Exemplo n.º 1
def getEvents(component):
    returns (dict of name -> Events): all the Events in the component with their name
    # like dump_dataflow, but doesn't register them
    evts = inspect_getmembers(component, lambda x: isinstance(x, _dataflow.EventBase))
    return dict(evts)
Exemplo n.º 2
def update_metadata(comp_name, key_val_str):
    update the metadata of the given component with the given key/value
    key_val_str (dict str->str): key name -> value as a string
    component = get_component(comp_name)

    md = {}
    for key_name, str_val in key_val_str.items():
        # Check that the metadata is a valid one. It's a bit tricky as there is no
        # "official" list. But we look at the ones defined in model.MD_*
        for n, v in inspect_getmembers(model, lambda m: isinstance(m, str)):
            if n.startswith("MD_") and v == key_name:
                key = key_name
            # fallback to looking for MD_{key_name}
                key = getattr(model, "MD_%s" % key_name)
            except AttributeError:
                raise ValueError("Metadata key '%s' is unknown" % key_name)

        md[key] = convert_to_object(str_val)

    except Exception as exc:
        raise IOError("Failed to update metadata of %s to %s: %s" %
                      (comp_name, md, exc))
Exemplo n.º 3
def getDataFlows(component):
    returns (dict of name -> DataFlow): all the DataFlows in the component with their name
    # like dump_dataflow, but doesn't register them
    dfs = inspect_getmembers(component, lambda x: isinstance(x, _dataflow.DataFlowBase))
    return dict(dfs)
Exemplo n.º 4
def getVAs(component):
    returns (dict of name -> VigilantAttributeBase): all the VAs in the component with their name
    # like dump_vigilante_attributes, but doesn't register them
    vas = inspect_getmembers(component, lambda x: isinstance(x, _vattributes.VigilantAttributeBase))
    return dict(vas)
Exemplo n.º 5
def get_roattributes(self):
    list all roattributes of an instance
    Note: this only works on an original class, not on a proxy
    members = inspect_getmembers(self.__class__)
    return [name for name, obj in members if isinstance(obj, roattribute)]
Exemplo n.º 6
def map_metadata_names():
    Find the name of each known metadata
    return dict str->str: the metadata key string -> the name of the metadata (without the "MD_")
    ret = {}
    for n, v in inspect_getmembers(model, lambda m: isinstance(m, str)):
        if n.startswith("MD_"):
            ret[v] = n[3:]

    return ret
Exemplo n.º 7
def scan(cls=None):
    Scan for connected devices and list them
    cls (str or None): the class name to scan (as written in the microscope file)
    Output like:
    Classname: 'Name of Device' init={arg: value, arg2: value2}
    # FIXME: need to work when /var/run/odemisd is not available:
    # => fail to create the container.
    # only here, to avoid importing everything for other commands
    from odemis import driver
    num = 0
    cls_found = False
    # we scan by using every HwComponent class which has a .scan() method
    for module_name in driver.__all__:
            module = importlib.import_module("." + module_name, "odemis.driver")
        except ImportError:
            logging.warning("Cannot try module %s, failed to load." % module_name)
        except Exception:
            logging.exception("Failed to load module %s" % module_name)
        for cls_name, clso in inspect_getmembers(module, inspect.isclass):
            if issubclass(clso, model.HwComponent) and hasattr(clso, "scan"):
                if cls:
                    full_name = "%s.%s" % (module_name, cls_name)
                    if cls != full_name:
                        logging.debug("Skipping %s", full_name)
                        cls_found = True

                logging.info("Scanning for %s.%s components", module_name, cls_name)
                # do it in a separate container so that we don't have to load
                # all drivers in the same process (andor cams don't like it)
                container_name = "scanner%d" % num
                num += 1
                    cont, scanner = model.createInNewContainer(container_name, Scanner, {"cls": clso})
                    devices = scanner.scan()
                except Exception:
                    logging.exception("Failed to scan %s.%s components", module_name, cls_name)
                    if not devices:
                        logging.info("No device found")
                    for name, args in devices:
                        print("%s.%s: '%s' init=%r" % (module_name, cls_name, name, args))

    if cls and not cls_found:
        raise ValueError("Failed to find class %s" % cls)
Exemplo n.º 8
def dump_vigilant_attributes(self):
    return the names and value of all the VAs added to an object (component)
    If a VA is not registered yet, it is registered.
    self (Component): the object (instance of a class).  It must already be
                      registered to a Pyro daemon.
    return (dict string -> value): attribute name -> VigilantAttributeBase
    vas = dict()
    daemon = self._pyroDaemon
    for name, value in inspect_getmembers(self, lambda x: isinstance(x, VigilantAttributeBase)):
        if not hasattr(value, "_pyroDaemon"):
        vas[name] = value
    return vas
Exemplo n.º 9
def dump_events(self):
    return the names and value of all the Events added to an object
    (component). If an Event is not registered yet, it is registered.
    self (Component): the object (instance of a class). It must already be
                      registered to a Pyro daemon.
    return (dict string -> value): attribute name -> Event
    events = dict()
    daemon = self._pyroDaemon
    for name, value in inspect_getmembers(self, lambda x: isinstance(x, EventBase)):
        if not hasattr(value, "_pyroDaemon"):
        events[name] = value
    return events
Exemplo n.º 10
def dump_dataflows(self):
    return the names and value of all the DataFlows added to an object
    (component). If a dataflow is not registered yet, it is registered.
    self (Component): the object (instance of a class). It must already be
                      registered to a Pyro daemon.
    return (dict string -> value): attribute name -> dataflow
    dataflows = dict()
    daemon = self._pyroDaemon
    for name, value in inspect_getmembers(self, lambda x: isinstance(x, DataFlowBase)):
        if not hasattr(value, "_pyroDaemon"):
        dataflows[name] = value
    return dataflows
Exemplo n.º 11
def load_plugin(filename, microscope, main_app):
    Load and instantiate each plugin present in a plugin file

    Note: if the plugin fails to load, it will not raise an error, but just return an empty list and
    log the error.

        filename (str): path to the python file containing one or more Plugin class
        microscope (Microscope or None): the main back-end component. If the GUI is running as a
            viewer only, then it is None.
        main_app (wx.App): the main GUI component.

        (list of instances of Plugin): each instance of plugin created

    ret = []

    # Load module
    logging.debug("Searching '%s' for Plugins...", filename)
    logger = logging.getLogger()
    prev_loglev = logger.getEffectiveLevel()
        # Use the name of the script as sub-module of this module
        # eg: aab.py -> odemis.gui.plugin.aab
        dirn, bsn = os.path.split(filename)
        mn, ext = os.path.splitext(bsn)
        if ext == ".pyc":
            pm = imp.load_compiled(__name__ + "." + mn, filename)
        elif ext == ".py":
            pm = imp.load_source(__name__ + "." + mn, filename)
            raise ValueError("Unsupported extension '%s'" % (ext, ))
    except Exception:
        logging.info("Skipping script %s, which failed to load",
        return ret

    if logger.getEffectiveLevel() != prev_loglev:
        # It's easy to put a line at the top of a script that changes the logging
        # level, but after importing that script, the whole GUI log level would
        # be modified, so put it back.
        logging.info("Resetting logging level that was modified during import")

    # For each subclass of Plugin in the module, start it by instantiating it
    found_plugin = False
    for n, pc in inspect_getmembers(pm, inspect.isclass):
        # We only want Plugin subclasses, not even the Plugin class itself
        if not issubclass(pc, Plugin) or pc is Plugin:

        # Don't try to instantiate abstract classes
        # TODO: the issue with this test is that if the plugin doesn't provide
        # one of the abstract method or property (due to a programming error),
        # it's considered an abstract class
        # if inspect.isabstract(pc):
        #     continue

        if microscope:
                "Trying to instantiate %s (%s) of '%s' with microscope %s",
                pc.name, n, filename, microscope.name)
                "Trying to instantiate %s (%s) of '%s' without microscope",
                pc.name, n, filename)
        found_plugin = True
            ip = pc(microscope, main_app)
        except Exception:
            logging.warning("Failed to instantiate %s of '%s'",
            logging.info("Created Plugin %s from '%s'", ip,

    if not found_plugin:
        logging.info("Script %s contains no plugin", filename)

    return ret
Exemplo n.º 12
def unregister_vigilant_attributes(self):
    for _, value in inspect_getmembers(
            self, lambda x: isinstance(x, VigilantAttribute)):
Exemplo n.º 13
def unregister_events(self):
    for name, value in inspect_getmembers(self, lambda x: isinstance(x, Event)):
        daemon = getattr(value, "_pyroDaemon", None)
        if daemon:
Exemplo n.º 14
def unregister_dataflows(self):
    # Only for the "DataFlow"s, the real objects, not the proxys
    for name, value in inspect_getmembers(self, lambda x: isinstance(x, DataFlow)):