def remove_by_model(Data0, data_config_file): # Right now configured for the Hines data. starttime1 = dt.datetime.strptime("20100403", "%Y%m%d"); endtime1 = dt.datetime.strptime("20100405", "%Y%m%d"); starttime2 = dt.datetime.strptime("20200328", "%Y%m%d"); endtime2 = dt.datetime.strptime("20200330", "%Y%m%d"); # Input Hines data. model_data = get_station_hines(, data_config_file); if not model_data: # if None return Data0; if len(Data0.dtarray) == 0: # if empty return Data0; if model_data.dtarray[-1] < Data0.dtarray[-1]: print("\nWARNING! Trying to use a short postseismic model to fix a long GNSS time series."); print("PROBLEMS MAY OCCUR- tread carefully!!\n\n"); # These will be the same size. Data0, model = gps_ts_functions.pair_gps_model_keeping_gps(Data0, model_data); # pair_gps_model_keeping_gps leaves data outside of the model timespan # Data0, model = gps_ts_functions.pair_gps_model(Data0, model_data); # removes data outside of the model timespan. # Subtract the model from the data. dtarray, dE_gps, dN_gps, dU_gps = [], [], [], []; Se_gps, Sn_gps, Su_gps = [], [], []; for i in range(len(Data0.dtarray)): dtarray.append(Data0.dtarray[i]); dE_gps.append(Data0.dE[i] - model.dE[i]); dN_gps.append(Data0.dN[i] - model.dN[i]); dU_gps.append(Data0.dU[i] - model.dU[i]); Se_gps.append(Data0.Se[i]); Sn_gps.append(Data0.Sn[i]); Su_gps.append(Data0.Su[i]); # In this method, we correct for offsets at the beginning and end of the modeled time series. interval1 = [starttime1, endtime1]; east_offset1 = offsets.fit_single_offset(dtarray, dE_gps, interval1, 20); north_offset1 = offsets.fit_single_offset(dtarray, dN_gps, interval1, 20); vert_offset1 = offsets.fit_single_offset(dtarray, dU_gps, interval1, 20); interval2 = [starttime2, endtime2]; east_offset2 = offsets.fit_single_offset(dtarray, dE_gps, interval2, 20); north_offset2 = offsets.fit_single_offset(dtarray, dN_gps, interval2, 20); vert_offset2 = offsets.fit_single_offset(dtarray, dU_gps, interval2, 20); offsets_obj = offsets.Offsets(e_offsets=[east_offset1, east_offset2], n_offsets=[north_offset1, north_offset2], u_offsets=[vert_offset1, vert_offset2], evdts=[starttime1, starttime2]); corrected_data = gps_io_functions.Timeseries(, coords=Data0.coords, dtarray=dtarray, dE=dE_gps, dN=dN_gps, dU=dU_gps, Se=Se_gps, Sn=Sn_gps, Su=Su_gps, EQtimes=Data0.EQtimes); corrected_data = offsets.remove_offsets(corrected_data, offsets_obj); return corrected_data;
def get_pbo_offsets(station, offsets_dir): print("Offset table for station %s:" % station) try: table = subprocess.check_output("grep " + station + " " + offsets_dir + "cwu*.off", shell=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: # if we have no earthquakes in the event files... table = [] if len(table) > 0: table = table.decode() # needed when switching to python 3 print(table) [e_offsets, n_offsets, u_offsets, evdts] = parse_antenna_table_pbo(table) PBO_offsets = offsets.Offsets(e_offsets=e_offsets, n_offsets=n_offsets, u_offsets=u_offsets, evdts=evdts) return PBO_offsets
def get_cwu_earthquakes(station, earthquakes_dir): print("Earthquake table for station %s:" % station) # Read the offset table try: table = subprocess.check_output("grep " + station + " " + earthquakes_dir + "cwu*kalts.evt", shell=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: # if we have no earthquakes in the event files... table = [] if len(table) > 0: table = table.decode() # needed when switching to python 3 print(table) [e_offsets, n_offsets, u_offsets, evdts] = parse_earthquake_table_pbo(table) CWU_earthquakes = offsets.Offsets(e_offsets=e_offsets, n_offsets=n_offsets, u_offsets=u_offsets, evdts=evdts) return CWU_earthquakes