Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_cmscr1d_weak_solution_zero_Dirichlet(self):
        print("Running test 'test_cmscr1d_weak_solution_zero_Dirichlet'")
        # Define temporal and spatial sample points.
        m, n = 10, 20

        # Define mesh and function space.
        mesh = UnitSquareMesh(m - 1, n - 1)
        V = dh.create_function_space(mesh, 'default')
        W = dh.create_vector_function_space(mesh, 'default')

        # Define boundary conditions for velocity.
        bc = DirichletBC(W.sub(0), Constant(0), dh.DirichletBoundary())

        # Create zero function.
        f = Function(V)

        # Compute velocity.
        v, k, res, fun, converged = cmscr1d_weak_solution(W, f,
                                                          f.dx(0), f.dx(1),
                                                          1.0, 1.0,
                                                          1.0, 1.0, 1.0,
        v = v.vector().get_local()
        k = k.vector().get_local()

        np.testing.assert_allclose(v.shape, m * n)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(v, np.zeros_like(v))
        np.testing.assert_allclose(k.shape, m * n)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(k, np.zeros_like(k))
Exemplo n.º 2
def cmscr1d_img_pb(img: np.array,
                   alpha0: float, alpha1: float,
                   alpha2: float, alpha3: float,
                   beta: float, deriv='mesh') \
                   -> (np.array, np.array, float, float, bool):
    """Computes the L2-H1 mass conserving flow with source for a 1D image
    sequence with spatio-temporal and convective regularisation with periodic
    spatial boundary.

        img (np.array): 1D image sequence of shape (m, n), where m is the
                        number of time steps and n is the number of pixels.
        alpha0 (float): The spatial regularisation parameter for v.
        alpha1 (float): The temporal regularisation parameter for v.
        alpha2 (float): The spatial regularisation parameter for k.
        alpha3 (float): The temporal regularisation parameter for k.
        beta (float): The convective regularisation parameter.
        deriv (str): Specifies how to approximate pertial derivatives.
                     When set to 'mesh' it uses FEniCS built in function.

        v (np.array): A velocity array of shape (m, n).
        k (np.array): A source array of shape (m, n).
        res (float): The residual.
        fun (float): The function value.
        converged (bool): True if Newton's method converged.

    # Check for valid arguments.
    valid = {'mesh'}
    if deriv not in valid:
        raise ValueError("Argument 'deriv' must be one of %r." % valid)

    # Create mesh.
    m, n = img.shape
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(m - 1, n - 1)

    # Define function space.
    V = dh.create_function_space(mesh, 'periodic')
    W = dh.create_vector_function_space(mesh, 'periodic')

    # Convert array to function.
    f = Function(V)
    f.vector()[:] = dh.img2funvec_pb(img)

    # Compute partial derivatives.
    ft, fx = f.dx(0), f.dx(1)

    # Compute velocity.
    v, k, res, fun, converged = cmscr1d_weak_solution(W, f, ft, fx, alpha0,
                                                      alpha1, alpha2, alpha3,

    # Convert back to array and return.
    v = dh.funvec2img(v.vector().get_local(), m, n)
    k = dh.funvec2img(k.vector().get_local(), m, n)
    return v, k, res, fun, converged
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_cmscr1d_weak_solution_default(self):
        print("Running test 'test_cmscr1d_weak_solution_default'")
        # Define temporal and spatial sample points.
        m, n = 10, 20

        # Define mesh and function space.
        mesh = UnitSquareMesh(m - 1, n - 1)
        V = dh.create_function_space(mesh, 'default')
        W = dh.create_vector_function_space(mesh, 'default')

        # Create zero function.
        f = Function(V)

        # Compute velocity.
        v, k, res, fun, converged = cmscr1d_weak_solution(W, f,
                                                          f.dx(0), f.dx(1),
                                                          1.0, 1.0,
                                                          1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
        v = v.vector().get_local()
        k = k.vector().get_local()

        np.testing.assert_allclose(v.shape, m * n)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(v, np.zeros_like(v))
        np.testing.assert_allclose(k.shape, m * n)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(k, np.zeros_like(k))

        V = dh.create_function_space(mesh, 'periodic')

        # Create zero function.
        f = Function(V)

        # Compute velocity.
        v, k, res, fun, converged = cmscr1d_weak_solution(W, f,
                                                          f.dx(0), f.dx(1),
                                                          1.0, 1.0, 1.0,
                                                          1.0, 1.0)
        v = v.vector().get_local()
        k = k.vector().get_local()

        np.testing.assert_allclose(v.shape, m * n)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(v, np.zeros_like(v))
        np.testing.assert_allclose(k.shape, m * n)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(k, np.zeros_like(k))
Exemplo n.º 4
def cmscr1d_exp_pb(m: int, n: int, f: Expression, ft: Expression,
                   fx: Expression, alpha0: float, alpha1: float, alpha2: float,
                   alpha3: float, beta: float) -> (np.array, np.array, bool):
    """Computes the L2-H1 mass conserving flow with source for a 1D image
    sequence with spatio-temporal and convective regularisation with periodic
    spatial boundary.

        m (int): Number of temporal sampling points.
        n (int): Number of spatial sampling points.
        f (Expression): 1D image sequence.
        ft (Expression): Partial derivative of f wrt. time.
        fx (Expression): Partial derivative of f wrt. space.
        alpha0 (float): The spatial regularisation parameter for v.
        alpha1 (float): The temporal regularisation parameter for v.
        alpha2 (float): The spatial regularisation parameter for k.
        alpha3 (float): The temporal regularisation parameter for k.
        beta (float): The convective regularisation parameter.

        v (np.array): A velocity array of shape (m, n).
        k (np.array): A source array of shape (m, n).
        res (float): The residual.
        fun (float): The function value.
        converged (bool): True if Newton's method converged.

    # Define mesh and function space.
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(m - 1, n - 1)
    V = dh.create_vector_function_space(mesh, 'periodic')

    # Compute velocity.
    v, k, res, fun, converged = cmscr1d_weak_solution(V, f, ft, fx, alpha0,
                                                      alpha1, alpha2, alpha3,

    # Convert back to array and return.
    v = dh.funvec2img(v.vector().get_local(), m, n)
    k = dh.funvec2img(k.vector().get_local(), m, n)
    return v, k, res, fun, converged
Exemplo n.º 5
def cmscr1d_img(img: np.array,
                alpha0: float, alpha1: float,
                alpha2: float, alpha3: float,
                beta: float, deriv, mesh=None, bc='natural') \
                -> (np.array, np.array, float, float, bool):
    """Computes the L2-H1 mass conserving flow with source for a 1D image
    sequence with spatio-temporal and convective regularisation.

    Allows to specify how to approximate partial derivatives of f numerically.

        img (np.array): 1D image sequence of shape (m, n), where m is the
                        number of time steps and n is the number of pixels.
        alpha0 (float): The spatial regularisation parameter for v.
        alpha1 (float): The temporal regularisation parameter for v.
        alpha2 (float): The spatial regularisation parameter for k.
        alpha3 (float): The temporal regularisation parameter for k.
        beta (float): The convective regularisation parameter.
        deriv (str): Specifies how to approximate pertial derivatives.
                     When set to 'mesh' it uses FEniCS built in function.
                     When set to 'fd' it uses finite differences.
        mesh: A custom mesh (optional). Must have (m - 1, n - 1) cells.
        bc (str): One of {'natural', 'zero', 'zerospace'} for boundary
                    conditions for the velocity v (optional).

        v (np.array): A velocity array of shape (m, n).
        k (np.array): A source array of shape (m, n).
        res (float): The residual.
        fun (float): The function value.
        converged (bool): True if Newton's method converged.

    # Check for valid arguments.
    valid = {'mesh', 'fd'}
    if deriv not in valid:
        raise ValueError("Argument 'deriv' must be one of %r." % valid)

    # Create mesh.
    m, n = img.shape
    if mesh is None:
        mesh = UnitSquareMesh(m - 1, n - 1)

    # Define function spaces.
    V = dh.create_function_space(mesh, 'default')
    W = dh.create_vector_function_space(mesh, 'default')

    # Convert array to function.
    f = Function(V)
    f.vector()[:] = dh.img2funvec(img)

    # Compute partial derivatives.
    if deriv is 'mesh':
        ft, fx = f.dx(0), f.dx(1)
    if deriv is 'fd':
        imgt, imgx = nh.partial_derivatives(img)
        ft, fx = Function(V), Function(V)
        ft.vector()[:] = dh.img2funvec(imgt)
        fx.vector()[:] = dh.img2funvec(imgx)

    # Check for valid arguments.
    valid = {'natural', 'zero', 'zerospace'}
    if bc not in valid:
        raise ValueError("Argument 'bc' must be one of %r." % valid)

    # Define boundary conditions for velocity.
    if bc is 'natural':
        bc = []
    if bc is 'zero':
        bc = DirichletBC(W.sub(0), Constant(0), dh.DirichletBoundary())
    if bc is 'zerospace':
        bc = DirichletBC(W.sub(0), Constant(0), dh.DirichletBoundarySpace())

    # Compute velocity.
    v, k, res, fun, converged = cmscr1d_weak_solution(W,

    # Convert back to array and return.
    v = dh.funvec2img(v.vector().get_local(), m, n)
    k = dh.funvec2img(k.vector().get_local(), m, n)
    return v, k, res, fun, converged