Exemplo n.º 1
 def create_time_formulas(self, refcol, refrow, startcol, startrow, endrow):
     # brevity
     refaddr = xladdress.cellStr(refrow, refcol, 0, 1)
     # list of 1-tuples
     formulas = [("=(%s-%s)*24*60" % (xladdress.cellStr(i, startcol), refaddr),)
                 for i in range(startrow, endrow + 1)]
     return formulas
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _add_data_table(self, date_col):

        m_addr = self.m_addr

        # cell formulas for "x_range" and "y_range" in docstring matrix
        x_range = '=%s&%s&":"&%s&%s' % (m_addr(1, 1), m_addr(2, 1),
                                        m_addr(1, 1), m_addr(3, 1))
        y_range = '=%s&%s&":"&%s&%s' % (m_addr(1, 2), m_addr(2, 1),
                                        m_addr(1, 2), m_addr(3, 1))

        # column letters
        x_col = cellStr(1, date_col + 1).replace("1", "")
        y_col = cellStr(1, date_col + 3).replace("1", "")

        # m and b
        linest_formula = "=index(linest(indirect(%s), indirect(%s)), %d)"
        addy_y = m_addr(4, 2)
        addy_x = m_addr(4, 1)
        m_form = linest_formula % (addy_y, addy_x, 1)
        b_form = linest_formula % (addy_y, addy_x, 2)
        top_left = self.m_cells(1, 1)
        bottom_right = self.m_cells(6, 2)

        self.cells.Range(top_left, bottom_right).Value = [
            [x_col, y_col],
            [self.start_row, None],
            [self.end_row, None],
            [x_range, y_range],
            ["m", "b"],
            [m_form, b_form]

        self.m_cells(1, 1).EntireColumn.NumberFormat = "General"
Exemplo n.º 3
    def create_control_data(self):
        """ Create the set of control data at the
        beginning of the test.

        If class is extended, magic numbers may need to be

        # Cell coordinates in form of cellStr() args
        ave_m_cell = (5, 1, 0, 1)
        ave_b_cell = (5, 2, 0, 1)
        ideal_sp_cell = (6, 1, 1, 1)
        ideal_formula = '=MIN(%s*%s+%s,%s)' % (cellStr(*ave_m_cell),
        ideal_seconds = 10000
        ideal_data = [(i, ideal_formula % cellStr(i + self.header_height, 1))
                        for i in range(1, ideal_seconds + 1)]
        ideal_range = cellRangeStr(
                                   (8, 1),
                                   (ideal_seconds + 7, 2)
        self.cell_range(ideal_range).Value = ideal_data
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _generate_et_formulas(self, row, col, endrow):
        formulas = []
        ref_cell = xladdress.cellStr(row, col, 1, 1)
        for r in range(row, endrow + 1):
            formula = "=(%s - %s)*24*60*60" % (xladdress.cellStr(r, col),

            # Excel demands data to be pasted as list tuples.
            # List of rows. Ie, list[row][column].
        return formulas
Exemplo n.º 5
    def _make_named_ranges(self, wb, date_col):

        # address range strings for first cell in x, f(x), and f(-ln(100-x)) columns
        x_col_start_cell = cellStr(self.start_row, date_col + 1, 1, 1)
        lin_col_start_cell = cellStr(self.start_row, date_col + 2, 1, 1)
        ln_col_start_cell = cellStr(self.start_row, date_col + 3, 1, 1)

        # build name & formula for named range. this is obnoxious.
        # for the sake of readability, I have named them bob and fred.
        # bob = x named range, fred = y named range
        name_x = "__%d_x_%s"
        name_y = "__%d_y_%s"
        bob_name_ln = name_x % (date_col, "ln")
        fred_name_ln = name_y % (date_col, "ln")
        bob_name_lin = name_x % (date_col, "lin")
        fred_name_lin = name_y % (date_col, "lin")

        book_name = self.wb_name
        sheet_name = "'%s'!" % self.ws_name

        # offset(ref, rows, cols)
        # Dynamic named ranges worth with the offset formula,
        # but not with the indirect formula (which would make this
        # much easier to read).
        # This formula translates the x_col, y_col, start row, and end_row
        # into ranges which correspond to the formulas listed in
        # x_range and y_range.
        named_range_formula = "=offset(%s%%s,%s%s-%d,0):" \
        named_range_formula %= (sheet_name, sheet_name, self.m_addr(2, 1), self.start_row,
                                sheet_name, sheet_name, self.m_addr(3, 1), self.start_row)

        bob_formula_ln = named_range_formula % (x_col_start_cell, x_col_start_cell)
        fred_formula_ln = named_range_formula % (ln_col_start_cell, ln_col_start_cell)
        bob_formula_lin = bob_formula_ln
        fred_formula_lin = named_range_formula % (lin_col_start_cell, lin_col_start_cell)

        add_name = wb.Names.Add
        add_name(bob_name_ln, bob_formula_ln)
        add_name(fred_name_ln, fred_formula_ln)
        add_name(bob_name_lin, bob_formula_lin)
        add_name(fred_name_lin, fred_formula_lin)

        # these are exported for use in chart data series address strings
        chart_form = "='%s'!%%s" % book_name
        self.bob_chart_ln_form = chart_form % bob_name_ln
        self.fred_chart_ln_form = chart_form % fred_name_ln
        self.bob_chart_lin_form = chart_form % bob_name_lin
        self.fred_chart_lin_form = chart_form % fred_name_lin

        return self.bob_chart_ln_form, self.fred_chart_ln_form, self.bob_chart_lin_form, \
Exemplo n.º 6
    def _insert_time_col(self, ws, cells, col):

        end_row = cells(2, col - 1).End(xlDown).Row
        formula = "=(%s-%s) * 24" % (cellStr(2, col - 1), cellStr(2, col - 1, 1, 1))
        cells(2, col).Value = formula
        fill_range = cellRangeStr(
            (2, col), (end_row, col)

        af_rng = cells.Range(fill_range)
        cells(2, col).AutoFill(af_rng)

        ws.Columns(col).NumberFormat = "0.00"
Exemplo n.º 7
def _time_to_sp(ramp_test, col):
    Get time to setpoint by scanning backward through the reversed lists
    for the first time that temp is *outside* the target.

    return minutes elapsed

    @param ramp_test: RampTestResult
    @type ramp_test: RampTestResult
    @param col: column of first column of test data.
    @return: float
    @rtype: float | int
    sp = ramp_test.set_point
    ys = ramp_test.y_data
    y_len = len(ys)
    rev_data = reversed(ys)

    end = next((i for i, pv in enumerate(rev_data) if abs(pv - sp) > 0.05), 1)

    # if end was in middle of list, use the next index.
    # if end was the last time in the list (0), bump it up
    # to 1
    if 0 == end:
        end = 1

    # +11 -> account for cell header rows
    end_index = y_len - end + 11

    magic = "=" + cellStr(end_index, col)
    return magic
Exemplo n.º 8
 def _calc_last_80_forms(self, cc_end_row, cond_data, et_cc):
     self.logger.debug("Finding average of last 80 seconds.")
     ts_data = cond_data[0]
     end = len(ts_data) - 1
     last_pt = ts_data[-1]
     for i in range(end, -1, -1):
         if (last_pt - ts_data[i]).total_seconds() >= 80:
             i += 1  # back up
         raise MixingTimeAnalysisError("Failed to find last 80 sec of data")
     first_pv_cell = (i + 1, et_cc + 1)
     last_pv_cell = (cc_end_row, et_cc + 1)
     ave_last_80 = "=average(%s:%s)" % (xladdress.cellStr(*first_pv_cell),
     return ave_last_80
Exemplo n.º 9
    def SeriesName(self):
        """ If series name undefined, return formula
        for contents of top cell of Y column.

        Otherwise return series name.
        series_name = self.series_name
        if not series_name:
            name_row = max(self.start_row - 1, 1)  # avoid negatives or 0
            name = "=%s!" % self.sheet_name
            name += cellStr(name_row, self.y_column)
            name = series_name
        return name
Exemplo n.º 10
def extract_ws_mfc_data(ws, name):
    cells = ws.Cells
    top_left = cells.Find(What=name, After=cells(1, 1), SearchOrder=const.xlByColumns)
    tl_c = top_left.Column
    tl_r = top_left.Row
    right = top_left.End(const.xlToRight).Column + 1
    bottom = tl_r + 4
    data = []
    for plus_row in range(bottom):
        row_data = []
        for col in range(tl_c, right):
            formula = "=%s" % cellStr(tl_r + plus_row, col)
    return data
Exemplo n.º 11
    def _update_data_sheet(self, cells, report):
        fleft, fright, fbottom = self._copy_data(cells, report.metadata.test_name)

        named_ranges = _MakeNamedRanges(self._wb, self._data_sheet, self._cells,
                                            3, fbottom + 1, self._current_col_data_ws)
        ln_x, ln_y, lin_x, lin_y = named_ranges.get_ranges()
        report.metadata.compiled_named_ranges = named_ranges

        series_name = "='%s'!%s" % (self._data_sheet.Name, cellStr(1, self._current_col_data_ws))

        # add LN chart
        if self._ln_chart is None:
        CreateDataSeries(self._ln_chart, ln_x, ln_y, series_name)

        # add linear chart
        if self._linear_chart is None:
        CreateDataSeries(self._linear_chart, lin_x, lin_y, series_name)

        self._current_col_data_ws += fright - fleft + 2 + 2  # +2 space, + 2 regression columns
Exemplo n.º 12
def _make_series_info(column, start_row, rows, ramp_test):
    @param column: column
    @type column: int
    @param start_row: start_row
    @type start_row: int
    @param rows: number of rows
    @type rows: int
    @param ramp_test: the ramp test
    @type ramp_test: RampTestResult
    @return: series info
    @rtype: ChartSeries

    Helper function for process_tests to make chart series info.
    series_info = ChartSeries()
    series_info.series_name = "=%s!" + cellStr(1, column + 1)
    series_info.start_row = start_row
    series_info.end_row = start_row + rows
    series_info.x_column = column + 1
    series_info.y_column = column + 2
    series_info.chart_name = ramp_test.test_name
    return series_info
Exemplo n.º 13
    def run_analysis(self):
         XXX This analysis routine assumes data collected using the batch
             file method detailed in IP00043!

        # Initialize
        self.logger.info("Beginning analysis on: %s", self.wb.Name)
        ws = self.ws
        cells = ws.Cells

        # 7.4.3 - Find first logger max log interval timestamp
        logger_timestamp = self._find_logger_ts_1k(cells)

        # 7.4.3 - Elapsed Time column for conductivity
        first_data_row, et_col, cc_end_row, cond_data = self._add_cond_et_col(cells, logger_timestamp)
        et_cc = et_col.Column

        # 7.4.4 - Graph time vs conductivity pv
        chart = self._add_raw_chart(cc_end_row, et_cc, first_data_row, ws)

        # 7.4.5 - Add initial conductivity, final ave conductivity over 80 sec
        free_col = cells.Columns(et_cc + 3)
        for _ in range(5):

        # - Conductivity at t = 0 + header
        cells(1, et_cc + 3).Value = "Conductivity (T=0)"
        cells(2, et_cc + 3).Value = "=" + xladdress.cellStr(first_data_row,
                                                            et_cc + 1)
        cells.Columns(et_cc + 3).AutoFit()

        # - final conductivity last 80 sec of batch
        ave_last_80 = self._calc_last_80_forms(cc_end_row, cond_data, et_cc)
        cells(1, et_cc + 4).Value = "Average last 80 sec"
        cells(2, et_cc + 4).Value = ave_last_80
        cells.Columns(et_cc + 4).AutoFit()

        # - calculate 5% of final - initial conductivity
        cells(1, et_cc + 5).Value = "5% of (Final - Initial)"
        cells(2, et_cc + 5).Value = "=0.05*(%s-%s)" % (xladdress.cellStr(2, et_cc + 4),
                                                       xladdress.cellStr(2, et_cc + 3))
        cells.Columns(et_cc + 5).AutoFit()

        # 7.4.6 - highlight first measurement within 5% of final,
        # provided that no subsequent points are not within 5% of final
        row_pv95 = self._find_pv95(cells, cond_data, et_cc)

        t95_cell = xladdress.cellStr(row_pv95, et_cc - 1)
        lowest_addr = cells(first_data_row, et_cc - 1).Address

        # 7.4.7 - time from start of batch to t95
        cells(1, et_cc + 6).Value = "T95"
        cells(2, et_cc + 6).Value = "=(%s - %s)*24*60*60" % (t95_cell, lowest_addr)
        cells(2, et_cc + 6).NumberFormat = "0.0"
        self.t95 = cells(2, et_cc + 6).Value

        # Format chart axes scale
        ymin = math.floor(cells(2, et_cc + 3).Value2 * 0.9 * 10) / 10
        ymax = math.ceil(cells(2, et_cc + 4).Value2 * 1.1 * 10) / 10
        xlcom.FormatAxesScale(chart, None, None, ymin, ymax)

        # t95 indicator
        cells(5, et_cc+6).Value = self.t95
        cells(6, et_cc+6).Value = self.t95
        cells(5, et_cc+7).Value = ymin
        cells(6, et_cc+7).Value = ymax
        x_rng, y_rng = xladdress.chart_range_strs(et_cc+6, et_cc+7,
                                      5, 6, ws.Name)
        series = xlcom.CreateDataSeries(chart, x_rng, y_rng)

        # Format as black dotted line. I don't know which
        # of these are actually necessary, but it works
        # as is, which is good enough for me. 
        series.MarkerStyle = -4142                  # Not visible (from VBA recording)
        series.Format.Line.DashStyle = 11           # rounded dot
        series.Format.Line.ForeColor.RGB = 0        # black
        series.Format.Line.BackColor.RGB = 16777215
        series.Format.Line.Style = 1
        series.Format.Line.Transparency = 0.0
        series.Format.Line.Weight = 1.5             # dash width

Exemplo n.º 14
 def m_addr(self, row, col, abs=True):
     @rtype: str
     row, col = self._m_translate_coord(row, col)
     return cellStr(row, col, abs, abs)