Exemplo n.º 1
    def test(self):
        self.app.test_frame.SetSize((500, 500))

        # old_canvas = DraggableCanvas(self.panel)
        tab = self.create_simple_tab_model()
        view = tab.focussedView.value
        old_canvas = miccanvas.DblMicroscopeCanvas(self.panel)
        old_canvas.default_margin = 0
        old_canvas.use_threading = True
        # self.canvas.background_brush = wx.BRUSHSTYLE_SOLID # no special background
        old_canvas.setView(view, tab)
        self.add_control(old_canvas, flags=wx.EXPAND, proportion=1)

        darray_one = generate_img_data(250, 250, 4, color=(255, 0, 0))
        darray_two = generate_img_data(50, 50, 4, color=(0, 0, 255))
        print darray_two

        images = [
            (darray_one, (0.0, 0.0), (0.0000003, 0.0000003), True, None, 0.1, None, None, 'one'),
            (darray_two, (-0.000001, 0.0), (0.0000003, 0.0000003), True, 0.2, None, None,None,  'one'),
            # (darray_two, (0.0, 0.0), 0.33, True, None, None, None, None, 'two'),
            # (darray_thr, (0, 0.0), 1, True, None, None, None, None, 'three'),

Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_blending(self):
        self.app.test_frame.SetSize((500, 500))

        tab = self.create_simple_tab_model()
        view = tab.focussedView.value
        cnvs = miccanvas.DblMicroscopeCanvas(self.panel)
        # cnvs.background_brush = wx.BRUSHSTYLE_SOLID  # no special background
        cnvs.setView(view, tab)
        self.add_control(cnvs, flags=wx.EXPAND, proportion=1)

        darray_grey = generate_img_data(300, 300, 4, 255, (50, 50, 50))
        darray_orange = generate_img_data(99, 99, 4)
        darray_blue = generate_img_data(250, 250, 4, 102, (0, 0, 128))
        darray_green = generate_img_data(250, 250, 4, 204, (50, 205, 154))

        images = [
            (darray_grey, (0.0, 0.0), (0.0000003, 0.0000003), True, None, None, None, None, "grey"),
            (darray_orange, (0.0, 0.0), (0.0000003, 0.0000002), True, None, 0.1, None, None, "orange"),
            # (darray_blue, (0.0, 0.0), (0.0000003, 0.0000003), True, 0.5, None, None, BLEND_SCREEN, "purple"),
            # (darray_green, (0.0, 0.0), (0.0000003, 0.0000003), True, 1.5, None, None, BLEND_SCREEN, "greem"),

Exemplo n.º 3
    def test(self):
        self.app.test_frame.SetSize((500, 500))

        # old_canvas = DraggableCanvas(self.panel)
        tab = self.create_simple_tab_model()
        view = tab.focussedView.value
        old_canvas = miccanvas.DblMicroscopeCanvas(self.panel)
        old_canvas.default_margin = 0
        old_canvas.use_threading = True
        # self.canvas.background_brush = wx.BRUSHSTYLE_SOLID # no special background
        old_canvas.setView(view, tab)
        self.add_control(old_canvas, flags=wx.EXPAND, proportion=1)

        darray_one = generate_img_data(250, 250, 4, color=(255, 0, 0))
        darray_two = generate_img_data(50, 50, 4, color=(0, 0, 255))

        images = [
            (darray_one, (0.0, 0.0), (0.0000003, 0.0000003), True, None, 0.1, None, None, 'one'),
            (darray_two, (-0.000001, 0.0), (0.0000003, 0.0000003), True, 0.2, None, None,None,  'one'),
            # (darray_two, (0.0, 0.0), 0.33, True, None, None, None, None, 'two'),
            # (darray_thr, (0, 0.0), 1, True, None, None, None, None, 'three'),

Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_threading(self):

        self.app.test_frame.SetSize((400, 400))


        tab = self.create_simple_tab_model()
        view = tab.focussedView.value

        # Changes in default values might affect other test, so we need to know
        self.assertEqual(view.mpp.value, 1e-6,
                         "The default mpp value has changed!")

        cnvs = miccanvas.DblMicroscopeCanvas(self.panel)
        cnvs.default_margin = 0
        cnvs.fit_view_to_next_image = False
        # Create a even black background, so we can test pixel values
        cnvs.background_brush = wx.BRUSHSTYLE_SOLID

        self.add_control(cnvs, flags=wx.EXPAND, proportion=1)

        # Changes in default values might affect other test, so we need to know
        self.assertEqual(cnvs.scale, 1, "Default canvas scale has changed!")
        cnvs.setView(view, tab)

        # Setting the view, calls _onMPP with the view.mpp value
        # mpwu / mpp = scale => 1 (fixed, default) / view.mpp (1e-5)
        self.assertEqual(cnvs.scale, 1 / view.mpp.value)

        # Make sure the buffer is set at the right size
        # self.assertEqual(cnvs._bmp_buffer_size, (300, 300))

        ############ Create test image ###############

        img = generate_img_data(20, 20, 4)
        # 100 pixels is 1e-4 meters
        img.metadata[model.MD_PIXEL_SIZE] = (1e-6, 1e-6)
        img.metadata[model.MD_POS] = (0, 0)
        img.metadata[model.MD_DIMS] = "YXC"
        # im_scale = img.metadata[model.MD_PIXEL_SIZE][0] / cnvs.mpwu

        # self.assertEqual(im_scale, img.metadata[model.MD_PIXEL_SIZE][0])

        stream1 = RGBStream("s1", img)

        # Verify view mpp and canvas scale
        self.assertEqual(view.mpp.value, 1e-6,
                         "Default mpp value has changed!")
        self.assertEqual(cnvs.scale, 1 / view.mpp.value,
                         "Canvas scale should not have changed!")


        view.mpp.value = 1e-5
        shift = (10, 10)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_threading(self):

        self.app.test_frame.SetSize((400, 400))


        tab = self.create_simple_tab_model()
        view = tab.focussedView.value

        # Changes in default values might affect other test, so we need to know
        self.assertEqual(view.mpp.value, 1e-6, "The default mpp value has changed!")

        cnvs = miccanvas.DblMicroscopeCanvas(self.panel)
        cnvs.default_margin = 0
        cnvs.fit_view_to_next_image = False
        # Create a even black background, so we can test pixel values
        cnvs.background_brush = wx.BRUSHSTYLE_SOLID

        self.add_control(cnvs, flags=wx.EXPAND, proportion=1)

        # Changes in default values might affect other test, so we need to know
        self.assertEqual(cnvs.scale, 1, "Default canvas scale has changed!")
        cnvs.setView(view, tab)

        # Setting the view, calls _onMPP with the view.mpp value
        # mpwu / mpp = scale => 1 (fixed, default) / view.mpp (1e-5)
        self.assertEqual(cnvs.scale, 1 / view.mpp.value)

        # Make sure the buffer is set at the right size
        # self.assertEqual(cnvs._bmp_buffer_size, (300, 300))

        ############ Create test image ###############

        img = generate_img_data(20, 20, 4)
        # 100 pixels is 1e-4 meters
        img.metadata[model.MD_PIXEL_SIZE] = (1e-6, 1e-6)
        img.metadata[model.MD_POS] = (0, 0)
        img.metadata[model.MD_DIMS] = "YXC"
        # im_scale = img.metadata[model.MD_PIXEL_SIZE][0] / cnvs.mpwu

        # self.assertEqual(im_scale, img.metadata[model.MD_PIXEL_SIZE][0])

        stream1 = RGBStream("s1", img)

        # Verify view mpp and canvas scale
        self.assertEqual(view.mpp.value, 1e-6, "Default mpp value has changed!")
        self.assertEqual(cnvs.scale, 1 / view.mpp.value, "Canvas scale should not have changed!")


        view.mpp.value = 1e-5
        shift = (10, 10)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_onedimensional_canvas(self):
        cnvs = miccanvas.TwoDPlotCanvas(self.panel)
        self.add_control(cnvs, wx.EXPAND, proportion=1)

        im_data = generate_img_data(200, 10, 4)


Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_onedimensional_canvas(self):
        cnvs = miccanvas.TwoDPlotCanvas(self.panel)
        self.add_control(cnvs, wx.EXPAND, proportion=1)

        im_data = generate_img_data(200, 10, 4)


Exemplo n.º 8
    def test_bitmap_canvas(self):
        self.frame.SetSize((1000, 1000))
        cnvs = canvas.BitmapCanvas(self.panel)
        self.add_control(cnvs, wx.EXPAND, proportion=1)

        im_data = generate_img_data(300, 300, 4)
        img = (im_data, (0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 1.0), True, None, None, 0, None, "bitmap test")

        cnvs.set_images([img, None])

Exemplo n.º 9
    def test_bitmap_canvas(self):
        self.frame.SetSize((1000, 1000))
        cnvs = canvas.BitmapCanvas(self.panel)
        self.add_control(cnvs, wx.EXPAND, proportion=1)

        im_data = generate_img_data(300, 300, 4)
        img = (im_data, (0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 1.0), True, None, None, 0, None, "bitmap test")

        cnvs.set_images([img, None])

Exemplo n.º 10
    def test_reshape(self):

        darray = generate_img_data(100, 100, 4, 100)

        self.app.test_frame.SetSize((500, 500))

        tab = self.create_simple_tab_model()
        mpp = FloatContinuous(2, range=(0, 1), unit="m/px")
        tab.focussedView.value.mpp = mpp

        view = tab.focussedView.value
        cnvs = miccanvas.DblMicroscopeCanvas(self.panel)

        cnvs.setView(view, tab)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def test_reshape(self):

        darray = generate_img_data(100, 100, 4, 100)

        self.app.test_frame.SetSize((500, 500))

        tab = self.create_simple_tab_model()
        mpp = FloatContinuous(2, range=(0, 1), unit="m/px")
        tab.focussedView.value.mpp = mpp

        view = tab.focussedView.value
        cnvs = miccanvas.DblMicroscopeCanvas(self.panel)

        cnvs.setView(view, tab)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def xtest_cairo_wander_bug_demo(self):
        This method is not really a test, but demonstrates a possible bug in Cairo.

        When the image we want to draw is scaled by a large number, the position it is drawn at
        starts to periodically wander. It is most likely a result of the scaling that takes place
        inside the Cairo Context. The transformation matrix associated with the Context has correct

        Since the wandering is only noticible at high magnification, we're going to test if it is a
        problem in real-world scenarios. If it is, this problem should be revisited at a later

        Possible things to check include testing against a newer version of the Cairio library or
        seeking advice in the Cairo mailing list and/or Stack Overflow.


        ######### Frame setup #########

        self.app.test_frame.SetSize((400, 400))
        cnvs = miccanvas.DblMicroscopeCanvas(self.panel)
        self.add_control(cnvs, flags=wx.EXPAND, proportion=1)

        ######### Test #########

        img = generate_img_data(200, 200, 4)
        steps = 10000

            for i in range(steps):
                images = [
                    # Simplest case with the image drawn in the center
                    (img, (0, 0), 1, True, 0.0, None, "wander bug test"),
                    # Image drawn at the bottom right
                    # (img, (100, 100), 1, True, 0.0, None, "wander bug test"),
                cnvs.scale = (2.1 * i)
                if i % 100 == 0:
        except wx.PyDeadObjectError:
Exemplo n.º 13
    def xtest_cairo_wander_bug_demo(self):
        This method is not really a test, but demonstrates a possible bug in Cairo.

        When the image we want to draw is scaled by a large number, the position it is drawn at
        starts to periodically wander. It is most likely a result of the scaling that takes place
        inside the Cairo Context. The transformation matrix associated with the Context has correct

        Since the wandering is only noticible at high magnification, we're going to test if it is a
        problem in real-world scenarios. If it is, this problem should be revisited at a later

        Possible things to check include testing against a newer version of the Cairio library or
        seeking advice in the Cairo mailing list and/or Stack Overflow.


        ######### Frame setup #########

        self.app.test_frame.SetSize((400, 400))
        cnvs = miccanvas.DblMicroscopeCanvas(self.panel)
        self.add_control(cnvs, flags=wx.EXPAND, proportion=1)

        ######### Test #########

        img = generate_img_data(200, 200, 4)
        steps = 10000

            for i in range(steps):
                images = [
                    # Simplest case with the image drawn in the center
                    (img, (0, 0), 1, True, 0.0, None, "wander bug test"),
                    # Image drawn at the bottom right
                    # (img, (100, 100), 1, True, 0.0, None, "wander bug test"),
                cnvs.scale = (2.1 * i)
                if i % 100 == 0:
        except wx.PyDeadObjectError:
Exemplo n.º 14
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        wx.Frame.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
        self.canvas = Canvas(self)
        self.SetSize((500, 400))

        self.canvas.set_image(generate_img_data(WIDTH, HEIGHT, depth=DEPTH, alpha=ALPHA))

        self.plas_gen = self.plasma_generator(WIDTH, HEIGHT, 3)
        self.anim_idx = self.canvas.set_image(self.plas_gen.next())

        self.draw_timer = wx.PyTimer(self.animate)

        self.busy = False
Exemplo n.º 15
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        wx.Frame.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
        self.canvas = Canvas(self)
        self.SetSize((500, 400))

            generate_img_data(WIDTH, HEIGHT, depth=DEPTH, alpha=ALPHA))

        self.plas_gen = self.plasma_generator(WIDTH, HEIGHT, 3)
        self.anim_idx = self.canvas.set_image(self.plas_gen.next())

        self.draw_timer = wx.PyTimer(self.animate)

        self.busy = False
Exemplo n.º 16
    def xtest_calc_img_buffer_rect(self):

        # Setting up test frame
        self.app.test_frame.SetSize((500, 500))


        tab = self.create_simple_tab_model()
        view = tab.focussedView.value

        # Changes in default values might affect other test, so we need to know
        self.assertEqual(view.mpp.value, 1e-6,
                         "The default mpp value has changed!")

        cnvs = miccanvas.DblMicroscopeCanvas(self.panel)
        cnvs.fit_view_to_next_image = False
        # Create a even black background, so we can test pixel values
        cnvs.background_brush = wx.BRUSHSTYLE_SOLID

        self.add_control(cnvs, flags=wx.EXPAND, proportion=1)

        # Changes in default values might affect other test, so we need to know
        self.assertEqual(cnvs.scale, 1, "Default canvas scale has changed!")
        cnvs.setView(view, tab)

        # Setting the view, calls _onMPP with the view.mpp value
        # mpwu / mpp = scale => 1 (fixed, default) / view.mpp (1e-5)
        self.assertEqual(cnvs.scale, 1 / view.mpp.value)

        # Make sure the buffer is set at the right size
        expected_size = tuple(s + 2 * 512
                              for s in self.app.test_frame.ClientSize)
        self.assertEqual(cnvs._bmp_buffer_size, expected_size)

        ############ Create test image ###############

        img = generate_img_data(100, 100, 4)
        # 100 pixels is 1e-4 meters
        img.metadata[model.MD_PIXEL_SIZE] = (1e-6, 1e-6)
        img.metadata[model.MD_POS] = im_pos = (0, 0)
        img.metadata[model.MD_DIMS] = "YXC"
        im_scale = img.metadata[model.MD_PIXEL_SIZE][0]

        self.assertEqual(im_scale, img.metadata[model.MD_PIXEL_SIZE][0])

        stream1 = RGBStream("s1", img)

        # Verify view mpp and canvas scale
        self.assertEqual(view.mpp.value, 1e-6,
                         "Default mpp value has changed!")
        self.assertEqual(cnvs.scale, 1 / view.mpp.value,
                         "Canvas scale should not have changed!")


        # We're going to control the render size of the image using the
        # following meter per pixel values
        mpps = [1e-6, 1e-7, 1e-8]  #, 1e-9, 1e-10]

        # They should set the canvas scales to the following values
        exp_scales = [1e6, 1e7, 1e8]  #, 1e9, 1e10]

        exp_b_rect = [
            (711, 697, 100.0, 100.0),
            # (261, 247, 1000.0, 1000.0),
            # (-4239, -4253, 10000.0, 10000.0),

        for mpp, scale, rect in zip(mpps, exp_scales, exp_b_rect):
            view.mpp.value = mpp
            self.assertAlmostEqual(scale, cnvs.scale)
            calc_rect = cnvs._calc_img_buffer_rect(img.shape[:2], im_scale,
            for ev, v in zip(rect, calc_rect):
                self.assertAlmostEqual(ev, v)

        stream1 = RGBStream("stream_one", img)
        # Set the mpp again, because the on_size handler will recalculate it
        view.mpp._value = 1

        # Dummy image
        shape = (200, 201, 4)
        rgb = numpy.empty(shape, dtype=numpy.uint8)
        rgb[...] = 255
        darray = DataArray(rgb)


        buffer_rect = (0, 0) + cnvs._bmp_buffer_size
        logging.debug("Buffer size is %s", buffer_rect)

        im_scales = [0.00001, 0.33564, 0.9999, 1, 1.3458, 2, 3.0, 101.0, 333.5]
        im_centers = [(0.0, 0.0), (-1.5, 5.2), (340.0, -220.0), (-20.0, -1.0)]

        canvas.scale = 0.5
        # Expected rectangles for the given image scales and canvas scale 0.5
        rects = [
            (611.9994975, 611.9995, 0.001005, 0.001),
            (595.13409, 595.218, 33.73182, 33.564),
            (561.755025, 562.005, 100.48995000000001, 99.99),
            (561.75, 562.0, 100.5, 100.0),
            (544.37355, 544.71, 135.2529, 134.58),
            (511.5, 512.0, 201.0, 200.0),
            (461.25, 462.0, 301.5, 300.0),
            (-4463.25, -4438.0, 10150.5, 10100.0),
            (-16146.375, -16063.0, 33516.75, 33350.0),

        for im_center in im_centers:
            logging.debug("Center: %s", im_center)
            for im_scale, rect in zip(im_scales, rects):
                logging.debug("Scale: %s", im_scale)
                b_rect = cnvs._calc_img_buffer_rect(darray.shape[:2], im_scale,

                for v in b_rect:
                    self.assertIsInstance(v, float)

                rect = (rect[0] + im_center[0] * cnvs.scale,
                        rect[1] + im_center[1] * cnvs.scale, rect[2], rect[3])
                # logging.debug(b_rect)
                for b, r in zip(b_rect, rect):
                    self.assertAlmostEqual(b, r)

        canvas.scale = 1.0
        # Expected rectangle size for the given image scales and canvas scale 1
        rects = [
            (611.998995, 611.999, 0.00201, 0.002),
            (578.26818, 578.436, 67.46364, 67.128),
            (511.51005, 512.01, 200.97990000000001, 199.98),
            (511.5, 512.0, 201.0, 200.0),
            (476.7471, 477.41999999999996, 270.5058, 269.16),
            (411.0, 412.0, 402.0, 400.0),
            (310.5, 312.0, 603.0, 600.0),
            (-9538.5, -9488.0, 20301.0, 20200.0),
            (-32904.75, -32738.0, 67033.5, 66700.0),

        for im_center in im_centers:
            logging.debug("Center: %s", im_center)
            for im_scale, rect in zip(im_scales, rects):
                logging.debug("Scale: %s", im_scale)
                b_rect = cnvs._calc_img_buffer_rect(darray.shape[:2], im_scale,

                for v in b_rect:
                    self.assertIsInstance(v, float)

                # logging.debug(b_rect)
                rect = (rect[0] + im_center[0] * cnvs.scale,
                        rect[1] + im_center[1] * cnvs.scale, rect[2], rect[3])
                # logging.debug(b_rect)
                for b, r in zip(b_rect, rect):
                    self.assertAlmostEqual(b, r)

        canvas.scale = 2.3
        # Expected rectangles for the given image scales and canvas scale 2.3
        rects = [
            (611.9976885, 611.9977, 0.0046229999999999995, 0.0046),
            (534.416814, 534.8028, 155.166372, 154.3944),
            (380.873115, 382.023, 462.25377, 459.95399999999995),
            (380.85, 382.0, 462.29999999999995, 459.99999999999994),
            (300.91833, 302.466, 622.16334, 619.068),
            (149.70000000000005, 152.00000000000006, 924.5999999999999,
            (-81.44999999999993, -78.0, 1386.8999999999999, 1380.0),
            (-22734.149999999998, -22618.0, 46692.299999999996, 46460.0),
            (-76476.525, -76093.0, 154177.05, 153410.0),

        for im_center in im_centers:
            logging.debug("Center: %s", im_center)
            for im_scale, rect in zip(im_scales, rects):
                logging.debug("Scale: %s", im_scale)
                b_rect = cnvs._calc_img_buffer_rect(darray.shape[:2], im_scale,

                for v in b_rect:
                    self.assertIsInstance(v, float)

                # logging.debug(b_rect)
                rect = (rect[0] + im_center[0] * cnvs.scale,
                        rect[1] + im_center[1] * cnvs.scale, rect[2], rect[3])
                # logging.debug(b_rect)
                for b, r in zip(b_rect, rect):
                    self.assertAlmostEqual(b, r)

Exemplo n.º 17
    def test(self):
        self.app.test_frame.SetSize((500, 1000))

        # old_canvas = DraggableCanvas(self.panel)
        tab = self.create_simple_tab_model()
        view = tab.focussedView.value
        old_canvas = miccanvas.DblMicroscopeCanvas(self.panel)
        old_canvas.use_threading = True
        # self.canvas.background_brush = wx.SOLID # no special background
        old_canvas.setView(view, tab)
        self.add_control(old_canvas, flags=wx.EXPAND, proportion=1)

        # new_canvas = DraggableCanvas(self.panel)
        # self.add_control(new_canvas, flags=wx.EXPAND, proportion=1)

        # # Test images: (im, w_pos, scale, keepalpha)
        # images = [
        #     (gettest_patternImage(), (0.0, 0.0), 1, False),
        #     (gettest_patternImage(), (0.0, 0.0), 1, True),
        # ]

        # shape = (250, 250, 4)
        # rgb = numpy.empty(shape, dtype=numpy.uint8)
        # rgb[..., 0] = numpy.linspace(0, 255, shape[1])
        # rgb[..., 1] = numpy.linspace(123, 156, shape[1])
        # rgb[..., 2] = numpy.linspace(100, 255, shape[1])
        # rgb[..., 3] = 255
        # rgb[..., [0, 1, 2, 3]] = rgb[..., [2, 1, 0, 3]]
        # darray_one = DataArray(rgb)

        # shape = (250, 250, 4)
        # rgb = numpy.empty(shape, dtype=numpy.uint8)
        # rgb[..., 0] = 255
        # rgb[..., 1] = 0
        # rgb[..., 2] = 127
        # rgb[..., 3] = 255
        # rgb[..., [0, 1, 2, 3]] = rgb[..., [2, 1, 0, 3]]
        # darray_two = DataArray(rgb)

        # shape = (250, 250, 4)
        # rgb = numpy.empty(shape, dtype=numpy.uint8)
        # rgb[..., 0] = 0
        # rgb[..., 1] = 0
        # rgb[..., 2] = 255
        # rgb[..., 3] = 255
        # rgb[..., [0, 1, 2, 3]] = rgb[..., [2, 1, 0, 3]]
        # darray_thr = DataArray(rgb)

        # images = [
        #     (darray_one, (0.0002, 0.0), 0.0002, True),
        #     (darray_two, (0.0, 0.0), 0.0003, True),
        #     (darray_thr, (0, 0.0), 0.0005, True),
        # ]

        darray_one = generate_img_data(250, 250, 4)

        images = [
            (darray_one, (0.0, 0.0), 0.0000003, True, None, None, 'one'),
            # (darray_two, (0.0, 0.0), 0.33, True, None, None, 'two'),
            # (darray_thr, (0, 0.0), 1, True, None, None, 'three'),

        old_canvas.shift_view((125, 125))
        # new_canvas.set_images(images)

        # Number of redraw we're going to request
        # FRAMES_TO_DRAW = 2

        # t_start = time.time()
        # for _ in range(FRAMES_TO_DRAW):
        #     old_canvas.update_drawing()
        #     test.gui_loop()
        # print "%ss"% (time.time() - t_start)

        # t_start = time.time()
        # for _ in range(FRAMES_TO_DRAW):
        #     new_canvas.update_drawing()
        #     test.gui_loop()
        # print "%ss"% (time.time() - t_start)

        # self.app.test_frame.SetSize((500, 500))
        # print old_canvas.GetSize(), old_canvas.ClientSize, old_canvas._bmp_buffer_size

        print "Done"
Exemplo n.º 18
    def xtest_calc_img_buffer_rect(self):

        # Setting up test frame
        self.app.test_frame.SetSize((500, 500))


        tab = self.create_simple_tab_model()
        view = tab.focussedView.value

        # Changes in default values might affect other test, so we need to know
        self.assertEqual(view.mpp.value, 1e-6, "The default mpp value has changed!")

        cnvs = miccanvas.DblMicroscopeCanvas(self.panel)
        cnvs.fit_view_to_next_image = False
        # Create a even black background, so we can test pixel values
        cnvs.background_brush = wx.BRUSHSTYLE_SOLID

        self.add_control(cnvs, flags=wx.EXPAND, proportion=1)

        # Changes in default values might affect other test, so we need to know
        self.assertEqual(cnvs.scale, 1, "Default canvas scale has changed!")
        cnvs.setView(view, tab)

        # Setting the view, calls _onMPP with the view.mpp value
        # mpwu / mpp = scale => 1 (fixed, default) / view.mpp (1e-5)
        self.assertEqual(cnvs.scale, 1 / view.mpp.value)

        # Make sure the buffer is set at the right size
        expected_size = tuple(s + 2 * 512 for s in self.app.test_frame.ClientSize)
        self.assertEqual(cnvs._bmp_buffer_size, expected_size)

        ############ Create test image ###############

        img = generate_img_data(100, 100, 4)
        # 100 pixels is 1e-4 meters
        img.metadata[model.MD_PIXEL_SIZE] = (1e-6, 1e-6)
        img.metadata[model.MD_POS] = im_pos = (0, 0)
        img.metadata[model.MD_DIMS] = "YXC"
        im_scale = img.metadata[model.MD_PIXEL_SIZE][0]

        self.assertEqual(im_scale, img.metadata[model.MD_PIXEL_SIZE][0])

        stream1 = RGBStream("s1", img)

        # Verify view mpp and canvas scale
        self.assertEqual(view.mpp.value, 1e-6, "Default mpp value has changed!")
        self.assertEqual(cnvs.scale, 1 / view.mpp.value, "Canvas scale should not have changed!")


        # We're going to control the render size of the image using the
        # following meter per pixel values
        mpps = [1e-6, 1e-7, 1e-8]  #, 1e-9, 1e-10]

        # They should set the canvas scales to the following values
        exp_scales = [1e6, 1e7, 1e8]  #, 1e9, 1e10]

        exp_b_rect = [
            (711, 697, 100.0, 100.0),
            # (261, 247, 1000.0, 1000.0),
            # (-4239, -4253, 10000.0, 10000.0),

        for mpp, scale, rect in zip(mpps, exp_scales, exp_b_rect):
            view.mpp.value = mpp
            self.assertAlmostEqual(scale, cnvs.scale)
            calc_rect = cnvs._calc_img_buffer_rect(img.shape[:2], im_scale, im_pos)
            for ev, v in zip(rect, calc_rect):
                self.assertAlmostEqual(ev, v)

        stream1 = RGBStream("stream_one", img)
        # Set the mpp again, because the on_size handler will recalculate it
        view.mpp._value = 1

        # Dummy image
        shape = (200, 201, 4)
        rgb = numpy.empty(shape, dtype=numpy.uint8)
        rgb[...] = 255
        darray = DataArray(rgb)


        buffer_rect = (0, 0) + cnvs._bmp_buffer_size
        logging.debug("Buffer size is %s", buffer_rect)

        im_scales = [0.00001, 0.33564, 0.9999, 1, 1.3458, 2, 3.0, 101.0, 333.5]
        im_centers = [(0.0, 0.0), (-1.5, 5.2), (340.0, -220.0), (-20.0, -1.0)]

        canvas.scale = 0.5
        # Expected rectangles for the given image scales and canvas scale 0.5
        rects = [
            (611.9994975, 611.9995, 0.001005, 0.001),
            (595.13409, 595.218, 33.73182, 33.564),
            (561.755025, 562.005, 100.48995000000001, 99.99),
            (561.75, 562.0, 100.5, 100.0),
            (544.37355, 544.71, 135.2529, 134.58),
            (511.5, 512.0, 201.0, 200.0),
            (461.25, 462.0, 301.5, 300.0),
            (-4463.25, -4438.0, 10150.5, 10100.0),
            (-16146.375, -16063.0, 33516.75, 33350.0),

        for im_center in im_centers:
            logging.debug("Center: %s", im_center)
            for im_scale, rect in zip(im_scales, rects):
                logging.debug("Scale: %s", im_scale)
                b_rect = cnvs._calc_img_buffer_rect(darray.shape[:2], im_scale, im_center)

                for v in b_rect:
                    self.assertIsInstance(v, float)

                rect = (
                    rect[0] + im_center[0] * cnvs.scale,
                    rect[1] + im_center[1] * cnvs.scale,
                # logging.debug(b_rect)
                for b, r in zip(b_rect, rect):
                    self.assertAlmostEqual(b, r)

        canvas.scale = 1.0
        # Expected rectangle size for the given image scales and canvas scale 1
        rects = [
            (611.998995, 611.999, 0.00201, 0.002),
            (578.26818, 578.436, 67.46364, 67.128),
            (511.51005, 512.01, 200.97990000000001, 199.98),
            (511.5, 512.0, 201.0, 200.0),
            (476.7471, 477.41999999999996, 270.5058, 269.16),
            (411.0, 412.0, 402.0, 400.0),
            (310.5, 312.0, 603.0, 600.0),
            (-9538.5, -9488.0, 20301.0, 20200.0),
            (-32904.75, -32738.0, 67033.5, 66700.0),

        for im_center in im_centers:
            logging.debug("Center: %s", im_center)
            for im_scale, rect in zip(im_scales, rects):
                logging.debug("Scale: %s", im_scale)
                b_rect = cnvs._calc_img_buffer_rect(darray.shape[:2], im_scale, im_center)

                for v in b_rect:
                    self.assertIsInstance(v, float)

                # logging.debug(b_rect)
                rect = (
                    rect[0] + im_center[0] * cnvs.scale,
                    rect[1] + im_center[1] * cnvs.scale,
                # logging.debug(b_rect)
                for b, r in zip(b_rect, rect):
                    self.assertAlmostEqual(b, r)

        canvas.scale = 2.3
        # Expected rectangles for the given image scales and canvas scale 2.3
        rects = [
            (611.9976885, 611.9977, 0.0046229999999999995, 0.0046),
            (534.416814, 534.8028, 155.166372, 154.3944),
            (380.873115, 382.023, 462.25377, 459.95399999999995),
            (380.85, 382.0, 462.29999999999995, 459.99999999999994),
            (300.91833, 302.466, 622.16334, 619.068),
            (149.70000000000005, 152.00000000000006, 924.5999999999999, 919.9999999999999),
            (-81.44999999999993, -78.0, 1386.8999999999999, 1380.0),
            (-22734.149999999998, -22618.0, 46692.299999999996, 46460.0),
            (-76476.525, -76093.0, 154177.05, 153410.0),

        for im_center in im_centers:
            logging.debug("Center: %s", im_center)
            for im_scale, rect in zip(im_scales, rects):
                logging.debug("Scale: %s", im_scale)
                b_rect = cnvs._calc_img_buffer_rect(darray.shape[:2], im_scale, im_center)

                for v in b_rect:
                    self.assertIsInstance(v, float)

                # logging.debug(b_rect)
                rect = (
                    rect[0] + im_center[0] * cnvs.scale,
                    rect[1] + im_center[1] * cnvs.scale,
                # logging.debug(b_rect)
                for b, r in zip(b_rect, rect):
                    self.assertAlmostEqual(b, r)

Exemplo n.º 19
    def test(self):
        self.app.test_frame.SetSize((500, 1000))

        # old_canvas = DraggableCanvas(self.panel)
        tab = self.create_simple_tab_model()
        view = tab.focussedView.value
        old_canvas = miccanvas.DblMicroscopeCanvas(self.panel)
        old_canvas.use_threading = True
        # self.canvas.background_brush = wx.SOLID # no special background
        old_canvas.setView(view, tab)
        self.add_control(old_canvas, flags=wx.EXPAND, proportion=1)

        # new_canvas = DraggableCanvas(self.panel)
        # self.add_control(new_canvas, flags=wx.EXPAND, proportion=1)

        # # Test images: (im, w_pos, scale, keepalpha)
        # images = [
        #     (gettest_patternImage(), (0.0, 0.0), 1, False),
        #     (gettest_patternImage(), (0.0, 0.0), 1, True),
        # ]

        # shape = (250, 250, 4)
        # rgb = numpy.empty(shape, dtype=numpy.uint8)
        # rgb[..., 0] = numpy.linspace(0, 255, shape[1])
        # rgb[..., 1] = numpy.linspace(123, 156, shape[1])
        # rgb[..., 2] = numpy.linspace(100, 255, shape[1])
        # rgb[..., 3] = 255
        # rgb[..., [0, 1, 2, 3]] = rgb[..., [2, 1, 0, 3]]
        # darray_one = DataArray(rgb)

        # shape = (250, 250, 4)
        # rgb = numpy.empty(shape, dtype=numpy.uint8)
        # rgb[..., 0] = 255
        # rgb[..., 1] = 0
        # rgb[..., 2] = 127
        # rgb[..., 3] = 255
        # rgb[..., [0, 1, 2, 3]] = rgb[..., [2, 1, 0, 3]]
        # darray_two = DataArray(rgb)

        # shape = (250, 250, 4)
        # rgb = numpy.empty(shape, dtype=numpy.uint8)
        # rgb[..., 0] = 0
        # rgb[..., 1] = 0
        # rgb[..., 2] = 255
        # rgb[..., 3] = 255
        # rgb[..., [0, 1, 2, 3]] = rgb[..., [2, 1, 0, 3]]
        # darray_thr = DataArray(rgb)

        # images = [
        #     (darray_one, (0.0002, 0.0), 0.0002, True),
        #     (darray_two, (0.0, 0.0), 0.0003, True),
        #     (darray_thr, (0, 0.0), 0.0005, True),
        # ]

        darray_one = generate_img_data(250, 250, 4)

        images = [
            (darray_one, (0.0, 0.0), 0.0000003, True, None, None, 'one'),
            # (darray_two, (0.0, 0.0), 0.33, True, None, None, 'two'),
            # (darray_thr, (0, 0.0), 1, True, None, None, 'three'),

        old_canvas.shift_view((125, 125))
        # new_canvas.set_images(images)

        # Number of redraw we're going to request
        # FRAMES_TO_DRAW = 2

        # t_start = time.time()
        # for _ in range(FRAMES_TO_DRAW):
        #     old_canvas.update_drawing()
        #     test.gui_loop()
        # print "%ss"% (time.time() - t_start)

        # t_start = time.time()
        # for _ in range(FRAMES_TO_DRAW):
        #     new_canvas.update_drawing()
        #     test.gui_loop()
        # print "%ss"% (time.time() - t_start)

        # self.app.test_frame.SetSize((500, 500))
        # print old_canvas.GetSize(), old_canvas.ClientSize, old_canvas._bmp_buffer_size

        print "Done"