Exemplo n.º 1
    def _find_mail_server(self, email_from, mail_servers=None):
        """Find the appropriate mail server for the given email address.

        Returns: Record<ir.mail_server>, email_from
        - Mail server to use to send the email (None if we use the odoo-bin arguments)
        - Email FROM to use to send the email (in some case, it might be impossible
          to use the given email address directly if no mail server is configured for)
        email_from_normalized = email_normalize(email_from)
        email_from_domain = email_domain_extract(email_from_normalized)
        notifications_email = email_normalize(self._get_default_from_address())
        notifications_domain = email_domain_extract(notifications_email)

        if mail_servers is None:
            mail_servers = self.sudo().search([], order='sequence')

        # 1. Try to find a mail server for the right mail from
        mail_server = mail_servers.filtered(lambda m: email_normalize(m.from_filter) == email_from_normalized)
        if mail_server:
            return mail_server[0], email_from

        mail_server = mail_servers.filtered(lambda m: email_domain_normalize(m.from_filter) == email_from_domain)
        if mail_server:
            return mail_server[0], email_from

        # 2. Try to find a mail server for <*****@*****.**>
        if notifications_email:
            mail_server = mail_servers.filtered(lambda m: email_normalize(m.from_filter) == notifications_email)
            if mail_server:
                return mail_server[0], notifications_email

            mail_server = mail_servers.filtered(lambda m: email_domain_normalize(m.from_filter) == notifications_domain)
            if mail_server:
                return mail_server[0], notifications_email

        # 3. Take the first mail server without "from_filter" because
        # nothing else has been found... Will spoof the FROM because
        # we have no other choices
        mail_server = mail_servers.filtered(lambda m: not m.from_filter)
        if mail_server:
            return mail_server[0], email_from

        # 4. Return the first mail server even if it was configured for another domain
        if mail_servers:
            return mail_servers[0], email_from

        # 5: SMTP config in odoo-bin arguments
        from_filter = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param(
            'mail.default.from_filter', tools.config.get('from_filter'))

        if self._match_from_filter(email_from, from_filter):
            return None, email_from

        if notifications_email and self._match_from_filter(notifications_email, from_filter):
            return None, notifications_email

        return None, email_from
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _get_email_from(self, email_from):
        """Logic which determines which email to use when sending the email.

        - If the system parameter `mail.force.smtp.from` is set we encapsulate all
          outgoing email from
        - If the previous system parameter is not set and if both `mail.dynamic.smtp.from`
          and `mail.catchall.domain` are set, we encapsulate the FROM only if the domain
          of the email is not the same as the domain of the catchall parameter
        - Otherwise we do not encapsulate the email and given email_from is used as is

        :param email_from: The initial FROM headers
        :return: The FROM to used in the headers and optionally the Return-Path
        force_smtp_from = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('mail.force.smtp.from')
        dynamic_smtp_from = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('mail.dynamic.smtp.from')
        catchall_domain = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('mail.catchall.domain')

        if force_smtp_from:
            rfc2822_force_smtp_from = extract_rfc2822_addresses(force_smtp_from)
            rfc2822_force_smtp_from = rfc2822_force_smtp_from[0] if rfc2822_force_smtp_from else None
            return encapsulate_email(email_from, force_smtp_from), rfc2822_force_smtp_from

        elif dynamic_smtp_from and catchall_domain and email_domain_extract(email_from) != catchall_domain:
            rfc2822_dynamic_smtp_from = extract_rfc2822_addresses(dynamic_smtp_from)
            rfc2822_dynamic_smtp_from = rfc2822_dynamic_smtp_from[0] if rfc2822_dynamic_smtp_from else None
            return encapsulate_email(email_from, dynamic_smtp_from), rfc2822_dynamic_smtp_from

        return email_from, None
Exemplo n.º 3
    def res_partner_enrich_and_create_company(self, partner_id):
        Route used when the user clicks on the create and enrich partner button
        it will try to find a company using IAP, if a company is found
        the enriched company will then be created in the database
        response = {}

        partner = request.env['res.partner'].browse(partner_id)

        if partner.parent_id:
            return {
                'error': _("The partner already has a company related to him")

        normalized_email = partner.email_normalized
        if not normalized_email:
            response = {'error': _('Contact has no valid email')}
            return response

        company_domain = tools.email_domain_extract(normalized_email)

        company, enrichment_info = self._create_company_from_iap(

        response['enrichment_info'] = enrichment_info
        response['company'] = self._prepare_company_values(company)
        if company:
            partner.write({'parent_id': company})

        return response
Exemplo n.º 4
 def _find_existing_company(self, normalized_email):
     sender_domain = tools.email_domain_extract(normalized_email)
     search = sender_domain if sender_domain not in iap_tools._MAIL_DOMAIN_BLACKLIST else normalized_email
     return request.env['res.partner'].search(
         [('is_company', '=', True),
          ('email_normalized', '=ilike', '%' + search)],
Exemplo n.º 5
    def res_partner_get(self,
        returns a partner given it's id or an email and a name.
        In case the partner does not exist, we return partner having an id -1, we also look if an existing company
        matching the contact exists in the database, if none is found a new company is enriched and created automatically

        old route name "/mail_client_extension/partner/get is deprecated as of saas-14.3, it is not needed for newer
        versions of the mail plugin but necessary for supporting older versions, only the route name is deprecated not
        the entire method.

        if not (partner_id or (name and email)):
            return {
                _('You need to specify at least the partner_id or the name and the email'

        if partner_id:
            partner = request.env['res.partner'].browse(partner_id)
            return self._prepare_contact_values(partner)

        normalized_email = tools.email_normalize(email)
        if not normalized_email:
            return {'error': _('Bad Email.')}

        # Search for the partner based on the email.
        # If multiple are found, take the first one.
        partner = request.env['res.partner'].search([
            '|', ('email', 'in', [normalized_email, email]),
            ('email_normalized', '=', normalized_email)

        response = self._prepare_contact_values(partner)

        # if no partner is found in the database, we should also return an empty one having id = -1, otherwise older versions of
        # plugin won't work
        if not response['partner']:
            sender_domain = tools.email_domain_extract(email)
            response['partner'] = {
                'id': -1,
                'email': email,
                'name': name,
                'enrichment_info': None,
            company = self._find_existing_company(normalized_email)
            if not company:  # create and enrich company
                company, enrichment_info = self._create_company_from_iap(
                response['partner']['enrichment_info'] = enrichment_info
            response['partner']['company'] = self._prepare_company_values(

        return response
Exemplo n.º 6
    def _get_iap_search_term(self, email):
        """Return the domain or the email depending if the domain is blacklisted or not.

        So if the domain is blacklisted, we search based on the entire email address
        (e.g. [email protected]). But if the domain is not blacklisted, we search based on
        the domain (e.g. [email protected] -> sncb.be)
        domain = tools.email_domain_extract(email)
        return ("@" + domain) if domain not in iap_tools._MAIL_DOMAIN_BLACKLIST else email
Exemplo n.º 7
    def _create_company_from_iap(self, email):
        domain = tools.email_domain_extract(email)
        iap_data = self._iap_enrich(domain)
        if 'enrichment_info' in iap_data:
            return None, iap_data['enrichment_info']

        phone_numbers = iap_data.get('phone_numbers')
        emails = iap_data.get('email')
        new_company_info = {
            'is_company': True,
            'name': iap_data.get("name") or domain,
            'street': iap_data.get("street_name"),
            'city': iap_data.get("city"),
            'zip': iap_data.get("postal_code"),
            'phone': phone_numbers[0] if phone_numbers else None,
            'website': iap_data.get("domain"),
            'email': emails[0] if emails else None

        logo_url = iap_data.get('logo')
        if logo_url:
                response = requests.get(logo_url, timeout=2)
                if response.ok:
                    new_company_info['image_1920'] = base64.b64encode(response.content)
            except Exception as e:
                _logger.warning('Download of image for new company %s failed, error %s', new_company_info.name, e)

        if iap_data.get('country_code'):
            country = request.env['res.country'].search([('code', '=', iap_data['country_code'].upper())])
            if country:
                new_company_info['country_id'] = country.id
                if iap_data.get('state_code'):
                    state = request.env['res.country.state'].search([
                        ('code', '=', iap_data['state_code']),
                        ('country_id', '=', country.id)
                    if state:
                        new_company_info['state_id'] = state.id

            'iap_search_domain': self._get_iap_search_term(email),
            'iap_enrich_info': json.dumps(iap_data),

        new_company = request.env['res.partner'].create(new_company_info)


        return new_company, {'type': 'company_created'}
Exemplo n.º 8
    def _match_from_filter(self, email_from, from_filter):
        """Return True is the given email address match the "from_filter" field.

        The from filter can be Falsy (always match),
        a domain name or an full email address.
        if not from_filter:
            return True

        normalized_mail_from = email_normalize(email_from)
        if '@' in from_filter:
            return email_normalize(from_filter) == normalized_mail_from

        return email_domain_extract(normalized_mail_from) == email_domain_normalize(from_filter)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def _get_company_domain(self):
        """ Extract the company domain to be used by IAP services.
        The domain is extracted from the website or the email information.
            - www.info.proximus.be -> proximus.be
            - [email protected] -> proximus.be """

        company_domain = tools.email_domain_extract(
            self.email) if self.email else False
        if company_domain and company_domain not in iap_tools._MAIL_DOMAIN_BLACKLIST:
            return company_domain

        company_domain = tools.url_domain_extract(
            self.website) if self.website else False
        if not company_domain or company_domain in [
                'localhost', 'example.com'
            return False

        return company_domain
Exemplo n.º 10
    def res_partner_enrich_and_update_company(self, partner_id):
        Enriches an existing company using IAP
        partner = request.env['res.partner'].browse(partner_id).exists()

        if not partner:
            return {'error': _("This partner does not exist")}

        if not partner.is_company:
            return {'error': 'Contact must be a company'}

        normalized_email = partner.email_normalized
        if not normalized_email:
            return {'error': 'Contact has no valid email'}

        domain = tools.email_domain_extract(normalized_email)
        iap_data = self._iap_enrich(domain)

        if 'enrichment_info' in iap_data:  # means that an issue happened with the enrichment request
            return {
                'enrichment_info': iap_data['enrichment_info'],
                'company': self._get_company_data(partner),

        phone_numbers = iap_data.get('phone_numbers')

        partner_values = {}

        if not partner.phone and phone_numbers:
            partner_values.update({'phone': phone_numbers[0]})

        if not partner.iap_enrich_info:
            partner_values.update({'iap_enrich_info': json.dumps(iap_data)})

        if not partner.image_128:
            logo_url = iap_data.get('logo')
            if logo_url:
                    response = requests.get(logo_url, timeout=2)
                    if response.ok:
                        partner_values.update({'image_1920': base64.b64encode(response.content)})
                except Exception:

        model_fields_to_iap_mapping = {
            'street': 'street_name',
            'city': 'city',
            'zip': 'postal_code',
            'website': 'domain',

        # only update keys for which we dont have values yet
            model_field: iap_data.get(iap_key)
            for model_field, iap_key in model_fields_to_iap_mapping.items() if not partner[model_field]



        return {
            'enrichment_info': {'type': 'company_updated'},
            'company': self._get_company_data(partner),