Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_fast(self):
        """Test the fast conversion"""
        data = numpy.ones((251, 200), dtype="uint16")
        data[:, :] = numpy.arange(200)
        data[2, :] = 56
        data[200, 2] = 3

        data_nc = data.swapaxes(
            0, 1)  # non-contiguous cannot be treated by fast conversion

        # convert to RGB
        hist, edges = img.histogram(data)
        irange = img.findOptimalRange(hist, edges, 1 / 256)
        tstart = time.time()
        for i in range(10):
            rgb = img.DataArray2RGB(data, irange)
        fast_dur = time.time() - tstart

        hist_nc, edges_nc = img.histogram(data_nc)
        irange_nc = img.findOptimalRange(hist_nc, edges_nc, 1 / 256)
        tstart = time.time()
        for i in range(10):
            rgb_nc = img.DataArray2RGB(data_nc, irange_nc)
        std_dur = time.time() - tstart
        rgb_nc_back = rgb_nc.swapaxes(0, 1)

        print("Time fast conversion = %g s, standard = %g s" %
              (fast_dur, std_dur))
        self.assertLess(fast_dur, std_dur)
        # ±1, to handle the value shifts by the standard converter to handle floats
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(rgb, rgb_nc_back, decimal=0)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_auto_vs_manual(self):
        Checks that conversion with auto BC is the same as optimal BC + manual
        size = (1024, 512)
        depth = 2**12
        img12 = numpy.zeros(size, dtype="uint16") + depth // 2
        img12[0, 0] = depth - 1 - 240

        # automatic
        img_auto = img.DataArray2RGB(img12)

        # manual
        hist, edges = img.histogram(img12, (0, depth - 1))
        self.assertEqual(edges, (0, depth - 1))
        irange = img.findOptimalRange(hist, edges)
        img_manu = img.DataArray2RGB(img12, irange)

        numpy.testing.assert_equal(img_auto, img_manu)

        # second try
        img12 = numpy.zeros(size, dtype="uint16") + 4000
        img12[0, 0] = depth - 1 - 40
        img12[12, 12] = 50

        # automatic
        img_auto = img.DataArray2RGB(img12)

        # manual
        hist, edges = img.histogram(img12, (0, depth - 1))
        irange = img.findOptimalRange(hist, edges)
        img_manu = img.DataArray2RGB(img12, irange)

        numpy.testing.assert_equal(img_auto, img_manu)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_uint8(self):
        # uint8 is special because it's so close from the output that bytescale
        # normally does nothing
        irange = (25, 135)
        shape = (1024, 836)
        tint = (0, 73, 255)
        data = numpy.random.randint(irange[0], irange[1] + 1,
        # to be really sure there is at least one of the min and max values
        data[0, 0] = irange[0]
        data[0, 1] = irange[1]

        out = img.DataArray2RGB(data, irange, tint=tint)

        pixel1 = out[0, 1]
        numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(pixel1, list(tint))

        self.assertTrue(numpy.all(out[..., 0] == 0))

        self.assertEqual(out[..., 2].min(), 0)
        self.assertEqual(out[..., 2].max(), 255)

        # Same data, but now mapped between 0->255 => no scaling to do (just duplicate)
        irange = (0, 255)
        out = img.DataArray2RGB(data, irange, tint=tint)
        self.assertTrue(numpy.all(out[..., 0] == 0))
        numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(data, out[:, :, 2])
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_direct_mapping(self):
        """test with irange fitting the whole depth"""
        # first 8 bit => no change (and test the short-cut)
        size = (1024, 1024)
        depth = 256
        grey_img = numpy.zeros(size, dtype="uint8") + depth // 2
        grey_img[0, 0] = 10
        grey_img[0, 1] = depth - 10

        # should keep the grey
        out = img.DataArray2RGB(grey_img, irange=(0, depth - 1))
        self.assertEqual(out.shape, size + (3,))
        self.assertEqual(self.CountValues(out), 3)
        pixel = out[2, 2]
        numpy.testing.assert_equal(pixel, [128, 128, 128])

        # 16 bits
        depth = 4096
        grey_img = numpy.zeros(size, dtype="uint16") + depth // 2
        grey_img[0, 0] = 100
        grey_img[0, 1] = depth - 100

        # should keep the grey
        out = img.DataArray2RGB(grey_img, irange=(0, depth - 1))
        self.assertEqual(out.shape, size + (3,))
        self.assertEqual(self.CountValues(out), 3)
        pixel = out[2, 2]
        numpy.testing.assert_equal(pixel, [128, 128, 128])
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_simple(self):
        # test with everything auto
        size = (1024, 512)
        grey_img = numpy.zeros(size, dtype="uint16") + 1500

        # one colour
        out = img.DataArray2RGB(grey_img)
        self.assertEqual(out.shape, size + (3, ))
        self.assertEqual(self.CountValues(out), 1)

        # add black
        grey_img[0, 0] = 0
        out = img.DataArray2RGB(grey_img)
        self.assertEqual(out.shape, size + (3, ))
        self.assertEqual(self.CountValues(out), 2)

        # add white
        grey_img[0, 1] = 4095
        out = img.DataArray2RGB(grey_img)
        self.assertEqual(out.shape, size + (3, ))
        self.assertEqual(self.CountValues(out), 3)
        pixel0 = out[0, 0]
        pixel1 = out[0, 1]
        pixelg = out[0, 2]
        numpy.testing.assert_array_less(pixel0, pixel1)
        numpy.testing.assert_array_less(pixel0, pixelg)
        numpy.testing.assert_array_less(pixelg, pixel1)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_direct_mapping(self):
        """test with irange fitting the whole depth"""
        # first 8 bit => no change (and test the short-cut)
        size = (1024, 1024)
        depth = 256
        grey_img = numpy.zeros(size, dtype="uint8") + depth // 2  # 128
        grey_img[0, 0] = 10
        grey_img[0, 1] = depth - 10

        # should keep the grey
        out = img.DataArray2RGB(grey_img, irange=(0, depth - 1))
        self.assertEqual(out.shape, size + (3, ))
        self.assertEqual(self.CountValues(out), 3)
        pixel = out[2, 2]
        numpy.testing.assert_equal(out[:, :, 0], out[:, :, 1])
        numpy.testing.assert_equal(out[:, :, 0], out[:, :, 2])
        numpy.testing.assert_equal(pixel, [128, 128, 128])

        # 16 bits
        depth = 4096
        grey_img = numpy.zeros(size, dtype="uint16") + depth // 2
        grey_img[0, 0] = 100
        grey_img[0, 1] = depth - 100
        grey_img[1, 0] = 0
        grey_img[1, 1] = depth - 1

        # should keep the grey
        out = img.DataArray2RGB(grey_img, irange=(0, depth - 1))
        self.assertEqual(out.shape, size + (3, ))
        self.assertEqual(self.CountValues(out), 5)
        pixel = out[2, 2]
        numpy.testing.assert_equal(out[:, :, 0], out[:, :, 1])
        numpy.testing.assert_equal(out[:, :, 0], out[:, :, 2])
        # In theory, depth//2 should be 128, but due to support for floats (ranges),
        # the function cannot ensure this, so accept slightly less (127).
        assert (numpy.array_equal(pixel, [127, 127, 127])
                or numpy.array_equal(pixel, [128, 128, 128]))
        numpy.testing.assert_equal(out[1, 0], [0, 0, 0])
        numpy.testing.assert_equal(out[1, 1], [255, 255, 255])

        # 32 bits
        depth = 2**32
        grey_img = numpy.zeros(size, dtype="uint32") + depth // 2
        grey_img[0, 0] = depth // 50
        grey_img[0, 1] = depth - depth // 50
        grey_img[1, 0] = 0
        grey_img[1, 1] = depth - 1

        # should keep the grey
        out = img.DataArray2RGB(grey_img, irange=(0, depth - 1))
        self.assertEqual(out.shape, size + (3, ))
        self.assertEqual(self.CountValues(out), 5)
        pixel = out[2, 2]
        numpy.testing.assert_equal(out[:, :, 0], out[:, :, 1])
        numpy.testing.assert_equal(out[:, :, 0], out[:, :, 2])
        assert (numpy.array_equal(pixel, [127, 127, 127])
                or numpy.array_equal(pixel, [128, 128, 128]))
        numpy.testing.assert_equal(out[1, 0], [0, 0, 0])
        numpy.testing.assert_equal(out[1, 1], [255, 255, 255])
Exemplo n.º 7
    def _updateImage(self, tint=(255, 255, 255)):
        """ Recomputes the image with all the raw data available

        tint ((int, int, int)): colouration of the image, in RGB. Only used by
            FluoStream to avoid code duplication
        # check to avoid running it if there is already one running
        if self._running_upd_img:
            logging.debug(("Dropping image conversion to RGB, as the previous "
                           "one is still running"))
        if not self.raw:

            self._running_upd_img = True
            data = self.raw[0]
            irange = self._getDisplayIRange()
            rgbim = img.DataArray2RGB(data, irange, tint)
            rgbim.flags.writeable = False
            # # Commented to prevent log flooding
            # if model.MD_ACQ_DATE in data.metadata:
            #     logging.debug("Computed RGB projection %g s after acquisition",
            #                    time.time() - data.metadata[model.MD_ACQ_DATE])
            md = self._find_metadata(data.metadata)
            md[model.MD_DIMS] = "YXC"  # RGB format
            self.image.value = model.DataArray(rgbim, md)
        except Exception:
            logging.exception("Updating %s image", self.__class__.__name__)
            self._running_upd_img = False
Exemplo n.º 8
    def _updateImage(self):
        """ Recomputes the image with all the raw data available for the current
        selected point.
        if not self.raw:

        pos = self.point.value
            if pos == (None, None):
                self.image.value = None
                polard = self._getPolarProjection(pos)
                # update the histrogram
                # TODO: cache the histogram per image
                # FIXME: histogram should not include the black pixels outside
                # of the circle. => use a masked array?
                # reset the drange to ensure that it doesn't depend on older data
                self._drange = None
                irange = self._getDisplayIRange()

                # Convert to RGB
                rgbim = img.DataArray2RGB(polard, irange)
                rgbim.flags.writeable = False
                # For polar view, no PIXEL_SIZE nor POS
                self.image.value = model.DataArray(rgbim)
        except Exception:
            logging.exception("Updating %s image", self.__class__.__name__)
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: png.py Projeto: lanery/odemis
def _saveAsPNG(filename, data):

    # TODO: store metadata

    # Already RGB 8 bit?
    if (data.metadata.get(model.MD_DIMS) == 'YXC'
            and data.dtype in (numpy.uint8, numpy.int8)
            and data.shape[2] in (3, 4)):
        rgb8 = data
        data = img.ensure2DImage(data)

        # TODO: it currently fails with large data, use gdal instead?
        #     tempdriver = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM')
        #     tmp = tempdriver.Create('', rgb8.shape[1], rgb8.shape[0], 1, gdal.GDT_Byte)
        #     tiledriver = gdal.GetDriverByName("png")
        #     tmp.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(rgb8[:, :, 0])
        #     tiledriver.CreateCopy("testgdal.png", tmp, strict=0)

        # TODO: support greyscale png?
        # TODO: skip if already 8 bits
        # Convert to 8 bit RGB
        hist, edges = img.histogram(data)
        irange = img.findOptimalRange(hist, edges, 1 / 256)
        rgb8 = img.DataArray2RGB(data, irange)

    # save to file
    im = Image.fromarray(rgb8)
    im.save(filename, "PNG")
Exemplo n.º 10
    def test_irange(self):
        """test with specific corner values of irange"""
        size = (1024, 1024)
        depth = 4096
        grey_img = numpy.zeros(size, dtype="uint16") + depth // 2
        grey_img[0, 0] = 100
        grey_img[0, 1] = depth - 100

        # slightly smaller range than everything => still 3 colours
        out = img.DataArray2RGB(grey_img, irange=(50, depth - 51))
        self.assertEqual(out.shape, size + (3, ))
        self.assertEqual(self.CountValues(out), 3)
        pixel0 = out[0, 0]
        pixel1 = out[0, 1]
        pixelg = out[0, 2]
        numpy.testing.assert_array_less(pixel0, pixel1)
        numpy.testing.assert_array_less(pixel0, pixelg)
        numpy.testing.assert_array_less(pixelg, pixel1)

        # irange at the lowest value => all white (but the blacks)
        out = img.DataArray2RGB(grey_img, irange=(0, 1))
        self.assertEqual(out.shape, size + (3, ))
        self.assertEqual(self.CountValues(out), 1)
        pixel = out[2, 2]
        numpy.testing.assert_equal(pixel, [255, 255, 255])

        # irange at the highest value => all blacks (but the whites)
        out = img.DataArray2RGB(grey_img, irange=(depth - 2, depth - 1))
        self.assertEqual(out.shape, size + (3, ))
        self.assertEqual(self.CountValues(out), 1)
        pixel = out[2, 2]
        numpy.testing.assert_equal(pixel, [0, 0, 0])

        # irange at the middle value => black/white/grey (max)
        out = img.DataArray2RGB(grey_img,
                                irange=(depth // 2 - 1, depth // 2 + 1))
        self.assertEqual(out.shape, size + (3, ))
        self.assertEqual(self.CountValues(out), 3)
        hist, edges = img.histogram(out[:, :, 0])  # just use one RGB channel
        self.assertGreater(hist[0], 0)
        self.assertEqual(hist[1], 0)
        self.assertGreater(hist[-1], 0)
        self.assertEqual(hist[-2], 0)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def test_fast(self):
        """Test the fast conversion"""
        data = numpy.ones((251, 200), dtype="uint16")
        data[:, :] = range(200)
        data[2, :] = 56
        data[200, 2] = 3

        data_nc = data.swapaxes(
            0, 1)  # non-contiguous cannot be treated by fast conversion

        # convert to RGB
        hist, edges = img.histogram(data)
        irange = img.findOptimalRange(hist, edges, 1 / 256)
        rgb = img.DataArray2RGB(data, irange)

        hist_nc, edges_nc = img.histogram(data_nc)
        irange_nc = img.findOptimalRange(hist_nc, edges_nc, 1 / 256)
        rgb_nc = img.DataArray2RGB(data_nc, irange_nc)
        rgb_nc_back = rgb_nc.swapaxes(0, 1)

        numpy.testing.assert_equal(rgb, rgb_nc_back)
Exemplo n.º 12
def preprocess(im, invert, flip, crop, gaussian_sigma, eqhis):
    Typical preprocessing steps needed before performing keypoint matching
    im (DataArray): Input image
    invert (bool): Invert the brightness levels of the image
    flip (tuple(bool, bool)): Determine if the image should be flipped on the X and Y axis
    crop (tuple(t,b,l,r): Crop values in pixels
    gaussian_sigma (int): Blur intensity
    eqhis (bool): If True, an histogram equalisation is performed (and data type)
      is set to uint8
    return (DataArray of same shape): Processed image
        metadata = im.metadata
    except AttributeError:
        metadata = {}

    flip_x, flip_y = flip
    # flip on X axis
    if flip_x:
        im = im[:, ::-1]

    # flip on Y axis
    if flip_y:
        im = im[::-1, :]

    crop_top, crop_bottom, crop_left, crop_right = crop
    # remove the bar
    im = im[crop_top:im.shape[0] - crop_bottom,
            crop_left:im.shape[1] - crop_right]

    # Invert the image brightness
    if invert:
        # mn = im.min()
        mx = im.max()
        im = mx - im

    # equalize histogram
    if eqhis:
        if im.dtype != numpy.uint8:
            # OpenCV histogram equalisation only works on uint8 data
            rgb_im = img.DataArray2RGB(im)
            im = rgb_im[:, :, 0]
        im = cv2.equalizeHist(im)

    # blur the image using a gaussian filter
    if gaussian_sigma:
        im = ndimage.gaussian_filter(im, sigma=gaussian_sigma)

    # return a new DataArray with the metadata of the original image
    return model.DataArray(im, metadata)
Exemplo n.º 13
    def new_image(self, data):
        Update the window with the new image (the window is resize to have the image
        at ratio 1:1)
        data (numpy.ndarray): an 2D array containing the image (can be 3D if in RGB)
        if data.ndim == 3 and 3 in data.shape: # RGB
            rgb = img.ensureYXC(data)
        else: # Greyscale (hopefully)
            mn, mx, mnp, mxp = ndimage.extrema(data)
            logging.info("Image data from %s to %s", mn, mx)
            rgb = img.DataArray2RGB(data) # auto brightness/contrast

        self.app.img = NDImage2wxImage(rgb)
Exemplo n.º 14
    def test_float(self):
        irange = (0.3, 468.4)
        shape = (102, 965)
        tint = (0, 73, 255)
        grey_img = numpy.zeros(shape, dtype="float") + 15.05
        grey_img[0, 0] = -15.6
        grey_img[0, 1] = 500.6

        out = img.DataArray2RGB(grey_img, irange, tint=tint)
        self.assertTrue(numpy.all(out[..., 0] == 0))
        self.assertEqual(out[..., 2].min(), 0)
        self.assertEqual(out[..., 2].max(), 255)

        # irange at the lowest value => all white (but the blacks)
        out = img.DataArray2RGB(grey_img, irange=(-100, -50))
        self.assertEqual(out.shape, shape + (3, ))
        self.assertEqual(self.CountValues(out), 1)
        pixel = out[2, 2]
        numpy.testing.assert_equal(pixel, [255, 255, 255])

        # irange at the highest value => all blacks (but the whites)
        out = img.DataArray2RGB(grey_img, irange=(5000, 5000.1))
        self.assertEqual(out.shape, shape + (3, ))
        self.assertEqual(self.CountValues(out), 1)
        pixel = out[2, 2]
        numpy.testing.assert_equal(pixel, [0, 0, 0])

        # irange at the middle => B&W only
        out = img.DataArray2RGB(grey_img, irange=(10, 10.1))
        self.assertEqual(out.shape, shape + (3, ))
        self.assertEqual(self.CountValues(out), 2)
        hist, edges = img.histogram(out[:, :, 0])  # just use one RGB channel
        self.assertGreater(hist[0], 0)
        self.assertEqual(hist[1], 0)
        self.assertGreater(hist[-1], 0)
        self.assertEqual(hist[-2], 0)
Exemplo n.º 15
    def _updateImage(self):
        raw = self.stream.raw[0]
        metadata = self.stream._find_metadata(raw.metadata)
        raw = img.ensure2DImage(raw)  # Remove extra dimensions (of length 1)
        grayscale_im = preprocess(raw, self._invert, self._flip, self._crop,
                                  self._gaussian_sigma, self._eqhis)
        rgb_im = img.DataArray2RGB(grayscale_im)
        if self._kp:
            rgb_im = cv2.drawKeypoints(rgb_im, self._kp, None, color=(30, 30, 255), flags=0)
        if self._mkp:
            rgb_im = cv2.drawKeypoints(rgb_im, self._mkp, None, color=(0, 255, 0), flags=0)

        rgb_im = model.DataArray(rgb_im, metadata)
        rgb_im.flags.writeable = False
        self.image.value = rgb_im
Exemplo n.º 16
 def _projectXY2RGB(self, data, tint=(255, 255, 255)):
     Project a 2D spatial DataArray into a RGB representation
     data (DataArray): 2D DataArray
     tint ((int, int, int)): colouration of the image, in RGB.
     return (DataArray): 3D DataArray
     irange = self._getDisplayIRange()
     rgbim = img.DataArray2RGB(data, irange, tint)
     rgbim.flags.writeable = False
     # Commented to prevent log flooding
     # if model.MD_ACQ_DATE in data.metadata:
     #     logging.debug("Computed RGB projection %g s after acquisition",
     #                    time.time() - data.metadata[model.MD_ACQ_DATE])
     md = self._find_metadata(data.metadata)
     md[model.MD_DIMS] = "YXC" # RGB format
     return model.DataArray(rgbim, md)
Exemplo n.º 17
    def test_uint32_small(self):
        Test uint32, but with values very close from each other => the histogram
        will look like just one column not null. But we still want the image
        to display between 0->255 in RGB.
        size = (512, 100)
        grey_img = numpy.zeros(size, dtype="uint32") + 3
        grey_img[0, :] = 0
        grey_img[:, 1] = 40
        hist, edges = img.histogram(grey_img)  # , (0, depth - 1))
        irange = img.findOptimalRange(hist, edges, 0)

        rgb = img.DataArray2RGB(grey_img, irange)

        self.assertEqual(rgb[0, 0].tolist(), [0, 0, 0])
        self.assertEqual(rgb[5, 1].tolist(), [255, 255, 255])
        self.assertTrue(0 < rgb[50, 50, 0] < 255)
Exemplo n.º 18
 def new_image(self, data):
     Update the window with the new image (the window is resize to have the image
     at ratio 1:1)
     data (numpy.ndarray): an 2D array containing the image (can be 3D if in RGB)
     if data.ndim == 3 and 3 in data.shape:  # RGB
         rgb = img.ensureYXC(data)
     elif numpy.prod(data.shape) == data.shape[-1]:  # 1D image => bar plot
         # TODO: add "(plot)" to the window title
         # Create a simple bar plot of X x 400 px
         lenx = data.shape[-1]
         if lenx > MAX_WIDTH:
             binning = lenx // MAX_WIDTH
             data = data[..., 0::binning]
             logging.debug("Compressed data from %d to %d elements", lenx,
             lenx = data.shape[-1]
         leny = 400
         miny = min(0, data.min())
         maxy = data.max()
         diffy = maxy - miny
         if diffy == 0:
             diffy = 1
         logging.info("Plot data from %s to %s", miny, maxy)
         rgb = numpy.zeros((leny, lenx, 3), dtype=numpy.uint8)
         for i, v in numpy.ndenumerate(data):
             # TODO: have the base at 0, instead of miny, so that negative values are columns going down
             h = leny - int(((v - miny) * leny) / diffy)
             rgb[h:-1, i[-1], :] = 255
     else:  # Greyscale (hopefully)
         mn, mx, mnp, mxp = ndimage.extrema(data)
         logging.info("Image data from %s to %s", mn, mx)
         rgb = img.DataArray2RGB(data)  # auto brightness/contrast
     self.app.spots, self.app.translation, self.app.scaling, self.app.rotation = FindGridSpots(
         data, self.gridsize)
     self.app.img = NDImage2wxImage(rgb)
Exemplo n.º 19
def _saveAsPNG(filename, data):

    # TODO: store metadata

    # TODO: support RGB
    data = img.ensure2DImage(data)

    # TODO: it currently fails with large data, use gdal instead?
    #     tempdriver = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM')
    #     tmp = tempdriver.Create('', rgb8.shape[1], rgb8.shape[0], 1, gdal.GDT_Byte)
    #     tiledriver = gdal.GetDriverByName("png")
    #     tmp.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(rgb8[:, :, 0])
    #     tiledriver.CreateCopy("testgdal.png", tmp, strict=0)

    # TODO: support greyscale png?
    # TODO: skip if already 8 bits
    # Convert to 8 bit RGB
    hist, edges = img.histogram(data)
    irange = img.findOptimalRange(hist, edges, 1 / 256)
    rgb8 = img.DataArray2RGB(data, irange)

    # save to file
    scipy.misc.imsave(filename, rgb8)
Exemplo n.º 20
    def test_tint_int16(self):
        """test with tint, with the slow path"""
        size = (1024, 1024)
        depth = 4096
        grey_img = numpy.zeros(size, dtype="int16") + depth // 2
        grey_img[0, 0] = 0
        grey_img[0, 1] = depth - 1

        # white should become same as the tint
        tint = (0, 73, 255)
        out = img.DataArray2RGB(grey_img, tint=tint)
        self.assertEqual(out.shape, size + (3, ))
        self.assertEqual(self.CountValues(out[:, :, 0]), 1)  # R
        self.assertEqual(self.CountValues(out[:, :, 1]), 3)  # G
        self.assertEqual(self.CountValues(out[:, :, 2]), 3)  # B

        pixel0 = out[0, 0]
        pixel1 = out[0, 1]
        pixelg = out[0, 2]
        numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(pixel1, list(tint))
        self.assertTrue(numpy.all(pixel0 <= pixel1))
        self.assertTrue(numpy.all(pixel0 <= pixelg))
        self.assertTrue(numpy.all(pixelg <= pixel1))
Exemplo n.º 21
    def get_spatial_spectrum(self, data=None, raw=False):
        Project a spectrum cube (CYX) to XY space in RGB, by averaging the
          intensity over all the wavelengths (selected by the user)
        data (DataArray or None): if provided, will use the cube, otherwise,
          will use the whole data from the stream.
        raw (bool): if True, will return the "raw" values (ie, same data type as
          the original data). Otherwise, it will return a RGB image.
        return (DataArray YXC of uint8 or YX of same data type as data): average
          intensity over the selected wavelengths
        if data is None:
            data = self._calibrated
        md = self._find_metadata(data.metadata)

        # pick only the data inside the bandwidth
        spec_range = self._get_bandwidth_in_pixel()
        logging.debug("Spectrum range picked: %s px", spec_range)

        if raw:
            av_data = numpy.mean(data[spec_range[0]:spec_range[1] + 1], axis=0)
            av_data = img.ensure2DImage(av_data).astype(data.dtype)
            return model.DataArray(av_data, md)
            irange = self._getDisplayIRange() # will update histogram if not yet present

            if not self.fitToRGB.value:
                # TODO: use better intermediary type if possible?, cf semcomedi
                av_data = numpy.mean(data[spec_range[0]:spec_range[1] + 1], axis=0)
                av_data = img.ensure2DImage(av_data)
                rgbim = img.DataArray2RGB(av_data, irange)
                # Note: For now this method uses three independent bands. To give
                # a better sense of continuum, and be closer to reality when using
                # the visible light's band, we should take a weighted average of the
                # whole spectrum for each band. But in practice, that would be less
                # useful.

                # divide the range into 3 sub-ranges (BRG) of almost the same length
                len_rng = spec_range[1] - spec_range[0] + 1
                brange = [spec_range[0], int(round(spec_range[0] + len_rng / 3)) - 1]
                grange = [brange[1] + 1, int(round(spec_range[0] + 2 * len_rng / 3)) - 1]
                rrange = [grange[1] + 1, spec_range[1]]
                # ensure each range contains at least one pixel
                brange[1] = max(brange)
                grange[1] = max(grange)
                rrange[1] = max(rrange)

                # FIXME: unoptimized, as each channel is duplicated 3 times, and discarded
                av_data = numpy.mean(data[rrange[0]:rrange[1] + 1], axis=0)
                av_data = img.ensure2DImage(av_data)
                rgbim = img.DataArray2RGB(av_data, irange)
                av_data = numpy.mean(data[grange[0]:grange[1] + 1], axis=0)
                av_data = img.ensure2DImage(av_data)
                gim = img.DataArray2RGB(av_data, irange)
                rgbim[:, :, 1] = gim[:, :, 0]
                av_data = numpy.mean(data[brange[0]:brange[1] + 1], axis=0)
                av_data = img.ensure2DImage(av_data)
                bim = img.DataArray2RGB(av_data, irange)
                rgbim[:, :, 2] = bim[:, :, 0]

            rgbim.flags.writeable = False
            md[model.MD_DIMS] = "YXC" # RGB format

            return model.DataArray(rgbim, md)
Exemplo n.º 22
    def get_line_spectrum(self):
        Return the 1D spectrum representing the (average) spectrum
        See get_spectrum_range() to know the wavelength values for each index of
          the spectrum dimension
        return (None or DataArray with 3 dimensions): first axis (Y) is spatial
          (along the line), second axis (X) is spectrum, third axis (RGB) is
          colour (always greyscale).
          MD_PIXEL_SIZE[1] contains the spatial distance between each spectrum
          If the selected_line is not valid, it will return None
        if (None, None) in self.selected_line.value:
            return None

        spec2d = self._calibrated[:, 0,
                                  0, :, :]  # same data but remove useless dims
        width = self.width.value

        # Number of points to return: the length of the line
        start, end = self.selected_line.value
        v = (end[0] - start[0], end[1] - start[1])
        l = math.hypot(*v)
        n = 1 + int(l)
        if l < 1:  # a line of just one pixel is considered not valid
            return None

        # Coordinates of each point: ndim of data (5-2), pos on line (Y), spectrum (X)
        # The line is scanned from the end till the start so that the spectra
        # closest to the origin of the line are at the bottom.
        coord = numpy.empty((3, width, n, spec2d.shape[0]))
        coord[0] = numpy.arange(spec2d.shape[0])  # spectra = all
        coord_spc = coord.swapaxes(
            2, 3)  # just a view to have (line) space as last dim
        coord_spc[-1] = numpy.linspace(end[0], start[0], n)  # X axis
        coord_spc[-2] = numpy.linspace(end[1], start[1], n)  # Y axis

        # Spread over the width
        # perpendicular unit vector
        pv = (-v[1] / l, v[0] / l)
        width_coord = numpy.empty((2, width))
        spread = (width - 1) / 2
        width_coord[-1] = numpy.linspace(pv[0] * -spread, pv[0] * spread,
                                         width)  # X axis
        width_coord[-2] = numpy.linspace(pv[1] * -spread, pv[1] * spread,
                                         width)  # Y axis

        coord_cw = coord[1:].swapaxes(0, 2).swapaxes(
            1, 3)  # view with coordinates and width as last dims
        coord_cw += width_coord

        # Interpolate the values based on the data
        if width == 1:
            # simple version for the most usual case
            spec1d = ndimage.map_coordinates(spec2d,
                                             coord[:, 0, :, :],
            # force the intermediate values to float, as mean() still needs to run
            spec1d_w = ndimage.map_coordinates(spec2d,
            spec1d = spec1d_w.mean(axis=0).astype(spec2d.dtype)
        assert spec1d.shape == (n, spec2d.shape[0])

        # Scale and convert to RGB image
        hist, edges = img.histogram(spec1d)
        irange = img.findOptimalRange(hist, edges, 1 / 256)
        rgb8 = img.DataArray2RGB(spec1d, irange)

        # Use metadata to indicate spatial distance between pixel
        pxs_data = self._calibrated.metadata[MD_PIXEL_SIZE]
        pxs = math.hypot(v[0] * pxs_data[0], v[1] * pxs_data[1]) / (n - 1)
        md = {
            MD_PIXEL_SIZE: (None, pxs)
        }  # for the spectrum, use get_spectrum_range()
        return model.DataArray(rgb8, md)
Exemplo n.º 23
    def _updateImageAverage(self, data):
        if self.auto_bc.value:
            # The histogram might be slightly old, but not too much
            irange = img.findOptimalRange(self.histogram._full_hist,
                                          self.auto_bc_outliers.value / 100)

            # Also update the intensityRanges if auto BC
            edges = self.histogram._edges
            rrange = [(v - edges[0]) / (edges[1] - edges[0]) for v in irange]
            self.intensityRange.value = tuple(rrange)
            # just convert from the user-defined (as ratio) to actual values
            rrange = sorted(self.intensityRange.value)
            edges = self.histogram._edges
            irange = [edges[0] + (edges[1] - edges[0]) * v for v in rrange]

        # pick only the data inside the bandwidth
        spec_range = self._get_bandwidth_in_pixel()
        logging.debug("Spectrum range picked: %s px", spec_range)

        if not self.fitToRGB.value:
            # TODO: use better intermediary type if possible?, cf semcomedi
            av_data = numpy.mean(data[spec_range[0]:spec_range[1] + 1], axis=0)
            av_data = img.ensure2DImage(av_data)
            rgbim = img.DataArray2RGB(av_data, irange)
            # Note: For now this method uses three independent bands. To give
            # a better sense of continuum, and be closer to reality when using
            # the visible light's band, we should take a weighted average of the
            # whole spectrum for each band.

            # divide the range into 3 sub-ranges of almost the same length
            len_rng = spec_range[1] - spec_range[0] + 1
            rrange = [
                int(round(spec_range[0] + len_rng / 3)) - 1
            grange = [
                rrange[1] + 1,
                int(round(spec_range[0] + 2 * len_rng / 3)) - 1
            brange = [grange[1] + 1, spec_range[1]]
            # ensure each range contains at least one pixel
            rrange[1] = max(rrange)
            grange[1] = max(grange)
            brange[1] = max(brange)

            # FIXME: unoptimized, as each channel is duplicated 3 times, and discarded
            av_data = numpy.mean(data[rrange[0]:rrange[1] + 1], axis=0)
            av_data = img.ensure2DImage(av_data)
            rgbim = img.DataArray2RGB(av_data, irange)
            av_data = numpy.mean(data[grange[0]:grange[1] + 1], axis=0)
            av_data = img.ensure2DImage(av_data)
            gim = img.DataArray2RGB(av_data, irange)
            rgbim[:, :, 1] = gim[:, :, 0]
            av_data = numpy.mean(data[brange[0]:brange[1] + 1], axis=0)
            av_data = img.ensure2DImage(av_data)
            bim = img.DataArray2RGB(av_data, irange)
            rgbim[:, :, 2] = bim[:, :, 0]

        rgbim.flags.writeable = False
        self.image.value = model.DataArray(rgbim,
Exemplo n.º 24
    def test_spec_1d(self):
        """Test StaticSpectrumStream 1D"""
        spec = self._create_spec_data()
        specs = stream.StaticSpectrumStream("test", spec)

        # Check 1d spectrum on corner-case: parallel to the X axis
        specs.selected_line.value = [(3, 7), (3, 65)]
        sp1d = specs.get_line_spectrum()
        wl1d = specs.get_spectrum_range()
        self.assertEqual(sp1d.ndim, 3)
        self.assertEqual(sp1d.shape, (65 - 7 + 1, spec.shape[0], 3))
        self.assertEqual(sp1d.dtype, numpy.uint8)
        self.assertEqual(wl1d.shape, (spec.shape[0], ))

        # compare to doing it manually, by cutting the band at 3
        sp1d_raw_ex = spec[:, 0, 0, 65:6:-1, 3]
        # make it contiguous to be sure to get the fast conversion, because
        # there are (still) some minor differences with the slow conversion
        sp1d_raw_ex = numpy.ascontiguousarray(sp1d_raw_ex.swapaxes(0, 1))

        # Need to convert to RGB to compare
        hist, edges = img.histogram(sp1d_raw_ex)
        irange = img.findOptimalRange(hist, edges, 1 / 256)
        sp1d_rgb_ex = img.DataArray2RGB(sp1d_raw_ex, irange)
        numpy.testing.assert_equal(sp1d, sp1d_rgb_ex)

        # Check 1d spectrum in diagonal
        specs.selected_line.value = [(30, 65), (1, 1)]
        sp1d = specs.get_line_spectrum()
        wl1d = specs.get_spectrum_range()
        self.assertEqual(sp1d.ndim, 3)
        # There is not too much expectations on the size of the spatial axis
        self.assertTrue(29 <= sp1d.shape[0] <= (64 * 1.41))
        self.assertEqual(sp1d.shape[1], spec.shape[0])
        self.assertEqual(sp1d.shape[2], 3)
        self.assertEqual(sp1d.dtype, numpy.uint8)
        self.assertEqual(wl1d.shape, (spec.shape[0], ))

        # Check 1d with larger width
        specs.selected_line.value = [(30, 65), (5, 1)]
        specs.width.value = 12
        sp1d = specs.get_line_spectrum()
        wl1d = specs.get_spectrum_range()
        self.assertEqual(sp1d.ndim, 3)
        # There is not too much expectations on the size of the spatial axis
        self.assertTrue(29 <= sp1d.shape[0] <= (64 * 1.41))
        self.assertEqual(sp1d.shape[1], spec.shape[0])
        self.assertEqual(sp1d.shape[2], 3)
        self.assertEqual(sp1d.dtype, numpy.uint8)
        self.assertEqual(wl1d.shape, (spec.shape[0], ))

        specs.selected_line.value = [(30, 65), (5, 12)]
        specs.width.value = 13  # brings bad luck?
        sp1d = specs.get_line_spectrum()
        wl1d = specs.get_spectrum_range()
        self.assertEqual(sp1d.ndim, 3)
        # There is not too much expectations on the size of the spatial axis
        self.assertTrue(29 <= sp1d.shape[0] <= (53 * 1.41))
        self.assertEqual(sp1d.shape[1], spec.shape[0])
        self.assertEqual(sp1d.shape[2], 3)
        self.assertEqual(sp1d.dtype, numpy.uint8)
        self.assertEqual(wl1d.shape, (spec.shape[0], ))
Exemplo n.º 25
def main(args):
    Handles the command line arguments
    args is the list of arguments passed
    return (int): value to return to the OS as program exit code

    # arguments handling
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description="Automated AR acquisition at multiple spot locations")

        "repetitions defines the number of CL spots in the grid (x dimension)")
        "repetitions defines the number of CL spots in the grid (y dimension)")
        help="dwell_time indicates the time to scan each spot (unit: s)")
        "max_allowed_diff indicates the maximum allowed difference in electron coordinates (unit: m)"

    options = parser.parse_args(args[1:])
    repetitions = (int(options.repetitions_x), int(options.repetitions_y))
    dwell_time = float(options.dwell_time)
    max_allowed_diff = float(options.max_allowed_diff)

        escan = None
        detector = None
        ccd = None
        # find components by their role
        for c in model.getComponents():
            if c.role == "e-beam":
                escan = c
            elif c.role == "se-detector":
                detector = c
            elif c.role == "ccd":
                ccd = c
        if not all([escan, detector, ccd]):
            logging.error("Failed to find all the components")
            raise KeyError("Not all components found")

        # ccd.data.get()
        gscanner = GridScanner(repetitions, dwell_time, escan, ccd, detector)

        # Wait for ScanGrid to finish
        optical_image, electron_coordinates, electron_scale = gscanner.DoAcquisition(
        hdf5.export("scanned_image.h5", optical_image)
        logging.debug("electron coord = %s", electron_coordinates)

        ############## TO BE REMOVED ON TESTING##############
        #        grid_data = hdf5.read_data("scanned_image.h5")
        #        C, T, Z, Y, X = grid_data[0].shape
        #        grid_data[0].shape = Y, X
        #        optical_image = grid_data[0]

        logging.debug("Isolating spots...")
        opxs = optical_image.metadata[model.MD_PIXEL_SIZE]
        optical_dist = escan.pixelSize.value[0] * electron_scale[0] / opxs[0]
        subimages, subimage_coordinates = coordinates.DivideInNeighborhoods(
            optical_image, repetitions, optical_dist)
        logging.debug("Number of spots found: %d", len(subimages))

        hdf5.export("spot_found.h5", subimages, thumbnail=None)
        logging.debug("Finding spot centers...")
        spot_coordinates = spot.FindCenterCoordinates(subimages)
        logging.debug("center coord = %s", spot_coordinates)
        optical_coordinates = coordinates.ReconstructCoordinates(
            subimage_coordinates, spot_coordinates)
        rgb_optical = img.DataArray2RGB(optical_image)

        for ta in optical_coordinates:
            rgb_optical[ta[1] - 1:ta[1] + 1, ta[0] - 1:ta[0] + 1, 0] = 255
            rgb_optical[ta[1] - 1:ta[1] + 1, ta[0] - 1:ta[0] + 1, 1] *= 0.5
            rgb_optical[ta[1] - 1:ta[1] + 1, ta[0] - 1:ta[0] + 1, 2] *= 0.5

        misc.imsave('spots_image.png', rgb_optical)

        # TODO: Make function for scale calculation
        sorted_coordinates = sorted(optical_coordinates,
                                    key=lambda tup: tup[1])
        tab = tuple(
            map(operator.sub, sorted_coordinates[0], sorted_coordinates[1]))
        optical_scale = math.hypot(tab[0], tab[1])
        scale = electron_scale[0] / optical_scale

        # max_allowed_diff in pixels
        max_allowed_diff_px = max_allowed_diff / escan.pixelSize.value[0]

        logging.debug("Matching coordinates...")
        known_electron_coordinates, known_optical_coordinates, max_diff = coordinates.MatchCoordinates(
            optical_coordinates, electron_coordinates, scale,

        logging.debug("Calculating transformation...")
        (calc_translation_x, calc_translation_y), (
            calc_scaling_y), calc_rotation = transform.CalculateTransform(
                known_electron_coordinates, known_optical_coordinates)
        logging.debug("Electron->Optical: ")
        print(calc_translation_x, calc_translation_y, calc_scaling_x,
              calc_scaling_y, calc_rotation)
        final_electron = coordinates._TransformCoordinates(
            (calc_translation_x, calc_translation_y), calc_rotation,
            (calc_scaling_x, calc_scaling_y))

        logging.debug("Overlay done.")

        # Calculate distance between the expected and found electron coordinates
        coord_diff = []
        for ta, tb in zip(final_electron, known_electron_coordinates):
            tab = tuple(map(operator.sub, ta, tb))
            coord_diff.append(math.hypot(tab[0], tab[1]))

        mean_difference = numpy.mean(coord_diff) * escan.pixelSize.value[0]

        variance_sum = 0
        for i in range(0, len(coord_diff)):
            variance_sum += (mean_difference - coord_diff[i])**2
        variance = (variance_sum / len(coord_diff)) * escan.pixelSize.value[0]

        not_found_spots = len(electron_coordinates) - len(final_electron)

        # Generate overlay image
        logging.debug("Generating images...")
        (calc_translation_x, calc_translation_y), (
            calc_scaling_y), calc_rotation = transform.CalculateTransform(
                known_optical_coordinates, known_electron_coordinates)
        logging.debug("Optical->Electron: ")
        print(calc_translation_x, calc_translation_y, calc_scaling_x,
              calc_scaling_y, calc_rotation)
        overlay_coordinates = coordinates._TransformCoordinates(
            (calc_translation_y, calc_translation_x), -calc_rotation,
            (calc_scaling_x, calc_scaling_y))

        for ta in overlay_coordinates:
            rgb_optical[ta[0] - 1:ta[0] + 1, ta[1] - 1:ta[1] + 1, 1] = 255

        misc.imsave('overlay_image.png', rgb_optical)
        misc.imsave('optical_image.png', optical_image)
            "Done. Check electron_image.png, optical_image.png and overlay_image.png."

        logging.exception("Unexpected error while performing action.")
        return 127

        "\n**Overlay precision stats (Resulted to expected electron coordinates comparison)**\n Mean distance: %f (unit: m)\n Variance: %f (unit: m)\n Not found spots: %d",
        mean_difference, variance, not_found_spots)
    return 0
Exemplo n.º 26
    def new_image(self, data):
        Update the window with the new image (the window is resize to have the image
        at ratio 1:1)
        data (numpy.ndarray): an 2D array containing the image (can be 3D if in RGB)
        if data.ndim == 3 and 3 in data.shape:  # RGB
            rgb = img.ensureYXC(data)
        elif numpy.prod(data.shape) == 1:  # single point => show text
            text = "%g" % (data.flat[0], )
            logging.info("Data value is: %s", text)
            # Create a big enough white space (30x200 px) of BGRA format
            rgb = numpy.empty((30, 200, 4), dtype=numpy.uint8)
            # Get a Cairo context for that image
            surface = cairo.ImageSurface.create_for_data(
                rgb, cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, rgb.shape[1], rgb.shape[0])
            ctx = cairo.Context(surface)
            # Draw a black text of 20 px high
            ctx.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0)
            ctx.select_font_face("Sans", cairo.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL)
            ctx.move_to(5, 20)
            del ctx  # ensure the context is flushed
        elif numpy.prod(data.shape) == data.shape[-1]:  # 1D image => bar plot
            # TODO: add "(plot)" to the window title
            # Create a simple bar plot of X x 400 px
            lenx = data.shape[-1]
            if lenx > MAX_WIDTH:
                binning = lenx // MAX_WIDTH
                data = data[..., 0::binning]
                logging.debug("Compressed data from %d to %d elements", lenx,
                lenx = data.shape[-1]
            leny = 400
            miny = min(0, data.min())
            maxy = data.max()
            diffy = maxy - miny
            if diffy == 0:
                diffy = 1
            logging.info("Plot data from %s to %s", miny, maxy)
            rgb = numpy.zeros((leny, lenx, 3), dtype=numpy.uint8)
            for i, v in numpy.ndenumerate(data):
                # TODO: have the base at 0, instead of miny, so that negative values are columns going down
                h = leny - int(((v - miny) * leny) / diffy)
                rgb[h:-1, i[-1], :] = 255
        else:  # Greyscale (hopefully)
            mn, mx, mnp, mxp = ndimage.extrema(data)
            logging.info("Image data from %s to %s", mn, mx)
            rgb = img.DataArray2RGB(data)  # auto brightness/contrast

        self.app.img = NDImage2wxImage(rgb)
        disp_size = wx.Display(0).GetGeometry().GetSize()
        if disp_size[0] < rgb.shape[1] or disp_size[1] < rgb.shape[0]:
            asp_ratio = rgb.shape[1] / rgb.shape[0]
            if disp_size[0] / disp_size[1] < asp_ratio:
                self.app.magn = disp_size[0] / rgb.shape[1]
                self.app.magn = disp_size[1] / rgb.shape[0]
            self.app.img.Rescale(rgb.shape[1] * self.app.magn,
                                 rgb.shape[0] * self.app.magn, rgb.shape[2])
            self.app.magn = 1

Exemplo n.º 27
    def get_line_spectrum(self, raw=False):
        """ Return the 1D spectrum representing the (average) spectrum

        Call get_spectrum_range() to know the wavelength values for each index
          of the spectrum dimension.
        raw (bool): if True, will return the "raw" values (ie, same data type as
          the original data). Otherwise, it will return a RGB image.
        return (None or DataArray with 3 dimensions): first axis (Y) is spatial
          (along the line), second axis (X) is spectrum. If not raw, third axis
          is colour (RGB, but actually always greyscale). Note: when not raw,
          the beginning of the line (Y) is at the "bottom".
          MD_PIXEL_SIZE[1] contains the spatial distance between each spectrum
          If the selected_line is not valid, it will return None

        if (None, None) in self.selected_line.value:
            return None

        spec2d = self._calibrated[:, 0, 0, :, :] # same data but remove useless dims
        width = self.selectionWidth.value

        # Number of points to return: the length of the line
        start, end = self.selected_line.value
        v = (end[0] - start[0], end[1] - start[1])
        l = math.hypot(*v)
        n = 1 + int(l)
        if l < 1: # a line of just one pixel is considered not valid
            return None

        # FIXME: if the data has a width of 1 (ie, just a line), and the
        # requested width is an even number, the output is empty (because all
        # the interpolated points are outside of the data.

        # Coordinates of each point: ndim of data (5-2), pos on line (Y), spectrum (X)
        # The line is scanned from the end till the start so that the spectra
        # closest to the origin of the line are at the bottom.
        coord = numpy.empty((3, width, n, spec2d.shape[0]))
        coord[0] = numpy.arange(spec2d.shape[0]) # spectra = all
        coord_spc = coord.swapaxes(2, 3) # just a view to have (line) space as last dim
        coord_spc[-1] = numpy.linspace(end[0], start[0], n) # X axis
        coord_spc[-2] = numpy.linspace(end[1], start[1], n) # Y axis

        # Spread over the width
        # perpendicular unit vector
        pv = (-v[1] / l, v[0] / l)
        width_coord = numpy.empty((2, width))
        spread = (width - 1) / 2
        width_coord[-1] = numpy.linspace(pv[0] * -spread, pv[0] * spread, width) # X axis
        width_coord[-2] = numpy.linspace(pv[1] * -spread, pv[1] * spread, width) # Y axis

        coord_cw = coord[1:].swapaxes(0, 2).swapaxes(1, 3) # view with coordinates and width as last dims
        coord_cw += width_coord

        # Interpolate the values based on the data
        if width == 1:
            # simple version for the most usual case
            spec1d = ndimage.map_coordinates(spec2d, coord[:, 0, :, :], order=1)
            # FIXME: the mean should be dependent on how many pixels inside the
            # original data were pick on each line. Currently if some pixels fall
            # out of the original data, the outside pixels count as 0.
            # force the intermediate values to float, as mean() still needs to run
            spec1d_w = ndimage.map_coordinates(spec2d, coord, output=numpy.float, order=1)
            spec1d = spec1d_w.mean(axis=0).astype(spec2d.dtype)
        assert spec1d.shape == (n, spec2d.shape[0])

        # Use metadata to indicate spatial distance between pixel
        pxs_data = self._calibrated.metadata[MD_PIXEL_SIZE]
        pxs = math.hypot(v[0] * pxs_data[0], v[1] * pxs_data[1]) / (n - 1)
        md = {MD_PIXEL_SIZE: (None, pxs)}  # for the spectrum, use get_spectrum_range()

        if raw:
            return model.DataArray(spec1d[::-1, :], md)
            # Scale and convert to RGB image
            if self.auto_bc.value:
                hist, edges = img.histogram(spec1d)
                irange = img.findOptimalRange(hist, edges,
                                              self.auto_bc_outliers.value / 100)
                # use the values requested by the user
                irange = sorted(self.intensityRange.value)
            rgb8 = img.DataArray2RGB(spec1d, irange)

            return model.DataArray(rgb8, md)