Exemplo n.º 1
def kldiv_cs_model(prediction, fm):
    Computes Chao-Shen corrected KL-divergence between prediction 
    and fdm made from fixations in fm.
    Parameters :
        prediction : np.ndarray
            a fixation density map
        fm : FixMat object
    # compute histogram of fixations needed for ChaoShen corrected kl-div
    # image category must exist (>-1) and image_size must be non-empty
    assert(len(fm.image_size) == 2 and (fm.image_size[0] > 0) and
        (fm.image_size[1] > 0))
    assert(-1 not in fm.category)
    # check whether fixmat contains fixations
    if len(fm.x) ==  0:
        return np.NaN
    (scale_factor, _) = calc_resize_factor(prediction, fm.image_size)
    # this specifies left edges of the histogram bins, i.e. fixations between
    # ]0 binedge[0]] are included. --> fixations are ceiled
    e_y = np.arange(0, np.round(scale_factor*fm.image_size[0]+1))
    e_x = np.arange(0, np.round(scale_factor*fm.image_size[1]+1))
    samples = np.array(zip((scale_factor*fm.y), (scale_factor*fm.x)))
    (fdm, _) = np.histogramdd(samples, (e_y, e_x))

    # compute ChaoShen corrected kl-div
    q = np.array(prediction, copy = True)
    q[q == 0] = np.finfo(q.dtype).eps
    q /= np.sum(q)
    (H, pa, la) = chao_shen(fdm)
    q = q[fdm > 0]
    cross_entropy = -np.sum((pa * np.log2(q)) / la)
    return (cross_entropy - H)
Exemplo n.º 2
def roc_model(prediction, fm, ctr_loc = None, ctr_size = None):
    wraps roc functionality for model evaluation
        prediction: 2D array
            the model salience map
        fm : fixmat
            Fixations that define locations of the actuals
        ctr_loc : tuple of (y.x) coordinates, optional
            Allows to specify control points for spatial 
            bias correction
        ctr_size : two element tuple, optional
            Specifies the assumed image size of the control locations,
            defaults to fm.image_size

    # check if prediction is a valid numpy array
    assert type(prediction) == np.ndarray
    # check whether scaling preserved aspect ratio
    (r_y, r_x) = calc_resize_factor(prediction, fm.image_size)
    # read out values in the fdm at actual fixation locations
    # .astype(int) floors numbers in np.array
    y_index = (r_y * np.array(fm.y-1)).astype(int)
    x_index = (r_x * np.array(fm.x-1)).astype(int)
    actuals = prediction[y_index, x_index]
    if not ctr_loc: 
        xc = np.random.randint(0, prediction.shape[1], 1000)
        yc = np.random.randint(0, prediction.shape[0], 1000)
        ctr_loc = (yc.astype(int), xc.astype(int))
        if not ctr_size:
            ctr_size = fm.image_size
            (r_y, r_x) = calc_resize_factor(prediction, ctr_size)
        ctr_loc = ((r_y * np.array(ctr_loc[0])).astype(int), 
                   (r_x * np.array(ctr_loc[1])).astype(int))
    controls = prediction[ctr_loc[0], ctr_loc[1]]

    return fast_roc(actuals, controls)[0]
Exemplo n.º 3
def correlation_model(prediction, fm):
    wraps numpy.corrcoef functionality for model evaluation

        prediction: 2D Matrix 
            the model salience map
        fm: fixmat 
            Used to compute a FDM to which the prediction is compared.
    (_, r_x) = calc_resize_factor(prediction, fm.image_size)
    fdm = compute_fdm(fm, scale_factor = r_x)
    return np.corrcoef(fdm.flatten(), prediction.flatten())[0,1]
Exemplo n.º 4
def emd_model(prediction, fm):
    wraps emd functionality for model evaluation
        OpenCV python bindings
        prediction: the model salience map
        fm : fixmat filtered for the image corresponding to the prediction
    (_, r_x) = calc_resize_factor(prediction, fm.image_size)
    gt = fixmat.compute_fdm(fm, scale_factor = r_x)
    return emd(prediction, gt)
Exemplo n.º 5
def nss_model(prediction, fm):
    wraps nss functionality for model evaluation
        prediction: 2D matrix
            the model salience map
        fm : fixmat
            Fixations that define the actuals
    (r_y, r_x) = calc_resize_factor(prediction, fm.image_size)
    fix = ((np.array(fm.y-1)*r_y).astype(int),
    return nss(prediction, fix)
Exemplo n.º 6
def kldiv_model(prediction, fm):
    wraps kldiv functionality for model evaluation

        prediction: 2D matrix 
            the model salience map
        fm : fixmat 
            Should be filtered for the image corresponding to the prediction
    (_, r_x) = calc_resize_factor(prediction, fm.image_size)
    q = np.array(prediction, copy=True)
    q -= np.min(q.flatten())
    q /= np.sum(q.flatten())
    return kldiv(None, q, distp = fm, scale_factor = r_x)