Exemplo n.º 1
def get_dists_helper(ds,dists):
    for distfile, dist in ds:
        fp = distfile #path.join(dir,dist.split("/")[-1])
        if fp not in dists:
            if not path.isfile(fp):
                print "== Download the dist (%s) to tmp!" % (dist)
                req = urllib2.Request(dist)
                try: urllib2.urlopen(req)
                except urllib2.URLError, e:
                    error("Could not fetch dist file: %s, error: %s" % (dist,e))
                except ValueError, e:
                tmpfld = "tmp"
                if not path.isdir(tmpfld):
                file = path.join(tmpfld,dist.split("/")[-1])
                urllib.urlretrieve(dist, file)
                dists.append( file )
                dists.append( fp )
                get_dists_helper(parse(fp)['dist'], dists)                
Exemplo n.º 2
def parse(*args):
    Parse a list of distribution files.
    Returns a dictionary of path*resource mapping for each type of
    distribution file operation.
    # set args as file list or find dist files in the oe root dir
    if args:
        files = list(args)
        files = [ f for f in os.listdir(".")
                  if f.endswith(".dist")
                  and f[0] not in (".","#") ]
    # check that all files exist
    invalid = [f for f in files if not path.isfile(f)]
    if invalid:
        error("Could not find the distribution files:\n" +
              ", ".join(invalid))
    # error queue
    errors = []
    # entry dict with types:
    #   git   : [(path, resource, branch)]
    #   darcs : [(path, resource)]
    #   data  : [(sys, path, resource)]
    entries = { "darcs":[], "darcs-dev":[], "data":[], "dist":[], "git":[]}
    # parse each line in each file
    for file in files:
        f = open(file, "r")
        line = 0
        for l in f:
            line += 1
            l = l.strip()
            # ignore blank lines and comments
            if len(l) == 0 or l[0] == "#":
            # validate entry length
            e = filter(len, l.split())
            if len(e) < 3:
                errors.append("%s(%i): invalid entry." % (file, line))
            # check if the entry path is valid
            if e[1][0] != "/":
                errors.append("%s(%i): invalid path '%s'" % (file, line, e[1]))
            # if no errors were found and the tuple is not in the set add it
            if not errors:
                p = path.join(os.getcwd(), e[1][1:])
                if e[0] == "darcs":
                    typ = "darcs"
                    elm = (p, e[2])
                elif e[0] == "git":
                    typ = "git"
                    branch = "master"
                    if len(e) >= 4:
                        branch = e[3]
                    elm = (p, e[2], branch)
                elif e[0] == "darcs-dev":
                    typ = "darcs-dev"
                    elm = (p, e[2])
                elif e[0] == "dist":
                    typ = "dist"
                    elm = (p, e[2])
                    typ = "data"
                    elm = (e[0], p, e[2])
                if elm not in entries[typ]:

    # exit if errors were found
    if errors:
    return entries