Exemplo n.º 1
    def get_object_sharing_settings(context, object_url, group_id,
        """Given a path to an object in SharePoint, this will generate a sharing settings object which contains
        necessary information for rendering sharing information..

        :param office365.sharepoint.client_context.ClientContext context: SharePoint client
        :param str object_url: A URL with one of two possible formats.
              The two possible URL formats are:
              1) The URL of the site, with the path of the object in SharePoint represented as query string parameters,
              forSharing set to 1 if sharing, and mbypass set to 1 to bypass any mobile logic
              e.g. http://contoso.com/?forSharing=1&mbypass=1&List=%7BCF908473%2D72D4%2D449D%2D8A53%2D4BD01EC54B84%7D&obj={CF908473-72D4-449D-8A53-4BD01EC54B84},1,DOCUMENT
              2) The URL of the SharePoint object (web, list, item) intended for sharing
              e.g. http://contoso.com/Documents/SampleFile.docx
        :param int group_id: The id value of the permissions group if adding to a group, 0 otherwise.
        :param bool use_simplified_roles: A Boolean value indicating whether to use the SharePoint
        simplified roles (Edit, View) or not.
        result = ObjectSharingSettings(context)
        payload = {
            "objectUrl": object_url,
            "groupId": group_id,
            "useSimplifiedRoles": use_simplified_roles
        qry = ServiceOperationQuery(context.web, "GetObjectSharingSettings",
                                    None, payload, None, result)
        qry.static = True
        return result
Exemplo n.º 2
    def get_role_definition(self, role):
        """his method returns a role definition in the current web that is associated with a given Role
        (section value.

        :param int role: A Role value for which to obtain the associated role definition object.
        role_def = RoleDefinition(self.context)
        qry = ServiceOperationQuery(self, "GetRoleDefinition", [role], None,
                                    None, role_def)
        qry.static = True
        return role_def
 def exists(context, url):
     """Determine whether site exists
     :type context: office365.sharepoint.client_context.ClientContext
     :type url: str
     result = ClientResult(bool)
     payload = {
         "url": url
     qry = ServiceOperationQuery(context.site, "Exists", None, payload, None, result)
     qry.static = True
     return result
Exemplo n.º 4
    def share_object(context,
        This method shares an object in SharePoint such as a list item or site. It returns a SharingResult object
        which contains the completion script and a page to redirect to if desired.

        :param office365.sharepoint.client_context.ClientContext context: SharePoint context
        :param str url: The URL of the website with the path of an object in SharePoint query string parameters.
        :param str roleValue: The sharing role value for the type of permission to grant on the object.
        :param str peoplePickerInput: A string of JSON representing users in people picker format.
        :param int groupId: The ID of the group to be added. Zero if not adding to a permissions group.
        :param bool propagateAcl:  A flag to determine if permissions SHOULD be pushed to items with unique permissions.
        :param bool sendEmail: A flag to determine if an email notification SHOULD be sent (if email is configured).
        :param bool includeAnonymousLinkInEmail: If an email is being sent, this determines if an anonymous link
        SHOULD be added to the message.
        :param str emailSubject: The email subject.
        :param str emailBody: The email subject.
        :param bool useSimplifiedRoles: A Boolean value indicating whether to use the SharePoint simplified roles
        (Edit, View) or not.

        result = SharingResult(context)
        payload = {
            "url": url,
            "groupId": groupId,
            "peoplePickerInput": peoplePickerInput,
            "roleValue": roleValue,
            "includeAnonymousLinkInEmail": includeAnonymousLinkInEmail,
            "propagateAcl": propagateAcl,
            "sendEmail": sendEmail,
            "emailSubject": emailSubject,
            "emailBody": emailBody,
            "useSimplifiedRoles": useSimplifiedRoles
        qry = ServiceOperationQuery(context.web, "ShareObject", None, payload,
                                    None, result)
        qry.static = True
        return result
 def get_url_by_id(context, site_id, stop_redirect=False):
     """Gets Site Url By Id
     :type context: office365.sharepoint.client_context.ClientContext
     :type site_id: str
     :type stop_redirect: bool
     result = ClientResult(str)
     payload = {
         "id": site_id,
         "stopRedirect": stop_redirect
     qry = ServiceOperationQuery(context.site, "GetUrlById", None, payload, None, result)
     qry.static = True
     return result
Exemplo n.º 6
    def unshare_object(context, url):
        Removes Sharing permissions on an object.

        :param office365.sharepoint.client_context.ClientContext context: SharePoint context
        :param str url: A SharingResult object which contains status codes pertaining to the completion of the operation.
        :return: SharingResult
        result = SharingResult(context)
        payload = {"url": url}
        qry = ServiceOperationQuery(context.web, "UnshareObject", None,
                                    payload, None, result)
        qry.static = True
        return result
Exemplo n.º 7
    def create_anonymous_link(context, url, is_edit_link):
        """Create an anonymous link which can be used to access a document without needing to authenticate.

        :param bool is_edit_link: If true, the link will allow the guest user edit privileges on the item.
        :param str url: The URL of the site, with the path of the object in SharePoint represented as query
        string parameters
        :param office365.sharepoint.client_context.ClientContext context: client context
        result = ClientResult(bool)
        payload = {"url": context.base_url + url, "isEditLink": is_edit_link}
        qry = ServiceOperationQuery(context.web, "CreateAnonymousLink", None,
                                    payload, None, result)
        qry.static = True
        return result
Exemplo n.º 8
    def get_user_directory_info_by_email(context, email):

        :param str email:
        :param office365.sharepoint.client_context.ClientContext context:
        result = UserDirectoryInfo()
        payload = {
            "email": email
        utility = SharingUtility(context)
        qry = ServiceOperationQuery(utility, "GetUserDirectoryInfoByEmail", None, payload, None, result)
        qry.static = True
        return result
    def get_list_item_sharing_information(context,
        Retrieves information about the sharing state for a given list.

        :param bool checkForAccessRequests: Specifies whether the returned sharing state information will contain a URL
        to a location which describes any access requests present in the site (2), if such a URL is available.
        :param bool retrieveUserInfoDetails: Specifies whether the returned sharing state information will contain
        basic or detailed information about the users with permissions to the list item.
        :param bool retrieveAnonymousLinks: Specifies whether the returned sharing state information will contain
        information about a URL that allows an anonymous user to access the list item.
        :param bool excludeSecurityGroups: Specifies whether the returned sharing state information will exclude
        information about security groups which have permissions to the list item.
        :param bool excludeSiteAdmin:  Specifies whether the returned sharing state information will exclude
        information about users who are site collection administrators of the site collection which contains the list.
        :param bool excludeCurrentUser: Specifies whether the returned sharing state information will exclude
        information about the user making the request.
        :param int itemID: The list item identifier for the list item for which the sharing state is requested.
        :param str listID: The list identifier for the list which contains the list item for which
        the sharing state is requested.
        :param office365.sharepoint.client_context.ClientContext context:
        :return: ObjectSharingInformation
        result = ObjectSharingInformation(context)
        payload = {
            "listID": listID,
            "itemID": itemID,
            "excludeCurrentUser": excludeCurrentUser,
            "excludeSiteAdmin": excludeSiteAdmin,
            "excludeSecurityGroups": excludeSecurityGroups,
            "retrieveAnonymousLinks": retrieveAnonymousLinks,
            "retrieveUserInfoDetails": retrieveUserInfoDetails,
            "checkForAccessRequests": checkForAccessRequests
        qry = ServiceOperationQuery(result, "GetListItemSharingInformation",
                                    None, payload, None, result)
        qry.static = True
        return result
Exemplo n.º 10
    def client_people_picker_resolve_user(context, query_params, on_resolved=None):
        Resolves the principals to a string of JSON representing users in people picker format.

        :param (str) -> None on_resolved: resolved event
        :param ClientPeoplePickerQueryParameters query_params: Specifies the properties of a principal query.
        :param office365.sharepoint.client_context.ClientContext context:

        result = ClientResult(str)
        svc = ClientPeoplePickerWebServiceInterface(context)
        qry = ServiceOperationQuery(svc, "ClientPeoplePickerResolveUser", None, query_params, "queryParams", result)
        qry.static = True

        def _process_result(resp):
            result.value = "[{0}]".format(result.value)
            if callable(on_resolved):
        return result