggers either streaming to SD card or directly calls selectAndOrPrint.

		if destination == FileDestinations.SDCARD and octoprint.filemanager.valid_file_type(filename, "gcode"):
			return filename, printer.add_sd_file(filename, absFilename, selectAndOrPrint)
			selectAndOrPrint(filename, absFilename, destination)
			return filename

	def selectAndOrPrint(filename, absFilename, destination):
		Callback for when the file is ready to be selected and optionally printed. For SD file uploads this is only
		the case after they have finished streaming to the printer, which is why this callback is also used
		for the corresponding call to addSdFile.

		Selects the just uploaded file if either selectAfterUpload or printAfterSelect are True, or if the
		exact file is already selected, such reloading it.
		if octoprint.filemanager.valid_file_type(added_file, "gcode") and (selectAfterUpload or printAfterSelect or (currentFilename == filename and currentOrigin == destination)):
			printer.select_file(absFilename, destination == FileDestinations.SDCARD, printAfterSelect)

	added_file = fileManager.add_file(FileDestinations.LOCAL, upload.filename, upload, allow_overwrite=True)
	if added_file is None:
		return make_response("Could not upload the file %s" % upload.filename, 500)
	if octoprint.filemanager.valid_file_type(added_file, "stl"):
		filename = added_file
		done = True
		filename = fileProcessingFinished(added_file, fileManager.path_on_disk(FileDestinations.LOCAL, added_file), target)
		done = not sd

	if userdata is not None:
		# upload included userdata, add this now to the metadata
		fileManager.set_additional_metadata(FileDestinations.LOCAL, added_file, "userdata", userdata)

	sdFilename = None
	if isinstance(filename, tuple):
		filename, sdFilename = filename

	eventManager.fire(Events.UPLOAD, {"file": filename, "target": target})

	files = {}
	location = url_for(".readGcodeFile", target=FileDestinations.LOCAL, filename=filename, _external=True)
		FileDestinations.LOCAL: {
			"name": filename,
			"origin": FileDestinations.LOCAL,
			"refs": {
				"resource": location,
				"download": url_for("index", _external=True) + "downloads/files/" + FileDestinations.LOCAL + "/" + filename

	if sd and sdFilename:
		location = url_for(".readGcodeFile", target=FileDestinations.SDCARD, filename=sdFilename, _external=True)
			FileDestinations.SDCARD: {
				"name": sdFilename,
				"origin": FileDestinations.SDCARD,
				"refs": {
					"resource": location

	r = make_response(jsonify(files=files, done=done), 201)
	r.headers["Location"] = location
	return r
Exemplo n.º 3
def uploadGcodeFile(target):
	input_name = "file"
	input_upload_name = input_name + "." + settings().get(["server", "uploads", "nameSuffix"])
	input_upload_path = input_name + "." + settings().get(["server", "uploads", "pathSuffix"])
	if input_upload_name in request.values and input_upload_path in request.values:
		if not target in [FileDestinations.LOCAL, FileDestinations.SDCARD]:
			return make_response("Unknown target: %s" % target, 404)

		upload = octoprint.filemanager.util.DiskFileWrapper(request.values[input_upload_name], request.values[input_upload_path])

		# Store any additional user data the caller may have passed.
		userdata = None
		if "userdata" in request.values:
			import json
				userdata = json.loads(request.values["userdata"])
				return make_response("userdata contains invalid JSON", 400)

		if target == FileDestinations.SDCARD and not settings().getBoolean(["feature", "sdSupport"]):
			return make_response("SD card support is disabled", 404)

		sd = target == FileDestinations.SDCARD
		selectAfterUpload = "select" in request.values.keys() and request.values["select"] in valid_boolean_trues
		printAfterSelect = "print" in request.values.keys() and request.values["print"] in valid_boolean_trues

		if sd:
			# validate that all preconditions for SD upload are met before attempting it
			if not (printer.is_operational() and not (printer.is_printing() or printer.is_paused())):
				return make_response("Can not upload to SD card, printer is either not operational or already busy", 409)
			if not printer.is_sd_ready():
				return make_response("Can not upload to SD card, not yet initialized", 409)

		# determine future filename of file to be uploaded, abort if it can't be uploaded
			# FileDestinations.LOCAL = should normally be target, but can't because SDCard handling isn't implemented yet
			canonPath, canonFilename = fileManager.canonicalize(FileDestinations.LOCAL, upload.filename)
			futurePath = fileManager.sanitize_path(FileDestinations.LOCAL, canonPath)
			futureFilename = fileManager.sanitize_name(FileDestinations.LOCAL, canonFilename)
			canonFilename = None
			futurePath = None
			futureFilename = None

		if futureFilename is None:
			return make_response("Can not upload file %s, wrong format?" % upload.filename, 415)

		if "path" in request.values and request.values["path"]:
			# we currently only support uploads to sdcard via local, so first target is local instead of "target"
			futurePath = fileManager.sanitize_path(FileDestinations.LOCAL, request.values["path"])

		# prohibit overwriting currently selected file while it's being printed
		futureFullPath = fileManager.join_path(FileDestinations.LOCAL, futurePath, futureFilename)
		futureFullPathInStorage = fileManager.path_in_storage(FileDestinations.LOCAL, futureFullPath)

		if not printer.can_modify_file(futureFullPathInStorage, sd):
			return make_response("Trying to overwrite file that is currently being printed: %s" % futureFullPath, 409)

		reselect = printer.is_current_file(futureFullPathInStorage, sd)

		user = current_user.get_name()

		def fileProcessingFinished(filename, absFilename, destination):
			Callback for when the file processing (upload, optional slicing, addition to analysis queue) has

			Depending on the file's destination triggers either streaming to SD card or directly calls selectAndOrPrint.

			if destination == FileDestinations.SDCARD and octoprint.filemanager.valid_file_type(filename, "machinecode"):
				return filename, printer.add_sd_file(filename, absFilename, selectAndOrPrint, tags={"source:api", "api:files.sd"})
				selectAndOrPrint(filename, absFilename, destination)
				return filename

		def selectAndOrPrint(filename, absFilename, destination):
			Callback for when the file is ready to be selected and optionally printed. For SD file uploads this is only
			the case after they have finished streaming to the printer, which is why this callback is also used
			for the corresponding call to addSdFile.

			Selects the just uploaded file if either selectAfterUpload or printAfterSelect are True, or if the
			exact file is already selected, such reloading it.
			if octoprint.filemanager.valid_file_type(added_file, "gcode") and (selectAfterUpload or printAfterSelect or reselect):
				printer.select_file(absFilename, destination == FileDestinations.SDCARD, printAfterSelect, user)

			added_file = fileManager.add_file(FileDestinations.LOCAL, futureFullPathInStorage, upload,
		except octoprint.filemanager.storage.StorageError as e:
			if e.code == octoprint.filemanager.storage.StorageError.INVALID_FILE:
				return make_response("Could not upload the file \"{}\", invalid type".format(upload.filename), 400)
				return make_response("Could not upload the file \"{}\"".format(upload.filename), 500)

		if octoprint.filemanager.valid_file_type(added_file, "stl"):
			filename = added_file
			done = True
			filename = fileProcessingFinished(added_file, fileManager.path_on_disk(FileDestinations.LOCAL, added_file), target)
			done = not sd

		if userdata is not None:
			# upload included userdata, add this now to the metadata
			fileManager.set_additional_metadata(FileDestinations.LOCAL, added_file, "userdata", userdata)

		sdFilename = None
		if isinstance(filename, tuple):
			filename, sdFilename = filename

		eventManager.fire(Events.UPLOAD, {"name": futureFilename,
		                                  "path": filename,
		                                  "target": target,

		                                  # TODO deprecated, remove in 1.4.0
		                                  "file": filename})

		files = {}
		location = url_for(".readGcodeFile", target=FileDestinations.LOCAL, filename=filename, _external=True)
			FileDestinations.LOCAL: {
				"name": futureFilename,
				"path": filename,
				"origin": FileDestinations.LOCAL,
				"refs": {
					"resource": location,
					"download": url_for("index", _external=True) + "downloads/files/" + FileDestinations.LOCAL + "/" + filename

		if sd and sdFilename:
			location = url_for(".readGcodeFile", target=FileDestinations.SDCARD, filename=sdFilename, _external=True)
				FileDestinations.SDCARD: {
					"name": sdFilename,
					"path": sdFilename,
					"origin": FileDestinations.SDCARD,
					"refs": {
						"resource": location

		r = make_response(jsonify(files=files, done=done), 201)
		r.headers["Location"] = location
		return r

	elif "foldername" in request.values:
		foldername = request.values["foldername"]

		if not target in [FileDestinations.LOCAL]:
			return make_response("Unknown target: %s" % target, 400)

		canonPath, canonName = fileManager.canonicalize(target, foldername)
		futurePath = fileManager.sanitize_path(target, canonPath)
		futureName = fileManager.sanitize_name(target, canonName)
		if not futureName or not futurePath:
			return make_response("Can't create a folder with an empty name", 400)

		if "path" in request.values and request.values["path"]:
			futurePath = fileManager.sanitize_path(FileDestinations.LOCAL,

		futureFullPath = fileManager.join_path(target, futurePath, futureName)
		if octoprint.filemanager.valid_file_type(futureName):
			return make_response("Can't create a folder named %s, please try another name" % futureName, 409)

			added_folder = fileManager.add_folder(target, futureFullPath, display=canonName)
		except octoprint.filemanager.storage.StorageError as e:
			if e.code == octoprint.filemanager.storage.StorageError.INVALID_DIRECTORY:
				return make_response("Could not create folder {}, invalid directory".format(futureName))
				return make_response("Could not create folder {}".format(futureName))

		location = url_for(".readGcodeFile",
		folder = dict(name=futureName,

		r = make_response(jsonify(folder=folder, done=True), 201)
		r.headers["Location"] = location
		return r

		return make_response("No file to upload and no folder to create", 400)
Exemplo n.º 4
def uploadGcodeFile(target):
    input_name = "file"
    input_upload_name = (input_name + "." +
                         settings().get(["server", "uploads", "nameSuffix"]))
    input_upload_path = (input_name + "." +
                         settings().get(["server", "uploads", "pathSuffix"]))
    if input_upload_name in request.values and input_upload_path in request.values:
        if target not in [FileDestinations.LOCAL, FileDestinations.SDCARD]:

        upload = octoprint.filemanager.util.DiskFileWrapper(

        # Store any additional user data the caller may have passed.
        userdata = None
        if "userdata" in request.values:
            import json

                userdata = json.loads(request.values["userdata"])
            except Exception:
                abort(400, description="userdata contains invalid JSON")

        if target == FileDestinations.SDCARD and not settings().getBoolean(
            ["feature", "sdSupport"]):

        sd = target == FileDestinations.SDCARD
        selectAfterUpload = ("select" in request.values and
                             request.values["select"] in valid_boolean_trues
                             and Permissions.FILES_SELECT.can())
        printAfterSelect = ("print" in request.values
                            and request.values["print"] in valid_boolean_trues
                            and Permissions.PRINT.can())

        if sd:
            # validate that all preconditions for SD upload are met before attempting it
            if not (printer.is_operational()
                    and not (printer.is_printing() or printer.is_paused())):
                    "Can not upload to SD card, printer is either not operational or already busy",
            if not printer.is_sd_ready():
                    description="Can not upload to SD card, not yet initialized"

        # determine future filename of file to be uploaded, abort if it can't be uploaded
            # FileDestinations.LOCAL = should normally be target, but can't because SDCard handling isn't implemented yet
            canonPath, canonFilename = fileManager.canonicalize(
                FileDestinations.LOCAL, upload.filename)
            if request.values.get("path"):
                canonPath = request.values.get("path")
            if request.values.get("filename"):
                canonFilename = request.values.get("filename")

            futurePath = fileManager.sanitize_path(FileDestinations.LOCAL,
            futureFilename = fileManager.sanitize_name(FileDestinations.LOCAL,
        except Exception:
            canonFilename = None
            futurePath = None
            futureFilename = None

        if futureFilename is None:
            abort(415, description="Can not upload file, wrong format?")

        # prohibit overwriting currently selected file while it's being printed
        futureFullPath = fileManager.join_path(FileDestinations.LOCAL,
                                               futurePath, futureFilename)
        futureFullPathInStorage = fileManager.path_in_storage(
            FileDestinations.LOCAL, futureFullPath)

        if not printer.can_modify_file(futureFullPathInStorage, sd):
                "Trying to overwrite file that is currently being printed",

        if (fileManager.file_exists(FileDestinations.LOCAL,
                and request.values.get("noOverwrite") in valid_boolean_trues):
                  description="File already exists and noOverwrite was set")

        reselect = printer.is_current_file(futureFullPathInStorage, sd)

        user = current_user.get_name()

        def fileProcessingFinished(filename, absFilename, destination):
            Callback for when the file processing (upload, optional slicing, addition to analysis queue) has

            Depending on the file's destination triggers either streaming to SD card or directly calls selectAndOrPrint.

            if (destination == FileDestinations.SDCARD
                    and octoprint.filemanager.valid_file_type(
                        filename, "machinecode")):
                return filename, printer.add_sd_file(
                    tags={"source:api", "api:files.sd"},
                selectAndOrPrint(filename, absFilename, destination)
                return filename

        def selectAndOrPrint(filename, absFilename, destination):
            Callback for when the file is ready to be selected and optionally printed. For SD file uploads this is only
            the case after they have finished streaming to the printer, which is why this callback is also used
            for the corresponding call to addSdFile.

            Selects the just uploaded file if either selectAfterUpload or printAfterSelect are True, or if the
            exact file is already selected, such reloading it.
            if octoprint.filemanager.valid_file_type(
                    added_file, "gcode") and (selectAfterUpload
                                              or printAfterSelect or reselect):
                    destination == FileDestinations.SDCARD,

            added_file = fileManager.add_file(
        except octoprint.filemanager.storage.StorageError as e:
            if e.code == octoprint.filemanager.storage.StorageError.INVALID_FILE:
                abort(400, description="Could not upload file, invalid type")
                abort(500, description="Could not upload file")

        if octoprint.filemanager.valid_file_type(added_file, "stl"):
            filename = added_file
            done = True
            filename = fileProcessingFinished(
                fileManager.path_on_disk(FileDestinations.LOCAL, added_file),
            done = not sd

        if userdata is not None:
            # upload included userdata, add this now to the metadata
                                                added_file, "userdata",

        sdFilename = None
        if isinstance(filename, tuple):
            filename, sdFilename = filename

        payload = {
            "name": futureFilename,
            "path": filename,
            "target": target,
            "select": selectAfterUpload,
            "print": printAfterSelect,
        if userdata is not None:
            payload["userdata"] = userdata
        eventManager.fire(Events.UPLOAD, payload)

        files = {}
        location = url_for(
            FileDestinations.LOCAL: {
                "name": futureFilename,
                "path": filename,
                "origin": FileDestinations.LOCAL,
                "refs": {
                    url_for("index", _external=True) + "downloads/files/" +
                    FileDestinations.LOCAL + "/" + urlquote(filename),

        if sd and sdFilename:
            location = url_for(
                FileDestinations.SDCARD: {
                    "name": sdFilename,
                    "path": sdFilename,
                    "origin": FileDestinations.SDCARD,
                    "refs": {
                        "resource": location

        r = make_response(jsonify(files=files, done=done), 201)
        r.headers["Location"] = location
        return r

    elif "foldername" in request.values:
        foldername = request.values["foldername"]

        if target not in [FileDestinations.LOCAL]:
            abort(400, description="target is invalid")

        canonPath, canonName = fileManager.canonicalize(target, foldername)
        futurePath = fileManager.sanitize_path(target, canonPath)
        futureName = fileManager.sanitize_name(target, canonName)
        if not futureName or not futurePath:
            abort(400, description="folder name is empty")

        if "path" in request.values and request.values["path"]:
            futurePath = fileManager.sanitize_path(FileDestinations.LOCAL,

        futureFullPath = fileManager.join_path(target, futurePath, futureName)
        if octoprint.filemanager.valid_file_type(futureName):
                  description="Can't create folder, please try another name")

            added_folder = fileManager.add_folder(target,
        except octoprint.filemanager.storage.StorageError as e:
            if e.code == octoprint.filemanager.storage.StorageError.INVALID_DIRECTORY:
                      description="Could not create folder, invalid directory")
                abort(500, description="Could not create folder")

        location = url_for(
        folder = {
            "name": futureName,
            "path": added_folder,
            "origin": target,
            "refs": {
                "resource": location

        r = make_response(jsonify(folder=folder, done=True), 201)
        r.headers["Location"] = location
        return r

        abort(400, description="No file to upload and no folder to create")
Exemplo n.º 5
def gcodeConvertCommand():
    target = FileDestinations.LOCAL

    # valid file commands, dict mapping command name to mandatory parameters
    valid_commands = {"convert": []}
    command, data, response = get_json_command_from_request(
        request, valid_commands)
    if response is not None:
        return response

    appendGcodeFiles = data['gcodeFilesToAppend']
    del data['gcodeFilesToAppend']

    #	def appendCallback(location, path, sources, **kwargs):
    #		if '_error' in kwargs:
    #			result = kwargs['_error']
    #			return make_response("Could not slice: {result}".format(result=result), 500)
    #		else:
    #			output_path = fileManager.path_on_disk(location, path)
    #			# append additioal gcodes
    #			with open(output_path,'ab') as wfd:
    #				for f in sources:
    #					path = fileManager.path_on_disk(f['origin'], f['name'])
    #					wfd.write( "\n; "+ f['name'] + "\n")
    #					with open(path,'rb') as fd:
    #						shutil.copyfileobj(fd, wfd, 1024*1024*10)
    #					wfd.write( "\nM05\n") # ensure that the laser is off.
    #			#files = {}
    #			#location = url_for(".readGcodeFile", target=target, filename=gcode_name, _external=True)
    #			#result = {
    ##				"name": gcode_name,
    ##				"origin": FileDestinations.LOCAL,
    ##				"refs": {
    ##					"resource": location,
    ##					"download": url_for("index", _external=True) + "downloads/files/" + target + "/" + gcode_name
    ##				}
    ##			}
    #			#r = make_response(jsonify(result), 202)
    #			#r.headers["Location"] = location
    #			#return r

    if command == "convert":
        # TODO stripping non-ascii is a hack - svg contains lots of non-ascii in <text> tags. Fix this!
        import re
        svg = ''.join(i for i in data['svg']
                      if ord(i) < 128)  # strip non-ascii chars like €
        del data['svg']

        import os
        name, _ = os.path.splitext(data['gcode'])

        filename = target + "/temp.svg"

        class Wrapper(object):
            def __init__(self, filename, content):
                self.filename = filename
                self.content = content

            def save(self, absolute_dest_path):
                with open(absolute_dest_path, "w") as d:

        fileObj = Wrapper(filename, svg)

        slicer = "svgtogcode"
        slicer_instance = slicingManager.get_slicer(slicer)
        if slicer_instance.get_slicer_properties()["same_device"] and (
                printer.is_printing() or printer.is_paused()):
            # slicer runs on same device as OctoPrint, slicing while printing is hence disabled
            return make_response(
                "Cannot convert while lasering due to performance reasons".
                format(**locals()), 409)

        if "gcode" in data.keys() and data["gcode"]:
            gcode_name = data["gcode"]
            del data["gcode"]
            import os
            name, _ = os.path.splitext(filename)
            gcode_name = name + ".gco"

        # append number if file exists
        name, ext = os.path.splitext(gcode_name)
        i = 1
        while (fileManager.file_exists(target, gcode_name)):
            gcode_name = name + '.' + str(i) + ext
            i += 1

        # prohibit overwriting the file that is currently being printed
        currentOrigin, currentFilename = _getCurrentFile()
        if currentFilename == gcode_name and currentOrigin == target and (
                printer.is_printing() or printer.is_paused()):
                "Trying to slice into file that is currently being printed: %s"
                % gcode_name, 409)

        if "profile" in data.keys() and data["profile"]:
            profile = data["profile"]
            del data["profile"]
            profile = None

        if "printerProfile" in data.keys() and data["printerProfile"]:
            printerProfile = data["printerProfile"]
            del data["printerProfile"]
            printerProfile = None

        if "position" in data.keys() and data["position"] and isinstance(
                dict) and "x" in data["position"] and "y" in data["position"]:
            position = data["position"]
            del data["position"]
            position = None

        select_after_slicing = False
        if "select" in data.keys() and data["select"] in valid_boolean_trues:
            if not printer.is_operational():
                return make_response(
                    "Printer is not operational, cannot directly select for printing",
            select_after_slicing = True

        print_after_slicing = False
        if "print" in data.keys() and data["print"] in valid_boolean_trues:
            if not printer.is_operational():
                return make_response(
                    "Printer is not operational, cannot directly start printing",
            select_after_slicing = print_after_slicing = True

        override_keys = [
            k for k in data if k.startswith("profile.") and data[k] is not None
        overrides = dict()
        for key in override_keys:
            overrides[key[len("profile."):]] = data[key]

        def slicing_done(target, gcode_name, select_after_slicing,
                         print_after_slicing, append_these_files):
            # append additioal gcodes
            output_path = fileManager.path_on_disk(target, gcode_name)
            with open(output_path, 'ab') as wfd:
                for f in append_these_files:
                    path = fileManager.path_on_disk(f['origin'], f['name'])
                    wfd.write("\n; " + f['name'] + "\n")

                    with open(path, 'rb') as fd:
                        shutil.copyfileobj(fd, wfd, 1024 * 1024 * 10)

                    wfd.write("\nM05\n")  # ensure that the laser is off.

            if select_after_slicing or print_after_slicing:
                sd = False
                filenameToSelect = fileManager.path_on_disk(target, gcode_name)
                printer.select_file(filenameToSelect, sd, True)

                                  target, gcode_name, select_after_slicing,
                                  print_after_slicing, appendGcodeFiles
        except octoprint.slicing.UnknownProfile:
            return make_response(
                "Profile {profile} doesn't exist".format(**locals()), 400)

        files = {}
        location = url_for(".readGcodeFile",
        result = {
            "name": gcode_name,
            "origin": FileDestinations.LOCAL,
            "refs": {
                url_for("index", _external=True) + "downloads/files/" +
                target + "/" + gcode_name

        r = make_response(jsonify(result), 202)
        r.headers["Location"] = location
        return r

    return NO_CONTENT
Exemplo n.º 6
def uploadGcodeFile(target):
    if not target in [FileDestinations.LOCAL, FileDestinations.SDCARD]:
        return make_response("Unknown target: %s" % target, 404)

    input_name = "file"
    input_upload_name = input_name + "." + settings().get(
        ["server", "uploads", "nameSuffix"])
    input_upload_path = input_name + "." + settings().get(
        ["server", "uploads", "pathSuffix"])
    if input_upload_name in request.values and input_upload_path in request.values:
        upload = octoprint.filemanager.util.DiskFileWrapper(
        return make_response("No file included", 400)

    # Store any additional user data the caller may have passed.
    userdata = None
    if "userdata" in request.values:
        import json
            userdata = json.loads(request.values["userdata"])
            return make_response("userdata contains invalid JSON", 400)

    if target == FileDestinations.SDCARD and not settings().getBoolean(
        ["feature", "sdSupport"]):
        return make_response("SD card support is disabled", 404)

    sd = target == FileDestinations.SDCARD
    selectAfterUpload = "select" in request.values.keys(
    ) and request.values["select"] in valid_boolean_trues
    printAfterSelect = "print" in request.values.keys(
    ) and request.values["print"] in valid_boolean_trues

    if sd:
        # validate that all preconditions for SD upload are met before attempting it
        if not (printer.is_operational()
                and not (printer.is_printing() or printer.is_paused())):
            return make_response(
                "Can not upload to SD card, printer is either not operational or already busy",
        if not printer.is_sd_ready():
            return make_response(
                "Can not upload to SD card, not yet initialized", 409)

    # determine current job
    currentFilename = None
    currentOrigin = None
    currentJob = printer.get_current_job()
    if currentJob is not None and "file" in currentJob.keys():
        currentJobFile = currentJob["file"]
        if "name" in currentJobFile.keys() and "origin" in currentJobFile.keys(
            currentFilename = currentJobFile["name"]
            currentOrigin = currentJobFile["origin"]

    # determine future filename of file to be uploaded, abort if it can't be uploaded
        futureFilename = fileManager.sanitize_name(FileDestinations.LOCAL,
        futureFilename = None
    if futureFilename is None:
        return make_response(
            "Can not upload file %s, wrong format?" % upload.filename, 415)

    # prohibit overwriting currently selected file while it's being printed
    if futureFilename == currentFilename and target == currentOrigin and printer.is_printing(
    ) or printer.is_paused():
        return make_response(
            "Trying to overwrite file that is currently being printed: %s" %
            currentFilename, 409)

    def fileProcessingFinished(filename, absFilename, destination):
		Callback for when the file processing (upload, optional slicing, addition to analysis queue) has

		Depending on the file's destination triggers either streaming to SD card or directly calls selectAndOrPrint.

        if destination == FileDestinations.SDCARD and octoprint.filemanager.valid_file_type(
                filename, "gcode"):
            return filename, printer.add_sd_file(filename, absFilename,
            selectAndOrPrint(filename, absFilename, destination)
            return filename

    def selectAndOrPrint(filename, absFilename, destination):
		Callback for when the file is ready to be selected and optionally printed. For SD file uploads this is only
		the case after they have finished streaming to the printer, which is why this callback is also used
		for the corresponding call to addSdFile.

		Selects the just uploaded file if either selectAfterUpload or printAfterSelect are True, or if the
		exact file is already selected, such reloading it.
        if octoprint.filemanager.valid_file_type(added_file, "gcode") and (
                selectAfterUpload or printAfterSelect or
            (currentFilename == filename and currentOrigin == destination)):
                                destination == FileDestinations.SDCARD,

    added_file = fileManager.add_file(FileDestinations.LOCAL,
    if added_file is None:
        return make_response("Could not upload the file %s" % upload.filename,
    if octoprint.filemanager.valid_file_type(added_file, "stl"):
        filename = added_file
        done = True
        filename = fileProcessingFinished(
            fileManager.path_on_disk(FileDestinations.LOCAL, added_file),
        done = True

    if userdata is not None:
        # upload included userdata, add this now to the metadata
        fileManager.set_additional_metadata(FileDestinations.LOCAL, added_file,
                                            "userdata", userdata)

    sdFilename = None
    if isinstance(filename, tuple):
        filename, sdFilename = filename

    eventManager.fire(Events.UPLOAD, {"file": filename, "target": target})

    files = {}
    location = url_for(".readGcodeFile",
        FileDestinations.LOCAL: {
            "name": filename,
            "origin": FileDestinations.LOCAL,
            "refs": {
                url_for("index", _external=True) + "downloads/files/" +
                FileDestinations.LOCAL + "/" + filename

    if sd and sdFilename:
        location = url_for(".readGcodeFile",
            FileDestinations.SDCARD: {
                "name": sdFilename,
                "origin": FileDestinations.SDCARD,
                "refs": {
                    "resource": location

    r = make_response(jsonify(files=files, done=done), 201)
    r.headers["Location"] = location
    return r
Exemplo n.º 7
def uploadFastBotSDCARD(target):
	print("lkj uploadFastBotSDCARD target:%s" % str(target))
	#target = FileDestinations.FastbotSDCARD
	print("lkj post request.values:%s" % str(request.values))
	print("lkj post request.files:%s" % str(request.files))

	input_name = "file"
	input_upload_name = input_name + "." + settings().get(["server", "uploads", "nameSuffix"])
	input_upload_path = input_name + "." + settings().get(["server", "uploads", "pathSuffix"])
	if input_upload_name in request.values and input_upload_path in request.values:
		import shutil
		upload = util.Object()
		upload.filename = request.values[input_upload_name]
		upload.save = lambda new_path: shutil.move(request.values[input_upload_path], new_path)
	elif input_name in request.files:
		upload = request.files[input_name]
		return make_response("No file included", 400)
	print("lkj post upload:%s" % str(upload))
	if target == FileDestinations.FastbotSDCARD and not settings().getBoolean(["feature", "sdSupport"]):
		return make_response("SD card support is disabled", 404)
	print("lkj uploadGcodeFile 2")
	sd = target == FileDestinations.FastbotSDCARD
	selectAfterUpload = "select" in request.values.keys() and request.values["select"] in valid_boolean_trues
	printAfterSelect = "print" in request.values.keys() and request.values["print"] in valid_boolean_trues

	print("lkj uploadGcodeFile 3")	
	# determine current job
	currentFilename = None
	currentOrigin = None
	currentJob = printer.getCurrentJob()
	if currentJob is not None and "file" in currentJob.keys():
		currentJobFile = currentJob["file"]
		if "name" in currentJobFile.keys() and "origin" in currentJobFile.keys():
			currentFilename = currentJobFile["name"]
			currentOrigin = currentJobFile["origin"]

	# determine future filename of file to be uploaded, abort if it can't be uploaded
		futureFilename = fileManager.sanitize_name(FileDestinations.FastbotSDCARD, upload.filename)
		futureFilename = None
	if futureFilename is None or not (slicingManager.slicing_enabled or octoprint.filemanager.valid_file_type(futureFilename, type="gcode")):
		return make_response("Can not upload file %s, wrong format?" % upload.filename, 415)
	print("lkj uploadGcodeFile 4")
	# prohibit overwriting currently selected file while it's being printed
	if futureFilename == currentFilename and target == currentOrigin and printer.isPrinting() or printer.isPaused():
		return make_response("Trying to overwrite file that is currently being printed: %s" % currentFilename, 409)
	print("lkj uploadGcodeFile 5")
	def fileProcessingFinished(filename, absFilename, destination):
		Callback for when the file processing (upload, optional slicing, addition to analysis queue) has

		Depending on the file's destination triggers either streaming to SD card or directly calls selectAndOrPrint.
		selectAndOrPrint(filename, absFilename, destination)
		return filename

	def selectAndOrPrint(filename, absFilename, destination):
		Callback for when the file is ready to be selected and optionally printed. For SD file uploads this is only
		the case after they have finished streaming to the printer, which is why this callback is also used
		for the corresponding call to addSdFile.

		Selects the just uploaded file if either selectAfterUpload or printAfterSelect are True, or if the
		exact file is already selected, such reloading it.
		if octoprint.filemanager.valid_file_type(added_file, "gcode") and (selectAfterUpload or printAfterSelect or (currentFilename == filename and currentOrigin == destination)):
			printer.selectFile(absFilename, destination == FileDestinations.FastbotSDCARD, printAfterSelect)
	print("lkj uploadGcodeFile 6")		
	added_file = fileManager.add_file(FileDestinations.FastbotSDCARD, upload.filename, upload, allow_overwrite=True)
	if added_file is None:
		return make_response("Could not upload the file %s" % upload.filename, 500)
	print("lkj uploadGcodeFile 6.0, added_file:%s" % str(added_file))
	if octoprint.filemanager.valid_file_type(added_file, "stl"):
		filename = added_file
		done = True
		print("lkj uploadGcodeFile 6.1")
		filename = fileProcessingFinished(added_file, fileManager.get_absolute_path(FileDestinations.FastbotSDCARD, added_file), target)
		done = True

	sdFilename = filename

	eventManager.fire(Events.UPLOAD, {"file": filename, "target": target})

	files = {}
	location = url_for(".readGcodeFile", target=FileDestinations.LOCAL, filename=filename, _external=True)
                FileDestinations.LOCAL: {
                        "name": filename,
                        "origin": FileDestinations.LOCAL,
                        "refs": {
                                "resource": location,
                                "download": url_for("index", _external=True) + "downloads/files/" + FileDestinations.LOCAL + "/" + filename
	print("lkj uploadGcodeFile 7 sdFilename:%s" % sdFilename)
	if sd and sdFilename:
		print("lkj uploadGcodeFile 7.1")
		location = url_for(".readGcodeFile", target=FileDestinations.FastbotSDCARD, filename=sdFilename, _external=True)
	                FileDestinations.FastbotSDCARD: {
	                        "name": sdFilename,
	                        "origin": FileDestinations.FastbotSDCARD,
	                        "refs": {
	                                "resource": location
	print("lkj uploadFastBotSDCARD 8")	
	r = make_response(jsonify(files=files, done=done), 201)
	r.headers["Location"] = location
	return r	
Exemplo n.º 8
def uploadFastBotSDCARD(target):
    print("lkj uploadFastBotSDCARD target:%s" % str(target))
    #target = FileDestinations.FastbotSDCARD

    print("lkj post request.values:%s" % str(request.values))
    print("lkj post request.files:%s" % str(request.files))

    input_name = "file"
    input_upload_name = input_name + "." + settings().get(
        ["server", "uploads", "nameSuffix"])
    input_upload_path = input_name + "." + settings().get(
        ["server", "uploads", "pathSuffix"])
    if input_upload_name in request.values and input_upload_path in request.values:
        import shutil
        upload = util.Object()
        upload.filename = request.values[input_upload_name]
        upload.save = lambda new_path: shutil.move(
            request.values[input_upload_path], new_path)
    elif input_name in request.files:
        upload = request.files[input_name]
        return make_response("No file included", 400)

    print("lkj post upload:%s" % str(upload))

    if target == FileDestinations.FastbotSDCARD and not settings().getBoolean(
        ["feature", "sdSupport"]):
        return make_response("SD card support is disabled", 404)
    print("lkj uploadGcodeFile 2")
    sd = target == FileDestinations.FastbotSDCARD
    selectAfterUpload = "select" in request.values.keys(
    ) and request.values["select"] in valid_boolean_trues
    printAfterSelect = "print" in request.values.keys(
    ) and request.values["print"] in valid_boolean_trues

    print("lkj uploadGcodeFile 3")
    # determine current job
    currentFilename = None
    currentOrigin = None
    currentJob = printer.getCurrentJob()
    if currentJob is not None and "file" in currentJob.keys():
        currentJobFile = currentJob["file"]
        if "name" in currentJobFile.keys() and "origin" in currentJobFile.keys(
            currentFilename = currentJobFile["name"]
            currentOrigin = currentJobFile["origin"]

    # determine future filename of file to be uploaded, abort if it can't be uploaded
        futureFilename = fileManager.sanitize_name(
            FileDestinations.FastbotSDCARD, upload.filename)
        futureFilename = None
    if futureFilename is None or not (slicingManager.slicing_enabled
                                      or octoprint.filemanager.valid_file_type(
                                          futureFilename, type="gcode")):
        return make_response(
            "Can not upload file %s, wrong format?" % upload.filename, 415)
    print("lkj uploadGcodeFile 4")
    # prohibit overwriting currently selected file while it's being printed
    if futureFilename == currentFilename and target == currentOrigin and printer.isPrinting(
    ) or printer.isPaused():
        return make_response(
            "Trying to overwrite file that is currently being printed: %s" %
            currentFilename, 409)
    print("lkj uploadGcodeFile 5")

    def fileProcessingFinished(filename, absFilename, destination):
		Callback for when the file processing (upload, optional slicing, addition to analysis queue) has

		Depending on the file's destination triggers either streaming to SD card or directly calls selectAndOrPrint.
        selectAndOrPrint(filename, absFilename, destination)
        return filename

    def selectAndOrPrint(filename, absFilename, destination):
		Callback for when the file is ready to be selected and optionally printed. For SD file uploads this is only
		the case after they have finished streaming to the printer, which is why this callback is also used
		for the corresponding call to addSdFile.

		Selects the just uploaded file if either selectAfterUpload or printAfterSelect are True, or if the
		exact file is already selected, such reloading it.
        if octoprint.filemanager.valid_file_type(added_file, "gcode") and (
                selectAfterUpload or printAfterSelect or
            (currentFilename == filename and currentOrigin == destination)):
                               destination == FileDestinations.FastbotSDCARD,

    print("lkj uploadGcodeFile 6")
    added_file = fileManager.add_file(FileDestinations.FastbotSDCARD,
    if added_file is None:
        return make_response("Could not upload the file %s" % upload.filename,

    print("lkj uploadGcodeFile 6.0, added_file:%s" % str(added_file))
    if octoprint.filemanager.valid_file_type(added_file, "stl"):
        filename = added_file
        done = True
        print("lkj uploadGcodeFile 6.1")
        filename = fileProcessingFinished(
                                          added_file), target)
        done = True

    sdFilename = filename

    eventManager.fire(Events.UPLOAD, {"file": filename, "target": target})

    files = {}
	location = url_for(".readGcodeFile", target=FileDestinations.LOCAL, filename=filename, _external=True)
                FileDestinations.LOCAL: {
                        "name": filename,
                        "origin": FileDestinations.LOCAL,
                        "refs": {
                                "resource": location,
                                "download": url_for("index", _external=True) + "downloads/files/" + FileDestinations.LOCAL + "/" + filename
    print("lkj uploadGcodeFile 7 sdFilename:%s" % sdFilename)
    if sd and sdFilename:
        print("lkj uploadGcodeFile 7.1")
        location = url_for(".readGcodeFile",
            FileDestinations.FastbotSDCARD: {
                "name": sdFilename,
                "origin": FileDestinations.FastbotSDCARD,
                "refs": {
                    "resource": location
    print("lkj uploadFastBotSDCARD 8")
    r = make_response(jsonify(files=files, done=done), 201)
    r.headers["Location"] = location
    return r